changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 2 6c1a2771f4b7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/cpix/cpix/src/idxdbmgr.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1578 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include "CLucene.h"
+#include "CLucene/queryParser/MultiFieldQueryParser.h"
+#include "cpixtools.h"
+#include "cpixexc.h"
+#include "cpixidxdb.h"
+#include "idxdb.h"
+#include "iidxdb.h"
+#include "multiidxdb.h"
+#include "indevicecfg.h"
+#include "idxdbmgr.h"
+#include "idxdbdelta.h"
+#include "common/cpixlog.h"
+    const char VOLID_PREFIX     = '@';
+    const char VOLID_DELIMITER  = ':';
+    const char DOMSEL_DELIMITER = ',';
+    const char APPHIERARCHY_DELIMITER = ' ';
+    // TODO this is a very suspicious candidate to move to cpixtool lib,
+    // like "cpixbittools.h" or something
+    /**
+     * Produces a bitmask for an integer type that has the highest bit
+     * set. Compile time thingy, does not involve runtime cost.
+     */
+    template<typename INTEGER>
+    struct HighestBit
+    {
+        enum { Value = (1 << (8*sizeof(INTEGER) - 1)) };
+    };
+namespace Cpix
+    /*********************************************
+     *
+     *          IIdxDbInfo implementation
+     *
+     */
+    void IIdxDbInfo::incRefCount()
+    {
+        ++refCount_;
+    }
+    void IIdxDbInfo::decRefCount()
+    {
+        if (refCount_ == 0)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "Decreasing zero refcount");
+            }
+        --refCount_;
+        if (refCount_ == 0)
+            {
+                if (ptr_ != NULL)
+                    {
+                        Impl::cl_auto_ptr<IIdxDb>
+                            tmp(ptr_);
+                        ptr_ = NULL;
+                        // close()-ing and destroying former ptr_ is
+                        // implied by cl_auto_ptr dtor
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    int IIdxDbInfo::refCount() const
+    {
+        return refCount_;
+    }
+    IIdxDb * IIdxDbInfo::ptr() const
+    {
+        return ptr_;
+    }
+    IIdxDb * IIdxDbInfo::getPtrForUse() const
+    {
+        accessed();
+        return ptr_;
+    }
+    void IIdxDbInfo::setPtr(IIdxDb * ptr)
+    {
+        if (ptr_ != NULL)
+            {
+                // at this point the current index is thrown away, any
+                // rambuffers and stuff need not be properly put to
+                // disk - hence brutal close
+                //
+                // NOTE: void brutalClose() throw(); - no-throw
+                ptr_->brutalClose(); 
+                delete ptr_;
+                ptr_ = NULL;
+            }
+        ptr_ = ptr;
+        accessed();
+    }
+    IIdxDb * IIdxDbInfo::release()
+    {
+        IIdxDb
+            * rv = ptr_;
+        ptr_ = NULL;
+        return rv;
+    }
+    /* OBS
+    void IIdxDbInfo::destroy(bool resetRefCount)
+    {
+        setPtr(NULL);
+        if (resetRefCount)
+            {
+                refCount_ = 0;
+            }
+    }
+    */
+    void IIdxDbInfo::restIfIdle(long   nowSec,
+                                size_t maxIdleSec)
+    {
+        if (ptr_ != NULL)
+            {
+                if ((nowSec - lastAccessedSecs_) > maxIdleSec)
+                    {
+                        Impl::CallCloseLogging(*ptr_);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        ptr_->doHousekeeping();
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    IIdxDbInfo::IIdxDbInfo()
+        : refCount_(0),
+          ptr_(NULL),
+          lastAccessedSecs_(0)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    long IIdxDbInfo::lastAccessedSecs() const
+    {
+        return lastAccessedSecs_;
+    }
+    void IIdxDbInfo::dbgDumpState(size_t idx) const
+    {
+        logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                   "    o entry [%d] -> (%s, %d)",
+                   idx,
+                   ptr() == NULL ? "NULL" : "@?",
+                   refCount());
+        logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                   "            (last accessed: %ld)",
+                   lastAccessedSecs());
+        if (ptr() != NULL)
+            {
+                ptr()->dbgDumpState();
+            }
+    }
+    void IIdxDbInfo::accessed() const
+    {
+        lastAccessedSecs_ = Cpt::GetTimeOfDay();
+    }
+    /*********************************************
+     *
+     *          IdxDbMgr implementation
+     *
