changeset 0 164170e6151a
child 5 3b17fc5c9564
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wim/WimServer/src/WimServer.cpp	Tue Jan 26 15:20:08 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Server startup and initialization
+#include    "WimServer.h"
+#include    "WimSession.h"
+#include    "WimSig.h"
+#include    "WimSessionRegistry.h"
+#include    "WimTrustSettingsStore.h"
+#include    "WimDefs.h"
+#include    "WimTrace.h"
+#include    "WimUtilityFuncs.h"
+#include    "WimCallbackImpl.h"
+#include    <s32file.h>         // UserSvr
+#include    "WimCertInfo.h"
+#include    "Wimi.h"            // WIMI definitions
+#include    "WimSatRefreshObserver.h"
+#include    "WimBTSapObserver.h"
+#include    <e32property.h>     // RProperty
+#include    <PSVariables.h>     // Property values
+const TInt KServerShutdownDelay = 0x200000; 
+// Initialize static variables. These variables are static because static
+// callback functions in CWimCallBack.
+CWimServer* CWimServer::iWimServer = NULL;
+TInt CWimServer::iWimStatus = KErrNone;
+TBool CWimServer::iWimInitialized = EFalse;
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// StartServer
+// Server startup method. Creates active scheduler for the server.
+// Returns: TInt: error code
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void StartServerL()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | StartServer | Enter"));
+    User::LeaveIfError( User::RenameThread( KWIMServerName ) );
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | StartServer | Create AS"));
+    CActiveScheduler* s = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( s );    
+    CActiveScheduler::Install( s );
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | StartServer | Create server"));
+    CWimServer::NewL();
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | StartServer | Notify client"));
+    // Notify Client that server has starter
+    RProcess::Rendezvous( KErrNone );       
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | StartServer | Start ActiveScheduler"));
+    CActiveScheduler::Start();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( s );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// E32Main
+// Server entry point
+// Returns: TInt: error code
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+    {
+    __UHEAP_MARK;
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | E32Main | Begin"));
+    CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+    TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
+    if ( cleanup )
+        {
+        TRAP( r, StartServerL() );
+        delete cleanup;
+        }
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | E32Main Memory leak checking line"));    
+    __UHEAP_MARKEND;    
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | E32Main Memory checking passed"));
+    return r;
+    }
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::CWimServer
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWimServer::CWimServer( TInt aPriority )
+    : CPolicyServer( aPriority, wimPolicy, ESharableSessions )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::CWimServer | Begin"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::ConstructL()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::ConstructL | Begin"));
+    StartL( KWIMServerName );
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::ConstructL | StartL"));
+    iWimServer = this;
+    InitializeCallbackFunctions();  // Initialize WIMI callback functions
+    iWimSessionRegistry = CWimSessionRegistry::NewL();
+    iWimTrustSettingsStore = CWimTrustSettingsStore::NewL();
+    iWimTimer = CWimTimer::NewL( this );
+    iShutdown.ConstructL();
+    iShutdown.Start();
+     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::ConstructL | End"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWimServer* CWimServer::NewL()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::NewL | Begin"));
+    CWimServer* self = new( ELeave ) CWimServer( EPriorityHigh );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL() ;
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::~CWimServer | Begin"));
+    if ( iRefreshObserver )
+        {
+        delete iRefreshObserver;
+        iRefreshObserver = NULL;
+        }
+    if ( iBTSapObserver )
+        {
+        delete iBTSapObserver;
+        iBTSapObserver = NULL;
+        }
+    // Call close down request only if WIM is initialized
+    if ( iWimInitialized )
+        {
+        WIMI_CloseDownReq();
+        _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::~CWimServer | WIMI_CloseDownReq"));
+        }
+    //iWimTrustSettingsStore->CloseD();
+    delete iWimTrustSettingsStore;
+    delete iWimSessionRegistry;
+    delete iWimTimer;
+    CWimCallBack::DeletegApdu();
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::~CWimServer | delete iWimSessionRegistry"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::WimInitialize
+// Initialize WIMI API, fetches WIM data to WIMI.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::WimInitialize( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::WimInitialize | Begin"));
+    // Create observer for bluetooth sap event.
+    // This is checked every time we enter here.
