changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 3 ae3f1779f6da
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/cpix/tsrc/cpixunittest/src/whiteboxtests.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1395 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "cpixidxdb.h"
+#include "itk.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "testutils.h"
+#include "setupsentry.h"
+// internal (inc/private) headers from cpix - that is why these tests
+// are whitebox tests
+#include "cpixtools.h"
+#include "iidxdb.h"
+#include "iqrytype.h"
+#include "cpixexc.h"
+#include "cpixhits.h"
+#include "idxdbdelta.h"
+void TestBaseAppClassCollision(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    cpix_Result
+        result;
+    cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                            SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                            NULL);
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+               "Definition of volume (%s, %s) failed.",
+               SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+               "<default>");
+    cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                            SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                            NULL);
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+               "Re-definition of identical volume (%s, %s) failed.",
+               SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+               "<default>");
+    const char
+        * dummyPath = "\\dummy\\path";
+    cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                            SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                            dummyPath);
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Failed(&result),
+               "Volume (%s, %s) definition should have failed.",
+               SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+               dummyPath);
+    cpix_IdxDb_undefineVolume("@0:root foo bar");
+#define DUMMY_QBASEAPPCLASS "@0:root dummy"
+#define DUMMY2_QBASEAPPCLASS "@0:root dummy2"
+#define DUMMY_IDXDBPATH     "c:\\Data\\indexing\\indexdb\\root\\dummy"
+void TestIdxDbPathCollision(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    cpix_Result
+        result;
+    cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                      DUMMY_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                      DUMMY_IDXDBPATH);
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+               "Defining volume %s, %s failed.",
+               DUMMY_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+               DUMMY_IDXDBPATH);
+    cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                      DUMMY2_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                      DUMMY_IDXDBPATH);
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Failed(&result),
+               "Defining volume %s, %s should have failed.",
+               DUMMY2_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+               DUMMY_IDXDBPATH);
+void TestScrapAll(Itk::TestMgr * testMgr)
+    cpix_Result
+        result;
+    cpix_IdxDb_defineVolume(&result,
+                            SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                            NULL);
+    if (cpix_Succeeded(&result))
+        {
+            cpix_IdxDb
+                * idxDb = cpix_IdxDb_openDb(&result,
+                                            SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                                            cpix_IDX_CREATE);
+            if (cpix_Succeeded(&result))
+                {
+                    cpix_IdxDb_releaseDb(idxDb);
+                }
+        }
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Succeeded(&result),
+               "Definition and creation of IdxDb (%s, %s) failed",
+               SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+               "<default>");
+    cpix_IdxDb_dbgScrapAll(&result);
+    cpix_IdxDb
+        * idxDb = cpix_IdxDb_openDb(&result,
+                                    SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS,
+                                    cpix_IDX_OPEN);
+    if (cpix_Succeeded(&result))
+        {
+            cpix_IdxDb_releaseDb(idxDb);
+        }
+    ITK_ASSERT(testMgr,
+               cpix_Failed(&result),
+               "Opening IdxDb(%s) should have failed now.",
+               SMS_QBASEAPPCLASS);
+const wchar_t * QryStrings[] = {
+    // should pass:
+    L"$foo",
+    L"$bar<1.2,'blabla',3>",
+    L" $ bar < 1.2 , 'blabla' , 3 > ",
+    L"$barf(inner query)",
+    L" $ barf ( inner query ) ",
+    L"$barfology<'bloblo',3.1415>(inner query)",
+    L" $ barfology < 'bloblo' , 3.1415 > ( inner query ) ",
+    L"some query",
+    L"*",
+    L"* AND some more criteria", // special case: "innery query" is the whole