+     */
+    // IdxDbMgr::IIdxDbToDestroy constructor
+    IdxDbMgr::IIdxDbToDestroy::IIdxDbToDestroy(IIdxDb           * ptr,
+                                               HousekeepCounter   housekeepCounter)
+        : ptr_(ptr),
+          housekeepCounter_(housekeepCounter)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    // IdxDbMgr proper
+    void IdxDbMgr::init(InitParams & ip)    {
+        if (instance_ == NULL)
+            {
+                instance_ = new IdxDbMgr(ip);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "Re-initing (IdxDbMgr singleton)");
+            }
+    }
+    IdxDbMgr * IdxDbMgr::instance()
+    {
+        return instance_;
+    }
+    bool isEmpty(std::vector<IIdxDbInfo> & idxDbs)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        vector<IIdxDbInfo>::iterator
+            found = find_if(idxDbs.begin(),
+                            idxDbs.end(),
+                            compose1(bind2nd(not_equal_to<int>(),
+                                             0),
+                                     mem_fun_ref(&IIdxDbInfo::refCount)));
+        return found == idxDbs.end();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::scrapAll()
+    {
+        using namespace Cpix;
+        IdxDbMgr
+            * mgr = instance();
+        mgr->deleteAllScheduledIdxDbs();
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mgr->mutex_);
+        // checking if IIdxDb instances are still in use (they should not be)
+        if (!isEmpty(mgr->idxDbs_))
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Indexes are still in use");
+            }
+        else if (!isEmpty(mgr->multiIdxDbs_))
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("(Multi) indexes are still in use");
+            }
+        int
+            result = unlink(mgr->regFilePath_.c_str());
+        if (result != 0)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Could not delete CPix reg file %s",
+                              mgr->regFilePath_.c_str());
+            }
+        mgr->idxDbs_.clear();
+        mgr->multiIdxDbs_.clear();
+        mgr->qbacs_.clear();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::shutdownAll()
+    {
+        delete instance_;
+        instance_ = NULL;
+    }
+    IdxDbHndl IdxDbMgr::create(const char   * qualBaseAppClass)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using namespace Cpix;
+        IdxDbHndl
+            rv = 0;
+        string
+            qbac(qualBaseAppClass);
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::iterator
+            qbacIt = qbacs_.find(qbac);
+        if (qbacIt == qbacs_.end())
+            {
+                // qbacIt should point to a meaningful entry, as a
+                // previously called defineVolume should either throw
+                // or make sure that the association exists
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "unknown qbac '%s'",
+                              qualBaseAppClass);
+            }
+        PathAndHndl
+            pathAndHndl = qbacIt->second;
+        // Any previous instance is to be thrown away
+        rv = pathAndHndl.second;
+        // we are re-creating the index without its refCount_ reset ...
+        createIdxDbInstance(rv,
+                            pathAndHndl.first.c_str(),
+                            true, // re-create
+                            qbac.c_str());
+        idxDbs_[rv].incRefCount(); // ... we just increment it
+        return rv;
+    }
+    bool IdxDbMgr::isQualBaseAppClass(const char * domainSelector)
+    {
+        if (domainSelector == NULL
+            || strlen(domainSelector) == 0)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("NULL or empty domain selector '%s'",
+                              domainSelector);
+            }
+        bool
+            rv = false;
+        if (domainSelector[0] == VOLID_PREFIX)
+            {
+                const char
+                    * delimiter = strchr(domainSelector,
+                                         VOLID_DELIMITER);
+                if (delimiter == NULL
+                    || (delimiter - domainSelector) == strlen(domainSelector))
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC("Garbled domain selector '%s'",
+                                      domainSelector);
+                    }
+                rv = strchr(domainSelector, DOMSEL_DELIMITER) == NULL;
+            }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    // see comments for match().