+    if ( !iBTSapObserver )
+        {
+        TRAPD( err, iBTSapObserver = CWimBTSapObserver::NewL());
+        if ( KErrNone != err )
+            {
+            // creation failed
+            iBTSapObserver = NULL; // to be sure
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|CWimServer::WimInitialize | BT Sap observer NOT created."));
+            }
+        }
+    // If BT SAP observer exists, start it
+    if ( iBTSapObserver )
+        {
+        iBTSapObserver->Start(); //If already started, this doesn't start again
+        }
+    // Get state of smart card
+    TInt simState = CWimUtilityFuncs::SimState();
+    // Check whether state of Smart Card is OK and whether BT SAP is connected
+    if ( simState != KErrNone ) // Card is not OK
+        {
+        SetWimInitialized( EFalse, simState );
+        iWimStatus = simState;
+        aMessage.Complete( iWimStatus );
+        }
+    else // Smart Card is ready
+        {
+        // Initialize WIMI if not yet done
+        // iWimInitialized is set in callback function InitOKResp()
+        if ( !iWimInitialized )
+            {
+            TInt initStatus = CWimUtilityFuncs::MapWIMError(
+                                      WIMI_InitializeReq( &iWimCallBack ) );
+            _WIMTRACE2(_L("WIM|WIMServer|CWimServer::WimInitialize|initStatus=%d"), initStatus );
+            // In case WIMI_InitializeReq returs error
+            // iWimStatus may not be set
+            if ( initStatus != KErrNone )
+                {
+                SetWimInitialized( EFalse, initStatus  );
+                iWimStatus = KErrNotReady;
+                }
+            }
+        else // WIMI already initialized
+            {
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|WIMServer|CWimServer::WimInitialize|Wim already initialized"));
+            iWimStatus = KErrNone;
+            }
+        // Create observer for SAT refresh event.
+        // This is checked every time we enter here. It may have failed before
+        // because SAT Server wasn't started.
+        if ( !iRefreshObserver )
+            {
+            TRAPD( err, iRefreshObserver = CWimSatRefreshObserver::NewL());
+            if ( KErrNone != err )
+                {
+                // creation failed
+                iRefreshObserver = NULL; // to be sure
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|CWimServer::WimInitialize | SAT Refresh observer NOT created."));
+                }
+            }
+        aMessage.Complete( iWimStatus );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::SetWimInitialized
+// Set iWimInitialized flag
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::SetWimInitialized( TBool aInitialized, TInt aStatus )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("WIM|WIMServer|CWimServer::SetWimInitialized|Value=%d"), aInitialized);
+    iWimInitialized = aInitialized;
+    if ( !aInitialized )
+        {
+        iWimStatus = aStatus;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::NewSessionL
+// Creates a new sharable session.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSession2* CWimServer::NewSessionL(
+    const TVersion& aVersion,
+    const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ ) const
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::NewSessionL | Begin"));
+    TVersion v( KWIMServMajorVersionNumber, KWIMServMinorVersionNumber,
+        KWIMServBuildVersionNumber );
+    if ( !User::QueryVersionSupported( v, aVersion ) )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    CWimSession* wimSession;
+    wimSession = CWimSession::NewL( ( CWimServer* )this );
+    iWimSessionRegistry->AddSessionL( wimSession );
+    return wimSession;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::InitializeCallbackFunctions
+// WIMI API callback initialization.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::InitializeCallbackFunctions()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimSession::InitializeCallbackFunctions | Begin"));
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimSession::InitializeCallbackFunctions | iWimCallBack = %d"), iWimCallBack );
+    iWimCallBack.InitOkResp = CWimCallBack::InitOkResp;
+    iWimCallBack.CloseDownResp = CWimCallBack::CloseDownResp;
+    iWimCallBack.SignResp = CWimCallBack::SignResp;
+    iWimCallBack.CertificateResp = CWimCallBack::CertificateResp;
+    iWimCallBack.CertificateDeleteResp = CWimCallBack::CertificateDeleteResp;
+    iWimCallBack.CertificateStoreResp = CWimCallBack::CertificateStoreResp;
+    iWimCallBack.VerifyPINResp = CWimCallBack::VerifyPINResp;
+    iWimCallBack.ChangePINResp = CWimCallBack::ChangePINResp;
+    iWimCallBack.UnblockPINResp = CWimCallBack::UnblockPINResp;
+    iWimCallBack.EnablePINResp = CWimCallBack::EnablePINResp;
+    iWimCallBack.CardInsertedResp = CWimCallBack::CardInsertedResp;
+    iWimCallBack.Open = CWimCallBack::Open;
+    iWimCallBack.Close = CWimCallBack::Close;
+    iWimCallBack.APDUReq = CWimCallBack::APDUReq;
+    iWimCallBack.GetATRReq = CWimCallBack::GetATRReq;
+    iWimCallBack.GetReaderListReq = CWimCallBack::GetReaderListReq;
+    iWimCallBack.ReadSimFileReq = CWimCallBack::ReadSimFileReq;
+    iWimCallBack.ProvSCFileResp = CWimCallBack::OmaProvisioningResp;
