changeset 13 6b4fc789785b
parent 2 c32dc0be5eb4
--- a/remotestoragefw/remotedriveconfigurationbiocontrol/src/rsfwmountconfbc.cpp	Mon Jan 18 21:00:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  BIO control for handling remote drive configurations as 
-*                smart messages
-#include <biocmtm.h>					// for CBIOClientMtm
-#include <msgbiocontrolObserver.h>		// for MMsgBioControlObserver
-#include <StringLoader.h>				// for StringLoader
-#include <CRichBio.h>               	// CRichBio
-#include <aknnotewrappers.h>			// for CAknInformationNote
-#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
-#include <utf.h> // for CnvUtfConverter
-#include <rsfwmountman.h>
-#include <rsfwmountentry.h>
-#include <rsfwmountconfbc.rsg>              // for resouce identifiers
-#include "rsfwmountconfbc.h"				
-#include "rsfwmountconfbc.hrh"
-#include "rsfwmountutils.h"
-#include "rsfwgsplugin.hrh"
-#include "rsfwnotpluginnamedialog.h"
-#include "mdebug.h"
-#define KUidGeneralSettings   0x100058EC
-enum TOptionListLocation
-	{
-	EFirstMenuItem	= 0,
-	ESecondMenuItem,
-	EThirdMenuItem,
-	EFourthMenuItem
-	};
-const TInt KMConfBcHeightReductionBva = 9;
-_LIT(KMountConfBcResourceFile, "rsfwmountconfbc.rsc");
-_LIT(KAvkonResourceFile, "avkon.rsc");
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CMsgBioControl* CRsfwMountConfBioControl::NewL(
-		MMsgBioControlObserver& aObserver,
-		CMsvSession* aSession,
-		TMsvId aId,
-		TMsgBioMode aEditorOrViewerMode,
-		const RFile* aFile)
-	{
-	CRsfwMountConfBioControl* self =
-		new(ELeave) CRsfwMountConfBioControl(aObserver,
-										 aSession,
-										 aId,
-										 aEditorOrViewerMode,
-										 aFile);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-	return self;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	{	
-    delete iViewer;
-	if (iMountEntry) 						
-		{
-		delete iMountEntry;
-		}
-	delete iMountMan;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-		 MMsgBioControlObserver& aObserver,
-		 CMsvSession* aSession,
-		 TMsvId aId,
-		 TMsgBioMode aEditorOrViewerMode,
-		 const RFile* aFile):
-		 CMsgBioControl(aObserver,
-						aSession,
-						aId,
-						aEditorOrViewerMode,
-						aFile)
-	{
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// second phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::ConstructL()
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::ConstructL"));
-	iMountMan = CRsfwMountMan::NewL(0, NULL);
-	iIsFileBased = IsFileBased();
-	LoadResourceL(KMountConfBcResourceFile);
-	LoadResourceL(KAvkonResourceFile);
-	LoadResourceL(KNotPluginResourcePath);
-    LoadStandardBioResourceL();
-	// file handle to the remote drive configuration attachment in msv store
-	RFile fileHandle;
-    ResolveFileL( fileHandle );
-    CleanupClosePushL( fileHandle );
-	// read stream
-    RFileReadStream stream( fileHandle,0 );
-    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
-	MStreamBuf* buf = stream.Source();
-    buf->PushL();
-    User::LeaveIfNull(buf);
-    TInt bufferSize = buf->SizeL();
-    if (bufferSize == 0 || (bufferSize < KMountMessagePrefixLength))
-        {
-        User::Leave(KErrMsgBioMessageNotValid);
-        }
-    TRequestStatus status;    
-	HBufC8* utf8configuration = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(bufferSize);
-	TPtr8 utfPtr = utf8configuration->Des();
-	buf->ReadL(utfPtr, status);
-	User::WaitForRequest(status);
-	HBufC* unistring(NULL); 
-	unistring = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf7L(*utf8configuration);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(unistring);
-	RsfwMountUtils::ImportMountEntryL(*unistring,&iMountEntry);
-	iViewer = new (ELeave) CRichBio(ERichBioModeEditorBase);
-	FillViewerWithDataL();
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5,&fileHandle); 						 	
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Formats displaying a remote drive (only the drive name is shown)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::FillViewerWithDataL()
-    {
-    DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::FillViewerWithDataL"));
-   	AddItemL(R_STR_SETTING_ITEM_DRIVE_NAME, *(*iMountEntry).Item(EMountEntryItemName));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Display a single item
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::AddItemL(TInt aLabelRes, const TDesC& aValue)
-    {
-    DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::AddItemL"));	
-    // Empty fields are not shown.