+    bool IdxDbMgr::matchAppClass(const char * appClass,
+                                 const char * baseAppClass)
+    {
+        bool
+            rv = false;
+        if (strlen(appClass) == 0)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Emptry string for app class");
+            }
+        if (appClass[0] != VOLID_PREFIX 
+            && baseAppClass[0] == VOLID_PREFIX)
+            {
+                // base app class is qualified, we will find the unq part
+                baseAppClass = getBaseAppClassPart(baseAppClass);
+            }
+        rv = Cpt::issubstroforequal(appClass,
+                                    baseAppClass);
+        return rv;
+    }
+    //
+    //  Things that should match
+    //
+    //  DOMAIN SELECTOR                   | BASE APP CLASS
+    //  (what a searcher asks for)        | (what you have as physical index)
+    //  ----------------------------------+----------------------------------
+    //
+    //
+    //    (multiple volumes use case)
+    //
+    //  "root file"                         "@c:root file"
+    //  "root file"                         "@d:root file"
+    //  "@c:root file"                      "@c:root file"
+    //  "@d:root file"                      "@d:root file"
+    //
+    //
+    //    (generic/widening search use case)
+    //
+    //  "root"                              "@c:root file"
+    //  "root"                              "@d:root file"
+    //  "root"                              "@0:root msg phone sms"
+    //  "root msg"                          "@0:root msg phone sms"
+    //  "@c:root"                           "@c:root file"
+    //  "@d:root"                           "@d:root file"
+    //
+    //
+    //    (selecting arbitrary indexes use case)
+    //
+    //  "@FIN:root maps,@GBR:root maps"     "@FIN:root maps"
+    //  "@FIN:root maps,@GBR:root maps"     "@GBR:root maps"
+    //  "root file,root msg phone sms"      "@c:root file"
+    //  "root file,root msg phone sms"      "@d:root file"
+    //  "root file,root msg phone sms"      "@0:root msg phone sms"
+    //  "@c:root file,root msg phone sms"   "@c:root file"
+    //  "@c:root file,root msg phone sms"   "@0:root msg phone sms"
+    //
+    //
+    //  Things that should NEVER match
+    //
+    //  "root file"                         "@0:root msg phone sms"
+    //  "@c:root file"                      "@0:root msg phone sms"
+    //  "root file"                         "@FIN:root maps"
+    //  "@c:root file"                      "@FIN:root maps"
+    //
+    //
+    //  TODO ??? UNIMPLEMENTED USE CASE: narrowing searches
+    //
+    //  "root file media"                   "@c:root file"  (TODO)
+    //  "root file media"                   "@d:root file"  (TODO)
+    //  "@c:root file media"                "@c:root file"  (TODO)
+    //  "@d:root file media"                "@d:root file"  (TODO)
+    //
+    //    ... and in these cases search/suggest needs to implement the
+    //  extra clause of " AND _appclass:"root file media".
+    //
+    bool IdxDbMgr::match(const char * domainSelector,
+                         const char * baseAppClass)
+    {
+        bool
+            rv = false;
+        if (domainSelector == NULL)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("NULL string for domain selector");
+            }
+        else if (strlen(domainSelector) == 0)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(L"Emptry string for domain selector");
+            }
+        using namespace std;
+        list<string>
+            appClasses;
+        static const char domainSelectorDelimiter[] = { DOMSEL_DELIMITER, 0};
+        Cpt::splitstring(domainSelector,
+                         domainSelectorDelimiter,
+                         appClasses);
+        list<string>::const_iterator
+            i = appClasses.begin(),
+            end = appClasses.end();
+        for (; i != end && !rv; ++i)
+            {
+                rv = matchAppClass(i->c_str(),
+                                   baseAppClass);
+            }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    Version IdxDbMgr::getNextVersion()
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        Version
+            rv = version_;
+        ++version_;
+        return rv;
+    }
+    IdxDbHndl IdxDbMgr::getHndl(const char * domainSelector,
+                                bool         allowMultiSearch)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using namespace Cpix;
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        if (qbacs_.empty())
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Unregistered qual base app class '%s' (empty registry).",
+                              domainSelector);
+            }
+        IdxDbHndl
+            rv = 0;
+        if (!isQualBaseAppClass(domainSelector) && allowMultiSearch)
+            {
+                // multi search case: when it is allowed (coming
+                // through cpix_IdxSearch API object) and the base app
+                // class is unqalified.
+                rv = createMultiIdxDbHndl(domainSelector);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                // normal case: when not allowing multi search (coming
+                // through cpix_IdxDb API object) or when qualified
+                // with volume id even if multi search is allowed
+                // (coming through cpix_IdxSearcher API object)
+                string
+                    qbac(domainSelector);
+                map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::iterator
+                    qbacIt = qbacs_.find(qbac);
+                if (qbacIt == qbacs_.end())
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC("Unregistered qual base app class '%s'",
+                                      domainSelector);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        PathAndHndl
+                            pathAndHndl = qbacIt->second;
+                        rv = pathAndHndl.second;
+                        incIdxDbRefCount(rv);
+                    }
+            }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    Cpix::IIdxDb * IdxDbMgr::get(IdxDbHndl handle)
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        checkHndlSanity(handle,
+                        false); // TODO is the 2nd parameter to checkHndlSanity needed?
+        std::vector<IIdxDbInfo>
+            & idxDbs(isMultiIdxDbHndl(handle) ? multiIdxDbs_ : idxDbs_);
+        handle &= ~HighestBit<IdxDbHndl>::Value;
+        if (idxDbs[handle].ptr() == NULL)
+            {
+                if (idxDbs[handle].refCount() == 0)
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC("Accessing closed index.");
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        // TODO CHECK : what guarantees that idxDbs is
+                        // idxDbs_ and not multiIdxDbs_ ? That
+                        // MultiIdxDb instances are destroyed
+                        // (null-ed) only when they are completely
+                        // released?
