changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 3 ae3f1779f6da
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/cpix/tsrc/cpixunittest/src/partialsmstests.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1497 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "cpixfstools.h"
+#include "itk.h"
+#include "cpixidxdb.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "suggestion.h"
+#include "testutils.h"
+#include "testcorpus.h"
+#include "setupsentry.h"
+ * Simple test cases (one client)
+ */
+class SimpleSmsContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    // protected members
+    //
+    SmsIdxUtil        * util_;
+    cpix_Analyzer     * analyzer_;
+    cpix_Query        * query_;
+    cpix_Query        * termsQuery_;
+    cpix_QueryParser  * queryParser_;
+    LineTestCorpusRef   corpus_;
+    //
+    // From interface Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        util_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        util_->init();
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                               LBODY_FIELD,
+                                               analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        query_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                        L"happy");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_)
+            || query_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parse query string");
+            }
+        // terms (suggestions) query using unified search API
+        termsQuery_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                             L"$terms<50>(h*)");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_)
+            || termsQuery_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parse terms query string");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~SimpleSmsContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // public operations
+    //
+    SimpleSmsContext()
+        : util_(NULL),
+          analyzer_(NULL),
+          query_(NULL),
+          termsQuery_(NULL),
+          queryParser_(NULL),
+          corpus_(DEFAULT_TEST_CORPUS_PATH)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    //
+    // private methods
+    //
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        delete util_;
+        util_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(termsQuery_);
+        termsQuery_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+ * Simple Indexing Test Sequence
+ */
+class SimpleIdxSeq : public SimpleSmsContext
+    void testAddSome(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        Timestamp
+            start,
+            end;
+        getTimestamp(&start);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 200; ++i) 
+            {
+                std::wstring
+                    body = corpus_.item(i);
+                util_->indexSms(i,
+                                body.c_str(),
+                                analyzer_,
+                                testMgr);
+                if ((i % 5) == 0)
+                    {
+                        ITK_DBGMSG(testMgr,
+                                   ".");
+                    }
+            }
+        getTimestamp(&end);
+        long
+            ms = getElapsedMs(&end,
+                              &start);
+        ITK_REPORT(testMgr,
+                   "Adding 200 SMS",
+                   "%d ms",
+                   ms);
+        util_->flush();
+    }
+    void testSearch(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        Timestamp
+            start,
+            end;
+        getTimestamp(&start);
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(util_->idxDb(),
+                                       query_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(util_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to search index");
+                cpix_ClearError(util_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                util_->printHits(hits,
+                                 testMgr);
+            }
+        getTimestamp(&end);
+        cpix_Hits_destroy( hits );  
+        long
+            ms = getElapsedMs(&end,
+                              &start);
+        ITK_REPORT(testMgr,
+                   "Searching 'happy' in 200 SMS idx",
+                   "%d ms",
+                   ms);
+    }
+    void testSuggest(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        Timestamp
+            start,
+            end;
+        getTimestamp(&start);
+        // getting terms (suggestions) using unified search API
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(util_->idxDb(),
+                                       termsQuery_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(util_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to get suggestions form the index");
+                cpix_ClearError(util_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                using namespace std;
+                int32_t
+                    hitCount = cpix_Hits_length(hits);
+                if (cpix_Failed(hits))
+                    {
+                        ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                                   false,
+                                   "Failed to get number of hits");
+                        cpix_ClearError(hits);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                cout << "Number of hits: " << hitCount << endl;
+            }
+        getTimestamp(&end);
+        Suggestion::printSuggestions(hits,
+                                     testMgr);
+        cpix_Hits_destroy( hits );  
+        long
+            ms = getElapsedMs(&end,
+                              &start);
+        ITK_REPORT(testMgr,
+                   "Suggesting 'h' in 200 SMS idx",
+                   "%d ms",
+                   ms);
+    }
+    void testDump(Itk::TestMgr  * testMgr,
+                  const wchar_t * dumpQryStr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        cpix_Query
+            * dumpQuery = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                                 dumpQryStr);
+        ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(queryParser_),
+                   "Could not parse dump query string '%S'",
+                   dumpQryStr);
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_))
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+        Timestamp
+            start,
+            end;
+        getTimestamp(&start);
