changeset 49 09b1ac925e3f
equal deleted inserted replaced
47:63339781d179 49:09b1ac925e3f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <QStringList>
    19 #include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
    20 #include <QModelIndex>
    22 #include <hblineedit.h>
    23 #include <hbdataform.h>
    24 #include <hbdataformmodel.h>
    25 #include <hbdataformmodelitem.h>
    26 #include <hblabel.h>
    27 #include <hbpushbutton.h>
    28 #include <hbmenu.h>
    29 #include <hbaction.h>
    30 #include <HbListWidget>
    31 #include <HbListWidgetItem>
    32 #include <HbGroupBox>
    33 #include <hbpushbutton.h>
    34 #include <hbdataform.h>
    35 #include <hbdataformmodel.h>
    36 #include <hbdataformmodelitem.h>
    37 #include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
    38 #include <hbtextitem.h>
    39 #include <hbmainwindow.h>
    40 #include <hblistview.h>
    41 #include <QStandardItemModel>
    42 #include <QModelIndexList>
    43 #include <hbmessagebox.h>
    44 #include <memory>
    45 #include <../../inc/cpsecplugins.h>
    46 #include "cpcertdetailview.h"
    47 #include "cpcertview.h"
    48 #include "cpcertdatacontainer.h"
    49 #include "cpcerttrustview.h"
    50 #include "cpcertmanuisyncwrapper.h"
    53 CpCertView::CpCertView(const QModelIndex& modelIndex, QGraphicsItem *parent /*= 0*/)
    54 	: CpBaseSettingView(0,parent),
    55 	  mPopup(NULL),
    56 	  mPrevView(NULL),
    57 	  mCurrentView(NULL),
    58 	  mRefreshedView(NULL),
    59 	  mListView(NULL),
    60 	  mSelectAllView(NULL),
    61 	  mOriginalView(NULL),
    62 	  mNote(NULL)
    63 	{
    64 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
    65 	mOriginalView = mainWindow()->currentView();
    67 	HbMenu* menu = this->menu();   
    68 	std::auto_ptr<HbAction> deleteAction(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_delete")));
    69 	connect(deleteAction.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteList()));    
    70 	menu->addAction(deleteAction.get());
    71 	deleteAction.release();
    73 	std::auto_ptr<QGraphicsLinearLayout> layout(new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical));
    75 	HbDataForm *form = q_check_ptr(new HbDataForm(this));
    76 	std::auto_ptr<HbDataFormModel> formModel(q_check_ptr(new HbDataFormModel()));
    77 	form->setModel(formModel.get());
    78 	formModel.release();
    80 	HbListWidget* certificateList = q_check_ptr(new HbListWidget(this)); 
    82 	CpCertView::TCertificateViews currentView = (CpCertView::TCertificateViews)modelIndex.row(); 
    83 	QString title;
    84 	if(currentView == EPersonalView)
    85 		{
    86 		title = "Move to Device";
    87 		}
    88 	else if(currentView == EDeviceView)
    89 		{
    90 		title = "Move to Personal";  
    91 		}
    92 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
    93 	if(currentView == EPersonalView || currentView == EDeviceView)
    94 		{
    95 		std::auto_ptr<HbAction> moveToDeviceAction(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(title)));   
    96 		connect(moveToDeviceAction.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveCert()));    
    97 		menu->addAction(moveToDeviceAction.get());
    98 		moveToDeviceAction.release();
    99 		}	
   101 	setDetails(currentView);
   102 	TInt count = 0;
   103 	try
   104 		{
   105 		QT_TRAP_THROWING(mCertDataContainer = CpCertDataContainer::NewL());
   106 		QT_TRAP_THROWING(count = refreshListL());
   107 		}
   108 	catch(const std::exception& exception)
   109 		{
   110 		HbMessageBox::information(exception.what());
   111 		throw(exception);
   112 		}
   113 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   114 	for(int index = 0; index< count; index++)
   115 		{
   116 		QString certificateLabel = certLabel(index);
   117 		std::auto_ptr<HbListWidgetItem> singleCert(q_check_ptr(new HbListWidgetItem()));
   118 		singleCert->setText(certificateLabel);
   119 		certificateList->addItem(singleCert.get());
   120 		singleCert.release();
   121 		}  // End of FOR loop
   123 	connect(certificateList, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(openCertFromList(QModelIndex)));   
   124 	connect(certificateList, SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, QPointF )), this, SLOT(indicateLongPress(HbAbstractViewItem*, QPointF))); 
   126 	layout->addItem(certificateList);
   127 	setLayout(layout.get());
