changeset 49 09b1ac925e3f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/securitydialogs/Autolock/src/Autolock.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:04:40 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1767 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, 
+ * see "".
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ */
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QEvent>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QSymbianEvent>
+#include <QMainWindow>
+#include <qvaluespacesubscriber.h>
+#include <qvaluespacepublisher.h>
+#include <HbIndicator>
+#include <hbdevicemessagebox.h>
+#include <lockappclientserver.h>
+#include "Autolock.h"
+#include <xqserviceutil.h>
+#include "autolockuseractivityservice.h"
+#include <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>     // CenRep keys
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <aknsoundsystem.h>
+#include <secuisecuritysettings.h>
+#include <secui.h>
+#include <secuisecurityhandler.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <rmmcustomapi.h>
+#include <keylockpolicyapi.h>
+#include <qvaluespacesubscriber.h>
+#include <hwrmlightdomaincrkeys.h>
+#include <ProfileEngineSDKCRKeys.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h>
+#include "../PubSub/securityuisprivatepskeys.h"
+#include <avkondomainpskeys.h>
+#include <hwrmdomainpskeys.h>
+#include <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
+#include <hbdevicedialog.h>
+#include <power_save_display_mode.h>
+const TInt KPhoneIndex(0);
+const TInt KTriesToConnectServer(2);
+const TInt KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection(50000);
+#define ESecUiTypeLock                  0x00100000
+_LIT( KMmTsyModuleName, "PhoneTsy");
+// Constant definitions to control screensaver view types
+static const char *KSnsrViewTypeKey = "view_type";
+enum TSnsrViewType
+    {
+    ESnsrViewTypeInitial = 0, // default initial state, depends on the configuration
+    ESnsrViewTypeActive,
+    ESnsrViewTypeStandby,
+    ESnsrViewTypeDisabled,
+    };
+static const char *KSnsrCmdUnlock = "unlock";
+static const char *KSnsrCmdSwitchLights = "switch_lights";
+static const char *KSnsrCmdSwitchLowPower = "switch_low_power";
+Autolock::Autolock(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags f) :
+    QWidget(parent, f), mService(NULL)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("start autolock", 0);
+    // The very first thing is to define the properties, so that others can use them.
+    TSecurityPolicy readPolicy(ECapabilityReadDeviceData);
+    TSecurityPolicy writePolicy(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);
+    TInt ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsQueryRequestCancel, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KSecurityUIsQueryRequestCancel", ret);
+    _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KWritePolicy, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, RProperty::EInt, KReadPolicy, KWritePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus", ret);
+    // This is important: we set the status through a property
+    TInt autolockState;
+    ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, autolockState);
+    RDEBUG("Get KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus", ret);
+    RDEBUG("autolockState", autolockState);
+    if (autolockState == EAutolockStatusUninitialized)
+        {
+        autolockState = EAutolockOff; // not-initialized means taht the unlock-query hasn't been displayed. Therefore the device should not stay locked.
+        }
+    ret = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, autolockState); // this might re-set it. That's not bad. It will re-notify all listeners.
+    RDEBUG("Set KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, RProperty::EInt, TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass), KWritePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KAknKeyguardStatus", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorUID, RProperty::EInt, TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass), writePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorUID", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeHigh, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeHigh", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeLow, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy);
+    RDEBUG("defined KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeLow", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, RProperty::EInt, TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass), TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass));
+    RDEBUG("defined KAknKeyguardStatus", ret);
+    ret = RProperty::Define(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsDismissDialog, RProperty::EInt, TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass), TSecurityPolicy(
+            TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass));
+    RDEBUG("defined KSecurityUIsDismissDialog", ret);
+    mService = new AutolockService(this);
+    /* Adjust the palette */
+#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
+    // this is defined.
+    RDEBUG( "Q_WS_S60", 1 );
+    QPalette p = qApp->palette();
+    QColor color(192,192,192);
+    QColor bg(201,250,250);
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Highlight, color.lighter(200));
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Text, Qt::black);
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Base, bg);
+    p.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::black);
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Window, bg);
+    p.setColor(QPalette::ButtonText, Qt::black);
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Button, color.lighter(150));
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Link, QColor(240,40,40));
+    qApp->setPalette(p);
+    RDEBUG("connect", 1);
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11) || defined(Q_WS_WIN)
+    setFixedSize(QSize(360,640)); // nHD
+#elif defined(Q_WS_S60)
+    // this doesn't work well
+    // showMaximized();
+    showFullScreen();
+    serviceKeyguard = new AutolockUserActivityService();
+    serviceDevicelock = new AutolockUserActivityService();
+    TInt lockValue = 0;
+    TInt lightsTimeout = 0;
+    CRepository* repository = NULL;
+    TInt cRresult = 0;
+    iLockCodeQueryInDisplay = EFalse;
+    Q_UNUSED(cRresult);
+		iProcessingEvent = -1;
+    iLockStatusPrev = ELockNotActive;
+    iLockStatus = ELockNotActive;
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings));
+    cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutolockStatus, lockValue);
+    RDEBUG("KSettingsAutolockStatus", KSettingsAutolockStatus);
+    RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
+    RDEBUG("lockValue", lockValue);
+    iLockStatus = lockValue;
+    // the settings says to lock
+    delete repository;
+    adjustInactivityTimers(0);
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidProfileEngine));
+    cRresult = repository->Get(KProEngActiveProfile, lightsTimeout);
+    // this value is not used for now
+    delete repository;
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidLightSettings));
+    cRresult = repository->Get(KDisplayLightsTimeout, lightsTimeout);
+    // this value is not used for now
+    delete repository;
+    // subscribe to settings changes
+    subscriberKSettingsAutolockStatus = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KCRUidSecuritySettings/KSettingsAutolockStatus", this);
+    connect(subscriberKSettingsAutolockStatus, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKSettingsAutolockStatusChanged()));
+    subscriberKSettingsAutoLockTime = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KCRUidSecuritySettings/KSettingsAutoLockTime", this);
+    connect(subscriberKSettingsAutoLockTime, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKSettingsAutoLockTimeChanged()));
+    subscriberKSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KCRUidSecuritySettings/KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime", this);
+    connect(subscriberKSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTimeChanged()));
+    subscriberKDisplayLightsTimeout = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KCRUidLightSettings/KDisplayLightsTimeout", this);
+    connect(subscriberKDisplayLightsTimeout, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKDisplayLightsTimeoutChanged()));
