changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 24 65456528cac2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/oss/cl/clucene/src/clucene/index/indexreader.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
+* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or 
+* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
+#include "clucene/stdheader.h"
+#include "IndexReader.h"
+#include "IndexWriter.h"
+#include "clucene/store/directory.h"
+#include "CLucene/store/FSDirectory.h"
+#include "CLucene/store/Lock.h"
+#include "clucene/document/document.h"
+#include "clucene/search/similarity.h"
+#include "SegmentInfos.h"
+#include "MultiReader.h"
+#include "Terms.h"
+  IndexReader::IndexReader(Directory* dir):
+   directory(_CL_POINTER(dir)){
+  //Constructor.
+  //Func - Creates an instance of IndexReader
+  //Pre  - true
+  //Post - An instance has been created with writeLock = NULL
+      writeLock = NULL;
+      segmentInfos = NULL;
+      directoryOwner = false;
+      closeDirectory = false;
+      stale = false;
+      hasChanges = false;
+  }
+   IndexReader::IndexReader(Directory* directory, SegmentInfos* segmentInfos, bool closeDirectory) {
+    this->directory = _CL_POINTER(directory);
+    this->segmentInfos = segmentInfos;
+    directoryOwner = true;
+    this->closeDirectory = closeDirectory;
+    stale = false;
+    hasChanges = false;
+    writeLock = NULL;
+  }
+  IndexReader::~IndexReader(){
+  //Func - Destructor
+  //       Destroys the instance and releases the writeLock if needed
+  //Pre  - true
+  //Post - The instance has been destroyed if pre(writeLock) exists is has been released
+      if (writeLock != NULL) {
+		  //release writeLock
+          writeLock->release();
+		  _CLDELETE(writeLock);
+      }
+	  _CLDELETE(segmentInfos);
+	  _CLDECDELETE(directory);
+  }
+  IndexReader* IndexReader::open(const char* path){
+  //Func - Static method.
+  //       Returns an IndexReader reading the index in an FSDirectory in the named path. 
+  //Pre  - path != NULL and contains the path of the index for which an IndexReader must be 
+  //       instantiated
+  //       closeDir indicates if the directory needs to be closed
+  //Post - An IndexReader has been returned that reads tnhe index located at path
+	  CND_PRECONDITION(path != NULL, "path is NULL");
+	  Directory* dir = FSDirectory::getDirectory(path,false);
+     IndexReader* reader = open(dir,true);
+     //because fsdirectory will now have a refcount of 1 more than
+     //if the reader had been opened with a directory object,
+     //we need to do a refdec
+     _CLDECDELETE(dir);
+     return reader;
+  }
+  IndexReader* IndexReader::open( Directory* directory, bool closeDirectory){
+  //Func - Static method.
+  //       Returns an IndexReader reading the index in an FSDirectory in the named path. 
+  //Pre  - directory represents a directory 
+  //       closeDir indicates if the directory needs to be closed
+  //Post - An IndexReader has been returned that reads the index located at directory
+	  // in- & inter-process sync
+      SCOPED_LOCK_CRUCIAL_MUTEX(directory->Directory_THIS_LOCK)
+     IndexReader* ret = NULL;     
+	  LuceneLock* lock = directory->makeLock("commit.lock");
+	  //Instantiate an IndexReader::LockWith which can produce an IndexReader
+      IndexReader::LockWith with(lock,directory);
+	  try{
+	  //Create an IndexReader reading the index
+		ret = with.runAndReturn();
+        _CLDELETE( lock );
+	  );
+	  ret->closeDirectory = closeDirectory;
+	   CND_CONDITION(ret != NULL,"ret is NULL");
+	   //return reference 
+       return ret;
+  }
+  CL_NS(document)::Document* IndexReader::document(const int32_t n){
+    CL_NS(document)::Document* ret = _CLNEW CL_NS(document)::Document;
+    if (!document(n,ret) )
+        _CLDELETE(ret);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  IndexReader* IndexReader::LockWith::doBody() {
+  //Func - Reads the segmentinfo file and depending on the number of segments found
+  //       it returns a SegmentsReader or a SegmentReader
+  //Pre  - directory != NULL
+  //Post - Depending on the number of Segments present in directory this method
+  //       returns an empty SegmentsReader when there are no segments, a SegmentReader when
+  //       directory contains 1 segment and a nonempty SegmentsReader when directory
+  //       contains multiple segements
+	   CND_PRECONDITION(directory != NULL, "directory is NULL");
+	   //Instantiate SegmentInfos
+       SegmentInfos* infos = _CLNEW SegmentInfos;
+	   try{
+			//Have SegmentInfos read the segments file in directory
+			infos->read(directory);
+	   }catch(...){
+	        //make sure infos is cleaned up
+			_CLDELETE(infos);
+			throw;
+	   }
+       // If there is at least one segment (if infos.size() >= 1), the last
+       // SegmentReader object will close the directory when the SegmentReader
+       // object itself is closed (see SegmentReader::doClose).
