* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Key management services
#include "WimKeyMgmtHandler.h"
#include "WimSession.h"
#include "WimConsts.h"
#include "WimMemMgmt.h"
#include "WimUtilityFuncs.h"
#include "WimTrace.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWimKeyMgmtHandler::CWimKeyMgmtHandler
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::CWimKeyMgmtHandler | Begin"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWimKeyMgmtHandler::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWimKeyMgmtHandler::ConstructL()
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::ConstructL | Begin"));
iWimUtilFuncs = CWimUtilityFuncs::NewL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWimKeyMgmtHandler::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWimKeyMgmtHandler* CWimKeyMgmtHandler::NewL()
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::NewL | Begin"));
CWimKeyMgmtHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CWimKeyMgmtHandler;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Destructor
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::~CWimKeyMgmtHandler | Begin"));
delete iWimUtilFuncs;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWimKeyMgmtHandler::DoesKeyExistL
// Checks if the given key exists.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWimKeyMgmtHandler::DoesKeyExistL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::DoesKeyExistL | Begin"));
HBufC8* buf = iWimUtilFuncs->DesLC( 0, aMessage );
TUint8* keyHash = const_cast<TUint8*>( buf->Des().Ptr() );
WIMI_Ref_t* tmpKeyRef = NULL;
WIMI_STAT status = WIMI_GetKeyByHash( keyHash, &tmpKeyRef );
if ( status == WIMI_Ok )
free_WIMI_Ref_t( tmpKeyRef );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
aMessage.Complete( CWimUtilityFuncs::MapWIMError( status ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWimKeyMgmtHandler::GetKeyDetailsL
// Fetches the details of the given key.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWimKeyMgmtHandler::GetKeyDetailsL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::GetKeyDetailsL | Begin"));
WIMI_Ref_t* pKeyRef = const_cast<WIMI_Ref_pt>( aMessage.Ptr0() );
WIMI_Ref_t* pWimRef;
TUint8 keyType;
TUint8 keyNumber;
TUint8 pinNumber;
TUint16 usage;
TUint16 key_length;
WIMI_BinData_t pt_label;
WIMI_BinData_t pt_keyid;
WIMI_STAT callStatus = WIMI_GetKeyInfo( pKeyRef,
&key_length );
if ( callStatus == WIMI_Ok )
// Code MAY NOT leave before pWimRef, pt_keyid.pb_buf, and
// pt_label.pb_buf are deallocated.
free_WIMI_Ref_t( pWimRef );
TPckgBuf<TKeyInfo> keyInfoPckg;
TInt readErr = aMessage.Read( 1, keyInfoPckg );
if( readErr )
WSL_OS_Free( pt_label.pb_buf );
WSL_OS_Free( pt_keyid.pb_buf );
// Code can leave after this point.
User::Leave( readErr );
keyInfoPckg().iLabel.Copy( TPtr8(
pt_label.pb_buf, pt_label.ui_buf_length,
pt_label.ui_buf_length ) );
keyInfoPckg().iKeyId.Copy( TPtr8(
pt_keyid.pb_buf, pt_keyid.ui_buf_length,
pt_keyid.ui_buf_length ) );
keyInfoPckg().iType = keyType;
keyInfoPckg().iUsage = usage;
keyInfoPckg().iLength = key_length;
keyInfoPckg().iKeyNumber = keyNumber;
keyInfoPckg().iPinNumber = pinNumber;
WSL_OS_Free( pt_label.pb_buf );
WSL_OS_Free( pt_keyid.pb_buf );
// Code can leave after this point.
aMessage.WriteL( 1, keyInfoPckg );
aMessage.Complete( CWimUtilityFuncs::MapWIMError( callStatus ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWimKeyMgmtHandler::GetKeyListL
// Fetches the list of keys in a Wim.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWimKeyMgmtHandler::GetKeyListL(
const RMessage2& aMessage,
CWimMemMgmt* aWimMgmt ) const
_WIMTRACE(_L("WIM | WIMServer | CWimKeyMgmtHandler::GetKeyListL | Begin"));
HBufC8* keyInfo = HBufC8::NewLC( KLabelLen );
TPtr8 ptr = keyInfo->Des();
WIMI_STAT status;
WIMI_Ref_t* wimRef = aWimMgmt->WimRef();
TUint16 keyNum = 0;
WIMI_RefList_t refList;
status = WIMI_GetKeyListByWIM( wimRef, &keyNum, &refList );
if ( status == WIMI_Ok )
for ( TUint8 keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keyNum; keyIndex++ )
ptr.AppendNum( ( TInt32 ) refList[keyIndex], EDecimal );
ptr.Append( _L8(" ") ); //Space character
aWimMgmt->AppendWIMRefLstL( refList );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, keyInfo->Des() );
TPckg<TInt> pckg( keyNum );
aMessage.WriteL( 1, pckg );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( keyInfo );
aMessage.Complete( CWimUtilityFuncs::MapWIMError( status ) );
// End of File