changeset 13 6b4fc789785b
parent 2 c32dc0be5eb4
--- a/remotestoragefw/gsplugin/src/rsfwgsplugin.cpp	Mon Jan 18 21:00:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  RsfwPlugin Implementation
-// Includes
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <rsfwgspluginrsc.rsg> 
-#include <gsfwviewuids.h> // for KUidGS
-#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
-#include <hlplch.h>
-#include <utf.h>
-#include <rsfwgsplugin.mbg>
-#include <featmgr.h>
-#include <csxhelp/cp.hlp.hrh>
-#include <rsfwmountman.h>
-#include <rsfwmountentry.h>
-#include "rsfwgsplugin.h"
-#include "rsfwinterface.h"
-#include "rsfwgsplugindrivelistcontainer.h"
-#include "rsfwgsremotedrivesettingscontainer.h"
-#include "rsfwgslocalviewids.h"
-#define KUidGeneralSettings   0x100058EC
-// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::CRsfwGsPlugin()
-// Constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CRsfwGsPlugin::CRsfwGsPlugin( )
-    : iAppUi( CAknView::AppUi() ), iResources( *CCoeEnv::Static() )
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::~CRsfwGsPlugin()
-// Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {    
-    FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
-    if (iCurrentContainer && iAppUi)
-        {
-        iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-        }
-    delete iMainListContainer;
-    delete iSettingListContainer;
-    delete iMountMan;
-    delete iSender;
-    iResources.Close();
-    /** Nice to know when the plugin is cleaned up */
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-    RDebug::Print( _L( "[CRsfwGsPlugin] ~CRsfwGsPlugin()" ) );
-    #endif
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::ConstructL()
-// Symbian OS two-phased constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::ConstructL()
-    {
-    // To know if the plugin is loaded (for debugging)
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-    RDebug::Print(_L("[CRsfwGsPlugin] ConstructL()" ));
-    RDebug::Print( _L( "[CRsfwGsPlugin] Loading resource from :" ) );
-    RDebug::Print( KRsfwGsPluginResourceFileName );
-    #endif
-   	iMountMan = CRsfwMountMan::NewL(0, NULL);   
-   	iSender = CRsfwGsRemoteDriveSend::NewL(EGSCmdAppSendLink);
-    TFileName fileName( KRsfwGsPluginResourceFileName );
-    iResources.OpenL( fileName ); 
-    BaseConstructL( R_GS_RSFW_MAIN_VIEW );
-    FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();		
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::NewL()
-// Static constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CRsfwGsPlugin* CRsfwGsPlugin::NewL( TAny* /*aInitParams*/ )
-    {
-    CRsfwGsPlugin* self = new(ELeave) CRsfwGsPlugin( );
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::Id() const
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUid CRsfwGsPlugin::Id() const
-    {
-    return KGSRsfwPluginUID;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::HandleClientRectChange()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::HandleViewRectChange()
-    {
-    if ( iMainListContainer->IsVisible() )
-        {
-        iMainListContainer->SetRect( ClientRect() );
-        }
-    if ( iSettingListContainer->IsVisible() )
-        {
-        iSettingListContainer->SetRect( ClientRect() );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::DoActivateL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
-                                  TUid aCustomMessageId,
-                                  const TDesC8& aCustomMessage )
-    {
-    iPrevViewId = aPrevViewId;
-    if (iCurrentContainer)
-        {
-        iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-        iCurrentContainer = NULL;
-        }
-    if( iMainListContainer )
-        {
-        delete iMainListContainer;
-        iMainListContainer=NULL;
-        }
-    if( iSettingListContainer )
-        {
-        delete iSettingListContainer;
-        iSettingListContainer = NULL;
-        }
-    iMainListContainer = new( ELeave ) CRsfwGsPluginDriveListContainer(this);
-    iMainListContainer->SetMopParent(this);
-    TRAPD( error, iMainListContainer->ConstructL( ClientRect(), iMountMan ) );
-    if (error)
-        {
-        delete iMainListContainer;
-        iMainListContainer = NULL;
-        User::Leave( error );
-        }
-    iSettingListContainer = new( ELeave ) CRsfwGsPluginDriveSettingsContainer(this);
-    iSettingListContainer->SetMopParent(this);
-    TRAPD( error1, iSettingListContainer->ConstructL( ClientRect(), iMountMan));
-    if (error1)
-        {
-        delete iSettingListContainer;
-        iSettingListContainer = NULL;
-        User::Leave( error1 );
-        }
-  if (aCustomMessageId == KRemoteDriveSettingsViewId)  
-    	{
-    	TBuf<KMaxFriendlyNameLength> remoteDrive;
-    	CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(remoteDrive, aCustomMessage);
-    	iSettingListContainer->MakeVisible(ETrue);
-    	if (remoteDrive.Length() > 0) 
-    	    {
-    	    LoadSettingsViewL(EEditExisting, remoteDrive, EFalse); 
-    	    }
-    	 else 
-    	    {
-    	    LoadSettingsViewL(ENewDefault, 
-                    iMainListContainer->GetNextRemoteDriveNameL(), EFalse);
