changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 3 ae3f1779f6da
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/cpix/tsrc/cpixunittest/src/multivolumetests.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "cpixfstools.h"
+#include "itk.h"
+#include "cpixidxdb.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "testutils.h"
+#include "testcorpus.h"
+#include "setupsentry.h"
+class PlainMVContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    cpix_Analyzer    * analyzer_;
+    cpix_QueryParser * queryParser_;
+    const MVFTest    * mvfTests_;
+    PlainMVContext(const MVFTest * mvfTests)
+        : analyzer_(NULL),
+          queryParser_(NULL),
+          mvfTests_(mvfTests)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        cpix_IdxDb_dbgScrapAll(&result);
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                               CONTENTS_FIELD,
+                                               analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw ()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~PlainMVContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    void testAddFiles(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        const MVFTest
+            * mvfTest = mvfTests_;
+        for (; mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_ != NULL; ++mvfTest)
+            {
+                using namespace std;
+                printf("Creating volume %s ...\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                {
+                    auto_ptr<VolumeFileIdxUtil>
+                        util(new VolumeFileIdxUtil(mvfTest));
+                    util->init();
+                    util->indexFile(mvfTest->textFilePath_,
+                                    analyzer_,
+                                    testMgr);
+                }
+                printf("... created volume %s\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+            }
+    }
+    void testSearchAllFiles(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        cpix_IdxSearcher
+            * searcher = cpix_IdxSearcher_openDb(&result,
+                                                 FILEAPPCLASS);
+        ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+                   "Failed to search multi volume");
+        cpix_Query
+            * query = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                             L"happ*");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_))
+            {
+                cpix_IdxSearcher_releaseDb(searcher);
+            }
+        ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(queryParser_),
+                   "Could not parse 'happ*'");
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxSearcher_search(searcher,
+                                             query);
+        if (cpix_Failed(searcher))
+            {
+                cpix_IdxSearcher_releaseDb(searcher);
+                cpix_Query_destroy(query);
+            }
+        ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(searcher),
+                   "Could not perform (multi)search");
+        PrintHits(hits,
+                  testMgr);
+        cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);
+        cpix_IdxSearcher_releaseDb(searcher);
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query);
+    }
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateMVPlainTests(const MVFTest * mvfTests)
+    using namespace Itk;
+    PlainMVContext
+        * context = new PlainMVContext(mvfTests);
+    ContextTester
+        * contextTester = new ContextTester("plain",
+                                            context);
+#define TEST "adding"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       context,
+                       &PlainMVContext::testAddFiles,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "searchingAll"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       context,
+                       &PlainMVContext::testSearchAllFiles,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    // ... add more
+    return contextTester;
+class DynMVContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    cpix_Analyzer    * analyzer_;
+    cpix_Query       * query_;
+    cpix_IdxSearcher * searcher_;
+    cpix_QueryParser * queryParser_;
+    const MVFTest    * mvfTests_;
+    DynMVContext(const MVFTest * mvfTests)
+        : analyzer_(NULL),
+          query_(NULL),
+          searcher_(NULL),
+          queryParser_(NULL),
+          mvfTests_(mvfTests)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        cpix_IdxDb_dbgScrapAll(&result);
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                               CONTENTS_FIELD,
+                                               analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        query_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                        L"happ*");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_))
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~DynMVContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    void testCreatingVolumes(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        const MVFTest
+            * mvfTest = mvfTests_;
+        for (; mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_ != NULL; ++mvfTest)
+            {
+                using namespace std;
+                printf("Creating volume %s ...\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                {
+                    auto_ptr<VolumeFileIdxUtil>
+                        util(new VolumeFileIdxUtil(mvfTest));
+                    util->init();
+                    util->indexFile(mvfTest->textFilePath_,
+                                    analyzer_,
+                                    testMgr);
+                    util->flush();
+                }
+                printf("... created volume %s\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                // after the first volume has been defined, there is
+                // something to search on
+                createSearcherIfNecessary(testMgr);
+                searchAll(testMgr);
+            }
+    }
+    void testUnmountingVolumes(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        const MVFTest
+            * mvfTest = mvfTests_;
+        for (; mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_ != NULL; ++mvfTest)
+            {
+                using namespace std;
+                searchAll(testMgr);
+                printf("Undefining (unmounting) volume %s ...\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                cpix_IdxDb_undefineVolume(mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                printf("... undefined (unmounted) volume %s.\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+            }
+        searchAll(testMgr);
+    }
+    void testMountingVolumes(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        const MVFTest
+            * mvfTest = mvfTests_;
+        for (; mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_ != NULL; ++mvfTest)
+            {
+                using namespace std;
+                searchAll(testMgr);
+                printf("Defining (mounting) volume %s ...\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                cpix_Result
+                    result;
+                cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                                        mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_,
+                                        mvfTest->idxDbPath_);
+                ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+                           cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+                           "Could not define (mount) volume %s",
+                           mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+                printf("... defined (mounted) volume %s.\n",
+                       mvfTest->qualifiedBaseAppClass_);
+            }
+        searchAll(testMgr);
+    }
+    void createSearcherIfNecessary(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        if (searcher_ == NULL)
+            {
+                cpix_Result
+                    result;
+                searcher_ = cpix_IdxSearcher_openDb(&result,
+                                                    FILEAPPCLASS);
+                ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+                           cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+                           "Could not create idx searcher");
+            }
+    }
+    void searchAll(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        printf("\nAnd now searching all 'root file'!\n");
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxSearcher_search(searcher_,
+                                             query_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(searcher_))
+            {
+                cpix_IdxSearcher_releaseDb(searcher_);
+            }
+        ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(searcher_),
+                   "Could not perform (multi)search");
+        PrintHits(hits,
+                  testMgr);
+        cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);
+    }
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;
+        cpix_IdxSearcher_releaseDb(searcher_);
+        searcher_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateMVDynTests(const MVFTest * mvfTests)
+    using namespace Itk;
+    DynMVContext
+        * context = new DynMVContext(mvfTests);
+    ContextTester
+        * contextTester = new ContextTester("dyn",
+                                            context);
+#define TEST "creatingVols"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       context,
+                       &DynMVContext::testCreatingVolumes,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "unmountingVols"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       context,
+                       &DynMVContext::testUnmountingVolumes,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "mountingVols"
+    contextTester->add(TEST,
+                       context,
+                       &DynMVContext::testMountingVolumes,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    // ... add more
+    return contextTester;
+struct MVFTest MVFTests[] = {
+    {
+        FILE_TEST_CORPUS_PATH "\\en\\1.txt",
+        "@c:root file",
+    },
+    {
+        FILE_TEST_CORPUS_PATH "\\en\\2.txt",
+        "@d:root file",
+    },
+    {
+        FILE_TEST_CORPUS_PATH "\\en\\3.txt",
+        "@e:root file",
+    },
+    {
+        FILE_TEST_CORPUS_PATH "\\en\\4.txt",
+        "@f:root file",
+    },
+    {
+        NULL,
+        NULL,
+        NULL
+    },
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateMultiVolumeTests()
+    using namespace Itk;
+    SuiteTester
+        * multiVolume = new SuiteTester("multivolume");
+    multiVolume->add(CreateMVPlainTests(MVFTests));
+    multiVolume->add(CreateMVDynTests(MVFTests));
+    // TODO add more tests to suite
+    return multiVolume;