+       // If there are no segments, there will be no "last SegmentReader object"
+       // to fulfill this responsibility, so we need to explicitly close the
+       // directory in the segmentsreader.close
+	   //Count the number segments in the directory
+	   const uint32_t nSegs = infos->size();
+       if (nSegs == 1 ) {
+			// index is optimized 
+            return _CLNEW SegmentReader(infos, infos->info(0));
+	    }else{
+			//Instantiate an array of pointers to SegmentReaders of size nSegs (The number of segments in the index)
+			IndexReader** readers = NULL;
+			if (nSegs > 0){
+				uint32_t infosize=infos->size();
+				readers = _CL_NEWARRAY(IndexReader*,infosize+1);
+				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < infosize; ++i) {
+					//Instantiate a SegementReader responsible for reading the i-th segment and store it in
+					//the readers array
+					readers[i] = _CLNEW SegmentReader(infos->info(i));
+				}
+				readers[infosize] = NULL;
+			}
+			//return an instance of SegmentsReader which is a reader that manages all Segments
+			return _CLNEW MultiReader(directory, infos, readers);
+        }// end if
+  }
+  uint64_t IndexReader::lastModified(const char* directory) {
+  //Func - Static method
+  //       Returns the time the index in the named directory was last modified. 
+  //Pre  - directory != NULL and contains the path name of the directory to check
+  //Post - The last modified time of the index has been returned
+      CND_PRECONDITION(directory != NULL, "directory is NULL");
+	  return FSDirectory::fileModified(directory,"segments");
+  }
+  int64_t IndexReader::getCurrentVersion(Directory* directory) {
+      // CPIXASYNC SCOPED_LOCK_MUTEX(directory->THIS_LOCK)                 // in- & inter-process sync
+      SCOPED_LOCK_CRUCIAL_MUTEX(directory->Directory_THIS_LOCK)                 // in- & inter-process sync
+	LuceneLock* commitLock=directory->makeLock(IndexWriter::COMMIT_LOCK_NAME);
+	bool locked=false;
+	int64_t ret = 0;
+	try {
+		locked=commitLock->obtain(IndexWriter::COMMIT_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
+		ret = SegmentInfos::readCurrentVersion(directory);
+		if (locked) {
+			commitLock->release();
+		}
+		_CLDELETE(commitLock);
+	)
+	return ret;
+  }
+   int64_t IndexReader::getCurrentVersion(const char* directory){
+      Directory* dir = FSDirectory::getDirectory(directory, false);
+      int64_t version = getCurrentVersion(dir);
+	  dir->close();
+      _CLDECDELETE(dir);
+      return version;
+   }
+    int64_t IndexReader::getVersion() {
+		return segmentInfos->getVersion();
+	}
+	bool IndexReader::isCurrent() {
+            // CPIXASYNC SCOPED_LOCK_MUTEX(directory->THIS_LOCK)                 // in- & inter-process sync
+            SCOPED_LOCK_CRUCIAL_MUTEX(directory->Directory_THIS_LOCK)                 // in- & inter-process sync
+		LuceneLock* commitLock = directory->makeLock(IndexWriter::COMMIT_LOCK_NAME);
+		bool locked=false;
+		bool ret = false;
+		try {
+			locked=commitLock->obtain(IndexWriter::COMMIT_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
+			ret = SegmentInfos::readCurrentVersion(directory) == segmentInfos->getVersion();
+			if (locked) {
+				commitLock->release();
+			}
+		)
+		return ret;
+	}
+  uint64_t IndexReader::lastModified(const Directory* directory) {
+  //Func - Static method
+  //       Returns the time the index in this directory was last modified. 
+  //Pre  - directory contains a valid reference
+  //Post - The last modified time of the index has been returned
+      return directory->fileModified("segments");
+  }
+  bool IndexReader::indexExists(const char* directory){
+  //Func - Static method
+  //       Checks if an index exists in the named directory
+  //Pre  - directory != NULL
+  //Post - Returns true if an index exists at the specified directory->
+  //       If the directory does not exist or if there is no index in it.
