--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searcher/tsrc/cpixsearchertest/src/cpixboostertester.cpp Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "cpixboostertester.h"
+#include "ccpixsearcher.h"
+#include "CSearchDocument.h"
+#include "CCPixIndexer.h"
+#include "indevicecfg.h"
+_LIT( KTestBaseAppClass, "test" );
+_LIT( KTestQualifiedBaseAppClass, "@c:test" );
+_LIT( KContentFieldName, "content" );
+void CTestBoost::setUp()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSession.Connect());
+ iSession.DefineVolume(KTestQualifiedBaseAppClass, KTestBaseAppClass );
+ iIndexer = CCPixIndexer::NewL(iSession);
+ iIndexer->OpenDatabaseL(KTestQualifiedBaseAppClass);
+ iSearcher = CCPixSearcher::NewL(iSession, _L( "" CONTENTS_FIELD ) );
+ iSearcher->OpenDatabaseL(KTestBaseAppClass);
+ }
+void CTestBoost::tearDown()
+ {
+ delete iIndexer;
+ delete iSearcher;
+ iSession.Close();
+ }
+void CTestBoost::testNoBoost()
+ {
+ //
+ // This is the 'control' test. It is used to assert that
+ // without tinkering with boosts, the engine would return
+ // the result with most 'hits'
+ //
+ iIndexer->ResetL();
+ AddDocumentL( 0, _L( "hit hit hit" ), 1.0f ); // first result
+ AddDocumentL( 1, _L( "hit hit miss" ), 1.0f ); // second result
+ AddDocumentL( 2, _L( "hit miss miss" ), 1.0f );// last result
+ if( iSearcher->SearchL( _L( "hit" ), KContentFieldName ) != 3 )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 0, 0 ); // id 1 is first hit
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 1, 1 ); // id 2 is second hit
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 2, 2 ); // id 3 is third hit
+ }
+void CTestBoost::testBoost()
+ {
+ //
+ // This is the actual boost test. It is used to show that
+ // changing boost value actually affects the rank. The 'normal'
+ // document order is reversed with heavy boost usage.
+ //
+ iIndexer->ResetL();
+ AddDocumentL( 0, _L( "hit hit hit" ), 1.0f ); // last result
+ AddDocumentL( 1, _L( "hit hit miss" ), 10.0f ); // second result
+ AddDocumentL( 2, _L( "hit miss miss" ), 100.0f );// first result
+ if( iSearcher->SearchL( _L( "hit" ), KContentFieldName ) != 3 )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 0, 2 ); // id 1 is third hit
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 1, 1 ); // id 2 is second hit
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 2, 0 ); // id 3 is first hit
+ }
+void CTestBoost::testFieldBoost()
+ {
+ //
+ // This is the actual boost test. It is used to show that
+ // changing boost value actually affects the rank. The 'normal'
+ // document order is reversed with heavy boost usage.
+ //
+ iIndexer->ResetL();
+ AddDocumentWithFieldBoostL( 0, _L( "hit hit hit" ), 1.0f ); // last result
+ AddDocumentWithFieldBoostL( 1, _L( "hit hit miss" ), 10.0f ); // second result
+ AddDocumentWithFieldBoostL( 2, _L( "hit miss miss" ), 100.0f );// first result
+ if( iSearcher->SearchL( _L( "hit" ), KContentFieldName ) != 3 )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 0, 2 ); // id 1 is third hit
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 1, 1 ); // id 2 is second hit
+ AssertHitDocumentL( 2, 0 ); // id 3 is first hit
+ }
+void CTestBoost::AssertHitDocumentL( TInt aIndex, TInt aId )
+ {
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ buf.AppendNum( aId );
+ CSearchDocument* doc = iSearcher->GetDocumentL( aIndex );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( doc );
+ if( doc->Id().Compare( buf ) )
+ err = KErrNotFound;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( doc );
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ }
+void CTestBoost::AddDocumentL( TInt aId, const TDesC& aContent, TReal aBoost )
+ {
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ buf.AppendNum( aId );
+ CSearchDocument* doc = CSearchDocument::NewLC( buf, KTestBaseAppClass, aContent );
+ doc->SetBoost( aBoost );
+ doc->AddFieldL( KContentFieldName, aContent, CDocumentField::EStoreNo | CDocumentField::EIndexTokenized | CDocumentField::EAggregateYes );
+ iIndexer->AddL( *doc );
+ iIndexer->FlushL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( doc );
+ }
+void CTestBoost::AddDocumentWithFieldBoostL( TInt aId, const TDesC& aContent, TReal aBoost )
+ {
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ buf.AppendNum( aId );
+ CSearchDocument* doc = CSearchDocument::NewLC( buf, KTestBaseAppClass, aContent );
+ doc->AddFieldL( KContentFieldName,
+ aContent,
+ CDocumentField::EStoreNo | CDocumentField::EIndexTokenized | CDocumentField::EAggregateYes )
+ .SetBoost( aBoost ); // Boost field instead of document
+ iIndexer->AddL( *doc );
+ iIndexer->FlushL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( doc );
+ }