changeset 0 164170e6151a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:164170e6151a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Gets keydetails from WIM -card
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "WimCertMgmt.h"
    21 #include "WimKeyDetails.h"
    22 #include "WimTrace.h"
    25 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26 // CWimKeyDetails::CWimKeyDetails()
    27 // Default constructor
    28 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    29 CWimKeyDetails::CWimKeyDetails( MCTToken& aToken ):
    30 CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iToken( aToken ), iPckg( iKeyNumber )
    31     {
    32     }
    34 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 // CWimKeyDetails::NewL()
    36 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    37 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 EXPORT_C CWimKeyDetails* CWimKeyDetails::NewL( MCTToken& aToken )
    39     {
    40     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::NewL()" ) );
    41     CWimKeyDetails* self = new( ELeave ) CWimKeyDetails( aToken );
    42     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    43     self->ConstructL();
    44     CleanupStack::Pop( self ); //self
    45     return self;
    46     }
    48 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CWimKeyDetails::ConstructL()
    50 // Second phase
    51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 void CWimKeyDetails::ConstructL()
    53     {
    54     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::ConstructL()" ) );
    55     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    56     iConnectionHandle = RWimCertMgmt::ClientSessionL();
    57     }
    59 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 // CWimKeyDetails::~CWimKeyDetails()
    61 // Allocated memory is released.
    62 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 EXPORT_C CWimKeyDetails::~CWimKeyDetails()
    64     {
    65     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::~CWimKeyDetails()" ) );
    66     Cancel();
    67     iConnectionHandle->Close();
    68     delete iConnectionHandle;
    69     iKeyReferences.Close();
    70     DeallocMemoryFromSign();
    71     }
    73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CWimKeyDetails::GetKeyList()
    75 // Starts to list all keys found from WIM -card
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 EXPORT_C void CWimKeyDetails::GetKeyList( RPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo>& aKeys,
    78                                           CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>& aKeyNumbers,
    79                                           TRequestStatus& aStatus )
    80     {
    81     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::GetKeyList()" ) );
    82     iClientStatus = &aStatus;
    83     aStatus = KRequestPending;
    84     iKeys = &aKeys;
    85     iKeyNumberArray = &aKeyNumbers;
    86     iPhase = EGetKeyList;
    87     SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
    88     iFetchedKeyInfos = 0;
    89     }
    91 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 // CWimKeyDetails::CancelList()
    93 // Cancels listing operation.
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 EXPORT_C void CWimKeyDetails::CancelList()
    96     {
    97     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::CancelList()" ) );
    98     Cancel();
    99     }
   101 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // CWimKeyDetails::Sign()
   103 // Sign some data. Authentication is handled by server.
   104 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 EXPORT_C void CWimKeyDetails::Sign( const TDesC8& aData, 
   107                                    TDesC8& aKeyId, 
   108                                    HBufC8*& aSignature, 
   109                                    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   110     {
   111     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::Sign()" ) );
   113     aStatus = KRequestPending;
   114     iClientStatus = &aStatus;
   116     if ( aKeyId.Length() )
   117         {
   118         //Check that the data is not too long
   119         if ( aData.Length() > KMaxRSADigestSize )
   120             {
   121             User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrOverflow );
   122             }
   123         else
   124             {     
   125             iSignature = aSignature; 
   126             TRAPD( err, AllocMemoryForSignL( aData, aKeyId ) );
   127             if ( err )
   128                 {
   129                 User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, err );
   130                 }
   131             else
   132                 {
   133                 iPhase = ESign;
   134                 SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
   135                 }
   136             }
   137         }
   138     else
   139         {
   140         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrArgument );
   141         }
   142     }
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CWimKeyDetails::CancelSign()
   146 // Cancels outgoing signing operation 
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 EXPORT_C void CWimKeyDetails::CancelSign()
   149     {
   150     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::CancelSign()" ) );
   151     Cancel();
   152     }
   155 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 // CWimKeyDetails::ExportPublicKeyL()
   157 // Export public key
   158 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 EXPORT_C void CWimKeyDetails::ExportPublicKeyL( TDesC8& aKeyId, 
   160                                                 HBufC8*& aPublicKey, 
   161                                                 TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   162     {
   163     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::ExportPublicKeyL()" ) );
   165     iClientStatus = &aStatus;
   166     aStatus = KRequestPending;
   168     if ( aKeyId.Length() )
   169         {   
   170         //KeyId from Plugin 
   171         iKeyId = aKeyId.AllocL();
   172         iKeyIdPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iKeyId->Des() );