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(util_->idxDb(),
+                                       dumpQuery);
+        getTimestamp(&end);
+        if (cpix_Failed(util_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to dump");
+                cpix_ClearError(util_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                util_->printHits(hits,
+                                 testMgr);
+            }
+        long
+            ms = getElapsedMs(&end,
+                              &start);
+        ITK_REPORT(testMgr,
+                   "Dumping in 200 SMS idx",
+                   "%d ms",
+                   ms);
+        cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);  
+        cpix_Query_destroy(dumpQuery);
+    }
+    void testDump1(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testDump(testMgr,
+                  L"*");
+    }
+    void testDump2(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testDump(testMgr,
+                  L"$dump");
+    }
+    void testDump3(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testDump(testMgr,
+                  L"* AND _aggregate:happy");
+    }
+    void testDump4(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testDump(testMgr,
+                  L"$dump(_aggregate:happy)");
+    }
+    void testUpdate(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        Timestamp
+            start,
+            end;
+        getTimestamp(&start);
+        int32_t
+            maxInsertBufSize = 32 * 1024;
+        cpix_IdxDb_setMaxInsertBufSize(util_->idxDb(),
+                                          maxInsertBufSize);
+        ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(util_->idxDb()),
+                   "Failed to set max insert buffer size to %d",
+                   maxInsertBufSize);
+        util_->indexSms(23,
+                        L"This UPDATED msg body does not have the h.appy word in it anymore",
+                        analyzer_,
+                        testMgr,
+                        true); // update
+        util_->indexSms(32,
+                        L"This UPDATED msg body does have the happy word in it",
+                        analyzer_,
+                        testMgr,
+                        true); // update
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+            {
+                util_->indexSms(40 + i,
+                                L"Just to update couple of times, to fill up the insert buffer in update state too. Garble, gobledegook.",
+                                analyzer_,
+                                testMgr,
+                                true); // update
+            }
+        getTimestamp(&end);
+        long
+            ms = getElapsedMs(&end,
+                              &start);
+        ITK_REPORT(testMgr,
+                   "Updating 2 docs in 200 SMS idx",
+                   "%d ms",
+                   ms);
+        util_->flush();
+    }
+#define SUITE "partsms"
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateSimpleIdxSequence()
+    using namespace Itk;
+#define SEQUENCE "simpleidx"
+    SimpleIdxSeq
+        * simpleIdxSeq = new SimpleIdxSeq;
+    ContextTester
+        * simpleIdxer = new ContextTester(SEQUENCE,
+                                          simpleIdxSeq);
+#define TEST "addSome"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "suggest"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testSuggest,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "dump1"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testDump1,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "dump2"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testDump2,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "dump3"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testDump3,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "dump4"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testDump4,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "update"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testUpdate,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search2"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testSearch,       // Same test func with 
+                     TEST);  // different name! :-)
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "suggest2"
+    simpleIdxer->add(TEST,
+                     simpleIdxSeq,
+                     &SimpleIdxSeq::testSuggest,
+                     TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    return simpleIdxer;
+#undef SEQUENCE
+    /****
+     * Parallel test cases (two clients)
+     */
+    // TODO perhaps move it to a common utils file
+class ParallelSmsContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    // protected members
+    //
+    SmsIdxUtil       * util1_;
+    SmsIdxUtil       * util2_;
+    cpix_Analyzer    * analyzer_;
+    cpix_Query       * query_;
+    LineTestCorpusRef  corpus_;
+    cpix_QueryParser * queryParser_;
+    //
+    // From interface Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        util1_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        util1_->init();
+        util2_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        util2_->init(false);  // only open
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                              LBODY_FIELD,
+                                              analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        query_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                        L"happy");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_)
+            || query_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parse query string");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~ParallelSmsContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // public operations
+    //
+    ParallelSmsContext()
+        : util1_(NULL),
+          util2_(NULL),
+          analyzer_(NULL),
+          query_(NULL),          
+          corpus_(DEFAULT_TEST_CORPUS_PATH),
+          queryParser_(NULL)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    //
+    // private methods
+    //
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        delete util1_;
+        delete util2_;
+        util1_ = NULL;
+        util2_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+    /********
+     * Parallel Indexing Test Sequence
+     *
+     * One client is indexing and updating content while the other is
+     * searching - and it should make no difference whatsoever.