+                        if (&idxDbs != &idxDbs_)
+                            {
+                                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "NULL but non-zero refcount multiidxdb handle");
+                            }
+                        createIdxDbInstance(handle,
+                                            false); // don't recreate
+                    }
+            }
+        return idxDbs[handle].getPtrForUse();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::incRefHndl(IdxDbHndl handle)
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        checkHndlSanity(handle,
+                        false);
+        std::vector<IIdxDbInfo>
+            & idxDbs(isMultiIdxDbHndl(handle) ? multiIdxDbs_ : idxDbs_);
+        handle &= ~HighestBit<IdxDbHndl>::Value;
+        idxDbs[handle].incRefCount();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::releaseHndl(IdxDbHndl handle)
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        checkHndlSanity(handle,
+                        false);
+        std::vector<IIdxDbInfo>
+            & idxDbs(isMultiIdxDbHndl(handle) ? multiIdxDbs_ : idxDbs_);
+        handle &= ~HighestBit<IdxDbHndl>::Value;
+        idxDbs[handle].decRefCount();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::defineVolume(const char * qualBaseAppClass,
+                                const char * indexDbPath)
+    {
+        if (!isQualBaseAppClass(qualBaseAppClass))
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Not a qualified base app class '%s'",
+                              qualBaseAppClass);
+            }
+        string
+            qbac(qualBaseAppClass),
+            idp;
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        if (indexDbPath == NULL || *indexDbPath == 0)
+            {
+                idp = getAutomaticIdxDbPath(qualBaseAppClass);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                idp = indexDbPath;
+            }
+        map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::iterator
+            qbacIt = qbacs_.find(qbac);
+        if (qbacIt != qbacs_.end())
+            {
+                if (qbacIt->second.first == idp)
+                    {
+                        // already defined with same path - nothing to do
+                        return;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC("Volume (qbac %s) already defined with different path",
+                                      qbac.c_str());
+                    }
+            }
+        sanityCheck(qbac,
+                    idp,
+                    NULL); // throw if problem found
+        InitFileSystem(idp.c_str(),
+                       false);
+        qbacIt = qbacs_.find(qbac);
+        if (qbacIt == qbacs_.end())
+            {
+                idxDbs_.push_back(IIdxDbInfo());
+                size_t
+                    newHandle = idxDbs_.size() - 1;
+                qbacs_[qbac] = PathAndHndl(idp.c_str(),
+                                           newHandle);
+                storeReg();
+                std::vector<IIdxDbInfo>::iterator
+                    i = multiIdxDbs_.begin(),
+                    end = multiIdxDbs_.end();
+                for (; i!= end; ++i)
+                    {
+                        if (i->ptr() != NULL)
+                            {
+                                MultiIdxDb
+                                    * m = dynamic_cast<MultiIdxDb*>(i->ptr());
+                                m->suggestHndl(newHandle,
+                                               qualBaseAppClass);
+                            }
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::undefineVolume(const char * qualBaseAppClass)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using namespace Cpix;
+        IdxDbHndl
+            hndl = 0;
+        string
+            qbac(qualBaseAppClass);
+        IIdxDb
+            * toDestroy = NULL;
+        { // SYNC
+            Cpt::SyncRegion
+                sr(mutex_);
+            map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::iterator
+                qbacIt = qbacs_.find(qbac);
+            // it's okay if the base app class does not exist
+            if (qbacIt != qbacs_.end())
+                {
+                    PathAndHndl
+                        pathAndHndl = qbacIt->second;
+                    // Any previous instance is to be thrown away
+                    hndl = pathAndHndl.second;
+                    qbacs_.erase(qbacIt);
+                    // At this point, the handle cannot be looked up
+                    // by its qbac. Also, if the ptr associated with
+                    // the handle is NULL, it cannot be
+                    // re-instantiated, because qbac/path information
+                    // has been deleted
+                    storeReg();
+                    vector<IIdxDbInfo>::iterator
+                        i = multiIdxDbs_.begin(),
+                        end = multiIdxDbs_.end();
+                    for (; i != end; ++i)
+                        {
+                            if (i->ptr() != NULL)
+                                {
+                                    MultiIdxDb
+                                        * m = dynamic_cast<MultiIdxDb*>(i->ptr());
+                                    bool
+                                        used = m->removeHndl(hndl);
+                                    if (used)
+                                        {
+                                            idxDbs_[hndl].decRefCount();
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        }
+                    // At this point, all multiidx-es have lost their
+                    // reference to the index in question
+                    //
+                    // At worst, there may be some search / index
+                    // operations still ongoing using the current
+                    // IIdxDb instance
+                    //
+                    // We have to store the potential pointer value
+                    // because now IdxDbMgr / IIdxDbInfo structures do
+                    // not own it anymore
+                    toDestroy = idxDbs_[hndl].release();
+                }
+        } // SYNC
+        if (toDestroy != NULL)
+            {
+                if (idxDbs_[hndl].refCount() == 0)
+                    {
+                        delete toDestroy;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        // we can't delete it now, there may be some active
+                        // jobs using it
+                        scheduleForDeletion(toDestroy);
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::doHousekeepingOnAll()
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        long
+            now = Cpt::GetTimeOfDay();
+        vector<IIdxDbInfo>::size_type
+            count;
+        { // SYNC
+            Cpt::SyncRegion
+                sr(mutex_);
+            count = idxDbs_.size();
+        } // SYNC
+        // We don't want the mutex held while we are calling
+        // restIfIdle, as they may result in file i/o. We just check
+        // the size of idxDbs_, and that gives us the possible handle
+        // range: [0, size-of-idxDbs).