   173         iExportPublicKey.iKeyId.Copy( iKeyIdPtr->Ptr(), iKeyIdPtr->Length() );
   175         //Exported key from Server
   176         iPublicKey = aPublicKey;
   177         iPublicKeyPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iPublicKey->Des() );
   178         iExportPublicKey.iPublicKey = iPublicKeyPtr;
   180         //Request to Server
   181         iConnectionHandle->ExportPublicKeyL( iExportPublicKey, 
   182                                              iStatus );
   183         iPhase = EExportPublicKey;
   184         SetActive();
   185         }
   186     else 
   187         {
   188         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrArgument );
   189         }
   190     }
   192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 // CWimKeyDetails::CancelExport()
   194 // Cancel public key export
   195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 EXPORT_C void CWimKeyDetails::CancelExport()
   197     {
   198     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::CancelExport()" ) );
   199     Cancel();
   200     }
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 // CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForSignL()
   204 // Allocates memory for signing operation
   205 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 void CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForSignL( const TDesC8& aData,
   207                                           const TDesC8& aKeyId )
   208     {
   209     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForSignL()" ) );
   211     iSigningData = aData.AllocL(); //Data to be signed
   212     iSigningDataPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iSigningData->Des() );
   214     iKeyId = aKeyId.AllocL(); //KeyId used to match correct signing key
   215     iKeyIdPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iKeyId->Des() );
   217     //Alloc pointer for signature buffer, which is owned by keystore
   218     iSignaturePtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iSignature->Des() );
   219     }
   221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 // CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromSign()
   223 // Deallocates memory after signing  operation
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 void CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromSign()
   226     {
   227     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromSign()" ) );
   229     delete iSigningData;
   230     delete iSigningDataPtr;
   231     delete iSignaturePtr;
   232     delete iKeyId;
   233     delete iKeyIdPtr;
   234     iSigningData = NULL;
   235     iSigningDataPtr = NULL;
   236     iSignaturePtr = NULL;
   237     iKeyId = NULL;
   238     iKeyIdPtr = NULL;
   239     }
   241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 // CWimKeyDetails::SignalOwnStatusAndComplete()       
   243 // Sets own iStatus to KRequestPending, and signals it 
   244 // with User::RequestComplete() -request. This gives chance 
   245 // active scheduler to run other active objects. After a quick
   246 // visit in active scheduler, signal returns to RunL() and starts next
   247 // phase of operation. 
   248 // @return void
   249 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   250 void CWimKeyDetails::SignalOwnStatusAndComplete()
   251     {
   252     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::SignalOwnStatusAndComplete()" ) );
   253     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   254     SetActive();
   255     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   256     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   257     }
   259 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // CWimKeyDetails::RunL()
   261 // EGetKeyList: Get the number of keys key and references to each key.
   262 // EConvertParams: Gets key references from string and puts them to RArray
   263 // EGetKeyInfo: Fetches a single keyinfo. According to received values, a new
   264 //              CCTKeyInfo -object is created and inserted to an Array. Received
   265 //              parameters requires a little bit conversion. 
   266 // ESign:       Sends signing request with data to be signed to server.
   267 // ESignCompleted: Sign is done 
   268 // EExportPublicKey: Sends Export public key request to server. Receives 
   269 //              exported public key.
   270 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 void CWimKeyDetails::RunL()
   272     {
   273 	//Check for error
   274     if ( iStatus.Int() != KErrNone )
   275         {
   276         if ( iPhase == EConvertParams )
   277             {
   278             DeallocMemoryFromKeyList();
   279             }
   280         else if ( iPhase == ESignCompleted )
   281             {
   282             iConnectionHandle->DeallocKeySignPckgBuf();
   283             DeallocMemoryFromSign();
   284             }
   285         else if ( iPhase == EExportPublicKey )
   286             {
   287             iConnectionHandle->DeallocExportPublicKeyPckgBuf();
   288             DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo();
   289             delete iPublicKeyPtr;
   290             iPublicKey = NULL;      // no delete, ownership moved to caller
   291             iPublicKeyPtr = NULL;
   292             }
   293         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
   294         }
   295     else
   296         {
   297         switch ( iPhase )
   298             {
   299             case EGetKeyList:
   300                 {
   301                 AllocMemoryForKeyListL();
   302                 iConnectionHandle->KeyList( *iKeyListPtr, 
   303                                             iPckg,
   304                                             iStatus );  
   305                 iPhase = EConvertParams;
   306                 SetActive();
   307                 _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::RunL(),\
   308                         case:EGetKeyList" ) );
   309                 break;
   310                 }
   311             case EConvertParams: //Convert previously fetched parameters
   312                 {                //and put them to an RArray.
