author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 23:00:11 +0300
changeset 11 3fdbad865a1a
parent 0 3ad9d5175a89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201013

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Global wait notes used in Remote File Engine


#include <e32base.h>
#include <barsc.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include "rsfwwaitnotestatemachine.h"
#include "rsfwauthenticationdlgrequest.h"
#include "rsfwsavetodlgrequest.h"

_LIT(KResourceFile, "Z:\\resource\\remotefileengine.rsc");

class TRsfwAuthenticationDlgRequest;
class TRsfwAuthenticationDlgResponse;
class CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery;


*  CRsfwWaitNoteManager class
*  Wait Note Manager class for Remote File Engine
class CRsfwWaitNoteManager : public CActive                                       
 public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Symbian OS two-phased constructor
        * @return Pointer to this component.
        IMPORT_C static CRsfwWaitNoteManager* NewL();

        * C++ default destructor.
        virtual ~CRsfwWaitNoteManager();


        * C++ default constructor.

        * Symbian OS default constructor.
        void ConstructL();

        void ShowGlobalInformationNoteL(TInt aResourceId);

 public: // New functions

        * Start to display wait note. 
        * Note: A new wait note can only be activated when the previous one is 
        *       dismissed.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aOpType Wait Note operation type.
        TInt StartWaitNoteL( TRemoteOperationType aOpType, 
        					 CRsfwWaitNoteStateMachine*  aOperation );

        * Server or path not found, when connecting 
        void ShowAddressNotFoundErrorL(const TDesC& aFriendlyName);

		void SetAuthenticationDialogL(TRsfwAuthenticationDlgRequest& aAuthRequest);
		void SetGlobalNoteRequestL(TRsfwNotPluginRequest& aRequestStruct);
        void SetSaveToDialogRequestL(TRsfwSaveToDlgRequest& aSaveRequest);

        void ShowFileSavedToDialogL(const TDesC& aValue);
        void ShowFailedSaveNoteL();
        void ShowNoNetworkCoverageNoteL();
        void ShowOfflineNotPossibleNoteL();

        void ShowOutOfMemoryNoteL();
        // inform the wait note manager that no operation is waiting for 
        // it to trigger its state anymore
        void ResetOperation();
        * Cancel wait note.
        * Note: Please make sure the system is still able to handle key press 
        *       events during an operation.
        * @since 3.1
        void CancelWaitNoteL(TInt aNoteId);
private:    // Functions from base classes

        * Handles an active object’s request completion event.
        void RunL();  

    	*Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
		void DoCancel();

    	* Called in case RunL() leaves
        TInt RunError(TInt aError);
private:    // Data

	    // Current operation type
        TRemoteOperationType	iOpType;
         // Operation state
        TRemoteWaitNoteStates	iOpState;
         // sequental id for the curren note
        // this is unique unlike CAknGlobalNote's id
        TInt					iNoteId;
        // standard global confirmation query
        CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* 		iQuery;
         // note Id of the active CAknGlobalNote
        TInt 					iAvkonNoteId;
        // custom global notes server 
        RNotifier iNotifier;
        // IPC parameters struct for authentication dialog
        TRsfwAuthParamsPckg* iAuthRequest;
        // pointer to the mount state machines auth info
        // so that new username and/or passwd can be written
        TRsfwAuthenticationDlgRequest* iAuthCredentials;
        // IPC parameters struct for wait notes and the retry note
        TRsfwRetryParamsPckg *iGlobalNoteRequest;
        // IPC parameters struct for saveto dialog
        TRsfwSaveToParamsPckg* iSaveToRequest;
        // pointer to state machine's save to params
        TRsfwSaveToDlgRequest* iSaveParams;
        // buffer for the disconnect warning note txt
        HBufC*					iNoteTxt;
        // resource file reading
        RResourceFile iResourceFile;
        TResourceReader iResourceReader; 
		CRsfwWaitNoteStateMachine* iOperation;


// End of File