* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: An implementation of single key store interface
#include <mctkeystore.h>
#include <e32base.h>
class CWimKeyDetails;
class MCTAuthenticationObjectList;
class CWimToken;
class CWimPin;
class CWimRSASigner;
* Represents read only key store.
* @lib WimPlugin
* @since Series60 2.1
class CWimKeyStore : public CActive, public MCTKeyStore
public: // Constructor and destructor
* Constructor
* @param aToken (IN) A reference to current token
* @return An instance of this class
static CWimKeyStore* NewL( CWimToken& aToken );
public: // Function from base class MCTTokenInterface
* Returns a reference to current token
* @return A Reference to current token
MCTToken& Token();
public: // Functions from base class MKeyStore
* Lists all the keys in the store that match the filter
* The caller of this function owns all given parameters
* @param aKeys (OUT) An array to which the returned keys
* are appended.
* @param aFilter (IN) A filter controlling which keys are returned
* @param aStatus (IN/OUT) This will be completed with the final
* status code. Caller should set it to value TRequestPending
* KErrNone, if no errors detected. Note: if no keys are found,
* it is also KErrNone
* KErrArgument, if aKeys array is NULL
* KErrHardwareNotAvailable, if Wim card suddenly removed
* Any other system wide error code (e.g. KErrNoMemory)
* @return void
void List( RMPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo>& aKeys,
const TCTKeyAttributeFilter& aFilter,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels an ongoing List operation
* @return void
void CancelList();
* Retrieves a reference to pointer of key depending on given
* handle (aHandle). The caller of this function owns all given
* parameters.
* @param aHandle The handle of the required key.
* @param aInfo The returned key info.
* @param aStatus Async request notification.
* KErrNone, if no errors detected
* KErrArgument, if aHandle is not current token's handle
* KErrNotFound, if aInfo not found
* KErrHardwareNotAvailable, if Wim card suddenly removed
* Any other system wide error code (e.g. KErrNoMemory)
* @return void
void GetKeyInfo( TCTTokenObjectHandle aHandle,
CCTKeyInfo*& aInfo,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels an ongoing GetKeyInfo operation
* @return void
void CancelGetKeyInfo();
* Open an RSA key for signing
* @param aHandle The handle of the key to be opened
* This must be the handle of a RSA key on this store that is
* usable for signing by this process or the operation will fail.
* @param aSigner The returned signer object
* @param aStatus Asynchronous request notification.
* @return void
void Open( const TCTTokenObjectHandle& aHandle,
MRSASigner*& aSigner,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Open a DSA key for signing
* @param aHandle -The handle of the key to be opened
* This must be the handle of a DSA key on this store that is
* usable by this process for signing or the operation will fail.
* @param aSigner -The returned signer object
* @param aStatus -Asynchronous request notification.
* @return void
void Open( const TCTTokenObjectHandle& aHandle,
MDSASigner*& aSigner,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Open a RSA key for private decryption
* @param aHandle -The handle of the key to be opened
* This must be the handle of a RSA key on this store that is
* usable by this process for decryption or the operation will fail.
* @param aDecryptor -The returned decryptor object
* @param aStatus -Asynchronous request notification.
* @return void
void Open( const TCTTokenObjectHandle& aHandle,
MCTDecryptor*& aDecryptor,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Open a DH key for key agreement
* @param aHandle -The handle of the key to be opened
* This must be the handle of a DH key on this store that is
* usable by this process for decryption or the operation will fail.
* @param aDH -The returned agreement object
* @param aStatus -Asynchronous request notification.
* @return void
void Open( const TCTTokenObjectHandle& aHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels an ongoing Open operation
* @return void
void CancelOpen();
* Returns the public key in DER-encoded ASN-1
* @param aHandle -The handle of the key to be opened
* @param aPublicKey -returned key
* @param aStatus -Asynchronous request notification.
* @return void
void ExportPublic( const TCTTokenObjectHandle& aHandle,
HBufC8*& aPublicKey,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels an ongoing Export operation
* @return void
void CancelExportPublic();
* Perform signing operation.
