--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tsrc/data/genatsmodules_dev.bat Mon Mar 30 12:51:10 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2860 @@
+rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+rem All rights reserved.
+rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+rem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+rem Initial Contributors:
+rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+rem Contributors:
+rem Description:
+@perl -x genatsmodules_dev.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+@goto end
+use strict;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Copy;
+use Cwd;
+my $target = "winsspd";
+my $suite;
+my $install = "no";
+my $session = "no";
+my $combinedSession = "no";
+my $sdkversion="";
+my $noXmlsGenList = "play_new";
+my %DirHash;
+my $sendEmail = "no";
+my $rootDrive = substr(getcwd(), 0,2);
+my $templateRoot = getcwd();
+my $ATSRoot = getcwd()."\\ATSINPUT";
+if($ENV{'ATS_SETUP'} ne "")
+ $sendEmail = "yes";
+ $rootDrive = $ENV{'ATS_INDRIVE'};
+ $templateRoot = $ENV{'ATS_TEMPLATEROOT'};
+if(scalar @ARGV ==0 || $ARGV[0] =~ /[\-\\\/][h\?]/ || $ARGV[0] =~ /help/ )
+ print <<EOHelp;
+genatsmodules.bat - hardcoded script to generate ATSINPUT folders for mobileruntime and ngi projects
+ genatsmodules.bat
+ Create ATSINPUT for the default testsuite based on
+ location it is executed from place in stdlibs/internal
+ and run and it generates ATSINPUT for stdlibs
+ similiarly place it in ssl/internal or glib/internal or
+ ngi/internal and run to generate ATSINPUT for ssl, glib
+ and ngi respectively
+ genatsmodules [libname]
+ where libname can be stdlibs, ssl, glib, etc. Creates
+ ats test drop for given library. Valid from any internal
+ folder of mobileruntime.
+ genatsmodules ngi
+ create ngi testsuite. Valid inside ngi/internal only
+genatsmodules play_new
+ create play_new testsuite. Valid inside play_new/internal only
+ genatsmodules ltp
+ create ltp testsuite. Valid inside stdlibs/internal only
+ genatsmodules lsb
+ create lsb testsuite. Valid inside stdlibs/internal only
+ genatsmodules stdcpp
+ create stdcpp testsuite. Valid inside stdcpp/internal only
+ genatsmodules [libname] install
+ where libname can be stdlibs, ssl, glib, ltp, lsb to create a
+ ATSINPUT where the dependent mobileruntime libraries are also
+ copied and used (It copies the dependent libraries using the
+ ATS component files)
+ genatsmodules session [libname] [target]
+ where libname is any of the standard libs as shown above and
+ target can be winsspd, winscw, scarfe, zeus etc. to create
+ session files for scarfe, winsspd etc.
+genatsmodules session combined [target]
+ will look at the existing ATSINPUT(which can have any
+ combination of created components and create a combined
+ session file. This way you get increased flexibility in
+ the libraries you choose to combine into a single session
+ file. If the target is a hardware target(that is not winsspd
+ or winscw), the script will first attempt to find a target
+ specific component file and if not found, the generic hw
+ component file.
+ Note:
+ ATSINPUT creation is a 2 stage process. First we create
+ the components and then we run (for example)
+ "genatsmodules session stdlibs winscw" and
+ "genatsmodules session stdlibs scarfe" to create the
+ session files.
+ exit();
+my $do_armv5 = 1;
+my $do_winscw = 1;
+if(scalar @ARGV == 1)
+ if($ARGV[0] eq "session")
+ {
+ die("parameter session must be followed by libname and target platform");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $suite = $ARGV[0];
+ }
+elsif(scalar @ARGV == 2)
+ if($ARGV[0] eq "session")
+ {
+ die("parameter session must be followed by libname and target platform");
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[1] eq "install")
+ {
+ $suite = $ARGV[0];
+ $install = "yes";
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[1] eq "armv5")
+ {
+ $do_winscw = 0;
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[1] eq "winscw")
+ {
+ $do_armv5 = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die("second parameter after target platform $ARGV[0] can only be \"install\" ");
+ }
+elsif(scalar @ARGV == 3)
+ if($ARGV[0] ne "session")
+ {
+ die("invalid combination of parameters. Program expected 1st parameter to be \"session\" ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $session = "yes";
+ $suite = $ARGV[1];
+ $target = $ARGV[2];
+ if($suite eq "combined")
+ {
+ $combinedSession = "yes";
+ }
+ }
+elsif(scalar @ARGV == 4)
+ if($ARGV[0] ne "session")
+ {
+ die("invalid combination of parameters. Program expected 1st parameter to be \"session\" ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $session = "yes";
+ $suite = $ARGV[1];
+ $target = $ARGV[2];
+ $sdkversion = $ARGV[3];
+ if($suite eq "combined")
+ {
+ $combinedSession = "yes";
+ }
+ }
+ die("program recieved too many parameters!");
+}#end of commandline processing
+if( 0 )
+ die("Please run the script from the appropriate internal folder in the mobileruntime /omerta project!!");
+ my $srcPrefix = getcwd();
+ $srcPrefix =~ /(.*)internal.*/;
+ $srcPrefix = $1;
+ if(rindex($templateRoot, "stdlibs") != -1)
+ {
+ $srcPrefix =~ /(.*)stdlibs.*/;
+ $srcPrefix = $1;
+ if($suite eq "glib")
+ {
+ $templateRoot = $srcPrefix."/glib/internal/";
+ }
+ elsif($suite eq "ssl")
+ {
+ $templateRoot = $srcPrefix."/ssl/internal/";
+ }
+ elsif($suite eq "ngi" && $session ne "yes")
+ {
+ print "ngi atsinput creation not supported from mobileruntime\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ if(rindex($templateRoot, "glib") != -1)
+ {
+ $suite = "glib";
+ }
+ elsif(rindex($templateRoot, "ssl") != -1)
+ {
+ $suite = "ssl";
+ }
+ elsif(rindex($templateRoot, "ngi") != -1)
+ {
+ $suite = "ngi";
+ }
+my $optsGroupPath = $templateRoot."/ts/ltp/opts/group/";
+#$optsGroupPath = getcwd()."/ts/ltp/opts/group/";
+my $ltpPath =$templateRoot."/ts/ltp/";
+my $stdcppPath =$templateRoot."/testapps/stlport/";
+my @stdexeList = ("tstdcpp","stdcxx/tstapps");
+#my $gnuPath =getcwd()."/testapps/gnu/";
+#my $tstdcppPath =getcwd()."/testapps/tstdcpp/";
+my @generatedModules;
+my %cfglocation;
+my $TDIR = "\\internal\\testapps\\";
+my @libcModules = ( "libc_loc_blr", "libc_time_blr", "libc_db_blr","tctype", "tifioctls", "tinet",
+ "tlibcwchar", "tlink", "tmkfifo", "tmmap", "tmsgqueue",
+ "tnetdb", "tpipe","tregex", "tsemaphore", "tshm","tsocket" ,
+ "tstdio", "tstdlib", "tstring", "tsyscalls",
+ "tsyssim", "twctype", "tselect", "tsysunistd", "twideapis", "twopen", "twchar",
+ "twcharapi",
+ );
+my @libdlModules = ("tlibdl");
+my @libmModules = ("libm_double_blr", "libm_float_blr","libm_ldouble_blr");
+my @pthreadModules = ( "testcondbroadcast", "testconddestroy", "testcondinit", "testcondsignal", "testcondtimedwait", "testcondwait",
+"tmutex", "tpthread", "testpthreadonce", "testsemclose", "testsemdestroy", "testsemgetvalue", "testseminit", "testsemopen", "testsempost",
+"testsemtimedwait", "testsemtrywait", "testsemunlink", "testsemwait");
+my @stdliblist = ( "libc", "libpthread", "libdl", "libm", "libz", "libcrypt");
+my @dllList = ("backend.dll", "libc.dll", "LibCIpcClient.dll", "LibCIpcServer.exe", "libdl.dll", "libm.dll", "libpthread.dll", "libcrypt.dll", "libz.dll", "libclogger.dll");
+my @stdcpplist = (
+ ["fstream1_input.txt", "stlport_fstream", "/../internal/testapps/doc/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework\\tstdcpp"],
+ ["nextperm1_good.txt", "stlport_nextprm", "/../internal/testapps/doc/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework\\tstdcpp"],
+ ["nextperm2_good.txt", "stlport_nextprm", "/../internal/testapps/doc/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework\\tstdcpp"],
+ ["ostmit_good.txt", "stlport_ostmit", "/../internal/testapps/doc/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework\\tstdcpp"],
+ ["seek.txt", "stlport_seek", "/../internal/testapps/doc/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework\\tstdcpp"],
+my @gliblist = (
+ ["1.gmarkup", "markup_test", "/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["1.gmarkup", "markup-test", "/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["iochannel-test-infile", "iochannel_test", "/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["iochannel-test-infile", "iochannel-test", "/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+# ["casemap.bin", "unicode-caseconv", "/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+# ["casefold.bin", "unicode-caseconv", "/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["utf8.txt", "unicode-encoding","/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["casecollate.txt", "unicode-collate","/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["utf8_hindi.txt", "tutf8","/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["scanfile.txt", "tscanner","/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["test.txt", "dir_test","/epoc32/winscw/c/temp/tmp/", "/General/", "C:\\temp\\tmp"],
+ ["NormalizationTest.txt", "unicode-normalize","/epoc32/winscw/c/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["helloworld.exe", "spawn_test","/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/", "/armv5_urel/", "C:\\sys\\bin"],
+ ["helloworld.exe", "spawn_test","/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/", "/winscw_udeb/", "Z:\\sys\\bin"],
+ ["libmoduletestplugin_a.dll", "module-test","/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/", "/armv5_urel/", "C:\\sys\\bin"],
+ ["libmoduletestplugin_a.dll", "module-test","/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/", "/winscw_udeb/", "Z:\\sys\\bin"],
+ ["libmoduletestplugin_b.dll", "module-test","/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/", "/armv5_urel/", "C:\\sys\\bin"],
+ ["libmoduletestplugin_b.dll", "module-test","/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/", "/winscw_udeb/", "Z:\\sys\\bin"],