-    if (&aValue) 
-    	{
-    	if (aValue.Length())
-            {
-            HBufC* labelTxt = StringLoader::LoadLC(aLabelRes, iCoeEnv);
-            iViewer->AddItemL(*labelTxt, aValue);
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(labelTxt);
-            }
-    	}
-    }
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SetAndGetSizeL(TSize& aSize)
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SetAndGetSizeL"));		
-	if(iIsFileBased)
-    	{
-    	SetPosition(TPoint(0,KMConfBcHeightReductionBva));
-    	aSize.iHeight -= KMConfBcHeightReductionBva;
-    	iViewer->SetAndGetSizeL(aSize);
-    	}
-    else
-    	{
-    	iViewer->SetAndGetSizeL(aSize);
-    	}
-    SetSizeWithoutNotification(aSize);
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Adds Save command to "Options" set
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SetMenuCommandSetL(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane)
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SetMenuCommandSetL"));			
-	if (!IsEditor())
-        {
-   	    if( iIsFileBased )
-            {
-            FileBasedAddMenuItemL(aMenuPane, R_SM_SAVE,
-                EMountConfBcCmdSave);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            AddMenuItemL(aMenuPane, R_SM_SAVE,
-                EMountConfBcCmdSave, EFirstMenuItem);
-            }
-        }
-	}
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::FileBasedAddMenuItemL(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane,
-    TInt aStringRes, TInt aCommandOffset)
-    {
-		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::FileBasedAddMenuItemL"));		   	
-    CEikMenuPaneItem::SData menuItem;
-    menuItem.iCascadeId = NULL;
-    menuItem.iFlags = NULL;
-    HBufC* string = StringLoader::LoadL(aStringRes, iCoeEnv);
-    menuItem.iText.Format(*string);
-    delete string;
-    menuItem.iCommandId = iBioControlObserver.FirstFreeCommand()
-        + aCommandOffset;
-    aMenuPane.InsertMenuItemL(menuItem, 0);
-    }
-TRect CRsfwMountConfBioControl::CurrentLineRect() const
-	{
-		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::CurrentLineRect"));			
-  	return iViewer->CurrentLineRect();
-	}
-TBool CRsfwMountConfBioControl::IsFocusChangePossible(
-		TMsgFocusDirection aDirection) const
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::IsFocusChangePossible"));		
-   	if (aDirection == EMsgFocusUp)
-        {
-        return iViewer->IsCursorLocation(EMsgTop);
-        }
-    return EFalse;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets the header or the remote drive view
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CRsfwMountConfBioControl::HeaderTextL() const
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::HeaderTextL"));				
-	return StringLoader::LoadL(R_SM_TITLE_MOUNT_CONF, iCoeEnv);
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Handles the command selected by the user
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CRsfwMountConfBioControl::HandleBioCommandL(TInt aCommand)
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::HandleBioCommandL %d", aCommand));
-	aCommand -= iBioControlObserver.FirstFreeCommand();
-	switch (aCommand)
-		{
-	case EMountConfBcCmdSave:
-    	TRAPD(err, DoMountL(iMountEntry));	
-        if (!err) 
-	        {
-		    HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_SM_SUCCESS_MOUNT);
-            CAknConfirmationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknConfirmationNote;
-            note->ExecuteLD(*buf);
-	        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);	
-	        }
-	    else if (KErrInUse == err) 
-	        {
-	        HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_SM_TOO_MANY_REMOTE_DRIVES);
-            CAknErrorNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote;
-            note->ExecuteLD(*buf);
-	        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);	
-	        }
-	    else if (!(KErrCancel == err)) 
-	        {
-	        // cancel means that user does not want to rename
-	        User::Leave(err);
-	        }
-	    return ETrue;
-	default:
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	}
-TKeyResponse CRsfwMountConfBioControl::OfferKeyEventL(
-		const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-		TEventCode aType)
-	{
-	return iViewer->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);
-	}
-TInt CRsfwMountConfBioControl::CountComponentControls() const
-	{
- 	return 1; // the viewer component
-	}
-CCoeControl* CRsfwMountConfBioControl::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::ComponentControl"));		
-    if (aIndex == 0)
-        {
-        return iViewer;
-        }
-    return NULL;
-	}
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SizeChanged()
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SizeChanged"));		
-	iViewer->SetExtent(Position(), iViewer->Size());
-	}
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::FocusChanged(TDrawNow /* aDrawNow */)
-	{
-	DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::FocusChanged"));				
- 	iViewer->SetFocus(IsFocused());
-	}
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl& aContainer)
-	{
-		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::SetContainerWindowL"));			
-	CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(aContainer);
-    // The reason for creating the viewer control here is that the
-    // construction of the viewer requires a parent with a window. So it
-    // cannot be done in ConstructL().
