* Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This Class provides the core functionality to Media Management
* SAPI Interafce
#include <mclfitemlistmodel.h>
#include <mclfcontentlistingengine.h>
#include <contentlistingfactory.h>
#include <mclfsortingstyle.h>
#include "mgservice.h"
#include "mgpostfilter.h"
#include "mgoperationobserver.h"
#include "mgclfoperationobserver.h"
#include "mgconsts.h"
//Media types.
_LIT8( KMgMusic ,"Music" );
_LIT8( KMgSound ,"Sound" );
_LIT8( KMgImage ,"Image" );
_LIT8( KMgVideo ,"Video" );
_LIT8( KMgStreamingURL ,"StreamingURL" );
_LIT8( KMgDescending, "Descending" );
//_LIT8( KMgAscending, "Ascending" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::NewLC
// Returns the instance of CMgService class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMgService* CMgService::NewL()
CMgService* self = new ( ELeave )CMgService();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::~CMgService
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//release filter class
delete iFilter;
// release sorting style
delete iSortingStyle;
// release clf observer class
delete iClfObserver;
//release iEngine;
delete iEngine;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::GetFiles
// This function extracts all media item that match the given arguments
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMgService::GetListL(const TMgServiceRequest& aInParameters,
MMgOperationObserver* aServiceObserver)
//Check if the class is busy or waiting for asynchronous request
//This has already been verified by SAPI interface class ,still this condition
//is checked keeping in mind that this class may be called directly by a
//Series60 application in future
if( EMgFree == iState )
if( NULL != aServiceObserver )//Asynchronous request
// create the instance of CLF list Model for the current request
MCLFItemListModel* listModel = iEngine->
CreateListModelLC( *iClfObserver );
SendRequestToClfL( aInParameters.iFileType,
listModel );
iTransactionID = aInParameters.iTransactionID;
iClfObserver->SetMemberVar( aInParameters.iTransactionID,
this );
//Synchronous request handling is currently not supported
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
}//SAPI State
User::Leave( KErrServerBusy ); // busy in previous request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::Cancel
// Cancel the pending asynchronous request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CMgService::CancelL( TUint aTransactionID)
// call cancel of CLF
// Right now we are not supporting aTransactionID
// but in future we have to find the iClfObserver
// coresponding to this Transaction ID and Call cancel
// on that observer
if( EMgBusy == iState )
if( aTransactionID == iTransactionID )
iClfObserver->CancelL( );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::Clear
// It will clear the set filter metadata field ,registered callback
// function and sorting fields
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::Clear()
iState = EMgFree;
iTransactionID = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::State
// It will return the state of service class.
// return EMgFree if it is free and ready to accept
// the another request else EMgBusy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TMgState& CMgService::State() const
return iState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::SetSortingField
// It will set the metadata field on which the result
// should be sorted.
// Leave with KErrArgument if aSortField is not valid.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::SetSortingFieldL(const TDesC8& aSortField ,
const TDesC8& aOrder ,
const RArray<TInt>& aMediaTypes,
MCLFItemListModel* alistModel )
// Default sorting as per file name
TCLFDefaultFieldId metaDataId = ECLFFieldIdFileName;
TCLFItemDataType metaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
//Check If the aSortField is not NULL Descriptor i.e.
// sorting metadata is specified
if( 0 != aSortField.CompareF( KNullDesC8 ) )
GetMetaDataIdAndType( aSortField,
aMediaTypes );
if( ECLFFieldIdNull == metaDataId ) // check the return type
// The given Sort Field is not supported by Media Management SAPI
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
//Set the field on which sorting has to perform
iSortingStyle->AddFieldL( metaDataId );
// Set the sorting field data type
iSortingStyle->SetSortingDataType( metaDataType );
if( 0 == aOrder.CompareF( KMgDescending ) )
iSortingStyle->SetOrdering( ECLFOrderingDescending );
else if( 0 == aOrder.CompareF( KMgAscending) )
iSortingStyle->SetOrdering( ECLFOrderingAscending );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
//Items with undefined fields are placed after items with defined fields
iSortingStyle->SetUndefinedItemPosition( ECLFSortingStyleUndefinedEnd );
// set sorting style in CLF.
alistModel->SetSortingStyle( iSortingStyle );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPostFilter::SetFilterMetaData
// Method to set the filter metadata
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::SetFilterMetaDataL( const TDesC8& aFilterField,
const TDesC& aStartVal,
const TDesC& aEndVal,
const RArray<TInt>& aMediaTypes,
MCLFItemListModel* alistModel )
TCLFDefaultFieldId metaDataId;
TCLFItemDataType metaDataType;
//Check If the Filter Meta Data is NULL Descriptor, if so
// no filtration will be performed
if( 0 == aFilterField.CompareF( KNullDesC8 ) )
metaDataId = ECLFFieldIdNull;
metaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC; // Blank Descriptor
iFilter->SetFilterMetaData( metaDataId, metaDataType );
GetMetaDataIdAndType( aFilterField,
if( ECLFFieldIdNull == metaDataId )
// The given metaData is not supported by Media Management SAPI
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iFilter->SetFilterMetaData( metaDataId, metaDataType );
// set filter value of CLF
iFilter->SetFilterValueL( aStartVal,aEndVal );
// Set Post Filter in CLF
alistModel->SetPostFilter( iFilter );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::ConstuctL
// It will intialize the underlying CLF(Content Listing Framework)
// framework classes and CPostFilter class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::ConstructL()
// create the instance of CLF engine and store it in member data.