+     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimSession::InitializeCallbackFunctions | END"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::PanicServer
+// Panics the server.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::PanicServer( TWimServerPanic aPanic )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::PanicServer | Begin"));
+    // Set server state to EWimServerNotRunning
+    TInt retVal = RProperty::Set( KUidSystemCategory,
+                                  KWimServerUid.iUid,
+                                  EWimServerNotRunning );
+    retVal = retVal; // To prevent warning
+    User::Panic( KWIMServerName, aPanic );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::Server
+// Return static iServer
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWimServer* CWimServer::Server()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::Server | Begin"));
+    return CWimServer::iWimServer;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::WimSessionRegistry
+// Get pointer to WimSessionRegistry
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWimSessionRegistry* CWimServer::WimSessionRegistry()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::WimSessionRegistry | Begin"));
+    return iWimSessionRegistry;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::GetSessions
+// Return all sessions of server
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::GetSessionsL( RArray<CWimSession*>& aSessions ) const
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::GetSessionsL | Begin"));
+    iWimSessionRegistry->GetSessionsL( aSessions );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::WimTrustSettingsStore
+// Return TrustSettingsStore pointer
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWimTrustSettingsStore* CWimServer::WimTrustSettingsStore()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::WimTrustSettingsStore | Begin"));
+    return iWimTrustSettingsStore;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL
+// Custom policy check for requests of certain WimServer services.Called by
+// framework.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CPolicyServer::TCustomResult
+CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                  TInt& /*aAction*/,
+                                  TSecurityInfo& /*aMissing*/ )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL | Begin, heap=%d"),
+               User::CountAllocCells());
+    WIMI_STAT callStatus;
+    TUint8 usage( 255 ); // init stg unused
+    // Set initial return value to failed
+    CPolicyServer::TCustomResult test( EFail );
+    TInt function = aMsg.Function();
+    _WIMTRACE4(_L("CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL: SID=%d,VID=%d, Function=%d"),
+               aMsg.SecureId().iId, aMsg.VendorId().iId, function);
+    switch ( function )
+        {
+        case EGetWIMCertDetails:
+            {
+            //Leave the capability checking to Certificate Handler object
+            test = EPass;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EGetCertExtras:
+            {
+            // Int2 contains usage of required cert
+            TWimEntryType certEntryType = ( TWimEntryType ) aMsg.Int2();
+            switch ( certEntryType )
+                {
+                case EWimEntryTypeCA:
+                    {
+                    // CA cert reading does not require caps
+                    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL: CA cert read req, OK"));
+                    test = EPass;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case EWimEntryTypePersonal: //lint -fallthrough
+                case EWimEntryTypeAll:
+                    {
+                    // User cert reading requires caps
+                    test = CheckReadCapsForUsage( aMsg, WIMI_CU_Client );
+                    break;
+                    }
+                default:
+                    {
+                    test = EFail;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case EStoreCertificate:
+            {
+            ResolveStoreCertReqL( aMsg, usage );
+            test = CheckWriteCapsForUsage( aMsg, usage );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ERemoveCertificate:
+            {
+            callStatus = ResolveRemoveCertReqL( aMsg, usage );
+            if ( WIMI_Ok == callStatus )
+                {
+                test = CheckWriteCapsForUsage( aMsg, usage );
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case ESignTextReq:
+            {
+            test = CheckReadCapsForUsage( aMsg, WIMI_CU_Client );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ESetApplicability:         //lint -fallthrough
+        case ESetTrust:                 //lint -fallthrough
+        case ESetDefaultTrustSettings:  //lint -fallthrough
+        case ERemoveTrustSettings:
+            {
+            if ( ResolveTrustModficationReqL( aMsg, usage ))
+                {
+                test = CheckWriteCapsForUsage( aMsg, usage );
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case EExportPublicKey:
+            {
+            ResolveExportPublicReqL( aMsg, usage );
+            test = CheckReadCapsForUsage( aMsg, usage );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL: UNKNOWN FUNCTION %d"),
+                        function);
+            // Inconsistent policy, should not be here. Panic.