+ );
+my @ngilist = (
+ ["Test.txt", "ngi_sa_runtimetester", "/EPOC32/winscw/c/Private/10202be9/", "/General/", ""],
+ ["sa_input_repository.txt", "shared","/EPOC32/armv5/c/TestFramework/", "/armv5_urel/", ""],
+ ["sa_input_repository.txt", "shared","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/winscw_udeb/", ""],
+ ["audiomixingfiles.ini", "ngi_sa_audiomixing","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["sa_camera_supported.ini", "ngi_sa_camera","/EPOC32/armv5/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["sa_clip.ini", "ngi_sa_clip","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["devicecapabilitiesdata.ini", "ngi_sa_devicecapabilities","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["highlevelaudiofiles.ini", "ngi_sa_highlevelaudio","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["lowlevelaudiofiles.ini", "ngi_sa_lowlevelaudio","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["runtimedata.ini", "ngi_sa_runtimetester","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["sa_stream.ini", "ngi_sa_stream","/EPOC32/winscw/c/TestFramework/", "/general/", ""],
+ #["*", "ngi_sa_videoplayback","/../graphics/video/internal/sa_videoplayback/data/", "/general/", ""],
+ ["test.*", "ngi_sa_images","/Epoc32/winscw/c/Data/", "/general/", ""]
+ );
+my $validexpansions = "all stdlibs combined";
+my $validLibraries = "ltp opts lsb glib ssl ngi pcts stdcpp gcce libc-locale play_new phall sapi";
+if(rindex($validexpansions, $suite)== -1 && rindex($validLibraries, $suite) == -1)
+ die("$suite is not a valid library. Valid options are $validexpansions $validLibraries");
+my $dontStrip = 1;
+my @liblist;
+if($suite eq "all")
+ @liblist = split " ", $validLibraries;
+ @liblist = (@liblist, @stdliblist);
+}#suite all
+elsif($suite eq "ltp")
+ @liblist = ("ltp", "opts");
+elsif($suite eq "stdlibs")
+ @liblist = @stdliblist;
+elsif($suite eq "ssl")
+ @liblist = ("libcrypto", "libssl");
+ @liblist = ("$suite");
+# foreach my $l(@liblist)
+# {
+# print "$l was there\n";
+# }
+if($combinedSession eq "yes")
+ GenerateSessionFile("combined", $target,"combined");
+ exit();
+if($session eq "yes")
+ my $file = $templateRoot."/testsession.xml";
+ opendir(DIRHANDLE, $ATSRoot) || die("Please try to create Session files only after ATSINPUT/components has been created!");
+ closedir(DIRHANDLE);
+ $dontStrip = 1;
+ if($suite eq "stdlibs")
+ {
+ #my $dst = $ATSRoot."/$suite"."_testsession.xml";
+ #copy($file, $dst);
+ GenerateSessionFile("combined",$target,$suite);
+ exit();
+ }
+ elsif($suite eq "ssl")
+ {
+ my @componentFiles = GetSslXmls();
+ GenerateSessionFile("combined",$target,$suite,\@componentFiles);
+ exit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @generatedModules = GenGenModules($suite);
+ my @componentFiles = GetXmls($suite);
+ GenerateSessionFile("combined",$target,$suite,\@componentFiles);
+ exit();
+ }
+ foreach my $lib(@liblist)
+ {
+ @generatedModules = GenGenModules($lib);
+ if(scalar @generatedModules != 0)
+ {
+ #print "Generating for $lib\n";
+ GenerateSessionFile($lib, $target,$lib);
+ }
+ }
+ #@generatedModules = GetAllModules();
+ #if(scalar @generatedModules != 0)
+ #{
+ # GenerateSessionFile("combined",$target, "combined");
+ #}
+ exit();
+}#session generation code
+if ($suite eq "ltp" || $suite eq "all")
+ my @ltpModules = GetLtpModules();
+ @generatedModules = @ltpModules;
+ DoGen("ltp", ".dll");
+ CopyLtpCfg("ltp");
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ @dllList = ("ltplib.dll");
+ CopySharedDlls("ltp", \@dllList);
+ TransformXmls("ltp","shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ @generatedModules = GetCompiledModules($optsGroupPath."/bld.inf");
+ DoGen("opts",".dll");
+if ($suite eq "glib")
+ my $bldfile = $templateRoot."/testapps/group/bld.inf";
+ my @glibModules = GetCompiledModules($bldfile);
+ @generatedModules = @glibModules;
+ DoGen("glib",".exe");
+ my $gDataRef = \@gliblist;
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("glib",$gDataRef);
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ my @glib2dllList = ("glibbackend.dll", "Libgobject.dll", "libgmodule.dll", "libgthread.dll",
+ "libglib.dll");
+ my @glib1List = ( "libgobject.dll", "libgmodule.dll", "libgthread.dll", "libglib.dll", );
+ @dllList = @glib2dllList;
+ CopySharedDlls("glib",\@dllList);
+ TransformXmls("glib", "shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ }#if install
+if ($suite eq "phall")
+ my $bldfile = getcwd()."/group/bld.inf";
+ my @hallModules = GetCompiledModules($bldfile);
+ @generatedModules = @hallModules;
+ DoGen($suite,".exe");
+ #my $gDataRef = \@gliblist;
+ #CopyArbitDatFiles("glib",$gDataRef);
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ my @phallList = ( "libstdcpp.dll" );
+ @dllList = @phallList;
+ CopySharedDlls($suite,\@dllList);
+ TransformXmls($suite, "shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ exit;
+ }#if install
+if ($suite eq "ssl")
+ my $stripStatus = $dontStrip;
+ $dontStrip = 0;
+ GenCryptoTest();
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ @dllList = (@dllList, "libcrypto.dll", "libssl.dll");
+ }#if install
+ $dontStrip = $stripStatus;
+if($suite eq "ngi")
+ GenNgiTest();
+ CopyNgiXmls();
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("",\@ngilist);
+if($suite eq "play_new")
+ my @play_newModules = ("fonttestmodule", "messagingtestmodule","locationtestmodule", "alertstestmodule",
+ "libxmlstiff","ngisvgtestmodule");
+ @generatedModules = @play_newModules;
+ DoGen("play_new",".dll");
+ my @list = (
+ ["*.cfg", "fonttestmodule", "/../fonts/internal/testmodules/fonttestmodule/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.xml", "fonttestmodule", "/../fonts/internal/testmodules/fonttestmodule/group/","/", ""],
+ ["*.cfg", "messagingtestmodule", "/../ngimessaging/internal/testmodules/messagingtestmodule/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.xml", "messagingtestmodule", "/../ngimessaging/internal/testmodules/messagingtestmodule/group/","/", ""],
+ ["*", "messagingtestmodule", "/EPOC32/winscw/c/messagingtestmodule/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.cfg", "locationtestmodule", "/../ngilocation/internal/testmodules/locationtestmodule/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.xml", "locationtestmodule", "/../ngilocation/internal/testmodules/locationtestmodule/group/","/", ""],
+ ["*.cfg", "alertstestmodule", "/../ngialerts/internal/testmodules/alertstestmodule/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.xml", "alertstestmodule", "/../ngialerts/internal/testmodules/alertstestmodule/group/","/", ""],
+ ["vertigo.wav", "alertstestmodule", "/Epoc32/winscw/c/alertstestmodule/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.cfg", "libxmlstiff", "/../libxmlpp/internal/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.xml", "libxmlstiff", "/../libxmlpp/internal/group/","/", ""],
+ ["*.*", "libxmlstiff", "/../libxmlpp/internal/data/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.cfg", "ngisvgtestmodule", "/../ngisvg/internal/testmodules/ngisvgtestmodule/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.xml", "ngisvgtestmodule", "/../ngisvg/internal/testmodules/ngisvgtestmodule/group/","/", ""],
+ ["*.*", "ngisvgtestmodule", "/epoc32/winscw/c/ngisvgtest/","/General/", ""],
+ );
+ my $bDataRef = \@list;
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("play_new",$bDataRef);
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ @generatedModules = GenGenModules("play_new");
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ my @playList = (
+ @dllList = @playList;
+ CopySharedDlls("play_new",\@dllList);
+ TransformXmls("play_new", "shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ }#end install
+if($suite eq "stdcpp")
+ @generatedModules = GetstdcppModules();
+ DoGen("stdcpp",".dll");
+ CopyLtpCfg("stdcpp");
+ @generatedModules = GetstdexeModules();
+ DoGen("stdcpp",".exe");
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ @dllList = ("stdcxxtestengine.dll");
+ CopySharedDlls("stdcpp", \@dllList);
+ TransformXmls("stdcpp","shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("stdcpp",\@stdcpplist);
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ @generatedModules = GenGenModules("stdcpp");
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ my @cppList = ("libstdcpp.dll");
+ @dllList = @cppList;
+ CopySharedDlls("stdcpp",\@dllList);
+ TransformXmls("stdcpp", "shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ exit;
+ }#if install
+if($suite eq "sapi")
+ my @sapiexelist =
+ (
+ "cameratestnegativemultistarts",
+ "cameratestnegativemultistops",
+ "cameratestnegativemultitakes",
+ "cameratestnegativetakewostart",
+ "cameratestnegativestopwostart",
+ "cameratestnegativeimgformatnone",
+ "cameratestpositivenoimage",
+ "cameraruntimetestnegativemultistarts",
+ "cameraruntimetestnegativemultistops",
+ "cameraruntimetestnegativemultitakes",
+ "cameraruntimetestnegativetakewostart",
+ "cameraruntimetestnegativestopwostart",
+ "cameraruntimetestnegativeargument",
+ "cameraruntimetestpositivenoimage",
+ "runtimenegativeargumentposbased",
+ "runtimenegativelessargstartposbased",
+ "runtimenegativelessargstopposbased",
+ "runtimenegativelessargtakeposbased",
+ "runtimenegativemultistartsposbased",
+ "runtimenegativemultistopsposbased",
+ "runtimenegativemultitakesposbased",
+ "runtimenegativestopwostartposbased",
+ "runtimenegativetakewostartposbased",
+ "runtimepositivenoimageposbased",
+ @generatedModules = @sapiexelist;
+ DoGen("sapi",".exe");
+ my @sapidlllist =
+ (
+ "tmsg_changestatusiter3",
+ "tmsg_deletemessageiter3",
+ "tmsg_getheaderlistiter3",
+ "tmsg_sendmessageiter3",
+ "tmsg_changestatusiter1",
+ "tmsg_deletemessageiter1",
+ "tmsg_getheaderlistiter1",
+ "tmsg_sendmessageiter1",
+ "tlandmarkprovider",
+ "tlmprovidercategorytests",
+ "tlmproviderdbtests",