+    // should fail:
+    L"$barf<1.23(blo)",
+    L"$farb<1.23>(blo",
+    L"$farb<1.23>(blo ) oops more data",
+    // end of test data
+    NULL
+void TestUnifiedSearchParse(Itk::TestMgr * )
+    using namespace std;
+    printf("Whitebox testing parsing of unified search syntax\n\n");
+    const wchar_t
+        ** p = QryStrings;
+    for (; *p != NULL; ++p)
+        {
+            printf("Trying to parse %S:\n",
+                   *p);
+            try {
+                Cpix::QryCall
+                    qc(*p);
+                printf("\to qry type id: %S\n",
+                       qc.qryTypeId_.c_str());
+                printf("\to qry arguments: ");
+                list<wstring>::const_iterator
+                    i = qc.args_.begin(),
+                    end = qc.args_.end();
+                for (; i != end; ++i)
+                    {
+                        printf("%S ",
+                               i->c_str());
+                    }
+                printf("\n");
+                printf("\to inner qry: '%S'\n",
+                       qc.innerQryStr_.c_str());
+            } catch (CpixExc & cpixExc) {
+                printf("Failed to parse: %S\n",
+                       cpixExc.wWhat());
+            } catch (...) {
+                printf("Failed t parse: for unknown reasons\n");
+            }
+        }
+class PageContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    // private members
+    //
+    SmsIdxUtil         * util_;
+    cpix_Analyzer      * analyzer_;
+    cpix_Query         * query_;
+    cpix_QueryParser   * queryParser_;
+    size_t               pageSize_;
+    size_t               expectedHitCount_;
+    //
+    // from interface Itk::ITestContext
+    //
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        SetupSentry
+            ss(*this);
+        util_ = new SmsIdxUtil;
+        util_->init();
+        cpix_Result
+            result;
+        analyzer_ = cpix_CreateSimpleAnalyzer(&result);
+        if (analyzer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create analyzer");
+            }
+        queryParser_ = cpix_QueryParser_create(&result,
+                                               LBODY_FIELD,
+                                               analyzer_);
+        if (queryParser_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create query parser");
+            }
+        query_ = cpix_QueryParser_parse(queryParser_,
+                                        L"abc");
+        if (cpix_Failed(queryParser_) || query_ == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not parse query string");
+            }
+        ss.setupComplete();
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw ()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    virtual ~PageContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // public operations
+    //
+    PageContext()
+        : util_(NULL),
+          analyzer_(NULL),
+          query_(NULL),
+          queryParser_(NULL),
+          pageSize_(Cpix::IdxDbMgr::instance()->getClHitsPageSize())
+    {
+        expectedHitCount_ = 4 * pageSize_ - 3;
+    }
+    void testAddSome(Itk::TestMgr  * mgr)
+    {
+        std::wstring
+            firstBody,
+            secondBody;
+        for (int i = 0; i < expectedHitCount_; ++i)
+            {
+                generateTwoSmsBodies(i,
+                                     firstBody,
+                                     secondBody);
+                util_->indexSms(2*i,
+                                firstBody.c_str(),
+                                analyzer_,
+                                mgr);
+                util_->indexSms(2*i + 1,
+                                secondBody.c_str(),
+                                analyzer_,
+                                mgr);
+                if ((i % 5) == 0)
+                    {
+                        ITK_DBGMSG(mgr,
+                                   ".");
+                    }
+            }
+        util_->flush();
+    }
+    void testSearchPages(Itk::TestMgr * mgr)
+    {
+        cpix_Hits
+            * hits = cpix_IdxDb_search(util_->idxDb(),
+                                       query_);
+        if (cpix_Failed(util_->idxDb()))
+            {
+                ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                           false,
+                           "Failed to search index");
+                cpix_ClearError(util_->idxDb());
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                int32_t
+                    hitsLength = cpix_Hits_length(hits);
+                ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                           expectedHitCount_ == hitsLength,
+                           "Did not get expected hitcounts (%d), but %d",
+                           expectedHitCount_,
+                           hitsLength);