   313                 ConvertKeyListL();
   314                 DeallocMemoryFromKeyList(); //We don't need keylist anymore
   315                 iPhase = EGetKeyInfo;
   316                 SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
   317                 _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::RunL(),EConvertParams" ) );
   318                 break;
   319                 }
   320             case EGetKeyInfo: //Now we can fetch details for every key.
   321                 {
   322                 //Are all keyinfo -objects fetched?
   323                 if ( iFetchedKeyInfos < iKeyReferences.Count() )
   324                     { //No, get next keyinfo..
   325                     TKeyInfo keyInfo;
   326                     AllocMemoryForKeyInfoL( keyInfo );
   327                     TInt ret = iConnectionHandle->GetKeyInfo(
   328                               iKeyReferences.operator[]( iFetchedKeyInfos ),
   329                               keyInfo );
   331                     if ( ret != KErrNone )//Something went wrong
   332                         {
   333                         DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo();
   334                         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, ret );
   335                         }
   336                     else
   337                         {
   338                         TKeyUsagePKCS15 keyUsage;
   339                         keyUsage = ConvertKeyUsage( keyInfo.iUsage );
   341                         //Convert key type to support only RSA signing or
   342                         //invalidAlgorithm
   343                         if ( keyInfo.iType != CKeyInfoBase::ERSA )
   344                             {
   345                             keyInfo.iType = 
   346                                   ( TUint8 )CKeyInfoBase::EInvalidAlgorithm;
   347                             }
   348                         //Create new KeyInfo -object and put it into array.
   349                         CCTKeyInfo* cctKeyInfo = NULL;
   351                         // Create a 16 bit heap-based buffer descriptor and a
   352                         // pointer to it
   353                         HBufC16* label16 = HBufC16::NewLC( KLabelLen );
   354                         // 16 bit modifiable pointer descriptor to object 
   355                         // above in order to manipulate data
   356                         TPtr16 labelPtr16 = label16->Des();
   358                         labelPtr16.Copy( keyInfo.iLabel.Left(
   359                                                     keyInfo.iLabel.Length() ) );
   361 						TTime nullTime( _L( "00000000:" ) );
   362 #ifdef __SECURITY_PLATSEC_ARCH__
   363 						TSecurityPolicy usePolicy; 
   364                         TSecurityPolicy managementPolicy;
   366                         cctKeyInfo = CCTKeyInfo::NewL( 
   367                                    keyInfo.iKeyId,      //Key ID
   368                                    keyUsage,            //Key usage
   369                                    keyInfo.iLength,     //Key length
   370                                    NULL,                //protector
   371                                    label16,             //Key label
   372                                    iToken,              //token
   373                                    keyInfo.iKeyNumber,  //Key number
   374                                    usePolicy,			//
   375 								   managementPolicy,	//
   376                                    ( CKeyInfoBase::EKeyAlgorithm )keyInfo.iType,
   377                                    CKeyInfoBase::EInvalidAccess, //bitf. access
   378                                    ETrue,               //Always Native
   379                                    nullTime,            //NULL time
   380                                    nullTime );          //NULL time
   381 #else
   382                         RArray<TUid> array;
   384                         cctKeyInfo = CCTKeyInfo::NewL( 
   385                                    keyInfo.iKeyId,      //Key ID
   386                                    keyUsage,            //Key usage
   387                                    keyInfo.iLength,     //Key length
   388                                    NULL,                //protector
   389                                    label16,             //Key label
   390                                    iToken,              //token
   391                                    keyInfo.iKeyNumber,  //Key number
   392 								   KWimServerUid, //WimServer owns all keys
   393                                    array,               //Null array
   394                                    ( CKeyInfoBase::EKeyAlgorithm )keyInfo.iType,
   395                                    CKeyInfoBase::EInvalidAccess, //bitf. access
   396                                    ETrue,               //Always Native
   397                                    nullTime,            //NULL time
   398                                    nullTime );          //NULL time
   399 #endif
   401                          _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::RunL(),EGetKeyInfo | CCTKeyInfo is initialized " ) );
   403                         ret =  iKeys->Append( cctKeyInfo );
   405                         if ( ret != KErrNone )
   406                             {
   407                             CleanupStack::Pop( label16 );
   408                             cctKeyInfo->Release();
   409                             User::Leave( ret );
   410                             }
   412                          //Append corresponding pinnumber to array.