   128 	layout.release();
   130 	mPopup = q_check_ptr(new HbDialog());
   131 	mContextMenu = q_check_ptr(new HbMenu());
   133 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   134 	}
   136 CpCertView::~CpCertView()
   137 	{
   138 	delete mCertDataContainer;
   139 	mCertDataContainer = NULL;
   140 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   141 	if(mPrevView)
   142 		{
   143 		mPrevView->deleteLater();
   144 		mPrevView= NULL;
   145 		}
   146 	if(mCurrentView)
   147 		{
   148 		mCurrentView->deleteLater();
   149 		mCurrentView= NULL;
   150 		}
   151 	if(mRefreshedView)
   152 		{
   153 		mRefreshedView->deleteLater();
   154 		mRefreshedView= NULL;
   155 		}
   156 	if(mListView)
   157 		{
   158 		mListView->deleteLater();
   159 		mListView= NULL;
   160 		}
   162 	if(mSelectAllView)
   163 	{
   164 	mSelectAllView->deleteLater();
   165 	mSelectAllView = NULL;
   166 	}
   168 	mSelectionIndex.Close();
   170 	mIndexList.Close();
   172 	delete mPopup;
   174 	delete mNote;
   175 	mNote = NULL;
   177 	delete mContextMenu;
   179 	}
   181 void CpCertView::setDetails(CpCertView::TCertificateViews currentView)
   182 	{
   183 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   184 	switch(currentView)
   185 		{
   186 		case EAuthorityView:
   187 		setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_authority_certificate"));
   188 		mCertView = EAuthorityView;
   189 		break;
   191 		case ETrustedView:
   192 		setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_trusted_site_certific"));
   193 		mCertView = ETrustedView;
   194 		break;
   196 		case EPersonalView:
   197 		setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_personal_certificates"));
   198 		mCertView = EPersonalView;
   199 		break;
   201 		case EDeviceView:
   202 		setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_device_certificates"));
   203 		mCertView = EDeviceView;
   204 		break;
   205 		}
   206 	}
   208 void CpCertView::indicateLongPress(HbAbstractViewItem *item,QPointF coords)
   209 	{
   210 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   211 	mPos = item->modelIndex().row();   // Pos will tell you what is the certificate clicked in particular view.
   213 	mContextMenu->clearActions();
   214 	std::auto_ptr<HbAction> open(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_open"))));
   215 	connect(open.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( openCertificate()));
   216 	mContextMenu->addAction(open.get());			
   217 	open.release();
   219 	QString moveTitle;
   221 	if(mCertView == EAuthorityView)
   222 		{
   223 		std::auto_ptr<HbAction> trustSettings(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_menu_trust_settings")))); 
   224 		connect(trustSettings.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showTrustSettings()));    
   225 		mContextMenu->addAction(trustSettings.get());
   226 		trustSettings.release();
   227 		}
   228 	else if(mCertView == EPersonalView)
   229 		{
   230 		moveTitle = hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_menu_move_to_device_certif");
   231 		}
   232 	else if(mCertView == EDeviceView)
   233 		{
   234 		moveTitle = hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_menu_move_to_personal_cert");
   235 		}	
   237 	if(mCertView == EPersonalView || mCertView == EDeviceView )
   238 		{
   239 		std::auto_ptr<HbAction> moveCert(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(moveTitle)));     
   240 		connect(moveCert.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveSelectedCert()));    
   241 		mContextMenu->addAction(moveCert.get());
   242 		moveCert.release();
   243 		}
   245 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   246 	if( certAt(mPos)->IsDeletable() )
   247 		{
   248 		std::auto_ptr<HbAction> menuDelete(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_delete")))); 
   249 		connect(menuDelete.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteCertificate()));    
   250 		mContextMenu->addAction(menuDelete.get());
   251 		menuDelete.release();
   252 		}
   253 	mContextMenu->setPreferredPos(coords);
   254 	mContextMenu->open();
   255 	}
   257 void CpCertView::openCertFromList(const QModelIndex& modelIndex)
   258 	{	
   259 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   260 	// Pos will tell you what is the certificate clicked in particular view.
