--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searcher/tsrc/cpixsearchertest/src/cpixsearchertester.cpp Mon Apr 19 14:40:16 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "cpixsearchertester.h"
+//#include "TestDriver.h"
+//#include "Logger.h"
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "indevicecfg.h"
+#include "CCPixSearcher.h"
+#include "CSearchDocument.h"
+#include "CCPixIndexer.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#define TS_ASSERT(a) \
+ if ( !a ) return KErrNotFound
+_LIT(KQueryString, "act");
+_LIT(KCpixRegFile, "c:\\private\\2001f6f7\\cpixreg.txt");
+_LIT(KTestFileBaseAppClassC, "@c:test root file");
+_LIT(KNonExistentField, "_foo");
+_LIT8(KRootMapsGbr8, "@GBR:foo bar root maps");
+_LIT8(KRootMapsGbrPath8, "c:\\Data\\foo\\bar\\root\\maps\\street\\gbr");
+_LIT(KRootMapsGbr, "@GBR:foo bar root maps");
+_LIT(KRootMapsGbrPath, "c:\\Data\\foo\\bar\\root\\maps\\street\\gbr");
+_LIT(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass1, "@:foo bar root maps");
+_LIT(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass2, ":foo bar root maps");
+_LIT(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass3, "foo bar root maps");
+_LIT(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass4, "root file");
+const TInt KMaxFileSize = 400;
+TInt CTestSearcher::SearchForTextL(const TDesC& aQueryString, const TDesC& aDefaultField)
+ {
+ TInt documentCount(KErrNotFound);
+ // Send for indexing
+ if ( iSearcher )
+ {
+ documentCount = iSearcher->SearchL(aQueryString, aDefaultField);
+ }
+ return documentCount;
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::AddFileToIndexL(const TDesC& aFileName)
+ {
+ CSearchDocument* doc = CSearchDocument::NewLC(aFileName, KNullDesC, KNullDesC, CSearchDocument::EFileParser);
+ iIndexer->AddL(*doc);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(doc);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::setUp()
+ {
+ iFs.Connect();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSession.Connect());
+ iSession.UnDefineVolume(KTestFileBaseAppClassC);
+ // define a test volume
+ iSession.DefineVolume(KTestFileBaseAppClassC, KNullDesC);
+ iIndexer = CCPixIndexer::NewL(iSession);
+ iIndexer->OpenDatabaseL(KTestFileBaseAppClassC);
+ iIndexer->ResetL();
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act0.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act1.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act2.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act3.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act4.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act5.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\act6.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\complete.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\index.txt"));
+ AddFileToIndexL(_L("c:\\Data\\cpixS60unittest\\introduction.txt"));
+ iSearcher = CCPixSearcher::NewL(iSession);
+ iSearcher->OpenDatabaseL(KTestFileBaseAppClassC);
+ // iWait will cause waiting until some asynchronous event has happened
+ iWait = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait;
+ iMyAOClass = CAOTestClass::NewL(this);
+ iDocumentCount = 0;
+ iDocument = NULL;
+ iHandleDocumentLFunctionCalled = EFalse;
+ iHandleSetAnalyzerCalled = EFalse;
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::tearDown()
+ {
+ iDocumentCount = 0;
+ delete iSearcher;
+ iSearcher = NULL;
+ if ( iDocument )
+ {
+ delete iDocument;
+ iDocument = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iIndexer)
+ {
+ iIndexer->ResetL();
+ }
+ if( iWait )
+ {
+ delete iWait;
+ iWait = NULL;
+ }
+ if( iMyAOClass )
+ {
+ delete iMyAOClass;
+ iMyAOClass = NULL;
+ }
+ delete iIndexer;
+ iIndexer = NULL;
+ // undefine a test volume
+ iSession.UnDefineVolume(KTestFileBaseAppClassC);
+ iSession.Close();
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::HandleOpenDatabaseResultL( TInt /* aError */ )
+ {
+ if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted())
+ {
+ // All done, signal that can continue now.
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::HandleSearchResultsL(TInt /* aError */, TInt aEstimatedResultCount)
+ {
+ iDocumentCount = aEstimatedResultCount;
+ if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted())
+ {
+ // All done, signal that can continue now.
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::HandleSetAnalyzerResultL(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ iHandleSetAnalyzerCalled = ETrue;
+ if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted())
+ {
+ // All done, signal that can continue now.
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::HandleDocumentL(TInt /* aError */, CSearchDocument* aDocument)
+ {
+ iHandleDocumentLFunctionCalled = ETrue;
+ if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted())
+ {
+ if ( iDocument )
+ {
+ delete iDocument;
+ iDocument = NULL;
+ }
+ iDocument = aDocument;
+ // All done, signal that can continue now.