+                printf("Got %d hits\n",
+                       hitsLength);
+                search(hits,
+                       0,
+                       2 * pageSize_,
+                       mgr);
+                search(hits,
+                       3 * pageSize_,
+                       4 * pageSize_,
+                       mgr);
+                search(hits,
+                       0,
+                       pageSize_,
+                       mgr);
+                search(hits,
+                       2 * pageSize_,
+                       4 * pageSize_,
+                       mgr);
+            }
+        cpix_Hits_destroy( hits );  
+    }
+    //
+    // private methods
+    //
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        delete util_;
+        util_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Analyzer_destroy(analyzer_);
+        analyzer_ = NULL;
+        cpix_Query_destroy(query_);
+        query_ = NULL;;
+        cpix_QueryParser_destroy(queryParser_);
+        queryParser_ = NULL;
+    }
+    void generateTwoSmsBodies(int            idx,
+                              std::wstring & firstBody,
+                              std::wstring & secondBody)
+    {
+        static wchar_t
+            firstBuf[] =  L"hello abc                ",
+            secondBuf[] = L"hola, xyz                ";
+        //                            ^
+        enum //                       |
+        {    //                       |
+            VARIANT_POS =             10
+        };
+        wchar_t
+            * p1 = firstBuf + VARIANT_POS,
+            * p2 = secondBuf + VARIANT_POS;
+        static const int
+            radix = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
+        int
+            length = sizeof(firstBuf) / sizeof(wchar_t) - VARIANT_POS;
+        bool
+            firstRun = true;
+        while (length > 0)
+            {
+                if (!firstRun && idx == 0)
+                    {
+                        *p1 = L' ';
+                        *p2 = L' ';
+                        break;
+                    }
+                int
+                    digit = idx % radix;
+                wchar_t
+                    charDigit = L'a' + digit;
+                *p1 = charDigit;
+                *p2 = charDigit;
+                ++p1;
+                ++p2;
+                idx = idx / radix;
+                firstRun = false;
+            }
+        firstBody = firstBuf;
+        secondBody = secondBuf;
+    }
+    void search(cpix_Hits    * hits,
+                int32_t        from,
+                int32_t        to,
+                Itk::TestMgr * mgr)
+    {
+        printf("Printing hit docs from hit doc idx %d to %d\n",
+               from,
+               to);
+        for (int32_t hitDocIdx = from; hitDocIdx < to; ++hitDocIdx)
+            {
+                cpix_Document
+                    doc;
+                cpix_Hits_doc(hits,
+                              hitDocIdx,
+                              &doc);
+                if (cpix_Failed(hits))
+                    {
+                        wchar_t
+                            buf[92];
+                        cpix_Error_report(hits->err_,
+                                          buf,
+                                          sizeof(buf) / sizeof(wchar_t));
+                        printf("Failed to get hit doc %d: %S\n",
+                               hitDocIdx,
+                               buf);
+                        cpix_ClearError(hits);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                util_->printHit(&doc,
+                                mgr);
+            }
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreatePageTests()
+    using namespace Itk;
+    PageContext
+        * pageContext = new PageContext;
+    ContextTester
+        * ctxtTester = new ContextTester("page",
+                                         pageContext);
+#define TEST "addSome"
+    ctxtTester->add(TEST,
+                    pageContext,
+                    &PageContext::testAddSome,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "searchPages"
+    ctxtTester->add(TEST,
+                    pageContext,
+                    &PageContext::testSearchPages,
+                    TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    return ctxtTester;
+const wchar_t DELTA_QRY_TERM[] = L"hello";
+struct DeltaSms
+    const wchar_t * id_;
+    const wchar_t * body_;
+static DeltaSms DeltaSmsesToStartWith[] = {
+    { L"0", L"Hello it is a nice day" },
+    { L"1", L"Goodbye and fare you well" },
+    { L"2", L"Did you say hello to her?" },  // to delete
+    { L"3", L"No I said hola" },             // to delete
+const wchar_t * DeltaSmsesToDelete[] = {
+    L"2",
+    L"3"
+static DeltaSms DeltaSmsesToAdd[] = {
+    { L"4", L"Do hello, hallo and hullo mean the same?" },
+    { L"5", L"Yes, they just spell different" },