iEngine = ContentListingFactory::NewContentListingEngineLC();
// create the instance of CPostFilter and store it in member data
iFilter = CPostFilter::NewL();
// Get the sorting style from CLF
iSortingStyle = ContentListingFactory::NewSortingStyleLC();
//create the instance of clf observer
iClfObserver = CClfOperationObserver::NewL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::CMgService
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: iState( EMgFree ),
iEngine( NULL ),
iFilter( NULL ),
iSortingStyle( NULL ),
iClfObserver( NULL ),
iTransactionID( 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::SetMediaTypeL
// It will convert the aFiletype string into
// equivalent Mediatype ID and Fill the Media Type Array
// if it is not valid then return KErrNotSupported
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::SetMediaTypeL (const TDesC8& aFileType,
RArray<TInt>& aMediaType)
if( 0 == aFileType.CompareF( KMgMusic ) )
aMediaType.AppendL( ECLFMediaTypeMusic );
else if( 0 == aFileType.CompareF( KMgSound ) )
aMediaType.AppendL( ECLFMediaTypeSound );
else if( 0 == aFileType.CompareF( KMgImage ) )
aMediaType.AppendL( ECLFMediaTypeImage );
else if( 0 == aFileType.CompareF( KMgVideo ) )
aMediaType.AppendL( ECLFMediaTypeVideo );
else if( 0 == aFileType.CompareF( KMgStreamingURL ) )
aMediaType.AppendL( ECLFMediaTypeStreamingURL );
User::Leave ( KErrArgument ); // Media Type Not suuported
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::SendRequestToCLF
// This Function will pass the request to CLF frame work for required media type.
// return KErrArgument if the FilterMetaData is not Supported
// return KErrArgument if the Start Value is not Supported
// return KErrArgument if the End Value is mot supported
// return KErrNone if sucessful
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::SendRequestToClfL( const TDesC8& aFileType,
const TDesC8& aFilterField,
const TDesC& aStartVal,
const TDesC& aEndVal,
const TDesC8& aSortField,
const TDesC8& aOrder,
MCLFItemListModel* alistModel )
RArray<TInt> mediaTypes;
CleanupClosePushL( mediaTypes );
//check if it is a valid file type or not
SetMediaTypeL( aFileType,mediaTypes );
//set wanted media type in CLF
alistModel->SetWantedMediaTypesL( mediaTypes.Array() );
// Set Filter Meta Data and Value
SetFilterMetaDataL( aFilterField,aStartVal,aEndVal,mediaTypes,alistModel);
// call set sorting field of CLF
SetSortingFieldL( aSortField,aOrder,mediaTypes,alistModel );
// set the state = Busy
// till this request is complete
//which indicates no further request will be taken
iState = EMgBusy;
//asynchronous call to CLF ECLFRefreshAll
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &mediaTypes );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgService::GetMetaDataIdAndType
// It will convert the aFilterData string into equivalent Metadata ID and Type
// which is recognized by underlying framework.(i.e CLF)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgService::GetMetaDataIdAndType(const TDesC8& aMetaData,
TCLFDefaultFieldId& aMetaDataId,
TCLFItemDataType& aMetaDataType,
const RArray<TInt> &aMediaTypes)
//File name field
if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgFileName ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdFileName;
// File Extension
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgFileExtension ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdFileExtension;
// File path field
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgPath ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdPath;
// File drive field
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgDrive ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdDrive;
// File size field
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgFileSize ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeTInt32;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdFileSize;
// File date field
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgFileDate ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeTTime;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdFileDate;
// Mime type field
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgMimeType ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdMimeType;
// Full name and path of the file
else if( 0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgFileNameAndPath ))
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdFileNameAndPath;
// Music file song name: and also check If the File type is Music File
else if( (0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgSongName )) &&( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find( ECLFMediaTypeMusic )) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdSongName;
// Music file artist
else if( (0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgArtist )) &&( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find( ECLFMediaTypeMusic )) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdArtist;
// Music file album
else if((0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgAlbum )) &&
( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find( ECLFMediaTypeMusic ) ) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdAlbum;
// Music file genre
else if((0==aMetaData.CompareF( KMgGenre))&&
( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find(ECLFMediaTypeMusic) ) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdGenre;
// Music file track number
else if((0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgTrackNumber ))&&
( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find( ECLFMediaTypeMusic ) ) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeTInt32;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdTrackNumber;
// Music file composer
else if( (0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgComposer )) &&
( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find( ECLFMediaTypeMusic ) ) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdComposer;
// Ram link first URL
else if( (0 == aMetaData.CompareF( KMgLinkFirstURL )) &&
( KErrNotFound != aMediaTypes.Find( ECLFMediaTypeStreamingURL ) ) )
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeDesC;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdRamLinkFirstURL;
aMetaDataType = ECLFItemDataTypeTInt32;
aMetaDataId = ECLFFieldIdNull;