* @param aObject -The handle of signer object.
* @param aDigest -The data to be signed.
* @param aSignature -The returned signature. This remains owned
* by the signer, and is valid until the signer is released or
* until the next Sign.
* @param aStatus -Async status notification
* @return void
void NonRepudiableRSASign( const TCTTokenObjectHandle& aObject,
const TDesC8& aDigest,
CRSASignature*& aSignature,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
protected: // From base class MCTTokenInterface
virtual void DoRelease();
private: // Constructors
* Default constructor
* @param aToken (IN) A reference to current token
CWimKeyStore( CWimToken& aToken );
// Second phase constructor
void ConstructL();
// Destructor
virtual ~CWimKeyStore();
* Starts initialization on this class.
* @return void
void Initialize();
* Creates one key info for list or get key info operation
* @param aIndex (IN) An index value of current key info in
* the internal array
* @return A pointer to created key info
CCTKeyInfo* CreateKeyInfoL( TInt aIndex );
* Leavable function to filter keys in list operation.
* @return void
void DoFilterKeysL();
* Leavable function for key creation.
* @param aHandle (IN) Handle of desired authentication object.
* @return A pointer to created authentication object
MCTAuthenticationObject* MakeAuthObjectL( TInt aHandle );
* Returns boolean value true or false indicating if token is removed
* @return Boolean value: true, if token removed, false if not
TBool TokenRemoved();
* Checks if token is removed or is this object active
* @return Boolean value: true if allowed, false if not
TBool EnteringAllowed( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
private: // From base class CActive
void RunL();
* Leaves in RunL are handled here.
* @param aError Leaving code
* @return An integer that should be KErrNone if leave was handled.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
void DoCancel();
private: // Data
// A reference to current token of this interface
CWimToken& iToken;
// State flag for RunL
enum TPhase
// Flag for internal state machine
TPhase iPhase;
// Flag for internal state machine
TPhase iPhaseOriginal;
// The pointed object acts as a converter between
// CWimCertStore/CWimKeyStore interface and WimClient
// This class owns the pointed object
CWimKeyDetails* iCWimKeyDetails;
// Used for saving caller status in asynchronous call
// This class don't own the pointed object
TRequestStatus* iOriginalRequestStatus;
// Temporal array for key info pointers
// This array is used to append key infos in List operation
// This class don't own the pointed objects
RPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo>* iKeyList;
// Temporal array for key infos.
// This array is used to fetch key infos from WimClient.
RPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo> iKeyInfos;
// Used with list operation to filter keys
TCTKeyAttributeFilter iKeyFilter;
// Index for going through all keys asynchronously
// in list operation.
TInt iKeyIndex;
// Used to fetch one key info from wimclient
// This class don't own the pointed object.
CCTKeyInfo** iInfo;
// Key value for key object. Used in asynchronous call of
// getting one key info.
TInt iHandle;
// Array for key info keys fetched from wimclient
CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>* iKeyNumbers;
// Array of pointers to PIN-NRs.This class don't own the pointed
// objects
const CArrayPtrFlat<CWimPin>* iPinNRs;
// Is key list done or not already. Set to true value in the first
// key list.
TBool iListDone;
//Signer object, which is returned to caller. Not Owned.
CWimRSASigner* iSigner;
//Handle stored during opening new RSA signer object.
TCTTokenObjectHandle iOpenSigninKeyHandle;
//Buffer, which holds received signature from server. Owned.
HBufC8* iSignature;
//Signature object which is filled with data received from server.
//Not owned.
CRSASignature** iRSASignature;
//Buffer used to contain KeyId in Sign and public key export
//operations. Owned.
HBufC8* iKeyId;
//Buffer to hold public key data during public key export. Not Owned.
HBufC8* iPublicKey;
// The index of exported key
TInt iExportKeyIdIndex;
TInt iRSAKeyIdIndex;
const TDesC8* iDigest;
// End of File