+        //
+        // Some of these handles are invalid (undefined), that's ok.
+        //
+        // Note, that this here should not overindex the vector as
+        // long as there is no operation where the idxDbs_ vector is
+        // decreased. Currently, there is no such operation, except
+        // the dbg-scrapAll(), which is invoked only from debug code
+        // and only when all handles have been released. So once
+        // idxDbs_ reaches a size, it can't get smaller.
+        for (vector<IIdxDbInfo>::size_type handle = 0; 
+             handle < count; 
+             ++handle)
+            {
+                idxDbs_[handle].restIfIdle(now,
+                                           maxIdleSec_);
+            }
+        deleteSomeScheduledIdxDbs();
+        ++housekeepCounter_;
+    }
+    IdxDbMgr::IdxDbMgr(InitParams & ip)
+        : cpixDir_(ip.getCpixDir()),
+          regFilePath_(ip.getCpixDir()),
+          maxIdleSec_(ip.getMaxIdleSec()),
+          mutex_(true), // recursive
+          version_(0),
+          initParams_(ip),
+          housekeepCounter_(0)
+    {
+        regFilePath_ += "cpixreg.txt";
+        // TODO this should be removed at some point - now it is only
+        // here to have the indexes and the cpixreg.txt file in the
+        // legacy locations even with this new logic
+        cpixDir_ += "indexing\\indexdb";
+        loadReg();
+    }
+    void destroyIdxDbs(std::vector<IIdxDbInfo> & idxDbs)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        vector<Cpix::IIdxDbInfo>::iterator
+            i = idxDbs.begin(),
+            end = idxDbs.end();
+        for (; i != end; ++i)
+            {
+                if (i->ptr() != NULL)
+                    {
+                        Impl::cl_auto_ptr<IIdxDb>
+                            tmp(i->ptr());
+                        // close()-ing and destroying the IIdxDb
+                        // instance is implied by cl_auto_ptr dtor
+                    }
+            }
+        idxDbs.clear();
+    }
+    IdxDbMgr::~IdxDbMgr()
+    {
+        destroyIdxDbs(multiIdxDbs_);
+        destroyIdxDbs(idxDbs_);
+        deleteAllScheduledIdxDbs();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::sanityCheck(const std::string & baseAppClass,
+                               const std::string & idxDbPath,
+                               bool              * succeeded)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        string
+            msg;
+        map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::const_iterator
+            i = qbacs_.begin(),
+            end = qbacs_.end();
+        for (; i != end; ++i)
+            {
+                if (i->second.first == idxDbPath
+                    && i->first != baseAppClass)
+                    {
+                        // (1) We don't allow multiple
+                        // baseAppClass-es pointing to the same
+                        // physical path
+                        msg = "Both ";
+                        msg += i->first;
+                        msg += " and ";
+                        msg += baseAppClass;
+                        msg += " point to the same phyisical idx db path ";
+                        msg += idxDbPath;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                else if (i->first == baseAppClass
+                         && i->second.first != idxDbPath)
+                    {
+                        // (2) We don't allow the same
+                        // baseAppClass to have multiple physical
+                        // paths associated.
