changeset 19 989d2f495d90
child 23 5c0037c72160
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/serviceproviders/sapi_messaging/messagingservice/src/sendmessage.cpp	Fri Jul 03 15:51:24 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <senduiconsts.h>
+#include <mmsconst.h>
+#include <CMsvAttachment.h>
+#include <APGCLI.H>
+#include "messageheader.h"
+#include "sendmessage.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSendMessage* CSendMessage::NewL( CMsvSession& aServerSession )
+	{
+	CSendMessage* self = new (ELeave) CSendMessage( aServerSession );
+	return self;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	{
+	if ( IsActive() )
+		{
+		iCallNotifyForCancelFlag = EFalse;
+		Cancel();
+		}
+	iMessage.Close();
+	iSendAs.Close();
+	delete iMessageParam;
+	delete iNotifyCallback;
+	delete iTemplateDetail;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSendMessage::CSendMessage( CMsvSession& aServerSession ):
+				CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
+				iServerSession( aServerSession ),
+				iCallNotifyForCancelFlag(ETrue),
+				iBodyTextFileFlag(EFalse)
+	{
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets message input parameters 
+// aMessageParam/aTemplateDetail/aNotifyCallback ownership is passed to this
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::SetInputParamsL( CSendMessageParams* aMessageParam,
+									CMessageDetailInfo* aTemplateDetail,
+									CMsgCallbackBase* aNotifyCallback,
+									MAsyncRequestObserver* aAsyncRequestObserver )
+	{
+	iMessageParam = CSendMessageParams::NewL();
+	*iMessageParam = *aMessageParam;
+	iNotifyCallback = aNotifyCallback;
+	iTemplateDetail = aTemplateDetail;
+	iAsyncRequestObserver = aAsyncRequestObserver;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sends the message
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::SendMessageL()
+	{
+	if ( iNotifyCallback ) // making call as asynchronous
+		{
+		CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+		iMessageState = EInitialize;
+		ActivateRequest( KErrNone );
+		}
+	else				// making call as synchronous
+		{
+		InitializeL();
+		ValidateL();
+		SendL();
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Inherited from CActive class 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::DoCancel()
+	{
+	NotifyRequestResult( KErrCancel );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Inherited from CActive class 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::RunL()
+	{
+	TInt err = iStatus.Int();
+	if ( err == KErrNone )
+		{
+		switch ( iMessageState )
+			{
+			case EInitialize: 
+				{
+				TRAP( err, InitializeL() );
+				iMessageState = EValidate;
+				ActivateRequest( err );
+				}
+				break;	
+			case EValidate: 
+				{
+				TRAP( err, ValidateL() );
+				iMessageState = ESend;
+				ActivateRequest( err );
+				}
+				break;	
+			case ESend: 
+				{
+				TRAP( err, SendL() );
+				iMessageState = EComplete;
+				ActivateRequest( err );
+				}
+				break;
+			case EComplete: 
+				{
+				NotifyRequestResult( err );
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				NotifyRequestResult( KErrGeneral );	
+				break;	
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		NotifyRequestResult( err );		
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialises RSendAs Server object and RSendAsMessage Object
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::InitializeL()
+	{
+	TInt err;
+	err = iSendAs.Connect();
+	if ( err == KErrNone )
+		{
+		iMessage.CreateL( iSendAs, iMessageParam->MessageType() );
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave(err);	
+		}
+	if ( iTemplateDetail )
+		{
+		if ( iTemplateDetail->BodyText().Length() )
+			{
+			iMessageParam->AppendBodyTextL( iTemplateDetail->BodyText() );
+			}
+		const CArrayPtr<CMessageAttachInfo>* attacharray = iTemplateDetail->AttachmentInfoArray();
+		if ( attacharray )
+			{
+			for ( TInt pos = 0; pos < attacharray->Count(); pos++ )
+				{
+				CMessageAttachInfo* element = (*attacharray)[pos];
+				TBuf8<KMaxFileName> tmpMime;
+				tmpMime.Copy( element->MimeType() );
+				TRequestStatus stat;
+				RFile fileHandle = element->FileHandle();
+				iMessage.AddAttachment( fileHandle, tmpMime, stat );
+				User::WaitForRequest( stat );
+				}
+			}
+		delete iTemplateDetail;
+		iTemplateDetail = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets Subject, Recipient, BodyText, Attachments to RSendAsMessage object
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::ValidateL()
+	{
+	AddSubjectL();
+	AddRecipientL();
+	AddBodyTextL();
+	AddAttachmentL();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Internal function 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::SendL()
+	{
+	if( iMessageParam->LaunchEditor() )
+		{
+		iMessage.LaunchEditorAndCloseL();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iMessage.SendMessageAndCloseL();	
+		}
+	if( iBodyTextFileFlag )	//If the bodytext attach file is created for mms, delete it
