changeset 66 67b3e3c1fc87
equal deleted inserted replaced
63:989397f9511c 66:67b3e3c1fc87
     1 #include <e32debug.h>
     3 #ifdef _DEBUG
     4 #define RDEBUG( x, y ) RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) %s=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, x, y );
     5 #else
     6 #define RDEBUG( x, y )
     7 #endif
     9 #include <devicelockaccessapi.h>
    10 #include <secuicodequerydialog.h>
    11 #include <gsmerror.h>
    12 #include <secuisecuritysettings.h>
    13 #include <secui.h>
    14 #include <secuisecurityhandler.h>
    15 #include <keyguardaccessapi.h>
    16 #include <avkondomainpskeys.h> // KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, TAknKeyguardStatus
    17 #include <startupdomainpskeys.h> // KStartupSecurityCodeQueryStatus
    18 #include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h> // KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus
    19 #include <hwrmdomainpskeys.h>
    20 #include <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>
    21 #include <keylockpolicyapi.h>
    22 #include <etelmm.h>
    23 #include <rmmcustomapi.h>
    24 #include <securitynotification.h>
    25 #include <centralrepository.h>
    27 const TInt KPhoneIndex(0);
    28 const TInt KTriesToConnectServer(2);
    29 const TInt KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection(50000);
    30 const TUid KAutolockUid =
    31     {
    32     0x100059B5
    33     };
    34 #include <Etel3rdParty.h>
    36 _LIT( KMmTsyModuleName, "PhoneTsy");
    38 #include <QStandardItemModel>
    39 #include <QStandardItem>
    40 #include <QTextStream>
    41 #include <QFile>
    42 #include <QFileInfo>
    43 #include <QIODevice>
    44 #include <QGraphicsTextItem>
    45 #include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
    46 #include <QDirModel>
    47 #include <QFileSystemWatcher>
    48 #include <QItemSelectionModel>
    49 #include <QBrush>
    50 #include <QPointer>
    51 #include <QDebug>
    52 #include <QTimer>
    53 #include <QFileSystemModel>
    55 #include <hbapplication.h>
    56 #include <hbmainwindow.h>
    57 #include <hbinstance.h>
    58 #include <hbnamespace.h>
    59 #include <hbaction.h>
    60 #include <hbmenu.h>
    61 #include <hbtoolbar.h>
    62 #include <hblabel.h>
    63 #include <hbglobal.h>
    64 #include <hbicon.h>
    65 #include <hbview.h>
    66 #include <hbpushbutton.h>
    67 #include <hbtextitem.h>
    68 #include <hbdataformmodel.h>
    69 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
    70 #include <hbeffect.h>
    71 #endif // HB_EFFECTS
    72 #include <hbtreeview.h>
    73 #include <hbtreeviewitem.h>
    74 #include <hbinputdialog.h>
    75 #include <hbframebackground.h>
    76 #include <hbnotificationdialog.h>
    77 #include <hbmodeliterator.h>
    79 #include "../../Autolock/PubSub/securityuisprivatepskeys.h"
    81 #include "contentwidget.h"
    82 #include "dirviewitem.h"
    83 #include "mailtreeviewitem.h"
    84 #include "modelfactory.h"
    85 #include "treedataform.h"
    86 #include "greenoddviewitem.h"
    87 #include "brownevenviewitem.h"
    89 // model names for submenu
    90 const QStringList KModelNames = (QStringList() << "Default" << "Simple" << "Deep" << "Flat" << /*"Mail" <<*/"Mixed" << "QDirModel" << "QFileSystemModel" << "GreenOddBrownEven");
    92 // orientation submenu items
    93 const QStringList TextStyles = (QStringList() << "Primary" << "Secondary");
    94 const QStringList CustomWidgets = (QStringList() << "Empty" << "Zoom slider" << "Volume Slider" << "Progress bar" << "Button" << "Text Editor");
    95 const QStringList LeftColumnWidgets = (QStringList() << "Empty" << "Icon" << "Text");
    96 const QStringList RightColumnWidgets = (QStringList() << "Empty" << "Icon" << "Text");
    97 const QStringList MiddleColumnWidgets = (QStringList() << "Empty" << "Four Small Icons" << "Three Large Icons" << "Label" << "Zoom slider" << "Volume Slider" << "Progress bar"
    98         << "Button" << "Text Editor");
   100 // Custom role for storing the tree item depth.
   101 const int KMyCustomDepthRole = Qt::UserRole + 18;
   103 class BannerLabel : public HbLabel
   104     {
   105 public:
   106     BannerLabel(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
   107         HbLabel(parent)
   108         {
   109         QFont currentfont(font());
   110         currentfont.setBold(true);
   111         currentfont.setPixelSize(18);
   112         setFont(currentfont);
   113         setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
   114         setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
   115         }
   117 protected:
   118     void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
   119         {
   120         QPen oldPen = painter->pen();
   121         painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(200, 200, 200, 150)));
   122         painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(200, 200, 200, 150), Qt::SolidPattern));
   123         painter->drawRect(option->rect);
   124         painter->setPen(oldPen);
   125         HbLabel::paint(painter, option, widget);
   126         }
   127     };
   129 class HbFileSystemTreeView : public HbTreeView
   130     {
   132 public:
   133     explicit HbFileSystemTreeView(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0) :
   134         HbTreeView(parent)
   135         {
   136         }
   138     virtual ~HbFileSystemTreeView()
   139         {
   140         }
   142 protected:
   143     virtual void emitActivated(const QModelIndex &modelIndex);
   145 protected slots:
   146 virtual void modelLayoutChanged();
   148 private:
   149     QPersistentModelIndex mTopIndex;
   151     };
   153 void HbFileSystemTreeView::emitActivated(const QModelIndex &modelIndex)
   154     {
   155     QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> visibleItems = this->visibleItems();
   156     int count = visibleItems.count();
   157     if (count > 0)
   158         {
   159         mTopIndex =>modelIndex();
   160         }
   161     else
   162         {
   163         mTopIndex = QPersistentModelIndex();
   164         }
   165     emit activated(modelIndex);
   166     }
   168 void HbFileSystemTreeView::modelLayoutChanged()
   169     {
   170     if (!mTopIndex.isValid())
   171         {
   172         mTopIndex = modelIterator()->nextIndex(rootIndex());
   173         }
   174     scrollTo(mTopIndex, HbAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop);
   175     }
   177 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
   178 ContentWidget::ContentWidget(QString& imagesDir, HbMainWindow *mainWindow) :
   179     HbView(0), mImagesDir(imagesDir), mWindow(mainWindow), mTreeView(0), mRemoveModelAction(0), mFileWatcher(0), mModelType(noModel), mMainMenu(0), mCountAdded(0), mMute(false),
   180             mSoftKeyQuitAction(new HbAction(Hb::QuitNaviAction, this)), mSoftKeyConfirmAction(new HbAction(Hb::ConfirmNaviAction, this)), mSoftKeyBackAction(new HbAction(
   181                     Hb::BackNaviAction, this)), mSoftKeyDoneAction(new HbAction(Hb::DoneNaviAction, this)), mInfoLabel(new BannerLabel(this)), mMainlayout(0), mForm(0),
   182             mDetailView(0), mTextOfNewItem("Added item"), mScrollHint(HbAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible), mDepth(1), mPopupModel(0), mTimer(0), mItemsToAdd(0)
   183     {
   184     mSoftKeyQuitAction->setText("Quit");
   185     connect(mSoftKeyQuitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(backButtonClicked()));
   186     connect(mSoftKeyConfirmAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(confirmDelete()));
   187     mSoftKeyBackAction->setText("Back");
   188     connect(mSoftKeyBackAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(backButtonClicked()));
   190     setNavigationAction( mSoftKeyQuitAction);
   192     mMainlayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
   193     mMainlayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
   194     setLayout( mMainlayout);
   196     updateTextLabel(0);
   197     mInfoLabel->hide();
   199     // parameter can be whatever at initialisation phase except, if populateFileSystemModel is populated
   200     createAndInitTreeView( treeModelSimple);
   201     populateTreeModelSimple();
   203     setMainMenu();
   205 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   206     HbEffect::add("listItem", ":RadioButtonList/resources/animation.xml");
   207 #endif // HB_EFFECTS
   208     }
   210 ContentWidget::~ContentWidget()
   211     {
   212     if (mModelType == dirModel)
   213         {
   214         // Model is owned by ContentWidget.