+const char DeltaIdxDbPathBase[] = "c:\\data\\cpixunittest\\_testidx";
+const wchar_t DELTA_ID_FIELD[]   = L"id";
+const wchar_t DELTA_BODY_FIELD[] = L"body";
+class TestInsertBuf : public Cpix::Impl::IInsertBuf
+    lucene::index::IndexWriter                   * writer_;
+    lucene::store::TransactionalRAMDirectory     * ramDir_;
+    //
+    // from interface Cpix::Impl::IInsertBuf
+    //
+    virtual void close()
+    {
+        if (writer_ != NULL)
+            {
+                writer_->close();
+                delete writer_;
+                writer_ = NULL;
+            }
+        if (ramDir_ != NULL)
+            {
+                ramDir_->close();
+                _CLDECDELETE(ramDir_);
+                ramDir_ = NULL;
+            }
+    }
+    virtual bool isEmpty() const
+    {
+        return ramDir_ == NULL;
+    }
+    virtual lucene::store::TransactionalRAMDirectory * getRAMDir()
+    {
+        if (isEmpty())
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "Accessing empty ram dir");
+            }
+        if (writer_ != NULL)
+            {
+                writer_->close();
+                delete writer_;
+                writer_ = NULL;
+            }
+        return ramDir_;
+    }
+    virtual ~TestInsertBuf()
+    {
+        close();
+    }
+    TestInsertBuf(lucene::analysis::standard::StandardAnalyzer * analyzer)
+        : writer_(NULL),
+          ramDir_(NULL)
+    {
+        ramDir_ = _CLNEW lucene::store::TransactionalRAMDirectory();
+        writer_ = new lucene::index::IndexWriter(ramDir_,
+                                                 analyzer,
+                                                 true,      // create
+                                                 false);
+    }
+    lucene::index::IndexWriter * getWriter()
+    {
+        if (writer_ == NULL)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "messed up test case");
+            }
+        return writer_;
+    }
+class TestIdxReader : public Cpix::Impl::IIdxReader
+    lucene::index::IndexReader                   * reader_;
+    //
+    // from Cpix::Impl::IIdxReader interface
+    //
+    virtual void open(const char * clIdxPath,
+                      Cpt::Mutex & dirMutex)
+    {
+        if (reader_ != NULL)
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "re-opening a reader");
+            }
+        Cpt::SyncRegion
+            sr(dirMutex);
+        reader_ = lucene::index::IndexReader::open(clIdxPath);
+    }
+    virtual void reopen(Cpt::Mutex & dirMutex,
+                        const char * clIdxPath,
+                        bool         reRead)
+    {
+        if (reader_ != NULL)
+            {
+                Cpt::SyncRegion
+                    sr(dirMutex);
+                reader_->close();
+                delete reader_;
+                reader_ = NULL;
+                if (reRead)
+                    {
+                        reader_ = lucene::index::IndexReader::open(clIdxPath);
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    virtual bool commitIfNecessary(Cpt::Mutex & dirMutex) 
+    {
+        bool
+            rv = false;
+        if (reader_ != NULL && reader_->hasDeletions())
+            {
+                Cpt::SyncRegion
+                    sr(dirMutex);
+                reader_->commit();
+                rv = true;
+            }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    //
+    // Lifetime mgmt
+    //
+    virtual ~TestIdxReader()
+    {
+        close(NULL);
+    }
+    TestIdxReader()
+        : reader_(NULL)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    //
+    // Own operations
+    //
+    void close(Cpt::Mutex * dirMutex)
+    {
+        if (reader_ != NULL)
+            {
+                // lock if we have something to lock on
+                std::auto_ptr<Cpt::SyncRegion>
+                    sr;
+                if (dirMutex != NULL)
+                    {
+                        sr.reset(new Cpt::SyncRegion(*dirMutex));
+                    }
+                reader_->close();
+                delete reader_;
+                reader_ = NULL;
+            }
+    }
+    bool isOpen() const
+    {
+        return reader_ != NULL;
+    }
+    lucene::index::IndexReader * getReader()
+    {
+        if (!isOpen())
+            {
+                THROW_CPIXEXC(PL_ERROR "accessing a closed reader");
+            }
+        return reader_;
+    }
+class IdxDbDeltaContext : public Itk::ITestContext
+    std::string                                    test_;
+    bool                                           haveInsertBuffer_;
+    bool                                           haveReader_;
+    bool                                           haveDels_;
+    Cpix::Impl::CommitStage                        targetCommitStage_;
+    TestInsertBuf                                * insertBuf_;
+    TestIdxReader                                  reader_;
