changeset 0 164170e6151a
child 57 ead42e28e519
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:164170e6151a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Utility functions for certificate related functionality
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include    "WimCertUtil.h"
    21 #include    "WimTrace.h"
    22 #include    "WimCertInfo.h"
    23 #include    "WimUtilityFuncs.h"
    24 #include    "WimCleanup.h"
    25 #include    <cctcertinfo.h>
    26 #include    <asn1dec.h>         // ASN.1 decoding
    29 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 // CWimCertUtil::CWimCertUtil()
    31 // Default constructor
    32 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33 CWimCertUtil::CWimCertUtil( MCTToken& aToken )
    34     : CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
    35       iToken( aToken )
    36     {
    37     }
    39 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 // CWimCertUtil::NewL()
    41 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 CWimCertUtil* CWimCertUtil::NewL( MCTToken& aToken )
    44     {
    45     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::NewL" ) );
    46     CWimCertUtil* self = new( ELeave ) CWimCertUtil( aToken );
    47     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    48     self->ConstructL();
    49     CleanupStack::Pop( self ); //self
    50     return self;
    51     }
    53 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 // CWimCertUtil::ConstructL()
    55 // Second phase
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 void CWimCertUtil::ConstructL()
    58     {
    59     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::ConstructL" ) );
    60     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    61     iWimUtilFuncs = CWimUtilityFuncs::NewL();
    62     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::ConstructL() completed" ) );
    63     }
    65 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CWimCertUtil::Restore()
    67 // Returns CCTCertInfo objects in array
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 void CWimCertUtil::Restore( RPointerArray<CWimCertInfo>& aArray, 
    70                             TRequestStatus& aStatus )
    71     {
    72     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::Restore" ) );
    73     iClientStatus = &aStatus;
    74     aStatus = KRequestPending;
    75     iArray = &aArray;
    76     iPhase = EListCertsFromWim;
    77     SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
    78     }
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 // CWimCertUtil::CancelRestore()
    82 // Cancels outgoing Restore operation. Sets an internal flag to true. 
    83 // After necessary cleanup, caller is signalled with KErrCancel 
    84 // -error code.
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 void CWimCertUtil::CancelRestore()
    87     {
    88     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::CancelRestore" ) );
    89     Cancel(); 
    90     }
    92 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 // CWimCertUtil::RetrieveCertByIndexL()
    94 // Retrieves the actual certificate.
    95 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 void CWimCertUtil::RetrieveCertByIndexL( const TInt aIndex,
    98                                          TDes8& aEncodedCert, 
    99                                          TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   100     {
   101     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::RetrieveCertByIndexL" ) );
   102     //Check that index is valid
   103     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aIndex <= iArraySize && iCertRefLst,
   104         User::Leave( KErrArgument )  );
   105     iClientStatus = &aStatus;
   106     iCertRetrieveIndex = aIndex;
   107     iEncodedCert = &aEncodedCert;
   108     aStatus = KRequestPending;
   109     iPhase = ERetrieveCertificate;
   110     SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
   111     }
   113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // CWimCertUtil::SignalOwnStatusAndComplete()       
   115 // Sets own iStatus to KRequestPending, and signals it 
   116 // with User::RequestComplete() -request. This gives chance 
   117 // active scheduler to run other active objects. After a quick
   118 // visit in active scheduler, signal returns to RunL() and starts next
   119 // phase of operation. 
   120 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 void CWimCertUtil::SignalOwnStatusAndComplete()
   122     {
   123     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::SignalOwnStatusAndComplete()" ) );
   124     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   125     SetActive();
   126     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   127     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   128     }
   130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // CWimCertUtil::~CWimCertUtil()
   132 // Allocated memory is released.
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 CWimCertUtil::~CWimCertUtil()
   135     {
   136     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::~CWimCertUtil()" ) );
   137     Cancel();
   138     DeallocWimCertInfo();
   139     DeallocCertHBufs();
   140     DeallocReferences();
   141     delete iTrustedUsages;
   142     delete iTrustedUsagesPtr;
   143     delete iKeyIdBuf;
   144     delete iKeyIdPointer;
   145     delete iWimUtilFuncs;
   146     }
   148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 // CWimCertUtil::RunL()
   150 // This has eight different phases which are explained here:
   151 // 1. EListCertsFromWim:Allocate member variables for arrays usage. 
   152 //    Array is passed as an argument to server and it is filled with 
   153 //    certificate information found from WIM.
   154 // 2. ECreateNewCertObjects: New certificate objects are created based on 
   155 //    received information on step one. A little bit of conversion is 
   156 //    required. Objects are inserted to an array.
   157 // 3. ERetrieveCertificate:Allocate member variables for struct, 
   158 //    which is used to fetch certificate details
   159 // 4. ERetrievingCompleted: Check cancellation. If not cancelled,
   160 //    copy information to caller's buffer. 
   161 // 5. EAddCertificate: Adds certificate to WIM.
   162 // 6. EAddCertificateCompleted: Certificate is added successfully. Deallocate
   163 //                              variables and complete request.
   164 // 7. ERemove: Before removing, we will check for cancellation. After that
   165 //    cancellation is too late.
   166 // 8. ERemoveCompleted: Removal operation completed ok. Deallocte variables and
   167 //    complete request
   168 // 9. EGetCertExtras: Extra data is fetched and async. waiter needs to be 
   169 //    stopped
   170 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 void CWimCertUtil::RunL()
   172     {
   173     _WIMTRACE3(_L("WimServer|CWimCertUtil::RunL(), iStatus=%d, iPhase=%d"), iStatus.Int(), iPhase);
   174     //Check for error
   175     if ( iStatus.Int() != KErrNone )
   176         {
   177         //failed to retrieve certificate
   178         if ( iPhase == ERetrievingCompleted )
   179             {
   180              DeallocCertHBufs();
   181              _WIMTRACE2 ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::RunL() failed to retrieve \
   182                  certificate, ERROR = %d" ),iStatus.Int() );
   183             }
   185         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
   186         }
   187     else
   188         {
   189         switch( iPhase )
   190             {
   191             case EListCertsFromWim: //get certificates from WIM.
