* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: SyncML error codes
#ifndef __SYNCMLERR_H__
#define __SYNCMLERR_H__
#include <e32std.h>
namespace SyncMLError
/** SyncML-specific error codes.
/** Base value for transport-related errors. */
const TInt KErrTransportErrorBase = -8321;
/** Error with the request.
The transport cannot send data as created. */
const TInt KErrTransportRequest = KErrTransportErrorBase;
/** Error in the provided headers.
The transport has not been suitably configured. */
const TInt KErrTransportHeader = KErrTransportErrorBase - 1;
/** The URI does not exist. */
const TInt KErrTransportSvrNoUri = KErrTransportErrorBase - 2;
/** There was a transport server error. */
const TInt KErrTransportSvrError = KErrTransportErrorBase - 3;
/** Transport Authentification failure. */
const TInt KErrTransportAuthenticationFailure = KErrTransportErrorBase - 4;
/** Transport disconnected the session. */
const TInt KErrTransportDisconnected = KErrTransportErrorBase - 5;
/** Base value for engine-related errors. */
const TInt KErrSyncEngineErrorBase = -8050;
/** Transports could not connect to the server. */
const TInt KErrConnectionError = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase;
/** Could not communicate with the server: possibly a time-out occurred. */
const TInt KErrCannotCommunicateWithServer = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 1;
/** Database adapter failed to create an item. */
const TInt KErrDatabaseAdapterIndexError = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 2;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrParseCallbackError = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 3;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrCommandInvalid = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 4;
/** Invalid session ID. */
const TInt KErrSessionIdNotValid = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 5;
/** SyncML message did not specify a DTD version. */
const TInt KErrVerDTDMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 6;
/** SyncML message did not specify a protocol. */
const TInt KErrProtoMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 7;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrSyncHdrMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 8;
/** SyncML message did not specify a target location. */
const TInt KErrTargetLocMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 9;
/** SyncML message did not specify a source location. */
const TInt KErrSourceLocMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 10;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrTargetLocNameMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 11;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrSourceLocNameMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 12;
/** Mapping of added item could not created. */
const TInt KErrMappingInfoMissing = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 13;
/** Mapping has not been acknowledged by the server. */
const TInt KErrMappingInfoNotAcked = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 14;
/** SyncML message specified an unsupported DTD version. */
const TInt KErrVersionDTDNotSupported = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 15;
/** SyncML message specified an unsupported protocol. */
const TInt KErrProtoNotSupported = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 16;
/** A status was received for a cmdId, but this cmdId was not sent. */
const TInt KErrStatusCommandForCommandNotSent = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 17;
/** A status was received but the command string does not matched the received one. */
const TInt KErrStatusCommandNotTheSame = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 18;
/** Status command(s) were expected but are missing. */
const TInt KErrMissingStatusCommands = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 19;
/** Failed to add record in database. */
const TInt KErrFailedToAddRecord = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 20;
/** Failed to replace record in database. */
const TInt KErrFailedToReplaceRecord = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 21;
/** Failed to delete record in database. */
const TInt KErrFailedToDeleteRecord = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 22;
/** XML parsing error. */
const TInt KErrXmlParsingError = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 23;
/** There was an error reported in the reference toolkit. */
const TInt KErrReferenceToolkitError = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 24;
/** No suitable database was found on the client device. */
const TInt KErrClientDatabaseNotFound = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 83;
/** No suitable database was found on the server. */
const TInt KErrServerDatabaseNotFound = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 84;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrDevInfFileNotFound = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 85;
/** Object is too large to send to server. */
const TInt KErrObjectTooLargeToSendToServer = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 86;
/** Sync is going to be slow. */
const TInt KErrSlowSync = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 87;
/** Failed to get record from DevMan. */
const TInt KErrFailedToGetRecord = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 88;
/** User interaction failed. */
const TInt KErrUserInteractionFailed = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 89;
/** Large object size mismatch. */
const TInt KErrStatusSizeMismatch = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 90;
/** Data Provider close failed. */
const TInt KErrFailedToCloseDatabase = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 91;
const TInt KErrPhoneOnOfflineMode = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 92;
const TInt KErrAuthenticationFailure = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 93;
const TInt KErrGeneral = KErrSyncEngineErrorBase - 94;
/** Base value for push message parser-related errors. */
const TInt KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase = -8451; // 8451 - 8480
