changeset 2 df41ad951a7c
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:ed1ec54c34f0 2:df41ad951a7c
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
     3  <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel?, SystemBuild? )>
     4  <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
     5   name CDATA #REQUIRED
     6   schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
     7  <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
     8  <!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
     9  <!ATTLIST layer
    10   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    11   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    12   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
    13   span CDATA #IMPLIED>
    14  <!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
    15  <!ATTLIST block
    16   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
    17   span CDATA #IMPLIED
    18   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    19   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    20   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
    21  <!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
    22  <!ATTLIST subblock
    23   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    24   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
    25  <!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
    26  <!ATTLIST collection
    27   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    28   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    29   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
    30  <!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
    31  <!ATTLIST component
    32   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    33   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    34   deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
    35   introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
    36   contract CDATA #IMPLIED
    37   plugin (Y|N) "N"
    38   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
    39   class NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
    40   supports CDATA #IMPLIED
    41   purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional">
    42  <!ELEMENT unit EMPTY >
    43  <!ATTLIST unit
    44   mrp CDATA #IMPLIED
    45   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
    46   bldFile CDATA #IMPLIED
    47   root CDATA #IMPLIED
    48   version NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    49   prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    50   late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
    51   priority CDATA #IMPLIED>
    52  <!ELEMENT SystemBuild (option* | target+ | targetList+ | list+ | configuration+)*>
    53  <!ATTLIST SystemBuild schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
    54  <!ELEMENT list (ref+)>
    55  <!ATTLIST list
    56   name ID #REQUIRED
    57   description CDATA #REQUIRED>
    58  <!ELEMENT ref EMPTY>
    59  <!ATTLIST ref item CDATA #REQUIRED>
    60  <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
    61  <!ATTLIST targetList
    62   name ID #REQUIRED
    63   description CDATA #REQUIRED
    64   target IDREFS #REQUIRED>
    65  <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
    66  <!ATTLIST target
    67   name ID #REQUIRED
    68   abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
    69   description CDATA #REQUIRED>
    70  <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
    71  <!ATTLIST option
    72   name ID #REQUIRED
    73   abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
    74   description CDATA #REQUIRED
    75   enable (Y | N ) #REQUIRED>
    76  <!ELEMENT configuration (listRef+ | ref+ | task+)*>
    77  <!ATTLIST configuration
    78   name ID #REQUIRED
    79   description CDATA #REQUIRED
    80   filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
    81  <!ELEMENT task (listRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
    82  <!ELEMENT listRef EMPTY>
    83  <!ATTLIST listRef list CDATA #REQUIRED>
    84  <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
    85  <!ATTLIST buildLayer
    86   command CDATA #REQUIRED
    87   targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
    88   unitParallel (Y | N ) #REQUIRED
    89   targetParallel (Y | N ) "N">
    90  <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
    91  <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
    92   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    93   cwd CDATA #REQUIRED
    94   root CDATA #IMPLIED
    95   command CDATA #REQUIRED>
    96 ]>
    97 <SystemDefinition name="Foundation" schema="2.0.1">
    98  <systemModel>
    99   <layer name="mw" long-name="Middleware" levels="generic specific">
   100    <block long-name="Service API Framework" level="specific" name="serviceapifw" levels="plugin framework server generic specific">
   101     <!-- Following Collection added by SF via autopopulating script from S60 Model -->
   102     <collection name="serviceapifw" long-name="serviceapifw">
   103      <!-- Following Component added by SF via autopopulating script from S60 Model -->
   104      <component name="serviceapifw" long-name="serviceapifw">
   105       <!-- Unit added by SF via autopopulating script from S60 Model -->
   106       <unit bldFile="mw/serviceapifw/group"/>
   107      </component>
   108     </collection>
   109    </block>
   110   </layer>
   111  </systemModel>
   112 <SystemBuild schema="1.0.0">
   113   <option name="KEEPGOING" abldOption="-keepgoing" description="Causes make to keepgoing on errors" enable="Y"/>
   114   <option name="SAVESPACE" abldOption="-savespace" description="Causes the removal of intermediate files" enable="Y"/>
   115   <option name="NO_DEBUG" abldOption="-no_debug" description="Causes the toolchain not to generate debug tables" enable="N"/>