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+// Timeout callback
+void CTestSearcher::CallCompleted( int /* i */ )
+ {
+ if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted())
+ {
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+TInt CTestSearcher::testKnownTermTestsL()
+ {
+ // Shakespeare's corpus files have plenty of terms "act" in them EXPECTED RESULTS > 0
+ TInt result = SearchForTextL(KQueryString, KNullDesC);
+ TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ // Shakespeare's corpus files have plenty of terms "scene" in them EXPECTED RESULTS > 0
+ result = SearchForTextL(_L("scene"), KNullDesC);
+ TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ if(result > 0)
+ {
+ for (TInt i=0; i<result; i++)
+ {
+ CSearchDocument* document = iSearcher->GetDocumentL(i);
+ //TS_ASSERT(document != NULL);
+ delete document;
+ }
+ }
+ // Shakespeare's corpus files have no terms "ipod" in them EXPECTED RESULTS IS ZERO
+ result = SearchForTextL(_L("ipod"), KNullDesC);
+ TS_ASSERT(result == 0);
+ // Shakespeare's corpus files have plenty of terms "act" in them EXPECTED RESULTS == 0, but not in this field
+ result = SearchForTextL(KQueryString, KNonExistentField);
+ TS_ASSERT(result == 0);
+ // can search for a known value in a different field
+ result = SearchForTextL(KRootFileUserTxt, KAppClassField);
+ TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ // can search for a known value in a different field
+// result = SearchForTextL(KRootFileUserTxt, KNonExistentField);
+// TS_ASSERT(result == 0); // TODO XXX TIM why does searching for an existing term in a non-existent field return a non-zero value
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testWildcardTermTests()
+ {
+ // Shakespeare's corpus files have plenty of terms "act" in them EXPECTED RESULTS > 0
+ TInt result = SearchForTextL(_L("a*t"), KNullDesC);
+ //TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ // Shakespeare's corpus files have plenty of terms "act" in them EXPECTED RESULTS > 0
+ result = SearchForTextL(_L("sc*ne"), KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testDefineVolumeWorksNonEmptyPath()
+ {
+ TBuf8<KMaxFileSize> cpixRegBuf;
+ // open up the cpixreg.txt file again and make sure
+ // that it IS NOT in there
+ TInt err = iFile.Open(iFs, KCpixRegFile, EFileStreamText);
+ iFile.Read(0, cpixRegBuf);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbr8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbrPath8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ iFile.Close();
+ // define a new volume
+ err = iSession.DefineVolume(KRootMapsGbr, KRootMapsGbrPath);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // open up the cpixreg.txt file and make sure that it IS in there
+ err = iFile.Open(iFs, KCpixRegFile, EFileStreamText);
+ iFile.Read(0, cpixRegBuf);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbr8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound != err);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbrPath8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound != err);
+ iFile.Close();
+ // now undefine the same volume
+ err = iSession.UnDefineVolume(KRootMapsGbr);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // open up the cpixreg.txt file again and make sure
+ // that it IS NOT in there
+ err = iFile.Open(iFs, KCpixRegFile, EFileStreamText);
+ iFile.Read(0, cpixRegBuf);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbr8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbrPath8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ iFile.Close();
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testDefineVolumeWorksWithEmptyPath()
+ {
+ TBuf8<KMaxFileSize> cpixRegBuf;
+ // open up the cpixreg.txt file again and make sure
+ // that it IS NOT in there
+ TInt err = iFile.Open(iFs, KCpixRegFile, EFileStreamText);
+ iFile.Read(0, cpixRegBuf);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbr8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbrPath8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ iFile.Close();
+ // define a new volume
+ err = iSession.DefineVolume(KRootMapsGbr, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // open up the cpixreg.txt file and make sure that it IS in there
+ err = iFile.Open(iFs, KCpixRegFile, EFileStreamText);
+ iFile.Read(0, cpixRegBuf);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbr8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound != err);
+ iFile.Close();
+ // now try to redefine the same volume again
+ err = iSession.DefineVolume(KRootMapsGbr, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // now undefine the same volume
+ err = iSession.UnDefineVolume(KRootMapsGbr);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // open up the cpixreg.txt file again and make sure
+ // that it IS NOT in there
+ err = iFile.Open(iFs, KCpixRegFile, EFileStreamText);
+ iFile.Read(0, cpixRegBuf);
+ err = cpixRegBuf.Find(KRootMapsGbr8());
+ // TS_ASSERT(KErrNotFound == err);
+ iFile.Close();
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testDefineVolumeErrorScenarios()
+ {
+ // Attempt to define a volume for a invalid qualified base app classes.
+ TInt result = iSession.DefineVolume(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass1, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result == KErrCannotDefineVolume);
+ result = iSession.DefineVolume(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass2, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result == KErrCannotDefineVolume);
+ result = iSession.DefineVolume(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass3, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result == KErrCannotDefineVolume);
+ result = iSession.DefineVolume(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass4, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result == KErrCannotDefineVolume);
+ // Attempt to undefine a volume that was not defined.
+ result = iSession.UnDefineVolume(KRootMapsGbr);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result == KErrNone);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testSearchCancellation()
+ {
+ // Test basic cancellation of search request
+ iSearcher->SearchL(*this, KQueryString);
+ iSearcher->Cancel();
+ // If want to set a maximum timeout value for this test case then
+ // uncomment this line, which will cause CTestSearcher::CallCompleted
+ // to be triggered.