   261 	mPos = modelIndex.row();   
   262 	openCertificate();
   263 	}
   265 void CpCertView::openCertificate()
   266 	{
   267 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   268 	mCurrentView = q_check_ptr(new CpCertDetailView(mCertView,mPos,*mCertDataContainer));    
   269 	connect(mCurrentView, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), this, SLOT(displayPreviousView()));
   270 	mPrevView = mainWindow()->currentView();   
   271 	mainWindow()->addView(mCurrentView);
   272 	mainWindow()->setCurrentView(mCurrentView);  		
   273 	}
   275 void CpCertView::displayPreviousView()  
   276 	{
   277 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   278 	mainWindow()->removeView(mCurrentView);    
   279 	mCurrentView->deleteLater();
   280 	mCurrentView= NULL;
   281 	mainWindow()->setCurrentView(mPrevView);  	
   282 	}
   284 void CpCertView::deleteCertificate()
   285 	{
   286 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   287 	RArray<TInt> pos;
   288 	pos.Append(mPos);
   289 	QT_TRAP_THROWING(deleteCertsL(pos));
   290 	}		
   292 void CpCertView::deleteList()
   293 	{
   294 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   295 	mSelectAll = EFalse;
   296 	mPopup->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
   297 	// Set the label as heading widget
   298 	mPopup->setHeadingWidget(q_check_ptr(new HbLabel(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_setlabel_certificates"))));
   300 	std::auto_ptr<QGraphicsLinearLayout> layout(q_check_ptr(new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical)));
   302 	mSelectAllView = q_check_ptr(new HbListView(this));
   303 	QStandardItemModel* selectAllModel = q_check_ptr(new QStandardItemModel(this));
   304 	// Populate the model with content
   305 	std::auto_ptr<QStandardItem> selectAllItem(q_check_ptr(new QStandardItem()));
   306 	selectAllItem->setData(QString("Select All"),Qt::DisplayRole);
   307 	selectAllModel->appendRow(selectAllItem.get());
   308 	selectAllItem.release();
   310 	connect(mSelectAllView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(selectAll()));
   311 	mSelectAllView->setModel(selectAllModel);
   312 	mSelectAllView->setSelectionMode(HbListView::MultiSelection);
   313 	layout->addItem(mSelectAllView);
   315 	mListView = q_check_ptr(new HbListView(this));
   316 	// Connect to "activated" signal
   317 	connect(mListView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(itemActivated(QModelIndex)));
   319 	// Create a model
   320 	QStandardItemModel* model = q_check_ptr(new QStandardItemModel(this));
   321 	TInt count=0;
   322 	QT_TRAP_THROWING( count = refreshListL());
   323 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   324 	for(TInt index = 0; index < count ; ++index)
   325 		{
   326 		const CCTCertInfo* cert = certAt(index);
   327 		if( cert->IsDeletable() )
   328 			{
   329 			// Populate the model with content
   330 			std::auto_ptr<QStandardItem> certItem(q_check_ptr(new QStandardItem()));
   331 			QString certificateLabel = certLabel(index);
   332 			certItem->setData( certificateLabel, Qt::DisplayRole);
   333 			model->appendRow(certItem.get());
   334 			mSelectionIndex.Append(index);
   335 			certItem.release();
   336 			}
   337 		}	
   338 	// Set the model to the list view
   339 	mListView->setModel(model);
   340 	mListView->setSelectionMode(HbListView::MultiSelection);
   341 	layout->addItem(mListView);
   343 	std::auto_ptr<HbWidget> widget( q_check_ptr(new HbWidget()));
   344 	widget->setLayout(layout.get());
   345 	layout.release();
   346 	mPopup->setContentWidget(widget.get());
   347 	widget.release();
   349 	mPopup->setPrimaryAction(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_opt_delete"))));
   350 	mPopup->setSecondaryAction(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"))));
   351 	mPopup->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   352 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   353 	// Launch popup syncronously
   354 	mPopup->open(this, SLOT(handleMultipleDelete(HbAction*)));
   356 }
   358 void CpCertView::handleMultipleDelete(HbAction* action)
   359 {
   360 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   361 	if(action == mPopup->primaryAction())
   362 		{
   363 		QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = mListView->selectionModel();
   364 		QModelIndexList mWidgetItemsToRemove = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
   365 		TInt deleteCount = mWidgetItemsToRemove.count();
   366 		// start deleting from end of array so that the indexes do not changes of the ones
   367 		// at the front.