   215         delete mTreeView->model();
   216         }
   217     }
   219 void ContentWidget::changeMirroring()
   220     {
   221     if (HbApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight)
   222         {
   223         HbApplication::setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
   224         mMirroring->setText("Turn mirroring off");
   225         }
   226     else
   227         {
   228         HbApplication::setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight);
   229         mMirroring->setText("Turn mirroring on");
   230         }
   231     }
   233 void ContentWidget::scrollToTarget()
   234     {
   235     if (mTreeView)
   236         {
   237         mTreeView->scrollTo(mTarget, mScrollHint);
   238         }
   239     }
   241 void ContentWidget::changeOrientation()
   242     {
   243     if (mainWindow()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
   244         {
   245         mWindow->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
   246         mOrientationSwitch->setText("Change to portrait");
   247         }
   248     else
   249         {
   250         mWindow->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical);
   251         mOrientationSwitch->setText("Change to landscape");
   252         }
   253     }
   255 void ContentWidget::showSettings()
   256     {
   257     mWindow->removeView(this);
   259     mForm = new TreeDataForm(*mTreeView, this);
   260     mForm->setHeading("Tree Settings");
   262     HbView *newView = mWindow->addView(mForm);
   263     newView->setNavigationAction(mSoftKeyBackAction);
   264     postEvents();
   266     mForm->setInputData(ViewFuteDataForm::Settings, ViewFuteDataForm::ScrollHint, mScrollHint);
   267     mForm->setDepth(mDepth);
   268     mForm->setDirViewItemEnabled(mModelType == dirModel);
   270     mForm->setIndentation(mTreeView->indentation());
   272     mForm->populateSettings();
   273     HbDataFormModel *settingsFormModel = mForm->dataModel();
   274     mForm->setModel(settingsFormModel);
   275     }
   277 void ContentWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
   278     {
   279     if (event->key() == Qt::Key_H)
   280         {
   281         mWindow->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
   282         event->accept();
   283         }
   284     else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_V)
   285         {
   286         mWindow->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical);
   287         event->accept();
   288         }
   289     else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_S)
   290         {
   291         mTreeView->scrollTo(mTreeView->model()->index(0, 0), mScrollHint);
   292         }
   293     else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_R)
   294         {
   295         qreal left, top, right, bottom = 0;
   296         mMainlayout->getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
   297         if (left != 0)
   298             {
   299             mMainlayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
   300             }
   301         else
   302             {
   303             mMainlayout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
   304             }
   305         }
   306     else
   307         {
   308         HbView::keyPressEvent(event);
   309         }
   310     }
   312 void ContentWidget::refresh()
   313     {
   314     if (mTreeView && qobject_cast<QDirModel *> (mTreeView->model()))
   315         {
   316         qobject_cast<QDirModel *> (mTreeView->model())->refresh();
   317         }
   318     }
   320 void ContentWidget::removeModel()
   321     {
   322     mRemoveModelAction->setEnabled(false);
   324     if (mModelType != noModel)
   325         {
   326         delete mTreeView->model();
   327         mTreeView->setModel(0);
   328         }
   329     mModelType = noModel;
   330     mTarget = QModelIndex();
   331     }
   333 void ContentWidget::launchInPopup()
   334     {
   335     mPopupModel = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelMixed();
   337     HbTreeView *popupTree = new HbTreeView();
   338     popupTree->setItemPixmapCacheEnabled(true);
   340     popupTree->setIndentation(0);
   341     popupTree->setModel(mPopupModel);
   343     // inherit some properties from view
   344     if (mTreeView)
   345         {
   346         popupTree->setSelectionMode(mTreeView->selectionMode());
   347         }
   349     HbDialog *popup = new HbDialog();
   350     connect(popup, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), this, SLOT(aboutToClose()));
   351     popup->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   352     popup->setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::TapOutside);
   353     popup->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   354     HbLabel *label = new HbLabel(tr("View in popup"));
   355     popup->setHeadingWidget(label);
   356     popup->setContentWidget(popupTree);
   357     if (mWindow->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
   358         {
   359         popup->setMinimumWidth(2 * mWindow->layoutRect().width() / 3);
   360         }
   361     else
   362         {
   363         popup->setMinimumWidth(mWindow->layoutRect().width() / 2);
   364         }
   366     popup->show();
   367     }
   369 void ContentWidget::changeModel(HbAction* action)
   370     {
   371     // removeModel resets mModelType
   372     removeModel();
   373     int modelType = action->data().toInt();
   374     if (modelType != noModel)
   375         {
   376         createAndInitTreeView(modelType);
   378         mRemoveModelAction->setEnabled(true);
   380         switch (modelType)
   381             {
   382             case treeModelDefault:
   383                 populateTreeModelDefault();
   384                 break;
   385             case treeModelSimple:
   386                 populateTreeModelSimple();
   387                 break;
   388             case treeModelDeep:
   389                 populateTreeModelDeep();
   390                 break;
   391             case treeModelFlat:
   392                 populateTreeModelFlat();
   393                 break;
   394                 /*case treeModelMail:
   395                  populateTreeModelMail();
   396                  break;*/
   397             case treeModelMixed:
   398                 populateTreeModelMixed();
   399                 break;
   400             case dirModel:
   401                 populateDirModel();
   402                 break;
   403             case fileSystemModel:
   404                 populateFileSystemModel();
   405                 break;
   406             case greenOddBrownEvenModel:
   407                 populateGreenOddBrownEvenModel();
   408                 break;
   409             default:
   410                 // error
   411                 break;
   412             }
   413         expand(mTreeView->model(), mTreeView->rootIndex(), mDepth);
   414         }
   415     resetItemManagementMenu();
   416     }
   418 void ContentWidget::editItem(HbAction* action)
   419     {
   420     int itemOperation = action->data().toInt();
   422     switch (itemOperation)
   423         {
   424         case addItemOperation:
   425             addItem();
   426             break;
   427         case changeItemOperation:
   428             changeItem();
   429             break;
   430         case removeItemOperation:
   431             removeItems();
   432             break;
   433         case removeAllItemsOperation:
   434             removeAllItems();
   435             break;
   436         case expandAllOperation:
   437             expandAll();
   438             break;
   439         case collapseAllOperation:
   440             collapseAll();
   441             break;
   442         case autoInsertOneOperation:
   443             autoInsertOne();
   444             break;
   445         case autoRemoveOneOperation:
   446             autoRemoveOne();
   447             break;
   448         case simulateVisible:
   449             // just checkable item - nothing to do
   450             break;
   451         case resetDuringSimulation:
   452             // just checkable item - nothing to do
   453             break;
   454         case simulateMultipleFastInsertsOperation:
   455             simulateMultipleFastInserts();
   456             break;
   457         case simulateMultipleFastRemovalsOperation:
   458             simulateMultipleFastRemovals();
   459             break;
   460         case selectAll:
   461             mTreeView->selectAll();
   462             break;
   463         case unselect:
   464             mTreeView->clearSelection();
   465             break;
   466         default:
   467             // error
   468             break;
   469         }
   470     }
   472 void ContentWidget::insertItemAboveTarget()
   473     {
   474     if (mTarget.isValid())
   475         {
   476         //bool ok = false;
   477         //QString text = HbInputDialog::getText("Enter item text:", mTextOfNewItem, &ok);
   478 HbInputDialog        ::queryText("Enter item text:",this ,SLOT(insertItemAboveTargetClosed(int)),mTextOfNewItem);
   479         //if (ok) {
   480         //    mTextOfNewItem = text;
   482         //    QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(mTreeView->model());
   483         //    int row = mTarget.row();
   484         //    model->insertRow(row, mTarget.parent());
   486         // Set text.
   487         //    if (mTextOfNewItem != QString()) {
   488         //        QModelIndex index = model->index(row, 0, mTarget.parent());
   489         //        QStandardItem* newItem = model->itemFromIndex(index);
   490         //        newItem->setText(mTextOfNewItem);
   491         //    }
   492         //}
   493         }
   494     }
   496 void ContentWidget::insertItemBelowTarget()
   497     {
   498     if (mTarget.isValid())
   499         {
   500         //bool ok = false;
   501         //QString text = HbInputDialog::getText("Enter item text:", mTextOfNewItem, &ok);
   502 HbInputDialog        ::queryText("Enter item text:",this ,SLOT(insertItemBelowTargetClosed(int)),mTextOfNewItem);
   503         //if (ok) {
   504         //    mTextOfNewItem = text;
   506         //    QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(mTreeView->model());
   507         //    int row = mTarget.row() + 1;
   508         //    model->insertRow(row, mTarget.parent());
   510         // Set text.
   511         //    if (mTextOfNewItem != QString()) {
   512         //        QModelIndex index = model->index(row, 0, mTarget.parent());
   513         //        QStandardItem* newItem = model->itemFromIndex(index);
   514         //        newItem->setText(mTextOfNewItem);
   515         //    }
   516         //}
   517         }
   518     }
   520 void ContentWidget::populateTreeModelDefault()
   521     {
   522     if (mTreeView)
   523         {
   524         delete mTreeView->model();
   526         QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelDefault();
   527         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   528         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   530         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   532         mModelType = treeModelDefault;
   533         }
   534     }
   536 void ContentWidget::populateTreeModelSimple()
   537     {
   538     if (mTreeView)
   539         {
   540         delete mTreeView->model();
   542         // Keeps following line here: it is easiest debugable model
   543         //QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelSimpleOfSimplest();
   544         QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelSimple();
   545         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   546         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   548         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   550         mModelType = treeModelSimple;
   551         }
   552     }
   554 void ContentWidget::populateGreenOddBrownEvenModel()
   555     {
   556     if (mTreeView)
   557         {
   558         delete mTreeView->model();
   560         QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateGreenOddBrownEvenModel();
   562         QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> prototypes;
   563         HbListViewItem *prototype1 = new HbTreeViewItem(mTreeView);
   564         prototype1->resize(0, 0);
   565         prototypes.append(prototype1);
   567         GreenOddViewItem *prototype2 = new GreenOddViewItem(mTreeView);
   568         prototype2->resize(0, 0);
   569         prototypes.append(prototype2);
   571         BrownEvenViewItem *prototype3 = new BrownEvenViewItem(mTreeView);
   572         prototype3->resize(0, 0);
   573         prototypes.append(prototype3);
   575         mTreeView->setItemPrototypes(prototypes);
   576         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   578         mTreeView->setModel(model);
   580         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   582         mModelType = greenOddBrownEvenModel;
   583         }
   584     }
   586 void ContentWidget::populateTreeModelDeep()
   587     {
   588     if (mTreeView)
   589         {
   590         delete mTreeView->model();
   592         QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelDeep();
   593         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   594         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   596         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   598         mModelType = treeModelDeep;
   599         }
   600     }
   602 void ContentWidget::populateTreeModelFlat()
   603     {
   604     if (mTreeView)
   605         {
   606         delete mTreeView->model();
   607         mTreeView->setItemRecycling(true);
   609         QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelFlat();
   610         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   611         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   613         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   615         mModelType = treeModelFlat;
   616         }
   617     }
   619 /*void ContentWidget::populateTreeModelMail()
   620  {
   621  if (mTreeView) {
   622  delete mTreeView->model();
   623  mTreeView->setItemRecycling(true);
   625  QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelMail();
   626  mTreeView->setModel(model, new MailTreeViewItem);
   627  mTreeView->setIndentation(0);
   629  connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), 
   630  SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
   631  this, 
   632  SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   634  mModelType = treeModelMail;
   635  }
   636  }*/
   638 void ContentWidget::populateDirModel()
   639     {
   640     if (mTreeView)
   641         {
   642         delete mTreeView->model();
   644         QDirModel* model = new QDirModel();
   645         model->setSorting(QDir::DirsFirst);
   647         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   648         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   650         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   652         if (!mFileWatcher)
   653             {
   654             mFileWatcher = new QFileSystemWatcher();
   655             mFileWatcher->addPath(mImagesDir);
   656             connect(mFileWatcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(refresh()));
   657             connect(mFileWatcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(refresh()));
   658             }
   659         mModelType = dirModel;
   660         }
   661     }
   663 void ContentWidget::populateFileSystemModel()
   664     {
   665     if (mTreeView)
   666         {
   667         delete mTreeView->model();
   669         QFileSystemModel* model = new QFileSystemModel();
   670         QString myComputer = model->myComputer().toString();
   671         model->setRootPath(myComputer);
   672         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   673         mTreeView->setIndentation(-1);
   675         QDir dir("");
   676         QStringList dirs = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
   677         int count = 0;
   678         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
   679             {
   680             model->setRootPath(;
   681             }
   683         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   685         mModelType = fileSystemModel;
   686         }
   687     }
   689 void ContentWidget::populateTreeModelMixed()
   690     {
   691     if (mTreeView)
   692         {
   693         delete mTreeView->model();
   694         mTreeView->setItemRecycling(true);
   696         QStandardItemModel* model = ModelFactory::populateTreeModelMixed();
   697         mTreeView->setModel(model, new HbTreeViewItem);
   699         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
   701         mModelType = treeModelMixed;
   702         }
   703     }
   705 void ContentWidget::setMainMenu()
   706     {
   707     if (!mMainMenu)
   708         {
   709         mMainMenu = new HbMenu();
   711         // -----------------------------------------
   712         // Submenu for selecting/removing the model.
