changeset 17 8957df7b0072
parent 15 318c4eab2439
child 19 098e361762d2
--- a/securitydialogs/secuinotifications/secuinotificationdialogplugin/src/secuinotificationdialog.cpp	Fri Apr 16 15:53:24 2010 +0300
+++ b/securitydialogs/secuinotifications/secuinotificationdialogplugin/src/secuinotificationdialog.cpp	Mon May 03 13:20:16 2010 +0300
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
 #include <hblabel.h>
 #include <hbaction.h>
 #include <QDebug>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include <CPhCltEmergencyCall.h>
+#include <SCPServerInterface.h>	// for TARM error codes while validating new lock code
+#include <QString>
+#include <QDialogButtonBox>
 #define ESecUiCancelSupported  0x1000000
 #define ESecUiCancelNotSupported  0x0000000
@@ -29,6 +34,19 @@
 #define ESecUiEmergencySupported  0x2000000
 #define ESecUiEmergencyNotSupported  0x0000000
+#define ESecUiAlphaSupported  0x4000000
+#define ESecUiAlphaNotSupported  0x0000000
+#define ESecUiMaskFlags  0xFF000000
+#define ESecUiMaskType   0x00FFFFFF
+#define ESecUiTypeDeviceLock		0x00100000
+#define ESecUiTypeKeyguard			0x00200000
+#define ESecUiTypeClock  				0x00300000
+#define ESecUiTypeScreensaver		0x00400000
+#define ESecUiTypeMaskLock			0x00F00000
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // SecUiNotificationDialog::SecUiNotificationDialog()
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -131,32 +149,198 @@
     // Title
     if (parameters.contains(KDialogTitle)) {
         QString titleText = parameters.value(KDialogTitle).toString();
-        HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(titleText);
+        QString titleAttempts = "";
+   			if(titleText.indexOf('|')>0)
+    				{	// if separator, take only first part
+    				titleText = titleText.left(titleText.indexOf('|'));
+    				}
+   			if(titleText.indexOf('#')>0)
+    				{	// if separator, take only first part
+    				titleAttempts = titleText.right(titleText.length()-titleText.indexOf('#')-1);
+    				qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::titleAttempts=" << titleAttempts;
+    				int nAttempts = titleAttempts.toInt();
+    				qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::nAttempts=" << nAttempts;
+    				titleText = titleText.left(titleText.indexOf('#'));
+    				if(nAttempts>0)
+    					titleText = titleText + " attempts=" + QString::number(nAttempts);
+    				}
+        title = new HbLabel(titleText);
+	    if (parameters.contains(KEmergency)) {
+					qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KEmergency";
+	        QString emergencyText = parameters.value(KEmergency).toString();
+	        qDebug() << emergencyText;
+	        if(!"emergencyYes"))
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KEmergency emergencyYes";
+	        	isEmergency = 1;
+	        	okAction->setEnabled(true);
+	        	okAction->setText("Call");
+    				return true;
+	        	}
+	        if(!"emergencyNo"))
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KEmergency emergencyNo";
+	        	isEmergency = 0;
+	        	okAction->setEnabled(false);	// 112 -> 1122 (=password) . This is handled by   < lMinLength 
+	        	okAction->setText("Ok");
+    				return true;
+	        	}
+	    }
+	    if (parameters.contains(KInvalidNewLockCode)) {
+					qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode";
+	        QString invalidText = parameters.value(KInvalidNewLockCode).toString();
+	        qDebug() << invalidText;
+	        title->setPlainText("Lock Code");	// TODO take from the original one
+	        QString invalidStr = invalidText.right(invalidText.length()-invalidText.indexOf('#')-1);
+	        int invalidNumber = invalidStr.toInt();
+	        qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode invalidNumber" << invalidNumber;
+	        if(invalidNumber<0)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode ???";
+	        	// nothing to do
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockAutolockperiod)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockAutolockperiod";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockAutolockperiod");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockMaxAutolockPeriod)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockMaxAutolockPeriod";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMaxAutolockPeriod");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockMinlength)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockMinlength";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMinlength");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockMaxlength)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockMaxlength";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMaxlength");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockRequireUpperAndLower)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockRequireUpperAndLower";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockRequireUpperAndLower");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockRequireCharsAndNumbers)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockRequireCharsAndNumbers";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMaxlength");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockAllowedMaxRepeatedChars)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockAllowedMaxRepeatedChars";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockAllowedMaxRepeatedChars");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockHistoryBuffer)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockHistoryBuffer";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockHistoryBuffer");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockPasscodeExpiration)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockPasscodeExpiration";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockPasscodeExpiration");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockMinChangeTolerance)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockMinChangeTolerance";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMinChangeTolerance");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockMinChangeInterval)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockMinChangeInterval";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMinChangeInterval");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockDisallowSpecificStrings)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockDisallowSpecificStrings";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockDisallowSpecificStrings");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockAllowedMaxAtempts)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockAllowedMaxAtempts";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockAllowedMaxAtempts");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockConsecutiveNumbers)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockConsecutiveNumbers";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockConsecutiveNumbers");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockMinSpecialCharacters)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockMinSpecialCharacters";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockMinSpecialCharacters");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDeviceLockSingleCharRepeatNotAllowed)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDeviceLockSingleCharRepeatNotAllowed";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDeviceLockSingleCharRepeatNotAllowed");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber==EDevicelockConsecutiveCharsNotAllowed)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDevicelockConsecutiveCharsNotAllowed";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDevicelockConsecutiveCharsNotAllowed");
+	        	}
+	        if(invalidNumber>=EDevicelockTotalPolicies)
+	        	{
+	        	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::KInvalidNewLockCode EDevicelockTotalPolicies";
+	        	title->setPlainText("EDevicelockTotalPolicies");
+	        	}
+	        	*/
+	        // always keep OK valid.
