* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Session for the Scard server, to a single client-side session.
#include "ScardDefs.h"
#include <f32file.h> // f32file header needed for loading dlls
const TInt KOpenChannelResponseLength = 3;
const TInt KApduHeaderLength = 4;
const TInt KCLA = 0; // class byte
const TInt KINS = 1; // instruction code
const TInt KP1 = 2; // control parameter 1
const TInt KP2 = 3; // control parameter 2
const TInt KLcHigh = 4; // command length high byte
const TInt KLcLow = 5; // command length low byte
const TInt8 KNoChannel = 0;
const TInt8 KChannelByCard = 1;
const TInt8 KChannelByCID = 2;
class CScardAccessControl;
class CScardServer;
class MScardReader;
class CScardNotifyRegistry;
* Session for the Scard server, to a single client-side session
* @lib Scard.lib
* @since Series60 2.1
class CScardSession : public CSession2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aServer Pointer to ScardServer object
static CScardSession* NewL( CScardServer* aServer );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CScardSession();
public: // New functions
* Clean up the reader event listeners.
* @param aMessage Client message
* @return void
void CloseSession( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Wrapper for the actual ServiceL() (this needed only because of
* connector class)
* @param aMessageHandle Handle to client message
* @return void
virtual void ServiceL( const TMessageHandle& aMessageHandle );
* Asynchronous operation completed
* @param aMessageHandle Handle to client message
* @param aErrorCode Error code
* @return void
virtual void AsynchronousServiceComplete(
const TMessageHandle& aMessageHandle,
const TInt aErrorCode );
* This is here only for derivative class CScardConnector
* It implements and needs this function
* @param aServiceStatus Service status
* @param aATR ATR bytes
* @param aReaderID Reader ID from which event comes
* @return void
virtual void CardEvent( const TScardServiceStatus aServiceStatus,
const TScardATR& aATR,
const TReaderID& aReaderID );
* A reader has finally been contacted.
* @param aReaderID Reader ID
* @param aMessage Client essage
* @param aErrorCode Error code
* @return void
void ConnectionDone( const TReaderID& aReaderID,
const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TInt aErrorCode );
* Detach this session from the reader
* @return void
void DisconnectFromReader();
* C++ default constructor.
protected: // Functions from base classes
* From CSharableSession. Service a request message
* @param aMessage Message
* @return void
void ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CScardServer* aServer );
* Connect to reader
* @param aMessage Message
* @return void
void ConnectToReaderL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Get reader/card capabilities
* @param aMessage Message
* @return void
void GetCapabilities( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Send data to card
* @param aMessage Message
* @return void
void TransmitToCard( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Cancel everything
* @return void
void CancelTransmitL();
* Open/close channel, get channel status
* @param aMessage Message
* @return void
void ManageChannel( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Helper function for ManageChannel. Create and send a
* manage channel apdu according to parameters
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aCommand Command
* @param aP2 Control parameter 2
* @param aCommandLength Command APDU length
* @param aResponseLength Response APDU length
* @param aTimeOut Timeout
* @param aChannel Channel used to transmit APDU
* @return void
void DoCommandAndTransmit( const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TUint8 aCommand,
const TUint8 aP2,
const TInt8 aCommandLength,
const TUint8 aResponseLength,
const TInt32 aTimeOut,
const TUint8 aChannel );
* Helper function for ManageChannel. Create and send a
* manage channel apdu according to parameters
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aCommand Command
* @param aP2 Control parameter 2
* @param aCommandLength Command APDU length
* @param aResponseLength Response APDU length
* @param aTimeOut Timeout
* @param aChannel Channel used to transmit APDU
* @return void
void DoCommandAndTransmitL( const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TUint8 aCommand,
const TUint8 aP2,
const TInt8 aCommandLength,
const TUint8 aResponseLength,
const TInt32 aTimeOut,
const TUint8 aChannel );
* Write descriptors to client thread. 8 bit version.
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aResponseBuffer Response Buffer
* @param aPtrIndex Pointer index
* @return void
void WriteToClient( const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aResponseBuffer,
const TInt aPtrIndex );
* Read descriptors from client thread. 8 bit version.
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aBuffer Buffer for data
* @param aPointer Pointer to buffer data
* @param aPtrIndex Pointer index
* @return Symbian or Scard error code
TInt ReadFromClient( const RMessage2& aMessage,
HBufC8*& aBuffer,
TPtr8*& aPointer,
const TInt aPtrIndex );
* Write descriptors to client thread. 16 bit version.
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aResponseBuffer
* @param aPtrIndex
* @return void
void WriteToClient( const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TDesC16& aResponseBuffer,
const TInt aPtrIndex );
* Allocate space for the internal response buffer. The lenght of the
* necessary space is deduced from the message.
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aPtrIndex Pointer index of message.
* @return TInt
TInt AllocateResponse( const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TInt aPtrIndex );
* Allocate space for the internal response buffer. The lenght of the
* necessary space is deduced from the message.
* @param aDesLen Length of buffer to be allocated.
* @return void
void AllocateResponseL( TInt aDesLen );
* Delete all internal buffers
* @return void
void DeleteBuffers();
* Return pointer to wanted slot of client message
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aPtrIndex Pointer index of message.
* @return Pointer to message slot
TAny* MessagePointer( const RMessage2& aMessage, const TInt aPtrIndex );
* Return length of descriptor in client message
* @param aMessage Message
* @param aPtrIndex Pointer index of message.
* @param aMaxLength ETrue: get maxlength of descriptor
* EFalse: get length of descriptor
* @return Length of descriptor (MaxLength or just Length)
TInt DesLength( const RMessage2& aMessage,
const TInt aPtrIndex,
const TBool aMaxLength );
private: // Data
// Pointer to owning server. Not owned.
CScardServer* iServer;
// Pointer to notify registry. Owned by server
CScardNotifyRegistry* iNotifyRegistry;
// Reader handler associated with this session
MScardReader* iReader;
// Reader access controller for this session's reader
CScardAccessControl* iAccessCtrl;
// This is, obviously, the session's ID number
TInt iSessionID;
// Pointers to command and response parameters. Owned.
TPtr8* iResponse;
TPtr8* iCommand;
// Heap pointers containing the buffers. Owned.
HBufC8* iResponseBuffer;
HBufC8* iCommandBuffer;
// Flag to tell if connected to readed
TBool iConnectedToReader;
// Client thread
RThread iClient;
// End of File