   713         // -----------------------------------------
   714         HbMenu *subMenu = mMainMenu->addMenu("Model");
   715         connect(subMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(HbAction*)),this, SLOT(changeModel(HbAction*)));
   717         int i(noModel);
   718         HbAction *action = subMenu->addAction("Remove Model");
   719         action->setData(QVariant(i));
   720         mRemoveModelAction = action;
   722         QString temporaryString;
   723         foreach (temporaryString , KModelNames)
   724             {
   725             HbAction *subAction = subMenu->addAction(temporaryString);
   726             i++;
   727             subAction->setData ( QVariant(i) );
   728             }
   730         // Settings menuitem.
   731         HbAction *settingsAction = mMainMenu->addAction("Settings");
   732         connect(settingsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showSettings()));
   734         // -------------------------
   735         // Submenu for editing item.
   736         // -------------------------
   737         mItemSubMenu = mMainMenu->addMenu("Item");
   738         connect(mItemSubMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(HbAction*)),this, SLOT(editItem(HbAction*)));
   740         HbAction* subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Add");
   741         subMenuAction->setData((int) addItemOperation);
   743         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Change");
   744         subMenuAction->setData((int) changeItemOperation);
   746         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Remove");
   747         subMenuAction->setData((int) removeItemOperation);
   749         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Remove All");
   750         subMenuAction->setData((int) removeAllItemsOperation);
   752         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Expand All");
   753         subMenuAction->setData((int) expandAllOperation);
   755         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Colapse All");
   756         subMenuAction->setData((int) collapseAllOperation);
   758         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Insert one in 3 sec");
   759         subMenuAction->setData((int) autoInsertOneOperation);
   761         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Remove one in 3 sec");
   762         subMenuAction->setData((int) autoRemoveOneOperation);
   764         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Simulate visible items");
   765         subMenuAction->setCheckable(true);
   766         subMenuAction->setData((int) simulateVisible);
   767         mCheckableItemActions.insert(simulateVisible, subMenuAction);
   769         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Reset during simulation");
   770         subMenuAction->setCheckable(true);
   771         subMenuAction->setData((int) resetDuringSimulation);
   772         mCheckableItemActions.insert(resetDuringSimulation, subMenuAction);
   774         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Simulate fast inserts");
   775         subMenuAction->setData((int) simulateMultipleFastInsertsOperation);
   777         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Simulate fast removals");
   778         subMenuAction->setData((int) simulateMultipleFastRemovalsOperation);
   780         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Select all");
   781         subMenuAction->setData((int) selectAll);
   783         subMenuAction = mItemSubMenu->addAction("Clear selected");
   784         subMenuAction->setData((int) unselect);
   786         // ---------------------------
   787         // Submenu for target actions.
   788         // ---------------------------
   789         mTargetActionsSubMenu = mMainMenu->addMenu("Target item");
   791         mScrollToAction = mTargetActionsSubMenu->addAction("Scroll to it");
   792         connect(mScrollToAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(scrollToTarget()));
   794         mInsertAboveTargetAction = mTargetActionsSubMenu->addAction("Insert item above");
   795         connect(mInsertAboveTargetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(insertItemAboveTarget()));
   797         mInsertBelowTargetAction = mTargetActionsSubMenu->addAction("Insert item below");
   798         connect(mInsertBelowTargetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(insertItemBelowTarget()));
   800         mInsertBelowTargetAction = mTargetActionsSubMenu->addAction("Expand folder");
   801         connect(mInsertBelowTargetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(expandTargetItem()));
   803         mInsertBelowTargetAction = mTargetActionsSubMenu->addAction("Collapse folder");
   804         connect(mInsertBelowTargetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(collapseTargetItem()));
   806         // ---------------------------
   807         // Submenu for popup
   808         // ---------------------------
   809         HbMenu *optionsSubMenu = mMainMenu->addMenu("Popup test");
   811         HbAction *item1 = optionsSubMenu->addAction("Launch into Popup");
   812         connect(item1, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(launchInPopup()));
   814         // Landscape/portrait menuitem.
   815         mOrientationSwitch = mMainMenu->addAction("Change to landscape");
   816         connect(mOrientationSwitch, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(changeOrientation()));
   818         // Mirroring menuitem.
   819         mMirroring = mMainMenu->addAction("Turn mirroring on");
   820         connect(mMirroring, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(changeMirroring()));
   822         resetItemManagementMenu();
   823         }
   825     // HbView takes the ownership.
   826     setMenu( mMainMenu);
   827     }
   829 void ContentWidget::addItem()
   830     {
   831     if ((mModelType != dirModel) && (mModelType != noModel))
   832         {
   833         mWindow->removeView(this);
   834         mForm = new TreeDataForm(*mTreeView, this);
   835         HbView *newView = mWindow->addView(mForm);
   836         newView->setNavigationAction(mSoftKeyBackAction);
   838         postEvents();
   840         mForm->setHeading("New Item");
   841         mForm->populateAddItem();
   842         }
   843     }
   845 void ContentWidget::doAddItem()
   846     {
   847     postEvents();
   848     QList<QStandardItem *> items = mForm->getStandardItems();
   849     if (items.count() > 0)
   850         {
   851         foreach (QStandardItem *item, items)
   852             {
   853             doAddItem(-1, item);
   854             }
   855         mTreeView->scrollTo(>index(), mScrollHint);
   856         }
   857     }
   859 void ContentWidget::doAddItem(int pos, QStandardItem *item)
   860     {
   861     if (item)
   862         {
   863         QStandardItemModel *model = static_cast<QStandardItemModel *> (mTreeView->model());
   865         QModelIndex index;
   866         if (pos == -1)
   867             {
   868             index = mTreeView->currentIndex();
   869             }
   870         else
   871             {
   872             index = mTreeView->modelIterator()->index(pos);
   873             }
   875         if (index.isValid())
   876             {
   877             QStandardItem *parent = model->itemFromIndex(index);
   878             parent->setChild(parent->rowCount(), item);
   879             }
   880         else
   881             {
   882             model->appendRow(item);
   883             }
   885         expandUpwards(mTreeView->model(), item->index());
   886         }
   887     }
   889 void ContentWidget::changeItem()
   890     {
   891     QStandardItemModel *model = static_cast<QStandardItemModel *> (mTreeView->model());
   892     QStandardItem *item = model->itemFromIndex(mTreeView->currentIndex());
   893     QVariant value = item->data(Qt::DisplayRole);
   894     if (value.isValid())
   895         {
   896         if (value.canConvert<QString> ())
   897             {
   898             item->setData("First text changed, isn't it?", Qt::DisplayRole);
   899             }
   900         else if (value.canConvert<QStringList> ())
   901             {
   902             QStringList strings = value.toStringList();
   903             if (strings.count())
   904                 {
   905                 strings.removeAt(0);
   906                 }
   907             strings.insert(0, "First text changed, isn't it?");
   908             item->setData(strings, Qt::DisplayRole);
   909             }
   910         }
   911     }
   913 void ContentWidget::removeItems()
   914     {
   915     if (mTreeView->selectionMode() != HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection)
   916         {
   917         mTreeView->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection);
   918         }
   920     setNavigationAction( mSoftKeyConfirmAction);
   922     mMainlayout->insertItem(0, mInfoLabel);
   923     mInfoLabel->show();
   925     mItemSubMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(false);
   926     }
   928 void ContentWidget::doRemoveItems()
   929     {
   930     QStandardItemModel *model = static_cast<QStandardItemModel *> (mTreeView->model());
   931     QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = mTreeView->selectionModel();
   932     QModelIndexList indexes = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
   934     // For debug: For each model index to be deleted, calculate and save the depth in the tree.
   935     foreach (QModelIndex index, indexes)
   936         {
   937         int depth = calculateDepth(index);
   938         QStandardItem *item = model->itemFromIndex(index);
   939         item->setData(depth, KMyCustomDepthRole);
   940         }
   942     int count = indexes.count();
   944     // Create a copy of the selected indexes but using the persistent model indices.
   945     QVector<QPersistentModelIndex> persistentIndexes(count);
   946     qCopy(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), persistentIndexes.begin());
   948     // For debug: Print the content of the list.