+            PanicServer( EWimIncorrectPolicy );
+            break;
+            }
+        } // switch ( function )
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL: Result=%d"), test);
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::CustomSecurityCheckL | End, heap=%d"),
+               User::CountAllocCells());
+    return test;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::ResolveCertUsage
+// Resolves usage (CA/User) for a certificate.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WIMI_STAT CWimServer::ResolveCertUsage( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                        TUint8& aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveCertUsage | Begin"));
+    // aMsg.Ptr0 contains reference to certificate
+    WIMI_Ref_pt pCertRef = const_cast< WIMI_Ref_pt >( aMsg.Ptr0() );
+    WIMI_STAT callStatus = GetCertificateInfo( pCertRef, aUsage );
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveCertUsage | End"));
+    return callStatus;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::GetCertificateInfo
+// Fetches certificate info. Wrapper for WIMI call.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WIMI_STAT CWimServer::GetCertificateInfo( WIMI_Ref_pt aCertRef,
+                                          TUint8& aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::GetCertificateInfo | Begin"));
+    WIMI_Ref_pt     pWimRef = NULL;
+    WIMI_BinData_t  ptLabel;
+    WIMI_BinData_t  ptKeyID;
+    WIMI_BinData_t  ptCAID;
+    WIMI_BinData_t  ptIssuerHash;
+    WIMI_BinData_t  ptTrustedUsage;
+    TUint8          uiCDFRefs;
+    TUint8          type;
+    TUint16         certLen;
+    TUint8          modifiable = 0;
+    WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateInfo(
+                                aCertRef,
+                                &pWimRef,
+                                &ptLabel,
+                                &ptKeyID, // Key Id (hash)
+                                &ptCAID,
+                                &ptIssuerHash,
+                                &ptTrustedUsage,
+                                &uiCDFRefs,
+                                &aUsage,  // 0 = client, 1 = CA
+                                &type,    // WTLSCert(1),
+                                          // X509Cert(2),
+                                          // X968Cert(3),
+                                          // CertURL(4)
+                                &certLen, // cert. content or URL length
+                                &modifiable );
+    if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
+        {
+        free_WIMI_Ref_t( pWimRef );
+        WSL_OS_Free( ptLabel.pb_buf );
+        WSL_OS_Free( ptKeyID.pb_buf );
+        WSL_OS_Free( ptCAID.pb_buf );
+        WSL_OS_Free( ptIssuerHash.pb_buf );
+        WSL_OS_Free( ptTrustedUsage.pb_buf );
+        }
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::GetCertificateInfo | End"));
+    return callStatus;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::ResolveStoreCertReqL
+// Resolves which kind of certificate (CA/User) client is accessing.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::ResolveStoreCertReqL( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                       TUint8& aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveStoreCertReqL | Begin"));
+    TPckgBuf<TWimCertAddParameters> certInfoPckg;
+    aMsg.ReadL( 1, certInfoPckg );
+    // Convert from TWimCertType to TUint8
+    if ( certInfoPckg().iUsage == EWimCertTypeCA )
+        {
+        aUsage = WIMI_CU_CA;     // 1
+        _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveStoreCertReqL | Usage=CA"));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        aUsage = WIMI_CU_Client; // 0
+        _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveStoreCertReqL | Usage=Client"));
+        }
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveStoreCertReqL | End"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::ResolveRemoveCertReqL
+// Resolves which kind of certificate client is accessing.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WIMI_STAT CWimServer::ResolveRemoveCertReqL( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                             TUint8& aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::ResolveRemoveCertReqL | Begin, heap=%d"),
+               User::CountAllocCells());
+    WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
+    TWimCertRemoveAddr dataStruct = {0};
+    TPckgBuf<TWimCertRemoveAddr> wimCertRemoveAddrPckg( dataStruct );
+    aMsg.ReadL( 0, wimCertRemoveAddrPckg );