+ iMyAOClass->StartL(1000000*20); //Async call: Maximum TimeOut time 20 seconds
+ // Wait until either HandleSearchResultsL or Timeout exceeded
+ iWait->Start();
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocumentCount == 0);
+ // Now make sure that subsequent searches work correctly
+ iSearcher->SearchL(*this, KQueryString);
+ // Wait until HandleSearchResultsL completes
+ iWait->Start();
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocumentCount > 0);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testSearchAsynchronous()
+ {
+ iSearcher->SearchL(*this, KQueryString);
+ // Wait until HandleSearchResultsL completes
+ iWait->Start();
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocumentCount > 0);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testSearchLeavesIfNotCancelled()
+ {
+ // Perform first search
+ TRAPD(err, iSearcher->SearchL(*this, KQueryString) );
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocumentCount == 0);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // before ::HandleSearchResults has been called,
+ // initiate a second search.
+ TRAP(err, iSearcher->SearchL(*this, KQueryString));
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrInUse);
+ // Wait until HandleSearchResultsL completes
+ iWait->Start();
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocumentCount > 0);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testOpenIndexDb()
+ {
+ // Make sure cannot open an invalid index db
+ _LIT(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass, "@x:test invalid");
+ CCPixSearcher* searcher = CCPixSearcher::NewLC(iSession);
+ TRAPD(err, searcher->OpenDatabaseL(KInvalidQualifiedBaseAppClass) );
+ // TS_ASSERT(!searcher->IsDatabaseOpen());
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrCannotOpenDatabase);
+ TRAP(err, searcher->SearchL(KQueryString));
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNotReady);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(searcher);
+ searcher = NULL;
+ // check that same searcher object can open a second indexDb
+ searcher = CCPixSearcher::NewLC(iSession);
+ TRAP(err, searcher->OpenDatabaseL(_L("root")));
+ // TS_ASSERT(searcher->IsDatabaseOpen());
+ searcher->SearchL(KQueryString);
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ TRAP(err, searcher->OpenDatabaseL(KTestFileBaseAppClassC));
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ // TS_ASSERT(searcher->IsDatabaseOpen());
+ const TInt docCount = searcher->SearchL(KQueryString);
+ // TS_ASSERT(docCount > 0);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(searcher);
+ searcher = NULL;
+ // check that asynchronous open works as expected
+ searcher = CCPixSearcher::NewLC(iSession);
+ TRAP(err, searcher->OpenDatabaseL(*this, _L("root")));
+ // If want to set a maximum timeout value for this test case then
+ // uncomment this line, which will cause CTestSearcher::CallCompleted
+ // to be triggered.
+ iMyAOClass->StartL(1000000*10); //Async call: Maximum TimeOut time 10 seconds
+ iWait->Start();
+ // TS_ASSERT(searcher->IsDatabaseOpen());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(searcher);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testDeleteIndexDbWhileSearching()
+ {
+ CCPixSearcher* searcher = CCPixSearcher::NewLC(iSession);
+ TRAPD(err, searcher->OpenDatabaseL(KTestFileBaseAppClassC) );
+ // TS_ASSERT(searcher->IsDatabaseOpen());
+ // TS_ASSERT(searcher->GetBaseAppClass() != KNullDesC);
+ //Set Standard Analyzer to improve code coverage of search
+ searcher->SetAnalyzerL(*this,_L( "" CPIX_ANALYZER_STANDARD ));
+ iWait->Start(); //Start Wait AO
+ // TS_ASSERT(iHandleSetAnalyzerCalled);
+ TRAP(err, searcher->SearchL(*this, KQueryString));
+ // don't wait for the search results.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(searcher);
+ searcher = NULL;
+ // is there a panic???
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testGetDocumentAsync()
+ {
+ const TInt result = SearchForTextL(KQueryString, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ TInt loopCount(0);
+ for (loopCount=0; loopCount<result; loopCount++)
+ {
+ iSearcher->GetDocumentL(loopCount, *this);
+ iWait->Start();
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocument != NULL);
+ delete iDocument;
+ iDocument = NULL;
+ }
+ // TS_ASSERT(loopCount == result);
+ }
+void CTestSearcher::testGetInvalidDocumentAsync()
+ {
+ const TInt result = SearchForTextL(KQueryString, KNullDesC);
+ // TS_ASSERT(result > 0);
+ // request a document that does not exist.
+ TRAPD(err, iSearcher->GetDocumentL(result+1, *this));
+ // above call is not exepected to leave
+ // TS_ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ iMyAOClass->StartL(1000000*10); //Async call: Maximum TimeOut time 10 seconds
+ iWait->Start();
+ // Either the iMyAOClass Timeout executed or the the HandleDocumentL
+ // function. If the HandleDocumentL function was executed, then
+ // this assert will be true.
+ // TS_ASSERT(iHandleDocumentLFunctionCalled);
+ // as requested an invalid document, this must be NULL
+ // TS_ASSERT(iDocument == NULL);
+ }