+    subscriberKProEngActiveProfile = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KCRUidProfileEngine/KProEngActiveProfile", this);
+    connect(subscriberKProEngActiveProfile, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKProEngActiveProfileChanged()));
+    subscriberKSecurityUIsDismissDialog = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KPSUidSecurityUIs/KSecurityUIsDismissDialog", this);
+    connect(subscriberKSecurityUIsDismissDialog, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKSecurityUIsDismissDialogChanged()));
+    // subscribe to environment changes
+    subscriberKHWRMGripStatus = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KPSUidHWRM/KHWRMGripStatus");
+    connect(subscriberKHWRMGripStatus, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKHWRMGripStatusChanged()));
+    subscriberKAknKeyguardStatus = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KPSUidAvkonDomain/KAknKeyguardStatus");
+    connect(subscriberKAknKeyguardStatus, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKAknKeyguardStatusChanged()));
+    subscriberKCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs/KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus");
+    connect(subscriberKCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKCoreAppUIsAutolockStatusChanged()));
+    subscriberKCTsyCallState = new QValueSpaceSubscriber("/KPSUidCtsyCallInformation/KCTsyCallState");
+    connect(subscriberKCTsyCallState, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(subscriberKCTsyCallStateChanged()));
+    // inactivity
+    connect(serviceKeyguard, SIGNAL(active()), this, SLOT(activeKeyguard()));
+    connect(serviceKeyguard, SIGNAL(notActive()), this, SLOT(notActiveKeyguard()));
+    connect(serviceDevicelock, SIGNAL(active()), this, SLOT(activeDevicelock()));
+    connect(serviceDevicelock, SIGNAL(notActive()), this, SLOT(notActiveDevicelock()));
+    RWindowGroup& groupWin = CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin();
+    RDEBUG("got groupWin", 1);
+    // if I want to release, I should do:   mKeyCaptureHandle = env->RootWin().CaptureKey(EKeyBackspace, 0, 0);
+    mEKeyDeviceFCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyDeviceF, 0, 0);
+    RDEBUG("mEKeyDeviceFCaptureHandle", mEKeyDeviceFCaptureHandle);
+    mEKeyBellCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyBell, 0, 0);
+    RDEBUG("mEKeyBellCaptureHandle", mEKeyBellCaptureHandle);
+    RDEBUG("got mKeyCaptureHandle", 1);
+    iSecQueryUiCreated = -1;
+    iDeviceDialogCreated = EDeviceDialogUninitialized;
+    RDEBUG("new iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+    iDeviceDialog = NULL;
+    // for now, always starts unlocked. This is correct because if locked, the unlock-query (from starter) is on top
+    // TryChangeStatus(iLockStatus);
+    TryChangeStatus( ELockNotActive);
+    lower();
+    hide();
+    iDeviceDialog = new HbDeviceDialog(HbDeviceDialog::NoFlags, this);
+    connect(iDeviceDialog, SIGNAL(dataReceived(QVariantMap)), SLOT(handleMessageFromScreensaver(QVariantMap)));
+    connect(iDeviceDialog, SIGNAL(deviceDialogClosed()), SLOT(handleScreensaverClosed()));
+    // screensaver standby mode timer
+    mScreensaverModeTimer = new QTimer(this);
+    mScreensaverModeTimer->setInterval(5 * 1000); // milliseconds, TODO: read from cenrep
+    connect(mScreensaverModeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(switchScreensaverToPowerSaveMode()));
+    // screensaver AMOLED low power mode support
+    mScreensaverPowerSave = CPowerSaveDisplayMode::NewL();
+    mScreensaverPowerSavePixelBuffer = HBufC16::NewL(360 * 640);
+    mScreensaverPowerSavePixelBuffer->Des().Fill(0);
+    }
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    delete mService;
+    delete mScreensaverPowerSave;
+    delete mScreensaverPowerSavePixelBuffer;
+    RDEBUG("1", 1);
+    }
+void Autolock::adjustInactivityTimers(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    TInt keyguardTime = 0;
+    TInt lockTime = 0;
+    CRepository* repository = NULL;
+    TInt cRresult = 0;
+    Q_UNUSED(cRresult);
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings));
+    cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime, keyguardTime); // in seconds
+    RDEBUG("KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime", KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime);
+    RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
+    RDEBUG("keyguardTime", keyguardTime);
+    if (keyguardTime > 0 && keyguardTime < 1000)
+        {
+        serviceKeyguard->setInactivityPeriod(keyguardTime);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        serviceKeyguard->setInactivityPeriod(12 * 31 * 24 * 60 * 60);
+        }
+    cRresult = repository->Get(KSettingsAutoLockTime, lockTime); // in minutes, handled internally as seconds
+    lockTime *= 60;
+    RDEBUG("KSettingsAutoLockTime", KSettingsAutoLockTime);
+    RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
+    RDEBUG("lockTime", lockTime);
+    if (lockTime == 65535 * 60) // Special setting "lock at same time as keyguard" at CpDeviceLockPluginView::GetAutoLockIndex which uses this magic number
+        lockTime = keyguardTime - 2; // lock 2 seconds before before, to avoid keyguard->devicelock sequence
+    if (lockTime > 60 && lockTime < 24 * 60 * 60) // lock timer can't be bigger than 1 day
+        {
+        serviceDevicelock->setInactivityPeriod(lockTime);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        serviceDevicelock->setInactivityPeriod(12 * 31 * 24 * 60 * 60); // 0x1ea6e00
+        }
+    delete repository;
+    }
+void Autolock::quit()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    qApp->quit();
+    }
+int Autolock::AskValidSecCode(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    RMobilePhone iPhone; // NULL in emulator
+#ifdef __WINS__1
+    return KErrNone;
+    TInt err(KErrGeneral);
+    Q_UNUSED(err);
+    TBool validCode(EFalse);
+    TInt thisTry(0);
+    RTelServer iTelServer;
+    err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, ESecurityUIsLightsQueryOnRequest);
+    RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsLights err", err);
+    RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
+    while ((err = iTelServer.Connect()) != KErrNone && (thisTry++) <= KTriesToConnectServer)
+        {
+        User::After( KTimeBeforeRetryingServerConnection);
+        }
+    err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule(KMmTsyModuleName);
+    RTelServer::TPhoneInfo PhoneInfo;
+    RDEBUG("LoadPhoneModule err", err);
+    err = iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity(RTelServer::EErrorExtended);
+    RDEBUG("SetExtendedErrorGranularity err", err);
+    err = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo(KPhoneIndex, PhoneInfo);
+    RDEBUG("GetPhoneInfo err", err);
+    err = iPhone.Open(iTelServer, PhoneInfo.iName);
+    RDEBUG("Open err", err);
+    err = iCustomPhone.Open(iPhone);
+    RDEBUG("Open2 err", err);
+    RDEBUG("CSecurityHandler", 0);
+    CSecurityHandler* handler = new (ELeave) CSecurityHandler(iPhone);
+    if (aReason == ELockAppDisableDevicelock)
+        {
+        RDEBUG("calling AskSecCodeInAutoLockL", 0);
+        iLockCodeQueryInDisplay = ETrue;
+        QT_TRAP_THROWING(validCode = handler->AskSecCodeInAutoLockL()); // this returns true/false
+        iLockCodeQueryInDisplay = EFalse;
+        // TODO should this also do iPhone.SetLockSetting(status, lockType, lockChange); ???
+        }
+    else if (aReason == ELockAppEnableDevicelock)
+        {
+        // check whether code is really needed
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLock lockType = RMobilePhone::ELockPhoneDevice;
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockInfoV1 lockInfo;
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockInfoV1Pckg lockInfoPkg(lockInfo);
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting lockChange(RMobilePhone::ELockSetDisabled);
+        TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
+        TInt ret = KErrNone;
+        RDEBUG("GetLockInfo", 0);
+        iPhone.GetLockInfo(status, lockType, lockInfoPkg);
+        RDEBUG("WaitForRequest", 0);
+        User::WaitForRequest(status);
+        ret = status.Int();
+        RDEBUG("WaitForRequest ret", ret);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+        if (ret == KErrTimedOut)
+            {
+            ret = KErrNone;
+            lockInfo.iSetting = RMobilePhone::ELockSetDisabled; // ask password only if there's no timeout.
