--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pkiutilities/PKCS12/CrBer/Inc/crber.h Tue Jan 26 15:20:08 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This file contains the headers of CCrBer and CCrBerSet classes.
+* These classes are used to encode and decode BER object(s).
+#ifndef CR_BER
+#define CR_BER
+#include <e32base.h> // CBase
+#include <asn1dec.h> // ASN1 (Symbian)
+#include "crdata.h" // CCrData
+#include "crdefs.h" // Definitions
+#include <bigint.h>
+#define LEN_BYTES_MAX 4 // Max amount of length bytes in BER encoded
+ // object. Probably this never changes, but
+ // you'll never know.
+typedef TUint8 TBerTag;
+// BER types.
+const TBerTag KBerEndOfContent = 0x00; // End of contents tag
+const TBerTag KBerBoolean = 0x01; // Boolean tag
+const TBerTag KBerInteger = 0x02; // Integer tag
+const TBerTag KBerBitString = 0x03; // Bit string tag
+const TBerTag KBerOctetString = 0x04; // Octet string tag
+const TBerTag KBerNull = 0x05; // NULL tag
+const TBerTag KBerOid = 0x06; // Object identifier tag
+const TBerTag KBerNumS = 0x12; // Numeric string
+const TBerTag KBerPrS = 0x13; // Printable string tag
+const TBerTag KBerT61S = 0x14; // T61 string tag
+const TBerTag KBerVideoS = 0x15; // Video string tag
+const TBerTag KBerIA5S = 0x16; // IA5 string tag
+const TBerTag KBerUtc = 0x17; // UTC time tag
+const TBerTag KBerGenTime = 0x18; // Generalized Time tag
+const TBerTag KBerGraphS = 0x19; // Graphics string tag
+const TBerTag KBerVisibleS = 0x1A; // Visible string
+const TBerTag KBerGeneralS = 0x1B; // Generalised string
+const TBerTag KBerBmpS = 0x1E; // Bmp string
+const TBerTag KBerSeq = 0x30; // Sequence tag
+const TBerTag KBerSet = 0x31; // Set tag
+const TBerTag KBerUnknown = 0xff; // Unknown tag
+const TBerTag KBerEncodedObject = 0xfe; // Tag for ready-made
+ // BER encoded objects
+const TBerTag KBerLongLengthBit = 0x80; // Long length bit
+const TBerTag KBerConstructedBit= 0x20; // Constructed bit
+const TBerTag KBerConstructed = 0x20;
+const TBerTag KBerImplicit = 0x80; // Implicit tag
+const TBerTag KBerExplicit = 0x80; // Explicit tag
+const TBerTag KBerImplicitConstructed = 0xA0; // Implicit constructed tag
+const TBerTag KBerExplicitConstructed = 0xA0; // Explicit constructed tag
+const TBerTag KBerBooleanTrue = 0xFF; // Boolean true value (DER)
+const TBerTag KBerBooleanFalse = 0x00; // Boolean false value (DER)
+const TBerTag KBerNullContent = 0x00; // Null objects content
+const TBerTag KBerBooleanLen = 0x03; // Boolean object length
+const TBerTag KBerNullLen = 0x02; // Null object length
+const TBerTag KBerShortLen = 0x02; // Tag + (short) length byte
+const TBerTag KBerIndefiniteLen = 0x04; // Indefinite length (xx 80 00 00)
+const TInt KReadBufMax = 256; // Length of buffer used
+ // when reading from files.
+const TUint KOpenAllLevels = 255; // OpenL(....) function
+const TInt KOctetWidth = 8;
+const TInt KObjectIDDot = 1; // object id encoding
+const TInt KObjectIDFirstFactor = 4; // object id encoding
+const TInt KObjectIDSecondFactor = 10; // object id encoding
+const TInt KIntBufSize = 6; // Integer encoding buffer size
+* Class CCrBer is able to contain a BER encoded object of any type.
+* @lib crber.lib
+* @since Series 60 3.0
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCrBer ): public CBase
+ {
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Constructors and destructors.
+ private:
+ CCrBer(TInt aLevel = 0);
+ TAny ConstructL();
+ public:
+ IMPORT_C static CCrBer* NewLC(TInt aLevel = 0);
+ IMPORT_C static CCrBer* NewL(TInt aLevel = 0);
+ IMPORT_C ~CCrBer();
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Functions to open BER object.
+ /**
+ * Read next BER encoded object from the current position of
+ * given CCrData to this object. Return the type of the BER
+ * object, or KBerUnknown, if not of any known type. Only pointer
+ * to aData is stored into this object, so Get* functions are
+ * meaningful only if original data object is still existing,
+ * when these functions are used.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBerTag Read(CCrData* aData);
+ /**
+ * Read type tag from current position in given CCrData.