   949     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
   950         {
   951         QPersistentModelIndex index =;
   952         int depth =;
   953         qDebug() << "Item:" << i << index << ", Depth:" << depth;
   954         }
   956     // Delete all items by using persistent model indices, which cannot get invalid
   957     // during the deletion process (i.e. no need to sort them).
   958     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
   959         {
   960         QPersistentModelIndex persistentIndex =;
   961         model->removeRow(persistentIndex.row(), persistentIndex.parent());
   962         }
   963     }
   965 void ContentWidget::removeAllItems()
   966     {
   967     QStandardItemModel *newModel = new QStandardItemModel;
   968     mTreeView->setModel(newModel, new HbTreeViewItem);
   969     }
   971 void ContentWidget::expandAll()
   972     {
   973     RDEBUG("0", 0);
   975     HbModelIterator *modelIterator = mTreeView->modelIterator();
   976     QModelIndex index = modelIterator->nextIndex(QModelIndex());
   977     while (index.isValid())
   978         {
   979         mTreeView->setExpanded(index, true);
   980         index = modelIterator->nextIndex(index);
   981         }
   982     }
   984 void ContentWidget::collapseAll()
   985     {
   986     RDEBUG("0", 0);
   988     HbModelIterator *modelIterator = mTreeView->modelIterator();
   989     QModelIndex index = modelIterator->previousIndex(QModelIndex());
   990     while (index.isValid() && index != modelIterator->rootIndex())
   991         {
   992         mTreeView->setExpanded(index, false);
   993         index = modelIterator->previousIndex(index);
   994         }
   995     }
   997 void ContentWidget::resetItemManagementMenu()
   998     {
   999     bool enabled = false;
  1000     if ((mModelType != dirModel) && (mModelType != noModel))
  1001         {
  1002         enabled = true;
  1003         }
  1004     mItemSubMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(enabled);
  1005     }
  1007 void ContentWidget::doCommand(int index)
  1008     {
  1009     TInt ret = KErrNone;
  1010     RDEBUG("index", index);
  1011     int itemValue = index;
  1012     switch (itemValue)
  1013         {
  1014         ///////////////////////
  1015         case 00:
  1016             {
  1017             RDEBUG("Nothing to do. String selected", itemValue);
  1018             }
  1019             break;
  1020         case 01:
  1021             {
  1022             RDEBUG("DeviceLockOff", 0);
  1023             CDevicelockAccessApi* iDevicelockAccess = CDevicelockAccessApi::NewL();
  1024             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1025             ret = iDevicelockAccess->DisableDevicelock();
  1026             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1027             delete iDevicelockAccess;
  1028             }
  1029             break;
  1030         case 02:
  1031             {
  1032             CKeyguardAccessApi* iKeyguardAccess = CKeyguardAccessApi::NewL();
  1033             RDEBUG("KeyguardOn+Note", 0);
  1034             ret = iKeyguardAccess->EnableKeyguard(ETrue);
  1035             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1036             delete iKeyguardAccess;
  1037             }
  1038             break;
  1039         case 03:
  1040             {
  1041             RDEBUG("KeyguardOff", 0);
  1042             CKeyguardAccessApi* iKeyguardAccess = CKeyguardAccessApi::NewL();
  1043             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1044             ret = iKeyguardAccess->DisableKeyguard(ETrue);
  1045             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1046             delete iKeyguardAccess;
  1047             }
  1048             break;
  1049         case 04:
  1050             {
  1051             RDEBUG("OfferDevicelock", 0);
  1052             CDevicelockAccessApi* iDevicelockAccess = CDevicelockAccessApi::NewL();
  1053             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1054             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 12345 );
  1055             ret = iDevicelockAccess->OfferDevicelock();
  1056             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1057             delete iDevicelockAccess;
  1058             }
  1059             break;
  1060         case 05:
  1061             {
  1062             RDEBUG("KeyguardOn-Note", 0);
  1063             CKeyguardAccessApi* iKeyguardAccess = CKeyguardAccessApi::NewL();
  1064             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1065             ret = iKeyguardAccess->EnableKeyguard(EFalse);
  1066             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1067             delete iKeyguardAccess;
  1068             }
  1069             break;
  1070         case 06:
  1071             {
  1072             RDEBUG("Wait20-DeviceLockOff", 0);
  1073             for (int ii = 20; ii > 0; ii--)
  1074                 {
  1075                 RDebug::Printf("%s %s (%u) ii=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ii);
  1076                 User::After(1000 * 1000);
  1077                 }
  1078             CDevicelockAccessApi* iDevicelockAccess = CDevicelockAccessApi::NewL();
  1079             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1080             ret = iDevicelockAccess->DisableDevicelock();
  1081             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1082             delete iDevicelockAccess;
  1083             }
  1084             break;
  1085         case 07:
  1086             {
  1087             RDEBUG("Wait20-KeyguardOff", 0);
  1088             for (int ii = 20; ii > 0; ii--)
  1089                 {
  1090                 RDebug::Printf("%s %s (%u) ii=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ii);
  1091                 User::After(1000 * 1000);
  1092                 }
  1093             CKeyguardAccessApi* iKeyguardAccess = CKeyguardAccessApi::NewL();
  1094             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1095             ret = iKeyguardAccess->DisableKeyguard(ETrue);
  1096             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1097             delete iKeyguardAccess;
  1098             }
  1099             break;
  1100         case 0x08:
  1101             {
  1102             RDEBUG("Wait20-ShowKeysLockedNote", 0);
  1103             for (int ii = 20; ii > 0; ii--)
  1104                 {
  1105                 RDebug::Printf("%s %s (%u) ii=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ii);
  1106                 User::After(1000 * 1000);
  1107                 }
  1108             CKeyguardAccessApi* iKeyguardAccess = CKeyguardAccessApi::NewL();
  1109             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1110             ret = iKeyguardAccess->ShowKeysLockedNote();
  1111             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1112             delete iKeyguardAccess;
  1113             }
  1114             break;
  1116         case 0x09:
  1117             {
  1118             RDEBUG("DeviceLockOn", 0);
  1119             CDevicelockAccessApi* iDevicelockAccess = CDevicelockAccessApi::NewL();
  1120             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1121             ret = iDevicelockAccess->EnableDevicelock(EDevicelockManual);
  1122             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1123             delete iDevicelockAccess;
  1124             }
  1125             break;
  1126             ///////////////////////
  1127         case 10:
  1128             {
  1129             RDEBUG("Call1", 0);
  1130             TBuf<0x100> title;
  1131             title.Zero();
  1132             HBufC* stringHolder = CSecuritySettings::TranslateLC(_L("txt_devicelocking_dialog_lock_code"), 0); // old txt_pin_code_dialog_sec_code. Perhaps txt_devicelocking_dialog_lock_code_unlock
  1133             title.Append(stringHolder->Des());
  1134             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(stringHolder);
  1135             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1137             TBuf<0x100> title2;
  1138             title2.Zero();
  1139             HBufC* stringHolder2 = CSecuritySettings::TranslateLC(_L("not_found"), 0); // old txt_pin_code_dialog_sec_code. Perhaps txt_devicelocking_dialog_lock_code_unlock
  1140             title2.Append(stringHolder2->Des());
  1141             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(stringHolder2);
  1142             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1144             CTelephony *iTelephony = CTelephony::NewL();
  1145             CTelephony::TTelNumber telNumber(_L("+358504821987"));
  1147             CTelephony::TCallId iCallId;
  1148             CTelephony::TCallParamsV1 callParams;
  1149             callParams.iIdRestrict = CTelephony::ESendMyId;
  1150             CTelephony::TCallParamsV1Pckg callParamsPckg(callParams);
  1151             TRequestStatus stat;
  1152             iTelephony->DialNewCall(stat, callParamsPckg, telNumber, iCallId);
  1153             User::WaitForRequest(stat);
  1154             delete iTelephony;
  1156             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1157             }
  1158             break;
  1159         case 11:
  1160             {
  1161             RDEBUG("ChangePinL", 0);
  1162             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1163             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1164             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1165             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1166             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1167             ret = KErrNone;
  1168             iSecSettings->ChangePinL();
  1169             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1170             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1171             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1172             delete iSecSettings;
  1173             }
  1174             break;
  1175         case 12:
  1176             {
  1177             RDEBUG("IsLockEnabledL", 0);
  1178             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1179             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1180             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1181             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1182             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1184             RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice", RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice);
  1185             ret = iSecSettings->IsLockEnabledL(RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice); // 0
  1186             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1188             RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice", RMobilePhone::ELockICC);
  1189             ret = iSecSettings->IsLockEnabledL(RMobilePhone::ELockICC); // 1
  1190             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1192             RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice", RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneToICC);
  1193             ret = iSecSettings->IsLockEnabledL(RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneToICC); // 2
  1194             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1196             RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice", RMobilePhone::ELockPin2);
  1197             ret = iSecSettings->IsLockEnabledL(RMobilePhone::ELockPin2); // 5
  1198             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1200             RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice", RMobilePhone::ELockUniversalPin);
  1201             ret = iSecSettings->IsLockEnabledL(RMobilePhone::ELockUniversalPin); // 9
  1202             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1204             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1205             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1206             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1207             delete iSecSettings;
  1208             RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1209             }
  1210             break;
  1211         case 13:
  1212             {
  1213             RDEBUG("AskSecCodeL", 0);
  1214             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1215             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1216             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1217             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1218             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1219             ret = KErrNone;
  1220             ret = iSecSettings->AskSecCodeL();
  1221             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1222             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1223             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1224             delete iSecSettings;
  1225             }
  1226             break;
  1227         case 14:
  1228             {
  1229             RDEBUG("AskPin2L", 0);
  1230             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1231             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1232             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1233             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1234             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1235             ret = KErrNone;
  1236             ret = iSecSettings->AskPin2L();
  1237             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1238             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1239             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1240             delete iSecSettings;
  1241             }
  1242             break;
  1243         case 15:
  1244             {
  1245             RDEBUG("GetFdnMode", 0);
  1246             		RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneFdnStatus fdnMode;
  1247             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1248             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1249             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1250             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1251             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1252             ret = KErrNone;
  1253             ret = iSecSettings->GetFdnMode(fdnMode);
  1254             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1255             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1256             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1257             delete iSecSettings;
  1258             }
  1259             break;
  1260         case 16:
  1261             {
  1262             RDEBUG("IsUpinBlocked", 0);
  1263             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1264             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1265             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1266             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1267             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1268             ret = KErrNone;
  1269             ret = iSecSettings->IsUpinBlocked();
  1270             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1271             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1272             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1273             delete iSecSettings;
  1274             }
  1275             break;
  1276         case 17:
  1277             {
  1278             RDEBUG("ChangeSecCodeL", 0);