+            }
+        if (ret == KErrNone)
+            {
+            RDEBUG("lockInfo.iSetting", lockInfo.iSetting);
+            RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockSetDisabled",
+                    RMobilePhone::ELockSetDisabled);
+            if (lockInfo.iSetting == RMobilePhone::ELockSetDisabled) // ask password only if there's no timeout
+                {
+                lockChange = RMobilePhone::ELockSetEnabled;
+                RDEBUG("SetLockSetting lockChange", lockChange);
+#define OLD_METHODx
+#ifdef OLD_METHOD
+                status = KRequestPending;
+                RDEBUG( "SetLockSetting", 0 );
+                iPhone.SetLockSetting(status, lockType, lockChange); // ask for PassPhraseRequiredL
+                RDEBUG( "WaitForRequestL", 0 );
+                User::WaitForRequest( status ); // TODO this waits 33 seconds in WINS and returns ffffffdf = KErrTimedOut
+                ret = status.Int();
+                RDEBUG( "WaitForRequestL ret", ret );
+                RDEBUG("! OLD_METHOD", 0);
+                CWait *iWait = NULL;
+                QT_TRAP_THROWING(iWait = CWait::NewL());
+                iWait->SetRequestType(EMobilePhoneSetLockSetting);
+                iPhone.SetLockSetting(iWait->iStatus, lockType, lockChange); // ask for PassPhraseRequiredL
+                RDEBUG("WaitForRequestL", 0);
+                QT_TRAP_THROWING(ret = iWait->WaitForRequestL());
+                RDEBUG("WaitForRequestL ret", ret);
+                if (iWait)
+                    {
+                    RDEBUG("IsActive", 0);
+                    if (iWait->IsActive())
+                        {
+                        RDEBUG("CancelAsyncRequest", 0);
+                        iPhone.CancelAsyncRequest(iWait->GetRequestType());
+                        RDEBUG("cancelled", 0);
+                        }
+                    }
+                delete iWait;
+                RDEBUG("WaitForRequestL ret", ret);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+                if (ret == KErrTimedOut)
+                    ret = KErrNone;
+                if (ret == KErrNone)
+                    validCode = 1;
+                else
+                    validCode = 0;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                RDEBUG("RMobilePhone::ELockSetEnabled", RMobilePhone::ELockSetEnabled);
+                RDEBUG("lockInfo.iSetting = RMobilePhone::ELockSetEnabled", RMobilePhone::ELockSetEnabled);
+                validCode = 0x20;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Error: ret", ret);
+            validCode = 0x21;
+            }
+        /* Alternative way to ask for password
+         RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent iEvent;
+         TInt result = KErrNone;
+         iEvent = RMobilePhone::EPhonePasswordRequired;
+         RDEBUG( "calling HandleEventL", 0 );
+         handler->HandleEventL(iEvent, result); // this is supposed to wait
+         validCode = false;
+         if(result)
+         validCode = true;
+         RDEBUG( "result", result );
+         */
+        }
+    RDEBUG("validCode", validCode);
+    if (validCode > 0)
+        return KErrNone;
+    // no valid code -> switch off the lights
+    err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, ESecurityUIsLightsLockOffRequest);
+    RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsLights err", err);
+    return KErrCancel;
+    }
+void Autolock::handleAnswerDelivered()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    // quit();
+    }
+void Autolock::setLabelNumber(QString label, QString number)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    }
+void Autolock::DebugRequest(int aReason)
+    {
+    switch (aReason)
+        {
+        case ELockAppEnableKeyguard:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppEnableKeyguard", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case ELockAppDisableKeyguard:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppDisableKeyguard", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case ELockAppEnableDevicelock:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppEnableDevicelock", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case ELockAppDisableDevicelock:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppDisableDevicelock", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case ELockAppOfferKeyguard:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppOfferKeyguard", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case ELockAppOfferDevicelock:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppOfferDevicelock", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case ELockAppShowKeysLockedNote:
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppShowKeysLockedNote", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        default:
+            RDEBUG("default", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+void Autolock::DebugStatus(int aReason)
+    {
+    switch (aReason)
+        {
+        case ELockNotActive:
+            RDEBUG("ELockNotActive", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case EKeyguardActive:
+            RDEBUG("EKeyguardActive", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case EDevicelockActive:
+            RDEBUG("EDevicelockActive", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        default:
+            RDEBUG("default", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+void Autolock::DebugError(int aReason)
+    {
+    switch (aReason)
+        {
+        case KErrNone:
+            RDEBUG("KErrNone", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case KErrPermissionDenied: // caller doesn't have enough capabilities
+            RDEBUG("KErrPermissionDenied", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case KErrAlreadyExists: // this particular lock is already enabled
+            RDEBUG("KErrAlreadyExists", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        case KErrInUse: // the dialog is already shown
+            RDEBUG("KErrInUse", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        default:
+            RDEBUG("default", aReason)
+            ;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+int Autolock::CheckIfLegal(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    // check whether a dialog is already displayed. This is to prevent timeout-lock and timeout-keyguard activated on top of a PIN query, in particular at boot-up (TODO check for Starter)
+    TInt secUiOriginatedQuery(ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized);
+    TInt err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery, secUiOriginatedQuery);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("secUiOriginatedQuery", secUiOriginatedQuery);
+    switch (aReason)
+        {
+        case ELockAppEnableKeyguard:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppEnableKeyguard iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            if (secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized)
+                return KErrInUse; // PIN on top. Don't keyguard
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    if (!CKeyLockPolicyApi::KeyguardAllowed())
+                        return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                    else
+                        return KErrNone;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrAlreadyExists;
+                case EDevicelockActive:
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppDisableKeyguard:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppDisableKeyguard iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            // no matter whether PIN is displayed
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    return KErrAlreadyExists;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EDevicelockActive:
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppEnableDevicelock:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppEnableDevicelock iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            if (secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized && secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSystemLockOriginated)
+                return KErrInUse; // PIN on top. Don't devicelock
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EDevicelockActive:
+                    return KErrAlreadyExists;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppDisableDevicelock:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppDisableDevicelock iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            if (iLockCodeQueryInDisplay)
+                {
+                // PIN on top and trying to display unlock-code. This is valid
+                return KErrAlreadyExists;
+                }
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    return KErrAlreadyExists;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                case EDevicelockActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppOfferKeyguard:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppOfferKeyguard iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            if (secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized && secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSystemLockOriginated)
+                return KErrInUse; // PIN on top. Don't offer
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                case EDevicelockActive:
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppOfferDevicelock:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppOfferDevicelock iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            if (secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized && secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSystemLockOriginated)
+                return KErrInUse; // PIN on top. Don't offer
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EDevicelockActive:
+                    return KErrAlreadyExists;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppShowKeysLockedNote:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("ELockAppShowKeysLockedNote iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            if (secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized && secUiOriginatedQuery != ESecurityUIsSystemLockOriginated)
+                return KErrInUse; // PIN on top. Don't display
+            switch (iLockStatus)
+                {
+                case ELockNotActive:
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                case EKeyguardActive:
+                    return KErrNone;