+ * Returns type tag or KBerUnknown, if not of any known type.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TBerTag ReadType(CCrData* aData);
+ /**
+ * Read length tags from current position in given CCrData.
+ * Returns length. If length is indefinite, aIndefinite is set
+ * to true, otherwise to false. In indefinite case length is 0.
+ * Also sets amount of length bytes in aLenLen, if given.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TUint ReadLen(
+ CCrData* aData,
+ TBool& aIndefinite,
+ TUint8* aLenLen = 0);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if given BER tag is identified one.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TBool IsKnownType(TBerTag aTag);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if given BER tag is sequence, set,
+ * implicit contructed, or explicit constructed tag.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TBool IsSeqOrSet(TBerTag aTag);
+ /**
+ * Finds next end-of-content (00 00) tag from given data.
+ * Returns the distance between current place and the tag,
+ * or 0, if not found. Moves data pointer to the next byte
+ * _after_ the tag, i.e. two bytes longer than you might
+ * except from the return value.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TUint FindEndOfContent(CCrData* aData);
+ /**
+ * Open constructed encoding from this object.
+ * Parameters: aTarget; target for contentbytes.
+ * Return Values: Number of objects.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenConstructedEncodingL(CCrData& aTarget);
+ IMPORT_C TUint OpenConstructedEncodingWithTagL(
+ CCrData* aData,
+ CCrBer& parentObj,
+ HBufC8* buf = 0);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Functions to get info about this BER object.
+ // Return type of the object.
+ IMPORT_C TBerTag Type();
+ // Return value of the object (int or boolean object).
+ // Only to encoding..
+ IMPORT_C TInt Value();
+ IMPORT_C RInteger GetBigInt();
+ IMPORT_C TDesC8* ValuePtr();
+ IMPORT_C TAny SetValue(TInt aInt);
+ // Return amount of length bytes.
+ IMPORT_C TInt LenLen();
+ // Return begin of the whole object.
+ IMPORT_C TInt ObjectBegin();
+ // Return begin of the content.
+ IMPORT_C TInt ContentBegin();
+ // Return length of the content.
+ IMPORT_C TInt ContentLen();
+ // Return length of the whole object.
+ IMPORT_C TInt ObjectLen();
+ // Return true if this object is indefinite length, else false.
+ IMPORT_C TBool Indefinite();
+ // Return pointer to data object.
+ IMPORT_C CCrData* Data();
+ // Return whole BER object with tag and stuff. For implementation
+ // reasons ObjectL returns only max 255 bytes of data.
+ IMPORT_C TInt Object(HBufC8* aBuf);
+ IMPORT_C TInt ObjectL(HBufC* aBuf);
+ // Return content of this object. For implementation reasons
+ // ContentL returns only max 255 bytes of data.
+ IMPORT_C TInt Content(HBufC8* aBuf);
+ IMPORT_C TInt ContentL(HBufC* aBuf);
+ // Read aAmount of data starting from begin to the buffer.
+ // Return amount of data read. For implementation reasons
+ // BufferL can be used only to read max 255 bytes of data.
+ static IMPORT_C TInt BufferL(
+ HBufC8* aBuf,
+ CCrData* aData,
+ TUint aBegin = 0,
+ TUint aAmount = KReadBufMax);
+ static IMPORT_C TInt BufferL(
+ HBufC* aBuf,
+ CCrData* aData,
+ TUint aBegin = 0,
+ TUint8 aAmount = 255);
+ // Return nesting level of this object.
+ IMPORT_C TUint Level();
+ // Set nesting level of this object.
+ IMPORT_C TUint SetLevel(TUint aLevel);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Get content
+ // Return value of integer object.
+ // e.g. 21
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetIntegerL();
+ IMPORT_C RInteger GetLongIntegerL();
+ // Return value of boolean object.
+ // e.g. ETrue
+ IMPORT_C TBool GetBooleanL();
+ // Return content of object identifier object.
+ // e.g.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetOidL();
+ // Return content of octet string object.
+ // e.g. 45 53 65 77
+ IMPORT_C HBufC8* GetOctetStringL();
+ IMPORT_C TAny GetOctetStringL(CCrData& Trg);
+ // Return content of content string object.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC8* GetContentStringLC();
+ // Return content of IA5 string object.
+ // e.g. "hello"
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetIA5StringL();
+ // Return content of UTC time object.
+ IMPORT_C TTime GetUTCTimeL();
+ // Return content of printable string object.
+ // e.g. "hello"
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetPrintStringL();
+ // Return content of teletext string object.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetTeletextStringL();
+ // Return content of sequence object.
+ // e.g. 02 01 01 01 01 FF
+ IMPORT_C HBufC8* GetSequenceL();
+ // Return content of videotext string object.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetVideoStringL();
+ // Return content of generalised string object.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetGeneralStringL();
+ // Return content of visible characters string object.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetVisibleStringL();
+ // Return content of a generalised graphical string obj.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetGraphicsStringL();
+ // Basically, TIME+ century
+ // Return content of a generalized time string obj.
