author Pat Downey <patd@symbian.org>
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 13:09:21 +0100
changeset 6 8b3b4d191198
parent 2 6c1a2771f4b7
child 7 a5fbfefd615f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 2957: SampleSearch doesn't have a copy constructor, fix the way it's instantiated.

* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 


#include <CIndexingPlugin.h>
#include <MIndexingPluginObserver.h>
#include <RSearchServerSession.h>

const TInt KFilePluginBaseAppClassMaxLen = 64;
//Forward Declaration
class CBlacklistMgr;
class CContentInfoMgr;

class CIndexingManager : public CActive, public MIndexingService
	static CIndexingManager* NewL();
	virtual ~CIndexingManager();

	 * From CActive
	void DoCancel();
	void RunL();

	 * derived from MIndexingService
	 * A callback from CIndexingPlugin, called when it wants to schedule a harvesting event
     * @param aQualifiedBaseAppClass database to harvest
	 * @param aMedia the media to be harvested
	 * @param aForceReharvest force the aQualifiedBaseAppClass to be re-harvested.
	void AddHarvestingQueue(CIndexingPlugin* aPlugin, const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass, TBool aForceReharvest = EFalse);

	 * derived from MIndexingService
	 * A callback from CIndexingPlugin, called when it wants to unschedule a harvesting event
     * @param aQualifiedBaseAppClass database to harvest
	 * @param aMedia the media to be harvested
	 * @param aRemovePersist if plugin wants to remove from harvesting queue as well as config to be saved
	void RemoveHarvestingQueue(CIndexingPlugin* aPlugin, const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass,TBool aRemovePersist = EFalse);

	 * derived from MIndexingService
	 * A callback from CIndexingPlugin, called when it has ended harvesting
	 * @param aPlugin the plugin object that calls this function 
     * @param aQualifiedBaseAppClass database to harvest
	 * @param aError KErrNone if harvesting completed successfully otherwise systemwide errorcodes
	void HarvestingCompleted(CIndexingPlugin* aPlugin, const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass, TInt aError);

	 * LoadPluginsL loads all plugins
	void LoadPluginsL();

	 * StartPlugins starts all loaded plugins 
	void StartPlugins();

	 * Loading the state of the Plugins
	TInt Internalize();
     * saving the state of the Plugins
	TInt Externalize();
     * Loading the state of the Plugins
	void LoadL();
     * saving the state of the Plugins
	void SaveL();
	void ConstructL();

	enum THarvesterStatus
		EHarvesterStatusWaiting = 0, // A Plugin has requested this item to be harvested
		EHarvesterStatusHibernate, // A plugin has requested for this item not to be harvested
		EHarvesterStatusRunning // This item is being harvested

	 * Class to hold the details of a harvester plugin
	class THarvesterRecord
	     * Default constructor
			iPlugin = NULL;
			iError = KErrNone;
			iStatus = EHarvesterStatusHibernate;
			iLastStart = TTime(0);
			iLastComplete = TTime(0);
		THarvesterRecord(CIndexingPlugin* aPlugin, const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass)
			iPlugin = aPlugin;
			iQualifiedBaseAppClass = aQualifiedBaseAppClass;
			iError = KErrNone;
			iStatus = EHarvesterStatusWaiting;
			iLastStart = TTime(0); // Never started
			iLastComplete = TTime(0); // Never complete
		 * Pointer to hold a harvester plugin
		CIndexingPlugin* iPlugin;
         * Variable to hold the error code of plugin harvesting process
		TInt iError;
         * status[waiting/hibernate/running] a harvester plugin
		THarvesterStatus iStatus;
		 * Time before starting the harvesting of a plugin
		TTime iLastStart;
		 * Time after completing the harvesting of a plugin
		TTime iLastComplete;
         * Base app class of a harvester plugin
		TBuf<KFilePluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> iQualifiedBaseAppClass;
	enum TState
		EStateNone = 0, // Initial state
		EStateCancelling, // Indexing manager is cancelled
		EStateRunning // Indexing manager is running
	/* List of plugins currently loaded */
	RPointerArray<CIndexingPlugin> iPluginArray;
	/* List of harvester events */
	RArray<THarvesterRecord> iHarvesterArray;
	TBool iHarvesterArrayChanged;
	/* Timer event */
	RTimer iTimer;
	/* Manager state */
	TState iState;

	/* Search Server session is passed to harvester plugins */
	RSearchServerSession iSearchSession;
	/* Path to the manager state */
	TFileName iManagerFilePath;
	/* File server connection */ 
	RFs iFs;
	/* Time of previous RunL call */
	TTime iPreviousRun;
	/* Database to maintain blacklisted plugins.Owned */
	CBlacklistMgr* iBlacklistMgr;
	/* Database to maintain the content info all the plugins.owned*/
	CContentInfoMgr* iContentInfoMgr;