+                        msg = "A base app class ";
+                        msg += baseAppClass;
+                        msg += " cannot have multiple index db paths.";
+                        break;
+                    }
+            }
+        if (succeeded == NULL)
+            {
+                if (msg.length() > 0)
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC(msg.c_str());
+                    }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                if (msg.length() > 0)
+                    {
+                        *succeeded = false;
+                        logMsg(CPIX_LL_ERROR,
+                               msg.c_str());
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        *succeeded = true;
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::InitFileSystem(const char * path,
+                                  bool         recreate)
+    {
+        // making sure that the directory exists
+        if (!Cpt::directoryexists(path))
+            {
+                int
+                    result = Cpt::mkdirs(path, 0777);
+                if (result == -1)
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC("Could not create folder(s): '%s'",
+                                      path);
+                    }
+            }
+        // if only opening, ...
+        if (!recreate)
+            {
+                try
+                    {
+                        // ... then we just try to open the physical
+                        // index ...
+                        OpenFsIdx(path);
+                    }
+                catch (LuceneError & clErr)
+                    {
+                        // ... and if it failed, we must re-create it
+                        recreate = true;
+                    }
+            }
+        // if creating or re-creating
+        if (recreate)
+            {
+                RecreateFsCpixIdx(path);
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::createIdxDbInstance(IdxDbHndl    handle,
+                                       const char * path,
+                                       bool         recreate,
+                                       const char * qualBaseAppClass)
+    {
+        try
+            {
+                if (idxDbs_[handle].ptr() == NULL)
+                    {
+                        // there is no instance in use, create one
+                        InitFileSystem(path,
+                                       recreate);
+                        IIdxDb
+                            * idx = new IdxDb(path,
+                                              initParams_);
+                        idxDbs_[handle].setPtr(idx);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        // there is an instance already, we can't
+                        // destroy/recreate it without the danger of
+                        // crashing another thread still working on
+                        // that object
+                        if (recreate)
+                            {
+                                idxDbs_[handle].ptr()->recreateIdx();
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                                ; // nothing to do - we already have
+                                  // the instance and it's index does
+                                  // not need to be reset
+                            }
+                    }
+            }
+        catch (...)
+            {
+                logMsg(CPIX_LL_WARNING,
+                       "Unable to load index for %s from %s, deleting from CPix registry.",
+                       qualBaseAppClass,
+                       path);
+                // getting rid of stale stuff
+                qbacs_.erase(qualBaseAppClass);
+                storeReg();
+                throw;
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::createIdxDbInstance(IdxDbHndl    handle,
+                                       bool         recreate)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::iterator
+            i = qbacs_.begin(),
+            end = qbacs_.end();
+        for (; i != end && i->second.second != handle; ++i)
+            ;
+        if (i == end)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "Handle %d does not correspond to existing qbac",
+                              handle);
+            }
+        const char
+            * qbac = i->first.c_str(),
+            * path = i->second.first.c_str();
+        createIdxDbInstance(handle,
+                            path,
+                            recreate,
+                            qbac);
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::loadReg()
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        bool
+            succeeded = false;
+        // format: <base application type>=<index database path>
+        // e.g. "root file usrdoc text=c:/this/and/that/path"
+        ifstream
+            reg(regFilePath_.c_str());
+        if (reg.is_open())
+            {
+                string line; 
+                succeeded = true;
+                while (getline(reg, line))
+                    {
+                        size_t
+                            delimiterPos = line.find_first_of(delimiter_);
+                        if (delimiterPos == line.npos)
+                            {
+                                logMsg(CPIX_LL_ERROR,
+                                       "Garbled idx db config");
+                                succeeded = false;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        string
+                            baseAppClass(line.substr(0,
+                                                     delimiterPos)),
+                            idxDbPath(line.substr(delimiterPos + 1));
+                        sanityCheck(baseAppClass,
+                                    idxDbPath,
+                                    &succeeded); // warn, and report back only
+                        if (!succeeded)
+                            {
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        idxDbs_.push_back(IIdxDbInfo());