   116   <target name="WINS" abldTarget="wins" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
   117   <target name="WINS_REL" abldTarget="wins urel" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
   118   <target name="WINS_DEB" abldTarget="wins udeb" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
   119   <target name="WINSCW" abldTarget="winscw" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
   120   <target name="WINSCW_REL" abldTarget="winscw urel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
   121   <target name="WINSCW_DEB" abldTarget="winscw udeb" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
   122   <target name="TOOLS" abldTarget="tools" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools"/>
   123   <target name="TOOLS_REL" abldTarget="tools rel" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/>
   124   <target name="TOOLS2" abldTarget="tools2" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools"/>
   125   <target name="TOOLS2_REL" abldTarget="tools2 rel" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/>
   126   <target name="ARMV5" abldTarget="armv5" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
   127   <target name="ARMV5_REL" abldTarget="armv5 urel" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
   128   <target name="ARMV5_DEB" abldTarget="armv5 udeb" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
   129   <!-- Aditional Targets -->
   130   <target name="CWTOOLS" abldTarget="cwtools" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools"/> <!-- Not supported -->
   131   <target name="CWTOOLS_REL" abldTarget="cwtools rel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/> <!-- Not supported -->
   132   <target name="GCCXML" abldTarget="gccxml" description="GCCXML for Code comparision tools"/>
   133   <target name="GCCXML_REL" abldTarget="gccxml urel" description="GCCXML for Code comparision tools release mode only"/>
   134   <targetList name="default_9.0" description="Main Targets for 9.0" target="WINSCW ARMV5"/>
   135   <targetList name="default_9.0_rel" description="Main Targets for 9.0_rel" target="WINSCW_REL ARMV5_REL"/>
   136   <targetList name="default_9.0_deb" description="Main Targets for 9.0_deb" target="WINSCW_DEB ARMV5_DEB"/>
   137   <targetList name="tools" description="tools Targets" target="TOOLS"/>
   138   <targetList name="tools_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="TOOLS_REL"/>
   139   <targetList name="tools2" description="tools Targets" target="TOOLS2"/>
   140   <targetList name="tools2_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="TOOLS2_REL"/>
   141   <targetList name="gccxml" description="tools Targets" target="GCCXML"/>
   142   <targetList name="gccxml_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="GCCXML_REL"/>
   143   <!-- 9.4 configuration -->
   144     <!-- tb91 configuration -->
   145     <!-- tb91sf configuration -->
   146   <configuration name="GT_tb91sf" description="tb91sf GT build" filter="tb91sf,gt,raptor_GT_tb91sf">
   147     <ref item="os"/>
   148     <ref item="mw"/>
   149     <ref item="app"/>
   150     <task><specialInstructions name="BootStrap1" cwd="os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" command="setupprj.bat secure"/></task>
   151     <task><specialInstructions name="BootStrap2" cwd="os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" command="bld.bat rel"/></task>
   152     <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
   153     <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
   154     <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   155     <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   156     <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   157     <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   158     <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   159     <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   160     <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="tools2" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   161     <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="tools2" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   162     <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools2_rel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task> 
   163     <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools2_rel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   164     <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools2_rel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   165     <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools2_rel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   166     <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_9.0" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   167     <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_9.0" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   168     <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_9.0" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   169     <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default_9.0" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   170     <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default_9.0" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
   171     <task><buildLayer command="abld -what export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
   172     <task><buildLayer command="abld -what target" targetList="default_9.0_rel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   173     <task><buildLayer command="abld -what target" targetList="default_9.0_deb" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   174     <task><buildLayer command="abld help" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
   175     <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default_9.0" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
   176   </configuration>
   177 </SystemBuild>
   178 </SystemDefinition>