* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains testclass implementation.
// [INCLUDE FILES] - do not remove
#include "CPixMWTester.h"
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <StifParser.h>
#include <Stiftestinterface.h>
#include <cpixcontentinfocommon.h>
#include <sqldb.h>
#include "CBlacklistMgr.h"
#include "contentinfomgr.h"
#include "ccontentinfo.h"
//extern ?external_data;
//extern ?external_function( ?arg_type,?arg_type );
//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
_LIT( KNoErrorString, "No Error" );
//_LIT( KErrorString, " *** Error ***" );
//Test Uid for testing Blacklist manager
const TUid KTestUid = { 0x101D6348 };
//For Watchdog
_LIT(aEXeFileName , "WatchDog.exe");
_LIT(KDriveC, "c:");
//#define ?macro ?macro_def
//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
//#define ?macro_name ?macro_def
//enum ?declaration
//typedef ?declaration
//?type ?function_name( ?arg_type, ?arg_type );
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
void doLog( CStifLogger* logger, TInt error, const TDesC& errorString )
if( KErrNone == error ) logger->Log( KNoErrorString );
else logger->Log( errorString );
void getcontentstatus ( TPtrC aContent , TInt& aBLstatus ,TInt& aINstatus)
RSqlDatabase sqlDB;
RFs fssession;
User::LeaveIfError( fssession.Connect() );
TFileName privatePath;
TFileName datafile;
fssession.PrivatePath(privatePath);//data caged path of loading process
datafile.Append( KContentInfoFileName );
TInt err = sqlDB.Open( datafile );
if ( err ==KErrNone )
TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery fullSelectQuery(sqlDB);
TBuf<100> sql;
// Query with INS column
_LIT(KgetINstatusSqlFormat, "SELECT INS FROM table1 WHERE NAME = '");
_LIT(Kendtag, "'");
sql.Copy( KgetINstatusSqlFormat);
sql.Append( aContent);
sql.Append( Kendtag );
//sql.Format( KgetINstatusSqlFormat , aContent );
// Read INS as integer.
aINstatus = fullSelectQuery.SelectIntL(sql);
_LIT(KgetBLstatusSqlFormat, "SELECT BLS FROM table1 WHERE NAME = '");
sql.Copy( KgetBLstatusSqlFormat);
sql.Append( aContent);
sql.Append( Kendtag );
//sql.Format( KgetBLstatusSqlFormat , aContent );
// Read BLS as integer.
aBLstatus = fullSelectQuery.SelectIntL(sql);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ?function_name ?description.
// ?description
// Returns: ?value_1: ?description
// ?value_n: ?description_line1
// ?description_line2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?type ?function_name(
?arg_type arg, // ?description
?arg_type arg) // ?description
?code // ?comment
// ?comment
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::Delete
// Delete here all resources allocated and opened from test methods.
// Called from destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCPixMWTester::Delete()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::RunMethodL
// Run specified method. Contains also table of test mothods and their names.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::RunMethodL(
CStifItemParser& aItem )
static TStifFunctionInfo const KFunctions[] =
// Copy this line for every implemented function.
// First string is the function name used in TestScripter script file.
// Second is the actual implementation member function.