+    WIMI_Ref_pt pCertRef = ( void* )wimCertRemoveAddrPckg().iCertAddr;
+    callStatus = GetCertificateInfo( pCertRef, aUsage );
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::ResolveRemoveCertReqL | End, heap=%d"),
+               User::CountAllocCells());
+    return callStatus;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::ResolveTrustModficationReqL
+// Resolves which kind of certificate client is accessing.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWimServer::ResolveTrustModficationReqL( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                               TUint8& aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveTrustModficationReqL | Begin"));
+    TBool rc( EFalse );
+    TPckgBuf<TWimCertInfoPckg> pckg;
+    aMsg.ReadL( 0, pckg );
+    TInt owner = pckg().iCertificateOwnerType;
+    switch ( owner )
+        {
+        case ECACertificate:
+            {
+            aUsage = WIMI_CU_CA;
+            rc = ETrue;
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveTrustModficationReqL | Usage=CA"));
+            break;
+            }
+        case EUserCertificate:     //lint -fallthrough
+        case EPeerCertificate:
+            {
+            aUsage = WIMI_CU_Client;
+            rc = ETrue;
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveTrustModficationReqL | Usage=Client"));
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            rc = EFalse;
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::ResolveTrustModficationReqL | FAIL"));
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return rc;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::ResolveExportPublicReqL
+// Resolves which kind of key (CA/User) client requests.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WIMI_STAT CWimServer::ResolveExportPublicReqL( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                               TUint8& aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::ResolveExportPublicReqL | Begin, heap=%d"),
+               User::CountAllocCells());
+    WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_Ok;
+    TPckgBuf<TExportPublicKey> keyExportPckg;
+    aMsg.ReadL( 0, keyExportPckg );
+    TBuf8<KKeyIdLen> keyIdBuf = keyExportPckg().iKeyId;
+    TUint8 clicertCount = 0;
+    WIMI_RefList_t clicertRefList = NULL;
+    const TUint16 KInvalidUsage = 10;
+    TUint16 usage = KInvalidUsage;
+    callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateListByKeyHash( ( TUint8* ) keyIdBuf.Ptr(),
+                                            WIMI_CU_Client,
+                                            &clicertCount,
+                                            &clicertRefList );
+    if( callStatus != WIMI_Ok )
+        {
+    	return callStatus;
+        }
+    free_WIMI_RefList_t( clicertRefList );
+    if ( clicertCount > 0 )
+        {
+    	usage = WIMI_CU_Client;
+        }    
+    else
+        {
+    	TUint8 cacertCount = 0;
+        WIMI_RefList_t cacertRefList = NULL;
+        callStatus = WIMI_GetCertificateListByKeyHash( ( TUint8* ) keyIdBuf.Ptr(),
+                                            WIMI_CU_CA,
+                                            &cacertCount,
+                                            &cacertRefList );
+        if ( callStatus != WIMI_Ok )
+            {
+            return callStatus;
+            }
+        free_WIMI_RefList_t( cacertRefList );
+        if ( cacertCount > 0 )
+            {
+    	    usage = WIMI_CU_CA;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+        	aMsg.Complete( KErrBadHandle );
+            }
+        }
+    aUsage = static_cast< TUint8 >( usage );
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::ResolveExportPublicReqL | End, heap=%d"),
+               User::CountAllocCells());
+    return callStatus;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage
+// Check if client has sufficient read capability for service in question.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CPolicyServer::TCustomResult
+CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                   TUint8 aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage | Begin, usage=%d"), aUsage );
+    CPolicyServer::TCustomResult rc( EFail );
+    switch ( aUsage )
+        {
+        case WIMI_CU_CA:
+            {
+            // CA certificate reading doesn't require any capability.
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage: CA cert read req, OK."));
+            rc = EPass;
+            break;
+            }
+        case WIMI_CU_Client:
+            {
+            // User certificate reading requires ReadUserData capability.