+     */
+class ParallelIdxSeq : public ParallelSmsContext
+    size_t curId_;
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        ParallelSmsContext::setup();
+        curId_ = 0;
+    }
+    void testAddSome(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        // the same function is invoked multiple times to add
+        // more and more documents (in batches of 50)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
+            {
+                ++curId_;
+                std::wstring
+                    body = corpus_.item(curId_);
+                util1_->indexSms(curId_,
+                                 body.c_str(),
+                                 analyzer_,
+                                 testMgr);
+            }
+        util1_->flush();
+    }
+    void testSearch(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(util2_->idxDb(),
+                                       query_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(util2_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to search index");
+                cpix_ClearError(util2_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                util2_->printHits(hits,
+                                  testMgr);
+                cpix_Hits_destroy( hits );  
+            }
+    }
+    void testUpdate(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        int32_t
+            maxInsertBufSize = 32 * 1024; // 32 KB
+        cpix_IdxDb_setMaxInsertBufSize(util1_->idxDb(),
+                                       maxInsertBufSize);
+        ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(util1_->idxDb()),
+                   "Failed to set max insert buffer size to %d",
+                   maxInsertBufSize);
+        util1_->indexSms(23,
+                         L"This UPDATED msg body does not have the h.appy word in it anymore",
+                         analyzer_,
+                         testMgr,
+                         true); // update
+        util1_->indexSms(32,
+                         L"This UPDATED msg body does have the happy word in it",
+                         analyzer_,
+                         testMgr,
+                         true); // update
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+            {
+                util1_->indexSms(40 + i,
+                                 L"Just to update couple of times, to fill up the insert buffer in update state too. Garble, gobledegook.",
+                                 analyzer_,
+                                 testMgr,
+                                 true); // update
+            }
+        util1_->flush();
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateParallelIdxSequence()
+    using namespace Itk;
+#define SEQUENCE "parallelidx"
+    ParallelIdxSeq
+        * parallelIdxSeq = new ParallelIdxSeq;
+    ContextTester
+        * parallelIdxer = new ContextTester(SEQUENCE,
+                                            parallelIdxSeq);
+#define TEST "addSome1"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search1"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSome2"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search2"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSome3"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search3"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSome4"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search4"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "update"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testUpdate,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search5"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParallelIdxSeq::testSearch,  // Same test func with 
+                       TEST);                        // different name! :-)
+#undef TEST
+    return parallelIdxer;
+#undef SEQUENCE
+    /****
+     * Mixed index test cases
+     */
+class MixedContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    // protected members
+    //
+    SmsIdxUtil   * smsUtil1_;
+    SmsIdxUtil   * smsUtil2_;
+    FileIdxUtil  * fileUtil1_;
+    FileIdxUtil  * fileUtil2_;
+    cpix_Analyzer  * analyzer_;
+    cpix_Query     * smsQuery_;
+    cpix_Query     * fileQuery_;
+    LineTestCorpusRef   corpus_;
+    cpix_QueryParser * queryParser_;
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        cpix_IdxDb_dbgScrapAll(&result);
+        using namespace std;
+        smsUtil1_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        smsUtil1_->init();
+        smsUtil2_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        smsUtil2_->init(false);
+        fileUtil1_ = new FileIdxUtil;
+        fileUtil1_->init();
+        fileUtil2_ = new FileIdxUtil;
+        fileUtil2_->init(false);
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                              LBODY_FIELD,
+                                              analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        smsQuery_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                           L"happy");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_)
+            || smsQuery_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parser query string");
+            }
+        fileQuery_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                            CONTENTS_FIELD L":happy");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_)
+            || fileQuery_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parser query string");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw ()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~MixedContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // public operations
+    //
+    MixedContext()
+        : smsUtil1_(NULL),
+          smsUtil2_(NULL),
+          fileUtil1_(NULL),
+          fileUtil2_(NULL),
+          analyzer_(NULL),
+          smsQuery_(NULL),
+          fileQuery_(NULL),
+          corpus_(DEFAULT_TEST_CORPUS_PATH),
+          queryParser_(NULL)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    //
+    // private methods
+    //
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        delete smsUtil1_;
+        delete smsUtil2_;
+        delete fileUtil1_;
+        delete fileUtil2_;
+        smsUtil1_ = NULL;
+        smsUtil2_ = NULL;
+        fileUtil1_ = NULL;
+        fileUtil2_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(smsQuery_);
+        smsQuery_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(fileQuery_);
+        fileQuery_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+    /******
+     * Mixed Indexing test sequence (2x2 clients on 2 indexes).
