* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Support for header information retrieval
#include <e32base.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <cmsvrecipientlist.h>
class CMsvAttachment;
class CRecipientList;
const TInt KArrayGranularity = 4;
_LIT(KMessageTypeMMS, "MMS");
_LIT(KMessageTypeSMS, "SMS");
_LIT(KUnknown, "unknown");
_LIT(KPriorityHigh, "High");
_LIT(KPriorityMedium, "Medium");
_LIT(KPriorityLow, "Low");
* TMessageStatusFlag enum for status of message
enum TMessageStatusFlag
EUnread = 0,
* TNotificationType enum for notification of new arrival of message
enum TNotificationType
ENewMessage = 0
* TMessageFilter enum is provided to filtering out search options
enum TMessageFilter
EFilterId = 0x1,
EFilterMtm = 0x2,
EFilterFrom = 0x4,
EFilterSubject = 0x8,
EFilterStartDate = 0x10,
EFilterEndDate = 0x20
* CFilterParamInfo Contains filter and sorting information required for getting header list
class CFilterParamInfo : public CBase
* Two Phase Constructor
IMPORT_C static CFilterParamInfo* NewL();
* Destructor
* Adds the sender address as a filter
* @param aFrom It is sender address
* @return void
IMPORT_C void AddFromL( const TDesC& aFrom );
* Gets the sender address list
* @return CDesCArray*
IMPORT_C const CDesCArray* From() const ;
* Adds the mtm as a filter
* @param aMtm It is mtm type
* @return void
IMPORT_C TInt AddMtmL( const TDesC& aMtm );
* Gets the mtm list
* @return CDesCArray*
IMPORT_C const CDesCArray* Mtm() const;
* Sets the subject filter
* @param aSubject It is the subject which user want to set as filter
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetSubjectL( const TDesC& aSubject );
* Gets the subject filter
* @return TPtrC
IMPORT_C TPtrC Subject() const;
* Sets the sorting order
* @param aSortType It could be { @c EMsvSortByNone , @c EMsvSortByDate ,@c EMsvSortByDateReverse ,
@c EMsvSortBySize ,@c EMsvSortBySizeReverse, @c EMsvSortByDetails ,
@c EMsvSortByDetailsReverse ,@c EMsvSortByDescription ,@c EMsvSortByDescriptionReverse ,
@c EMsvSortById ,@c EMsvSortByIdReverse } defined in @c MSVSTD.H
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetSortType( const TMsvSorting aSortType );
* Gets the sorting order
* @return TMsvSorting
IMPORT_C TMsvSorting SortType() const;
* Sets the message id as filter
* @param aMessageId It is the message id which user want to set as filter
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetMessageIdFilter( const TMsvId aMessageId );
* Gets the message id filter
* @return TMsvId
IMPORT_C TMsvId MessageId() const;
* Sets the starting date for date range as a filter
* @param aStartDate It is the date to which we want
* to set as starting date for date range
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetStartDateFilter( const TTime& aStartDate );
* Gets the starting date for date range as a filter
* @return TTime&
IMPORT_C const TTime& StartDate() const;
* Sets the ending date for date range as a filter
* @param aEndDate It is the date to which we want
* to set as ending date for date range
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetEndDate( const TTime& aEndDate );
* Gets the ending date for date range as a filter
* @return TTime&
IMPORT_C const TTime& EndDate() const;
* Gives the iFilter
* @return TInt
IMPORT_C TInt Filter() const;
* Resets the filterinfo object
* @return void
IMPORT_C void Reset();
* Assignment operator.
* @param aFilterParamInfo Item to assign.
* @return The source object.
