--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sapi_logging/inc/logginginterface.h Mon Mar 30 12:51:10 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Header file for location SAPI core implementation.
+#include <LiwCommon.h>
+#include "serviceerrno.h"
+* Forward Declarations
+class CLoggingService ;
+* error message
+const TInt KMaxMsgSize = 256;
+const TInt KMaxKeySize = 128;
+_LIT( KInvalid, "Invalid" );
+_LIT( KMissing, " Missing" );
+_LIT( KMsgErr, "Logging:");
+_LIT( KColon, ":");
+_LIT8( KErrorMessage, "ErrorMessage");
+_LIT( KErrLogCmdName, "Invalid commandName" );
+_LIT( KErrMissingCallback, "Missing Callback" );
+_LIT(KInterfaceMissing,"Logging: Interface name missing");
+* Content Type
+_LIT(KContentType , "Log") ;
+* ContentType Key
+_LIT8(KContentTypeKey , "Type") ;
+* Error Indntifier in Output parameter list
+_LIT8(KErrorCode , "ErrorCode") ;
+* Operations on the IDatasource(Logging) interface
+_LIT8(KCmdAdd , "Add") ;
+_LIT8(KCmdDelete , "Delete") ;
+_LIT8(KCmdGetList ,"GetList") ;
+_LIT8(KCmdRequestNotification ,"RequestNotification") ;
+_LIT8(KCmdCancel ,"Cancel") ;
+* Transaction id, which will be part of outparamlist for asynchronous request
+_LIT8(KTransactionId, "TransactionID");
+* Event map that contains the details of the event to be logged
+_LIT8(KEventDetails , "Item") ;
+* Filter for getlist operation
+_LIT8(KFilter , "Filter") ;
+* DelayInterval
+_LIT8(KDelayTime , "DelayTime") ;
+* Key for identifying the type of the event in event map
+_LIT8(KEventTypeKey , "EventType") ;
+* Key for identifying the remote party in event map
+_LIT8(KRemotePartyKey , "RemoteParty") ;
+* Key for identifying the direction in event map
+_LIT8(KDirectionKey , "Direction") ;
+* Key for identifying the time in event map
+_LIT8(KEventTimeKey , "EventTime") ;
+* Key for identifying the duration in event map
+_LIT8(KEventDurationKey , "EventDuration") ;
+* Key for identifying the deliverystatus in event map
+_LIT8(KDeliveryStatusKey , "DeliveryStatus") ;
+* Key for identifying the subject in event map
+_LIT8(KSubjectKey , "Subject") ;
+* Key for identifying the phonenumber in event map
+_LIT8(KPhoneNumberKey , "PhoneNumber") ;
+* Key for identifying the description in event map
+_LIT8(KDescriptionKey , "Description") ;
+* Key for identifying the eventdata in event map
+_LIT8(KEventDataKey , "EventData") ;
+* Key for identifying the link in event map
+_LIT8(KLinkKey , "Link") ;
+* Key for the flags fields
+_LIT8(KFlagsKey , "LogFlags") ;
+* EndTime Key, for getlist filter
+_LIT8(KEndTimeKey , "EndTime") ;
+* Error Code
+_LIT8(KErrCode , "ErrorCode") ;
+* Key for RecentList for Filter
+_LIT8(KRecentListKey , "RecentList") ;
+* Key for id
+_LIT8(KLogId , "id") ;
+* Key for Data Map
+_LIT8(KData , "Data") ;
+* output returnvalue key
+* Forward declarations
+class MLiwInterface ;
+class CLogIter ;
+* This class provides the Calendar SAPI interface to LIW Framework
+class CLoggingInterface : public CBase, public MLiwInterface
+ {
+ public :
+ /**
+ *Enums for position pased parsing
+ */
+ enum
+ {
+ EIndex0 = 0 ,
+ EIndex1 ,
+ EIndex2 ,
+ EIndex3 ,
+ /**
+ * Event Types
+ */
+ EKLogCallEventType = 0,
+ EKLogDataEventType ,
+ EKLogFaxEventType ,
+ EKLogShortMessageEventType ,
+ EKLogPacketDataEventType ,
+ EKEventTypeNotPresent =-1,
+ /**
+ * RecentList types
+ */
+ EKLogNullRecentList = -1 ,
+ EKLogRecentIncomingCalls = 1,
+ EKLogRecentOutgoingCalls ,
+ EKLogRecentMissedCalls ,
+ /**
+ * Event Status
+ */
+ EStatusPending = 0 ,
+ EStatusSent,
+ EStatusFalied,
+ EStatusNone ,
+ EStatusDone ,
+ EStatusNotSent,
+ EStatusScheduled,
+ EStatusNotPresent =-1,
+ /**
+ * Event Flags
+ */
+ EKLogEventContactSearched = 0 ,
+ EKLogEventRead ,
+ EFlagNotPresent =-1,
+ /**
+ * Direction flags
+ */
+ EIncomingEvent = 0,
+ EOutgoingEvent ,
+ EIncomingEventAlternateline,
+ EOutgoingEventAlternateline,
+ EFetchedEvent ,
+ EMissedEvent ,
+ EMissedEventAlternateline,
+ EDirectionNotPresent = -1,
+ };
+ public:
+ /**
+ * NewL: Two phased construction
+ */
+ static CLoggingInterface* NewL();
+ /**
+ * NewLC: Creates an instance of CLoggingServiceClass
+ * Two Phased constructor
+ * returns newly allocated object.