+     */
+class MixedIdxSeq : public MixedContext, public Cpt::IFileVisitor
+    size_t        curId_;
+    Itk::TestMgr * testMgr_;
+    //
+    // from Cpt::IFileVisitor
+    //
+    virtual bool visitFile(const char * path)
+    {
+        bool
+            goOn = true;
+        fileUtil1_->indexFile(path,
+                              analyzer_,
+                              testMgr_);
+        return goOn;
+    }
+    virtual DirVisitResult visitDirPre(const char * /*path*/)
+    {
+        return IFV_CONTINUE;
+    }
+    virtual bool visitDirPost(const char * /*path*/)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    //
+    // actual tests
+    //
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        MixedContext::setup();
+        curId_ = 0;
+    }
+    void testAddSomeSms(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
+            {
+                ++curId_;
+                std::wstring
+                    body = corpus_.item(curId_);
+                smsUtil1_->indexSms(curId_,
+                                    body.c_str(),
+                                    analyzer_,
+                                    testMgr);
+            }
+        smsUtil1_->flush();
+    }
+    void testAddFiles(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        testMgr_ = testMgr;
+        Cpt::traverse(FILE_TEST_CORPUS_PATH "\\en",
+                      this);
+        fileUtil1_->flush();
+    }
+    void testSearchSms(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(smsUtil2_->idxDb(),
+                                       smsQuery_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(smsUtil2_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to search index");
+                cpix_ClearError(smsUtil2_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                smsUtil2_->printHits(hits,
+                                     testMgr);
+                cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);
+            }
+    }
+    void testSearchFiles(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        using namespace Itk;
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(fileUtil2_->idxDb(),
+                                       fileQuery_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(fileUtil2_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to search index");
+                cpix_ClearError(fileUtil2_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                fileUtil2_->printHits(hits,
+                                      testMgr);
+                cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);
+            }
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateMixedIdxSequence()
+    using namespace Itk;
+#define SEQUENCE "mixedidx"
+    MixedIdxSeq
+        * mixedIdxSeq = new MixedIdxSeq;
+    ContextTester
+        * mixedIdxer = new ContextTester(SEQUENCE,
+                                         mixedIdxSeq);
+#define TEST "addSomeSms1"
+    mixedIdxer->add(TEST,
+                    mixedIdxSeq,
+                    &MixedIdxSeq::testAddSomeSms,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "searchSms1"
+    mixedIdxer->add(TEST,
+                    mixedIdxSeq,
+                    &MixedIdxSeq::testSearchSms,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSomeFiles1"
+    mixedIdxer->add(TEST,
+                    mixedIdxSeq,
+                    &MixedIdxSeq::testAddFiles,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "searchFiles1"
+    mixedIdxer->add(TEST,
+                    mixedIdxSeq,
+                    &MixedIdxSeq::testSearchFiles,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSomeSms2"
+    mixedIdxer->add(TEST,
+                    mixedIdxSeq,
+                    &MixedIdxSeq::testAddSomeSms,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "searchSms2"
+    mixedIdxer->add(TEST,
+                    mixedIdxSeq,
+                    &MixedIdxSeq::testSearchSms,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    return mixedIdxer;
+#undef SEQUENCE
+    /****
+     * ParMSearcher test cases (two clients)
+     */
+    // TODO perhaps move it to a common utils file
+class ParMSearcherSmsContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    // protected members
+    //
+    SmsIdxUtil       * util_;
+    cpix_IdxSearcher * searcher_;
+    cpix_Analyzer    * analyzer_;
+    cpix_Query       * query_;
+    LineTestCorpusRef  corpus_;
+    cpix_QueryParser * queryParser_;
+    //
+    // From interface Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        util_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        util_->init();
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                              LBODY_FIELD,
+                                              analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        query_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                        L"happy");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_)
+            || query_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parse query string");
+            }
+        searcher_ = cpix_IdxSearcher_openDb(&result,
+                                            SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS);
+        if (searcher_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create idx searcher");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~ParMSearcherSmsContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // public operations
+    //
+    ParMSearcherSmsContext()
+        : util_(NULL),
+          searcher_(NULL),
+          analyzer_(NULL),
+          query_(NULL),          
+          corpus_(DEFAULT_TEST_CORPUS_PATH),
+          queryParser_(NULL)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    //
+    // private methods
+    //
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        delete util_;
+        util_ = NULL;
+        cpix_IdxSearcher_releaseDb(searcher_);
+        searcher_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+    /********
+     * ParMSearcher Indexing Test Sequence
+     *
+     * One client is indexing and updating content while the other is
+     * searching - and it should make no difference whatsoever.