   192                 {                  
   193                 if ( iArraySize ) //Delete previous preferences. 
   194                     {           //User might added or removed a certificate. 
   195                     DeallocWimCertInfo();
   196                     DeallocReferences();
   197                     }
   199                 //Ok ready to begin. First get Cert count
   200                 iCertCount = CertCount( EWimEntryTypeAll ); 
   201                 _WIMTRACE2 ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::RunL() \
   202                     certCount =%d" ),iCertCount );
   203                 if ( !iCertCount )  
   204                     {
   205                     User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrNotFound );
   206                     }
   207                 else
   208                     {
   209                     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCertRefLst == NULL, User::Invariant() );
   210                     iCertRefLst = new( ELeave ) TCertificateAddress[iCertCount];
   212                     //Creates new array according to certificate count
   213                     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCertInfoArr == NULL, User::Invariant() );
   214                     iCertInfoArr  = new( ELeave ) TWimCertInfo[iCertCount];
   216                     AllocWimCertInfoL( iCertInfoArr, iCertCount );
   217                     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   219                     CertRefLstL( iCertRefLst, 
   220                                  iCertInfoArr, 
   221                                  EWimEntryTypeAll );
   223                     iPhase = ECreateNewCertObjects;
   224                     iIndex = 0;
   225                     SetActive();
   227                     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   228                     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   230                     _WIMTRACE( _L( "CWimCertUtil::RunL() \
   231                         GetCertRefLst" ) );
   232                     }
   233                 break;
   234                 }
   235             case ECreateNewCertObjects: //Certificates fetched, 
   236                 { 
   237                 CreateNewCertObjectsL();//create new cert-objects
   238                 break;
   239                 }
   240             case EGetTrustedUsages:
   241                 {
   242                 GetTrustedUsagesL();
   243                 break;
   244                 }
   245             case ETrustedUsagesDone:
   246                 {
   247                 TrustedUsagesDoneL();
   248                 break;
   249                 }
   250             case ECertObjectsDone: 
   251                 {
   252                 User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrNone );    
   253                 _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::RunL() \
   254                     ECertObjectsDone" ) );
   255                 break;
   256                 }
   257             case ERetrieveCertificate: //Get Cert details from WIM
   258                 {
   259                 AllocMemoryForCertDetailsL();
   260                 CertDetailsL( iCertRefLst[iCertRetrieveIndex], 
   261                               iWimCertDetails );
   262                 iPhase = ERetrievingCompleted;
   263                 SetActive();
   265                 TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   266                     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   268                 _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::RunL() \
   269                     ERetrieveCertificate" ) );
   270                 break;
   271                 }
   272             case ERetrievingCompleted: //Cert details fetched, check errors &                         
   273                 {                      //cancellations & complete request                   
   274                 //copy cert details to iEncodedCert -buffer,
   275                 //which points to received aEncoded -cert buffer.
   276                 CopyRetrievedCertData();
   277                 DeallocCertHBufs();
   278                 User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrNone );
   279                 _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::RunL() \
   280                     ERetrievingCompleted" ) );
   281                 break;
   282                 }
   284             default:
   285                 {
   286                 User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrNotSupported );
   287                 break;
   288                 }          
   289             }
   290         }
   291     }
   293 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   294 // CWimCertUtil::CreateNewCertObjectsL()
   295 // Creates new certificate objects which can be returned to the caller.
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 void CWimCertUtil::CreateNewCertObjectsL()
   298     {
   299     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::CreateNewCertObjectsL() | Begin" ) );
   301     HBufC16* label16 = NULL;
   302     HBufC8* hash8 = NULL;
   304     if ( iIndex < iCertCount )
   305         {
   306         TCertificateOwnerType certificateType;
   307         if ( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iUsage == 0 )
   308             {
   309             certificateType = EUserCertificate; // 0 == User
   310             }
   311         else
   312             {
   313             certificateType = ECACertificate;   // 1 == CA
   314             }
   316         label16 = HBufC16::NewLC( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iLabel.Length() );
   317         label16->Des().Copy( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iLabel );
   319         hash8 = HBufC8::NewLC( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iIssuerHash.Length() );
   320         hash8->Des().Copy( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iIssuerHash );
   321         // Convert type 
   322         TCertificateFormat format;
   323         format = GetCertFormatByIndex( iIndex );
   324         //Create key indentifiers
   325         TKeyIdentifier subjectKeyId;
   326         TKeyIdentifier issuerKeyId;
   327         //needs these for CCTCertInfo object -creation
   328         subjectKeyId = iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iKeyId;
   329         issuerKeyId  = iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iCAId;
   330         //Create CCTCertInfo object. 