+                        PathAndHndl
+                            pathAndHndl(idxDbPath,
+                                        idxDbs_.size() - 1);
+                        qbacs_[baseAppClass] = pathAndHndl;
+                    }
+                reg.close(); 
+            }
+        if (!succeeded)
+            {
+                logMsg(CPIX_LL_WARNING,
+                       "Could not read CPix registry %s, (re-)creating it.\n",
+                       regFilePath_.c_str());
+                remove(regFilePath_.c_str());
+                // this call is made here only to check that we can
+                // create the file, otherwise we should fail at this
+                // point
+                storeReg();
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::storeReg()
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        ofstream
+            reg(regFilePath_.c_str());
+        if (reg.is_open())
+            {
+                map<string,PathAndHndl>::iterator
+                    i = qbacs_.begin(),
+                    end = qbacs_.end();
+                for (; i != end; ++i)
+                    {
+                        const string
+                            & baseAppClass = i->first;
+                        const string
+                            & idxDbPath = i->second.first;
+                        reg 
+                            << baseAppClass
+                            << delimiter_
+                            << idxDbPath
+                            << endl;
+                    }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Cannot open idx db config file '%s'",
+                              regFilePath_.c_str());
+            }
+    }
+    std::string IdxDbMgr::getAutomaticIdxDbPath(const char * qualBaseAppClass)
+    {
+        std::string
+            rv(cpixDir_);
+        const char
+            * ptr = getBaseAppClassPart(qualBaseAppClass);
+        while (ptr != NULL && *ptr != 0)
+            {
+                const char
+                    * end = strchr(ptr,
+                                   APPHIERARCHY_DELIMITER);
+                size_t
+                    wordSize = (end == NULL) ? strlen(ptr) : end - ptr;
+                rv += '\\';
+                rv += std::string(ptr,
+                                  wordSize);
+                ptr = end;
+                if (ptr != NULL)
+                    {
+                        ++ptr;
+                    }
+            }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    const char * IdxDbMgr::getBaseAppClassPart(const char * qualBaseAppClass)
+    {
+        const char
+            * delimiter = strchr(qualBaseAppClass,
+                                 VOLID_DELIMITER);
+        if (delimiter == NULL
+            || (delimiter - qualBaseAppClass) == strlen(qualBaseAppClass))
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC("Garbled qualified base app class '%s'",
+                              qualBaseAppClass);
+            }
+        return delimiter + 1;
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::incIdxDbRefCount(IdxDbHndl    handle)
+    {
+        idxDbs_[handle].incRefCount();
+    }
+    IdxDbHndl IdxDbMgr::createMultiIdxDbHndl(const char * domainSelector)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        IdxDbHndl
+            rv = 0;
+        vector<IIdxDbInfo>::iterator
+            firstEmpty = find_if(multiIdxDbs_.begin(),
+                                 multiIdxDbs_.end(),
+                                 compose1(bind2nd(equal_to<IIdxDb*>(),
+                                                  NULL),
+                                          mem_fun_ref(&IIdxDbInfo::ptr)));
+        if (firstEmpty == multiIdxDbs_.end())
+            {
+                firstEmpty = multiIdxDbs_.insert(multiIdxDbs_.end(),
+                                                 IIdxDbInfo());
+            }
+        rv = firstEmpty - multiIdxDbs_.begin();
+        set<IdxDbHndl>
+            matchedHandles;
+        map<QualBaseAppClass, PathAndHndl>::iterator
+            i = qbacs_.begin(),
+            end = qbacs_.end();
+        for (; i != end; ++i)
+            {
+                if (match(domainSelector, i->first.c_str()))
+                    {
+                        matchedHandles.insert(i->second.second);
+                        incIdxDbRefCount(i->second.second);
+                    }
+            }
+        MultiIdxDb 
+            * multi = new MultiIdxDb(matchedHandles,
+                                     domainSelector);
+        *firstEmpty = IIdxDbInfo();
+        firstEmpty->setPtr(multi);
+        firstEmpty->incRefCount();
+        // this is how we mark that this handle is a multi idx db handle
+        rv |= (IdxDbHndl)HighestBit<IdxDbHndl>::Value;
+        return rv;
+    }
+    bool IdxDbMgr::isMultiIdxDbHndl(IdxDbHndl handle)
+    {
+        const IdxDbHndl
+            mask = (IdxDbHndl)HighestBit<IdxDbHndl>::Value;
+        return (handle & mask) != 0;
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::checkHndlSanity(IdxDbHndl handle,
+                                   bool      allowUndefinedIdxDb)
+    {
+        bool
+            isMulti = isMultiIdxDbHndl(handle); 
+        std::vector<IIdxDbInfo>
+            & idxDbs(isMulti ? multiIdxDbs_ : idxDbs_);
+        handle &= ~HighestBit<IdxDbHndl>::Value;
+        if (handle > idxDbs.size())
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "Invalid idxdb handle %d",
+                              handle);
+            }
+        if (idxDbs[handle].ptr() == NULL)
+            {
+                if (isMulti)
+                    {
+                        THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "MultiIdxDb instance is NULL for handle '%d'",
+                                      handle);
+                    }
+                else if (!allowUndefinedIdxDb)
+                    {
+                        /* TODO check if this should be allowed to throw