+                case EDevicelockActive: // TODO confirm this. CMMKeyBearer::ReceivedKeyEvent expects KErrNone if keypad is locked
+                    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("default iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+            return KErrPermissionDenied;
+            }
+            // break;
+        } // switch
+    return KErrPermissionDenied;
+    }
+int Autolock::publishStatus(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    Q_UNUSED(aReason);
+    TInt err = KErrNone;
+    Q_UNUSED(err);
+    // can't use include file because it's private file. However it gives permissions
+    const TUid KCRUidCoreApplicationUIsSysAp =
+        {
+        0x101F8765
+        };
+    const TUint32 KSysApKeyguardActive = 0x00000001;
+    CRepository* repositoryDevicelock = NULL;
+    CRepository* repositoryKeyguard = NULL;
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(repositoryDevicelock = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSecuritySettings));
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(repositoryKeyguard = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidCoreApplicationUIsSysAp));
+    TInt cRresult = KErrNone;
+    Q_UNUSED(cRresult);
+    if (1 == 1) // this is a quick way to disable this functionality, for testing
+        {
+        RDEBUG("publishing", aReason);
+        if (aReason == ELockNotActive)
+            {
+            err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, EKeyguardNotActive);
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, EAutolockOff);
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, ESecurityUIsLightsLockOnRequest); // lights are required
+            RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsLights err", err);
+            // cRresult = repositoryDevicelock->Set(KSettingsAutolockStatus, 0);    // the settings remains. Only ISA changes, as well as the P&S
+            cRresult = repositoryKeyguard->Set(KSysApKeyguardActive, 0);
+            RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
+            }
+        if (1 == 1) // this is a quick way to disable this functionality, for testing
+            {
+            if (aReason == EKeyguardActive)
+                {
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, EKeyguardLocked);
+                RDEBUG("KAknKeyguardStatus err", err);
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, EAutolockOff);
+                RDEBUG("KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus err", err);
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, ESecurityUIsLightsLockOffRequest); // same for keyguard and devicelock
+                RDEBUG("KSecurityUIsLights err", err);
+                // cRresult = repositoryDevicelock->Set(KSettingsAutolockStatus, 0);
+                cRresult = repositoryKeyguard->Set(KSysApKeyguardActive, 1);
+                RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
+                }
+            else if (aReason >= EDevicelockActive)
+                {
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidAvkonDomain, KAknKeyguardStatus, EKeyguardAutolockEmulation); // Other candidates might be: EKeyguardLocked and EKeyguardNotActive
+                RDEBUG("KAknKeyguardStatus err", err);
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, EManualLocked);
+                RDEBUG("KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus err", err);
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, ESecurityUIsLightsLockOffRequest);
+                RDEBUG(" KSecurityUIsLights err", err);
+                // cRresult = repositoryDevicelock->Set(KSettingsAutolockStatus, 1);
+                cRresult = repositoryKeyguard->Set(KSysApKeyguardActive, 0); // keyguard disabled, so that user can type and DeviceF can be captured
+                RDEBUG("cRresult", cRresult);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    delete repositoryDevicelock;
+    delete repositoryKeyguard;
+    // this is the real point where everything is done.
+    iLockStatusPrev = iLockStatus;
+    iLockStatus = aReason;
+    RDEBUG("setting iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+int Autolock::showNoteIfRequested(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    // The notes are displayed. This is useful only for the API withNote, and ELockAppShowKeysLockedNote
+    // However, it has some inconvenients:
+    // - the screensaver already displays/hides
+    // - the notes are shown behing the icon because they have lower priorities
+    // - they are annoying
+    // TODO translate
+    if (aReason == ELockNotActive)
+        {
+        if (iShowKeyguardNote == 1)
+            {
+            HbDeviceMessageBox::information("Keyguard deactivated");
+            }
+        }
+    else if (aReason == EKeyguardActive)
+        {
+        if (iShowKeyguardNote == 1)
+            {
+            HbDeviceMessageBox::information("Keyguard activated");
+            // this already waits a bit because the lock-icon takes some time to display. So the note is visible before the lock-icon.
+            }
+        }
+    else if (aReason >= EDevicelockActive) // this doesn't happen, but we are prepared nevertheless
+        {
+        if (iShowKeyguardNote == 1)
+            {
+            HbDeviceMessageBox::information("Devicelock activated");
+            }
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+int Autolock::TryChangeStatus(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    int ret = aReason;
+    int errorInProcess = KErrNone;
+    DebugRequest(ret);
+    // this will cancel any previous dialog, i.e. PIN query, or any previous code-request.
+    // not sure about the screensaver, but nevertheless will be cancelled when the status is changed.
+    TInt err = KErrNone;
+    Q_UNUSED(err);
+    RDEBUG("Not setting KSecurityUIsDismissDialog ESecurityUIsDismissDialogOn", ESecurityUIsDismissDialogOn);
+    //// err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsDismissDialog, ESecurityUIsDismissDialogOn);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    switch (ret)
+        {
+        case ELockAppEnableKeyguard: // 1
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret);
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                showNoteIfRequested( EKeyguardActive);
+                setLabelIcon(EKeyguardActive);
+                updateIndicator(EKeyguardActive);
+                publishStatus(EKeyguardActive);
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 1);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppDisableKeyguard: // 2
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret);
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                showNoteIfRequested( ELockNotActive);
+                setLabelIcon(ELockNotActive);
+                updateIndicator(ELockNotActive);
+                publishStatus(ELockNotActive);
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 0);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppEnableDevicelock: // 3
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret);
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                if (!callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData) // check permissions for calling process, because doesn't AskValidSecCode
+                    errorInProcess = KErrPermissionDenied;
+                DebugError(errorInProcess);
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                updateIndicator( EDevicelockActive);
+                publishStatus(EDevicelockActive);
+                setLabelIcon(EDevicelockActive);
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 1);
+                }
+            // aParam1 is aReason : EDevicelockManual, EDevicelockRemote
+            // this never shows a note
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppDisableDevicelock: // 4
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret);
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                if (!callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData) // check permissions for calling process, because doesn't AskValidSecCode
+                    errorInProcess = KErrPermissionDenied;
+                DebugError(errorInProcess);
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 0); // hide temporarilly because HbDeviceMessageBox doesn't get in top of the Lock-icon. Thus, dismiss it.
+                // do I need to enable touch? it seems to work without it
+                // in any case, lights are needed
+                err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLights, ESecurityUIsLightsQueryOnRequest);
+                RDEBUG("calling HbDeviceMessageBox::question", 0);
+                bool value = true;
+                // not sure whether this question is really needed. The UI doesn't say anything, so I remove it for now.
+                // HbDeviceMessageBox::question("Disable Lock?");   // this doesn't block other events, so after return everything might be messed up.
+                RDEBUG("value", value);
+                if (!value)
+                    errorInProcess = KErrCancel;
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 0); // hide temporarilly because AskValidSecCode doesn't get in top of the Lock-icon. Thus, dismiss it.
+                RDEBUG("calling AskValidSecCode", 0);
+                errorInProcess = AskValidSecCode(ELockAppDisableDevicelock);
+                RDEBUG("errorInProcess", errorInProcess);
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                setLabelIcon( ELockNotActive);
+                updateIndicator(ELockNotActive);
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 0);
+                publishStatus(ELockNotActive);
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess != KErrNone)
+                { // re-lock. For example, if password is wrong
+                if (iLockStatus >= EDevicelockActive) // this skips the case "unlocking although it wasn't locked"
+                    setLockDialog(ELockAppEnableDevicelock, 1);
+                }
+            // this never shows a note
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppOfferKeyguard: // 5
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret);
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                // no need to dismiss screensaver, because it's not active
+                // what about any PIN-query, i.e. from settings ? In this case, the query will show after the PIN query is finished. somehow this is good because PIN is more important
+                bool value = HbDeviceMessageBox::question("Enable Keyguard?"); // this doesn't block other events, so after return everything might be messed up.