   331         if ( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iIssuerHash.Length() > 0 )
   332             {
   333             iCert = CCTCertInfo::NewL( label16->Des(), 
   334                                       format, 
   335                                       certificateType,
   336                                       iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iCertlen, 
   337                                       &subjectKeyId, 
   338                                       &issuerKeyId, 
   339                                       iToken, 
   340                                       iIndex,
   341                                       iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iModifiable,
   342                                       hash8 );
   343             }
   344         else
   345             {
   346             iCert = CCTCertInfo::NewL( label16->Des(), 
   347                                       format, 
   348                                       certificateType,
   349                                       iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iCertlen, 
   350                                       &subjectKeyId, 
   351                                       &issuerKeyId, 
   352                                       iToken, 
   353                                       iIndex,
   354                                       iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iModifiable );
   355             }
   357         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hash8 ); 
   358         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label16 );
   360         iOids = new( ELeave ) RArray<HBufC*>();
   361         //Check whether certificate has extra data. Certificate type must be
   362         // X509
   363         if ( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iCDFRefs &&
   364              iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iType == WIMI_CT_X509 )
   365             {  
   366             iPhase = EGetTrustedUsages;
   367             }
   368         else
   369             {
   370             CreateNewWimCertObjectL();
   371             }
   372         }
   373     else
   374         {
   375         DeallocWimCertInfo(); 
   376         iPhase = ECertObjectsDone;
   377         }
   378     SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
   379     }
   381 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // CWimCertUtil::CreateNewWimCertObjectL()
   383 // 
   384 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 void CWimCertUtil::CreateNewWimCertObjectL()
   386     {
   387     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::CreateNewWimCertObjectL()" ) );
   389     iCertInfo = CWimCertInfo::NewL( iCert, //CCTCertInfo object
   390                                     iCert->SubjectKeyId(), //key hash
   391                                     *iOids, 
   392                                     iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iCDFRefs );
   394     delete iOids;
   395     iOids = NULL;
   397     //Append WimCertInfo -object to array. Ownership to iArray here.
   398     User::LeaveIfError( iArray->Append( iCertInfo ) );
   400     iPhase = ECreateNewCertObjects;
   401     iIndex++;
   402     }
   404 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 // CWimCertUtil::GetTrustedUsagesL
   406 // Get trusted usages (OIDs) of a current certificate, which is pointed out 
   407 // by a index
   408 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 void CWimCertUtil::GetTrustedUsagesL()
   410     {
   411     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::GetTrustedUsagesL() | Begin" ) );
   413     delete iTrustedUsages;
   414     iTrustedUsages = NULL;
   415     delete iTrustedUsagesPtr;
   416     iTrustedUsagesPtr = NULL;
   417     //Allocate variables for trusted usage fetching
   418     iTrustedUsages = HBufC::NewL( iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iTrustedUsageLength );
   419     iTrustedUsagesPtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr( iTrustedUsages->Des() );
   421     iCertExtrasInfo.iTrustedUsage = iTrustedUsagesPtr;
   422     iPhase = ETrustedUsagesDone;
   424     delete iKeyIdBuf;
   425     iKeyIdBuf = NULL;
   426     delete iKeyIdPointer;
   427     iKeyIdPointer = NULL;
   428     // Take a copy of key identifier
   429     iKeyIdBuf = iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iKeyId.AllocL();
   430     iKeyIdPointer = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iKeyIdBuf->Des() );
   432     GetCertExtrasL( iKeyIdPointer,
   433                     iCertExtrasInfo,
   434                     iCertInfoArr[iIndex].iUsage,
   435                     iStatus );
   436     SetActive();
   437     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "CWimCertUtil::GetTrustedUsagesL() | End" ) );
   438     }
   440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 // CWimCertUtil::TrustedUsagesDoneL()
   442 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   443 void CWimCertUtil::TrustedUsagesDoneL()
   444     {
   445     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::TrustedUsagesDoneL()" ) );
   446     if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
   447         {
   448         //Parse oids and put them to an array
   449         TLex16 lex( *iTrustedUsages );
   450         TPtrC16 lexToken;
   451         for ( TBool extrasDone = EFalse; extrasDone == EFalse; )
   452             {
   453             lexToken.Set( lex.NextToken() );
   454             if ( lexToken.Length() )
   455                 {
   456                 HBufC* oid = lexToken.AllocLC();
   457                 User::LeaveIfError( iOids->Append( oid ) );
   458                 CleanupStack::Pop( oid ); //oid
   459                 }
   460             else
   461                 {
   462                 extrasDone = ETrue;
   463                 }
   464             }
   465         CreateNewWimCertObjectL();
   466         SignalOwnStatusAndComplete();
   467         }
   468     else
   469         {
   470         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
   471         }
   472     }
   474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // CWimCertUtil::GetCertFormatByIndex()
   476 // Returns certificate format according to received index
   477 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   478 TCertificateFormat CWimCertUtil::GetCertFormatByIndex( TInt aIndex )
   479     {
   480     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::GetCertFormatByIndex()" ) );
   482     // Convert type 
   483     TCertificateFormat format;
   484     switch ( iCertInfoArr[aIndex].iType )
   485         {
   486         case WIMI_CT_WTLS: 
   487             {
   488             format = EWTLSCertificate;
   489             break;
   490             }
   491         case WIMI_CT_X509: 
   492             {
   493             format = EX509Certificate;
   494             break;
   495             }
   496         case WIMI_CT_X968: 
   497             {
   498             format = EX968Certificate;
   499             break;
   500             }
   501         case WIMI_CT_URL: 
   502             {
   503             format = EX509CertificateUrl;
   504             break;
   505             }
   506         default:
   507             {
   508             format = EUnknownCertificate;
   509             break;
   510             }         
   511         }
   512     return format;
   513     }
   515 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 // CWimCertUtil::DoCancel()
   517 // Deallocates member variables and completes client status with
   518 // KErrCancel error code.
   519 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   520 void CWimCertUtil::DoCancel()
   521     {
   522     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::DoCancel()" ) );
   524     if ( iPhase == EGetTrustedUsages || iPhase == ETrustedUsagesDone )
   525         {
   526         iCert->Release();
   527         }
   529     DeallocWimCertInfo();
   530     DeallocCertHBufs();
   531     DeallocReferences();
   532     User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrCancel );
   533     }
   535 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   536 // CWimCertUtil::RunError() 
   537 //                                       
   538 // The active scheduler calls this function if this active object's RunL() 
   539 // function leaves. This gives this active object the opportunity to perform 
   540 // any necessary cleanup.
   541 // After array's cleanup, complete request with received error code.
