author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:20:08 +0200
changeset 0 164170e6151a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201004


@page overview_OCSP  OCSP -- Online Certificate Status Protocol 

@section overview_of_ocsp Overview of OCSP

OCSP is a simple request/response protocol.

To establish whether a given @ref certificate or list of certificates has been revoked, a client forms an OCSP request 
and sends this to an OCSP server. The server maintains revocation information in the form of, say, 
@ref CRL "Certificate Revocation Lists" (CRLs). The server replies to the client with a signed OCSP response, stating for each certificate whether the 
status is \b Good, \b Revoked, or \b Unknown. This response in turn is checked to ensure that it is valid, and that it 
is from an entity trusted for performing revocation checking.

The Symbian platform provides the ability to validate and manage @ref X509_certificate "X.509 certificates".  This ability is integrated into 
the software installation process to provide 'Secure Software Install' certificate checking at installation time to 
verify the identity of the software supplier.

Secure Software Install (see below: @ref SWI) needs to be able to check whether certificates have been revoked. The 
rationale for this is that if a developer certificate has been revoked because it has been compromised, or used 
maliciously, we should be able to ensure that packages signed by that certificate are not accepted by the platform.

This requirement is satisfied by:
@li The implementation of the Online Certificate Status Protocol.  OCSP is an Internet protocol that is defined in
<A HREF="">RFC2560</A>.
The OCSP module forms part of the @ref X509_certificate "X.509 certificate" management code
@li The integration of revocation checking into the Secure Software Installation process.


@section ocsp_protocol The OCSP Protocol

The OCSP protocol comes in two parts: the request and the response, each given in @ref ASN "ASN.1" @ref DER notation. 

In its simplest form, an OCSP request consists of one or more identifiers for the certificates whose status is in question.
The request is sent to a server identified by a @ref URI. 

In its simplest form, the response consists of a status indication for each certificate identifier in the request. The 
whole response being signed with a key pair trusted as authoritative by the client.  Alternatively, an unsigned error code
may be returned.

When a response has been received, it is then validated to see if it can be trusted.
OCSP is transport-neutral: the @ref URI of the server indicates the scheme required; currently, only HTTP is 

@section locating_the_ocsp_server Locating the OCSP Server

When performing revocation checking, it is necessary to know where to send a request.  In addition, the server to which 
the request is sent may not actually be the server to which is authoritative to answer the request, but may act as a proxy 
client and the destination server.  In an OCSP request, this behaviour is requested by adding a serviceLocator extension 
containing the @ref URI.

The situation is complicated by the fact that there may be a serviceLocator extension for each @ref certificate in the request, 
and so it is syntactically possible for the request to be split into multiple parts, with each part routed to a different 
OCSP responder. The intermediate server collates the individual responses into one and returns this to the client.  This 
response is signed only by the intermediate server, so it is this server the client must trust. 
There are 3 possible scenarios for the arrangement of OCSP responders:

@li Single OCSP responder.  
One OCSP server contains the revocation information for all certificates that will be checked. 
One request containing all certificates to be checked is sent to the responder, which replies with a single response: \n\n
@image html Certman_OCSP_singleserver.png 

@li Multiple OCSP responders using an intermediate OCSP server to route requests to the appropriate one. One request is 
sent to the intermediate server, which sends multiple individual requests to the destination responders.  The responses 
are collated, and one response is sent back to the client: \n\n
@image html Certman_OCSP_multiservers1.png 

@li Multiple OCSP responders without an intermediate server.  The client does the work of sending each request to the 
appropriate responder.  The client collates the responses received: \n\n
@image html Certman_OCSP_multiservers2.png 

Which scenario is appropriate depends on the nature of the @ref PKI, and the availability of OCSP responders that will act
as intermediates and route requests appropriately.

@section outcome_result Outcome result

If the response passes all validation, the outcome result is determined by applying the following rules to the certificate statuses in the response:
@li If any certificate was 'revoked', the result is \b 'Revoked'
@li If all certificates were 'valid', the result is \b 'Good'
@li Otherwise, the result is \b 'Unknown'.

A certificate status of 'Good' does not indicate that the @ref certificate may be trusted.  It merely indicates that 
the certificate has not been revoked.  The normal validation of that @ref certificate (or the chain in which it lies) must 
still be performed.


@section SWI OCSP Integration with Secure Software Install

Software Install may be configured to check revocation status of certificates or not. Software Install supplies the OCSP 
client with a default URI for the OCSP server. Both of these are controlled by a user preference.  
Currently, Software Install uses the direct authorisation scheme to validate OCSP responders, with a UID allocated for 
Software Install OCSP signing. 

Embedded packages are verified using the same logic as is used for the outer package.

@subsection installing_software Installing software

Software Install first validates the @ref certificate in the install file by using the certificate validation module. 
@li If revocation checking is switched off, a warning is displayed giving options to do revocation checking anyway, 
continue without revocation checking, or cancel installation 
@li If revocation checking is switched on, or the user requests it, all certificates in the chain except the root will 
be checked for revocation, while Software Install displays appropriate feedback to the user about the owner(s) of 
the certificate(s) being checked.
Future implementations may check multiple certificates with a single OCSP request, however at present, one network access 
is made for every certificate checked; each one has the potential to generate a warning or error. 

@li If the OCSP client indicates that no certificates have been revoked and the operation completed successfully with 
no errors or warnings, the software can be installed
@li If OCSP indicates that any of the certificates have been revoked, or if the signature on the OCSP response is invalid, 
a security error will be issued and the software cannot be installed
@li If the revocation status of a certificate cannot be determined (e.g. due to lack of network access, or a OCSP responder 
error), the behaviour will be as if the software is unsigned. (That is, if unsigned software may be installed, issue a 
warning but allow installation, otherwise issue an error and do not allow installation.)

@section configuration Configuration

The Software Install component is responsible for storing the address of the OCSP server, and a flag indicating whether 
OCSP checking should be performed.  The address of the OCSP server is a user-modifiable URL set initially from a 
localisable default.
The InstCtrl dialog contains a 'Security' tab, as shown below.  The 'Server address' line is greyed out when the 
'Enabled' checkbox is clear.
If checking is enabled, the server address is parsed when the dialog is closed, to check that is a valid URL.  A warning 
dialog is presented if it is not (text = 'Invalid revocation server URL') and focus moved to the server address field, 
ready for the user to change its contents.\n\n
@image html Certman_OCSP_SoftwareInstall.png 