ENTRY( "TestBlacklistPlugin", CCPixMWTester::TestBlacklistPluginL ),
ENTRY( "TestBlacklistPluginVersion", CCPixMWTester::TestBlacklistPluginVersionL ),
ENTRY( "TestWatchdog",CCPixMWTester::TestWatchdogL ),
ENTRY( "TestDeleteContentInfoDB",CCPixMWTester::TestDeleteContentInfoDBL ),
ENTRY( "TestAddContent",CCPixMWTester::TestAddContentL ),
ENTRY( "TestRemoveContent",CCPixMWTester::TestRemoveContentL ),
ENTRY( "TestResetContent",CCPixMWTester::TestResetContentL ),
ENTRY( "TestUpdateBLStatus",CCPixMWTester::TestUpdateBLStatusL ),
ENTRY( "TestUpdateINStatus",CCPixMWTester::TestUpdateINStatusL ),
ENTRY( "TestAddUnloadlist",CCPixMWTester::TestAddUnloadlistL ),
ENTRY( "TestRemovefromUnloadlist",CCPixMWTester::TestRemovefromUnloadlistL ),
// [test cases entries] - Do not remove
const TInt count = sizeof( KFunctions ) /
sizeof( TStifFunctionInfo );
return RunInternalL( KFunctions, count, aItem );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestBlacklistPluginL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestBlacklistPluginL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
TInt err = KErrNone;
CBlacklistMgr* blacklistmanager = CBlacklistMgr::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( blacklistmanager );
TInt version = 0;
//Add an Uid to Blacklist DB
blacklistmanager->AddL( KTestUid , version );
//Check if the Uid is added to database or not
TBool found = blacklistmanager->FindL(KTestUid , version );
if(!found) err = KErrNotFound;
//clear the UID from the database
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blacklistmanager );
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestBlacklistPluginVersionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestBlacklistPluginVersionL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
TInt err = KErrNone;
CBlacklistMgr* blacklistmanager = CBlacklistMgr::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( blacklistmanager );
TInt oldversion = 0;
TInt newversion = 0;
//Add an Uid to Blacklist DB with old version
blacklistmanager->AddL( KTestUid , oldversion );
//Add an Uid to Blacklist DB with new version
blacklistmanager->AddL( KTestUid , newversion );
//Check if the Uid with old version exists
TBool found = blacklistmanager->FindL(KTestUid , oldversion );
if( found )
err = KErrNotFound;
//check with new version
found = blacklistmanager->FindL(KTestUid , newversion );
if(!found) err = KErrNotFound;
//clear the UID from the database
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blacklistmanager );
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestWatchdogL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestWatchdogL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
TInt err = KErrNone;
//Start the watchdog exe
RProcess p;
TInt res=p.Create(aEXeFileName,KNullDesC);
//wait for a minute.
//check for the CPixHarvesterServer
//If server exists, Test case is PASS else FAIL
TFindServer harvesterServer(KTestHarvesterServer);
TFullName name;
err = harvesterServer.Next(name);
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestDeleteContentInfoDBL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestDeleteContentInfoDBL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
RFs fssession;
CContentInfoMgr* contentInfoMgr = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( fssession.Connect() );
TFileName privatePath;
TFileName datafile;
fssession.PrivatePath(privatePath);//data caged path of loading process
datafile.Append( KContentInfoFileName );
//delete the database file
fssession.Delete( datafile );
TRAPD ( err , contentInfoMgr = CContentInfoMgr::NewL() );
delete contentInfoMgr;
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestAddContentL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestAddContentL( CStifItemParser& aItem)
RFs fssession;
TPtrC content;
TInt err = KErrNone;
aItem.GetNextString( content );
CContentInfoMgr* contentInfoMgr = CContentInfoMgr::NewL();
CContentInfo* contentinfo = CContentInfo::NewL();
//Add the content with given content name and 0 as BL status and 1 as IN status
contentinfo->SetNameL( content );
contentinfo->SetBlacklistStatus( 0 );
contentinfo->SetIndexStatus( 1 );
contentInfoMgr->AddL( contentinfo );
delete contentinfo;
//TBuf<50> name;
//name.Copy( content.Ptr() );
//Find if the content exists
TBool found = contentInfoMgr->FindL( content );
delete contentInfoMgr;
if ( !found ) err = KErrNotFound;
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestRemoveContentL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestRemoveContentL( CStifItemParser& aItem)
RFs fssession;
TPtrC content;
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
aItem.GetNextString( content );
CContentInfoMgr* contentInfoMgr = CContentInfoMgr::NewL();
CContentInfo* contentinfo = CContentInfo::NewL();