   368 		RArray<TInt> actualIndex;
   370 			(
   371 			CleanupClosePushL(actualIndex);
   372 			for (TInt index = deleteCount-1; index>= 0 ; --index) 
   373 				{
   374 				TInt selectedItemIndex = mWidgetItemsToRemove[index].row();
   375 				actualIndex.Append( mSelectionIndex[selectedItemIndex] );
   376 				}
   377 			deleteCertsL(actualIndex);
   378 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&actualIndex);
   379 			) // QT_TRAP_THROWING
   380 		}
   381 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   382 	mListView->deleteLater();
   383 	mListView = NULL;
   384 	mSelectAllView->deleteLater();
   385 	mSelectAllView = NULL; 
   386 	}
   388 void CpCertView::moveCert()
   389 	{
   390 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   391 	mSelectAll = EFalse;
   392 	mPopup->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
   393 	// Set the label as heading widget
   394 	if(mCertView == EPersonalView)
   395 		{
   396 		mPopup->setHeadingWidget(q_check_ptr(new HbLabel(tr("Move To Device"))));
   397 		}
   398 	else if(mCertView == EDeviceView)
   399 		{
   400 		mPopup->setHeadingWidget(q_check_ptr(new HbLabel(tr("Move To Personal"))));
   401 		}
   403 	std::auto_ptr<QGraphicsLinearLayout> layout(q_check_ptr(new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical)));
   405 	mSelectAllView = q_check_ptr(new HbListView(this));
   406 	QStandardItemModel* selectAllModel = q_check_ptr(new QStandardItemModel(this));
   407 	// Populate the model with content
   408 	std::auto_ptr<QStandardItem> selectAllItem(q_check_ptr(new QStandardItem()));
   409 	selectAllItem->setData(QString("Select All"),Qt::DisplayRole);
   410 	selectAllModel->appendRow(selectAllItem.get());
   411 	selectAllItem.release();
   412 	connect(mSelectAllView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(selectAll()));
   413 	mSelectAllView->setModel(selectAllModel);
   414 	mSelectAllView->setSelectionMode(HbListView::MultiSelection);
   415 	layout->addItem(mSelectAllView);
   417 	mListView = q_check_ptr(new HbListView(this));
   418 	// Connect to "activated" signal
   419 	connect(mListView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(itemActivated(QModelIndex)));
   421 	// Create a model
   422 	QStandardItemModel* model = q_check_ptr(new QStandardItemModel(this));
   423 	TInt count =0;
   424 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   425 	QT_TRAP_THROWING(count = refreshListL());
   426 	for(TInt index = 0; index < count ; ++index)
   427 		{
   428 		// Populate the model with content
   429 		std::auto_ptr<QStandardItem> certItem(q_check_ptr(new QStandardItem()));
   430 		QString certificateLabel = certLabel(index);
   431 		certItem->setData( certificateLabel, Qt::DisplayRole);
   432 		model->appendRow(certItem.get());
   433 		mSelectionIndex.Append(index);
   434 		certItem.release();
   435 		}	
   437 	// Set the model to the list view
   438 	mListView->setModel(model);
   439 	mListView->setSelectionMode(HbListView::MultiSelection);
   440 	layout->addItem(mListView);
   442 	std::auto_ptr<HbWidget> widget(q_check_ptr(new HbWidget()));
   443 	widget->setLayout(layout.get());	
   444 	layout.release();
   445 	mPopup->setContentWidget(widget.get());
   446 	widget.release();
   447 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   448 	mPopup->setPrimaryAction(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(tr("Yes"))));
   449 	mPopup->setSecondaryAction(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(tr("No"))));
   450 	mPopup->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   452 	// Launch popup syncronously
   453 	 mPopup->open(this, SLOT(handleMoveCertDialog(HbAction*)));
   454 	 RDEBUG("0", 0);
   455 }
   457 void CpCertView::handleMoveCertDialog(HbAction* action)
   458 {	
   459 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   460 	if(action == mPopup->primaryAction())
   461 		{
   462 		QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = mListView->selectionModel();
   463 		QModelIndexList mWidgetItemsToRemove = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
   464 		TInt deleteCount = mWidgetItemsToRemove.count();
   465 		// start deleting from end of array so that the indexes do not changes of the ones
   466 		// at the front.