   542 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   543 TInt CWimCertUtil::RunError( TInt aError )
   544     {
   545     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::RunError Error = %d" ) );
   546     DeallocWimCertInfo();
   547     DeallocCertHBufs();
   548     delete iTrustedUsages;
   549     iTrustedUsages = NULL;
   550     delete iTrustedUsagesPtr;
   551     iTrustedUsagesPtr = NULL;
   552     delete iKeyIdBuf;
   553     iKeyIdBuf = NULL;
   554     delete iKeyIdPointer;
   555     iKeyIdPointer = NULL;
   557     User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, aError );
   558     return KErrNone;
   559     }
   561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   562 // CWimCertUtil::AllocWimCertInfoL()
   563 // Allocates memory for the array which is filled by server.
   564 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   565 void CWimCertUtil::AllocWimCertInfoL( 
   566     TWimCertInfo* aWimCertInfoArr, 
   567     TInt aCount )
   568     {
   569     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::AllocWimCertInfoL()" ) );
   571     TUint8 index;    
   572     //These are arrays
   573     iLabel = new( ELeave ) PHBufC8[aCount];
   574     iKeyId = new( ELeave ) PHBufC8[aCount];
   575     iCAId  = new( ELeave ) PHBufC8[aCount];
   576     iIssuerHash = new( ELeave ) PHBufC8[aCount];
   578     iLabelPtr = new( ELeave ) PTPtr8[aCount];
   579     iKeyIdPtr = new( ELeave ) PTPtr8[aCount];
   580     iCAIdPtr  = new( ELeave ) PTPtr8[aCount];
   581     iIssuerHashPtr = new( ELeave ) PTPtr8[aCount];
   583     for ( index = 0; index < aCount ; index++ )
   584         {
   585         iLabel[index] = HBufC8::NewL( KLabelLen );
   586         iKeyId[index] = HBufC8::NewL( KKeyIdLen );
   587         iCAId[index]  = HBufC8::NewL( KPkcs15IdLen );
   588         iIssuerHash[index] = HBufC8::NewL( KIssuerHash );
   590         iLabelPtr[index]  = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iLabel[index]->Des() );
   591         iKeyIdPtr[index]  = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iKeyId[index]->Des() );
   592         iCAIdPtr[index]   = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iCAId[index]->Des() );
   593         iIssuerHashPtr[index] = new( ELeave ) 
   594                                 TPtr8( iIssuerHash[index]->Des() );
   596         aWimCertInfoArr[index].iLabel.Copy( iLabelPtr[index]->Ptr(),
   597                                             iLabelPtr[index]->Length() );
   598         aWimCertInfoArr[index].iKeyId.Copy( iKeyIdPtr[index]->Ptr(),
   599                                             iKeyIdPtr[index]->Length() );
   600         aWimCertInfoArr[index].iCAId.Copy( iCAIdPtr[index]->Ptr(),
   601                                            iCAIdPtr[index]->Length() );
   602         aWimCertInfoArr[index].iIssuerHash.Copy(
   603             iIssuerHashPtr[index]->Ptr(), iIssuerHashPtr[index]->Length() );
   604         }
   605     iArraySize = aCount;   
   606     }
   608 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   609 // CWimCertUtil::AllocMemoryForCertDetailsL()
   610 // Allocates memory for a struct which is filled by server.
   611 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------     
   612 void CWimCertUtil::AllocMemoryForCertDetailsL()
   613     {
   614     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::AllocMemoryForCertDetailsL()" ) );
   615     iCertHBufOne = HBufC8::NewL( iEncodedCert->MaxLength() ); //whole cert
   616     iCertHBufOnePtr = new( ELeave ) TPtr8( iCertHBufOne->Des() ); 
   617     iWimCertDetails.iCert = iCertHBufOnePtr;
   618     }
   620 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   621 // CWimCertUtil::CopyRetrievedCertData()
   622 // Writes data to caller's buffer by using pointer.
   623 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   624 void CWimCertUtil::CopyRetrievedCertData()
   625     {
   626     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::CopyRetrievedCertData()" ) );
   627     TPtr8 ptr = iCertHBufOne->Des();
   628     iEncodedCert->Copy( ptr );
   629     }
   631 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   632 // CWimCertUtil::DeallocCertHBufs()
   633 // DeAllocates memory from member variables, which are used
   634 // when communicating with WIM.
   635 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   636 void CWimCertUtil::DeallocCertHBufs()
   637     {
   638     _WIMTRACE ( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::DeallocCertHBufs()" ) ); 
   639     if ( iCertHBufOne )
   640         {
   641         delete iCertHBufOne;
   642         delete iCertHBufOnePtr;
   643         iCertHBufOne = NULL;
   644         iCertHBufOnePtr = NULL;
   645         }
   646     if ( iCertHBufTwo )
   647         {
   648         delete iCertHBufTwo;
   649         delete iCertHBufTwoPtr;
   650         iCertHBufTwo = NULL;
   651         iCertHBufTwoPtr = NULL;
   652         }
   653     if ( iCertHBufThree )
   654         {
   655         delete iCertHBufThree;
   656         delete iCertHBufThreePtr;
   657         iCertHBufThree = NULL;
   658         iCertHBufThreePtr = NULL;
   659         }
   660     if ( iCertHBufFour )
   661         {
   662         delete iCertHBufFour;
   663         delete iCertHBufFourPtr;
   664         iCertHBufFour = NULL;
   665         iCertHBufFourPtr = NULL;
   666         }
   667     }
   669 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   670 // CWimCertUtil::DeallocReferences()
   671 // Deallocates memory. If user has cancelled initialization process, we need
   672 // to dealloc our references to loaded certs. 