+		{
+		RFs rFs;
+    	if( rFs.Connect() == KErrNone )
+    		{
+    		rFs.Delete( iBodyTextFileName ); //if found delete it b4 creating it
+   			rFs.Close();	
+    		}
+		}	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Activates the asynchronous request
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::ActivateRequest( TInt aReason )
+	{
+	iStatus = KRequestPending;
+	SetActive();
+	TRequestStatus* temp = &iStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete( temp, aReason );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Notifies callback the result for asynchronous request.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::NotifyRequestResult( TInt aReason )
+	{
+	if ( iNotifyCallback )
+		{
+		iAsyncRequestObserver->RequestComplete( iNotifyCallback->iTransactionId );
+		if( iCallNotifyForCancelFlag )
+			{
+			TRAPD( err, iNotifyCallback->NotifyResultL( aReason, NULL ));	
+			}
+		}
+	// caller will delete the object in case of cancel
+	if ( aReason != KErrCancel )
+		delete this;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets the subject for message
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::AddSubjectL()
+	{
+	TPtrC subject( iMessageParam->Subject());
+	if ( subject.Length() )
+		iMessage.SetSubjectL( iMessageParam->Subject() );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets the recipient address.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::AddRecipientL()
+	{
+	const CRecipientList* recipientArray = iMessageParam->RecipientArray();
+	if ( recipientArray )
+		{
+		TInt count = recipientArray->Count();
+		for( TInt pos = 0; pos < count; pos++ )
+			{
+			iMessage.AddRecipientL( (*recipientArray)[pos], 
+				RSendAsMessage::TSendAsRecipientType( recipientArray->Type(pos) ) );
+			}
+		}
+	else if ( !iMessageParam->LaunchEditor() )
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets body text to message.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::AddBodyTextL()
+	{
+	TPtrC filePath( KBodyTextFilePath );
+	TPtrC bodyText = iMessageParam->BodyText();
+	if ( bodyText.Length() )
+		{
+		if ( iMessageParam->MessageType() == KSenduiMtmMmsUid )
+			{
+    		RFs rFs;
+			RFile tmpfile;
+    		User::LeaveIfError( rFs.Connect() );
+    		tmpfile.Temp(rFs, filePath, iBodyTextFileName, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+			iBodyTextFileFlag = ETrue;
+			HBufC8* buffer=HBufC8::NewL( bodyText.Length() );
+			CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
+			buffer->Des().Copy( bodyText );
+			tmpfile.Write( *buffer ); 
+			tmpfile.Flush();
+			tmpfile.Close();			
+			rFs.Close();
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
+			TRequestStatus stat;
+			iMessage.AddAttachment( iBodyTextFileName, KMmsTextPlain, stat );
+			User::WaitForRequest( stat );
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iMessage.SetBodyTextL( bodyText );	
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Adds attachments to message
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSendMessage::AddAttachmentL()
+	{
+	const CArrayPtr<CMsvAttachment>* attachmentArray = iMessageParam->AttachmentArray();
+	if ( attachmentArray && attachmentArray->Count() > 0 )
+		{
+		TRequestStatus attachstatus;
+		TInt error = KErrNone;
+		TInt count;
+		RApaLsSession rapaSesion;
+		RFs rFs;
+		RFile tmpfile;
+		User::LeaveIfError( rapaSesion.Connect() );
+		CleanupClosePushL( rapaSesion );
+		User::LeaveIfError( rFs.Connect() );
+		CleanupClosePushL( rFs );
+		for ( count = 0; count < attachmentArray->Count(); count++ )
+			{
+			attachstatus = KRequestPending;	
+			error = tmpfile.Open(rFs, ((*attachmentArray)[count])->AttachmentName(), EFileRead);
+			if( error == KErrNone )
+				{
+				TBuf8<256> tmpbuf;
+				tmpfile.Read(tmpbuf, 255 );
+				tmpfile.Close();
+				TDataRecognitionResult aDataType;
+				error = rapaSesion.RecognizeData(((*attachmentArray)[count])->AttachmentName(), tmpbuf, aDataType);
+				if( error == KErrNone )
+					{
+					TBuf8< KMaxDataTypeLength > tmp;
+					tmp.Copy( aDataType.iDataType.Des() );
+					iMessage.AddAttachment( ((*attachmentArray)[count])->AttachmentName(),
+												tmp,
+												attachstatus );																										
+					}
+				else
+					{					
+					if ( ((*attachmentArray)[count])->MimeType().Length() )
+						{
+						iMessage.AddAttachment( ((*attachmentArray)[count])->AttachmentName(),
+												((*attachmentArray)[count])->MimeType(),
+												attachstatus );
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iMessage.AddAttachment( ((*attachmentArray)[count])->AttachmentName(), 
+												attachstatus );
+						}
+					}	
+				User::WaitForRequest( attachstatus );
+				User::LeaveIfError( attachstatus.Int() );	
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				User::Leave( error );				
+				}	
+			}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rFs );	
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rapaSesion );
+		}
+	}