changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 3 ae3f1779f6da
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/cpix/tsrc/cpixunittest/src/geotests.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "cpixtools.h"
+#include "itk.h"
+#include "cpixidxdb.h"
+#include "cpixsearch.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "testutils.h"
+#include "setupsentry.h"
+#define VATTUNIEMENRANTA_2_GPS L"60.154023,24.887724"
+struct GpsLocation
+    char                    gpsLatitudeRef_;
+    Cpt::ExifGpsCoord       gpsLatitude_;
+    char                    gpsLongitudeRef_;
+    Cpt::ExifGpsCoord       gpsLongitude_;
+const GpsLocation GPSLOC_DATA[] = {
+    {
+        Cpt::QNr::NORTH, 
+        Cpt::ExifGpsCoord(Cpt::ExifRational(60,1),
+                          Cpt::ExifRational(9,1),
+                          Cpt::ExifRational(3529,100)),
+        Cpt::QNr::EAST,
+        Cpt::ExifGpsCoord(Cpt::ExifRational(24,1),
+                          Cpt::ExifRational(53,1),
+                          Cpt::ExifRational(2508,100)),
+    },
+class JpgFileIdxUtil : public FileIdxUtil
+    virtual ~JpgFileIdxUtil() throw ()
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    virtual void printHit(cpix_Document * doc,
+                          Itk::TestMgr   * testMgr)
+    {
+        cpix_DocFieldEnum
+            * dfe = cpix_Document_fields(doc);
+        if (cpix_Succeeded(doc))
+            {
+                cpix_Field
+                    field;
+                printf("DOCUMENT:\n");
+                while (cpix_DocFieldEnum_hasMore(dfe))
+                    {
+                        cpix_DocFieldEnum_next(dfe,
+                                               &field);
+                        const wchar_t
+                            * name = cpix_Field_name(&field);
+                        ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                                   cpix_Succeeded(&field),
+                                   "Getting field name failed");
+                        printf(" o %S: ",
+                               name);
+                        bool
+                            binary = 
+                            static_cast<bool>(cpix_Field_isBinary(&field));
+                        /* OBS
+                        printf("%S\n",
+                               (binary ? 
+                                L"(binary)" 
+                                : cpix_Field_stringValue(&field)
+                                )
+                               );
+                        */
+                        if (binary)
+                            {
+                                printf("(binary)\n");
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                                const wchar_t
+                                    * val = cpix_Field_stringValue(&field);
+                                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                                           cpix_Succeeded(&field),
+                                           "Getting field value failed");
+                                bool
+                                    docuid = wcscmp(LCPIX_DOCUID_FIELD,
+                                                    name) == 0;
+                                if (docuid)
+                                    {
+                                        // docuid is the path that may
+                                        // differ in its drive letter
+                                        // in emulator and in target
+                                        printf("!%S\n",
+                                               (wcslen(val) > 0 ? val+1 : val));
+                                    }
+                                else
+                                    {
+                                        printf("%S\n",
+                                               val);
+                                    }
+                            }
+                    }
+                cpix_DocFieldEnum_destroy(dfe);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Could not get doc enum field");
+            }
+    }
+class GeoContext : public Itk::ITestContext, public Cpt::IFileVisitor
+    //
+    // protected members
+    //
+    JpgFileIdxUtil       * util_;
+    cpix_Analyzer        * analyzer_;
+    cpix_QueryParser     * queryParser_;
+    cpix_Query           * query_;
+    Itk::TestMgr   * testMgr_;
+    //
+    // From ITestContext
+    //
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        cpix_IdxDb_dbgScrapAll(&result);
+        if (cpix_Failed(&result))
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not scrap all");
+            }
+        util_ = new JpgFileIdxUtil;
+        util_->init();
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                               QNR_FIELD,
+                                               analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~GeoContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // from Cpt::IFileVisitor
+    //
+    virtual bool visitFile(const char * path)
+    {
+        bool
+            goOn = true;
+        const char
+            * extensionChar = path + strlen(path) - 1;
+        while (extensionChar >= path && *extensionChar != '.')