   673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 void CWimCertUtil::DeallocReferences()
   675     {
   676     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::DeallocReferences()" ) ); 
   677     if ( iCertRefLst )
   678         {
   679         for( TInt index = 0; index < iCertCount; ++index )
   680             {
   681             WIMI_Ref_t* ref = reinterpret_cast< WIMI_Ref_t* >( iCertRefLst[ index ] );
   682             _WIMTRACE2( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::DeallocReferences(), -ref 0x%08x" ), ref );
   683             free_WIMI_Ref_t( ref );
   684             iCertRefLst[ index ] = 0;
   685             }
   686         delete[] iCertRefLst;
   687         iCertRefLst = NULL;
   688         }
   689     if ( iCertInfoArr )
   690         {
   691         delete iCertInfoArr;
   692         iCertInfoArr = NULL;
   693         }  
   694     iArraySize = 0;
   695     iArray = NULL;
   696     iCertCount = 0;
   697     }
   699 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   700 // CWimCertUtil::DeallocWimCertInfo()
   701 // Deallocates memory. If something has leaved during asynchronous request, we 
   702 // will deallocate all member data. 
   703 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   704 void CWimCertUtil::DeallocWimCertInfo()
   705     {
   706     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::DeallocWimCertInfo()" ) ); 
   707     TUint8 index;
   708     for ( index = 0; index < iArraySize; index ++ )
   709         {
   710         if ( iLabel )
   711             {
   712             delete iLabel[index];
   713             }
   714         if ( iKeyId )
   715             {
   716             delete iKeyId[index];
   717             }
   718         if ( iCAId )
   719             {
   720             delete iCAId[index];
   721             }
   722         if ( iIssuerHash )
   723             {
   724             delete iIssuerHash[index];
   725             }
   726         if ( iLabelPtr )
   727             {
   728             delete iLabelPtr[index];
   729             }
   730         if ( iKeyIdPtr )
   731             {
   732             delete iKeyIdPtr[index];
   733             }
   734         if ( iCAIdPtr )
   735             {
   736             delete iCAIdPtr[index];
   737             }
   738         if ( iIssuerHashPtr )
   739             {
   740             delete iIssuerHashPtr[index];
   741             }
   742         }
   744     delete iLabel;   
   745     delete iKeyId;                
   746     delete iCAId;
   747     delete iIssuerHash; 
   748     delete iLabelPtr;        
   749     delete iKeyIdPtr;        
   750     delete iCAIdPtr;        
   751     delete iIssuerHashPtr;  
   752     iLabel = NULL;
   753     iKeyId  = NULL;
   754     iCAId = NULL;
   755     iIssuerHash = NULL;
   756     iLabelPtr = NULL;
   757     iKeyIdPtr = NULL;
   758     iCAIdPtr = NULL;
   759     iIssuerHashPtr = NULL;
   760     }
   762 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   763 // CWimCertUtil::CertCount
   764 // Get count of certificate in WIM
   765 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   766 //
   767 TUint8 CWimCertUtil::CertCount( TWimEntryType aType )
   768     {
   769     _WIMTRACE( _L( "WimServer|CWimCertUtil::DeallocWimCertInfo()" ) ); 
   770     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
   772     WIMI_Ref_t* wimRef = NULL;
   773     TUint8 certCount = 0;
   775     wimRef = WIMI_GetWIMRef( 0 );
   777     if ( wimRef )
   778         {
   779         if ( aType == EWimEntryTypeAll || aType == EWimEntryTypeCA )
   780             {
   781             callStatus = GetCertificateCountByWIM( wimRef, 
   782                                                    certCount, 
   783                                                    WIMI_CU_CA );            
   784             }
   786         if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok && ( aType == EWimEntryTypeAll || 
   787                                         aType == EWimEntryTypePersonal ) )
   788             {
   789             callStatus = GetCertificateCountByWIM( wimRef, 
   790                                                    certCount, 
   791                                                    WIMI_CU_Client );
   792             }
   794         free_WIMI_Ref_t( wimRef );
   795         }
   796     else
   797         {
   798         certCount = 0;
   799         }
   801     return certCount;
   802     }
   804 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   805 // CWimCertUtil::CertRefLstL
   806 // 
   807 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   808 //
   809 void CWimCertUtil::CertRefLstL(
   810     TCertificateAddressList aCertAddrLst, 
   811     TWimCertInfo* aCertInfoArr, 
   812     TWimEntryType aCertEntryType )
   813     {
   815     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
   816     TUint8 certNum = 0;
   817     WIMI_Ref_t* wimRef = NULL;
   819     wimRef = WIMI_GetWIMRef( 0 );
   821     if ( wimRef )
   822         {
   823         CleanupPushWimRefL( wimRef );
   825         if ( aCertEntryType == EWimEntryTypeAll || 
   826              aCertEntryType == EWimEntryTypeCA )
   827             {
   828             callStatus = GetCertificateFromWimRefL( wimRef, 
   829                                                     WIMI_CU_CA,
   830                                                     certNum,
   831                                                     aCertAddrLst,
   832                                                     aCertInfoArr );
   833             }
   834         if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok && 
   835             ( aCertEntryType == EWimEntryTypeAll || 
   836               aCertEntryType == EWimEntryTypePersonal ) )
   837             {
   838             callStatus = GetCertificateFromWimRefL( wimRef,
   839                                                     WIMI_CU_Client,
   840                                                     certNum,
   841                                                     aCertAddrLst,
   842                                                     aCertInfoArr );
   843             }
   845         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wimRef );
   846         }
   847     else
   848         {
   849         callStatus = WIMI_ERR_OutOfMemory;
   850         }
   851     }
   853 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   854 // CWimCertUtil::GetCertExtrasL
   855 // 
   856 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   857 //
   858 void CWimCertUtil::GetCertExtrasL(
   859     const TPtr8* aKeyId, 
   860     TCertExtrasInfo& aCertExtrasInfo,
   861     TUint aUsage,
   862     TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   863     {
   864     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
   865     TInt8 certUsage = 0;
   867     TPtrC8 keyID( aKeyId->Ptr(), aKeyId->Length() );
   869     WIMI_Ref_t* wimTempRef = WIMI_GetWIMRef( 0 );
   871     if ( wimTempRef )
   872         {
   873         CleanupPushWimRefL( wimTempRef );
   875         switch ( aUsage )
   876             {
   877             case EWimEntryTypeCA:
   878                 {
   879                 certUsage = WIMI_CU_CA;
   880                 break;
   881                 }
   882             case EWimEntryTypeAll: //Flow through
   883             case EWimEntryTypePersonal:
   884                 {
   885                 certUsage = WIMI_CU_Client;
   886                 break;
   887                 }
   888             default:
   889                 {
   890                 callStatus = WIMI_ERR_BadParameters;
   891                 break;