+    lucene::analysis::standard::StandardAnalyzer   analyzer_;
+    std::string                                    deltaIdxDbPath_;
+    Cpt::Mutex                                     idxMutex_;
+    /**
+     * @param test syntax: [nw][nr][nd]-(dels_committed|ibuf_committing|ibuf_committed|merging|merged|complete)
+     *
+     * Where 
+     *
+     * (a) n,w tell if there is an insertbuffer (writer + ramdir) or not
+     * (b) n,r tell if there is a reader or not
+     * (c) n,d tell if there were deletions on reader or not
+     * (d) the keyword after dash tell the target commit stage (that
+     *     should be reached)
+     * 
+     * 
+     */
+    IdxDbDeltaContext(const char * test)
+        : test_(test),
+          haveInsertBuffer_(false),
+          haveReader_(false),
+          haveDels_(false),
+          targetCommitStage_(Cpix::Impl::CS_DELS_COMMITTED),
+          insertBuf_(NULL),
+          deltaIdxDbPath_(DeltaIdxDbPathBase)
+    {
+        if (test == NULL)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("NULL as test specification for IdxDbDeltaContext");
+            }
+        if (strlen(test) < 5)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Test specification '%s' too short",
+                          test);
+            }
+        if (test[0] == 'w')
+            {
+                haveInsertBuffer_ = true;
+            }
+        else if (test[0] != 'n')
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Test char in position %d: '%c' is wrong",
+                          0,
+                          test[0]);
+            }
+        if (test[1] == 'r')
+            {
+                haveReader_ = true;
+            }
+        else if (test[1] != 'n')
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Test char in position %d: '%c' is wrong",
+                          1,
+                          test[1]);
+            }
+        if (test[2] == 'd')
+            {
+                haveDels_ = true;
+            }
+        else if (test[2] != 'n')
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Test char in position %d: '%c' is wrong",
+                          2,
+                          test[2]);
+            }
+        if (test[3] != '-')
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Test char in position %d: '%c' is wrong",
+                          3,
+                          test[3]);
+            }
+        const char
+            * stageStr = test + 4;
+        if (strcmp("dels_committed", stageStr) == 0)
+            {
+                targetCommitStage_ = Cpix::Impl::CS_DELS_COMMITTED;
+            }
+        else if (strcmp("ibuf_committing", stageStr) == 0)
+            {
+                targetCommitStage_ = Cpix::Impl::CS_IBUF_COMMITTING;
+            }
+        else if (strcmp("ibuf_committed", stageStr) == 0)
+            {
+                targetCommitStage_ = Cpix::Impl::CS_IBUF_COMMITTED;
+            }
+        else if (strcmp("merging", stageStr) == 0)
+            {
+                targetCommitStage_ = Cpix::Impl::CS_MERGING;
+            }
+        else if (strcmp("merged", stageStr) == 0)
+            {
+                targetCommitStage_ = Cpix::Impl::CS_MERGED;
+            }
+        else if (strcmp("complete", stageStr) == 0)
+            {
+                targetCommitStage_ = Cpix::Impl::CS_COMPLETE;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Test stage string '%s' is wrong",
+                          stageStr);
+            }
+        deltaIdxDbPath_ += '\\';
+        deltaIdxDbPath_ += Cpix::Impl::ONE_COMPLETE_SUBDIR;
+    }
+    virtual void setup() throw (Itk::PanicExc)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using namespace lucene::index;
+        using namespace lucene::store;
+        int
+            result;
+        if (Cpt::directoryexists(DeltaIdxDbPathBase))
+            {
+                result = Cpt::removeall(DeltaIdxDbPathBase);
+                if (result != 0)
+                    {
+                        ITK_PANIC("could not remove dir recursively: %s",
+                                  DeltaIdxDbPathBase);
+                    }
+            }
+        result = Cpt::mkdirs(deltaIdxDbPath_.c_str(),
+                             0666);
+        if (result != 0)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Could not create dir %s",
+                          deltaIdxDbPath_.c_str());
+            }
+        try
+            {
+                auto_ptr<IndexWriter>
+                    writer(new IndexWriter(deltaIdxDbPath_.c_str(),
+                                           &analyzer_,
+                                           true));
+                addDocs(writer.get(),
+                        DeltaSmsesToStartWith,
+                        sizeof(DeltaSmsesToStartWith) / sizeof(DeltaSms));
+                writer->optimize();
+                writer->close();
+            } 
+        catch (...)