/** Push message is too short. */
const TInt KErrMessageTooShort = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase;
/** Push message is corrupt. */
const TInt KErrMessageIsCorrupt = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 1;
/** Profile has no Transport ID. */
const TInt KErrBadTransportId = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 2;
/** Push message has no body. */
const TInt KErrNoNotificationBody = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 3;
/** Push message specifies an unsupported version. */
const TInt KErrWrongVersion = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 4;
/** Push message specifies an unsupported version. */
const TInt KErrUnsupportedMimeType = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 5;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrNoSuchTask = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 6;
/** Push message specifies an unknown type of sync. */
const TInt KErrUnknownSyncType = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 7;
/** Push message specifies an unknown profile. */
const TInt KErrUnknownProfile = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 8;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrInvalidProfile = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 9;
/** Unsupported (USERNETWPIN or USERPIN) security mechanism specified. */
const TInt KErrInvalidCredentials = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 10;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrNoCredentials = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 11;
/** Failed to verify the generated HMAC value. */
const TInt KErrIntegrityFailureHMAC = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 12;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrMustUsageUriNotComplete = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 13;
/** Push message has invalid DM account URI. */
const TInt KErrDMAccUriIsCorrupt = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 14;
/** Push message has invalid DM connection URI. */
const TInt KErrDMConUriIsCorrupt = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 15;
/** Push message has missing characteristic. */
const TInt KErrParmNameNotInProvDoc = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 17;
/** Push message has missing or invalid App Id. */
const TInt KErrInvalidAppIdValue = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 18;
/** Push message has missing or invalid TO-NAPID. */
const TInt KErrInvalidToNapIdValue = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 19;
/** Push message has missing or invalid Provider-ID. */
const TInt KErrInvalidProviderIdValue = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 20;
/** Push message has missing or invalid AAUTHLEVEL. */
const TInt KErrEmptyAauthLevelValue = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 21;
/** Push message has missing or invalid APPSRV */
const TInt KErrAppSrvAAuthLevelNotFound = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 22;
/** Push message has missing or invalid AppAuth Client */
const TInt KErrClientAAuthLevelNotFound = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 23;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrInvalidAppAuth = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 24;
/** Push message has missing or invalid APPLICATION characteristic */
const TInt KErrNoApplicationCharac = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 25;
/** Push message has missing or invalid APPAUTH characteristic. */
const TInt KErrNoAppAuthCharac = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 27;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrMissingRequiredParmInSvr = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 29;
/** Currently unused. */
const TInt KErrMissingRequiredParmInClient = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 30;
/** Missing APPADDR characteristic or sub characteristic */
const TInt KErrAppAddrCharacNotFound = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 33;
/** Unsupported WBXML version */
const TInt KErrUnsupportedVersion = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 34;
/** Prov Document identifier not WAP Provisoning version 1.0 */
const TInt KErrWrongProvPublicDocId = KErrPushMessageParserErrorBase - 35;
/** Base value for client API-related errors. */
const TInt KErrClientAPIBase = -8501; // -8501 -> -8700
/** The requested profile does not exist. */
const TInt KErrProfileNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase;
/** The requested connection does not exist within the profile. */
const TInt KErrConnectionNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase - 1;
/** The requested task does not exist within the profile. */
const TInt KErrTaskNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase - 2;
/** The requested transport adaptor does not exist. */
const TInt KErrTransportNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase - 3;
/** The requested data provider does not exist. */
const TInt KErrDataProviderNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase - 4;
/** The requested job has completed. */
const TInt KErrJobNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase - 5;
/** The requested object is pending deletion. */
const TInt KErrObjectPendingDelete = KErrClientAPIBase - 6;
/** The object to modify or delete is currently in use. */
const TInt KErrObjectInUse = KErrClientAPIBase - 7;
/** The specified profile is not available for edit,
e.g. a Device Management profile, or open for edit by another client. */
const TInt KErrProfileAccessDenied = KErrClientAPIBase - 8;
/** The requested data stream cannot be found in the Data Store. */
const TInt KErrSuspended = KErrClientAPIBase - 9;
/** The requested data stream cannot be found in the Data Store. */
const TInt KErrDataDepotStreamNotFound = KErrClientAPIBase - 10;
/** Server id from profile does not match with id from syncML server. */
const TInt KErrServerIdNotMatching = KErrClientAPIBase - 11;
/** Server certificate is invalid or not in Store. */
const TInt KErrInvalidCert = -8702;
#endif // __SYNCMLERR_H__