   892                 }
   893             }
   895         if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
   896             {
   897             callStatus = GetExtrasFromWimRefL( wimTempRef,
   898                                                certUsage,
   899                                                keyID,
   900                                                aCertExtrasInfo );
   901             }
   903         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wimTempRef );
   904         }
   905     else
   906         {
   907         callStatus = WIMI_ERR_BadReference;
   908         }
   910     TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
   911     User::RequestComplete( status, iWimUtilFuncs->MapWIMError( callStatus ) );
   912     }
   914 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   915 // CWimCertUtil::CertDetailsL
   916 // 
   917 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   918 //
   919 void CWimCertUtil::CertDetailsL(
   920     const TCertificateAddress aCertAddr, 
   921     TWimCertDetails& aWimCertDetails )
   922     {
   923     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
   924     WIMI_TransactId_t trId = ( void* )EInitializationCertListHashing;
   926     WIMI_BinData_t ptCertData;
   927     ptCertData.pb_buf = NULL;
   928     ptCertData.ui_buf_length = 0;
   930     callStatus = WIMI_CertificateReqT( trId, ( void* )aCertAddr, &ptCertData );
   932     if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
   933         {
   934         // Now we have certificate data, copy it to allocated buffer
   935         if( aWimCertDetails.iCert->MaxLength() < ptCertData.ui_buf_length )
   936             {
   937             WSL_OS_Free( ptCertData.pb_buf );
   938             User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
   939         	}
   940         aWimCertDetails.iCert->Copy( ptCertData.pb_buf,
   941                                      ptCertData.ui_buf_length );
   942         WSL_OS_Free( ptCertData.pb_buf );
   943         }
   944     }
   946 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   947 // CWimCertUtil::GetCertificateCountByWIM
   948 // Fetches count of certicates in certain WIM card.
   949 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   950 //
   951 WIMI_STAT CWimCertUtil::GetCertificateCountByWIM(
   952     WIMI_Ref_t* aRef, 
   953     TUint8& aCertCount, 
   954     TUint8 aUsage ) const
   955     {
   956     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimCertUtil::GetCertificateCountByWIM | Begin"));
   957     TUint8 certNum = 0;
   958     WIMI_RefList_t refList ;
   959     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateListByWIM( aRef, 
   960                                                          aUsage,
   961                                                          &certNum, 
   962                                                          &refList );
   963     if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
   964         {
   965         aCertCount = ( TUint8 )( aCertCount + certNum );
   966         }
   967     free_WIMI_RefList_t( refList );
   968     return callStatus;
   969     }
   971 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   972 // CWimCertHandler::GetExtrasFromWimRefL
   973 // Fetches extra information (e.g. certs trusted usage) from the WIM card.
   974 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   975 //
   976 WIMI_STAT CWimCertUtil::GetExtrasFromWimRefL(
   977     WIMI_Ref_t* aTmpWimRef,
   978     TInt8 aUsage,
   979     TDesC8& aKeyHash,
   980     TCertExtrasInfo& aCertExtrasInfo ) const
   981     {
   982     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimCertHandler::GetExtrasFromWimRefL | Begin"));
   984     TUint8 tempCertCount = 0;
   985     WIMI_RefList_t certRefList = NULL;
   986     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
   987     TInt certIndex = 0;
   988     TPtrC8 keyHash;
   990     if ( aTmpWimRef )
   991         {
   992         // List all certificates (by WIM and usage)
   993         callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateListByWIM( aTmpWimRef, 
   994                                                    aUsage, 
   995                                                    &tempCertCount, 
   996                                                    &certRefList );
   997         }
   998     else
   999         {
  1000         callStatus = WIMI_ERR_BadReference;
  1001         }
  1003     if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
  1004         {
  1005         CleanupPushWimRefListL( certRefList );
  1007         WIMI_Ref_t* tempRef = NULL;
  1008         WIMI_BinData_t ptLabel;
  1009         WIMI_BinData_t ptKeyID;
  1010         WIMI_BinData_t ptCAID;
  1011         WIMI_BinData_t ptIssuerHash;
  1012         WIMI_BinData_t ptTrustedUsage;
  1013         TUint8 uiCDFRefs;
  1014         TUint8 usage;
  1015         TUint8 certType;
  1016         TUint16 certLen;
  1017         TUint8 modifiable = 0;
  1019         for ( TInt i = 0; i < tempCertCount; i++ )
  1020             {
  1021             // Get info for each certificate until we find valid cert
  1022             callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateInfo( certRefList[i],
  1023                                                   &tempRef,
  1024                                                   &ptLabel,
  1025                                                   &ptKeyID,
  1026                                                   &ptCAID,
  1027                                                   &ptIssuerHash,
  1028                                                   &ptTrustedUsage,
  1029                                                   &uiCDFRefs,
  1030                                                   &usage,
  1031                                                   &certType,   
  1032                                                   &certLen,
  1033                                                   &modifiable );
  1034             if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
  1035                 {
  1036                 WSL_OS_Free( ptLabel.pb_buf );
  1037                 WSL_OS_Free( ptCAID.pb_buf );
  1038                 WSL_OS_Free( ptIssuerHash.pb_buf );
  1039                 WSL_OS_Free( ptTrustedUsage.pb_buf );
  1040                 free_WIMI_Ref_t( tempRef );
  1042                 keyHash.Set( ptKeyID.pb_buf, ptKeyID.ui_buf_length );
  1044                 // Compare given and fetched key hash
  1045                 if ( keyHash.Compare( aKeyHash ) == 0 &&
  1046                      certType == WIMI_CT_X509 ) //Match
  1047                     {
  1048                     certIndex = i; // Found one
  1049                     i = tempCertCount; // Stop looping
  1050                     callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
  1051                     }
  1052                 else // Cert not supported
  1053                     {
  1054                     callStatus = WIMI_ERR_UnsupportedCertificate;
  1055                     }
  1057                 WSL_OS_Free( ptKeyID.pb_buf );
  1058                 }
  1059             }
  1061         if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
  1062             {
  1063             CopyCertExtrasInfoL( certRefList[certIndex], aCertExtrasInfo );
  1064             }
  1065         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( certRefList );
  1066         }
  1068     return callStatus;
  1069     }
  1071 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1072 // CWimCertHandler::CopyCertExtrasInfoL
  1073 // Copies certs extra information to client's allocated structure.