+            {
+                ITK_PANIC("Setting up start stage index failed");
+            }
+        if (haveInsertBuffer_)
+            {
+                insertBuf_ = new TestInsertBuf(&analyzer_);
+            }
+        if (haveReader_)
+            {
+                // reader_ = IndexReader::open(deltaIdxDbPath_.c_str());
+      ,
+                             idxMutex_);
+            }
+    }
+    virtual void tearDown() throw ()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    ~IdxDbDeltaContext()
+    {
+        cleanup();
+    }
+    void testStartStage(Itk::TestMgr * mgr)
+    {
+        using namespace lucene::index;
+        using namespace std;
+        printf("Start state of index:\n");
+        {
+            auto_ptr<IndexReader>
+                reader(IndexReader::open(deltaIdxDbPath_.c_str()));
+            searchAndPrint(reader.get());
+            reader->close();
+        }
+        if (haveInsertBuffer_)
+            {
+                addDocs(insertBuf_->getWriter(),
+                        DeltaSmsesToAdd,
+                        sizeof(DeltaSmsesToAdd) / sizeof(DeltaSms));
+                printf("... added extra docs to insert buffer\n");
+            }
+        if (haveDels_)
+            {
+                if (!reader_.isOpen())
+                    {
+                        ITK_PANIC("Reader should be open");
+                    }
+                for (size_t i = 0; 
+                     i < sizeof(DeltaSmsesToDelete) / sizeof(wchar_t*);
+                     ++i)
+                    {
+                        auto_ptr<Term>
+                            term(new Term(DELTA_ID_FIELD,
+                                          DeltaSmsesToDelete[i]));
+                        int
+                            result = reader_.getReader()->deleteDocuments(term.get());
+                        ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                                   result == 1,
+                                   "Should have deleted exactly one doc");
+                        printf("... deleted doc %S\n",
+                               DeltaSmsesToDelete[i]);
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    struct TestCommitStageExc
+    {
+        Cpix::Impl::CommitStage      commitStage_;
+        TestCommitStageExc(Cpix::Impl::CommitStage commitStage)
+            : commitStage_(commitStage)
+        {
+            ;
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Throws a TestCommitStageExc (with the current commit stage
+     * info) if the current commit stage info is the same as the
+     * target commit stage info we want to reach, except if the target
+     * commit stage is the "complete" one.
+     */
+    struct TestCommitStageAction
+    {
+        Cpix::Impl::CommitStage      targetCommitStage_;
+        void operator()(Cpix::Impl::CommitStage commitStage)
+        {
+            if (commitStage >= targetCommitStage_
+                && targetCommitStage_ != Cpix::Impl::CS_COMPLETE)
+                {
+                    throw TestCommitStageExc(commitStage);
+                }
+        }
+        TestCommitStageAction(Cpix::Impl::CommitStage  targetCommitStage)
+            : targetCommitStage_(targetCommitStage)
+        {
+            ;
+        }
+    };
+    void testCommitToDisk(Itk::TestMgr * mgr)
+    {
+        using namespace lucene::search;
+        using namespace Cpix::Impl;
+        // The TestCommitStageAction instance we give is to emulate
+        // interrupting the committing-to-disk process at different
+        // stages, and see if we can recover whatever information can
+        // be from whatever has been committed to disk up to that
+        // point. The interrupt is done by throwing a test exception
+        // and catching it.