   413                         iKeyNumberArray->AppendL( keyInfo.iPinNumber );  
   415                         //We must not destroy label16, because CCTKeyInfo 
   416                         //-object takes ownership.
   417                         CleanupStack::Pop( label16 );
   418                         //Increase counter, we have successfully fetched 
   419                         //infos for single key and corresponding CCTKeyInfo 
   420                         //is created
   421                         iFetchedKeyInfos++;
   422                         //Cleanup label and keyid modifiers.
   423                         DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo();
   424                         iPhase = EGetKeyInfo;
   425                         SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
   426                         _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::RunL(),\
   427                             case:EGetKeyInfo" ) );
   428                             }
   429                         }
   430                     else//Yep, All done.
   431                         {
   432                         iFetchedKeyInfos = 0;
   433                         //Don't need key references anymore
   434                         iKeyReferences.Close(); 
   435                         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
   436                         }
   437                 break;
   438                 }
   439             case ESign:
   440                 {
   441                 iPhase = ESignCompleted;
   442                 iKeySignParameters.iSigningData = iSigningDataPtr;
   443                 iKeySignParameters.iSignature = iSignaturePtr;
   444                 iKeySignParameters.iKeyId.Copy( iKeyIdPtr->Ptr(), iKeyIdPtr->Length() );
   445                 iConnectionHandle->SignL( iKeySignParameters, iStatus );
   446                 SetActive();
   447                 break;
   448                 }
   449             case ESignCompleted:
   450                 {
   451                 //signature data is copied by now to plugins memory.   
   452                 iConnectionHandle->DeallocKeySignPckgBuf();
   453                 DeallocMemoryFromSign();
   454                 User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
   455                 break;
   456                 }
   457             case EExportPublicKey:
   458                 {
   459                 iConnectionHandle->DeallocExportPublicKeyPckgBuf();
   460                 DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo();
   461                 delete iPublicKeyPtr;
   462                 iPublicKeyPtr = NULL;
   463                 User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
   464                 break;
   465                 }
   466             default:
   467                 {
   468                 break;
   469                 }    
   470             }
   471         }
   472     }
   474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // CWimKeyDetails::ConvertKeyUsage()
   476 // Converts keyUsage to new form. All keyUsages loaded from WIM are treated
   477 // as private keys.
   478 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 TKeyUsagePKCS15 CWimKeyDetails::ConvertKeyUsage( TUint16 aKeyUsage )
   480     {
   481     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::ConvertKeyUsage()" ) );
   483     TKeyUsagePKCS15 usage = EPKCS15UsageNone;
   484     switch ( aKeyUsage ) 
   485         {
   486         case KPkcs15KeyUsageFlagsDecrypt:
   487             {
   488             usage = EPKCS15UsageDecrypt;
   489             break;
   490             }
   491         case KPkcs15KeyUsageFlagsSign:
   492             {
   493             usage = EPKCS15UsageSign;
   494             break;
   495             }
   496         case KPkcs15KeyUsageFlagsSignRecover:
   497             {
   498             usage = EPKCS15UsageSignRecover;
   499             break;
   500             }
   501         case KPkcs15KeyUsageFlagsUnwrap:
   502             {
   503             usage = EPKCS15UsageUnwrap;
   504             break;
   505             }
   506         case KPkcs15KeyUsageFlagsDerive:
   507             {
   508             usage = EPKCS15UsageDerive;
   509             break;
   510             }
   511         case KPkcs15KeyUsageFlagsNonRepudiation:
   512             {
   513             usage = EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation;
   514             break;
   515             }
   516         default:
   517             {
   518             break;
   519             }
   520         }
   521     return usage;
   522     }
   524 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 // CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForKeyListL()
   526 // Allocates memory for Array which is filled by server.
