author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:28:47 +0100
changeset 66 a9c0808a1095
parent 65 0b68a1b0c15e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  

 * Stray signal test function

#include <e32svr.h>
#include <StifParser.h>
#include <StifTestInterface.h>
#include <lbsrequestor.h>
#include <liwservicehandler.h>
#include <liwcommon.h>
 #include "tcomplugin.h"
 #define TRACE 0 
 #define GETLOCATION 1
class ConcurrentTraceLoc : public MLiwNotifyCallback

	MLiwInterface *iLocationInterface ;
	CLiwGenericParamList *iInputList ;
    TInt cnt;
	public :
	TInt iRetStatus ;

	TInt HandleNotifyL(
	    TInt aCmdId,
	    TInt aEventId,
	    CLiwGenericParamList& aEventParamList,
	    const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList) ;

    ConcurrentTraceLoc() : iRetStatus(KErrGeneral),cnt(0) //Default constructor 
	ConcurrentTraceLoc(TInt aCmd , MLiwInterface *aInterface , CLiwGenericParamList *aInputList)	 ;

ConcurrentTraceLoc :: ConcurrentTraceLoc(TInt aCmd ,MLiwInterface *aInterface , CLiwGenericParamList *aInputList)
    cnt = 0;
  iLocationInterface = aInterface ;
  iInputList = aInputList ;

TInt ConcurrentTraceLoc ::  HandleNotifyL(
	    TInt aCmdId,
	    TInt aEventId,
	    CLiwGenericParamList& aEventParamList,
	    const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList)

//DeRefrence Allocated Map first 
    TInt trid = aCmdId;

    if(cnt == 2)

    return 0 ;
TInt TraceConcurrentCallsL()
    __UHEAP_MARK ;
    CActiveScheduler *Scheduler  = CActiveScheduler :: Current() ;

        Scheduler = new CActiveScheduler ;

    CActiveScheduler :: Install(Scheduler) ;
	_LIT(KTraceFile , "C:\\Trace.txt") ;
	RFile TraceFile ;
	RFs  TraceSession ;
	TraceSession.Connect() ;
	if(TraceFile.Open(TraceSession ,KTraceFile , EFileWrite | EFileShareAny )  == KErrNotFound)
		if(TraceFile.Create(TraceSession ,KTraceFile , EFileWrite | EFileShareAny ) != KErrNone)
		 	return KErrGeneral ;

    CLiwServiceHandler* ServiceHandler = CLiwServiceHandler::NewL();
    // Input and output parameter list
    CLiwGenericParamList* inputlist = &(ServiceHandler->InParamListL());
    CLiwGenericParamList* outputlist = &(ServiceHandler->OutParamListL());

	CLiwCriteriaItem* crit = CLiwCriteriaItem::NewL(1, KContents, KService);


	RCriteriaArray a;
	ServiceHandler->AttachL(a) ;
	ServiceHandler->ExecuteServiceCmdL(*crit, *inputlist, *outputlist);


	TInt pos = 0;
	const TLiwGenericParam *errorprm = outputlist->FindFirst(pos , KErrorCode) ;
		return KErrGeneral ;
	TraceFile.Write(_L8("Error Param searched \n")) ;
    pos = 0 ;
 	const TLiwGenericParam *genericparm = outputlist->FindFirst(pos,KDataSource );
		return KErrGeneral ;
	TraceFile.Write(_L8("Interface Found")) ;
   MLiwInterface* locinterface = (genericparm->Value()).AsInterface();
    TBuf8<20>CmdBuf(KTraceLocation) ;
	CLiwGenericParamList *InputList = CLiwGenericParamList :: NewL() ;
	CLiwGenericParamList *OutParmList = CLiwGenericParamList :: NewL() ;
	ConcurrentTraceLoc Updates(TRACE , locinterface , InputList)  ;
	ConcurrentTraceLoc GetLoc(TRACE , locinterface , InputList) ;
	locinterface->ExecuteCmdL(CmdBuf , *InputList , *OutParmList ,KLiwOptASyncronous ,  &Updates);
	pos = 0 ;
	const TLiwGenericParam *errparam1 = outputlist->FindFirst(pos , KErrorCode) ;

	locinterface->ExecuteCmdL(CmdBuf , *InputList , *OutParmList ,KLiwOptASyncronous ,  &GetLoc);
	pos = 0 ;
    CActiveScheduler :: Start() ;
	const TLiwGenericParam *errparam = OutParmList->FindFirst(pos , KErrorCode) ;
		return KErrNotFound ;
	TraceFile.Write(_L8("Error param  Found \n")) ;
    TLiwVariant ErrVariant = errparam->Value() ;
    TInt ret = ErrVariant.AsTInt32() ;
    a.ResetAndDestroy() ;
	locinterface->Close() ;
	delete ServiceHandler ;
	delete InputList ;
	delete OutParmList ;
	delete Scheduler ;
	TraceFile.Write(_L8("Gracefully returned \n")) ;
	return  ret ; 

TInt TraceConcurrent(TAny */*Arg*/)
	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
	TInt  Val = 0;
	//Install a new active scheduler to this thread 
	TRAPD(err ,( Val = TraceConcurrentCallsL()) );
	delete cleanup ;
 	        return err ;
	return Val ;