+ IMPORT_C TTime GetGeneralizedTimeL();
+ // Return content of numeric string object
+ // only for numbers.
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetNumericStringL();
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Functions to modify info about this BER object.
+ // Add given integer to content length of this object.
+ IMPORT_C TAny AddToContentLen(TInt iLen);
+ // Calculate object length from tag, length's length, and
+ // content's length. Used to 'close' indefinite objects, meaning
+ // that their end-of-contents tag is finally found, so their
+ // length can be calculated.
+ IMPORT_C TAny SetObjectLen();
+ // Set object length to object length - content length. = Length of tag
+ // and lenbits (+lenlen).
+ IMPORT_C TAny SetObjLenWithOutContent(TUint aContentLen);
+ public:
+ // Encoding
+ // These functions are used by CCrBerSet::Create*
+ // Save type,length and value.
+ TAny CreateBool(TBool aBool);
+ // Save type,length and value.
+ TAny CreateInt(TInt aInt);
+ TAny CreateLongInt(RInteger& aData);
+ // Save type and value of object.
+ TAny CreateNull();
+ // Save type, length and pointer to string
+ TAny CreateOIdL(TDesC8* aString);
+ TAny CreateString(TBerTag aTag, TDesC8* aString);
+ TAny CreateString(TBerTag aTag, CCrData* aData);
+ // Save tag and value of constructed type.
+ TAny CreateStart(TBerTag aTag, TBool aDefinite);
+ // Save type.
+ TAny CreateEnd();
+ // This fuction can be used to create a BER object
+ // from buffer, which already contains a full BER
+ // encoded object.
+ TAny CreateBEREncodedObject(TDesC8* aBuffer);
+ public: // Data.
+ // Maximum sixe of TUint.
+ // static TUint iMaxUint;
+ TUint iMaxUint;
+ // Maximum sixe of TInt.
+ //static TInt iMaxInt;
+ TInt iMaxInt;
+ private: // Data
+ // Type.
+ TBerTag iType;
+ // iValue is used in encoding
+ TInt iValue;
+ // Pointer to value (encoding).
+ TDesC8* iValuePtr;
+ RInteger iInt;
+ // Amount of length bytes.
+ TUint8 iLenLen;
+ // Indefinite length or not.
+ TBool iIndefinite;
+ // These indexes indicate places in the CCrData
+ // object pointed by the member iData.
+ TUint iObjectBegin; // Place where whole BER object begins.
+ TUint iContentBegin; // Place where BER object's content begins.
+ TUint iContentLen; // Length of the BER object's content.
+ TUint iObjectLen; // Length of the whole BER object.
+ // Pointer to the object containing the actual object.
+ CCrData* iData;
+ // Nesting level of this object. Not set in this object,
+ // but given by caller.
+ TInt iLevel;
+ // End of content bytes.
+ // static TUint8 iEOCBytes[2];
+ TUint8 iEOCBytes[2];
+ };
+* Class CCrBerSet
+* CCrBerSet contains set of CCrBer objects.
+* @lib crber.lib
+* @since Series 60 3.0
+class CCrBerSet : public CArrayPtrSeg<CCrBer>
+ {
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Constructors and destructors.
+ private:
+ CCrBerSet(TInt aGranularity);
+ TAny ConstructL();
+ public:
+ IMPORT_C static CCrBerSet* NewLC(TInt aGranularity);
+ IMPORT_C static CCrBerSet* NewL(TInt aGranularity);
+ IMPORT_C ~CCrBerSet();
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Functions.
+ // Opens next BER encoded object from the current position of
+ // given CCrData to this object set. Opens also all nested BER
+ // objects as deep as aRecursionLevel tells. If it is zero, one
+ // object is read, if it is one, all objects at first level are
+ // read, if it is 255, all objects at 255 first levels are
+ // extracted, and if it is 256, all objects at any level are
+ // extracted. Returns the amount of extracted objects.
+ // The data pointer of CCrData points right after the
+ // opened BER object after this function is finished.
+ IMPORT_C TUint OpenL(
+ CCrData* aData,
+ TUint8 aRecursionLevel = 1);
+ // Appends given new object into this set. Updates all previous
+ // items in this set, which have indefinite length, with the
+ // length of the new object.
+ IMPORT_C TAny AppendAndUpdateL(CCrBer *aBerObject);
+ // Updates all previous items in this set, which have
+ // indefinite length, with the length of the new object.
+ IMPORT_C TAny Update(CCrBer *aBerObject);
+ // Finds last open indefinite length sequence
+ // or set from this set at given level and closes it.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CloseLastSeqOrSet(TUint aLevel);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Encoding functions
+ // Function creates Ber boolean object (CCrBer object).
