changeset 13 6b4fc789785b
parent 2 c32dc0be5eb4
--- a/remotestoragefw/webdavaccessplugin/inc/rsfwdavsession.h	Mon Jan 18 21:00:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  WebDAV session
- *
-#include <http/mhttpauthenticationcallback.h>
-#include <xml/parser.h>
-#include "rsfwdavdefs.h"
-class CRsfwDavTransaction;
-class CRsfwDavFileInfo;
-class CRsfwPropFindParser;
-class CRsfwConnectionManager;
-class MRsfwDavResponseObserver;
-class MRsfwConnectionObserver;
-class CRsfwLockQueryParser;
-class CRsfwDirEnt;
- *  Response handler for WebDAV requests
- *
- *  @lib davaccess.lib
- *  @since Series 60 3.1
- */
-class MRsfwDavResponseObserver
-    {
-    /**
-     * Receive a notification of a completed request.
-     * @param aWebDavTransactionId id of the request.
-     */    
-    virtual void RequestCompleteL(TUint aWebDavTransactionId) = 0;
-    /**
-     * Receive a notification of a failed request.
-     * @param aWebDavTransactionId id of the request.
-     */    
-    virtual void RequestError(TUint aWebDavTransactionId, TInt aStatus) = 0;
-    };
- *  WebDAV session
- *
- *  Class created for the interface to  webdav client library
- *  Designed to encapsulate http,xml stuff
- *  Intended for communicating with one server at a time !
- * 
- *  Uses http transport framework: can do SSL, Basic + Digest Auth
- *  Uses symbian xmllib library for parsing
- *
- *  @lib davaccess.lib
- *  @since Series 60 3.1
- */
-class CRsfwDavSession: public CBase,
-                      public MHTTPAuthenticationCallback
-    {
-public: // Constructors and destructor
-    /**
-     * Two-phased constructor.
-     */
-    static CRsfwDavSession*
-    CRsfwDavSession::NewL(MRsfwDavResponseObserver* aWebDavResponseObserver,
-                         MRsfwConnectionObserver* aRsfwConnectionObserver);
-    /**
-     * Destructor.
-     */
-    virtual ~CRsfwDavSession();
-public: // New functions
-    /**
-       @function OpenL
-       @discussion Opens the HTTP session and
-         sets up parameters for the session
-       @param aHost The full URI of the server
-       including the path to the root directory
-       @param aPort The port to connect to there
-       @param aUserName  UserName to be used in Http basic or digest auth there
-       @param aPassword  Password to be used in Http basic or digest auth there
-       @param aAuxData Auxiliary information used for IAP selection
-    */
-    void OpenL(const TDesC& aHost,
-               TInt aPort,
-               const TDesC& aUserName,
-               const TDesC& aPassword,
-               const TDesC& aAuxData);
-    /**
-       @function OptionsL
-       @discussion Runs an OPTIONS command to the passed uri to see if its
-       available and force the authentication to run
-       @return nothing
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* OptionsL();
-    /**
-       @function PropFindL
-       @discussion Runs a PROPFIND command against the current server.
-       Tells the server to only look for name, size related properties
-       @param aPath The path relative to the root which should be used
-       @param aIsDir Indicates whether the path points to a directory or a file
-       @param aDirEnts Directory entry array to be filled
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* PropFindL(const TDesC& aPath,
-                                  TInt aDepth,
-                                  TBool aIsDir,
-                                  RPointerArray<CRsfwDirEnt>& aDirEnts);
-    /**
-       @function GetL
-       @discussion Runs GET command against the server
-       @param aSrcPath The name of the resource to be fetched:
-         expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aDstPath The path of the local file where the data is fetched
-       @param aOffset offset from the start of the file
-       @param aLength data length (can be NULL)
-       @param aFlags operation options (see RemoteAccess.h)
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    // == GET
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* GetL(const TDesC& aSrcPath,
-                             const TDesC& aDstPath,
-                             TInt aOffset,
-                             TInt* aLength,
-                             TUint aFlags);
-    /**
-       @function PutL
-       @discussion Runs PUT command against the server
-       @param aSrcPath The name of the resource to be copied:
-       expects this to be an absolute path
-       @param aDstPath The name of the resource to be created on the server:
-       expected to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aMimeType The MIME-type of the file 
-       @param aOffset offset from the start of the file
-       @param aLength data length (can be NULL)
-       @param aTotalLength The total length, can be 0 if aLength is NULL or 0
-       @param aUseContentRange Whether the server is assumed to support 
-       Content-Range- header
-       @param aLocktoken Possible lock token
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    // == PUT
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* PutL(const TDesC& aSrcPath,
-                             const TDesC& aDstPath,
-                             const TDesC8& aMimeType,
-                             TInt aOffset,
-                             TInt aLength,
-                             TInt aTotalLength,
-                             TBool aUseContentRange,
-                             const TDesC8* aLockToken = NULL);
-    /**
-       @function DeleteL
-       @discussion Runs DELETE command against the server
-       @param aResource The name of the resource to be deleted:
-         expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* DeleteL(const TDesC& aPath, 
-                                TBool aDir,
-                                const TDesC8* aLockToken = NULL);
-    /**
-       @function MkDirL
-       @discussion Runs MKCOL webdav command against the server
-       @param aPath The name of the directory to be made:
-       expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* MkDirL(const TDesC& aPath);   
-    /**
-       @function MoveL
-       @discussion Runs MOVE command against the server
-       @param aOldPath The name of the resource to be renamed:
-       expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aNewPath The new name of the resource