+ "tlmcategorytests",
+ "tlmdatabasetests",
+ "tlmlandmarktests",
+ "tmediamgmttest",
+ "tmediamgmtprovidertest",
+ "tlocservicetest",
+ "tlocationprovidertest",
+ "tcontacts_async",
+ "tcontacts_sync",
+ "tcontactprovidertest",
+ "tcontactprovidertest_sync",
+ "tappmanagertest",
+ "tappmanagerprovidertest",
+ "tcalendaradditer1",
+ "tcalendarchangenotifyiter1",
+ "tcalendardeleteiter1",
+ "tcalendarexportiter1",
+ "tcalendargetlistiter1",
+ "tcalendarimportiter1",
+ "tcalendarupdateiter1",
+ "tcalendaradditer3",
+ "tcalendarchangenotifyiter3",
+ "tcalendardeleteiter3",
+ "tcalendarexportiter3",
+ "tcalendargetlistiter3",
+ "tcalendarimportiter3",
+ "tcalendarupdateiter3",
+ "tloggingprovidertest",
+ "tloggingservice",
+ "tsysinfonetworktests",
+ "sensrprovidertest",
+ "sensrservicetest",
+ "tsysinfoservicetests",
+ "tsysinfoprovidertests",
+ );
+ @generatedModules = @sapidlllist;
+ DoGen("sapi",".dll");
+ my @mysapidependcies =
+ (
+ #first the file to copy, next the test for which to copy, next is relative locate,
+ #if cfg, General,
+ #last the location on the phone where the cfg should go
+ #for us c:\\TestFramework
+ ["tmsg_changestatusiter1.cfg","tmsg_changestatusiter1","/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingtest/tmsg_changestatusiter1/group/","/General/","C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_deletemessageiter1.cfg", "tmsg_deletemessageiter1", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingtest/tmsg_deletemessageiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_getheaderlistiter1.cfg", "tmsg_getheaderlistiter1", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingtest/tmsg_getheaderlistiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_sendmessageiter1.cfg", "tmsg_sendmessageiter1", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingtest/tmsg_sendmessageiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_changestatusiter3.cfg", "tmsg_changestatusiter3", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingprovidertest/tmsg_changestatusiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_deletemessageiter3.cfg", "tmsg_deletemessageiter3", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingprovidertest/tmsg_deletemessageiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_getheaderlistiter3.cfg", "tmsg_getheaderlistiter3", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingprovidertest/tmsg_getheaderlistiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmsg_sendmessageiter3.cfg", "tmsg_sendmessageiter3", "/..messaging/internal/dev/tmessagingprovidertest/tmsg_sendmessageiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlandmarkprovider.cfg", "tlandmarkprovider", "/..landmarks/internal/dev/tlandmarksprovidertest/tlandmarkprovider/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlmprovidercategorytests.cfg", "tlmprovidercategorytests", "/..landmarks/internal/dev/tlandmarksprovidertest/tlmprovidercategorytests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlmproviderdbtests.cfg", "tlmproviderdbtests", "/..landmarks/internal/dev/tlandmarksprovidertest/tlmproviderdbtests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlmcategorytests.cfg", "tlmcategorytests", "/..landmarks/internal/dev/tlandmarkstest/tlmcategorytests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlmdatabasetests.cfg", "tlmdatabasetests", "/..landmarks/internal/dev/tlandmarkstest/tlmdatabasetests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlmlandmarktests.cfg", "tlmlandmarktests", "/..landmarks/internal/dev/tlandmarkstest/tlmlandmarktests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmediamgmttest.cfg", "tmediamgmttest", "/..mediamanagement/internal/dev/tmediamgmttest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tmediamgmtprovidertest.cfg", "tmediamgmtprovidertest", "/..mediamanagement/internal/dev/tmediamgmtprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlocservicetest.cfg", "tlocservicetest", "/..location/internal/dev/tlocservicetest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tlocationprovidertest.cfg", "tlocationprovidertest", "/..location/internal/dev/tlocationprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcontacts_async.cfg", "tcontacts_async", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontacts_async/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcontacts_sync.cfg", "tcontacts_sync", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontacts_sync/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["test1.jpg", "tmsg_sendmessageiter1", "/..messaging/internal/dev/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data\\Images"],
+ ["test1.jpg", "tmsg_sendmessageiter3", "/..messaging/internal/dev/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data\\Images"],
+ ["test2.jpg", "tmsg_sendmessageiter1", "/..messaging/internal/dev/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data\\Images"],
+ ["test2.jpg", "tmsg_sendmessageiter3", "/..messaging/internal/dev/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data\\Images"],
+ ["tcontactprovidertest.cfg", "tcontactprovidertest", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcontactprovidertest_sync.cfg", "tcontactprovidertest_sync", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest_sync/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["vcardimport.vcf", "tcontactprovidertest", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest/data/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["vcardimportposbased.vcf", "tcontactprovidertest", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest/data/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["vcardimport.vcf", "tcontactprovidertest_sync", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest/data/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["vcardimportposbased.vcf", "tcontactprovidertest_sync", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest/data/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["Import.vcf", "tcontactprovidertest_sync", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest_sync/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data"],
+ ["Import.vcf", "tcontactprovidertest", "/..contacts_vpbk/internal/dev/tcontactprovidertest_sync/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data"],
+ ["tappmanagertest.cfg", "tappmanagertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tappmanagerprovidertest.cfg", "tappmanagerprovidertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["hello.txt", "tappmanagerprovidertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data"],
+ ["test1.jpg", "tappmanagerprovidertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/data/Images/", "/General/", "C:\\data\\Images"],
+ ["SpruceBlocks.jar", "tappmanagerprovidertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["msg.sisx", "tappmanagerprovidertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/data/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["hello.txt", "tappmanagertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/data/", "/General/", "C:\\data"],
+ ["test1.jpg", "tappmanagertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/data/Images/", "/General/", "C:\\data\\Images"],
+ ["SpruceBlocks.jar", "tappmanagertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["msg.sisx", "tappmanagertest", "/..applicationmanager/internal/dev/tappmanagerprovidertest/group/data/", "/General/", "C:"],
+ ["tcalendaradditer1.cfg", "tcalendaradditer1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendaradditer1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarchangenotifyiter1.cfg", "tcalendarchangenotifyiter1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendarchangenotifyiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendardeleteiter1.cfg", "tcalendardeleteiter1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendardeleteiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarexportiter1.cfg", "tcalendarexportiter1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendarexportiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendargetlistiter1.cfg", "tcalendargetlistiter1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendargetlistiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarimportiter1.cfg", "tcalendarimportiter1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendarimportiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarupdateiter1.cfg", "tcalendarupdateiter1", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendartest/tcalendarupdateiter1/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendaradditer3.cfg", "tcalendaradditer3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendaradditer3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarchangenotifyiter3.cfg", "tcalendarchangenotifyiter3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendarchangenotifyiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendardeleteiter3.cfg", "tcalendardeleteiter3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendardeleteiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarexportiter3.cfg", "tcalendarexportiter3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendarexportiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendargetlistiter3.cfg", "tcalendargetlistiter3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendargetlistiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarimportiter3.cfg", "tcalendarimportiter3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendarimportiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tcalendarupdateiter3.cfg", "tcalendarupdateiter3", "/..calendar/internal/dev/tcalendarprovidertest/tcalendarupdateiter3/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tloggingprovidertest.cfg", "tloggingprovidertest", "/..logging/internal/dev/tloggingprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tloggingprovidertest1.cfg", "tloggingprovidertest", "/..logging/internal/dev/tloggingprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["testframework.ini", "tloggingprovidertest", "/..logging/internal/dev/tloggingprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tloggingservice.cfg", "tloggingservice", "/..logging/internal/dev/tloggingservice/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tsysinfonetworktests.cfg", "tsysinfonetworktests", "/..sysinfo/internal/dev/servicetests/manual/tsysinfonetworktests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tsysinfoservicetests.cfg", "tsysinfoservicetests", "/..sysinfo/internal/dev/servicetests/tsysinfoservicetests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["tsysinfoprovidertests.cfg", "tsysinfoprovidertests", "/..sysinfo/internal/dev/providertests/tsysinfoprovidertests/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["sensrservicetest.cfg", "sensrservicetest", "/..sensor/internal/dev/sensrservicetest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ ["sensrprovidertest.cfg", "sensrprovidertest", "/..sensor/internal/dev/sensrprovidertest/group/", "/General/", "C:\\TestFramework"],