+                // what about a nice icon?
+                RDEBUG("value", value);
+                if (!value)
+                    errorInProcess = KErrCancel;
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                errorInProcess = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppEnableKeyguard);
+                }
+            // this never shows a note
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppOfferDevicelock: // 6
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret);
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                setLockDialog(aReason, 0); // hide temporarilly because AskValidSecCode doesn't get in top of the Lock-icon. Thus, dismiss it.
+                errorInProcess = AskValidSecCode(ELockAppEnableDevicelock);
+                }
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                RDEBUG("ELockAppOfferDevicelock calling ELockAppEnableDevicelock", ELockAppEnableDevicelock);
+                errorInProcess = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppEnableDevicelock);
+                }
+            // this never shows a note. Perhaps ELockAppEnableDevicelock does.
+            }
+            break;
+        case ELockAppShowKeysLockedNote: // 7
+            {
+            errorInProcess = CheckIfLegal(ret); // it will not be legal if the keyguard is not enabled and the devicelock is not enabled.
+            DebugError(errorInProcess);
+            if (errorInProcess == KErrNone)
+                {
+                iShowKeyguardNote = 1; // this is not sent as parameter, so we need to fake it: ON
+                showNoteIfRequested( EKeyguardActive);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("default", ret);
+            errorInProcess = KErrNotSupported;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    return errorInProcess;
+    }
+int Autolock::setLockDialog(int aReason, int status)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    RDEBUG("status", status);
+    RDEBUG("iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+    TInt secUiOriginatedQuery(ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized);
+    TInt err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery, secUiOriginatedQuery);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("secUiOriginatedQuery", secUiOriginatedQuery);
+    RWindowGroup& groupWin = CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin();
+    if (status == 0) // hide
+        {
+        // aReason is not important here, but let's check nevertheless
+        RDEBUG("ReleaseContext", R_AVKON_DEFAULT_SKEY_LIST);
+        static_cast<CAknAppUi*>(CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())->KeySounds()->ReleaseContext();
+        RDEBUG("PopContext", 0x90);
+        static_cast<CAknAppUi*>(CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())->KeySounds()->PopContext();
+        RDEBUG("ReleaseContext done", 0x92);
+        if (aReason != ELockAppDisableKeyguard && aReason != ELockAppDisableDevicelock)
+            {
+            RDEBUG("!!!!****!!!!! error. status=0 but aReason", aReason);
+            }
+        // secUiOriginatedQuery should be ESecurityUIsSystemLockOriginated . If not, this is not correctly setting it
+        if (iDeviceDialogCreated >= EDeviceDialogCreated)
+            {
+            iDeviceDialogCreated = EDeviceDialogDestroyed;
+            RDEBUG("new iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+            RDEBUG("calling switchScreensaverMode", ESnsrViewTypeDisabled);
+            switchScreensaverMode( ESnsrViewTypeDisabled);
+            disconnect(iDeviceDialog, SIGNAL(dataReceived(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleMessageFromScreensaver(QVariantMap)));
+            disconnect(iDeviceDialog, SIGNAL(deviceDialogClosed()), this, SLOT(handleScreensaverClosed()));
+            RDEBUG("signal disconnected", err);
+            // TODO this crashes for EDeviceDialogScreenSaver
+            err = iDeviceDialog->cancel();
+            RDEBUG("cancel (bool: 1= wellCancelled) err", err);
+            err = iDeviceDialog->error();
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            RDEBUG("calling iDeviceDialog->waitForClosed()", 0);
+            err = iDeviceDialog->waitForClosed();
+            RDEBUG("cancel (bool: 1= well waitForClosed) err", err);
+            err = iDeviceDialog->error();
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            TInt err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery, ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized);
+            RDEBUG("reset KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery. err", err);
+            // Cancel power key and application key capturing
+            groupWin.CancelCaptureKey(mPowerKeyCaptureHandle);
+            groupWin.CancelCaptureKey(mApplicationKeyCaptureHandle);
+            groupWin.CancelCaptureLongKey(mApplicationLongKeyCaptureHandle);
+            RDEBUG("done CancelCaptureKey", 1);
+            if (mEKeyYesCaptureHandle)
+                {
+                RDEBUG("mEKeyYesCaptureHandle", mEKeyYesCaptureHandle);
+                groupWin.CancelCaptureKey(mEKeyYesCaptureHandle);
+                mEKeyYesCaptureHandle = NULL;
+                }
+            if (mEKeyNoCaptureHandle)
+                {
+                RDEBUG("mEKeyNoCaptureHandle", mEKeyNoCaptureHandle);
+                groupWin.CancelCaptureKey(mEKeyNoCaptureHandle);
+                mEKeyNoCaptureHandle = NULL;
+                }
+            RDEBUG("deleting iDeviceDialog", 0);
+            delete iDeviceDialog;
+            RDEBUG("deleted iDeviceDialog", 1);
+            iDeviceDialog = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    else if (status == 1) // show
+        {
+        static_cast<CAknAppUi*>(CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())->KeySounds()->PushContextL(R_AVKON_SILENT_SKEY_LIST);
+        RDEBUG("BringToForeground", 0x90);
+        static_cast<CAknAppUi*>(CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())->KeySounds()->BringToForeground();
+        RDEBUG("LockContext", 0x91);
+        static_cast<CAknAppUi*>(CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())->KeySounds()->LockContext();
+        RDEBUG("PushContextL Done", 0x92);
+        // secUiOriginatedQuery should be ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized . If not, the validation is not correctly filtering it
+        QVariantMap params;
+        TBool err;
+#define ESecUiTypeDeviceLock        0x00100000
+#define ESecUiTypeKeyguard          0x00200000
+        if (aReason == ELockAppEnableKeyguard)
+            params.insert("type", ESecUiTypeKeyguard);
+        else if (aReason == ELockAppEnableDevicelock)
+            params.insert("type", ESecUiTypeDeviceLock);
+        else
+            {
+            RDEBUG("error. status=1 but aReason", aReason);
+            }
+        // no need for title. Icon should be explicit enough
+        // params.insert("title", "Locked");
+        if (iDeviceDialogCreated < EDeviceDialogCreated)
+            {
+            if (iDeviceDialog != NULL)
+                {
+                RDEBUG("!!!!!!*********!!!!!!!! error: iDeviceDialog != NULL", 0);
+                }
+            RDEBUG("creating iDeviceDialog", 0);
+            iDeviceDialog = new HbDeviceDialog(HbDeviceDialog::NoFlags, this);
+            // in theory this is needed only for screensaver, not for LockIcon. But it doesn't harm
+            connect(iDeviceDialog, SIGNAL(dataReceived(QVariantMap)), SLOT(handleMessageFromScreensaver(QVariantMap)));
+            connect(iDeviceDialog, SIGNAL(deviceDialogClosed()), SLOT(handleScreensaverClosed()));
+            iDeviceDialogCreated = EDeviceDialogCreated;
+            RDEBUG("new iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            RDEBUG("raising iDeviceDialog", 0);
+            // confirm that dialog is present
+            err = iDeviceDialog->error();
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            iDeviceDialogCreated = EDeviceDialogRaised;
+            RDEBUG("new iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+            }
+        const QString KScreensaverDeviceDialog("");
+        RDEBUG("pre show", aReason);
+        bool launchSuccesful = iDeviceDialog->show(KScreensaverDeviceDialog, params); // and continue processing
+        RDEBUG("post show. bool launchSuccesful", launchSuccesful);
+        err = iDeviceDialog->error();
+        RDEBUG("iDeviceDialog->error", err);
+        if (launchSuccesful) // TODO && !error ???
