* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Defination of class CCalendarInterface
function __device_camera_descriptor(provider){
this.interfaceName = provider.interfaceName;
this.version = provider.version;
//Why bother to define these methods? Because the camera
//object defines the contract for providers!
function __device_camera_startCamera(camera_cb, ErrorCallback){
return this.provider.startCamera(camera_cb, ErrorCallback);
function __device_camera_stopViewfinder(){
function __device_camera_takePicture(format){
// Private camera prototype: called from service factory
function __device_camera(provider){
//Private properties
this.provider = provider;
//Read-only properties
this.interfaceName = provider.descriptor.interfaceName;
this.version = provider.descriptor.version;
this.supportedMediaTypes = provider.supportedMediaTypes;
this.supportedSizes = provider.supportedSizes;
//Core methods
this.startCamera = __device_camera_startCamera;
this.stopViewfinder = __device_camera_stopViewfinder;
//Extended methods
this.takePicture = __device_camera_takePicture;
// Camera service interface
var __device_camera_service_entry = {"name": null,
"version": null,
"proto": __device_camera,
"descriptor": __device_camera_descriptor,
"providers": [{"descriptor": __sp_camera_descriptor, "instance": __sp_camera_instance}]
// S60 sp-based camera provider
function __sp_camera_descriptor(){
//Read-only properties
this.interfaceName = "camera";
this.version =__Service_Interface_Ver;
this.version =1.0;
//Class-static properties
// TBD make local to closure funcs
var __sp_camera_start_date;
var CAMERA_APP_ID = 0x101f857a;
//Apps should take care that this is not reinvoked
//while the viewfinder is running.
function __sp_startCamera(camera_cb, err_cb){
//If callback is null , then return missing argument error
if (camera_cb == null) {
throw new DeviceException(this.error.MISSING_ARG_ERR, "Camera:startCamera:callback is missing");
//If the callback is not a function, then return bad type error
if(camera_cb == undefined)
throw new DeviceException(this.error.INVALID_ARG_ERR, "Camera:startCamera:callback is a non-function" );
if (typeof(camera_cb) != "function") {
throw new DeviceException(this.error.INVALID_ARG_ERR, "Camera:startCamera:callback is a non-function" );
if(typeof err_cb != 'function')
throw new DeviceException(this.error.INVALID_ARG_ERR, "Camera:startCamera:callback is invalid");
var finished = function (){
var invoker = function (arg1, arg2, arg3){
//__device_debug("invoker with: " + camera_cb);
var it = arg3.ReturnValue;
var item;
var items = [];
if(arg3.ErrorCode != 0)
err_cb(new DeviceException(arg3.ErrorCode, "Camera:startCamera: Operation Failed"));
if (( item = it.getNext()) != undefined){
var d = new Date(Date.parse(item.FileDate));
//__device_debug(item.FileName + " " + d );
// Items returned in reverse date order, so stop iterating before
// reaching initial date. (Should be able to do this more efficiently
// with sp filter, but that doesn't seem to work right now.)
if (d > __sp_camera_start_date) {
var itemMap = {};
var pathname = item.FileNameAndPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
var fileScheme = "file:///";
//Non-patched builds don't allow file scheme TBD: change this for patched builds
var fileUrl = "";
fileUrl = fileUrl.concat(fileScheme,pathname);
itemMap.uri = fileUrl;// url
var formatMap = {};
// modifyObjectBaseProp(formatMap);
//var stringTemp = "";
//stringTemp = stringTemp.concat(item.XPixels,"X",item.YPixels);
//formatMap.dimensions = stringTemp;
formatMap.height = item.XPixels;
formatMap.width = item.YPixels;
formatMap.type = item.MimeType;
itemMap.format = formatMap;//format
if (formatMap) {
//delete formatMap.dimensions;
//delete formatMap.mtype;
var dummyTransID = 0;
var dummyStatusCode = 0;
//When camera returns, get the image(s) created
try {
var mso = device.getServiceObject("Service.MediaManagement", "IDataSource");
catch(e) {
__device_handle_exception (e, "media service not available : " + e);
var criteria = {};
criteria.Type = 'FileInfo';
criteria.Filter = {};
criteria.Filter.FileType = 'Image';
//criteria.Filter.Key = 'FileDate';
//criteria.Filter.StartRange = null;
//criteria.Filter.EndRange = null;
criteria.Sort = {};
criteria.Sort.Key = 'FileDate';
criteria.Sort.Order = 'Descending';
try {
var rval = mso.IDataSource.GetList(criteria, invoker);
catch (error) {
__device_handle_exception (error, "media service GetList failed: " + error);
__sp_camera_start_date = new Date();
__s60_start_and_wait(CAMERA_APP_ID, "", finished);
var dummyTid = 0;
return dummyTid;
function __sp_supportedSizes() {
try {
var SysInfo = device.getServiceObject('Service.SysInfo', 'ISysInfo');
catch(e) {
__device_handle_exception (e, "SysInfo Service not available : " + e);
var sys_req = {};
sys_req.Entity = "Camera";
sys_req.Key = "CameraProperties";
//Get supported Sizes
try {
var rval = SysInfo.ISysInfo.GetInfo(sys_req);
if (sys_req) {
delete sys_req.Entity;
delete sys_req.Key;
catch (error) {
__device_handle_exception (error, "Camera : Failed to fetch supported size Info: " + error);
var returnValue = rval.ReturnValue;
var resolutionArray = [];
var supportedResolutions = [];
resolutionArray = returnValue.ResolutionList;
for(var i=0;i<resolutionArray.length;i++) {
var stringTemp ="";
stringTemp = stringTemp.concat(resolutionArray[i].height,"X",resolutionArray[i].width);
return supportedResolutions;
function __sp_supportedMediaTypes() {
try {
var SysInfo = device.getServiceObject('Service.SysInfo', 'ISysInfo');
catch(e) {
__device_handle_exception (e, "SysInfo Service not available : " + e);
var sys_req = {};
sys_req.Entity = "Camera";
sys_req.Key = "CameraProperties";
//Get supported Media Types
try {
var rval = SysInfo.ISysInfo.GetInfo(sys_req);
if (sys_req) {
delete sys_req.Entity;
delete sys_req.Key;
catch (error) {
__device_handle_exception (error, "Camera :Failed to fetch supported media type Info: " + error);
var returnValue = rval.ReturnValue;
var supportedMimeTypes = [];
supportedMimeTypes = returnValue.MimeTypeList;
return supportedMimeTypes;
function __sp_camera_instance(){
this.descriptor = new __sp_camera_descriptor();
//Read-only properties
this.supportedMediaTypes = __sp_supportedMediaTypes();
this.supportedSizes = __sp_supportedSizes();
//Core methods
this.startCamera = __sp_startCamera;
this.stopViewfinder = __s60_api_not_supported;
//Extended methods
this.takePicture = __s60_api_not_supported;
this.error = new DeviceException(0, "Dummy");
//Private data