CFilterParamInfo& operator=(const CFilterParamInfo& aFilterParamInfo);
* Constructor
* Sender Array
CDesCArray* iFromArray;
* Mtm Array
CDesCArray* iMtmArray;
* Subject
HBufC* iSubject;
* Sort type
TMsvSorting iSortType;
* Message Id
TMsvId iMessageId;
* Starting date of date range
TTime iStartDate;
* End date of date range
TTime iEndDate;
* Filter options
TInt iFilter;
* CMessageAttachInfo Structure for attachment information
class CMessageAttachInfo : public CBase
* Two Phase Constructor
IMPORT_C static CMessageAttachInfo* NewL();
* Destructor
* Sets the Attachment Name
* @param aName Attachment Name
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetNameL(const TDesC& aName);
* Gets the Attachment Name
* @return TPtrC Attachment Name
IMPORT_C const TPtrC Name() const;
* Sets the File handle
* @param aFile File handle
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetFileHandle( RFile aFile);
* Gets the File handle
* @return RFile File handle
IMPORT_C RFile FileHandle() const;
* Sets the File size
* @param aSize File size
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetSize( TInt32 aSize);
* Gets the File size
* @return File size
IMPORT_C TInt32 Size() const;
* Sets the Mime type
* @param aMimeType Mime type
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetMimeTypeL(const TDesC& aMimeType);
* Gets the Mime type
* @return TPtrC Mime type
IMPORT_C const TPtrC MimeType() const;
* Constructor
* Attachment name
HBufC* iName;
* File Handle for attachment
RFile iFile;
* Size of attachment
TInt32 iSize;
* Mimetype
HBufC* iMimeType;
* CMessageDetailInfo Structure for message detail information
class CMessageDetailInfo : public CBase
* Two Phase Constructor
IMPORT_C static CMessageDetailInfo* NewL();
* Destructor
* Adds Recipient
* @param aRecipient recipient address
* @param aType recipient type
IMPORT_C void AddRecipientL( const TDesC& aRecipient,
TMsvRecipientType aType = EMsvRecipientTo );
* Gives the receipient array
* @return CRecipientList*
IMPORT_C const CRecipientList* RecipientArray() const;
* Sets the sender address
* @param aFrom Sender address
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetFromL(const TDesC& aFrom);
* Gets the sender address
* @return TPtrC Sender address
IMPORT_C const TPtrC From() const;
* Sets the body for message
* @param aMsg Body for message
IMPORT_C void SetBodyTextL( const TDesC& aMsg );
* Gets the body text
* @return TPtrC
IMPORT_C const TPtrC BodyText() const;
* Sets the message id
* @param aMessageID Message ID
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetMessageId(const TMsvId aMessageID);
* Gets the message id
* @return TMsvId Message ID
IMPORT_C TMsvId MessageId() const;
* Adds attachment
* @param aAttachment attachment information
IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentInfoL( CMessageAttachInfo* aAttachment );
* Gives the attachment array
* @return CArrayPtr<CMsvAttachment>*
IMPORT_C const CArrayPtr<CMessageAttachInfo>* AttachmentInfoArray();
* Constructor
* Message ID
TMsvId iMessageId;
* Message Body text
HBufC* iBodyText;
* Sender address
HBufC* iFrom;
* Receipient List
CRecipientList* iRecipientList;
* Array of Attachments
CArrayPtr<CMessageAttachInfo>* iAttachEntries;
* CSendMessageParams Contains parameters required for sending a message
class CSendMessageParams : public CBase
* Two Phase Constructor
IMPORT_C static CSendMessageParams* NewL();
* Destructor
* Adds Recipient
* @param aRecipient recipient address
* @param aType recipient type
IMPORT_C void AddRecipientL( const TDesC& aRecipient,
TMsvRecipientType aType = EMsvRecipientTo );
* Gives the receipient array
* @return CRecipientList*
IMPORT_C const CRecipientList* RecipientArray() const;
* Adds attachment
* @param aAttachment attachment information
IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL( CMsvAttachment* aAttachment );
* Gives the attachment array
* @return CArrayPtr<CMsvAttachment>*
IMPORT_C const CArrayPtr<CMsvAttachment>* AttachmentArray();
* Sets the message subject
* @param aSubject Message Subject
IMPORT_C void SetSubjectL( const TDesC& aSubject );
* Gives message subject
* @return TPtrC
IMPORT_C const TPtrC Subject() const;
* Sets the body for message
* @param aMsg Body for message
IMPORT_C void SetBodyTextL( const TDesC& aMsg );
* Appends the message to the existing bodytext
* @param aMsg Body for message
void AppendBodyTextL( const TDesC& aMsg );
* Gets the body text
* @return TPtrC
IMPORT_C const TPtrC BodyText() const;
* Sets the templateid
* @param aTemplateId template id
IMPORT_C void SetTemplateId( const TMsvId aTemplateId );
* Gets the template id
* @return TMsvId
IMPORT_C TMsvId TemplateId() const;
* Sets paramter to launch editor depends on argument value
* if ETrue then launches editor or if EFalse the don't launch editor.
* @param aLaunchEditor Boolean param
IMPORT_C void SetLaunchEditor( const TBool aLaunchEditor = ETrue );
* Gets the LaunchEditor value
* @return TBool
IMPORT_C TBool LaunchEditor() const;
* Sets the message type
* @param aMessageType Describing message type (SMS/MMS)
IMPORT_C TInt SetMessageTypeL( const TDesC& aMessageType );
* Gets the messagetype
* @return TUid
IMPORT_C TUid MessageType() const;
* Assignment operator.
* @param aSendMessageParams Item to assign.
* @return The source object.
CSendMessageParams& operator=(const CSendMessageParams& aSendMessageParams);
* Constructor
* Message Type
TUid iMessageType;
* Template id
TMsvId iTemplateId;
* Receipient Array
CRecipientList* iRecipientArray;
* Attachment Array
CArrayPtr<CMsvAttachment>* iAttachmentArray;
* Subject of message
HBufC* iSubject;
* Bpodytext
HBufC* iBodyText;
* Launch editor variable
TBool iLaunchEditor;
* Contains recipients information
class CRecipientList : public CBase
* Two-phased constructor.