   467 		RArray<TInt> actualIndex;
   468 		RDEBUG("0", 0);
   470 			(
   471 			CleanupClosePushL(actualIndex);
   472 			 for (TInt index = deleteCount-1; index>= 0 ; --index) 
   473 				 {
   474 				 TInt selectedItemIndex = mWidgetItemsToRemove[index].row();
   475 				 actualIndex.Append(mSelectionIndex[selectedItemIndex]);	 
   476 				 }
   477 			 moveCertList(actualIndex);
   478 			 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&actualIndex);
   479 			 )
   480 		}
   481 	mListView->deleteLater();
   482 	mListView = NULL;	
   483 	mSelectAllView->deleteLater();
   484 	mSelectAllView = NULL;
   485 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   486 	}
   488 void CpCertView::selectAll()
   489 	{
   490 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   491 	if(mSelectAll == EFalse)
   492 		{
   493 		mListView->selectAll();
   494 		mSelectAll= ETrue;
   495 		}
   496 	else
   497 		{
   498 		mListView->clearSelection();
   499 		mSelectAll= EFalse;
   500 		}
   501 	}
   503 void CpCertView::deleteCertsL( RArray<TInt>& indexList )
   504     {
   505     RDEBUG("0", 0);
   506     TInt count = indexList.Count();
   507     for(int index = 0;index <count;++index )
   508     	{
   509 		mIndexList.Append(indexList[index]);
   510     	}
   512   	mNote = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
   513 	QString deleteMsg;
   514 	QString sCount;
   515 	if(count == 1)
   516 		{
   517 		deleteMsg = "Delete %1?";
   518 		const CCTCertInfo* entry = certAt(indexList[0]);
   519 		sCount = QString((QChar*)entry->Label().Ptr(),entry->Label().Length());
   520 		}
   521 	else
   522 		{
   523 		deleteMsg = "Delete %1 items?";
   524 		sCount.setNum(count);
   525 		}
   526 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   527 	deleteMsg = deleteMsg.arg(sCount);
   528 	mNote->setText(deleteMsg);
   529 	mNote->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   530 	mNote->open(this,SLOT(handleDeleteDialog(HbAction*)));
   532 }
   534 void CpCertView::handleDeleteDialog(HbAction* action)
   535 {
   536 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   537 	TInt count = mIndexList.Count();
   539 	if (action != mNote->primaryAction() || count == 0 )
   540 		{
   541 		return;
   542 		}
   544     RPointerArray<CCTCertInfo> errCerts;
   545     QT_TRAP_THROWING(
   546     		CleanupClosePushL(errCerts);
   548 		for(TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
   549 			{
   550 			const CCTCertInfo* entry = certAt(mIndexList[index]);
   552 			if( mCertView == EPersonalView || mCertView == EAuthorityView )
   553 				{
   554 				mCertDataContainer->iWrapper->DeleteCertL( 
   555 							mCertDataContainer->CertManager(), *entry );
   556 				}
   557 			else if( mCertView == ETrustedView )
   558 				{
   559 				mCertDataContainer->iWrapper->DeleteCertL( 
   560 							mCertDataContainer->CertManager(),*entry, KCMTrustedServerTokenUid );
   561 				}
   562 			else if( mCertView == EDeviceView )
   563 				{
   564 				mCertDataContainer->iWrapper->DeleteCertL(
   565 							mCertDataContainer->CertManager(), *entry, KCMDeviceCertStoreTokenUid );
   566 				}	
   567 			errCerts.AppendL(entry);
   568 			}
   569 		RDEBUG("0", 0);
   570 		if(errCerts.Count() > 0)
   571 			{
   572 			QString message("Unable to delete the following certificate: \n");
   573 			TInt count = errCerts.Count();
   574 			for(TInt index=0;index<count;++index)
   575 				{
   576 				const TDesC& certLabel = errCerts[index]->Label();
   577 				QString certName = QString((QChar*)certLabel.Ptr(),certLabel.Length());
   578 				message.append(certName).append("\n");
   579 				}
   580 			HbMessageBox::warning(message);
   581 			}
   582 		count = refreshListL();
   583 		refreshView(count);
   585 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&errCerts);
   586 		) // QT_TRAP_THROWING
   588 	delete mNote;
   589 	mNote = NULL;