//Add the content with given content name and 0 as BL status and 1 as IN status
contentinfo->SetNameL( content );
contentinfo->SetBlacklistStatus( 0 );
contentinfo->SetIndexStatus( 1 );
contentInfoMgr->AddL( contentinfo );
delete contentinfo;
//check if the added content exists
TBool found = contentInfoMgr->FindL( content );
if ( found )
//remove the content from DB and find it
contentInfoMgr->RemoveL( content );
found = contentInfoMgr->FindL( content );
if ( !found ) err = KErrNone;
delete contentInfoMgr;
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestResetContentL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestResetContentL( CStifItemParser& aItem)
RFs fssession;
TPtrC content;
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
aItem.GetNextString( content );
CContentInfoMgr* contentInfoMgr = CContentInfoMgr::NewL();
CContentInfo* contentinfo = CContentInfo::NewL();
//Add the content with given content name and 0 as BL status and 1 as IN status
contentinfo->SetNameL( content );
contentinfo->SetBlacklistStatus( 0 );
contentinfo->SetIndexStatus( 1 );
contentInfoMgr->AddL( contentinfo );
delete contentinfo;
//make sure there is some content exists in the database
TInt count = contentInfoMgr->GetContentCountL();
if ( count )
//reset the DB and get the count . the count should be 0
count = contentInfoMgr->GetContentCountL( );
if ( !count ) err = KErrNone;
delete contentInfoMgr;
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestUpdateBLStatusL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestUpdateBLStatusL( CStifItemParser& aItem)
RFs fssession;
TPtrC content;
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
aItem.GetNextString( content );
CContentInfoMgr* contentInfoMgr = CContentInfoMgr::NewL();
CContentInfo* contentinfo = CContentInfo::NewL();
//Add the content with given content name and 0 as BL status and 1 as IN status
contentinfo->SetNameL( content );
contentinfo->SetBlacklistStatus( 0 );
contentinfo->SetIndexStatus( 1 );
contentInfoMgr->AddL( contentinfo );
delete contentinfo;
//Update the blacklist status to 1
contentInfoMgr->UpdateBlacklistStatusL( content , 1);
TInt blstatus =0,instatus = 0;
getcontentstatus ( content , blstatus , instatus);
if ( blstatus ) err = KErrNone;
delete contentInfoMgr;
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestUpdateINStatusL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestUpdateINStatusL( CStifItemParser& aItem)
RFs fssession;
TPtrC content;
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
aItem.GetNextString( content );
CContentInfoMgr* contentInfoMgr = CContentInfoMgr::NewL();
CContentInfo* contentinfo = CContentInfo::NewL();
//Add the content with given content name and 0 as BL status and 1 as IN status
contentinfo->SetNameL( content );
contentinfo->SetBlacklistStatus( 0 );
contentinfo->SetIndexStatus( 1 );
contentInfoMgr->AddL( contentinfo );
delete contentinfo;
//Update the Indexing status to 0
contentInfoMgr->UpdatePluginIndexStatusL( content , 0);
TInt blstatus = 0,instatus = 1;
getcontentstatus ( content , blstatus , instatus);
if ( !blstatus ) err = KErrNone;
delete contentInfoMgr;
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestAddUnloadlistL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestAddUnloadlistL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
TInt err = KErrNone;
CBlacklistMgr* blacklistmanager = CBlacklistMgr::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( blacklistmanager );
//Add an Uid to Blacklist DB
blacklistmanager->AddtoDontloadListL( KTestUid );
//Check if the Uid is added to database or not
TBool found = blacklistmanager->FindInDontloadListL(KTestUid );
if(!found) err = KErrNotFound;
//clear the UID from the database
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blacklistmanager );
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::TestRemovefromUnloadlistL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::TestRemovefromUnloadlistL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
CBlacklistMgr* blacklistmanager = CBlacklistMgr::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( blacklistmanager );
//Add an Uid to Blacklist DB
blacklistmanager->AddtoDontloadListL( KTestUid );
//Check if the Uid is added to database or not
TBool found = blacklistmanager->FindInDontloadListL(KTestUid );
//clear the UID from the database
found = blacklistmanager->FindInDontloadListL(KTestUid );
if ( !found ) err = KErrNone;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blacklistmanager );
doLog( iLog, err, KNoErrorString );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCPixMWTester::?member_function
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCPixMWTester::?member_function(
CItemParser& aItem )
// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
// None
// [End of File] - Do not remove