-    	    }
-    	iCurrentContainer = iSettingListContainer;
-    	} 
-    else 
-    	{
-    	iSettingListContainer->MakeVisible(EFalse);
-    	iCurrentContainer = iMainListContainer;
-    	}
-    UpdateCbaL();
-    iAppUi->AddToViewStackL( *this, iCurrentContainer ); 
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::DoDeactivate()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::DoDeactivate()
-    {
-    // try to save settings if in settings list container
-    if ( iCurrentContainer && iSettingListContainer
-        && iCurrentContainer == iSettingListContainer )
-        {
-        TRAP_IGNORE(iSettingListContainer->SaveSettingsL());
-        }
-    if ( iCurrentContainer )
-        {
-        iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-        }
-    iCurrentContainer = NULL;
-    if( iMainListContainer )
-        {
-        delete iMainListContainer;
-        iMainListContainer = NULL;
-        }
-    if( iSettingListContainer )
-        {
-        delete iSettingListContainer;
-        iSettingListContainer = NULL;
-        }        
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::HandleCommandL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
-    {
-  	switch ( aCommand )
-        {
-        case EAknSoftkeyBack:
-            if (iCurrentContainer == iSettingListContainer)
-                {
-                if (iSettingListContainer->IsExitProcessingOKL()) 
-                	{
-                	// if we are called from GS, go back to the main view
-                	// otherwise we are called e.g. from FileManager =>
-                	// go back to the previous view
-                	if (iPrevViewId.iAppUid == KUidGS)
-                		{
-                		LoadMainViewL();
-                		// set focus on the newly created/modified drive
-                		// we have to pass the name cause in case a drive has just been created
-                		// we don't know its position on the list
-                		iMainListContainer->SetFocusL(iSettingListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveName());
-                		}
-                	else 
-                		{
-                		iAppUi->ActivateLocalViewL( iPrevViewId.iViewUid );	
-                		}
-                	}              
-                }
-            else  
-          	  {
-               iAppUi->ActivateLocalViewL( iPrevViewId.iViewUid );
-           	  }
-            break;
-        case EGSCmdAppEdit:
-            if (!(iMainListContainer->IsListEmpty())) 
-                {
-                iMainListContainer->EditCurrentItemL();
-                }
-        	break;
-        case EGSCmdAppChange:
-            iSettingListContainer->EditCurrentItemL();                       
-            break;   
-        case EGSCmdAppNew:
-        	// Number of remote drives is limited to 9, so that drive
-        	// letters are also available for other technologies.
-        	if (iMainListContainer->RemoteDriveCount() < KMaxRemoteDrives) 
-        	{
-      			LoadSettingsViewL(ENewDefault, 
-                    iMainListContainer->GetNextRemoteDriveNameL(), ETrue);
-        	}
-        	else 
-        	{
-                HBufC* myDisplayMessage = NULL;
-                myDisplayMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_STR_RSFW_ERROR_MAX_DRIVES);
-                CAknErrorNote* errorNote = new CAknErrorNote(EFalse);
-                errorNote->ExecuteLD(*myDisplayMessage);
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(myDisplayMessage);
-        	}
-            break;
-        case EGSCmdAppDelete:
-            DeleteRemoteDriveL();
-            break;
-       	case EGSCmdAppConnect:
-       		ConnectRemoteDriveL();
-       		break;
-       	case EGSCmdAppDisconnect:
-       		DisconnectRemoteDriveL();
-       		break;	
-        case EAknCmdHelp:
-        	{
-            if (iCurrentContainer == iSettingListContainer)
-                {
-                LaunchHelpL(KRD_HLP_REMOTE_DRIVE_CONFIG);
-                }
-            else 
-                {
-                LaunchHelpL(KRD_HLP_REMOTE_DRIVES);
-                }
-        	}
-        	break;
-        case EGSCmdAppSendLink:
-        	{
-        	SendLinkL();
-        	}
-        	break;
-        default:
-            iAppUi->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::GetCaptionL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::GetCaptionL( TDes& aCaption ) const
-    {
-    StringLoader::Load( aCaption, R_GS_REMOTE_DRIVES_VIEW_CAPTION );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::CreateIconL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CGulIcon* CRsfwGsPlugin::CreateIconL( const TUid aIconType )
- 	{
- 	 CGulIcon* icon;
-    if( aIconType == KGSIconTypeLbxItem )
-        {
-        icon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
-        AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-        KAknsIIDQgnPropSetConnRemotedrive, 
-        KGSPluginBitmapFile,
-        EMbmRsfwgspluginQgn_prop_set_conn_remotedrive,
-        EMbmRsfwgspluginQgn_prop_set_conn_remotedrive_mask);
-        }
-     else
-        {
