changeset 13 6b4fc789785b
parent 2 c32dc0be5eb4
--- a/remotestoragefw/mountmanager/src/rsfwbootmounter.cpp	Mon Jan 18 21:00:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Mounts during boot remote drives configured in CenRep
- *
-#include <f32file.h>	// link against efsrv.lib
-#include <centralrepository.h> // link against centralrepository.lib 
-#include <f32fsys.h>
-// for the file server client side API   
-_LIT(KRemoteFSName, "RemoteFS");
-_LIT(KRemoteFs, "eremotefs");
-// for the central repository API   
-enum TMountEntryItemIndex
-    {
-    EMountEntryItemIndex, 
-    EMountEntryItemName,
-    EMountEntryItemDrive,
-    EMountEntryItemUri,
-    EMountEntryItemUserName,
-    EMountEntryItemPassword,
-    EMountEntryItemIap,
-    EMountEntryItemInactivityTimeout,
-    EMountEntryItemReserved,
-    EMountEntryItemCount
-    };
-const TUid  KCRUidRsfwCtrl = { 0x101F9775 }; // RSFW cenrep table id
-const TUint KColumnName       = EMountEntryItemName;
-const TUint KColumnMask       = 0x000000ff; 
-const TUint KRowMask          = 0xffffff00;
-const TInt KMaxFileSystemName = 256;
-const TInt KMaxDriveLetterLength = 5;
-const TInt KMaxFriendlyNameLength = 20;
-//  isRsfwFileSystem
-//  Checks whether certain drive has rsfw file system mounted on it
-LOCAL_C TBool isRsfwFileSystemL(TInt aDrive,
-                              TDriveList aDriveList,
-                              RFs aFsSession) 
-    {
-    TBool rsfwFileSystem = EFalse;
-    // check first KDriveAttRemote bit as if that is missing it is a quick way 
-    // to conclude that this is not a rsfw mount
-    if (aDriveList[aDrive] & KDriveAttRemote) 
-        {
-        TInt err;
-        HBufC* filesystemName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileSystemName);
-        TPtr itemPtr = filesystemName->Des();
-        err = aFsSession.FileSystemName(itemPtr, aDrive);
-        if (!err && (itemPtr.Compare(KRemoteFSName) == 0)) 
-            {
-            rsfwFileSystem = ETrue;
-            }
-        delete filesystemName;
-        }
-    return rsfwFileSystem;
-    }
-//  DoMountL
-//  Do either simple mount or replace (our) existing mount
-//  by doing dismount and mount
-LOCAL_C TInt DoMount(TInt aDrive, RFs aFsSession, TBool aReplaceExisting)
-    {
-    TInt err;
-    if (aReplaceExisting) 
-        {
-        // ignore dismount error code
-        aFsSession.DismountFileSystem(KRemoteFSName, aDrive);
-        err = aFsSession.MountFileSystem(KRemoteFSName, aDrive);
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        err = aFsSession.MountFileSystem(KRemoteFSName, aDrive);
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-//  ExecuteFileServerMountL
-//  Attempts to mount our file system to the file server
-LOCAL_C TInt ExecuteFileServerMountL(TInt aDrive,
-                                    TDriveList aDriveList,
-                                    RFs aFsSession)
-    {
-    TInt err;
-    if (aDriveList[aDrive]) 
-        {
-        if (isRsfwFileSystemL(aDrive, aDriveList, aFsSession)) 
-            {
-            err = DoMount(aDrive, aFsSession, ETrue);
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            // the drive we attempt to mount contains some other file system
-            return KErrInUse;
-            }
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        // the drive we attempt to mount does not contain an existing mount
-        err = DoMount(aDrive, aFsSession, EFalse);
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-//  SetFriendlyNameL
-//  Sets the friendly name of the remote drive to 
-//  mounted fs drivename and volumename fields
-//  (to the volume name field first 11 chars)
-//  This function assumes that we are allowed to manipulate
-//  drive aDrive, in practise that ExecuteFileServerMount()
-//  has been called succesfully
-LOCAL_C TInt SetFriendlyName(TInt aDrive,
-                             TDesC& aFriendlyName,
-                             RFs aFsSession)
-    {
-    TInt err;
-    err = aFsSession.SetDriveName(aDrive, aFriendlyName);
-    if (!err) 
-        {
-        TPtrC volumeNamePtr = aFriendlyName.Left(KMaxVolumeNameLength);
-        err = aFsSession.SetVolumeLabel(volumeNamePtr, aDrive);
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SyncConfiguredRemoteDrivesL
-// adds RSFW File Server plug-in 
-// and synchronizes Central Repository's view of configured remote drives 
-// with File Server's view (mounts the remote drives configured in CR and
-// unmounts those remote drives that are not anymore configured)   
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LOCAL_C void SyncConfiguredRemoteDrivesL()
-    {  
-    TInt err = 0;
-    TInt row = 0;
-    TInt driveNumber = 0;
-    RFs fs;
-    TChar paramLetter(90);
-    TBool paramSet = EFalse;