+            if ( aMsg.HasCapability( ECapabilityReadUserData ))
+                {
+                rc = EPass;
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage: User cert read capa PASS"));
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                rc = EFail;
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage: User cert read capa FAIL"));
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckReadCapsAccordingToUsage: FAIL:Unknown usage."));
+            rc = EFail;
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckReadCapsForUsage | End"));
+    return rc;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage
+// Check if client has sufficient write capability for service in question.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CPolicyServer::TCustomResult
+CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage( const RMessage2& aMsg,
+                                    TUint8 aUsage )
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE2(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage | Begin, usage=%d"), aUsage);
+    CPolicyServer::TCustomResult rc( EFail );
+    switch ( aUsage )
+        {
+        case WIMI_CU_CA:
+            {
+            // CA certificate writing/modifying requires WriteDeviceData
+            // capability.
+            if ( aMsg.HasCapability( ECapabilityWriteDeviceData ))
+                {
+                rc = EPass;
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage: CA cert write capa PASS"));
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                rc = EFail;
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage: CA cert write capa FAIL"));
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case WIMI_CU_Client:
+            {
+            // User certificate writing/modifying requires WriteUserData
+            // capability.
+            if ( aMsg.HasCapability( ECapabilityWriteUserData ))
+                {
+                rc = EPass;
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage: User cert write capa PASS"));
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                rc = EFail;
+                _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage: User cert write capa FAIL"));
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage: FAIL:Unknown usage."));
+            rc = EFail; // Unknown cert usage -> fail to be sure
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("CWimServer::CheckWriteCapsForUsage | End"));
+    return rc;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::IsAccessingToken
+// Tells if currently requested service is accessing physical token.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWimServer::IsAccessingToken()
+    {
+    return iIsAccessingToken;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::SetIsAccessingToken
+// Tell that currently requested service is accessing physical token.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::SetIsAccessingToken( TBool aValue )
+    {
+    iIsAccessingToken = aValue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::RefreshNotificationReceived
+// Informs server about completed SIM Refresh operation. Returns true if SIM
+// Refresh notification is received in the middle of service request that
+// accesses physical token. See IsAccessingToken().
+// Server shall re-initialize itself at earliest convenience.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWimServer::RefreshNotificationReceived()
+    {
+    return iRefreshNotificationReceived;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::SetRefreshNotificationReceived
+// Tell server about completed SIM Refresh operation. Is set if SIM
+// Refresh notification is received in the middle of service request
+// that accesses physical token. See IsAccessingToken().
+// Server shall re-initialize itself at earliest convenience.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::SetRefreshNotificationReceived( TBool aValue )
+    {
+    iRefreshNotificationReceived = aValue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::TimerExpired()
+// Interface derived from 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::TimerExpired()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::TimerExpired | Begin"));
+    WIMI_Ref_pt pWimRefTemp = NULL;
+    pWimRefTemp = WIMI_GetWIMRef( 0 );
+    if ( pWimRefTemp )  // Close the WIM
+        {
+        WIMI_CloseWIM( pWimRefTemp );
+        free_WIMI_Ref_t( pWimRefTemp );
+        }
+    //SetWimInitialized( EFalse );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::WimTimer()
+// Return the pointer of Timer 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWimTimer* CWimServer::WimTimer()
+    {
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimServer::WimTimer | Begin"));
+    return iWimTimer;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::CancelWimInitialize()
+// Cancel Wim Initialize 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::CancelWimInitialize( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+    {
+	 if ( !iWimInitialized )
+		 {
+		 CWimCallBack::CancelWimInitialize();	
+		 }
+	aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );	 
+    }
+// CShutdown
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CShutdown::CShutdown()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline CShutdown::CShutdown() :
+  CTimer(-1)
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CShutdown::ConstructL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void CShutdown::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CTimer::ConstructL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CShutdown::Start()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void CShutdown::Start()
+    {
+    After(KServerShutdownDelay);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CShutdown::RunL()
+// Initiate server exit when the timer expires.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CShutdown::RunL()
+    {
+     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer |  CShutdown::RunL"));
+    CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+    _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer |  CShutdown::End"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::DropSession()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::AddSession()
+    {
+    ++iSessionCount;
+    iShutdown.Cancel();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWimServer::DropSession()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWimServer::DropSession()
+    {
+    if (--iSessionCount==0)
+        {
+        iShutdown.Start();
+        }
+    }