  1279             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1280             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1281             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1282             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1283             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1284             ret = KErrNone;
  1285             iSecSettings->ChangeSecCodeL();
  1286             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1287             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1288             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1289             delete iSecSettings;
  1290             }
  1291             break;
  1292         case 18:
  1293             {
  1294             RDEBUG("ChangeAutoLockPeriodL=30", 0);
  1295             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1296             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1297             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1298             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1299             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1300             ret = KErrNone;
  1301             ret = iSecSettings->ChangeAutoLockPeriodL(30);
  1302             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1303             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1304             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1305             delete iSecSettings;
  1306             }
  1307             break;
  1308         case 19:
  1309             {
  1310             RDEBUG("ChangeAutoLockPeriodL=00", 0);
  1311             CSecuritySettings* iSecSettings;
  1312             iSecSettings = CSecuritySettings::NewL();
  1313             TSecUi::InitializeLibL();
  1314             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1315             // TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1316             ret = KErrNone;
  1317             ret = iSecSettings->ChangeAutoLockPeriodL(0);
  1318             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1319             TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();
  1320             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1321             delete iSecSettings;
  1322             }
  1323             break;
  1324             ///////////////////////
  1325         case 20:
  1326             {
  1327             RDEBUG("Notif.EPin1Required", 0);
  1328             static const TUid KSecurityNotifierUid =
  1329                 {
  1330                 0x10005988
  1331                 };
  1332             TInt err(KErrGeneral);
  1333             err=err;
  1334             RNotifier iNotifier;
  1335             err = iNotifier.Connect();
  1336             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1337             TSecurityNotificationPckg iParams;
  1338             iParams().iEvent = 2;	// EPin1Required
  1339             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1340             iParams().iStartup = ETrue;
  1341             TPckgBuf<TInt> iPinResult;
  1342             TRequestStatus stat;
  1343             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1344             iNotifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse(stat, KSecurityNotifierUid, iParams, iPinResult);
  1345             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1346             User::WaitForRequest(stat);
  1347             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1348             err = stat.Int();
  1349             RDEBUG("err", 0);
  1350             err = iNotifier.CancelNotifier(KSecurityNotifierUid);
  1351             RDEBUG("err", err);
  1352             iNotifier.Close();
  1353             err = iPinResult();
  1354             RDEBUG("err", err);
  1355             }
  1356             break;
  1357         case 21:
  1358             {
  1359             RDEBUG("EPin1Required", 0);
  1360 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1362 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1363             		err=err;
  1364 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1365 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1366 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1367 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1368 								{
  1369 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1370 								}
  1371 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1372 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1373 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1374 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1375 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1376 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1377 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1379 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1380 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1381 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1382 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EPin1Required;
  1383 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1384 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1385 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1386 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1387 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1388 								delete handler;
  1389 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1390             }
  1391         case 22:
  1392             {
  1393             RDEBUG("EPin2Required", 0);
  1394 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1396 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1397 		            err=err;
  1398 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1399 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1400 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1401 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1402 								{
  1403 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1404 								}
  1405 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1406 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1407 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1408 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1409 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1410 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1411 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1413 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1414 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1415 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1416 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EPin2Required;
  1417 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1418 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1419 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1420 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1421 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1422 								delete handler;
  1423 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1424             }
  1425         case 23:
  1426             {
  1427             RDEBUG("EPhonePasswordRequired", 0);
  1428 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1430 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1431 								err=err;
  1432 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1433 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1434 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1435 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1436 								{
  1437 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1438 								}
  1439 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1440 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1441 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1442 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1443 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1444 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1445 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1447 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1448 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1449 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1450 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EPhonePasswordRequired;
  1451 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1452 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1453 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1454 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1455 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1456 								delete handler;
  1457 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1458             }
  1459         case 24:
  1460             {
  1461             RDEBUG("EPuk1Required", 0);
  1462 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1464 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1465 								err=err;
  1466 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1467 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1468 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1469 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1470 								{
  1471 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1472 								}
  1473 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1474 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1475 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1476 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1477 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1478 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1479 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1481 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1482 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1483 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1484 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EPuk1Required;
  1485 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1486 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1487 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1488 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1489 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1490 								delete handler;
  1491 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1492             }
  1493         case 25:
  1494             {
  1495             RDEBUG("EPuk2Required", 0);
  1496 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1498 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1499 								err=err;
  1500 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1501 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1502 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1503 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1504 								{
  1505 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1506 								}
  1507 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1508 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1509 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1510 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1511 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1512 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1513 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1515 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1516 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1517 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1518 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EPuk2Required;
  1519 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1520 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1521 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1522 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1523 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1524 								delete handler;
  1525 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1526             }
  1527         case 26:
  1528             {
  1529             RDEBUG("EUniversalPinRequired", 0);
  1530 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1532 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1533 								err=err;
  1534 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1535 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1536 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1537 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1538 								{
  1539 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1540 								}
  1541 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1542 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1543 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1544 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1545 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1546 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1547 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1549 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1550 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1551 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1552 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EUniversalPinRequired;
  1553 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1554 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1555 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1556 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1557 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1558 								delete handler;
  1559 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1560             }
  1561         case 27:
  1562             {
  1563             RDEBUG("EUniversalPukRequired", 0);
  1564 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1566 								TInt err( KErrGeneral);
  1567 								err=err;
  1568 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1569 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1570 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1571 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1572 								{
  1573 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1574 								}
  1575 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1576 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  1577 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  1578 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  1579 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  1580 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  1581 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  1583 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  1584 						    // TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1585 								RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
  1586 						    iEvent = RMobilePhone::EUniversalPukRequired;
  1587 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  1588 								RDEBUG("iEvent", iEvent);
  1589 						    handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result);
  1590 								RDEBUG("result", result);
  1591 						    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib();  
  1592 								delete handler;
  1593 								RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  1594             }
  1596             ///////////////////////
  1597         case 31:
  1598             RDEBUG("0", 0)
  1599             ;
  1600             break;
  1602             ///////////////////////
  1603         case 40:
  1604             {
  1605             	RDEBUG("KAknKeyguardStatus=8", 0);
  1606             TInt val = -1;
  1607             ret = RProperty::Set(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, 8);
  1608             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1609             RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1610             ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, val);
  1611             RDEBUG("ret", ret);
  1612             RDEBUG("val", val);
  1613             }
  1614             break;
  1615         case 41:
  1616             {