+            {
+            iDeviceDialogCreated = EDeviceDialogScreenSaver;
+            RDEBUG("new iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+            // TODO this is needed if creating dialog for first time? switchScreensaverToActiveMode(); // this is needed in case the dialog was existing.
+            // Start standy mode timer. The initial state may already be the standby
+            // mode but setting screensaver again to standby doesn't hurt.
+            mScreensaverModeTimer->start();
+            }
+        else // some err. Usually 3 (not existing)
+            {
+            // screensaver has failed. Probably because it's not installed. Then, try the standard lock-icon
+            iDeviceDialogCreated = EDeviceDialogLockIcon;
+            RDEBUG("new iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+            const QString KSecQueryUiDeviceDialog("");
+            err = iDeviceDialog->show(KSecQueryUiDeviceDialog, params); // and continue processing
+            RDEBUG("post show. err", err);
+            }
+        err = iDeviceDialog->error();
+        RDEBUG("err", err);
+        // This won't be needed when screensaver is in place, as the dialogs will be different, and therefore both can be present
+        // Somehow this should be handled by Orbit, but unfortunatelly they don't allow the same dialog twice
+        err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedQuery, ESecurityUIsSecUIOriginatedUninitialized); // this could also be ESecurityUIsSystemLockOriginated
+        RDEBUG("err", err);
+        // Capture power and application keys while screen saver is open. Also works for LockIcon
+        mPowerKeyCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyDevice2, 0, 0);
+        mApplicationKeyCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyApplication0, 0, 0);
+        mApplicationLongKeyCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureLongKey(EKeyApplication0, EKeyApplication0, 0, 0, 0, ELongCaptureShortEventImmediately | ELongCaptureRepeatEvents);
+        mEKeyYesCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyYes, 0, 0);
+        mEKeyNoCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyNo, 0, 0);
+        RDEBUG("keys captured", err);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        RDEBUG("unknown status", status);
+        return KErrNotSupported;
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+void Autolock::setLabelIcon(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    if (aReason == ELockNotActive)
+        {
+        // setLockDialog(aReason, 0); // This is done already at TryChangeStatus
+        lower();
+        hide();
+        }
+    else if (aReason == EKeyguardActive)
+        {
+        // setLockDialog(aReason, 1); // This is done already at TryChangeStatus
+        // this shows the Autolock Application. not needed
+        }
+    else if (aReason == EDevicelockActive)
+        {
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        RDEBUG("error: aReason", aReason);
+        }
+    }
+int Autolock::updateIndicator(int aReason)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("aReason", aReason);
+    QList<QVariant> list;
+    list.insert(0, 1);
+    list.insert(1, "dummy");
+    list.insert(2, 2);
+    HbIndicator indicator;
+    bool success;
+    if (aReason == ELockNotActive)
+        success = indicator.deactivate(""); // maybe it's already deactivated. Not a problem
+    else if (aReason == EKeyguardActive)
+        success = indicator.activate("");
+    else if (aReason == EDevicelockActive)
+        success = indicator.activate(""); // same. We have just 1 indicator
+    else
+        success = 0;
+    RDEBUG("success", success);
+    return success;
+    }
+void Autolock::activeKeyguard()
+    {
+    // activity while keyguarded. Nothing to do
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    }
+void Autolock::notActiveKeyguard()
+    {
+    // inactivity. Keyguard should be activated
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    int ret = KErrNone;
+    DebugStatus( iLockStatus);
+    if (iLockStatus == ELockNotActive) // not possible if it's keyguarded, or locked
+        {
+        TInt callState = EPSCTsyCallStateNone;
+        int err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallState, callState);
+        RDEBUG("err", err);
+        RDEBUG("callState", callState);
+        // if there's an active call, don't auto-keyguard (manual is still possible)
+        if (callState <= EPSCTsyCallStateNone)
+            {
+            ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppEnableKeyguard);
+            RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            RDEBUG("not ELockAppEnableKeyguard because callState", callState);
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // restart screensaver. The scenario is: keyguard->screensaver->CriticalNote->lightsOn . Therefore we need lightsOff
+        // this is done when keyguard can't be enabled because it's already enabled
+        // Note that this happens only once, so it's fine to show the screensaver in full light.
+        if (ret == KErrAlreadyExists)
+            switchScreensaverMode( ESnsrViewTypeInitial);
+        }
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    }
+/* Some activity detected while the deviceLock is enabled */
+void Autolock::activeDevicelock()
+    {
+    // nothing to do
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    }
+void Autolock::notActiveDevicelock()
+    {
+    // inactivity. Devicelock should be activated
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    int ret = KErrNone;
+    Q_UNUSED(ret);
+    DebugStatus( iLockStatus);
+    if (iLockStatus == ELockNotActive || iLockStatus == EKeyguardActive) // not possible if it's locked
+        {
+        // this is independent of the call status
+        ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppEnableDevicelock);
+        }
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    }
+void Autolock::switchScreensaverMode(int mode)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("mode", mode);
+    if (iDeviceDialog)
+        {
+        // maybe this can be used to tell the dialog to dismiss itself?
+        RDEBUG("got iDeviceDialog. iDeviceDialogCreated", iDeviceDialogCreated);
+        QVariantMap params;
+        // this is for LockIcon. Doesn't harm screensaver
+        // need to send again so that the existing dialog still knows what is its type
+        if (iLockStatus == EKeyguardActive)
+            params.insert("type", ESecUiTypeKeyguard);
+        else if (iLockStatus >= EDevicelockActive)
+            params.insert("type", ESecUiTypeDeviceLock);
+        // this is for screensaver. Doesn't harm LockIcon
+        params.insert(KSnsrViewTypeKey, mode);
+        iDeviceDialog->update(params);
+        if (mScreensaverModeTimer)
+            {
+            if (mode == ESnsrViewTypeStandby || mode == ESnsrViewTypeDisabled)
+                {
+                RDEBUG("stop mScreensaverModeTimer", 0);
+                mScreensaverModeTimer->stop();
+                }
+            else
+            		{
+                RDEBUG("start mScreensaverModeTimer", 0);
+            		mScreensaverModeTimer->start();
+            		}
+            }
+        }
+    RDEBUG("1", 1);
+    }
+void Autolock::switchScreensaverToPowerSaveMode()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    switchScreensaverMode( ESnsrViewTypeStandby);
+    RDEBUG("1", 1);
+    }
+void Autolock::handleMessageFromScreensaver(const QVariantMap &data)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    RDEBUG("iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+    QVariantMap::const_iterator it = data.find(KSnsrCmdUnlock);
+    if (it != data.end() && iLockStatus != ELockNotActive)
+        {
+        RDEBUG("calling handleLockSwitch", 0);
+        handleLockSwitch();
+        }
+    it = data.find(KSnsrCmdSwitchLights);
+    if (it != data.end())
+        {
+        int lightStatus = it.value().toInt();
+        RDEBUG("switching screen lights . lightStatus", lightStatus);
+        int err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KLightsSSForcedLightsOn, lightStatus);
+        RDEBUG("err", err);
+        }
+    it = data.find(KSnsrCmdSwitchLowPower);
+    if (it != data.end())
+        {
+        QVariantList lowPowerLimits = it.value().toList();
+        if (lowPowerLimits.count() == 2)
+            {
+            // switch on screen power save mode when start and end lines are given
+            int startRow =;
+            int endRow =;
+            // TODO: The pixel buffer passed to CPowerSaveDisplayMode is supposed to
+            // contain the pixels shown in the active area of the screen. Currently, we
+            // pass a buffer filled with 0s, and this works fine on the reference
+            // hardware. However, according to display driver people, this doesn't
+            // work if the display component of the device doesn't have internal memory
+            // which may be the case in some of our target devices.