+   				return true;
+	    }
     // Content
     SecUiNotificationContentWidget *content = new SecUiNotificationContentWidget();
+		queryType = content->queryType;
+		queryDual = content->queryDual;
+		isEmergency = content->isEmergency;
+		codeTop = content->codeTop;
+		codeBottom = content->codeBottom;
+		lMinLength = content->lMinLength;
+		lMaxLength = content->lMaxLength;
+		lEmergencySupported = content->lEmergencySupported;
     connect(content, SIGNAL(codeTopChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleCodeTopChanged(const QString &)));
+    connect(content, SIGNAL(codeBottomChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleCodeBottomChanged(const QString &)));
     connect(content, SIGNAL(but1Changed()), this, SLOT(handlebut1Changed()));
     connect(content, SIGNAL(but2Changed()), this, SLOT(handlebut2Changed()));
     connect(content, SIGNAL(but3Changed()), this, SLOT(handlebut3Changed()));
-		codeTop = content->codeTop;
-		queryType = content->queryType;
 		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::queryType=";
 		qDebug() << queryType;
     // Buttons
-    okAction = new HbAction(tr("Ok"));            // qtTrId("txt_common_button_ok")
+    if( (queryType & ESecUiTypeMaskLock))
+    	{
+    	// no need to create OK or Cancel
+    	return true;
+    	}
+    okAction = new HbAction(tr("Ok"));
+    okAction->setEnabled(false);	// initially the OK is disabled because codeTop is empty
+    // setAction(okAction, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole);	// it's supposed to use this, when deprecated
     connect(okAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(handleAccepted()));
     cancelAction = new HbAction(tr("Cancel"));    // qtTrId("txt_common_button_cancel")
     connect(cancelAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(handleCancelled()));
+    // setAction(cancelAction, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole);		// it's supposed to use this, when deprecated
 		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog check Cancel";
-    if (queryType & ESecUiCancelSupported)
+    if ((queryType & ESecUiCancelSupported)==ESecUiCancelSupported)
     		// nothing to do. Cancel is enabled by default
@@ -173,7 +357,7 @@
 // SecUiNotificationDialog::sendResult()
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SecUiNotificationDialog::sendResult(bool accepted)
+void SecUiNotificationDialog::sendResult(int accepted)
 		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::sendResult 1.2";
     QVariant acceptedValue(accepted);
@@ -193,15 +377,19 @@
 		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleAccepted";
 		// okAction
-		QString codeTopText = codeTop->text();
-   	qDebug() << "codeTopText";
-   	qDebug() << codeTopText;
-		if(!"1234111"))
-				{
-					qDebug() << "codeTopText is 1234111. Not exit";
-					return;
-				}
-    sendResult(true);
+		QString codeTopText;
+		if( (queryType & ESecUiTypeMaskLock))
+    	{
+    	codeTopText = "Unlock-Request";
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	codeTopText = codeTop->text();
+    	}
+    // TODO check last time for codeBottom
+   	qDebug() << "codeTopText=" << codeTopText;
+    sendResult(KErrNone);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -211,7 +399,7 @@
 void SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCancelled()
 		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCancelled";
-    sendResult(false);
+    sendResult(KErrCancel);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -235,11 +423,73 @@
 void SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeTopChanged(const QString &text)
     	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeTopChanged";
-    	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeTopChanged" << text ;
+    	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeTopChanged=" << text ;
+    	if(queryDual)
+    		{
+    		codeBottom->setText("");	// any change resets the verification.
+    		}
+    	if( queryType == 0x1000004 )
+    		{	// ChangeSecCodeParamsL change RMobilePhone::ESecurityCodePhonePassword
+			    QVariant codeTop(text);
+			    mResultMap.insert(KCodeTopIndex, codeTop);
+					sendResult(KErrCompletion);	// send the current password back to the client for further TARM validation
+    		}
+    	if(text.length() < lMinLength )
+    		{
+    		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeTopChanged too short:" << text ;
+    		okAction->setEnabled(false);
+				if( lEmergencySupported && text.length() > 2 )	// emergency numbers need at least 3 digits
+					{	// check whether it's a emergency number
+					QVariant codeTop(text);
+  				mResultMap.insert(KCodeTopIndex, codeTop);
+					sendResult(KErrAbort);	// send the current password back to the client. Perhaps it's an emergency number and decides to Ok->Call
+					}
+    		}
+    	else if (text.length() >= lMinLength)
+    		{
+    		// TODO might use a flag to avoid re-setting
+    		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeTopChanged long enough:" << text ;
+    		okAction->setText("Ok");
+    		if(queryDual==0)	// only if Bottom is not used
+    			okAction->setEnabled(true);
+    		}
     QVariant codeTop(text);
     mResultMap.insert(KCodeTopIndex, codeTop);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged(const QString &text)
+    {
+    	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged";
+    	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged" << text ;
+    	qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged. codeTop=" << codeTop->text() ;
+    	// TODO compare 
+    	if(text.length() < lMinLength )
+    		{
+    		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged too short:" << text ;
+    		okAction->setEnabled(false);
+    		}
+    	else
+    		{
+    		// TODO might use a flag to avoid re-setting
+    		qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged long enough:" << text ;
+    		if(codeTop->text()==text)
+    			{
+    			qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged codes match:" << text ;
+	    		okAction->setEnabled(true);
+	    		}
+	    	else
+	    		{
+    			qDebug() << "SecUiNotificationDialog::handleCodeBottomChanged codes not match:" << text ;
+					okAction->setEnabled(false);
+	    		}
+    		}
+		// verification is not sent
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // SecUiNotificationDialog::handlebut1Changed()
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------