+  //       false is returned.
+       CND_PRECONDITION(directory != NULL, "directory is NULL");
+	   //Create a buffer of length CL_MAXDIR
+       char f[CL_MAX_PATH];
+	   //Copy the directory string to the buffer. leave room for /segments
+       strncpy(f,directory,CL_MAX_PATH-10);
+	   //Cat the name of the segments to buffer
+       strcat(f, "/segments");
+	   //Check if the segments file exists
+       return Misc::dir_Exists(f);
+  }
+  void IndexReader::setNorm(int32_t doc, const TCHAR* field, uint8_t value){
+    if(directoryOwner)
+      aquireWriteLock();
+    doSetNorm(doc, field, value);
+    hasChanges = true;
+  }
+ void IndexReader::aquireWriteLock() {
+    if (stale)
+      _CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IO,"IndexReader out of date and no longer valid for delete, undelete, or setNorm operations");
+    if (writeLock == NULL) {
+      LuceneLock* writeLock = directory->makeLock("write.lock");
+      if (!writeLock->obtain(IndexWriter::WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT)) // obtain write lock
+       _CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IO,"Index locked for write"); // + writeLock
+      this->writeLock = writeLock;
+      // we have to check whether index has changed since this reader was opened.
+      // if so, this reader is no longer valid for deletion
+      if (SegmentInfos::readCurrentVersion(directory) > segmentInfos->getVersion()) {
+        stale = true;
+        this->writeLock->release();
+        _CLDELETE(this->writeLock);
+        _CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IO,"IndexReader out of date and no longer valid for delete, undelete, or setNorm operations");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void IndexReader::setNorm(int32_t doc, const TCHAR* field, float_t value){
+     setNorm(doc, field, CL_NS(search)::Similarity::encodeNorm(value));
+  }
+  bool IndexReader::indexExists(const Directory* directory){
+  //Func - Static method
+  //       Checks if an index exists in the directory
+  //Pre  - directory is a valid reference
+  //Post - Returns true if an index exists at the specified directory->
+  //       If the directory does not exist or if there is no index in it.
+  //       false is returned.
+      return directory->fileExists("segments");
+  }
+  TermDocs* IndexReader::termDocs(Term* term) const {
+  //Func - Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain
+  //       term. For each document, the document number, the frequency of
+  //       the term in that document is also provided, for use in search scoring.
+  //       Thus, this method implements the mapping: 
+  //
+  //       Term => <docNum, freq>*
+  //	   The enumeration is ordered by document number.  Each document number
+  //       is greater than all that precede it in the enumeration. 
+  //Pre  - term != NULL
+  //Post - A reference to TermDocs containing an enumeration of all found documents
+  //       has been returned
+      CND_PRECONDITION(term != NULL, "term is NULL");
+      //Reference an instantiated TermDocs instance
+      TermDocs* _termDocs = termDocs();
+      //Seek all documents containing term
+      _termDocs->seek(term);
+      //return the enumaration
+      return _termDocs;
+  }
+  TermPositions* IndexReader::termPositions(Term* term) const{
+  //Func - Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain  term. For each 
+  //       document, in addition to the document number and frequency of the term in 
+  //       that document, a list of all of the ordinal positions of the term in the document 
+  //       is available.  Thus, this method implements the mapping:
+  //
+  //       Term => <docNum, freq,<pos 1, pos 2, ...pos freq-1>>*
+  //
+  //       This positional information faciliates phrase and proximity searching.
+  //       The enumeration is ordered by document number.  Each document number is greater than 
+  //       all that precede it in the enumeration. 
+  //Pre  - term != NULL
+  //Post - A reference to TermPositions containing an enumeration of all found documents
+  //       has been returned
+      CND_PRECONDITION(term != NULL, "term is NULL");
+      //Reference an instantiated termPositions instance
+      TermPositions* _termPositions = termPositions();
+	  //Seek all documents containing term
+      _termPositions->seek(term);
+	  //return the enumeration
+      return _termPositions;
+  }
+  void IndexReader::deleteDocument(const int32_t docNum) {
+  //Func - Deletes the document numbered docNum.  Once a document is deleted it will not appear 
+  //       in TermDocs or TermPostitions enumerations. Attempts to read its field with the document 
+  //       method will result in an error.  The presence of this document may still be reflected in 
+  //       the docFreq statistic, though this will be corrected eventually as the index is further modified.  