* @return CRecipientList*
IMPORT_C static CRecipientList* CRecipientList::NewL();
* Destructor.
* Appends the recipient type
* @param aValue Recipient Type
* @param aPtr recipient address
* @return void
IMPORT_C void AppendL(TMsvRecipientType aType, const TDesC& aRecipient);
* Gives the number of elements in recipient list
* @return TInt
IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
* Gives the recipient type
* @param aPos position
* @return TMsvRecipientType
IMPORT_C TMsvRecipientType Type(TInt aPos) const;
* Gives the recipient address
* @param aIndex index
* @return TDesC recipient address
IMPORT_C const TDesC& operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
* Resets the recipient list
* @return void
IMPORT_C void Reset();
* Symbian Constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Constructor
* Recipient type
RArray<TMsvRecipientType> iRecipientType;
* Recipients
CDesCArrayFlat* iRecipients;
* Gives Message header
class CMessageHeader : public CBase
* Two-phased constructor.
* @return CMessageHeader*
IMPORT_C static CMessageHeader* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMessageHeader();
* Symbain constructor.
* Sets the unread flag
* @param aUnread unread flag
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetUnreadFlag(const TBool aUnread);
* Gets the unread flag
* @param aUnead Unread flag
* @return void
IMPORT_C void GetUnreadFlag(TBool& aUnread) const;
* Gets the unread flag
* @return TBool unread flag
IMPORT_C TBool UnreadFlag() const;
* Sets the attahment flag
* @param aAttachment Attachment flag
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetAttachFlag(const TBool aAttachment);
* Gets the attachment flag
* @param aAttachment Attachment flag
* @return void
IMPORT_C void GetAttachFlag(TBool& aAttachment) const;
* Gets the Attachment flag
* @return TBool Attachment flag
IMPORT_C TBool AttachFlag() const;
* Sets the priority flag
* @param aPriority Priority flag
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetPriorityFlag(const TMsvPriority aPriority);
* Gets the priority flag
* @param aPriority Priority flag
* @return void
IMPORT_C void GetPriorityFlag(TMsvPriority& aPriority) const;
* Gets the priority
* @return TPtrC Priority
IMPORT_C TPtrC Priority() const;
* Sets the mtm type
* @param aMtm Mtm id
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetMtmId(const TUid aMtm);
* Gets the mtm type
* @param aMtm Mtm id
* @return void
IMPORT_C void GetMtmId(TUid& aMtm) const;
* Gets the mtm type
* @return TPtrC Message Type
IMPORT_C TPtrC Mtm() const;
* Sets the message id
* @param aMessageID Message ID
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetMessageId(const TMsvId aMessageID);
* Gets the message id
* @param aMessageID Message ID
* @return void
IMPORT_C void GetMessageId(TMsvId& aMessageID) const;
* Gets the message id
* @return TMsvId Message ID
IMPORT_C TMsvId MessageId() const;
* Sets the time
* @param aTime Time
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetTime(const TTime& aTime);
* Gets the time
* @param aTime Time
* @return void
IMPORT_C void GetTime(TTime& aTime) const;
* Gets the time
* @return TTime
IMPORT_C const TTime& Time() const;
* Sets the sender address
* @param aFrom Sender address
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetFromL(const TDesC& aFrom);
* Gets the sender address
* @return TPtrC Sender address
IMPORT_C const TPtrC From() const;
* Sets the message subject
* @param aSubject Subject of message
* @return void
IMPORT_C void SetSubjectL(const TDesC& aSubject);
* Gets the message
* @return TPtrC Subject of message
IMPORT_C const TPtrC Subject() const;
* Unread flag
TBool iUnread;
* Attachment flag
TBool iAttachment;
* Priority
TMsvPriority iPriority;
* Priority as string
HBufC* iPriAsString;
* Mtm
TUid iMtm;
* Mtm
HBufC* iMtmAsString;
* Message subject
HBufC* iSubject;
* Address of sender
HBufC* iFrom;
* Time
TTime iTime;
* Entry id of message
TMsvId iMessageID;
* Messaging Callback base class
class CMsgCallbackBase : public CBase
* Gives the result
* @param aErrCode Error code
* @param aResult Result
* @return void
virtual void NotifyResultL(TInt aErrCode, TAny* aResult) = 0;
* Input param
const TAny* iPtrInParamList;
* Callback
TAny* iPtrNotifyCallback;
* Transaction Id
TInt32 iTransactionId;
* Interface used to get callback notification from async request module
* about completion of request. Implemented by the CMessagingService class,
* which is used by the service modules to notify about request completion.
class MAsyncRequestObserver
* Notifies Messaging service about the completeion of the request
* @param aTransactionId Asynchronous request transaction ID
* @return void
virtual void RequestComplete( TInt32 aTransactionId ) = 0;
* Structure for storing transaction id and associated active object.
struct TAsyncRequestInfo
* TransactionId
TInt32 iTransactionId;
* Active object pointer
CActive* iAsyncObj;