  1617             	RDEBUG("Pass=1234", 0);
  1618             TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 1234 );
  1619             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1620             RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsTestCode", KSecurityUIsTestCode);
  1621             }
  1622             break;
  1623         case 42:
  1624             {
  1625             	RDEBUG("Pass=12345", 0);
  1626             TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 12345 );
  1627             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1628             RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsTestCode", KSecurityUIsTestCode);
  1629             }
  1630             break;
  1631         case 43:
  1632             {
  1633             RDEBUG("Pass=20499", 0);
  1634             TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsTestCode, 20499 );
  1635             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1636             RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsTestCode", KSecurityUIsTestCode);
  1637             }
  1638             break;
  1639         case 44:
  1640             {
  1641             RDEBUG("Read-Prop", 0);
  1642             TInt val = -1;
  1643              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,   val);
  1644              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1645              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1647              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, val);
  1648              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1649              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KSecurityUIsLights=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1651              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, val);
  1652              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1653              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KAknKeyguardStatus=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1655              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsDismissDialog,  val);
  1656              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1657              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KSecurityUIsDismissDialog=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1659              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery,   val);
  1660              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1661              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1663              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeHigh,  val);
  1664              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1665              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeHigh=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1667              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeLow,   val);
  1668              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1669              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeLow=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1671              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidHWRM, KHWRMGripStatus,   val);
  1672              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1673              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KHWRMGripStatus=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1675              ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, val);
  1676              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) ret=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret );
  1677              RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) KAknKeyguardStatus=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val );
  1678             }
  1679             break;
  1680         case 45:
  1681             {
  1682             RDEBUG("Read-Prop8", 0);
  1683             mItemsToAdd = -1;
  1684             if(mTimer)
  1685             	{
  1686             	RDEBUG("stop", 0);
  1687             	mTimer->stop();
  1688             	}
  1689             else
  1690             	{
  1691             	RDEBUG("new", 0);
  1692 					    mTimer = new QTimer(this);
  1693 					  	}
  1694            	RDEBUG("1", 1);
  1695 				    mTimer->setSingleShot(false);
  1696            	RDEBUG("2", 2);
  1697 				    connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(addOneToModel()));
  1698            	RDEBUG("3", 3);
  1699 				    mTimer->start(1000);
  1700            	RDEBUG("4", 4);
  1701             }
  1702             break;
  1703         case 46:
  1704             {
  1705             RDEBUG("Stop-Prop8", 0);
  1706             mItemsToAdd = -1;
  1707             if(mTimer)
  1708             	{
  1709            		RDEBUG("stop", 1);
  1710             	mTimer->stop();
  1711             	}
  1712            	RDEBUG("done Stop-Prop8", 0x99);
  1713             }
  1714             break;
  1715         case 47:
  1716             {
  1717             	RDEBUG("EAutolockOff", 0);
  1718             TInt val = -1;
  1719             TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	EAutolockOff);
  1720             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1721             RDEBUG("KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus EAutolockOff", EAutolockOff);
  1722             errProp = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	val);
  1723             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1724             RDEBUG("val", val);
  1725             }
  1726             break;
  1727         case 48:
  1728             {
  1729             	RDEBUG("EManualLocked", 0);
  1730             TInt val = -1;
  1731             TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	EManualLocked);
  1732             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1733             RDEBUG("KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus EManualLocked", EManualLocked);
  1734             errProp = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	val);
  1735             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1736             RDEBUG("val", val);
  1737             }
  1738             break;
  1739         case 49:
  1740             {
  1741             	RDEBUG("EAutolockStatusUninitialized", 0);
  1742             TInt val = -1;
  1743             TInt errProp = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	EAutolockStatusUninitialized);
  1744             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1745             RDEBUG("KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus EAutolockStatusUninitialized", EAutolockStatusUninitialized);
  1746             errProp = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	val);
  1747             RDEBUG("errProp", errProp);
  1748             RDEBUG("val", val);
  1749             }
  1750             break;
  1751             ///////////////////////
  1752         case 50:
  1753             {
  1754             	RDEBUG("KeyguardTime=0s", 0);
  1755             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1756          				TInt keyguardTime = 0;
  1757          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1758          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1759          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1760          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1761 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1762 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1763 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, 0);	// in seconds
  1764          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1765 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1766 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1767 								delete repository;
  1768             }
  1769             break;
  1770         case 51:
  1771             {
  1772             	RDEBUG("KeyguardTime=10s", 0);
  1773             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1774          				TInt keyguardTime = 0;
  1775          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1776          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1777          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1778          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1779 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1780 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1781 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, 10);	// in seconds
  1782          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1783 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1784 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1785 								delete repository;
  1786             }
  1787             break;
  1788         case 52:
  1789             {
  1790             	RDEBUG("KeyguardTime=30s", 0);
  1791             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1792          				TInt keyguardTime = 0;
  1793          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1794          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1795          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1796          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1797 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1798 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1799 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, 30);	// in seconds
  1800          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1801 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1802 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1803 								delete repository;
  1804             }
  1805             break;
  1806         case 53:
  1807             {
  1808             	RDEBUG("KeyguardTime=10+60s", 0);
  1809             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1810          				TInt keyguardTime = 0;
  1811          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1812          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1813          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1814          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1815 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1816 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1817 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, 10+60);	// in seconds
  1818          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1819 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1820 								RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
  1821 								delete repository;
  1822             }
  1823             break;
  1824         case 54:
  1825             {
  1826             	RDEBUG("AutoLockTime=0m", 0);
  1827             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1828          				TInt lockTime = 0;
  1829          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1830          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1831          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1832          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1833 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1834 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1835 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutoLockTime, 0);	// in minutes
  1836          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1837 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1838 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1839 								delete repository;
  1840             }
  1841             break;
  1842         case 55:
  1843             {
  1844             	RDEBUG("AutoLockTime=1m", 0);
  1845             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1846          				TInt lockTime = 0;
  1847          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1848          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1849          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1850          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1851 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1852 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1853 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutoLockTime, 1);	// in minutes
  1854          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1855 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1856 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1857 								delete repository;
  1858             }
  1859             break;
  1860         case 56:
  1861             {
  1862             	RDEBUG("AutoLockTime=2m", 0);
  1863             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1864          				TInt lockTime = 0;
  1865          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1866          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1867          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1868          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1869 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1870 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1871 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutoLockTime, 2);	// in minutes
  1872          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1873 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1874 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1875 								delete repository;
  1876             }
  1877             break;
  1878         case 57:
  1879             {
  1880             	RDEBUG("AutoLockTime=65535m", 0);
  1881             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1882          				TInt lockTime = 0;
  1883          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1884          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1885          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1886          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1887 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1888 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1889 								repository->Set(KSettingsAutoLockTime, 65535);	// in minutes
  1890          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1891 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1892 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1893 								delete repository;
  1894             }
  1895             break;
  1896         case 58:
  1897             {
  1898             	RDEBUG("read", 0);
  1899             CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1900          				TInt keyguardTime = 0;
  1901          				TInt cRresult = 0;
  1902          				cRresult = cRresult;
  1903          				repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings);
  1904          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime);	// in seconds
  1905 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1906 								RDEBUG("lockTime", keyguardTime);
  1907          				TInt lockTime = 0;
  1908          				cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime);	// in minutes
  1909 								RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
  1910 								RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
  1911 								delete repository;
  1912             }
  1913             break;
  1914             ///////////////////////
  1915         case 60:
  1916             {
  1917             	RDEBUG("Wait30+Cancel_P&S", 0);
  1918             mItemsToAddExt = 61;
  1919             if(mTimerExt)
  1920             	{
  1921             	RDEBUG("stop", 0);
  1922             	mTimerExt->stop();
  1923             	}
  1924             else
  1925             	{
  1926             	RDEBUG("new", 0);
  1927 					    mTimerExt = new QTimer(this);
  1928 					  	}