+  //Pre  - docNum >= 0
+  //Post - If successful the document identified by docNum has been deleted. If no writelock
+  //       could be obtained an exception has been thrown stating that the index was locked or has no write access
+     CND_PRECONDITION(docNum >= 0, "docNum is negative");
+      if (directoryOwner)
+		  aquireWriteLock();
+	  //Have the document identified by docNum deleted
+      doDelete(docNum);
+      hasChanges = true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Commit changes resulting from delete, undeleteAll, or setNorm operations
+   * 
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+   void IndexReader::commit(){
+    if(hasChanges){
+      if(directoryOwner){
+        {
+            // CPIXASYNC SCOPED_LOCK_MUTEX(directory->THIS_LOCK)      // in- & inter-process sync
+            SCOPED_LOCK_CRUCIAL_MUTEX(directory->Directory_THIS_LOCK)      // in- & inter-process sync
+	        LuceneLock* commitLock = directory->makeLock("commit.lock");
+	        IndexReader::CommitLockWith cl(commitLock,this);
+			_CLDELETE(commitLock);
+	    }
+        if (writeLock != NULL) {
+          writeLock->release();  // release write lock
+          _CLDELETE(writeLock);
+        }
+      }else
+        doCommit();
+    }
+    hasChanges = false;
+  }
+  void IndexReader::undeleteAll(){
+    if(directoryOwner)
+      aquireWriteLock();
+    doUndeleteAll();
+    hasChanges = true;
+  }
+  int32_t IndexReader::deleteDocuments(Term* term) {
+  //Func - Deletes all documents containing term. This is useful if one uses a 
+  //       document field to hold a unique ID string for the document.  Then to delete such  
+  //       a document, one merely constructs a term with the appropriate field and the unique 
+  //       ID string as its text and passes it to this method.  
+  //Pre  - term != NULL
+  //Post - All documents containing term have been deleted. The number of deleted documents
+  //       has been returned
+      CND_PRECONDITION(term != NULL, "term is NULL");
+	  //Search for the documents contain term
+      TermDocs* docs = termDocs(term);
+	  //Check if documents have been found
+	  if ( docs == NULL ){
+          return 0;
+	  }
+	  //initialize
+	  int32_t Counter = 0;
+      try {
+		  //iterate through the found documents
+          while (docs->next()) {
+			  //Delete the document
+              deleteDocument(docs->doc());
+              ++Counter;
+          }
+      }_CLFINALLY(
+		  //Close the enumeration
+          docs->close();
+          );
+    //Delete the enumeration of found documents
+    _CLDELETE( docs );
+	//Return the number of deleted documents
+    return Counter;
+  }
+	TCHAR** IndexReader::getFieldNames(){
+		CL_NS(util)::StringArrayWithDeletor array;
+		getFieldNames(IndexReader::ALL, array);
+		array.setDoDelete(false);
+		TCHAR** ret = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR*,array.size()+1);
+		int j=0;
+  		CL_NS(util)::StringArrayWithDeletor::iterator itr = array.begin();
+  		while ( itr != array.end() ){
+  			ret[j]=*itr;
+			++j;++itr;
+ 		}
+		ret[j]=NULL;
+		return ret;
+	}
+	TCHAR** IndexReader::getFieldNames(bool indexed){
+		CL_NS(util)::StringArrayWithDeletor array;
+		getFieldNames(indexed?IndexReader::INDEXED:IndexReader::UNINDEXED, array);
+		array.setDoDelete(false);
+		TCHAR** ret = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR*,array.size()+1);
+		int j=0;
+  		CL_NS(util)::StringArrayWithDeletor::iterator itr = array.begin();
+  		while ( itr != array.end() ){
+  			ret[j]=*itr;
+			++j;++itr;
+ 		}
+		ret[j]=NULL;
+		return ret;
+	}
+  void IndexReader::close() {
+  //Func - Closes files associated with this index and also saves any new deletions to disk.
+  //       No other methods should be called after this has been called.
+  //Pre  - true
+  //Post - All files associated with this index have been deleted and new deletions have been 
+  //       saved to disk
+	CloseCallbackMap::iterator iter = closeCallbacks.begin();
+	for ( ;iter!=closeCallbacks.end();iter++){
+		CloseCallback callback = *iter->first;
+		callback(this,iter->second);
+	}
+    commit();
+    doClose();
+	if(closeDirectory){
+      directory->close();
+	  _CLDECDELETE(directory);
+	}
+  }
+  bool IndexReader::isLocked(Directory* directory) {
+  //Func - Static method 
+  //       Checks if the index in the directory is currently locked.
