Added package_definition.xml with no systemBuild section and with paths including /sf/ level
* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of Custom ECom Resolver for LIW.
#include "liwresolver.h"
const TInt KMaxDataItemSize = 150;
_LIT8(KContentTag, "<CONTENT>");
_LIT8(KOpaqueTag, "<OPAQUE>");
CLiwResolver* CLiwResolver::NewL(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry)
return new (ELeave) CLiwResolver(aRegistry);
CLiwResolver::CLiwResolver(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry) : CResolver(aRegistry)
// Nothing to do.
if (iImplementationInfoArray)
delete iImplementationInfoArray;
TUid CLiwResolver::IdentifyImplementationL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
RImplInfoArray& implementationsInfo = iRegistry.ListImplementationsL(aInterfaceUid);
TUid found = KNullUid;
found = Resolve(implementationsInfo, aAdditionalParameters);
return found;
RImplInfoArray* CLiwResolver::ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
// Use the member var to create the array so that we get proper cleanup behaviour
delete iImplementationInfoArray;
iImplementationInfoArray = NULL;
iImplementationInfoArray = new (ELeave) RImplInfoArray;
RImplInfoArray* retList = iImplementationInfoArray;
RImplInfoArray& fullList = iRegistry.ListImplementationsL(aInterfaceUid);
const TBool useWildcards = aAdditionalParameters.IsWildcardMatch();
TBuf8<KMaxDataItemSize> content;
TBuf8<KMaxDataItemSize> opaque;
ParseInput(aAdditionalParameters.DataType(), content, opaque);
const TInt numImps = fullList.Count();
for (TInt index = 0; index < numImps; ++index)
if (Match(fullList[index]->DataType(), content, useWildcards) &&
MatchServiceCmd(fullList[index]->OpaqueData(), opaque))
// Reset the member variable because we are passing ownership back
iImplementationInfoArray = NULL;
return retList;
void CLiwResolver::ParseInput(const TDesC8& aParam, TDes8& aContent, TDes8& aOpaque) const
TInt cind = aParam.Find(KContentTag);
TInt oind = aParam.Find(KOpaqueTag);
if (cind != KErrNotFound)
if (oind != KErrNotFound)
aContent.Copy(aParam.Mid(cind + (&KContentTag)->Length(),
oind - (cind + (&KContentTag)->Length())));
aContent.Copy(aParam.Mid(cind + (&KContentTag)->Length()));
if (oind != KErrNotFound)
aOpaque.Copy(aParam.Mid(oind + (&KOpaqueTag)->Length()));
TUid CLiwResolver::Resolve(const RImplInfoArray& aImplementationsInfo,
const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
// Loop through the implementations matching on type
const TInt count = aImplementationsInfo.Count();
for (TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
const CImplementationInformation& impData = *aImplementationsInfo[index];
// As soon as we get a match on the datatype then return uid of the
// implementation found.
if (Match(impData.DataType(), // The Datatype of this implementation
aAdditionalParameters.DataType(), // The type we are trying to find
aAdditionalParameters.IsWildcardMatch())) // If wildcards should be used
return impData.ImplementationUid();
return KNullUid;
TBool CLiwResolver::Match(const TDesC8& aImplementationType, const TDesC8& aMatchType,
TBool aUseWildcards) const
TInt matchPos = KErrNotFound;
_LIT8(dataSeparator, "||");
const TInt separatorLength = dataSeparator().Length();
// Look for the section separator marker '||'
TInt separatorPos = aImplementationType.Find(dataSeparator);
if (separatorPos == KErrNotFound)
// Match against the whole string
if (aUseWildcards)
matchPos = aImplementationType.Match(aMatchType);
if (aImplementationType.Compare(aMatchType) == 0)
matchPos = KErrNone;
// Find the first section, up to the separator
TPtrC8 dataSection = aImplementationType.Left(separatorPos);
TPtrC8 remainingData = aImplementationType.Mid(separatorPos + separatorLength);
// Match against each section in turn
while (separatorPos != KErrNotFound)
// Search this section
if (aUseWildcards)
matchPos = dataSection.Match(aMatchType);
matchPos = dataSection.Compare(aMatchType);
// If we found it then no need to continue, so return
if (matchPos != KErrNotFound)
return ETrue;
// Move on to the next section
separatorPos = remainingData.Find(dataSeparator);
if (separatorPos != KErrNotFound)
remainingData.Set(remainingData.Mid(separatorPos + separatorLength));
// Check the final part
if (aUseWildcards)
matchPos = dataSection.Match(aMatchType);
matchPos = dataSection.Compare(aMatchType);
return matchPos != KErrNotFound;
TBool CLiwResolver::MatchServiceCmd(const TDesC8& aOpaqueData, const TDesC8& aServiceCmd) const
//check for wildcard character *
//if yes, return immediatly
return ETrue;
// Extract List Of service command from OpaQue Data
_LIT8(MetadataSeparator, "::");
TPtrC8 dataSection;
TInt MetadataSeparatorPos = aOpaqueData.Find(MetadataSeparator);
if (MetadataSeparatorPos != KErrNotFound)
_LIT8(dataSeparator, "||");
const TInt separatorLength = dataSeparator().Length();
// Look for the section separator marker '||'
TInt separatorPos = dataSection.Find(dataSeparator);
if (separatorPos == KErrNotFound)
if (aServiceCmd.Compare(dataSection) == 0)
return ETrue;
// Find the first section, up to the separator
TPtrC8 remainingData = dataSection.Mid(separatorPos + separatorLength);
// Match against each section in turn
while (separatorPos != KErrNotFound)
if (dataSection.Compare(aServiceCmd) == 0)
return ETrue;
// Move on to the next section
separatorPos = remainingData.Find(dataSeparator);
if (separatorPos != KErrNotFound)
remainingData.Set(remainingData.Mid(separatorPos + separatorLength));
if (dataSection.Compare(aServiceCmd) == 0)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// Map the interface UIDs
const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KLiwResolverImplUidValue, CLiwResolver::NewL)
// Exported proxy for instantiation method resolution
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
return ImplementationTable;
// End of file