   590 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   591     }
   593 const CCTCertInfo* CpCertView::certAt(TInt index) const
   594 	{
   595 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   596 	CCTCertInfo* currentCert = NULL;
   597 	switch(mCertView)
   598 		{
   599 		case EAuthorityView:
   600 			{
   601 			currentCert = mCertDataContainer->iCALabelEntries[ index ]->iCAEntry;
   602 			break;
   603 			}
   604 		case ETrustedView:
   605 			{
   606 			currentCert = mCertDataContainer->iPeerLabelEntries[ index ]->iPeerEntry;
   607 			break;
   608 			}
   609 		case EDeviceView:
   610 			{
   611 			currentCert = mCertDataContainer->iDeviceLabelEntries[ index ]->iDeviceEntry;
   612 			break;
   613 			}
   614 		case EPersonalView:
   615 			{
   616 			currentCert = mCertDataContainer->iUserLabelEntries[ index ]->iUserEntry;
   617 			break;
   618 			}
   619 		};
   620 	return currentCert;
   621 	}
   623 QString CpCertView::certLabel(TInt index) const
   624 	{
   625 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   626 	CpCertManUICertData* certData = NULL;
   627 	HBufC* label = NULL;
   628 	TInt length = 0;
   629 	switch(mCertView)
   630 		{
   631 		case EAuthorityView:
   632 			{
   633 			certData = mCertDataContainer->iCALabelEntries[index];
   634 			label = certData->iCAEntryLabel;
   635 			length = certData->iCAEntryLabel->Length();
   636 			break;
   637 			}
   638 		case ETrustedView:
   639 			{
   640 			certData = mCertDataContainer->iPeerLabelEntries[index];
   641 			label = certData->iPeerEntryLabel;
   642 			length = certData->iPeerEntryLabel->Length();
   643 			break;
   644 			}
   645 		case EPersonalView:
   646 			{
   647 			certData = mCertDataContainer->iUserLabelEntries[index];
   648 			label = certData->iUserEntryLabel;
   649 			length = certData->iUserEntryLabel->Length();
   650 			break;
   651 			}
   652 		case EDeviceView:
   653 			{
   654 			certData = mCertDataContainer->iDeviceLabelEntries[index];
   655 			label = certData->iDeviceEntryLabel;
   656 			length = certData->iDeviceEntryLabel->Length();
   657 			break;
   658 			}
   659 		}
   660 	return QString((QChar*)label->Des().Ptr(), length);
   661 	}
   663 TInt CpCertView::refreshListL()
   664 	{
   665 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   666 	TInt count = 0;
   667 	switch(mCertView)
   668 		{
   669 		case EAuthorityView:
   670 			mCertDataContainer->RefreshCAEntriesL();
   671 			count = mCertDataContainer->iCALabelEntries.Count();
   672 			break;
   673 		case ETrustedView:
   674 			mCertDataContainer->RefreshPeerCertEntriesL();
   675 			count = mCertDataContainer->iPeerLabelEntries.Count();
   676 			break;
   677 		case EPersonalView:
   678 			mCertDataContainer->RefreshUserCertEntriesL();
   679 			count = mCertDataContainer->iUserLabelEntries.Count();
   680 			break;
   681 		case EDeviceView:
   682 			mCertDataContainer->RefreshDeviceCertEntriesL();
   683 			count = mCertDataContainer->iDeviceLabelEntries.Count();
   684 			break;
   685 		};
   686 	return count;
   687 	}
   690 void CpCertView::refreshView( TInt count )
   691 	{
   692 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   693 	if(mRefreshedView)
   694 		{
   695 		mRefreshedView->deleteLater();
   696 		mRefreshedView = NULL;
   697 		}
   699 	mRefreshedView = q_check_ptr(new CpBaseSettingView());  
   700 	switch(mCertView)
   701 		{
   702 		case EAuthorityView:
   703 			{
   704 			mRefreshedView->setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_authority_certificate"));
   705 			break;
   706 			}
   707 		case ETrustedView:
   708 			{
   709 			mRefreshedView->setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_trusted_site_certific"));				
   710 			break;
   711 			}
   712 		case EPersonalView:
   713 			{
   714 			mRefreshedView->setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_personal_certificates"));				