+        /*
+		CommitStage
+            commitStage = targetCommitStage_;
+		*/
+        bool
+            properlyInterrupted = false;
+        try
+            {
+                CommitToDisk_(DeltaIdxDbPathBase,
+                              insertBuf_,
+                              reader_,
+                              true, // re-read reader_ if there was file i/o
+                              idxMutex_,
+                              TestCommitStageAction(targetCommitStage_));
+                if (targetCommitStage_ == CS_COMPLETE)
+                    {
+                        properlyInterrupted = true;
+                        // if there was any file i/o operation, we
+                        // must have a new version of idx now
+                        if (haveDels_ || haveInsertBuffer_)
+                            {
+                                std::string
+                                    deltaIdxDbPath(DeltaIdxDbPathBase);
+                                deltaIdxDbPath += '\\';
+                                deltaIdxDbPath += Cpix::Impl::OTHER_COMPLETE_SUBDIR;
+                                ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                                           Cpt::directoryexists(deltaIdxDbPath.c_str()),
+                                           "Complete, committed, updated idx dir should exist (%s): %s",
+                                           test_.c_str(),
+                                           deltaIdxDbPath.c_str());
+                            }
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                        ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                                   false,
+                                   "Should have been interrupted at stage %d",
+                                   targetCommitStage_);
+                    }
+            }
+        catch (TestCommitStageExc & exc)
+            {
+                if (exc.commitStage_ == targetCommitStage_)
+                    {
+                        properlyInterrupted = true;
+                    }
+            }
+        ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                   properlyInterrupted,
+                   "Did not test-interrupt committing to disk at the required point");
+        ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                   !haveReader_ || reader_.isOpen(),
+                   "Expected an open reader back");
+        ITK_EXPECT(mgr,
+                   (insertBuf_ == NULL 
+                    || insertBuf_->isEmpty()
+                    || targetCommitStage_ < CS_IBUF_COMMITTING),
+                   "Expected the (test) insert buffer to be closed");
+    }
+    void testRecoveredStage(Itk::TestMgr * )
+    {
+        if (reader_.isOpen())
+            {
+                printf("Reader (either the original or the re-created):\n");
+                searchAndPrint(reader_.getReader());
+                reader_.close(NULL);
+            }
+        printf("\n\nRecovering (most of the) state of the index:\n");
+        Cpix::Impl::IdxDbDelta::RecoverReader(DeltaIdxDbPathBase,
+                                              idxMutex_,
+                                              &reader_);
+        printf("The recovered state of index:\n");
+        searchAndPrint(reader_.getReader());
+    }
+    void cleanup()
+    {
+        if (insertBuf_ != NULL)
+            {
+                insertBuf_->close();
+                delete insertBuf_;
+                insertBuf_ = NULL;
+            }
+        reader_.close(NULL);
+    }
+    void addDocs(lucene::index::IndexWriter * writer,
+                 const DeltaSms             * p,
+                 size_t                       size)
+    {
+        using namespace lucene::document;
+        using namespace std;
+        const DeltaSms
+            * pEnd = p + size;
+        for (; p < pEnd; ++p)
+            {
+                auto_ptr<Document>
+                    doc(new Document());
+                doc->add(* new Field(DELTA_ID_FIELD,
+                                     p->id_,
+                                     Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_UNTOKENIZED));
+                doc->add(* new Field(DELTA_BODY_FIELD,