-        icon = CGSPluginInterface::CreateIconL( aIconType );
-        }
- 	return icon;
- 	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::LoadSettingsViewL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::LoadSettingsViewL(TRsfwSettingsViewType aType, TDesC& aRemoteDrive, TBool aAddToViewStack)
-    {
-    switch(aType)
-        {
-        case EEditExisting:
-            iSettingListContainer->PrepareRemoteDriveForEditingL(aRemoteDrive);
-            break;
-        case ENewDefault:
-            iSettingListContainer->PrepareRemoteDriveNewDefaultL(aRemoteDrive);
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    if (iCurrentContainer)
-        iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-    iCurrentContainer = iSettingListContainer;
-    if (aAddToViewStack) 
-        {
-        iAppUi->AddToViewStackL( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-        }
-    iMainListContainer->MakeVisible(EFalse);
-    iSettingListContainer->MakeVisible(ETrue);
-    UpdateCbaL();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::LoadMainViewL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::LoadMainViewL()
-    {
-    iMainListContainer->LoadRemoteDriveListArrayL();
-    if (iCurrentContainer)
-        iAppUi->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-    iCurrentContainer = iMainListContainer;
-    iAppUi->AddToViewStackL( *this, iCurrentContainer );
-    iMainListContainer->SetFocus();
-    iSettingListContainer->MakeVisible(EFalse);  
-    UpdateCbaL();
-    iMainListContainer->MakeVisible(ETrue);
-    Cba()->DrawDeferred();  
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::DynInitMenuPaneL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, 
-                                      CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
-    {
-    if ( aResourceId == R_GS_REMOTE_DRIVES_MENU )
-        {
-        if (iCurrentContainer == iMainListContainer)
-       		{
-        	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EGSCmdAppChange, ETrue);
-        	if (iMainListContainer->IsListEmpty())
-            	{
-				aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppEdit, ETrue );
-            	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppDelete, ETrue ); 
-            	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppConnect, ETrue );
-            	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppDisconnect, ETrue );  
-            	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppSendLink, ETrue );
-            	}
-            else 
-                {
-                TBool isDriveConnected = IsDriveConnectedL();
-                aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppDelete, isDriveConnected ); 
-                aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppConnect, isDriveConnected );  
-                aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppEdit, isDriveConnected );  
-            	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppDisconnect, !isDriveConnected );  	
-                }
-       		}
-        else 
-        	{
-        	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppNew, ETrue );
-    		aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppEdit, ETrue );
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppDelete, ETrue ); 
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppConnect, ETrue );
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppDisconnect, ETrue );  
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EGSCmdAppSendLink, ETrue );
-        	}
-        }
-     if (aResourceId == R_GS_MENU_ITEM_EXIT) 
-        {
-       if (!FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp )) 
-            {
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp , ETrue );
-            }
-        }       
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::DeleteRemoteDriveL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::DeleteRemoteDriveL()
-    {
-    HBufC* myFormatMessage = NULL;
-    HBufC* here = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveNameLC();
-    TChar driveId = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveIdL();
-    if (!iMainListContainer->IsDriveConnectedL(*here)) 
-        {
-        if ( here->Length() )
-            {
-            myFormatMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_STR_RSFW_CONF_DELETE, *here );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            myFormatMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_STR_RSFW_CONF_DELETE );
-            }
-        CAknQueryDialog* query = CAknQueryDialog::NewL(CAknQueryDialog::EConfirmationTone);
-        iDialog = query;
-        iDeletingId = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveIdL();
-        if ( query->ExecuteLD( R_CONFIRMATION_QUERY, *myFormatMessage ) )
-            {
-            if (iMainListContainer->RemoteDriveCount() > 0) 
-                {
-                TChar currentdriveId = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveIdL();
-                if (driveId == currentdriveId) 
-                    {
