* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace Cpt
typedef uint32_t PackedQNr;
* Corresponds to the EXIF type "RATIONAL", cf. EXIF 2.2 standard,
* chapter "4.6.2 IFD Structure". POV.
struct ExifRational
long numerator_;
long denominator_;
ExifRational(long numerator,
long denominator);
double getDouble() const;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,
const ExifRational & r);
* Corresponds to how EXIF represents GPS coordinates: 3 RATIONALs
* for degrees, minutes and seconds, cf. EXIF 2.2 standard,
* chapter "4.6.6 GPS Attribute Information". POV.
struct ExifGpsCoord
ExifRational degrees_;
ExifRational minutes_;
ExifRational seconds_;
ExifGpsCoord(const ExifRational & degrees,
const ExifRational & minutes,
const ExifRational & seconds);
double getDegrees() const;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,
const ExifGpsCoord & r);
struct ExifGpsLocation
char gpsLatitudeRef_;
char gpsLongitudeRef_;
ExifGpsCoord gpsLatitude_;
ExifGpsCoord gpsLongitude_;
ExifGpsLocation(char gpsLatitudeRef,
const ExifGpsCoord& gpsLatitude,
char gpsLongitudeRef,
const ExifGpsCoord& gpsLongitude);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os,
const ExifGpsLocation &gpsLocation);
* This class corresponds to Java class
* common/src/com/nokia/nose/geo/QNR.java. It represents a quad
* region in a quad tree. Probably stands for "Quad NumbeR". The
* grid cells in the Mercator projection are organized into quad
* trees. This organization provices a way to obtain the
* identifier of a parent quad region as well as quickly compute
* adjacents quad regions. GPS-to-quad and vice versa conversion
* is also supported.
class QNr
// private members
* These two member variables correspond to the int array
* "_dir" in the original QNr Java implementation. The most
* significant direction bits (x and y direction on level 0)
* are stored on the most significant bits of xPath_ and
* yPath_. So direction bit on level i (i = 0, ..., level_)
* are stored on the bits (level_-i) of xPath_ and yPath_.
* The root of the quadtree represents the whole area
* covered. Obviously, it does not need to be identified, so
* it does not have any direction bits in the path.
* Each quad (including the root one) has four subquads:
* ^ +---------+---------+
* | | (0,1) | (1,1) |
* | | C | D |
* | | |
* Y +---------+---------+
* | (0,0) | (1,0) |
* | | A | B |
* | | | |
* | +---------+---------+
* --------- X -------->
uint16_t xPath_;
uint16_t yPath_;
* The level of the quad tree this quad is at. Minimum is
* zero: quads right under the root (all area). Level_ = 0
* means that in path_, the 0th and 1st bit (mask 0x3) mean
* anything and the whole are is subdivided into 4
* quads. Level_ = 1 means that in that path bits in positions
* of 0...3 mean anything (mask 0xf), and the whole area is
* subdivided into 16 sub-subquads.
uint16_t level_;
// public operations
* The number of levels in the quad tree, which is the same as
* the number of (xi,yi) pairs making up a path_. Level
* identifiers run from 0 to MAX_LEVEL-1.
enum { MAX_LEVEL = 16 };
* Valid characters for constructor
static const char NORTH;
static const char SOUTH;
static const char EAST;
static const char WEST;
* Constructs a QNr from GPS data, cf. EXIF 2.2 standard,
* chapter "4.6.6 GPS Attribute Information".
* @param gpsLatitudeRef indicates whether latitude is north
* or south latitude. Possible values are 'N' and 'S'.
* @param gpsLatitude GPS latitude: degrees, minutes, seconds.
* @param gpsLongitudeRef indicates whether longitude is east
* or west. Possible values are 'E', 'W'.
* @param gpsLongitude GPS longitude: degrees, minutes,
* seconds.
QNr(char gpsLatitudeRef,
ExifGpsCoord gpsLatitude,
char gpsLongitudeRef,
ExifGpsCoord gpsLongitude);
* Constructs a QNr from GPS coordinates.