+  //Pre  - directory is a valid reference to a directory to check for a lock
+  //Post - Returns true if the index in the named directory is locked otherwise false
+	  //Check the existence of the file write.lock and return true when it does and false
+	  //when it doesn't
+     LuceneLock* l1 = directory->makeLock("write.lock");
+     LuceneLock* l2 = directory->makeLock("commit.lock");
+	 bool ret = l1->isLocked() || l2->isLocked();
+     _CLDELETE(l1);
+     _CLDELETE(l2);
+     return ret;
+  }
+  bool IndexReader::isLocked(const char* directory) {
+  //Func - Static method 
+  //       Checks if the index in the named directory is currently locked.
+  //Pre  - directory != NULL and contains the directory to check for a lock
+  //Post - Returns true if the index in the named directory is locked otherwise false
+      CND_PRECONDITION(directory != NULL, "directory is NULL");
+	  //Create a buffer of length CL_MAXDIR
+      char f[CL_MAX_PATH]; //todo: potential buffer overflow
+	  //Copy the directory string to the buffer. leave room for /write.lock
+      strncpy(f,directory,CL_MAX_PATH-12);
+	  //Cat the name of the write.lock file to buffer
+      strcat ( f,"/write.lock" );
+      Directory* dir = FSDirectory::getDirectory(directory,false);
+      bool ret = isLocked(dir);
+	  dir->close();
+      _CLDECDELETE(dir);
+	  return ret;
+  }
+/** Returns true if there are norms stored for this field. */
+bool IndexReader::hasNorms(const TCHAR* field) {
+	// backward compatible implementation.
+	// SegmentReader has an efficient implementation.
+	return norms(field) != NULL;
+void IndexReader::unlock(const char* path){
+	FSDirectory* dir = FSDirectory::getDirectory(path,false);
+	unlock(dir);
+	dir->close();
+  void IndexReader::unlock(Directory* directory){
+  //Func - Static method
+  //       Forcibly unlocks the index in the named directory->
+  //       Caution: this should only be used by failure recovery code,
+  //       when it is known that no other process nor thread is in fact
+  //       currently accessing this index.
+  //Pre  - directory is a valid reference to a directory 
+  //Post - The directory has been forcibly unlocked
+      LuceneLock* lock;
+	  lock = directory->makeLock("write.lock");
+      lock->release();
+      _CLDELETE(lock);
+      lock = directory->makeLock("commit.lock");
+      lock->release();
+      _CLDELETE(lock);
+  }
+bool IndexReader::isLuceneFile(const char* filename){
+	if ( !filename )
+		return false;
+	size_t len = strlen(filename);
+	if ( len < 6 ) //need at least x.frx
+		return false;
+	const char* ext=filename+len;
+	while(*ext != '.' && ext!=filename)
+		ext--;
+	if ( strcmp(ext, ".cfs") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".fnm") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".fdx") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".fdt") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".tii") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".tis") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".frq") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".prx") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".del") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".tvx") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".tvd") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".tvf") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(ext, ".tvp") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(filename, "segments") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(filename, "") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strcmp(filename, "deletable") == 0 )
+		return true;
+	else if ( strncmp(ext,".f",2)==0 ){
+		const char* n = ext+2;
+		if ( *n && _istdigit(*n) )
+			return true;	
+	}
+	return false;
+	void IndexReader::addCloseCallback(CloseCallback callback, void* parameter){
+		closeCallbacks.put(callback, parameter);	
+	}
+	//Constructor	
+    IndexReader::LockWith::LockWith(CL_NS(store)::LuceneLock* lock, CL_NS(store)::Directory* dir):
+		CL_NS(store)::LuceneLockWith<IndexReader*>(lock,IndexWriter::COMMIT_LOCK_TIMEOUT)
+	{
+		this->directory = dir;
+	}	
+	//Constructor	
+	IndexReader::CommitLockWith::CommitLockWith( CL_NS(store)::LuceneLock* lock, IndexReader* r ):
+		CL_NS(store)::LuceneLockWith<void>(lock,IndexWriter::COMMIT_LOCK_TIMEOUT),
+		reader(r)
+	{
+	}
+	void IndexReader::CommitLockWith::doBody(){
+		reader->doCommit();
+		reader->segmentInfos->write(reader->getDirectory());
+	}