-                    iMainListContainer->DeleteCurrentRemoteDriveL();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        iDialog = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(myFormatMessage); 
-        UpdateCbaL();  
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(here);
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::ProcessDeletingDialog()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::ProcessDeletingDialog()
-    {
-	  if ( (iMainListContainer->RemoteDriveCount() == 0) || 
-            (iDeletingId != iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveIdL()) )
-        {
-        if (iDialog)
-            {
-            delete iDialog;
-			      iDialog = NULL;
-			      }
-		    }
-	  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::LaunchHelpL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext )
-	{
-	//make context array
-    //granurality 1 is ok cos there is added just one item
-    CArrayFix< TCoeHelpContext >* cntx = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TCoeHelpContext >( 1 );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( cntx );
-    cntx->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( TUid::Uid(KUidGeneralSettings), aContext ) );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( cntx );
-    //and launch help - takes ownership of context array
-    HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), cntx);
-	}    
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::HandleResourceChangeManual
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::HandleResourceChangeManual(TInt aType)
-    {
-    if (iCurrentContainer==iSettingListContainer)
-        iMainListContainer->HandleResourceChangeManual(aType);
-    else if (iCurrentContainer==iMainListContainer)
-        iSettingListContainer->HandleResourceChangeManual(aType);    
-    }  
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::IsDriveConnected()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CRsfwGsPlugin::IsDriveConnectedL()
-    {
-    TBool connected;
-	HBufC* currentDriveName = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveNameLC();
-	if (!currentDriveName) 
-	    {
-	    User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-	    }
-    TPtrC drivePtr = currentDriveName->Ptr();
-    connected = iMainListContainer->IsDriveConnectedL(drivePtr.Left(currentDriveName->Length()));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentDriveName);
-    return connected;  
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::ConnectRemoteDrive()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::ConnectRemoteDriveL()
-    {
-    iMainListContainer->ConnectCurrentRemoteDriveL();  
-    }    
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CRsfwGsPlugin::DisconnectRemoteDrive()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::DisconnectRemoteDriveL()
-    {
-    iMainListContainer->DisconnectCurrentRemoteDriveL();  
-    }    
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-//  CRsfwGsPlugin::DoSendAsL
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::DoSendAsL()
-    {
-    // read the source setting
-    const CRsfwMountEntry* mountEntry = NULL;
-    HBufC* currentDriveName = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveNameLC();
-    TPtrC drivePtr = currentDriveName->Ptr();
-    mountEntry = iMountMan->MountEntryL(
-    						drivePtr.Left(currentDriveName->Length()));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentDriveName);
-    iSender->SendL( *mountEntry );
-    }
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::SendLinkL( )
-	{
-	HBufC* driveBuf = iMainListContainer->GetCurrentRemoteDriveNameLC();	
-	iSender->DisplaySendCascadeMenuL();
-    // make sure that the mountentry was not deleted
-    if (driveBuf) 
-        {	
-        const CRsfwMountEntry* mountentry = iMountMan->MountEntryL(*driveBuf);
-	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(driveBuf);
-	    if (mountentry) 
-	        {
-	        if (iSender->CanSend()) 
-		        {
-		        DoSendAsL();
-		        }   
-	        }
-        }
-	}
-void CRsfwGsPlugin::UpdateCbaL() 
-    {
-    CEikButtonGroupContainer* cbaGroup = Cba();
-    if (iCurrentContainer == iMainListContainer) 
-        {
-        cbaGroup->SetCommandSetL(R_RSFW_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK_EDIT);
-        if (iMainListContainer->IsListEmpty())
-            {
-            cbaGroup->MakeCommandVisible(EGSCmdAppEdit, EFalse);
-            }
-        else if (IsDriveConnectedL()) 
-            {
-            cbaGroup->MakeCommandVisible(EGSCmdAppEdit, EFalse);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            cbaGroup->MakeCommandVisible(EGSCmdAppEdit, ETrue);
-            }
-        }
-    else if (iCurrentContainer == iSettingListContainer) 
-        {
-        cbaGroup->SetCommandSetL(R_RSFW_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK_CHANGE);
-        // it is possible that the MSK command was dimmed 
-        cbaGroup->MakeCommandVisible(EGSCmdAppChange, ETrue);
-        }
-    Cba()->DrawDeferred();    
-    }
-CCoeControl* CRsfwGsPlugin::CurrentContainer() 
-    {
-    return iCurrentContainer;
-    }  
-// End of file