+                           THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "IdxDb instance is NULL for handle '%d'",
+                           handle);
+                        */
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::dbgDumpState()
+    {
+        logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                   "DUMPING IdxDbMgr singleton instance: BEGIN");
+        logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                   "  o cpixDir_: %s",
+                   cpixDir_.c_str());
+        logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                   "  o regFilePath_: %s",
+                   regFilePath_.c_str());
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        {
+            logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                       "  o qbacs_:");
+            std::map<QualBaseAppClass,PathAndHndl>::iterator
+                i = qbacs_.begin(),
+                end = qbacs_.end();
+            for (; i != end; ++i)
+                {
+                    logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                               "    o  entry: [%s] -> (%s, %d)",
+                               i->first.c_str(),
+                               i->second.first.c_str(),
+                               i->second.second);
+                }
+        }
+        {
+            std::vector<IIdxDbInfo>::iterator
+                i = idxDbs_.begin(),
+                end = idxDbs_.end();
+            size_t
+                idx = 0;
+            logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                       "  o idxDb_:");
+            for (; i != end; ++i)
+                {
+                    i->dbgDumpState(idx);
+                    ++idx;
+                }
+            i = multiIdxDbs_.begin(),
+                end = multiIdxDbs_.end();
+            idx = 0;
+            logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                       "  o multiIdxDb_:");
+            for (; i != end; ++i)
+                {
+                    i->dbgDumpState(idx);
+                    ++idx;
+                }
+        }
+        logTestMsg(CPIX_LL_TRACE,
+                   "DUMPING IdxDbMgr singleton instance: END.",
+                   reinterpret_cast<long>(this));
+    }
+    size_t IdxDbMgr::getClHitsPageSize() const
+    {
+        return initParams_.getClHitsPageSize();
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::RecreateFsClIdx(const char * cluceneDir)
+    {
+        using namespace lucene::index;
+        Impl::cl_auto_ptr<IndexWriter>
+            tmpIdxWriter(new IndexWriter(cluceneDir,
+                                         NULL, // &dummyAnalyzer,
+                                         true, // create
+                                         true));
+        // close()-ing tmpIdxWriter is implied by cl_auto_ptr dtor
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::OpenFsIdx(const char * cpixDir)
+    {
+        using namespace lucene::index;
+        using namespace lucene::analysis;
+        Cpix::Impl::cl_auto_ptr<IndexReader>
+            dummyReader(NULL);
+        Cpix::Impl::CpixPaths
+            paths(cpixDir);
+        dummyReader.reset(IndexReader::open(paths.curDir_->c_str()));
+        // close()-ing dummyReader is implied by cl_auto_ptr dtor
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::RecreateFsCpixIdx(const char * cpixDir)
+    {
+        Cpt::removeunder(cpixDir);
+        using namespace lucene::index;
+        using namespace lucene::analysis;
+        const char
+            * cluceneDir = cpixDir;
+        // old machinery: cpix dir and clucene dir ARE the same
+        // new machinery: cpix dir and clucene dir are NOT the same thing
+        Cpix::Impl::CpixPaths
+            paths(cpixDir);
+        cluceneDir = paths.curDir_->c_str();
+        Cpix::IdxDbMgr::RecreateFsClIdx(cluceneDir);
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::scheduleForDeletion(IIdxDb * toDestroy)
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        idxDbsToDestroy_.push_back(IIdxDbToDestroy(toDestroy,
+                                                   housekeepCounter_));
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::deleteAllScheduledIdxDbs()
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        std::list<IIdxDbToDestroy>::iterator
+            i = idxDbsToDestroy_.begin(),
+            end = idxDbsToDestroy_.end();
+        for (; i != end; ++i)
+            {
+                delete i->ptr_;
+            }
+    }
+    void IdxDbMgr::deleteSomeScheduledIdxDbs()
+    {
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(mutex_);
+        while (!idxDbsToDestroy_.empty())
+            {
+                IIdxDbToDestroy
+                    tmp = idxDbsToDestroy_.front();
+                if (tmp.housekeepCounter_ + DISCARD_SAFETY_PERIOD 
+                    < housekeepCounter_)
+                    {
+                        // after tmp.ptr_ has been scheduled for
+                        // destruction by undefineVolume, we have
+                        // completed DISCARD_SAFETY_PERIOD number of
+                        // housekeep rounds, so we can be confident
+                        // that no active jobs use tmp.ptr_ anymore
+                        tmp.ptr_->brutalClose();
+                        delete tmp.ptr_;
+                        idxDbsToDestroy_.pop_front();
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        // idxDbsToDestroy_ is used as a queue (added
+                        // to at the end, taken from at the front),
+                        // therefore if a scheduled pointer is not
+                        // ready for desstruction, the ones added
+                        // later won't be ready either at this point
+                        break;
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    //
+    // This is for single threaded use only
+    //
+    IdxDbMgr *  IdxDbMgr::instance_  = NULL;
+    const char  IdxDbMgr::delimiter_ = '=';