+ */
+ static CLoggingInterface* NewLC() ;
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~CLoggingInterface();
+ /**
+ * ExecuteCmdL parses the input parameters and then calls an appropriate method on iLoggingServic
+ *
+ * @param aCmdName the name of the service command which the consumer wants to invoke
+ * @param aInParamList the input parameter list, can be empty list
+ * @param [in,out] aOutParamList the output parameter list, can be empty lis. The
+ * service provider can use the output parameter list to fill in necessary return values
+ * @param aCmdOptions Options for the command, see TLiwServiceCmdOptions in LiwCommon.hrh.
+ * @param aCallback callback to be registered by consumer application
+ *
+ * @see TLiwServiceCmdOptions
+ * @see CLiwGenericParamList
+ * @see MLiwNotifyCallback
+ */
+ virtual void ExecuteCmdL( const TDesC8& aCmdName,
+ const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
+ CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
+ TUint aCmdOptions = 0,
+ MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback = 0 );
+ /**
+ * ConvertToSapiError function
+ */
+ static TInt ConvertToSapiError( TInt aSymbianErrorCode );
+ /**
+ * Closes the interface
+ */
+ virtual void Close();
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * ConstructL(): Internal method to construct members
+ */
+ void ConstructL() ;
+ /**
+ * Default constructor
+ */
+ CLoggingInterface() ;
+ /**
+ * Internal CmdExecute function which parses the input parameters
+ * this function is called by ExecuteCmdL() function
+ *
+ * @param aCmdName the name of the service command which the consumer wants to invoke
+ * @param aInParamList the input parameter list, can be empty list
+ * @param [in,out] aOutParamList the output parameter list, can be empty lis. The
+ * service provider can use the output parameter list to fill in necessary return values
+ * @param aCmdOptions Options for the command, see TLiwServiceCmdOptions in LiwCommon.hrh.
+ * @param aCallback callback to be registered by consumer application
+ * @see TLiwServiceCmdOptions
+ * @see CLiwGenericParamList
+ * @see MLiwNotifyCallback
+ *
+ */
+ void CmdExecuteL( const TDesC8& aCmdName,
+ const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList ,
+ CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
+ TUint aCmdOptions,
+ MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback );
+ /**
+ * Internal utility method, used for Add from the core class
+ *
+ * @param aParam, input paramater containg the eventdetails.
+ * @param aCallback, callback address for notification requests.
+ * @param aTransId, transaction id.
+ */
+ TInt32 AddEventL( const TLiwGenericParam *eventdetails ,
+ TUint& aTansId ,
+ TUint aCmdOptions,
+ MLiwNotifyCallback *aCallBack = NULL ) ;
+ /**
+ * Internal utility method, used to getlist from the core class
+ *
+ * @param aFilter, filter for getlist on core class
+ * @param aIter, Valure result argument(TransactionId for async calls)
+ * @param aCallback, callback method for async events
+ */
+ CLogIter* GetListL( const TLiwGenericParam *aFilter ,
+ TUint& aTransId,
+ TUint aCmdOptions,
+ MLiwNotifyCallback *aCallBack = NULL) ;
+ /**
+ * Internal utility method, used for notification registration
+ *
+ * @param aParam, input paramater containg the delay details/
+ * @param aCallback, callback address for notification requests.
+ * @param aTransId, transaction id.
+ */
+ TInt RequestNotificationsL( const TLiwGenericParam *aParam ,
+ MLiwNotifyCallback *aCallback ,
+ TUint& aTransId,
+ TUint aCmdOptions ) ;
+ /**
+ * Internal utility method, used for Delete from the core class
+ *
+ * @param aParam, input paramater containg the logid
+ * @param aCallback, callback address for notification requests.
+ * @param aTransId, transaction id.
+ */
+ TInt DeleteEventL( const TLiwGenericParam *aParam,
+ TUint& aTansId,
+ TUint aCmdOptions,
+ MLiwNotifyCallback *aCallBack = NULL );
+ /**
+ * IncorrectValueL function
+ */
+ void IncorrectValueL( const TDesC8* aErrorArgument );
+ /**
+ * MissingValueL function
+ */
+ void MissingValueL( const TDesC8* aErrorArgument );
+ /**
+ * CheckInputTypeL function
+ */
+ void CheckInputTypeL( const TLiwVariant* aSource,
+ LIW::TVariantTypeId aExpectedtype,
+ const TDesC8* aErrorArgument );
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Handle to core location class for performing location operations
+ */
+ CLoggingService *iLogService ;
+ /**
+ * ErrorString
+ */
+ HBufC16* iErrorString;
+ };
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