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 void CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForKeyListL()
   529     {
   530     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForKeyListL()" ) );
   532     iKeyList = HBufC8::NewL( KLabelLen );
   533     iKeyListPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iKeyList->Des() );
   534     }
   536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 // CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromKeyList()
   538 // Deallocates memory from Array which was filled by server.
   539 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   540 void CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromKeyList()
   541     {
   542     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromKeyList()" ) );
   544     delete iKeyList;
   545     delete iKeyListPtr;
   546     iKeyList = NULL;
   547     iKeyListPtr = NULL;
   548     }
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 // CWimKeyDetails::ConvertKeyListL()
   552 // Converts keylist parameters. Extracts data out from keylist & keynumber.
   553 // Extracted data is inserted to RArray.
   554 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 void CWimKeyDetails::ConvertKeyListL()
   556     {
   557     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::ConvertKeyListL()" ) );
   559     TInt32 output = 0;
   561     TLex8 lex8( iKeyListPtr->Ptr() );
   562     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iKeyNumber; i++ ) //Put keyreferences to array.
   563         {
   564         lex8.SkipSpaceAndMark();
   565         lex8.Val( output );
   566         User::LeaveIfError( iKeyReferences.Append( output ) );
   567         }
   568     }
   570 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 // CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForKeyInfoL()
   572 // Allocates memory for label and keyid.
   573 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   574 void CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForKeyInfoL( TKeyInfo& aKeyInfo )
   575     {
   576     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::AllocMemoryForKeyInfoL()" ) );
   578     iLabel = HBufC8::NewL( KLabelLen ); //Label
   579     iLabelPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iLabel->Des() );
   580     aKeyInfo.iLabel.Copy( iLabelPtr->Ptr(), iLabelPtr->Length() );
   582     iKeyId = HBufC8::NewL( KKeyIdLen ); //KeyId
   583     iKeyIdPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iKeyId->Des() );
   584     aKeyInfo.iKeyId.Copy( iKeyIdPtr->Ptr(), iKeyIdPtr->Length() ); 
   585     }
   587 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   588 // CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo()
   589 // Deallocates memory from label and keyid.
   590 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   591 void CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo()
   592     {
   593     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo()" ) );
   595     delete iLabel;
   596     delete iLabelPtr;
   597     delete iKeyId;
   598     delete iKeyIdPtr;
   599     iLabel = NULL;
   600     iLabelPtr = NULL;
   601     iKeyId = NULL;
   602     iKeyIdPtr = NULL;
   603     }
   605 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   606 // CWimKeyDetails::RunError()                                        
   607 // The active scheduler calls this function if this active object's RunL() 
   608 // function leaves. This gives this active object the opportunity to perform 
   609 // any necessary cleanup.
   610 // After array's cleanup, complete request with received error code.
   611 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   612 TInt CWimKeyDetails::RunError( TInt aError )
   613     {  
   614     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::RunError()" ) );
   615     DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo();
   616     DeallocMemoryFromKeyList();
   617     User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, aError );
   618     return KErrNone;
   619     }
   621 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   622 // CWimKeyDetails::DoCancel()
   623 // Deallocates member variables and completes client status with
   624 // KErrCancel error code.
   625 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   626 void CWimKeyDetails::DoCancel()
   627     {    
   628     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimKeyDetails::DoCancel()" ) );
   630     if ( iConnectionHandle && iPhase == ESignCompleted )
   631         {
   632         iConnectionHandle->DeallocKeySignPckgBuf();
   633         }
   634     else if ( iConnectionHandle && iPhase == EExportPublicKey )
   635         {
   636         delete iPublicKeyPtr;
   637         iPublicKey = NULL;
   638         iPublicKeyPtr = NULL;
   639         iConnectionHandle->DeallocExportPublicKeyPckgBuf();
   640         }
   641     DeallocMemoryFromKeyList();
   642     DeallocMemoryFromKeyInfo();
   643     DeallocMemoryFromSign();
   644     iKeyReferences.Close();
   645     User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrCancel );
   646     }
   648 // End of File