-    User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
-    CleanupClosePushL(fs);
-    // it is possible to manipulate only one drive letter, and give that as an argument
-    TInt clinelength = User::CommandLineLength();
-    if (clinelength > 0) 
-        {
-        HBufC* cl = HBufC::NewL(clinelength);
-        TPtr linePtr = cl->Des();
-        User::CommandLine(linePtr);
-        TLex lex(linePtr);
-        paramLetter = lex.Get();
-        paramSet = ETrue;
-        delete cl;
-        }
- 	// add our file system plugin to the file server
-    err = fs.AddFileSystem(KRemoteFs);
-    if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists)) 
-    	{
-    	User::Leave(err);
-    	}
-    // Get a list of drives in the File Server
-    TDriveList drives;
-    User::LeaveIfError(fs.DriveList(drives, KDriveAttAll));  
-    // 	(drives[i] & KDriveAttRemote) now tells whether i:th drive is remote
-    // Get a list of remote drives in the central repository table
-    // connect
-   	CRepository* cenrep;
-    cenrep = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidRsfwCtrl);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(cenrep);
-     // find all entries by name
-    RArray<TUint32> nameIds;
-    CleanupClosePushL(nameIds);
-    err = cenrep->FindL(KColumnName, KColumnMask, nameIds);
-    if (!err)
-    	{
-    	// for each remote drive entry, represented by a record in central repository, do the following:
-    	// 1) get drive letter from central repository
-    	// 2) based on drive letter acquire corresponding drive number from the File Server
-    	// 3) check whether in the File Server there is already mounted a drive with given number
-    	//    3.1) if there is NOT, then mount the drive
-    	//    3.2) if there is and it appears to be remote, then do re-mounting
-    	//    3.3) if there is and it appears NOT to be remote, then this means error
-    	// 4) still for the same record from central repository, get the name of the drive
-    	// 5) use this name as the volume label in the File Server
-    	for (row = 0; row < nameIds.Count(); row++)
-        	{
-        	TUint rowId = (nameIds[row] & KRowMask);
-        	// don't touch zero row as it DOES NOT contain info about mounted drives
-        	if (rowId > 0) 
-        	    {
-        	    TInt i;
-            	// mount it to the file server
-            	// get drive number
-            	TBuf<KMaxDriveLetterLength> driveLetter;
-            	i = EMountEntryItemDrive;
-            	User::LeaveIfError(cenrep->Get(rowId | i, driveLetter));
-            	// driveNumber needed in any case, so that we can mark this as existing drive
-            	if (driveLetter.Length() > 0) 
-            	    {
-            	    User::LeaveIfError(fs.CharToDrive((driveLetter)[0], driveNumber));
-            	    }
-            	 else 
-            	    {
-            	    User::Leave(KErrBadName);
-            	    }
-            	// proceed this drive if we didn't get any drive
-            	// letter as a parameter or we got this one
-                if ((!paramSet) || (paramLetter ==  driveLetter[0]))
-                    {
-                    // get friendly name
-            	    TBuf<KMaxFriendlyNameLength> friendlyName;
-            	    i = EMountEntryItemName;
-            	    User::LeaveIfError(cenrep->Get(rowId | i, friendlyName));
-            	    if (friendlyName.Length() > 0) 
-            	        {
-            		    User::LeaveIfError(ExecuteFileServerMountL(driveNumber, drives, fs));
-            		    User::LeaveIfError(SetFriendlyName(driveNumber, friendlyName,fs));		
-            		    }
-            	    else
-            		    {
-            		    User::Leave(KErrBadName);
-            		    }
-                    }
-            	// do not unmount this drive as it is still in the CenRep table
-            	// after this loop non-zero drives are used to see 
-            	// which remote drives should be unmounted	
-            	drives[driveNumber] = 0; 
-        	    }
-            } // loop
-    	}
-    	// If drives now contain some remote drives, this means that they are not 
-    	// anymore configured in CenRep and should be unmounted. 
-       	for (int i = 0; i < EDriveZ; i++) 
-       		{
-       		if (isRsfwFileSystemL(i, drives, fs))
-       			{
-       			fs.DismountFileSystem(KRemoteFSName, i);
-       			}
-       		}
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &fs);   // fs, cenrep, nameIds
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// E32Main
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-GLDEF_C TInt E32Main() 
-    {
-    CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
-    TRAPD(err, SyncConfiguredRemoteDrivesL());
-    delete cleanupStack;
-    return err;
-    }
-// End of file