   715 			break;
   716 			}
   717 		case EDeviceView:
   718 			{
   719 			mRefreshedView->setTitle(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_list_device_certificates"));				
   720 			break;
   721 			}
   722 		}	
   724 	HbMenu* menu = mRefreshedView->menu();   
   725 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   726 	std::auto_ptr<HbAction> endAction( q_check_ptr(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_opt_delete"))) );
   727 	connect(endAction.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteList()));    
   728 	menu->addAction(endAction.get());
   729 	endAction.release();
   731 	QString title;
   732 	if(mCertView == EPersonalView)
   733 		{
   734 		title = "Move to Device";   
   735 		}
   736 	else if(mCertView == EDeviceView)
   737 		{
   738 		title = "Move to Personal";  
   739 		}
   740 	std::auto_ptr<HbAction> moveAction(q_check_ptr(new HbAction(title)));
   741 	connect(moveAction.get(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveCert()));    
   742 	menu->addAction(moveAction.get());
   743 	moveAction.release();
   744 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   745 	std::auto_ptr<QGraphicsLinearLayout> layout(q_check_ptr(new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical)));
   747 	HbListWidget* mCertificateList = q_check_ptr(new HbListWidget(this)); 
   749 	for(int index = 0; index< count; index++)
   750 		{
   751 		QString certificateLabel = certLabel(index);
   752 		std::auto_ptr<HbListWidgetItem> singleCert(q_check_ptr(new HbListWidgetItem()));
   753 		singleCert->setText(certificateLabel);
   754 		mCertificateList->addItem(singleCert.get());
   755 		singleCert.release();
   756 		}  // end of for loop
   758 	connect(mCertificateList, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(openCertFromList(QModelIndex)));   
   759 	connect(mCertificateList, SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, QPointF )), this, SLOT(indicateLongPress(HbAbstractViewItem*, QPointF))); 
   761 	layout->addItem(mCertificateList);
   762 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   763 	// Refresh current view
   764 	QObject::connect(mRefreshedView , SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), this, SLOT(viewDone()));
   765 	mPrevView = mainWindow()->currentView();   
   766 	mainWindow()->addView(mRefreshedView);
   767 	mainWindow()->setCurrentView(mRefreshedView); 
   768 	mRefreshedView->setLayout(layout.get());
   769 	layout.release();
   770 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   771 	}
   774 void CpCertView::viewDone()  
   775 	{
   776 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   777 	mCurrentView = mainWindow()->currentView();
   778 	mCurrentView->deleteLater();
   779 	mCurrentView= NULL;
   780 	mainWindow()->setCurrentView(mOriginalView);  	
   781 	}
   782 void CpCertView::showTrustSettings()
   783 	{
   784 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   785 	mCurrentView = q_check_ptr(new CpCertTrustView(mPos, *mCertDataContainer));    
   786 	connect(mCurrentView , SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), this, SLOT(saveTrustSettings()));
   787 	mPrevView = mainWindow()->currentView();   
   788 	mainWindow()->addView(mCurrentView);
   789 	mainWindow()->setCurrentView(mCurrentView); 
   790 	}	
   792 void CpCertView::saveTrustSettings()
   793 	{
   794 	((CpCertTrustView*)mCurrentView)->saveTrustSettings();
   795 	displayPreviousView();
   796 	}
   798 void CpCertView::moveSelectedCert()
   799 	{
   800 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   801 	RArray<TInt> pos;
   802 	pos.Append(mPos);
   803 	moveCertList(pos);
   804 	}
   806 void CpCertView::moveCertList(RArray<TInt>& indexList)
   807 	{
   808 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   809 	mIndexList = indexList;
   810 	mNote = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