-    //
-    iViewer->ConstructL(this);
-	}
-TInt CRsfwMountConfBioControl::VirtualHeight()
-	{
-		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::VirtualHeight"));			
- 	return iViewer->VirtualHeight();
-	}
-TInt CRsfwMountConfBioControl::VirtualVisibleTop()
-	{
-		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::VirtualVisibleTop"));				
-	return iViewer->VirtualVisibleTop();
-	}
-TBool CRsfwMountConfBioControl::IsCursorLocation(TMsgCursorLocation aLocation) const
-    {
- 		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::IsCursorLocation"));			   	
-    return iViewer->IsCursorLocation(aLocation);
-    }
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::ResolveFileL( RFile& aFile )
-    {
-  		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::ResolveFileL"));	   	
-    if ( iIsFileBased )
-        {
-		aFile.Duplicate(FileHandle());
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        CMsvEntry* entry = MsvSession().GetEntryL( iId );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
-		CMsvStore* store = entry->ReadStoreL();
-		CleanupStack::PushL(store);
-		MMsvAttachmentManager& attachMan = store->AttachmentManagerL();
-		aFile = attachMan.GetAttachmentFileL( 0 ); //entry is the first attachment
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, entry ); // store, entry
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Saves the selected remote drive to the Central Repository table
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CRsfwMountConfBioControl::DoMountL(CRsfwMountEntry* aMounterEntry)
-	{
-  		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::DoMountL"));	   		
-	// CRsfwMountEntry API ensures that EMountEntryItemName
-	// length does not exceed KMaxFriendlyNameLength characters	
-	TBuf<KMaxFriendlyNameLength>  newFriendlyName;
-    newFriendlyName.Copy(*aMounterEntry->Item(EMountEntryItemName));
-    TBool nameUnique = EFalse;
-    TBool operationCancelled = EFalse;
-    nameUnique = isNameUniqueL(newFriendlyName);
-    while ((!nameUnique) && (!operationCancelled)) 
-        {
-        operationCancelled = GetNameForNewMountL(newFriendlyName);
-        nameUnique = isNameUniqueL(newFriendlyName);
-        }
-    if (!operationCancelled) 
-        {
-        // clone the entry and add it to the cenrep
-        // we clone it so that the original smart message content does not change
-        CRsfwMountEntry* entrytoBeSaved = aMounterEntry->CloneL();
-        // copy newFriendlyName to name
-        entrytoBeSaved->SetItemL(EMountEntryItemName, newFriendlyName);
-        // set mountentryindex to -1 so that this will go the end of the list
-        TBuf<5> index;
-   	    index.Num(-1);
-   	    entrytoBeSaved->SetItemL(EMountEntryItemIndex, index);	
-   	    // ownership is transferred to MountMan
-	    iMountMan->AddMountEntryL(entrytoBeSaved);
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        User::Leave(KErrCancel);
-        }
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Tests whether the chosen remote drive name is unique
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CRsfwMountConfBioControl::isNameUniqueL(const TDesC& aName)
-    {
-  		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::isNameUniqueL"));	    	
-    // figure out whether a drive with the same name already exists
-	CDesCArray* driveArray = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArraySeg(4);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(driveArray);
-	iMountMan->GetMountNamesL(driveArray); 
-	// report error if there are already 9 remote drives
-	if (driveArray->Count() == KMaxRemoteDrives) 
-	    {
-	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(driveArray);
-	    User::Leave(KErrInUse);
-	    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < driveArray->Count(); i++) 
-        {
-        if (aName == driveArray->MdcaPoint(i)) 
-            {
-            // there was a match and the name is not unique
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(driveArray);
-            return EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(driveArray);    
-    return ETrue;    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Queries new remote drive name from the user
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CRsfwMountConfBioControl::GetNameForNewMountL(TDes& aName)	
-    {
-  		DEBUGSTRING16(("CRsfwMountConfBioControl::GetNameForNewMountL"));	    	
-    TBool operationCancelled = EFalse; 
-    // ask user to change the name and try again
-    HBufC* confmess = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_STR_NAME_RENAME_QUERY, aName);
-    CAknQueryDialog* query = CAknQueryDialog::NewL
-                                        (CAknQueryDialog::EConfirmationTone);
-	if (query->ExecuteLD( R_CONFIRMATION_QUERY, *confmess)) 
-	    {
-	    TBuf<KMaxFriendlyNameLength> newName;
-	    TBool retval;
-	    // for getting the new name, use name dialog from the "global save as dialog"
-	    HBufC* defaultname = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_SM_DEFAULT_DRIVE_NAME);
-        CRsfwNotPluginNameDialog* dlg = 
-                CRsfwNotPluginNameDialog::NewL( 
-               *defaultname, newName, iEikonEnv->FsSession());
-        dlg->SetMaxLength(KMaxFriendlyNameLength);
-        dlg->PrepareLC( R_FILE_NAME_QUERY );
-        retval = dlg->RunLD();
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(defaultname);
-        if (!retval) 
-            {
-            // user cancelled renaming
-            operationCancelled = ETrue;
-            }
-         else 
-            {
-            aName = newName;
-            }
-	    }
-	else 
-	    {
-	    // user does not want to rename
-	    operationCancelled = ETrue;
-	    }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(confmess);      
-	return operationCancelled;    
-    }