+            {
+                --extensionChar;
+            }
+        if (strcmp(".jpg", extensionChar) == 0)
+            {
+                util_->indexFile(path,
+                                 analyzer_,
+                                 testMgr_);
+            }
+        return goOn;
+    }
+    virtual DirVisitResult visitDirPre(const char * /*path*/)
+    {
+        return IFV_CONTINUE;
+    }
+    virtual bool visitDirPost(const char * /*path*/)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    //
+    // public operations
+    //
+    GeoContext()
+        : util_(NULL),
+          analyzer_(NULL),
+          queryParser_(NULL),
+          query_(NULL),
+          testMgr_(NULL)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    //
+    // test methods
+    // 
+    void testHarvestJpg(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testMgr_ = testMgr;
+        Cpt::traverse(JPG_TEST_CORPUS_PATH,
+                      this);
+        util_->flush();
+    }
+    void testSearchJpg(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testMgr_ = testMgr;
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = search(GPSLOC_DATA,
+                            sizeof(GPSLOC_DATA) / sizeof(GpsLocation),
+                            NULL,
+                            4.0, 
+                            10);
+        cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);
+    }
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        delete util_;
+        util_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * This function is the sample code for any client performing
+     * location based search on anything that has QNR_FIELD defined.
+     *
+     * TODO RANKING of hits based on actual distance is not
+     * implemented yet
+     *
+     * @param gpsLocs gps locations around which to search - MUST NOT
+     * be NULL
+     *
+     * @param gpsLocsCount the number of gps locations given by
+     * gpsLocs
+     *
+     * @param additionalTerm any additional term to include in the
+     * query ("AND" query operation), if necessary, may be NULL
+     *
+     * @param radiusKm the radius, in kilometers, within which all
+     * hits should be found (no false negatives are allowed). NOTE
+     * that we may get false positives (hits that are beyond the
+     * radius)
+     *
+     * @param maxHits the number of hits requested (within the given
+     * radius), if possible
+     */
+    cpix_Hits * search(const GpsLocation   gpsLocs[],
+                       size_t              gpsLocsCount,
+                       const wchar_t     * additionalTerm,
+                       double              radiusKm,
+                       size_t              maxHits)
+    {
+		wchar_t qryStr[512];
+		int loc = 
+			swprintf( qryStr,
+					  sizeof(qryStr),
+					  L"$quad<");
+		loc += 
+			Cpt::wsnprintdouble( qryStr + loc,
+								 sizeof(qryStr)-loc,
+								 radiusKm, 
+								 4 );  
+		loc += 
+			swprintf( qryStr+loc,
+					  sizeof(qryStr)-loc,
+					  L",%d,%S",
+					  maxHits, 
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < gpsLocsCount; ++i)
+            {
+                double
+                    latitude,
+                    longitude;
+                Cpt::QNr::convertGps(gpsLocs[i].gpsLatitudeRef_,
+                                     gpsLocs[i].gpsLatitude_,
+                                     gpsLocs[i].gpsLongitudeRef_,
+                                     gpsLocs[i].gpsLongitude_,
+                                     &latitude,
+                                     &longitude);
+// FIXME: Get rid of Cpt::wsnprintdouble, when printf("%lf", ....) starts to work
+                qryStr[loc++]= ',';
+                loc +=
+					Cpt::wsnprintdouble( qryStr + loc,
+										 sizeof(qryStr)-loc,
+										 latitude, 
+										 10 );  
+                qryStr[loc++]= ',';
+                loc +=
+					Cpt::wsnprintdouble( qryStr + loc,
+										 sizeof(qryStr)-loc,
+										 longitude, 
+										 10 );  
+/* FIXME: This DOES NOT work. 
+                loc += 
+					swprintf( qryStr + loc, 
+							  sizeof(qryStr)-loc,
+							  L",%lf,%lf", 
+							  latitude,
+							  longitude );
+			    */ 
+            }
+        loc += 
+			swprintf(qryStr + loc, sizeof(qryStr)-loc, L">");
+        if (additionalTerm != NULL)
+            {
+				loc += 
+					swprintf(qryStr + loc, 
+							 sizeof(qryStr)-loc,
+							 L"(%S)", 
+							 additionalTerm);
+            }
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;
+        query_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                        qryStr);
+        ITK_ASSERT(testMgr_,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(queryParser_),
+                   "Failed to parse: %S\n",
+                   qryStr);
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(util_->idxDb(),
+                                       query_);
+        ITK_ASSERT(testMgr_,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(util_->idxDb()),
+                   "Failed to search (geo)");
+        int32_t
+            hitCount = cpix_Hits_length(hits);
+        if (hitCount > 0)
+            {
+                util_->printHits(hits,
+                                 testMgr_);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                printf("  Nothing is found\n");
+            }
+        return hits;
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateGeoTests()
+    using namespace Itk;
+    GeoContext
+        * geoContext = new GeoContext;
+    ContextTester
+        * contextTester = new ContextTester("geo",
+                                            geoContext);
+#define TEST "harvestJpg"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       geoContext,
+                       &GeoContext::testHarvestJpg,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    // TODO perhaps a dump-all test case too?
+#define TEST "searchJpg"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       geoContext,
+                       &GeoContext::testSearchJpg,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    // TODO add more tests to suite
+    return contextTester;