+     */
+class ParMSearcherIdxSeq : public ParMSearcherSmsContext
+    size_t curId_;
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        ParMSearcherSmsContext::setup();
+        curId_ = 0;
+    }
+    void testAddSome(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        // the same function is invoked multiple times to add
+        // more and more documents (in batches of 50)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
+            {
+                ++curId_;
+                std::wstring
+                    body = corpus_.item(curId_);
+                util_->indexSms(curId_,
+                                body.c_str(),
+                                analyzer_,
+                                testMgr);
+            }
+        util_->flush();
+    }
+    void testSearch(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxSearcher_search(searcher_,
+                                             query_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(searcher_))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to search index");
+                cpix_ClearError(searcher_);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                util_->printHits(hits,
+                                 testMgr);
+                cpix_Hits_destroy(hits);
+            }
+    }
+    void testUpdate(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    {
+        int32_t
+            maxInsertBufSize = 32 * 1024; // 32 KB
+        cpix_IdxDb_setMaxInsertBufSize(util_->idxDb(),
+                                       maxInsertBufSize);
+        ITK_EXPECT(testMgr,
+                   cpix_Succeeded(util_->idxDb()),
+                   "Failed to set max insert buffer size to %d",
+                   maxInsertBufSize);
+        util_->indexSms(23,
+                        L"This UPDATED msg body does not have the h.appy word in it anymore",
+                        analyzer_,
+                        testMgr,
+                        true); // update
+        util_->indexSms(32,
+                        L"This UPDATED msg body does have the happy word in it",
+                        analyzer_,
+                        testMgr,
+                        true); // update
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+            {
+                util_->indexSms(40 + i,
+                                L"Just to update couple of times, to fill up the insert buffer in update state too. Garble, gobledegook.",
+                                analyzer_,
+                                testMgr,
+                                true); // update
+            }
+        util_->flush();
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateParMSearcherIdxSequence()
+    using namespace Itk;
+#define SEQUENCE "parmsearcheridx"
+    ParMSearcherIdxSeq
+        * parallelIdxSeq = new ParMSearcherIdxSeq;
+    ContextTester
+        * parallelIdxer = new ContextTester(SEQUENCE,
+                                            parallelIdxSeq);
+#define TEST "addSome1"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search1"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSome2"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search2"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSome3"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search3"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "addSome4"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testAddSome,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search4"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testSearch,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "update"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testUpdate,
+                       TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "search5"
+    parallelIdxer->add(TEST,
+                       parallelIdxSeq,
+                       &ParMSearcherIdxSeq::testSearch,  // Same test func with 
+                       TEST);                        // different name! :-)
+#undef TEST
+    return parallelIdxer;
+#undef SEQUENCE
+    /*******
+     *
+     */
+Itk::TesterBase * CreatePartialSmsTests()
+    using namespace Itk;
+    SuiteTester
+        * partialSmsTests = new SuiteTester(SUITE);
+    partialSmsTests->add(CreateSimpleIdxSequence());
+    partialSmsTests->add(CreateParallelIdxSequence());
+    partialSmsTests->add(CreateMixedIdxSequence());
+    partialSmsTests->add(CreateParMSearcherIdxSequence());
+    // TODO add more tests to suite
+    return partialSmsTests;