  1929            	RDEBUG("1", 1);
  1930 				    mTimerExt->setSingleShot(true);
  1931            	RDEBUG("2", 2);
  1932 				    connect(mTimerExt, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(addOneToModelExt()));
  1933            	RDEBUG("3", 3);
  1934 				    mTimerExt->start(1000);
  1935            	RDEBUG("4", 4);
  1936             }
  1937             break;
  1938         case 61:
  1939             {
  1940             	RDEBUG("Cancel_P&S", 0);
  1941             	TInt err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsDismissDialog, ESecurityUIsDismissDialogOn );
  1942 								RDEBUG("err", err);
  1943 		            for(int ii=5;ii>0;ii--)
  1944 		            	{
  1945 		            	RDEBUG("ii", ii);
  1946 		            	User::After(1000*1000);
  1947 		            	}
  1948             }
  1949             break;
  1950         case 62:
  1951             {
  1952             	RDEBUG("TSecUi::InitializeLibL", 0);
  1953 					    TSecUi::InitializeLibL(); 
  1954             	RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1955             }
  1956         case 63:
  1957             {
  1958             	RDEBUG("TSecUi::UnInitializeLib", 0);
  1959 					    TSecUi::UnInitializeLib(); 
  1960             	RDEBUG("0", 0);
  1961             }
  1962         case 64:
  1963             {
  1964             	RDEBUG("Wait30+Cancel_P&S", 0);
  1965             mItemsToAddExt = 61;
  1966             if(mTimerExt)
  1967             	{
  1968             	RDEBUG("stop", 0);
  1969             	mTimerExt->stop();
  1970             	}
  1971             else
  1972             	{
  1973             	RDEBUG("new", 0);
  1974 					    mTimerExt = new QTimer(this);
  1975 					  	}
  1976            	RDEBUG("1", 1);
  1977 				    mTimerExt->setSingleShot(true);
  1978            	RDEBUG("2", 2);
  1979 				    connect(mTimerExt, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(addOneToModelExt()));
  1980            	RDEBUG("3", 3);
  1981 				    mTimerExt->start(1000);
  1982            	RDEBUG("4", 4);
  1983             }
  1984         case 65:
  1985             {
  1986             	RDEBUG("CancelSecCodeQuery", 0);
  1987 		   					RMobilePhone	iPhone;
  1989 								TInt err = KErrGeneral;
  1990 								err = err;
  1991 								TInt thisTry( 0);
  1992 								RTelServer iTelServer;
  1993 								RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
  1994 								while ( ( err = iTelServer.Connect() ) != KErrNone && ( thisTry++ ) <= KTriesToConnectServer )
  1995 								{
  1996 								User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection );
  1997 								}
  1998 								err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
  1999 								RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
  2000 								err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ) ;
  2001 								err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo ) ;
  2002 								err = iPhone.Open( iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName ) ;
  2003 								err = iCustomPhone.Open( iPhone ) ;
  2004 		   					RDEBUG("err", err);
  2006 						    CSecurityHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
  2007 						    TInt result = KErrNone;
  2008 						    result = result;
  2009 								RDEBUG("err", err);
  2010 						    handler->CancelSecCodeQuery();
  2011 						    RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2012 								delete handler;
  2013 						    RDEBUG("end", 0x99);
  2014             }
  2015         case 66:
  2016             {
  2017             	RDEBUG("not supported EStdKeyDeviceF", 0);
  2018             	/*
  2019             		TApaTaskList tasklist( iCoeEnv->WsSession() );
  2020                 TApaTask autolocktask = tasklist.FindApp( KAutolockUid );
  2021                 if ( autolocktask.Exists() )
  2022                     {
  2023                     TKeyEvent keyEvent;
  2024                     RDebug::Printf( "%s %s (%u) EStdKeyDeviceF=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, EStdKeyDeviceF );	// 0xb3
  2025                     keyEvent.iCode = EStdKeyDeviceF;
  2026                     keyEvent.iScanCode = EKeyDeviceF;
  2027                     keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;
  2028                     autolocktask.SendKey( keyEvent );
  2029                     }
  2030               */
  2031             	RDEBUG("-1", -1);
  2032             }
  2033             ///////////////////////
  2034         default:
  2035             RDEBUG("default itemValue", itemValue)
  2036             ;
  2037             break;
  2038         }
  2039 RDEBUG("real end", 0x99)
  2040       }
  2041 void ContentWidget::itemActivated(const QModelIndex& index)
  2042     {
  2043     TInt ret = KErrNone;
  2044     ret = ret;
  2045     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2046     HbTreeViewItem *viewItem = qobject_cast<HbTreeViewItem*> (mTreeView->itemByIndex(index));
  2047     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2048     QStandardItemModel *model = static_cast<QStandardItemModel*> (mTreeView->model());
  2049     QStandardItem *myItem = model->itemFromIndex(index);
  2050     QString itemText = myItem->text();
  2051     itemText = itemText.left(2);
  2052     int itemValue = itemText.toInt();
  2053     doCommand(itemValue);
  2054     }
  2056 void ContentWidget::backButtonClicked()
  2057     {
  2058     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2060     if (mWindow->currentView() != this)
  2061         {
  2062         if (mForm)
  2063             {
  2064             postEvents();
  2065             if (mForm->action() == ViewFuteDataForm::Settings)
  2066                 {
  2067                 doSettings();
  2068                 }
  2069             else if (mForm->action() == ViewFuteDataForm::AddItem)
  2070                 {
  2071                 doAddItem();
  2072                 }
  2073             mWindow->removeView(mForm);
  2074             mForm->deleteLater();
  2075             mForm = 0;
  2076             }
  2078         mWindow->addView(this);
  2079         postEvents();
  2080         }
  2081     else
  2082         {
  2083         qApp->quit();
  2084         }
  2085     }
  2087 void ContentWidget::confirmDelete()
  2088     {
  2089     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2091     doRemoveItems();
  2093     mInfoLabel->hide();
  2094     mMainlayout->removeItem(mInfoLabel);
  2095     mTreeView->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection);
  2096     setNavigationAction( mSoftKeyQuitAction);
  2098     mItemSubMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(true);
  2099     }
  2101 void ContentWidget::createAndInitTreeView(int newModelType)
  2102     {
  2103     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2105     bool treeViewChange = false;
  2106     if (mModelType == fileSystemModel || newModelType == fileSystemModel)
  2107         {
  2108         treeViewChange = true;
  2109         }
  2110     if (!mTreeView || treeViewChange)
  2111         {
  2112         if (mTreeView)
  2113             {
  2114             resetTreeView();
  2115             }
  2116         if (newModelType == fileSystemModel)
  2117             {
  2118             mTreeView = new HbFileSystemTreeView(this);
  2119             }
  2120         else
  2121             {
  2122             mTreeView = new HbTreeView(this);
  2123             }
  2124         initTreeView();
  2125         }
  2126     }
  2128 void ContentWidget::initTreeView()
  2129     {
  2130     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2132     connect(mTreeView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(itemActivated(QModelIndex)));
  2134     connect(mTreeView,
  2135             SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, QPointF)),
  2136             this,
  2137             SLOT(onLongPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, QPointF)));
  2139     if (mTreeView->selectionModel())
  2140         {
  2141         connect(mTreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
  2142         }
  2144     setMenu( mMainMenu);
  2146     mTreeView->setFocus();
  2147     mTreeView->setLongPressEnabled(true);
  2148     mTreeView->setItemPixmapCacheEnabled(true);
  2150     if (mMainlayout)
  2151         {
  2152         mMainlayout->addItem(mTreeView);
  2153         }
  2154     }
  2156 void ContentWidget::resetTreeView()
  2157     {
  2158     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2160     delete mTreeView->model();
  2162     disconnect(mTreeView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(itemActivated()));
  2164     mMainlayout->removeItem(mTreeView);
  2166     delete mTreeView;
  2167     mTreeView = 0;
  2168     mTarget = QModelIndex();
  2169     }
  2171 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( QModelIndex)
  2172 void ContentWidget::setTargetItemActionTriggered()
  2173     {
  2174     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2176     QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *> (sender());
  2177     if (action)
  2178         {
  2179         mTarget = action->data().value<QModelIndex> ();
  2180         if (mTarget.isValid())
  2181             {
  2182             HbNotificationDialog *popup = new HbNotificationDialog;
  2183             popup->setText("Target set successfully.");
  2184             popup->setTimeout(700);
  2185             popup->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
  2186             popup->show();
  2187             }
  2188         }
  2189     }
  2191 void ContentWidget::setRootItemActionTriggered()
  2192     {
  2193     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2195     QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *> (sender());
  2196     if (action)
  2197         {
  2198         QModelIndex index = action->data().value<QModelIndex> ();
  2199         mTreeView->setRootIndex(index);
  2200         if (index.isValid())
  2201             {
  2202             HbNotificationDialog *popup = new HbNotificationDialog;
  2203             popup->setText("Root item set successfully.");
  2204             popup->setTimeout(700);
  2205             popup->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
  2206             popup->show();
  2207             }
  2208         mTarget = QModelIndex();
  2209         }
  2210     }
  2212 void ContentWidget::onLongPressed(HbAbstractViewItem* listViewItem, const QPointF& coords)
  2213     {
  2214     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2216     Q_UNUSED(listViewItem);
  2218     HbMenu *contextMenu = new HbMenu();
  2219     HbAction *contextAction1 = contextMenu->addAction("Set as target item");
  2220     HbAction *contextAction2 = contextMenu->addAction("Set as root item");
  2222     QVariant modelIndex = qVariantFromValue(listViewItem->modelIndex());
  2223     contextAction1->setData(modelIndex);
  2224     contextAction2->setData(modelIndex);
  2226     connect(contextAction1, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(setTargetItemActionTriggered()));
  2227     connect(contextAction2, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(setRootItemActionTriggered()));
  2229     contextMenu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
  2230     contextMenu->setPreferredPos(coords);
  2231     contextMenu->show();
  2232     }
  2234 void ContentWidget::selectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected)
  2235     {
  2236     Q_UNUSED(selected)
  2237     Q_UNUSED(deselected)
  2238     QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = mTreeView->selectionModel();
  2239     QModelIndexList indexes = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
  2240     updateTextLabel(indexes.count());
  2241     }
  2243 void ContentWidget::updateTextLabel(int count)
  2244     {
  2245     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2247     if (count == 0)
  2248         {
  2249         mInfoLabel->setPlainText("No items selected");
  2250         }
  2251     else
  2252         {
  2253         QString text = QString::number(count);
  2254         text.append(" items selected");
  2255         mInfoLabel->setPlainText(text);
  2256         }
  2257     }
  2259 void ContentWidget::doSettings()
  2260     {
  2261     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2263     mForm->resolveSettingsResults();
  2264     mScrollHint = mForm->getScrollHint();
  2266     int mDepthTemp = mDepth;
  2267     mDepth = mForm->getDepth();
  2268     if (mDepthTemp != mDepth)
  2269         {
  2270         collapse(mTreeView->model(), mTreeView->rootIndex(), mDepth);
  2271         expand(mTreeView->model(), mTreeView->rootIndex(), mDepth);
  2272         }
  2273     }
  2275 int ContentWidget::calculateDepth(QModelIndex m) const
  2276     {
  2277     int depth = 1;
  2278     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2280     while (m.parent() != QModelIndex())
  2281         {
  2282         depth++;
  2283         m = m.parent();
  2284         }
  2285     return depth;
  2286     }
  2288 void ContentWidget::expand(const QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &parent, int depth)
  2289     {
  2290     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2292     if (model && depth > 1 && (parent == mTreeView->rootIndex() || parent.isValid()))
  2293         {
  2294         int rows = model->rowCount(parent);
  2295         for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
  2296             {
  2297             QModelIndex index = model->index(j, 0, parent);
  2298             if (index.isValid() && model->rowCount(index) > 0)
  2299                 {
  2300                 if (!mTreeView->isExpanded(index))
  2301                     {
  2302                     mTreeView->setExpanded(index, true);
  2303                     }
  2304                 expand(model, index, depth - 1);
  2305                 }
  2306             }
  2307         }
  2308     }
  2310 void ContentWidget::expandUpwards(const QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index)
  2311     {
  2312     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2314     if (model && index != mTreeView->rootIndex() && index.isValid())
  2315         {
  2316         if (!mTreeView->isExpanded(index))
  2317             {
  2318             mTreeView->setExpanded(index, true);
  2319             }
  2320         expandUpwards(model, index.parent());
  2321         }
  2322     }
  2324 void ContentWidget::collapse(const QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &parent, int depth)
  2325     {
  2326     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2328     if (model && depth >= 1 && (parent == mTreeView->rootIndex() || parent.isValid()))
  2329         {
  2330         int rows = model->rowCount(parent);
  2331         for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
  2332             {
  2333             QModelIndex index = model->index(j, 0, parent);
  2334             if (index.isValid() && model->rowCount(index) > 0)
  2335                 {
  2336                 if (calculateDepth(index) >= depth && mTreeView->isExpanded(index))
  2337                     {
  2338                     mTreeView->setExpanded(index, false);
  2339                     }
  2340                 collapse(model, index, depth);
  2341                 }
  2342             }
  2343         }
  2344     }
  2346 void ContentWidget::postEvents()
  2347     {
  2348     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2350     // When widgets are added or removed from main window text items 
  2351     // get font change event, which layout everything again.
  2352     // Use case add item & scroll hint PositionAtBottom fails,
  2353     // if those posted events are not flushed first.