   811 	mNote->setHeadingWidget(q_check_ptr(new HbLabel(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_info_move"))));
   812 	if( mCertView == EPersonalView )
   813 		{
   814 		mNote->setText(hbTrId("txt_certificate_manager_info_device_certificates_c"));
   815 		}
   816 	else if( mCertView == EDeviceView )
   817 		{
   818 		mNote->setText("Use of Personal certificates may require user confirmation. Proceed?");
   819 		}
   821 	mNote->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   822 	mNote->setIconVisible (EFalse);
   823 	mNote->open(this,SLOT(handleMoveDialog(HbAction*)));
   824 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   825 }
   827 void CpCertView::handleMoveDialog(HbAction* action)
   828 {
   829 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   830 	if (action != mNote->primaryAction())
   831 	    {
   832 		return;
   833 	    }
   835 	TInt count = mIndexList.Count();
   837 	for(TInt index = 0 ; index < count; ++index)
   838 		{
   839 		CCTCertInfo* entry = NULL;
   840 		if(mCertView == EPersonalView)
   841 			{
   842 			entry = mCertDataContainer->iUserLabelEntries[ mIndexList[index] ]->iUserEntry;
   843 			}
   844 		else if(mCertView == EDeviceView)
   845 			{
   846 			entry = mCertDataContainer->iDeviceLabelEntries[ mIndexList[index] ]->iDeviceEntry;
   847 			}
   849 		// Move key first
   850 		TCTKeyAttributeFilter keyFilter;
   851 		keyFilter.iKeyId = entry->SubjectKeyId();
   852 		keyFilter.iPolicyFilter =  TCTKeyAttributeFilter::EAllKeys;
   853 		RDEBUG("0", 0);
   854 		TUid sourceCertStoreUid = TUid::Uid(0);
   855 		TUid targetCertStoreUid = TUid::Uid(0);
   856 		TUid sourceKeyStoreUid = TUid::Uid(0);
   857 		TUid targetKeyStoreUid = TUid::Uid(0);
   859 		if(mCertView == EPersonalView)
   860 			{
   861 			sourceKeyStoreUid = KCMFileKeyStoreTokenUid;
   862 			targetKeyStoreUid = KCMDeviceKeyStoreTokenUid;
   863 			sourceCertStoreUid = KCMFileCertStoreTokenUid;
   864 			targetCertStoreUid = KCMDeviceCertStoreTokenUid;
   865 			}
   866 		else if(mCertView == EDeviceView)
   867 			{
   868 			sourceKeyStoreUid = KCMDeviceKeyStoreTokenUid;
   869 			targetKeyStoreUid = KCMFileKeyStoreTokenUid;
   870 			sourceCertStoreUid = KCMDeviceCertStoreTokenUid;
   871 			targetCertStoreUid = KCMFileCertStoreTokenUid;
   872 			}
   873 		RDEBUG("0", 0);
   874 		try
   875 			{
   877 			QT_TRAP_THROWING( mCertDataContainer->iWrapper->MoveKeyL( 
   878 					mCertDataContainer->KeyManager(), keyFilter, sourceKeyStoreUid, targetKeyStoreUid ));
   880 			// Move certificate
   881 			QT_TRAP_THROWING( mCertDataContainer->iWrapper->MoveCertL( 
   882 					mCertDataContainer->CertManager(), *entry, sourceCertStoreUid, targetCertStoreUid ) );
   884 			}
   885 		catch(const std::exception& exception)
   886 			{
   887 			QString error(exception.what());
   888 			QT_TRAP_THROWING(mCertDataContainer->ShowErrorNoteL( error.toInt() ));
   889 			User::Exit( KErrNone );
   890 			}
   891 		RDEBUG("0", 0);
   892 		try
   893 			{
   894 			if(mCertView == EPersonalView)
   895 				{
   896 				QT_TRAP_THROWING( mCertDataContainer->RefreshUserCertEntriesL() );
   897 				}
   898 			else if(mCertView == EDeviceView)
   899 				{
   900 				QT_TRAP_THROWING( mCertDataContainer->RefreshDeviceCertEntriesL() );
   901 				}
   902 			}
   903 		catch(const std::exception& exception)
   904 			{
   905 			QString error(exception.what());
   906 			if (  error.toInt() == KErrCorrupt )
   907 				{
   908 				QT_TRAP_THROWING(mCertDataContainer->ShowErrorNoteL( error.toInt()) );
   909 				User::Exit( KErrNone );
   910 				}
   911 			// have to call straight away the Exit
   912 			// showing any error notes would corrupt the display
   913 			User::Exit( error.toInt() );	
   914 			}
   915 		} // for
   916 	// Refresh current view
   917 	QT_TRAP_THROWING(refreshView(refreshListL()));	
   918 	delete mNote;
   919 	mNote = NULL;
   920 	RDEBUG("0", 0);
   921 	}