+ );
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("sapi",\@mysapidependcies); #CopyArbitDatFiles("stdcpp",\@mysapidependcies);
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ @generatedModules = (@sapidlllist); #(@sapidlllist, @sapiexelist);
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ #this list is where the libraries to be tested goes
+ my @cppList = ("landmarkservice.dll",
+ "landmarkprovider.dll",
+ "messagingservice.dll",
+ "messagingprovider.dll",
+ "mediamanagementservice.dll",
+ "locationservice.dll",
+ "locationprovider.dll",
+ "mediamanagementinterface.dll",
+ "cameraservice.dll",
+ "cameraprovider.dll",
+ "contactservice.dll"
+ );
+ @dllList = @cppList;
+ CopySharedDlls("sapi",\@dllList); #CopySharedDlls("stdcpp",\@dllList);
+ TransformXmls("sapi", "shared"); #TransformXmls("stdcpp", "shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ exit;
+ }#if install
+if($suite eq "lsb" || $suite eq "all")
+ my @lsbModules = GetLsbModules();
+ @generatedModules = @lsbModules;
+ DoGen("lsb",".exe");
+ my @depDlls;
+ my $dll;
+ #copying the common dlls
+ @depDlls =
+ (
+ "libapi.dll",
+ "tcm.dll",
+ "vlib.dll",
+ );
+ foreach $dll (@depDlls)
+ {
+ CopyDeps("lsb",$dll);
+ }
+ #now copy the cfg files
+ CopyLsbCfg("lsb");
+ #now copy the extra dependency dlls
+ #dlopen
+ @generatedModules = ("dlopen");
+ @depDlls =
+ (
+ "dynlibtest.1.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.11.1.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.11.2.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.12g.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.12r.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.14.1.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.14.2.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.14.3.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.3.1.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.3.2.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.3.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.4.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.8.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.9.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.3.dll",
+ "dynlibtest.8.dll",
+ );
+ foreach $dll (@depDlls)
+ {
+ CopyDeps("lsb",$dll);
+ }
+ #dlclose
+ @generatedModules = ("dlclose");
+ @depDlls = ("dynlibclose.1.dll");
+ foreach $dll (@depDlls)
+ {
+ CopyDeps("lsb",$dll);
+ }
+ #dlerror
+ @generatedModules = ("dlerror");
+ @depDlls = ("dynlib.dll");
+ foreach $dll (@depDlls)
+ {
+ CopyDeps("lsb",$dll);
+ }
+ #now copy the xmls!
+ my $srcDir = $templateRoot."/ts/lsbsuites/group/";
+ my $dst;
+ foreach my $dllib("dlopen", "dlclose", "dlerror")
+ {
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\lsb_".$dllib."\\";
+ copy($srcDir."/lsb_".$dllib."_module_blr_hw_component.xml", $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy from $srcDir!\n");
+ copy($srcDir."/lsb_".$dllib."_module_blr_winsspd_component.xml", $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy from $srcDir!\n");
+ }
+if($suite eq "gcce")
+ mkdir $ATSRoot;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components" || die ("DIED: unable to create component dir");
+ @generatedModules = ("gcce-validate", "gcce-load");
+ my @depDlls =
+ (
+ "gcce-lib.dll",
+ );
+ my $suffix = ".exe";
+ my $libname = "gcce";
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach my $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my $relroot = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$module";
+ mkdir $relroot || die("DIED: unable to create dir $module\n");
+ mkdir $relroot."\\armv5_urel" || die("DIED: unable to create dir $relroot\\armv5_urel\n");
+ #GenExeXmls($module,$libname);
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\gcce\\urel\\".$module.$suffix;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".StripModulePrefix($module);
+ $dst = $dst."\\armv5_urel\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\gcce\\urel\\"."gcce-lib.dll";
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\gcce_gcce-load";
+ $dst = $dst."\\armv5_urel\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ my @list = (
+ ["gcce_gcce-load_module_blr_hw_component.xml", "gcce-load", "./","/", ""],
+ ["gcce_gcce-validate_module_blr_hw_component.xml", "gcce-validate", "./","/", ""],
+ );
+ my $bDataRef = \@list;
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("gcce",$bDataRef);
+}#if gcce
+if($suite eq "libc-locale")
+ $dontStrip = 0;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components" || die ("DIED: unable to create component dir");
+ @generatedModules = ("tstring");
+ DoGen("libc",".dll");
+ my @localelist = (
+ ["locales.txt", "string", "../libc/internal/testapps/tstring/data/", "/General/", ""],
+ ["tstring_locale_component.xml", "string", "../libc/internal/testapps/tstring/group/", "/", ""],
+ );
+ my $bDataRef = \@localelist;
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("libc",$bDataRef);
+ #delete($ATSRoot."/components/libc_string/"."libc_string_module_blr_hw_component.xml") || die("unable to delete");
+ my $my_src = $ATSRoot."/components/libc_string/"."tstring_locale_component.xml";
+ my $my_dst = $ATSRoot."/components/libc_string/"."libc_string_module_blr_hw_component.xml";
+ unlink($my_dst) ||warn("unable to delete $my_dst");
+ rename($my_src,$my_dst) || move($my_src,$my_dst) || die("Unable to rename!");
+}#if libc-locale
+if($suite eq "pcts")
+ my $bldfile = $templateRoot."/group/bld.inf";
+ my @pctsModules = GetCompiledModules($bldfile);
+ @generatedModules = @pctsModules;
+ DoGen("pcts",".exe");
+ my @depDlls;
+ my $dll;
+ #copying the common dlls
+ @depDlls =
+ (
+ "vsxlibapi.dll",
+ "rttm.exe",
+ "rtlibapi.dll",
+ "vsxvlib.dll",
+ "vsxgenlib.dll",
+ "vsxtsetlib.dll",
+ "vsxvport.dll",
+ );
+ if($install eq "yes")
+ {
+ my @saved = @dllList;
+ @dllList = @depDlls;
+ CopySharedDlls("pcts", \@depDlls);
+ TransformXmls("pcts","shared");
+ @dllList = @saved;
+ #now copy the cfg files
+ my $dst;
+ my $srcDir = "/epoc32/winscw/c/data/tet/";
+ my $file1 = $srcDir."tet_code";
+ my $file2 = $srcDir."tetexec.cfg";
+ foreach my $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\pcts_".$module;
+ $dst = $dst."\\General\\";
+ copy($file1, $dst) or die "copy: $! $file1 $dst";
+ copy($file2,$dst) or die "copy: $! $file2 $dst";
+ }
+ }
+ my $dst;
+ foreach my $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my $file3 = "/epoc32/winscw/c/logs/tet/m.".$module;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\pcts_".$module;
+ $dst = $dst."\\General\\";
+ copy($file3, $dst) or die "copy: $! $file3 $dst";
+ }#module
+$dontStrip = 0;
+if($suite eq "stdlibs" || $suite eq "all")
+ @generatedModules = ("tzlib");
+ DoGen("libz", ".dll");
+ @generatedModules = ("tlibcrypt");
+ DoGen("libcrypt",".dll");
+ @generatedModules = @libcModules;
+ DoGen("libc",".dll");
+ GenBackendTest();
+ @generatedModules = ("twchar");
+ CopyDeps("libc","twchar_helloworld.exe");
+ @generatedModules = ("twopen");
+ CopyDeps("libc","twpopenwritechild.exe");
+ CopyDeps("libc","twpopenreadchild.exe");
+ @generatedModules = @libdlModules;
+ DoGen("libdl",".dll");
+ CopyDeps("libdl","Dll1.dll");
+ CopyDeps("libdl","Dll2.dll");
+ CopyDeps("libdl","DependencyTestDll.dll");
+ @generatedModules = @libmModules;
+ DoGen("libm",".dll");
+ $TDIR = "\\internal\\";
+ @generatedModules = @pthreadModules;
+ DoGen("libpthread",".dll");
+ CopyDeps("libpthread","testharness.dll");
+ CopyDatFiles();
+if($install eq "yes")
+ foreach my $lib(@liblist)
+ {
+ #print "Transforming lib $lib\n";
+ @generatedModules = GenGenModules($lib);
+ my @oldList = @dllList;
+ if($do_winscw)
+ {
+ @dllList = (@dllList, "wsdsoln.dll", "libestw32.dll");
+ CopySharedDlls($lib,\@dllList,"winscw");
+ TransformXmls($lib, "shared","winscw");
+ }
+ @dllList = @oldList;
+ if($do_armv5)
+ {
+ CopySharedDlls($lib,\@dllList,"armv5");
+ TransformXmls($lib, "shared","armv5");
+ }
+}#if install
+#function to generate ModuleList for a compiled bld.inf
+sub GetCompiledModules($)
+ my $file = shift @_;
+ my @moduleList;
+ # Open input file
+ open (INFILE, "<".$file ) || die ("DIED: Can not find $file!");
+ while (<INFILE>)
+ {
+ if(/(.*)\.mmp/ && $1 !~ /^\/\//)
+ {
+ if($_ !~ /\/\/Not for ATS/)
+ {
+ push @moduleList, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close (INFILE);
+ return @moduleList;
+my @groupList;
+sub GetLtpModules()
+ my $prevDir = getcwd();
+ my @rootList = ("kernel", "misc");
+ my @totalgroupList;
+ foreach my $node(@rootList)
+ {
+ chdir $ltpPath."/$node";
+ @groupList = ();
+ find(\&MakeGroupList, ".");
+ @totalgroupList = (@totalgroupList, @groupList);
+ }
+ chdir $prevDir;