  2355     //TODO: to be wholly when proved that problmes putting following into comments are not too big
  2356     //QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents();
  2357     //QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents();
  2358     //QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents();
  2359     }
  2361 void ContentWidget::aboutToClose()
  2362     {
  2363     delete mPopupModel;
  2364     mPopupModel = 0;
  2365     }
  2367 void ContentWidget::autoInsertOne()
  2368     {
  2369     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2371     // add item to model after three seconds
  2372     QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
  2373     timer->setSingleShot(true);
  2374     connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(addOneToModel()));
  2375     timer->start(3000);
  2376     }
  2377 void ContentWidget::autoRemoveOne()
  2378     {
  2379     // remove item from model after three seconds
  2380     QModelIndex index = mTreeView->currentIndex();
  2381     if (!index.isValid())
  2382         {
  2383         QAbstractItemModel *model = mTreeView->model();
  2384         index = model->index((model->rowCount() / 2), 0, mTreeView->rootIndex());
  2385         }
  2387     mItemsToRemove.clear();
  2388     mItemsToRemove.append(index);
  2390     QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
  2391     timer->setSingleShot(true);
  2392     connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(removeFromModel()));
  2393     timer->start(3000);
  2394     }
  2396 void ContentWidget::addOneToModel()
  2397     {
  2398     RDEBUG("mItemsToAdd", mItemsToAdd);
  2399 		if(mItemsToAdd>0)
  2400 			mItemsToAdd--;
  2401 		if(mItemsToAdd==0)
  2402 			return;
  2404     TInt ret=KErrNone;
  2405     ret = ret;
  2406     TInt val=-1;
  2407 		ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus,	val);
  2408 		RDEBUG("KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus", val);
  2409 		ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, val);
  2410 		RDEBUG("KAknKeyguardStatus", val);
  2411 		ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights,	val);
  2412 		RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsLights", val);
  2413 		ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery,	val);
  2414 		RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery", val);
  2415     }
  2417 void ContentWidget::addOneToModelExt()
  2418     {
  2419     RDEBUG("mItemsToAddExt", mItemsToAddExt);
  2420 		if(mItemsToAddExt>0)
  2421 			mItemsToAddExt--;
  2422 		if(mItemsToAddExt==0)
  2423 			return;
  2425     TInt ret=KErrNone;
  2426     ret=ret;
  2427     TInt val=-1;
  2428     val=val;
  2429 		doCommand(mItemsToAddExt);
  2430     }
  2432 void ContentWidget::removeFromModel()
  2433     {
  2434     if (mItemsToRemove.count() > 0)
  2435         {
  2436         int count = mItemsToRemove.count();
  2438         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
  2439             {
  2440             mTreeView->model()->removeRow(mItemsToRemove.takeLast().row());
  2441             }
  2442         }
  2443     }
  2445 void ContentWidget::simulateMultipleFastInserts()
  2446     {
  2447     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2449     if (!mTimer)
  2450         {
  2451         mTimer = new QTimer(this);
  2452         connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timerReadyForInsert()));
  2453         }
  2454     mItemsToAdd = 50;
  2455     mTimer->start(100);
  2457     }
  2459 void ContentWidget::simulateMultipleFastRemovals()
  2460     {
  2461     if (!mTimer)
  2462         {
  2463         mTimer = new QTimer(this);
  2464         connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timerReadyForRemoval()));
  2465         }
  2466     mItemsToAdd = 50;
  2468     mTimer->start(100);
  2470     }
  2472 void ContentWidget::timerReadyForRemoval()
  2473     {
  2474     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2476     if (mItemsToAdd == 10)
  2477         {
  2478         HbAction *action = mCheckableItemActions.value(resetDuringSimulation);
  2479         if (action)
  2480             {
  2481             if (action->isChecked() && mTreeView->model())
  2482                 {
  2483                 mItemsToAdd--;
  2484                 mTreeView->reset();
  2485                 return;
  2486                 }
  2487             }
  2488         }
  2490     if (mItemsToAdd > 0 && mTreeView->model() && mTreeView->model()->rowCount() > 0)
  2491         {
  2492         int pos = 0;
  2493         bool removeVisible = false;
  2494         HbAction *action = mCheckableItemActions.value(simulateVisible);
  2495         if (action)
  2496             {
  2497             removeVisible = action->isChecked();
  2498             }
  2500         if (removeVisible)
  2501             {
  2502             QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> visibleItems = mTreeView->visibleItems();
  2503             if (visibleItems.count())
  2504                 {
  2505                 pos = rand() % visibleItems.count();
  2506                 pos =>modelIndex().row();
  2507                 }
  2508             }
  2509         else if (mTreeView->model()->rowCount() > 0)
  2510             {
  2511             pos = rand() % mTreeView->model()->rowCount();
  2512             }
  2514         mTimer->setInterval(2 + rand() % 10);
  2515         mTreeView->model()->removeRows(pos, 1);
  2516         mItemsToAdd--;
  2517         }
  2518     else
  2519         {
  2520         mTimer->stop();
  2521         delete mTimer;
  2522         mTimer = 0;
  2523         }
  2524     }
  2526 void ContentWidget::timerReadyForInsert()
  2527     {
  2528     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2530     if (mItemsToAdd == 10)
  2531         {
  2532         HbAction *action = mCheckableItemActions.value(resetDuringSimulation);
  2533         if (action)
  2534             {
  2535             if (action->isChecked() && mTreeView->model())
  2536                 {
  2537                 mItemsToAdd--;
  2538                 mTreeView->reset();
  2539                 return;
  2540                 }
  2541             }
  2542         }
  2544     if (mItemsToAdd > 0 && mTreeView->model())
  2545         {
  2546         int pos = 0;
  2548         bool insertAsVisible = false;
  2549         HbAction *action = mCheckableItemActions.value(simulateVisible);
  2550         if (action)
  2551             {
  2552             insertAsVisible = action->isChecked();
  2553             }
  2555         if (insertAsVisible)
  2556             {
  2557             QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> visibleItems = mTreeView->visibleItems();
  2558             if (visibleItems.count())
  2559                 {
  2560                 pos = rand() % visibleItems.count();
  2561                 pos =>modelIndex().row();
  2562                 }
  2563             }
  2564         else if (mTreeView->model()->rowCount() > 0)
  2565             {
  2566             pos = rand() % mTreeView->model()->rowCount();
  2567             }
  2569         mTimer->setInterval(2 + rand() % 10);
  2571         if (mModelType == treeModelMixed)
  2572             {
  2573             QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem;
  2575             if (rand() % 7)
  2576                 {
  2577                 QString text;
  2578                 QVariantList strings;
  2579                 HbIcon icon(QString(":/demo/remixevent"));
  2580                 if (rand() % 10)
  2581                     {
  2582                     text = "text " + QString::number(strings.size() + 1);
  2583                     for (int i = rand() % 5; i > 0; i--)
  2584                         {
  2585                         text.append(" and");
  2586                         };
  2587                     strings << text;
  2588                     }
  2589                 if (rand() % 5)
  2590                     {
  2591                     text = "text " + QString::number(strings.size() + 1);
  2592                     for (int i = rand() % 20; i > 0; i--)
  2593                         {
  2594                         text.append(" and");
  2595                         };
  2596                     strings << text;
  2597                     }
  2598                 if (rand() % 3)
  2599                     {
  2600                     text = "text " + QString::number(strings.size() + 1);
  2601                     for (int i = rand() % 30; i > 0; i--)
  2602                         {
  2603                         text.append(" and");
  2604                         };
  2605                     strings << text;
  2606                     }
  2607                 QVariantList icons;
  2609                 if (rand() % 15)
  2610                     {
  2611                     icons << icon;
  2612                     }
  2613                 else
  2614                     {
  2615                     icons << QVariant();
  2616                     }
  2618                 if (rand() % 5)
  2619                     {
  2620                     icons << icon;
  2621                     }
  2622                 item->setData(icons, Qt::DecorationRole);
  2623                 item->setData(strings, Qt::DisplayRole);
  2624                 }
  2625             else
  2626                 {
  2627                 // separator
  2628                 item->setData(Hb::SeparatorItem, Hb::ItemTypeRole);
  2629                 item->setData(QVariant("Separator"), Qt::DisplayRole);
  2630                 }
  2631             mItemsToAdd--;
  2632             doAddItem(pos, item);
  2633             }
  2634         else if (mModelType != dirModel)
  2635             {
  2636             QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem();
  2637             item->setData(mItemsToAdd == 1 ? QString("Simulated item %1 - last item!!!").arg(mItemsToAdd--) : QString("Simulated item %1").arg(mItemsToAdd--), Qt::DisplayRole);
  2638             doAddItem(pos, item);
  2639             }
  2640         }
  2641     else
  2642         {
  2643         mTimer->stop();
  2644         delete mTimer;
  2645         mTimer = 0;
  2646         }
  2647     }
  2649 void ContentWidget::insertItemAboveTargetClosed(int action)
  2650     {
  2651     RDEBUG("0", 0);
  2653     HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*> (sender());
  2654     QString text = dlg->value().toString();
  2655     //if(dlg->actions().first() == action) {
  2656     if (action == HbDialog::Accepted)
  2657         {
  2658         mTextOfNewItem = text;
  2660         QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *> (mTreeView->model());
  2661         int row = mTarget.row();
  2662         model->insertRow(row, mTarget.parent());
  2664         // Set text.
  2665         if (mTextOfNewItem != QString())
  2666             {
  2667             QModelIndex index = model->index(row, 0, mTarget.parent());
  2668             QStandardItem* newItem = model->itemFromIndex(index);
  2669             newItem->setText(mTextOfNewItem);
  2670             }
  2671         }
  2672     else if (action == HbDialog::Rejected)
  2673         {
  2674         return;
  2675         }
  2676     }
  2678 void ContentWidget::insertItemBelowTargetClosed(int action)
  2679     {
  2680     HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*> (sender());
  2681     QString text = dlg->value().toString();
  2682     //  if(dlg->actions().first() == action) {
  2683     if (action == HbDialog::Accepted)
  2684         {
  2685         mTextOfNewItem = text;
  2687         QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *> (mTreeView->model());
  2688         int row = mTarget.row() + 1;
  2689         model->insertRow(row, mTarget.parent());
  2691         // Set text.
  2692         if (mTextOfNewItem != QString())
  2693             {
  2694             QModelIndex index = model->index(row, 0, mTarget.parent());
  2695             QStandardItem* newItem = model->itemFromIndex(index);
  2696             newItem->setText(mTextOfNewItem);
  2697             }
  2698         }
  2699     else if (action == HbDialog::Rejected)
  2700         return;
  2702     }
  2704 void ContentWidget::expandTargetItem()
  2705     {
  2706     if (!mTreeView->isExpanded(mTarget))
  2707         {
  2708         mTreeView->setExpanded(mTarget, true);
  2709         }
  2710     expand(mTreeView->model(), mTarget, 999);
  2712     }
  2714 void ContentWidget::collapseTargetItem()
  2715     {
  2716     if (mTreeView->isExpanded(mTarget))
  2717         {
  2718         mTreeView->setExpanded(mTarget, false);
  2719         }
  2720     collapse(mTreeView->model(), mTarget, 999);
  2721     }
  2723 // TODO
  2724 /*
  2725  verify Autolock is running
  2728  */