  1074 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075 //
  1076 void CWimCertUtil::CopyCertExtrasInfoL(
  1077     WIMI_Ref_t* aCert,
  1078     TCertExtrasInfo& aCertExtrasInfo ) const
  1079     {
  1080     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimCertHandler::CopyCertExtrasInfoL | Begin"));
  1081     WIMI_Ref_t* tempref = NULL;
  1082     WIMI_BinData_t ptLabel;
  1083     WIMI_BinData_t ptKeyID;
  1084     WIMI_BinData_t ptCAID;
  1085     WIMI_BinData_t ptIssuerHash;
  1086     WIMI_BinData_t ptTrustedUsage;
  1087     TUint8 uiCDFRefs;
  1088     TUint8 usage;
  1089     TUint8 type;
  1090     TUint16 certlen;
  1091     TUint8 modifiable = 0;
  1092     TBool found = ETrue;
  1094     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateInfo( 
  1095                                 aCert,
  1096                                 &tempref,
  1097                                 &ptLabel,
  1098                                 &ptKeyID, /* Key Id (hash)*/
  1099                                 &ptCAID,
  1100                                 &ptIssuerHash,
  1101                                 &ptTrustedUsage,
  1102                                 &uiCDFRefs,
  1103                                 &usage,  /* 0 = client, 1 = CA */
  1104                                 &type,   
  1105                                 &certlen,   /* cert. content or URL length */
  1106                                 &modifiable); 
  1107     if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
  1108         {
  1109         free_WIMI_Ref_t( tempref );
  1110         WSL_OS_Free( ptLabel.pb_buf );
  1111         WSL_OS_Free( ptKeyID.pb_buf );
  1112         WSL_OS_Free( ptCAID.pb_buf );
  1113         WSL_OS_Free( ptIssuerHash.pb_buf );
  1115         CleanupPushWimBufL( ptTrustedUsage );
  1117         TPtrC8 undecodedUsage;
  1118         undecodedUsage.Set( ptTrustedUsage.pb_buf ); 
  1120         if ( ptTrustedUsage.ui_buf_length == 0 ) // No OIDs
  1121             {
  1122             found = EFalse;
  1123             }
  1125         // DECODE OIDs
  1126         TASN1DecObjectIdentifier decoder;
  1127         RPointerArray<HBufC> decodedOIDArray;
  1128         HBufC* decodedOIDs = NULL;
  1129         TInt oidsLength = 0;    // length of total OID buffer
  1130         TInt err;
  1132         for ( TInt position = 0; found; )   //Loop until no OIDs found anymore
  1133             {
  1134             if ( undecodedUsage.Length() > position ) //Don't go over buffer
  1135                 {
  1136                 TRAP( err, decodedOIDs = decoder.DecodeDERL( undecodedUsage, position ) );
  1137                 if ( err == KErrNone ) //Found OID
  1138                     {
  1139                     CleanupStack::PushL( decodedOIDs );
  1140                     if ( decodedOIDs->Length() )
  1141                         {
  1142                         found = ETrue;
  1143                         decodedOIDArray.AppendL( decodedOIDs );
  1144                         oidsLength += decodedOIDs->Length();
  1145                         CleanupStack::Pop( decodedOIDs );
  1146                         }
  1147                     else    // Not found OID from buffer
  1148                         {
  1149                         found = EFalse;
  1150                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( decodedOIDs );
  1151                         }
  1152                     decodedOIDs = NULL;
  1153                     }
  1154                 else    // Error in OID parsing -> Not found OID
  1155                     {
  1156                     found = EFalse;
  1157                     }
  1158                 }
  1159             else    // undecoded OID buffer seeked through
  1160                 {
  1161                 found = EFalse;
  1162                 }
  1163             }
  1165         _LIT( KDelimeter16, " " ); //Delimeter between OIDs
  1167         if ( oidsLength > 0 ) // OID's found
  1168             {
  1169             // Add OID's to one buffer from separate buffers
  1170             for ( TInt i = 0; i < decodedOIDArray.Count(); i++ )
  1171                 {
  1172                 if ( i == 0 ) //First one
  1173                     {
  1174                     aCertExtrasInfo.iTrustedUsage->Copy( decodedOIDArray[i]->Des() );
  1175                     }
  1176                 else // Append other OIDs, with delimeter
  1177                     {
  1178                     aCertExtrasInfo.iTrustedUsage->Append( KDelimeter16 );
  1179                     aCertExtrasInfo.iTrustedUsage->Append( decodedOIDArray[i]->Des() );
  1180                     }
  1181                 }
  1182             }
  1184         aCertExtrasInfo.iCDFRefs = iWimUtilFuncs->MapCertLocation( uiCDFRefs );
  1186         // Free the memory
  1187         decodedOIDArray.ResetAndDestroy();
  1188         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ptTrustedUsage.pb_buf );
  1189         }
  1190     }
  1192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1193 // CWimCertHandler::GetCertificateFromWimRefL
  1194 // Fetches certificate from the WIM card.
