changeset 0 671dee74050a
child 15 cf5c74390b98
child 24 65456528cac2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchengine/oss/cl/clucene/src/clucene/search/multisearcher.h	Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
+* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or 
+* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
+#ifndef _lucene_search_multisearcher
+#define _lucene_search_multisearcher
+#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
+# pragma once
+#include "clucene/search/searchheader.h"
+#include "clucene/document/document.h"
+#include "clucene/index/term.h"
+    class MultiHitCollector: public HitCollector{
+    private:
+      HitCollector* results;
+      int32_t start;
+    public: 
+      MultiHitCollector(HitCollector* _results, int32_t _start);
+      void collect(const int32_t doc, const float_t score) ;
+    };
+ /** Implements search over a set of <code>Searchables</code>.
+	*
+	* <p>Applications usually need only call the inherited {@link #search(Query)}
+	* or {@link #search(Query,Filter)} methods.
+	*/
+	class MultiSearcher: public Searcher {
+  private:
+    Searchable** searchables;
+		int32_t searchablesLen;
+    int32_t* starts;
+    int32_t _maxDoc;
+	protected:
+		int32_t* getStarts() {
+  			return starts;
+		}
+  public:
+      /** Creates a searcher which searches <i>Searchables</i>. */
+      MultiSearcher(Searchable** searchables);
+      ~MultiSearcher();
+      /** Frees resources associated with this <code>Searcher</code>. */
+      void close() ;
+	  int32_t docFreq(const CL_NS(index)::Term* term) const ;
+      /** For use by {@link HitCollector} implementations. */
+	  bool doc(int32_t n, CL_NS(document)::Document* document);
+      /** For use by {@link HitCollector} implementations to identify the
+       * index of the sub-searcher that a particular hit came from. */
+      int32_t searcherIndex(int32_t n) const;
+	  int32_t subSearcher(int32_t n) const;
+	  int32_t subDoc(int32_t n) const;
+      int32_t maxDoc() const;
+      TopDocs* _search(Query* query, Filter* filter, const int32_t nDocs) ;
+      TopFieldDocs* _search (Query* query, Filter* filter, const int32_t n, const Sort* sort);
+      /** Lower-level search API.
+       *
+       * <p>{@link HitCollector#collect(int32_t,float_t)} is called for every non-zero
+       * scoring document.
+       *
+       * <p>Applications should only use this if they need <i>all</i> of the
+       * matching documents.  The high-level search API ({@link
+       * Searcher#search(Query)}) is usually more efficient, as it skips
+       * non-high-scoring hits.
+       *
+       * @param query to match documents
+       * @param filter if non-null, a bitset used to eliminate some documents
+       * @param results to receive hits
+       */
+        void _search(Query* query, Filter* filter, HitCollector* results);
+		Query* rewrite(Query* original);
+		void explain(Query* query, int32_t doc, Explanation* ret);
+    };