-       to be created on the server:
-       expected to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aOverwrite Specifies
-       whether the server should overwrite a non-null destination resource 
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* MoveL(const TDesC& aOldPath,
-                              const TDesC& aNewPath,
-                              TBool aOverwrite,
-                              const TDesC8* aSrcLockToken,
-                              const TDesC8* aDstLockToken);
-    /**
-       @function LockL
-       @discussion Runs LOCK command against the server
-       @param aPath the resource to be locked:
-       expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aFlags flags
-       @param aTimeout lock timeout in seconds
-       @param aDavFileInfo the location where collected file info should be set
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* LockL(const TDesC& aPath,
-                              TUint aFlags,
-                              TUint aTimeOut,
-                              CRsfwDavFileInfo** aDavFileInfo);
-    /**
-       @function UnlockL
-       @discussion Runs UNLOCK command against the server
-       @param aPath the resource to be locked:
-       expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aLockToken lock token
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* UnlockL(const TDesC& aPath,
-                                const TDesC8* aLockToken);
-    /**
-       @function RefreshLockL
-       @discussion Refreshes a locked resource by using LOCK method
-       @param aPath the resource to be locked:
-       expects this to be the path relative to the root directory
-       @param aTimeout lock timeout in seconds
-       @param aLockToken lock token
-       @param aDavFileInfo the location where collected file info should be set
-       @return pointer to the submitted WebDAV transaction
-    */
-    CRsfwDavTransaction* RefreshLockL(const TDesC& aPath,
-                                     TUint aTimeOut,
-                                     const TDesC8* aLockToken,
-                                     CRsfwDavFileInfo** aDavFileInfo);
-    /**
-       @function Error
-       @return Most recently recieved error code
-    */        
-    TInt Error();
-    /**
-       @function ErrorMsg
-       @return Most recently received error message from server
-    */            
-    const TDesC& ErrorMsg();
-    RHTTPSession& HttpSession();
-    void SetConnected(TBool aConnected);
-    void SetWebDavSupportClass(TInt aWebDavSupportClass);
-    TInt WebDavSupportClass();
-    inline RFs& FileServerSession() {return iFs;};
-    inline const TDesC& RootDirectory() {return iDavRoot;};
-    void WebDavTransactionCompleteL(CRsfwDavTransaction* aWebDavTransaction);
-    void WebDavTransactionError(CRsfwDavTransaction* aWebDavTransaction);
-    void SetPropFindParametersL(RPointerArray<CRsfwDirEnt>* aDirEntArray,
-                               const TDesC& aPropFindPath,
-                               TInt aDepth);  
-    void SetLockQueryParameters(CRsfwDavFileInfo* aDavFileInfo);
-    void ParsePropFindResponseL(const TDesC8& aResponse);
-    void ParseLockResponseL(const TDesC8& aResponse);
-    void PropFindResponseEndL();
-    void LockResponseEndL();  
-    void CancelParsing(TWebDavOp aOp);                               
-public: // Functions from base classes
-    // From MHTTPAuthenticationCallback
-    TBool GetCredentialsL(const TUriC8& aURI,
-                          RString aRealm, 
-                          RStringF aAuthenticationType,
-                          RString& aUserName, 
-                          RString& aPassword);
-    void ConstructL(MRsfwDavResponseObserver* aWebDavResponseObserver,
-                    MRsfwConnectionObserver* aRsfwConnectionObserver);
-    RStringPool StringPool();
-    void Slashify(TDes& aStr);
-    HBufC* BuildPathLC(const TDesC& aRoot,
-                       const TDesC& aPath,
-                       TBool aEndSlash);
-    HBufC* BuildFullPathLC(const TDesC& aPath, TBool aEndSlash);
-    HBufC8* BuildUriLC(const TDesC& aPath,
-                       TBool aEndSlash,
-                       TUriParser8* aUriParser);
-    void SetHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders,
-                    TInt aHdrField,
-                    const TDesC8& aHdrValue);
-    void SetHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders,
-                    const TDesC8& aHdrName,
-                    const TDesC8& aHdrValue);
-    void SetBasicHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, 
-                          const TUriC8& aUri,
-                          TBool aNoProxy);
-    void SetDepthHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aDepth);
-    void SetLockTokenHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, 
-                             const TDesC8* aUri, 
-                             const TDesC8* aLockToken,
-                             TBool aUseTaggedLockToken);
-    TBool IsConnected();
-    TUint NextWebDavTransactionId();
-    HBufC8* EncodeL(const TDesC& aData);
-    void SetupConnectionL();
-private: // Data
-    // information about the connection
-    HBufC8*  iUserName; 
-    HBufC8*  iPassword;
-    TBuf<KMaxServerNameLen>  iHost;
-    TBuf<KMaxPath>           iDavRoot;
-    TBuf<KMaxPath>           iHostRoot;
-    TBuf<KMaxConnParameter>  iAuxData;
-    HBufC8*                  iEncodedHost; // UTF8-encoded host name part
-    MRsfwDavResponseObserver* iWebDavResponseObserver;
-    MRsfwConnectionObserver* iRsfwConnectionObserver;
-    CRsfwPropFindParser*         iPropFindParserImpl;
-    CRsfwLockQueryParser*        iLockQueryParserImpl;
-    Xml::CParser*            iPropFindParser;
-    Xml::CParser*            iLockQueryParser;
-    // whether XML parser should be cancelled if the transaction is cancelled
-    TBool                   iPropfindParsingActive; 
-    TBool        iConnected;    // whether we have a successful TCP session
-    RFs          iFs;
-    TInt         iWebDavSupportClass;
-    TInt         iCredentialRequestCount;
-    TUint        iCurrentWebDavTransactionId;
-    RHTTPSession iHttpSession;
-    CRsfwConnectionManager* iRsfwConnectionManager;
-    };
-// End of File