+ // Write a object to CCrData (file) by Flush(..)
+ // (ETrue or EFalse) (Tag 01)
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateBoolL(TBool aValue);
+ // Function creates Ber integer object (CCrBer object).
+ // Write a object to CCrData (file) by Flush(..) Parameter is either
+ // a positive whole number, or a negative whole number, or zero.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateIntL(TInt aValue);
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateLongIntL(RInteger& aValue);
+ // Function creates Ber octet string object.
+ // The OCTET STRING is an arbitrarily long binary value.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateOctetL(TDesC8& aString);
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateOctetL(CCrData* aData);
+ // Function creates Ber null object (CCrBer object).
+ // (0x05 0x00).
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateNullL();
+ // Function creates Ber object identifier object.
+ // type tag = (0x06)
+ // e.g. berSet->AppendObjectId(_L8("")
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateOIdL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber Numeric string object (CCrBer object).
+ // The NumericString is defined to only contain the characters 0-9
+ // and space.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateNumericL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber Printable string object (CCrBer object)
+ // The PrintableString is defined to only contain
+ // the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space,
+ // and the punctuation characters ()-+=:',./?.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreatePrintableL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber T61 string object (CCrBer object).
+ // The TeletexString is a string, containing characters
+ // according to the T.61 character set.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateT61L(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber Video text object (CCrBer object)
+ // type tag = (0x15).
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateVideoTexL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber IA5 string object (CCrBer object).
+ // IA5 (International Alphabet 5)
+ // is equivalent to US-ASCII.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateIA5L(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber UTC time object (CCrBer object).
+ // Note this value only represents years using two digits.
+ // e.g. berSet->AppendUTCTime(_L8("980801000000Z"));
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateUTCL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber generalised time object
+ // (CCrBer object). type = (0x18). Unlike UTCTime
+ // it represents years using 4 digits.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateGenTimeL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber graphical string object (CCrBer object)
+ // type byte = (0x19).
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateGraphicalL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber visible string object (CCrBer object)
+ // type = (0x1A).
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateVisibleL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Function creates Ber general string object (CCrBer object)
+ // type = (0x1B).
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateGeneralL(TDesC8& aString);
+ // Append start of sequence (30 xx, xx = length)
+ // True --> DefiniteLen, False --> IndefiniteLength.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateSeqStartL(TBool aDefinite);
+ // Append start of set (31 xx, xx = length)
+ // True --> DefiniteLen, False --> IndefiniteLength.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateSetStartL(TBool aDefinite);
+ // Append start of the constructed.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateConstructedStartL(TBerTag aTag, TBool aDefinite);
+ // Append end to last constructed (e.g. seq)
+ // type (definite or indefinite).
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateEndL();
+ // This fuction can be used to create a BER object
+ // from buffer, which already contains a full BER
+ // encoded object.
+ IMPORT_C TAny CreateBEREncodedObjectL(TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ // Function writes all created crber objects (which are
+ // AppendL to set) to file. Function also fix all definite
+ // lengths. Call this function then crberSet is ready
+ // (all berObjects are delived).
+ IMPORT_C TInt FlushL(CCrData* aTarget);
+ public:
+ // Encode and write object identifier.
+ TInt AppendObjectIdL(const TDesC8& aString,TBool aOnlyLen = EFalse);
+ private:
+ // These functions are used by CCrBerSet::Flush(...)
+ // Write constructed type start.
+ TInt AppendConstructedL(TBerTag aTag, TUint aLength = 0);
+ // close indefinite length. (= add 0x00 0x00)
+ TInt CloseIndefinite();
+ // Encode and write boolean object.
+ TInt AppendBoolL(TBool aBool);
+ // Encode and write integer object.
+ TInt AppendIntL(TInt aData);
+ TInt AppendLongIntL(RInteger& aData);
+ // Encode and write null object. (0x05 0x00)
+ TInt AppendNull();
+ // Encode and write string to CCrData (file).
+ TInt AppendStringL(TBerTag aTag, const TDesC8& aString);
+ TInt AppendStringL(TBerTag aTag, CCrData* const aData);
+ // Write BER encoded object to CCrData (file).
+ // Note that this function doesn't add any tags
+ // etc. it trusts that the given object already
+ // is a whole BER encoded object.
+ TInt AppendBerEncodedObject(const TDesC8& aString);
+ private: // Data
+ // Target file for objects (encoding).
+ CCrData* iTarget;
+ // Nesting level of object. (encoding).
+ TInt iLevel;
+ // Max level which is used in encoding. (Flush(..))
+ TInt iMaxLevel;
+ };
+#endif CR_BER