+            TUint16 *ptr = const_cast<TUint16 *> (mScreensaverPowerSavePixelBuffer->Ptr());
+            RDEBUG("switching screen power save on, number of visible rows", endRow-startRow);
+            int err = mScreensaverPowerSave->Set(startRow, endRow, ptr);
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // any other case is interpreted as an order to switch off the power save and
+            // return to the normal mode
+            RDEBUG("switching screen power save off 0", 0);
+            int err = mScreensaverPowerSave->Exit();
+            RDEBUG("err", err);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Autolock::handleScreensaverClosed()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    int err(0);
+    // Screensaver (usually) cannot send anymore any commands when
+    // it's being closed. Thus, we need to ensure here that screen has lights and
+    // full-power mode once screensaver is closed.
+    if (mScreensaverPowerSave)
+        {
+        RDEBUG("switching screen power save off", 0);
+        err = mScreensaverPowerSave->Exit();
+        RDEBUG("error=", err);
+        }
+    RDEBUG("switching screen lights on", 1);
+    err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KLightsSSForcedLightsOn, 30);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    }
+// some key is pressed
+// TODO perhaps need a way to stop switch-key while asking unlock-code?
+// Not clear what to do here. dismiss query? 
+bool Autolock::event(QEvent *ev)
+    {
+    if (ev)
+        {
+        int isSwitchKey = 0;
+        if (ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
+            {
+            QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *> (ev);
+            RDEBUG("KeyPress", keyEvent->key());
+            RDEBUG("KeyPress nativeScanCode", keyEvent->nativeScanCode());
+            RDEBUG("EStdKeyDeviceF", EStdKeyDeviceF);
+            RDEBUG("EKeyDeviceF", EKeyDeviceF);
+            RDEBUG("keyEvent->isAutoRepeat()", keyEvent->isAutoRepeat());
+            // note that the key was EKeyApplication0 and EKeyDevice2
+            // yes=0xc4 app=0xb4 no=0xa6
+            if (keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EStdKeyApplication0 || keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EStdKeyDevice2 || keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EStdKeyYes
+                    || keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EStdKeyNo)
+                {
+                // switch to active screensaver if application key or power key pressed while screensaver active
+                // This key can be repeated, so that the screensaver remains as long as key is pushed
+                // TODO what happens when holding Power key ?
+                switchScreensaverMode( ESnsrViewTypeActive);
+                }
+            else if (!keyEvent->isAutoRepeat())
+                {
+                if (keyEvent->key() == EKeyInsert)
+                    {
+                    // on WINS, this is handled with the "Ins" key in the numeric keypad
+                    RDEBUG("EKeyInsert", EKeyInsert);
+                    // only reacts on release, not on press
+                    isSwitchKey = 1;
+                    }
+                else if (keyEvent->key() == EKeyDeviceF)
+                    {
+                    // this never seem to happen. Nevertheless we are not doing anything
+                    RDEBUG("EKeyDeviceF", EKeyDeviceF);
+                    }
+                else if (keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EStdKeyDeviceF)
+                    {
+                    RDEBUG("got EStdKeyDeviceF", EStdKeyDeviceF);
+                    isSwitchKey = 1;
+                    }
+                else if (keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EKeyBell) // this might be sent by others, i.e. PCFW
+                    {
+                    RDEBUG("got EKeyBell", EKeyBell);
+                    isSwitchKey = 1;
+                    }
+                else if (keyEvent->key() == 0x1ffffff)
+                    {
+                    RDEBUG("0x1ffffff", 0x1ffffff); // some unknown key is received. Nothing to do
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else if (ev->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease)
+            {
+            QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *> (ev);
+            RDEBUG("KeyRelease", keyEvent->key());
+            RDEBUG("KeyRelease native", keyEvent->nativeScanCode());
+            if (keyEvent->nativeScanCode() == EStdKeyDeviceF && !keyEvent->isAutoRepeat())
+                {
+                RDEBUG("released EStdKeyDeviceF", 1);
+                // isSwitchKey=1; this should happen is   pressed  was not processed (hint: if it is/was in background)
+                }
+            }
+        RDEBUG("isSwitchKey", isSwitchKey);
+        if (isSwitchKey)
+            {
+            handleLockSwitch();
+            RDEBUG("0", 0);
+            } // isSwitchKey
+        } // ev
+    // Process if not done before. For example, redraw or quit
+    TBool widgetEventSuccesful = QWidget::event(ev);
+    RDEBUG("9", 9);
+    return widgetEventSuccesful;
+    }
+int Autolock::handleLockSwitch()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    int ret = KErrNone;
+   	RDEBUG("iProcessingEvent", iProcessingEvent);
+   	// iProcessingEvent is used to avoid concurrent processing, i.e. 2 side-switch presses; because it needs time to create (and dismiss) the dialog
+   	// However this disallows keyguard during unlock-quey.