  1195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1196 //
  1197 WIMI_STAT CWimCertUtil::GetCertificateFromWimRefL(
  1198     WIMI_Ref_t* aTmpWimRef,
  1199     TInt8 aUsage,
  1200     TUint8& aCertNum,
  1201     TUint32* aCertRefLst,
  1202     TWimCertInfo* aCertInfoLst )
  1203     {
  1204     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimCertHandler::GetCertificateFromWimRefL | Begin"));
  1205     TUint8 tempCrtCount;
  1206     WIMI_RefList_t refList ;
  1207     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
  1209     if ( aTmpWimRef )
  1210         {
  1211         callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateListByWIM( aTmpWimRef, 
  1212                                                    aUsage, 
  1213                                                    &tempCrtCount, 
  1214                                                    &refList );
  1215         if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
  1216             {
  1217             for ( TUint8 certIndex = 0; certIndex < tempCrtCount; certIndex++ )
  1218                 {
  1219                 TInt current = aCertNum + certIndex;
  1220                 _WIMTRACE2( _L( "CWimCertHandler::GetCertificateFromWimRefL, +ref 0x%08x" ),
  1221                         refList[certIndex] );
  1222                 // transfers ownership of the refList item to aCertRefLst
  1223                 aCertRefLst[current] = reinterpret_cast< TUint32 >( refList[certIndex] );
  1224                 CopyCertificateInfo( aCertInfoLst[current], refList[certIndex] );
  1225                 }
  1226             aCertNum = static_cast< TUint8 >( aCertNum + tempCrtCount );
  1228             // Because list items are moved to aCertRefLst, only refList array
  1229             // needs to be freed. Cannot use free_WIMI_RefList_t() as it would
  1230             // delete also items contained in refList.
  1231             WSL_OS_Free( refList );
  1232             }
  1233         }
  1234     return callStatus;
  1235     }
  1237 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1238 // CWimCertHandler::CopyCertificateInfo
  1239 // Copies certificate information to client's allocated memory area.
  1240 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1241 //
  1242 void CWimCertUtil::CopyCertificateInfo(
  1243     TWimCertInfo& aCertInfo,
  1244     WIMI_Ref_t* aCert )
  1245     {
  1246     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimCertHandler::CopyCertificateInfoL | Begin"));
  1248     WIMI_Ref_t* tempRef = NULL;
  1249     WIMI_BinData_t ptLabel;
  1250     WIMI_BinData_t ptKeyID;
  1251     WIMI_BinData_t ptCAID;
  1252     WIMI_BinData_t ptIssuerHash;
  1253     WIMI_BinData_t ptTrustedUsage;
  1254     TUint8 uiCDFRefs;
  1255     TUint8 usage;
  1256     TUint8 type;
  1257     TUint16 certLen;
  1258     TUint8 modifiable = 0;
  1259     WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateInfo( aCert,
  1260                                                     &tempRef,
  1261                                                     &ptLabel,
  1262                                                     &ptKeyID,
  1263                                                     &ptCAID,
  1264                                                     &ptIssuerHash,
  1265                                                     &ptTrustedUsage,
  1266                                                     &uiCDFRefs,
  1267                                                     &usage,
  1268                                                     &type,
  1269                                                     &certLen, 
  1270                                                     &modifiable );
  1272     if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
  1273         {
  1274         free_WIMI_Ref_t( tempRef );
  1276         aCertInfo.iLabel.Copy( TPtr8( ptLabel.pb_buf,
  1277                 ptLabel.ui_buf_length,
  1278                 ptLabel.ui_buf_length ) );
  1280         aCertInfo.iKeyId.Copy( TPtr8( ptKeyID.pb_buf,
  1281                 ptKeyID.ui_buf_length,
  1282                 ptKeyID.ui_buf_length ) );
  1284         aCertInfo.iCAId.Copy( TPtr8( ptCAID.pb_buf,
  1285                 ptCAID.ui_buf_length,
  1286                 ptCAID.ui_buf_length ) );
  1288         aCertInfo.iIssuerHash.Copy( TPtr8( ptIssuerHash.pb_buf,
  1289                 ptIssuerHash.ui_buf_length,
  1290                 ptIssuerHash.ui_buf_length ) );
  1292         aCertInfo.iUsage = usage;
  1293         aCertInfo.iType = type;
  1294         aCertInfo.iCertlen = certLen;
  1295         aCertInfo.iModifiable = modifiable;
  1297         // Certificate location
  1298         aCertInfo.iCDFRefs = iWimUtilFuncs->MapCertLocation( uiCDFRefs );
  1300         //Allocate enough memory for OID
  1301         aCertInfo.iTrustedUsageLength = ptTrustedUsage.ui_buf_length * 6;
  1303         WSL_OS_Free( ptLabel.pb_buf );
  1304         WSL_OS_Free( ptKeyID.pb_buf );
  1305         WSL_OS_Free( ptCAID.pb_buf );
  1306         WSL_OS_Free( ptIssuerHash.pb_buf );
  1307         WSL_OS_Free( ptTrustedUsage.pb_buf );
  1308         }
  1309     }
  1311 // End of File