+ return @totalgroupList;
+sub GetstdexeModules()
+ my $prevDir = getcwd();
+ my @fullList = ();
+ foreach my $group(@stdexeList)
+ {
+ my $groupPath = $templateRoot."/testapps/".$group. "/";
+ chdir $groupPath;
+ @groupList = ();
+ find(\&grovelAllMmpFiles, ".");
+ chdir $prevDir;
+ @fullList = (@fullList,@groupList);
+ }
+ return @fullList;
+sub grovelAllMmpFiles()
+ if($_ =~ /(.*)\.mmp/ && ! ($_ =~ /manual/))
+ {
+ push @groupList, $1;#get name of module
+ }
+sub GetstdcppModules()
+ my $prevDir = getcwd();
+ my @rootList = ("auto");
+ my @totalgroupList;
+ foreach my $node(@rootList)
+ {
+ chdir $stdcppPath."/$node";
+ @groupList = ();
+ find(\&MakeGroupList, ".");
+ @totalgroupList = (@totalgroupList, @groupList);
+ }
+ chdir $prevDir;
+ return @totalgroupList;
+sub GetTstdcppModules()
+ my $prevDir = getcwd();
+ #chdir $tstdcppPath;
+ @groupList = ();
+ find(\&grovelAllMmpFiles, ".");
+ chdir $prevDir;
+ return @groupList;
+sub MakeGroupList()
+ my $currentDir = $File::Find::dir;
+ #print "Current dir:$currentDir\n";
+ if( $currentDir =~ /.*\/(.*)\/group/)
+ {
+ if($cfglocation{$1} eq "")
+ {
+ $cfglocation{$1} = getcwd()."\/$1.cfg";
+ push @groupList, $1;#get name of module
+ }#first time in group
+ }#group found
+}#subrtn end
+#function that generates the ATS setup
+sub DoGen($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $ext = shift @_;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components" || die ("DIED: unable to create component dir");
+ GenDirs($libname);
+ my $module;
+ foreach my $listed(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my @filesToProcess =
+ (
+ "LibXXX_ATSTemplateXXX_module_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "LibXXX_ATSTemplateXXX_module_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "testframework.ini",
+ );
+ if(rindex($noXmlsGenList, $libname) != -1 )
+ {
+ @filesToProcess = ("testframework.ini",);
+ }
+ if($ext eq ".exe")
+ {
+ GenExeXmls($listed,$libname);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #just in case no xml file was supplied
+ my $ref = \@filesToProcess;
+ GenXmls($libname, $listed,$ref);
+ }
+ }#foreach
+ CopyDlls($libname,$ext);
+ #copy the provided cfg, ini and xmls
+ if($libname eq "opts")
+ {
+ CopyOptsCfg($libname);
+ }
+ elsif($libname eq "ltp" || $libname eq "lsb" || $libname eq "glib")
+ {
+ #copy latter and dont copy respectively for ltp and lsb
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CopyCfgIniXmls($libname);
+ }
+sub CopyCfgIniXmls()
+ my $libname = pop @_;
+ my $libRoot = $templateRoot;
+ $libRoot =~ /(.*)internal.*/;
+ $libRoot = $1;
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach my $listed(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my $dirname = $listed;
+ $dirname =~ s/test/t/;
+ $module = StripModulePrefix($listed);
+ $src = $libRoot.$libname.$TDIR.$dirname."\\group\\";
+ my $xmlCopied = "0";
+ my @globpattern = ("*.ini", "*.xml","*.cfg");
+ foreach my $pat(@globpattern)
+ {
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".$module;
+ if($pat ne "*.xml")
+ {
+ $dst = $dst."\\General\\";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dst = $dst."\\";
+ }
+ my @filesFound = glob($src."\\$pat");
+ if(scalar @filesFound eq "0")
+ {
+ #print "No files found for module $module $pat!\n";
+ #print $src;
+ }
+ #handcoded
+ if($pat eq "*.cfg" && $xmlCopied eq "0")#rename only if xml not copied
+ {
+ if(scalar @filesFound > 1)
+ {
+ print "Multiple cfg files found. Copying all!\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dst = $dst.$listed.".cfg";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($pat eq "*.xml")
+ {
+ my $folder = $dst;
+ foreach my $from (@filesFound)
+ {
+ if($from =~ /winscw_component/)
+ {
+ $dst = $folder.$libname."_".$module."_module_blr_winscw_component.xml";
+ copy($from, $dst) or die "DIED: copy: $! $from $dst";
+ $xmlCopied = "1";
+ }
+ elsif($from =~ /winsspd_component/)
+ {
+ $dst = $folder.$libname."_".$module."_module_blr_winsspd_component.xml";
+ copy($from, $dst) or die "DIED: copy: $! $from $dst";
+ $xmlCopied = "1";
+ }
+ elsif($from =~ /hw_component/)
+ {
+ $dst = $folder.$libname."_".$module."_module_blr_hw_component.xml";
+ copy($from, $dst) or die "DIED: copy: $! $from $dst";
+ $xmlCopied = "1";
+ }
+ }#examine individually
+ if(scalar @filesFound > 2)
+ {
+ #print "Multiple xml files found!!!\n";
+ }
+ @filesFound = ();
+ }
+ foreach my $from (@filesFound)
+ {
+ copy($from, $dst) or die "DIED: copy: $! $from $dst";
+ }#copy individually
+ }#globpattern
+ }#module
+#copy the cfg files for the opts test suite
+sub CopyOptsCfg()
+ my $libname = pop @_;
+ my $libRoot = $optsGroupPath."\\";
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ $src = $libRoot.$module."\.cfg";
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".$module;
+ $dst = $dst."\\General\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) or warn "copy: $! $src $dst";
+ }#module
+#copy the lsb cfg files
+sub CopyLsbCfg()
+ my $libname = pop @_;
+ my $module;
+ my $dst;
+ my $srcDir = $templateRoot."/ts/lsbsuites/lsblib/data/";
+ foreach $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my $file1 = $srcDir."tet_code.cfg";
+ my $file2 = $srcDir."tetexec.cfg";
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".$module;
+ $dst = $dst."\\General\\";
+ copy($file1, $dst) or die "copy: $! $file1 $dst";
+ copy($file2, $dst) or die "copy: $! $file2 $dst";
+ }#module
+#copy the ltp cfg files
+sub CopyLtpCfg($)
+ my $libname = pop @_;
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ $src = $cfglocation{$module};
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".$module;
+ $dst = $dst."\\General\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) or warn "copy: $! $src $dst";
+ }#module
+sub CopyDlls($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $suffix = shift @_;
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ if($do_winscw == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\".$module.$suffix;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".StripModulePrefix($module);
+ $dst = $dst."\\winscw_udeb\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ if($do_armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\".$module.$suffix;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$libname."_".StripModulePrefix($module);
+ $dst = $dst."\\armv5_urel\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ }#foreach
+#fn to generate the session file
+sub GenerateSessionFile($$$$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $target = shift @_;
+ my $name = shift @_;
+ my $listptr = shift @_;
+ my $outdir = $ATSRoot;
+ my $infile = $templateRoot."\\testsession.xml";
+ chdir $outdir || die("DIED: Unable to chdir!");
+ #open INFILE, $infile || die ("DIED: Can not open input file $infile");
+ my $prefix = $name."_".$target;
+ if($sdkversion ne "")
+ {
+ $prefix = $prefix."_".$sdkversion;
+ }
+ open OUTFILE, ">".$outdir."\\".$prefix."_testsession.xml" || die ("DIED: Can not open output file");
+ my $line;
+ my $snippet = $target;
+ if($target ne "winscw" && $target ne "winsspd")
+ {
+ $snippet = "hw";
+ }
+print OUTFILE "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
+print OUTFILE "<testsession>\n";
+#print OUTFILE "<symbian-version>$libname"."_".$snippet."_TestDrop_blr_component</symbian-version>\n";
+print OUTFILE "<symbian-version>sapi_dev_combined_test_session</symbian-version>\n";
+print OUTFILE "<testitem>at</testitem>\n";
+print OUTFILE "<resultfile>ATSOUTPUT\\".$prefix."_testsession_results.xml</resultfile>\n";
+if($sendEmail eq "yes")
+print OUTFILE <<EOEmailNote;
+<message_file>C:\\\\lm.txt </message_file>
+<subject>Stdcpp-Plumhall $snippet testreport</subject>
+ if($libname ne "combined")
+ {
+ AddAssumedIncludes($libname,$snippet);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($listptr ne "")
+ {
+ AddFileList($libname,$listptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddActualIncludes($libname);
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTFILE "</testsession>\n";
+ close(OUTFILE);
+ #close(INFILE);
+sub AddAssumedIncludes($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $snippet = shift @_;
+ my $APITest;
+ foreach my $listed(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ $APITest = StripModulePrefix($listed);
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <!--Inclusion of $target xml for $APITest -->\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <component>\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <factory>Symbian</factory>\n";
+ if($libname eq "all")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <testplan>ATSINPUT\\components\\$listed\\$listed"."_module_blr_".$snippet."_component.xml</testplan>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <testplan>ATSINPUT\\components\\$libname"."_"."$APITest\\$libname"."_$APITest"."_module_blr_".$snippet."_component.xml</testplan>\n";
+ }
+ if($target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"winscw\" build=\"udeb\" />\n";
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winsspd")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"winsspd\" platform=\"winscw\" build=\"udeb\" />\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"$target\" build=\"urel\" />\n";
+ }
+ print OUTFILE " </component>\n";
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ }#foreach @generatedModules
+sub AddFileList($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $listptr = shift @_;
+ my @componentfiles = @$listptr;
+ foreach my $listed(@componentfiles)
+ {
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <!--Inclusion of $target xml -->\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <component>\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <factory>Symbian</factory>\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <testplan>ATSINPUT\\components\\$listed</testplan>\n";