* @param latitude is the latitude, 0.0 is the greenwhich
* line, positive coordinates to the eastern hemisphere,
* negatives to the western one.
* @param longitude is the longitude, 0.0 is the equator,
* positive coordinates to the northern hemisphere, negatives
* to the southern one.
QNr(double latitude,
double longitude);
* Converts a GPS coordinate specified by the first 4
* arguments into another format of the same GPS coordinate in
* the last two arguments.
* If you give the first 4 arguments to this function and then
* feed the resulting two doubles into the second QNr
* constructor, you will get the same result as if you have
* used the first QNr function with that 4 argumemnts.
static void convertGps(char gpsLatitudeRef,
ExifGpsCoord gpsLatitude,
char gpsLongitudeRef,
ExifGpsCoord gpsLongitude,
double * latitude,
double * longitude);
* @returns the level of the quad tree this quad is
* at.
int16_t getLevel() const;
* @returns the quad that has the same path but has one level
* less, which effectively means the parent quad of this
* quad. If the level of this quad is 0 (already in the root
* quad), then it returns a value equivalent to this.
QNr getParentQNr() const;
* @return wstring representation of this instance. There is a
* 1-to-1 mapping between quads (on any level) and their
* string representations.
std::wstring toWString() const;
* @return string representation of this instance. There is a
* 1-to-1 mapping between quads (on any level) and their
* string representations.
std::string toString() const;
* @returns the approximate width of this quad in kilometers.
double getKmWidth() const;
* @returns the approximate height of this quad in kilometers.
double getKmHeight() const;
* Gets the adjacents of this QNr.
* +----+----+----+
* | 0| 1| 2|
* | | | |
* +----+====+----+
* | 3# 4# 5|
* | # # |
* +----+====+----+
* | 6| 7| 8|
* | | | |
* +----+----+----+
* where quad #4 is the one around wich we need the
* adjacents. Most of the time the number of adjacents is 8,
* but in extreme cases (on level 0 and 1, around the poles)
* it can be less. The center quad is also added.
* @param target the set to put the adjacents of this quad to
* - it is NOT cleared before inserting new quads!
void getAdjacents(std::set<QNr> & target) const;
* @returns the path of this QNr, it's specially encoding the
* direction of the MAX_LEVEL-level quad tree. Mostly for
* debugging / testing purposes.
uint32_t getPath() const;
// private methods
* Widens the quad to one level up. It's new value is
* essentially what is the parent quad of the old value. If on
* top level (0), no further widening is done.
void widen();
* @returns the absolute value of the latitude in
* radians. Zero means the equator, PI/2 means the arctic
* (either of them). By latitude we mean that latitude that
* goes through the center point of this quad (not the one
* that coincides with its northen or souther borders).
double latitudeInAbsRadians() const;
* Direct construction.
QNr(uint16_t xPath,
uint16_t yPath,
uint16_t level);
* Initializes this instance. X and y are in the reference
* system where the origo is on the south-pole / dateline
* corner of the mercator projection. That is, the greenwhich
* / equator intersection is at (180,90) coordinates, in the
* dead center of the whole grid (and not in the origo).
void init(double x, double y);
* Combines to path components into one, the exact same format
* as path_ member, up to maxLevel bits.
* @param numOfBits
static uint32_t QNr::combinePathComponents(uint32_t pathX,
uint32_t pathY,
uint16_t numOfBits);
friend bool operator==(const QNr & left,
const QNr & right);
friend bool operator!=(const QNr & left,
const QNr & right);
friend bool operator<(const QNr & left,
const QNr & right);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,
const QNr & qnr);
* The comparision operators have natural semantics: both path and
* the level are the same.
bool operator==(const QNr & left,
const QNr & right);
bool operator!=(const QNr & left,
const QNr & right);
* This operator is only defined to be able to put QNr-s in
* std::sets. The ordering is consistent, but it does not
* correspond to any natural notion of ordering one could care to
* dream of.
bool operator<(const QNr & left,
const QNr & right);
* Streaming operator, mostly for testing purposes.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,
const QNr & qnr);