+                                     p->body_,
+                                     Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_TOKENIZED));
+                writer->addDocument(doc.get());
+                doc.reset();
+            }
+    }
+    void searchAndPrint(lucene::index::IndexReader * reader)
+    {
+        using namespace lucene::document;
+        using namespace lucene::index;
+        using namespace lucene::queryParser;
+        using namespace lucene::search;
+        using namespace std;
+        auto_ptr<QueryParser>
+            queryParser(new QueryParser(DELTA_BODY_FIELD,
+                                        &analyzer_));
+        auto_ptr<Query>
+            query(queryParser->parse(DELTA_QRY_TERM));
+        auto_ptr<IndexSearcher>
+            searcher(new IndexSearcher(reader));
+        auto_ptr<Hits>
+            hits(searcher->search(query.get()));
+        int32_t
+            length = hits->length();
+        printf("SEARCHING for '%S' resulted in %d hits:\n",
+               DELTA_QRY_TERM,
+               length);
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+            {
+                Document
+                    & doc(hits->doc(i));
+                printf("  o  DOC %S : %S\n",
+                       doc.get(DELTA_ID_FIELD),
+                       doc.get(DELTA_BODY_FIELD));
+            }
+        searcher->close();
+    }
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateIdxDbDeltaTest(const char * test)
+    using namespace Itk;
+    IdxDbDeltaContext
+        * context = new IdxDbDeltaContext(test);
+    ContextTester
+        * tester = new ContextTester(test,
+                                     context);
+#define TEST "startStage"
+    tester->add(TEST,
+                context,
+                &IdxDbDeltaContext::testStartStage,
+                TEST);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "commitToDisk"
+    tester->add(TEST,
+                context,
+                &IdxDbDeltaContext::testCommitToDisk);
+#undef TEST
+#define TEST "recoveredStage"
+    tester->add(TEST,
+                context,
+                &IdxDbDeltaContext::testRecoveredStage,
+                TEST);
+#undef TEST
+    return tester;
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateIdxDbDeltaTests()
+    using namespace Itk;
+    SuiteTester
+        * deltaTests = new SuiteTester("delta");
+    const char 
+        * deltaTestSpecs[] = {
+        "nnn-dels_committed",
+        "nnn-ibuf_committing",
+        "nnn-ibuf_committed",
+        "nnn-merging",
+        "nnn-merged",
+        "nnn-complete",
+        "nrn-dels_committed",
+        "nrn-ibuf_committing",
+        "nrn-ibuf_committed",
+        "nrn-merging",
+        "nrn-merged",
+        "nrn-complete",
+        "nrd-dels_committed",
+        "nrd-ibuf_committing",
+        "nrd-ibuf_committed",
+        "nrd-merging",
+        "nrd-merged",
+        "nrd-complete",
+        "wnn-dels_committed",
+        "wnn-ibuf_committing",
+        "wnn-ibuf_committed",
+        "wnn-merging",
+        "wnn-merged",
+        "wnn-complete",
+        "wrn-dels_committed",
+        "wrn-ibuf_committing",
+        "wrn-ibuf_committed",
+        "wrn-merging",
+        "wrn-merged",
+        "wrn-complete",
+        "wrd-dels_committed",
+        "wrd-ibuf_committing",
+        "wrd-ibuf_committed",
+        "wrd-merging",
+        "wrd-merged",
+        "wrd-complete"
+    };
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(deltaTestSpecs) / sizeof(char*); ++i)
+        {
+            deltaTests->add(CreateIdxDbDeltaTest(deltaTestSpecs[i]));
+        }
+    return deltaTests;
+Itk::TesterBase * CreateWhiteBoxTests()
+    using namespace Itk;
+    SuiteTester
+        * whiteBox = new SuiteTester("whitebox");
+    whiteBox->add("baccoll",
+                  &TestBaseAppClassCollision);
+    whiteBox->add("idpcoll",
+                  &TestIdxDbPathCollision);
+    whiteBox->add("scrapall",
+                  &TestScrapAll);
+    whiteBox->add("unifiedSearchParse",
+                  &TestUnifiedSearchParse,
+                  "unifiedSearchParse");
+    whiteBox->add(CreatePageTests());
+    whiteBox->add(CreateIdxDbDeltaTests());
+    // TODO add more
+    return whiteBox;