+ if($target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"winscw\" build=\"udeb\" />\n";
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winsspd")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"winsspd\" platform=\"winscw\" build=\"udeb\" />\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"$target\" build=\"urel\" />\n";
+ }
+ print OUTFILE " </component>\n";
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ }#foreach @componentfiles
+sub GetSslXmls()
+ my $APITest;
+ my @componentfiles;
+ my @emulatorfiles =
+ (
+ "libssl_ssltest\\libssl_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_crypto_test\\libcrypto_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestss_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestverify_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestenc_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestgen_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltpkcs7_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltpkcs7d_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltreq_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltreq2_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltrsa_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltcrl_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltsid_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltx509_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltx5091_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltx5092_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ );
+ my @hwfiles =
+ (
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestss_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestverify_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestenc_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltestgen_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltpkcs7_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltpkcs7d_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltreq_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltreq2_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltrsa_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltcrl_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltsid_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltx509_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltx5091_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_openssl\\libcrypto_topenssltx5092_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libssl_ssltest\\libssl_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "libcrypto_crypto_test\\libcrypto_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ );
+ if($target eq "winsspd" || $target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ @componentfiles = @emulatorfiles;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @componentfiles = @hwfiles;
+ }
+ return @componentfiles;
+sub AddActualIncludes($)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ find(\&XmlComponentFiles, ".");
+ my $key;
+ my $value;
+ while(($key, $value) = each(%DirHash))
+ {
+ $value =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <!--Inclusion of dynamically found $target xml -->\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <component>\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <factory>Symbian</factory>\n";
+ print OUTFILE " <testplan>$value</testplan>\n";
+ if($target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"winscw\" build=\"udeb\" />\n";
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winsspd")
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"winsspd\" platform=\"winscw\" build=\"udeb\" />\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE " <target hardware=\"$target\" build=\"urel\" />\n";
+ }
+ print OUTFILE " </component>\n";
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ }#while
+sub XmlComponentFiles()
+ if($_ !~ /\.xml/ || $_ =~ /manual/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ #print "Processing $_\n";
+ my $dir = getcwd();
+ if($dir =~ /.*(ATSINPUT.*)/)
+ {
+ $dir = $1;
+ if($dir !~ /.*components.*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ #print "The dir is $dir\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if($target eq "winsspd" )
+ {
+ if($_ =~ /winsspd/)
+ {
+ #print "Adding $target file $_ for $dir\n";
+ $DirHash{$dir} = $dir."/".$_;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ if($_ =~ /winscw/)
+ {
+ #print "Adding $target file $_ for $dir\n";
+ $DirHash{$dir} = $dir."/".$_;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($_ =~ /$target/)
+ {
+ #print "$_ matched $target \n";
+ #print "Adding $target file $_ for $dir\n";
+ $DirHash{$dir} = $dir."/".$_;
+ }
+ elsif($_ =~/hw/)
+ {
+ #print "$_ matched hw";
+ if(scalar $DirHash{$dir} == 0)
+ {
+ #print "Adding hw file $_ for $dir\n";
+ $DirHash{$dir} = $dir."/".$_;
+ #print " and added\n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print " and not added\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub emptyArray()
+ @generatedModules = ();
+sub GenDirs($)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $dirname;
+ foreach my $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ $dirname = StripModulePrefix($module);
+ my $relroot = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$dirname";
+ mkdir $relroot || die("DIED: unable to create dir $dirname\n");
+ mkdir $relroot."\\General" || die("DIED: unable to create dir $relroot\\General\n");
+ if($do_armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ mkdir $relroot."\\armv5_urel" || die("DIED: unable to create dir $relroot\\armv5_urel\n");
+ }
+ if($do_winscw == 1)
+ {
+ mkdir $relroot."\\winscw_udeb" || die("DIED: unable to create dir $relroot\\winscw_udeb\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub GenXmls($$$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $listedName = shift @_;
+ my $bref = shift @_;
+ my @filesToProcess = @$bref;
+ #strip leading test and t names from module
+ my $moduleName = StripModulePrefix($listedName);
+ my $toPath = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$moduleName\\";
+ my $dst;
+ my $src;
+ foreach $src(@filesToProcess)
+ {
+ $dst = $src;
+ $dst =~ s/ATSTemplateXXX/$moduleName/;
+ $dst =~ s/LibXXX/$libname/;
+ if($src eq "testframework.ini")
+ {
+ $dst = $toPath."General\\".$dst;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dst = $toPath.$dst;
+ }
+ copy($templateRoot."\\".$src, $dst) || die("DIED: Unable to copy $src to $dst\n");
+ ExpandModuleMacros($dst, $libname, $listedName);
+ }#foreach file
+sub GenExeXmls()
+ my $moduleName = shift @_;
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $toPath = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$moduleName\\";
+ my @filesToProcess =
+ (
+ "LibXXX_ATSTemplateXXX_exemodule_blr_hw_component.xml",
+ "LibXXX_ATSTemplateXXX_exemodule_blr_winsspd_component.xml",
+ );
+ my $dst;
+ my $src;
+ foreach $src(@filesToProcess)
+ {
+ $dst = $src;
+ $dst =~ s/ATSTemplateXXX/$moduleName/;
+ $dst =~ s/LibXXX/$libname/;
+ $dst =~ s/_exemodule_/_module_/;
+ $dst = $toPath.$dst;
+ copy($templateRoot."\\".$src, $dst) || die("DIED: Unable to copy to $dst\n");
+ ExpandModuleMacros($dst, $libname, $moduleName);
+ }#foreach file
+#function to expand the macros existing in a file
+#file is replaced by new version
+#args are relativePath. filename and $moduleName
+sub ExpandModuleMacros()
+ # Take module name
+ my $moduleName = pop @_;
+ my $libname = pop @_;
+ my $filename = pop @_;
+ my $MODULENAME = $moduleName;
+ $MODULENAME =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
+ # Open input file
+ open (INFILE, $filename ) || die ("DIED: Can not find $filename");
+ #Open output file
+ my $newOutput = $filename."new";
+ open (OUTFILE, ">".$newOutput ) || die ("DIED: Can not open $newOutput");
+ # Replace text in files
+ while (<INFILE>)
+ {
+ s/ATSTemplateXXX/$moduleName/g;
+ s/LibXXX/$libname/g;
+ print OUTFILE $_;
+ }
+ # Close filehandles
+ close (INFILE);
+ close (OUTFILE);
+ # Rename result file
+ unlink $filename;
+ rename $newOutput,$filename;
+sub CopyDeps($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $copyDll = shift @_;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach my $listed(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my $module = StripModulePrefix($listed);
+ if($do_winscw == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\".$copyDll;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$module";
+ $dst = $dst."\\winscw_udeb\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ if($do_armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\".$copyDll;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$module";
+ $dst = $dst."\\armv5_urel\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ }#foreach
+#dat file copy
+sub CopyDatFiles()
+ my $libRoot = $templateRoot;
+ $libRoot =~ /(.*)internal.*/;
+ $libRoot = $1;
+ my @list = (
+ ["libcrypt", "tlibcrypt", "group/Test_Data.dat"],
+ ["libc", "tnetdb", "data/services.txt"],
+ ["libc", "tstring", "data/locales.txt"],
+ ["libc", "libc_loc_blr", "data/locales.txt"],
+ ["libz", "tzlib", "data/*.*"],
+ ["libc", "tlink", "data/*.*"],
+ ["libc", "tmmap", "data/*.*"],
+ );
+ my $libname;
+ my $dirname;
+ my $glob;
+ foreach my $ref(@list)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($libname, $dirname, $glob) = @inarr;
+ my $modulename = StripModulePrefix($dirname);
+ my $src = "$libRoot/$libname/internal/testapps/$dirname/$glob";
+ my $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_"."$modulename\\General\\";
+ if($dirname eq "libc_loc_blr")
+ {
+ $src = "$libRoot/libc/src/locales.txt";
+ }
+ my @filesFound = glob($src);
+ if(scalar @filesFound == 0)
+ {
+ die("DIED: no Dat file found to copy!");
+ }
+ foreach my $file(@filesFound)
+ {
+ copy($file, $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy $file to $dst");