+   	if(iProcessingEvent < 1)
+   		{
+	    iProcessingEvent = 1;
+	    Q_UNUSED(ret);
+	    DebugStatus( iLockStatus);
+	    if (iLockStatus == ELockNotActive)
+	        {
+	        iShowKeyguardNote = 0; // no note on enable keyguard
+	        callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+	        ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppEnableKeyguard); // this should not ask confirmation
+	        }
+	    else if (iLockStatus == EKeyguardActive)
+	        {
+	        iShowKeyguardNote = 0; // no note on disable keyguard
+	        callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+	        ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppDisableKeyguard);
+	        }
+	    else if (iLockStatus == EDevicelockActive)
+	        {
+	        callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+	        ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppDisableDevicelock);
+	        }
+	    else
+	        {
+	        RDEBUG("unknown iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+	        }
+    	iProcessingEvent = 0;
+	    }
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    return ret;
+    }
+bool Autolock::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *ev)
+    {
+    // this never happens
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    return QWidget::eventFilter(o, ev);
+    }
+// some setting changed
+void Autolock::subscriberKSettingsAutolockStatusChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    QVariant v = subscriberKSettingsAutolockStatus->value("/KCRUidSecuritySettings/KSettingsAutolockStatus");
+    adjustInactivityTimers( KSettingsAutolockStatus);
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKSettingsAutoLockTimeChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    QVariant v = subscriberKSettingsAutoLockTime->value("/KCRUidSecuritySettings/KSettingsAutoLockTime");
+    adjustInactivityTimers( KSettingsAutoLockTime);
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTimeChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    QVariant v = subscriberKSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime->value("/KCRUidSecuritySettings/KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime");
+    adjustInactivityTimers( KSettingsAutoLockTime);
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKDisplayLightsTimeoutChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    QVariant v = subscriberKDisplayLightsTimeout->value("/KCRUidLightSettings/KDisplayLightsTimeout");
+    // nothing to do
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKProEngActiveProfileChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    QVariant v = subscriberKProEngActiveProfile->value("/KCRUidProfileEngine/KProEngActiveProfile");
+    // nothing to do
+    }
+// some environment changed
+void Autolock::subscriberKAknKeyguardStatusChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("Error only Autolock should be able to change it", 0);
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKCoreAppUIsAutolockStatusChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("Error only Autolock should be able to change it", 0);
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKHWRMGripStatusChanged()
+    {
+    TInt ret = KErrNone;
+    Q_UNUSED(ret);
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    TInt aGripStatus;
+    TInt err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidHWRM, KHWRMGripStatus, aGripStatus);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("value", aGripStatus);
+    if (aGripStatus == EPSHWRMGripOpen)
+        {
+        if (iLockStatus == EKeyguardActive)
+            {
+            iShowKeyguardNote = 0; // no note on disable keyguard
+            callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+            ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppDisableKeyguard);
+            }
+        else if (iLockStatus == EDevicelockActive)
+            {
+            callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+            ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppDisableDevicelock);
+            }
+        }
+    else if (aGripStatus == EPSHWRMGripClosed)
+        {
+        if (iLockStatus == ELockNotActive)
+            {
+            iShowKeyguardNote = 0; // no note on enable keyguard
+            callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+            ret = TryChangeStatus(ELockAppEnableKeyguard);
+            }
+        }
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    }
+void Autolock::subscriberKCTsyCallStateChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    TInt aCallStatus;
+    TInt err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallState, aCallStatus);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("aCallStatus", aCallStatus);
+    RWindowGroup& groupWin = CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin();
+    if (aCallStatus == EPSCTsyCallStateUninitialized || aCallStatus == EPSCTsyCallStateNone)
+        {
+        RDEBUG("call is inactive", aCallStatus);
+        RDEBUG("iLockStatus", iLockStatus);
+        if (iLockStatus == EKeyguardActive || iLockStatus == EDevicelockActive)
+            {
+            if (!mEKeyYesCaptureHandle)
+                mEKeyYesCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyYes, 0, 0);
+            if (!mEKeyNoCaptureHandle)
+                mEKeyNoCaptureHandle = groupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyNo, 0, 0);
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        RDEBUG("call is active", aCallStatus);
+        // Telephone should be on top, but nevertheless we give End/Send to them
+        // This should be done only if locked, but it doesn't harm
+        if (mEKeyYesCaptureHandle)
+            {
+            RDEBUG("mEKeyYesCaptureHandle", mEKeyYesCaptureHandle);
+            groupWin.CancelCaptureKey(mEKeyYesCaptureHandle);
+            mEKeyYesCaptureHandle = NULL;
+            }
+        if (mEKeyNoCaptureHandle)
+            {
+            RDEBUG("mEKeyNoCaptureHandle", mEKeyNoCaptureHandle);
+            groupWin.CancelCaptureKey(mEKeyNoCaptureHandle);
+            mEKeyNoCaptureHandle = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    RDEBUG("9", 9);
+    }
+// SecUiNotificationDialog::subscriberKSecurityUIsDismissDialogChanged()
+// A way for Autolock to dismiss any possible PIN dialog
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Autolock::subscriberKSecurityUIsDismissDialogChanged()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    TInt aDismissDialog = ESecurityUIsDismissDialogUninitialized;
+    TInt err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsDismissDialog, aDismissDialog);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("aDismissDialog", aDismissDialog);
+    }
+// ----------AutolockService---------------
+AutolockService::AutolockService(Autolock* parent) :
+    XQServiceProvider(QLatin1String(""), parent), mAutolock(parent), mAsyncReqId(-1), mAsyncAnswer(false)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    publishAll();
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(returnValueDelivered()), parent, SLOT(handleAnswerDelivered()));
+    }
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    }
+void AutolockService::complete(QString number)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    if (mAsyncReqId == -1)
+        return;
+    completeRequest(mAsyncReqId, number.toInt());
+    }
+// got API request from lockaccessextension
+int AutolockService::service(const QString& number, const QString& aParam1, const QString& aParam2)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    TInt err = KErrNone;
+    RDEBUG("number", number.toInt());
+    RDEBUG("aParam1", aParam1.toInt());
+    RDEBUG("aParam2", aParam2.toInt());
+    mAsyncAnswer = false;
+    XQRequestInfo info = requestInfo();
+    QSet<int> caps = info.clientCapabilities();
+    mAutolock->callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 0;
+    if (caps.contains(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData))
+        {
+        RDEBUG("callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData",
+                ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);
+        mAutolock->callerHasECapabilityWriteDeviceData = 1;
+        }
+    QString label = "Autolock::service:\n";
+    label += QString("number=%1\n").arg(number);
+    mNumber = number;
+    mAutolock->setLabelNumber(label, number);
+    int ret = 0;
+    ret = number.toInt();
+    mAutolock->mParam1 = aParam1.toInt();
+    mAutolock->iShowKeyguardNote = aParam1.toInt();
+    mAutolock->mParam2 = aParam2.toInt();
+    TTime myTime;
+    myTime.HomeTime();
+    TInt myTimeHigh = 0;
+    TInt myTimeLow = 0;
+    err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeHigh, myTimeHigh);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("myTimeHigh", myTimeHigh);
+    err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeLow, myTimeLow);
+    RDEBUG("err", err);
+    RDEBUG("myTimeLow", myTimeLow);
+    myTimeHigh = I64HIGH( myTime.Int64() );
+    myTimeLow = I64LOW( myTime.Int64() );
+    RDEBUG("myTimeHigh", myTimeHigh);
+    RDEBUG("myTimeLow", myTimeLow);
+    err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeHigh, myTimeHigh);
+    err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorTimeLow, myTimeLow);
+    ret = mAutolock->TryChangeStatus(ret);
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    TInt myInitiatorUID = 0;
+    err = RProperty::Get(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorUID, myInitiatorUID);
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    RDEBUG("myInitiatorUID", myInitiatorUID);
+    myInitiatorUID = info.clientSecureId();
+    err = RProperty::Set(KPSUidSecurityUIs, KSecurityUIsLockInitiatorUID, myInitiatorUID);
+    RDEBUG("ret", ret);
+    RDEBUG("myInitiatorUID", myInitiatorUID);
+    return ret;
+    }
+void AutolockService::handleClientDisconnect()
+    {
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    // Just quit service application if client ends
+    mAsyncAnswer = false;
+    RDEBUG("0", 0);
+    // mAutolock->quit();
+    }
+CWait* CWait::NewL()
+    {
+    CWait* self = new (ELeave) CWait();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+void CWait::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+    }
+CWait::CWait() :
+    CActive(0)
+    {
+    }
+    {
+    Cancel();
+    }
+TInt CWait::WaitForRequestL()
+    {
+    SetActive();
+    iWait.Start();
+    return iStatus.Int();
+    }
+void CWait::RunL()
+    {
+    if (iWait.IsStarted())
+        iWait.AsyncStop();
+    }
+void CWait::DoCancel()
+    {
+    if (iWait.IsStarted())
+        iWait.AsyncStop();
+    }
+void CWait::SetRequestType(TInt aRequestType)
+    {
+    iRequestType = aRequestType;
+    }
+TInt CWait::GetRequestType()
+    {
+    return iRequestType;
+    }