+ }
+ }#ref processing
+#glib dat file copy
+sub CopyArbitDatFiles($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $refArr = shift @_;
+ my @list = @$refArr;
+ my $fname;
+ my $modulename;
+ my $location;
+ my $atsDst;
+ my $targetDst;
+ #now copy the files appropriately
+ foreach my $ref(@list)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($fname, $modulename, $location, $atsDst, $targetDst) = @inarr;
+ #print "[$fname, $modulename, $location, $atsDst, $targetDst]\n";
+ if($location =~ /(.*)\.\.(.*)/)
+ {
+ $location = GetPathPrefix().$2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $location = $rootDrive.$location;
+ }
+ my $src = $location.$fname;
+ my $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_".$modulename.$atsDst;
+ if($libname eq "")
+ {
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$modulename.$atsDst;
+ #print "$dst CHANGED!\n"
+ }
+ my @filesFound = glob($src);
+ if(scalar @filesFound == 0)
+ {
+ die("DIED: no Dat file $src found to copy!");
+ }
+ foreach my $file(@filesFound)
+ {
+ copy($file, $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy $file to $dst");
+ }
+ if($targetDst ne "")
+ {
+ my @filesToChange = ();
+ if($atsDst =~ "armv5")
+ {
+ #armv5 component file
+ unshift @filesToChange, $libname."_".$modulename."_module_blr_hw_component.xml";
+ }
+ elsif($atsDst =~ "winscw")
+ {
+ #winscw component file
+ unshift @filesToChange, $libname."_".$modulename."_module_blr_winsspd_component.xml";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #add entry to both xmls
+ unshift @filesToChange, $libname."_".$modulename."_module_blr_hw_component.xml";
+ unshift @filesToChange, $libname."_".$modulename."_module_blr_winsspd_component.xml";
+ }
+ foreach my $file(@filesToChange)
+ {
+ $src = $ATSRoot."/components/".$libname."_"."$modulename/".$file;
+ ModifyXml($src,$libname,$fname,$atsDst,$targetDst);
+ }
+ }#updating the xmls
+ }#ref processing
+sub ModifyXml($$$$$)
+ my $filename = shift @_;
+ my $lib = shift @_;
+ my $fname = shift @_;
+ my $atsDst = shift @_;
+ my $targetDst = shift @_;
+ #printf("Modifying $filename with lib= $lib fname= $fname atsDst = $atsDst targetDst = $targetDst\n");
+ # Open input file
+ open (INFILE, $filename ) || die ("Can not find $filename");
+ #Open output file
+ my $newOutput = $filename."new";
+ open (OUTFILE, ">".$newOutput ) || die ("Can not open $newOutput");
+ # Replace text in files
+ while (<INFILE>)
+ {
+ if(/\<stif\>/ || /\<execute\>/)
+ {
+ if(/\<stif\>/)
+ {
+ print OUTFILE "\<stif\>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE "\<execute\>\n";
+ }
+ my $type = "data";
+ if($atsDst !~ "General")
+ {
+ $type = "binary";
+ }
+ print OUTFILE <<EObinary;
+ <install type=\"$type\">
+ <src>$fname</src>
+ <dst>$targetDst\\$fname</dst>
+ </install>
+ }#stif or execute tag found
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE $_;
+ }
+ }#while
+ # Close filehandles
+ close (INFILE);
+ close (OUTFILE);
+ # Rename result file
+ unlink $filename;
+ rename $newOutput,$filename;
+sub GenGenModules($)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $src = $ATSRoot."/components/";
+ my @fileList = ();
+ opendir(DIRHANDLE, "$src") || die "Cannot opendir $src";
+ foreach my $name (readdir(DIRHANDLE))
+ {
+ if($name =~ /^$libname/)
+ {
+ if($libname ne "libc" || $name !~ /^libcrypt/)
+ {
+ $name =~ s/^$libname//;
+ $name =~ s/^_//;
+ unshift @fileList, $name;
+ }#excluded libcrypt from libc list
+ }#libname match
+ }#foreach
+ closedir(DIRHANDLE);
+ return @fileList;
+sub GetAllModules()
+ my $src = $ATSRoot."/components/";
+ my @fileList = ();
+ opendir(DIRHANDLE, "$src") || die "Cannot opendir $src";
+ foreach my $name (readdir(DIRHANDLE))
+ {
+ if($name ne "." && $name ne ".." && $name ne "shared")
+ {
+ unshift @fileList, $name;
+ }
+ }#foreach
+ closedir(DIRHANDLE);
+ return @fileList;
+sub TransformXmls($$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $shared = shift @_;
+ my $target = shift @_;
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ my $armv5 = 0;
+ my $winscw = 0;
+ if($target eq "armv5")
+ {
+ $armv5 = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ $winscw = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $armv5 = $do_armv5;
+ $winscw = $do_winscw;
+ }
+ foreach $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ if($armv5 == 1 && $winscw == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $ATSRoot."/components/".$libname."_"."$module/*.xml";
+ }
+ elsif($armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $ATSRoot."/components/".$libname."_"."$module/*_hw_component.xml";
+ }
+ elsif($winscw == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $ATSRoot."/components/".$libname."_"."$module/*_winsspd_component.xml";
+ }
+ my @fileList = glob($src);
+ foreach my $file(@fileList)
+ {
+ #print"$file to be transformed!\n";
+ AddLibsInXml($libname,$file,$shared);
+ }
+ }
+sub AddLibsInXml($$$)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $filename = shift @_;
+ my $shared = shift @_;
+ # Open input file
+ open (INFILE, $filename ) || die ("Can not find $filename");
+ #Open output file
+ my $newOutput = $filename."new";
+ open (OUTFILE, ">".$newOutput ) || die ("Can not open $newOutput");
+ my $drive = "c:";
+ # Replace text in files
+ while (<INFILE>)
+ {
+ if(/\<stif\>/ || /\<execute\>/)
+ {
+ if(/\<stif\>/)
+ {
+ print OUTFILE "\<stif\>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE "\<execute\>\n";
+ if($filename =~ /winsspd/)
+ {
+ $drive = "z:";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $installable(@dllList)
+ {
+ print OUTFILE <<EOLine;
+ <install type=\"$shared binary\">
+ <src>$installable</src>
+ <dst>$drive\\sys\\bin\\$installable</dst>
+ </install>
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTFILE $_;
+ }
+ }#while
+ # Close filehandles
+ close (INFILE);
+ close (OUTFILE);
+ # Rename result file
+ unlink $filename;
+ rename $newOutput,$filename;
+sub CopySharedDlls()
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $ref = shift @_;
+ my @ListOfDlls = @$ref;
+ my $target = shift @_;
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ my $do_armv5 = 0;
+ my $do_winscw = 0;
+ if($target eq "armv5")
+ {
+ $do_armv5 = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winscw")
+ {
+ $do_winscw = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $do_armv5 = 1;
+ $do_winscw = 1;
+ }
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared" || die("Wouldn't make shared folder in $ATSRoot\\components");
+ if($do_winscw == 1)
+ {
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared\\winscw_udeb" || die("Wouldn't make shared folder in $ATSRoot\\components\winscw_udeb");
+ }
+ if($do_armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared\\armv5_urel" || die("Wouldn't make shared folder in $ATSRoot\\components\armv5_urel");
+ }
+ foreach my $copyDll(@ListOfDlls)
+ {
+ if($do_winscw == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\".$copyDll;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared";
+ $dst = $dst."\\winscw_udeb\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ if($do_armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\".$copyDll;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared";
+ $dst = $dst."\\armv5_urel\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ }#foreach
+sub CopyMultiDlls($)
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my $module;
+ my $src;
+ my $dst;
+ foreach my $listed(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ foreach my $copyDll(@dllList)
+ {
+ if($do_winscw == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\".$copyDll;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$listed";
+ $dst = $dst."\\winscw_udeb\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ if($do_armv5 == 1)
+ {
+ $src = $rootDrive."\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\".$copyDll;
+ $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_$listed";
+ $dst = $dst."\\armv5_urel\\";
+ copy($src, $dst) || warn("unable to copy $src to $dst");
+ }
+ }#foreach
+ }
+sub StripModulePrefix($)
+ my $listed = pop @_;
+ my $module = $listed;
+ if($dontStrip == 0)
+ {
+ $module =~ s/^test//;
+ $module =~ s/^t//;
+ $module =~ s/^libc_//;
+ $module =~ s/^libm_//;
+ }
+ return $module;
+sub GetLsbModules()
+ my @lsbList =
+ (
+ "abs",
+ );
+ return @lsbList;
+sub GenBackendTest()
+ my @datList =
+ (
+ ["libc", "tlibcbackend"],
+ );
+ mkdir $ATSRoot;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components" || die ("DIED: unable to create component dir");
+ my $lib;
+ my $module;
+ my $ext;
+ foreach my $ref(@datList)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($lib, $module,$ext) = @inarr;
+ @generatedModules = ($module);
+ GenDirs($lib);
+ CopyDlls($lib,".dll");
+ }
+ #now copy xmls
+ CopyAtsSetup();
+ #extra exes
+ @generatedModules = ("tlibcbackend");
+ CopyDeps("libc","TPopenReadChild.exe");
+ CopyDeps("libc","TPopenWriteChild.exe");
+sub CopyAtsSetup()
+ my $libname = "libc";
+ my @list = (
+ ["*.xml", "libcbackend", "/../backend/internal/tlibcbackend/group/","/", ""],
+ ["*.cfg", "libcbackend", "/../backend/internal/tlibcbackend/group/","/General/", ""],
+ ["*.ini", "libcbackend", "/../backend/internal/tlibcbackend/group/","/General/", ""],
+ );
+ my $bDataRef = \@list;
+ CopyArbitDatFiles("libc",$bDataRef);
+sub GetPathPrefix()
+ my $srcPrefix = $templateRoot;
+ $srcPrefix =~ /(.*)internal.*/;
+ $srcPrefix = $1;
+ return $srcPrefix;
+#dat file copy
+sub CopyCryptoDat()
+ my $libRoot = $templateRoot;
+ $libRoot =~ /(.*)internal.*/;
+ $libRoot = $1;
+ my @list = (
+ ["libssl", "ssltest", "libssl/internal/testapps/ssl_test/data/*"],
+ ["libcrypto", "topenssl", "/libcrypto/internal/testapps/topenssl/data/*"],
+ );
+ my $libname;
+ my $dirname;
+ my $glob;
+ foreach my $ref(@list)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($libname, $dirname, $glob) = @inarr;
+ my $modulename = StripModulePrefix($dirname);
+ my $srcPrefix = GetPathPrefix();
+ my $src = "$srcPrefix"."$glob";
+ my $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$libname"."_"."$modulename\\General\\";
+ my @filesFound = glob($src);
+ if(scalar @filesFound == 0)
+ {
+ die("DIED: no Dat file found to copy!");
+ }
+ foreach my $file(@filesFound)
+ {
+ copy($file, $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy $file to $dst");
+ }
+ }#ref processing
+#Crypto xmls copy
+sub CopyCryptoXmls()
+ my @list = (
+ ["*.xml", "libssl_ssltest/", "/libssl/internal/testapps/ssl_test/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "libcrypto_crypto_test/", "/libcrypto/internal/testapps/crypto_test/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "libcrypto_openssl/", "/libcrypto/internal/testapps/topenssl/group/"],
+ );
+ my $fname;
+ my $moduleDst;
+ my $location;
+ #now copy the files appropriately
+ foreach my $ref(@list)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($fname, $moduleDst, $location) = @inarr;
+ my $src = GetPathPrefix().$location.$fname;
+ my $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$moduleDst";
+ my @filesFound = glob($src);
+ if(scalar @filesFound == 0)
+ {
+ die("DIED: no xml file found to copy!");
+ }
+ foreach my $file(@filesFound)
+ {
+ copy($file, $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy $file to $dst");
+ }
+ }#ref
+ my @crypto_copyList = ("*.txt", "*cfg", "*.ini");
+ foreach my $item(@crypto_copyList)
+ {
+ $location = "/libcrypto/internal/testapps/crypto_test/group/";
+ $fname = GetPathPrefix().$location.$item;
+ my @filesFound = glob($fname);
+ foreach my $file(@filesFound)
+ {
+ $moduleDst = "libcrypto_crypto_test/";
+ my $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\".$moduleDst."/General/";
+ copy($file, $dst);
+ }
+ }
+sub GenCryptoTest()
+ my @datList =
+ (
+ ["libssl", "ssltest", ".exe"],
+ ["libcrypto", "crypto_test",".dll"],
+ ["libcrypto", "openssl",".exe"],
+ );
+ mkdir $ATSRoot;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components" || die ("DIED: unable to create component dir");
+ my $lib;
+ my $module;
+ my $ext;
+ foreach my $ref(@datList)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($lib, $module,$ext) = @inarr;
+ @generatedModules = ($module);
+ GenDirs($lib);
+ CopyDlls($lib,$ext);
+ }
+ CopyCryptoDat();
+ CopyCryptoXmls();
+#ngi xml copy
+sub CopyNgiXmls()
+ my @list = (
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_amrrecording", "/audio/lowlevelaudio/internal/sa_amrrecording/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_highlevelaudio", "/audio/highlevelaudio/internal/sa_highlevelaudio/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_audiomixing", "/audio/lowlevelaudio/internal/sa_audiomixing/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_audiorecording", "/audio/lowlevelaudio/internal/sa_audiorecording/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_clip", "/audio/lowlevelaudio/internal/sa_clip/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_lowlevelaudio", "/audio/lowlevelaudio/internal/sa_lowlevelaudio/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_stream", "/audio/lowlevelaudio/internal/sa_stream/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_antitearing/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_colortranslation/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_createfb565/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_createfb888/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_heapusage/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_multibb/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_performance/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_plswitching/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_backbuffer", "/graphics/backbuffer/internal/sa_bb_misc/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_bitmap", "/graphics/bitmap/internal/sa_bitmap/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_camera", "/graphics/camera/internal/sa_camera/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_images", "/graphics/images/internal/sa_images/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_display", "/graphics/display/internal/sa_display/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_lights", "/graphics/lights/internal/sa_lights/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_videoplayback", "/graphics/video/internal/sa_videoplayback/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_input", "/input/input/internal/sa_input/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_textinput", "/input/textinput/internal/sa_textinput/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_devicecapabilities", "/system/devicecapabilities/internal/sa_devicecapabilities/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_devicestatus", "/system/devicestatus/internal/sa_phone/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_runtimetester", "/system/runtime/internal/sa_runtimetester/group/"],
+ ["*.xml", "ngi_sa_timing", "/timing/internal/sa_timing/group/"],
+ );
+ my $fname;
+ my $moduleDst;
+ my $location;
+ #now copy the files appropriately
+ foreach my $ref(@list)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($fname, $moduleDst, $location) = @inarr;
+ my $src = GetPathPrefix().$location.$fname;
+ my $dst = $ATSRoot."\\components\\$moduleDst";
+ #print "My src is $src\n";
+ #print "My dst is $dst\n";
+ my @filesFound = glob($src);
+ if(scalar @filesFound == 0)
+ {
+ warn("warning: no xml file found to copy from $src!");
+ }
+ foreach my $file(@filesFound)
+ {
+ copy($file, $dst) || die("DIED: unable to copy $file to $dst");
+ }
+ }#ref
+sub GenNgiTest()
+ my @datList =
+ (
+ ["ngi", "sa_amrrecording", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_highlevelaudio", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_audiomixing", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_audiorecording", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_clip", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_lowlevelaudio", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_stream", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_bitmap", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_camera", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_images", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_display", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_lights", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_videoplayback", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_input", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_textinput", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_devicecapabilities", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_devicestatus", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_runtimetester", ".dll"],
+ ["ngi", "sa_timing", ".dll"],
+ );
+ mkdir $ATSRoot;
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components" || die ("DIED: unable to create component dir");
+ my $lib;
+ my $module;
+ my $ext;
+ foreach my $ref(@datList)
+ {
+ my @inarr = @$ref;
+ ($lib, $module,$ext) = @inarr;
+ @generatedModules = ($module);
+ GenDirs($lib);
+ CopyDlls($lib,$ext);
+ }
+ @generatedModules =("sa_backbuffer");
+ GenDirs($lib);
+ @dllList =
+ (
+ "sa_bb_antitearing.dll",
+ "sa_bb_colortranslation.dll",
+ "sa_bb_createfb444.dll",
+ "sa_bb_createfb565.dll",
+ "sa_bb_createfb888.dll",
+ "sa_bb_misc.dll",
+ "sa_bb_heapusage.dll",
+ "sa_bb_multibb.dll",
+ "sa_bb_performance.dll",
+ "sa_bb_plswitch.dll",
+ "sa_bb_testenv.dll"
+ );
+ CopyMultiDlls("ngi");
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared" || die("Wouldn't make shared folder in $ATSRoot\\components");
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared\\winscw_udeb" || die("Wouldn't make shared folder in $ATSRoot\\components\winscw_udeb");
+ mkdir $ATSRoot."\\components\\shared\\armv5_urel" || die("Wouldn't make shared folder in $ATSRoot\\components\armv5_urel");
+sub GetXmls()
+ my @foundList;
+ my $libname = shift @_;
+ my @globlist = ();
+ if($target eq "winsspd" && $sdkversion ne "")
+ {
+ @globlist = ("winsspd_".$sdkversion);
+ #print "winsspd ".$sdkversion." selected\n";
+ }
+ elsif($target eq "winsspd")
+ {
+ @globlist = ("winsspd");
+ #print "winsspd selected\n";
+ }
+ elsif($sdkversion ne "")
+ {
+ @globlist = ($target,"hw_".$sdkversion);
+ #print "$target $sdkversion selected\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @globlist = ($target,"hw");
+ #print "$target $sdkversion selected\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $module(@generatedModules)
+ {
+ my $glob_to_use = "";
+ my @fileList;
+ foreach my $glob(@globlist)
+ {
+ my $src = $ATSRoot."/components/".$libname."_"."$module/*.xml";
+ #print "Analysing $module and $glob\n";
+ @fileList = glob($src);
+ foreach my $file(@fileList)
+ {
+ my $pat = $glob."\_component\.xml";
+ #print "[$file - $glob"."_component.xml"."]\n";
+ if($file =~ /$pat/)
+ {
+ $glob_to_use = $pat;
+ #print "[$file - $glob"."_component.xml"."]\n";
+ last
+ }
+ }#foreach FILE
+ if($glob_to_use ne "")
+ {
+ last;
+ }
+ }#finding glob
+ if($glob_to_use ne "")
+ {
+ #print "Using the glob $glob_to_use\n";
+ my $src = $ATSRoot."/components/".$libname."_"."$module/*.xml";
+ @fileList = glob($src);
+ foreach my $file(@fileList)
+ {
+ #print "[$file - $glob_to_use]\n";
+ if($file =~ /$glob_to_use/)
+ {
+ $file =~ /.*components[\\\/](.*)/;
+ my $value = $1;
+ $value =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ #print "adding $value for $module with $glob_to_use\n";
+ unshift @foundList,$value;
+ }#if
+ }#foreach
+ }#glob is present
+ else
+ {
+ warn("Unable to figure out glob to use for $module. Skipping...\n");
+ }
+ }#each module
+ return @foundList;
+ }#fn