changeset 23 574948b60dab
child 26 83d6a149c755
equal deleted inserted replaced
22:b2eb79881f9d 23:574948b60dab
     1 /*
     2  * lastfmmusiceventplugin.cpp
     3  *
     4  *  Created on: Jun 21, 2010
     5  *      Author: ankitg
     6  */
     8 //Include files
     9 #include <QtPlugin>
    10 #include <QCryptographicHash>
    11 #include <QDataStream>
    12 #include <QTextStream>
    13 #include <QFile>
    14 #include <QNetworkReply>
    15 #include <QMap>
    16 #include <QListIterator>
    17 #include <QXmlStreamReader>
    18 #include <SmfPicture.h>
    19 #include <QSettings>
    20 #include "lastfmmusiceventplugin.h"
    24 //Added for testing - start
    25 //static const QString apiKey = "8823ece35e487bada68fa893d7ecf91e";
    26 //static const QString apiKey = "50ac6d6581c3784efe40748fe87d8413";
    27 //static const QString apiSecret = "20ccb1cc62aa50caf7d8aae31808d429";
    28 //static const QString apiSecret = "623f4274bcea772fd6f411cf298b6bfa";
    29 //static const QString miniToken = "773193698 ";
    31 //static const QString apiKey = "eb3a2d8361718782ebf3887f2bb8775b";
    32 //static const QString apiSecret = "7a390c4c1ec4fef41cef4d77354b30f8"; // created on 12th Aug
    34 static const QString apiKey = "50ac6d6581c3784efe40748fe87d8413";
    35 static const QString apiSecret = "623f4274bcea772fd6f411cf298b6bfa"; // created on 23th Aug
    37 //QString fullToken = "72157624000326005-e6cba1c7665a778e";
    39 //Payload data array
    40 QByteArray payload;
    41 QString uids;
    42 /**
    43  * Method called by plugins for logging
    44  * @param log string to be logged
    45  */
    46 void MusicEventPlugin::writeLog(QString log) const
    47 	{
    48 	QFile file("c:\\data\\PluginLogs.txt");
    49     if (!file.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
    50 	         ;
    51     QTextStream out(&file);
    52     out << log << "\n";
    53     file.close();
    54 	}
    55 /**
    56  * Method to interpret the key sets obtained from credential manager 
    57  * @param aApiKey [out] The api key
    58  * @param aApiSecret [out] The api secret
    59  * @param aSessionKey [out] The session key
    60  * @param aSessionSecret [out] The session secret
    61  * @param aAppId [out] The application ID
    62  */
    63 void MusicEventPlugin::fetchKeys( QString &aApiKey, 
    64 		QString &aApiSecret, 
    65 		QString &aSessionKey, 
    66 		QString &aSessionSecret )
    67 	{
    68 	writeLog("Inside MusicEventPlugin::fetchKeys()");
    70 	writeLog("Reg Token = "+m_provider->m_smfRegToken);
    71 	writeLog("Expiry Date as int = "+m_provider->m_validity.toTime_t());
    73 	SmfAuthParams keys;
    74 	SmfPluginUtil util;
    75 	util.getAuthKeys(keys, m_provider->m_smfRegToken, 
    76 			m_provider->m_validity, m_provider->m_pluginId);
    78 	writeLog("Number of key-value pairs = "+keys.count());
    80     QByteArray keyName;
    81     keyName.append("ApiKey");
    82 	aApiKey.append(keys.value(keyName));
    84     keyName.clear();
    85     keyName.append("ApiSecret");
    86 	aApiSecret.append(keys.value(keyName));
    88 	keyName.clear();
    89     keyName.append("SessionKey");
    90 	aSessionKey.append(keys.value(keyName));
    92 	keyName.clear();
    93     keyName.append("SessionSecret");
    94 	aSessionSecret.append(keys.value(keyName));
    96 	writeLog("Api Key = "+aApiKey);
    97 	writeLog("Api Secret = "+aApiSecret);
    98 	writeLog("session Key = "+aSessionKey);
    99 	writeLog("session Secret = "+aSessionSecret);
   100 	}
   101 /**
   102  * Destructor
   103  */
   104 MusicEventPlugin::~MusicEventPlugin()
   105 	{
   106 	if(m_provider)
   107 		delete m_provider;
   108 	}
   111 /**
   112  * Method called by plugins to generate a signature string from a base string
   113  * @param aBaseString The base string
   114  * @return The md5 hash of the base string
   115  */
   116 QString MusicEventPlugin::generateSignature(const QString aBaseString)
   117 	{
   118 	writeLog("MusicEventPlugin::generateSignature");
   120 	// Create md5 hash of the signature string
   121     QByteArray byteArray;
   122     byteArray.insert(0, aBaseString.toAscii());
   124     QByteArray md5Hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(byteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex();
   125     QString returnString (md5Hash);
   126     return returnString;
   127 	}
   129 /**
   130  * Method to get the events based on location
   131  * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
   132  * @param aLocation Location of the event
   133  * @param aPageNum The page to be extracted
   134  * @param aItemsPerPage Number of items per page
   135  * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
   136  */
   137 /*SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::events( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
   138 		const QGeoPositionInfo &aLocation,const int aPageNum, 
   139 		const int aItemsPerPage)
   140 	{
   141 	Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage);
   142 	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
   144 	writeLog("MusicEventPlugin::events()");
   146 	QString baseString;
   147 	baseString.append(apiSecret);
   148 	baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   149 	baseString.append("auth_token");
   150 	baseString.append("formatjson");
   151 	baseString.append("location=Delhi");
   152 	baseString.append("method=geo.getEvents");
   153 	writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   155 	// Create the url
   156 	 QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   157 	 url.addQueryItem("method", "geo.getevents");
   158 	 url.addQueryItem("location","madrid");
   159 	 url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   160 	 url.addQueryItem("format","json");				
   161 	 url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   162 	 url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   163 	 writeLog("/n/n"+generateSignature(baseString)); 
   164 	 writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   165 				// Create the request, set the url
   166 	 aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   167 	 aRequest.iRequestType = SmfMusicGetEventsOnLoc;
   168 	 aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   169 	 aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   170 	 error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   171 	 return error;	
   172 	}
   173 		*/
   174 /**
   175  * Method to get the venues based on location
   176  * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
   177  * @param aLocation Location of the venue
   178  * @param aPageNum The page to be extracted
   179  * @param aItemsPerPage Number of items per page
   180  * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
   181  */
   182 SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::venues( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
   183 		const SmfLocation &aLocation,const int aPageNum, 
   184 		const int aItemsPerPage)
   185 	{
   186 		Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage);
   187 		Q_UNUSED(aPageNum);
   189 		SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
   191 		// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
   192 		QString apiKey;
   193 		QString apiSecret;
   194 		QString sessionKey;
   195 		QString sessionSecret;
   196 		fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret);
   197 		writeLog("API KEY"+apiKey);
   198 		writeLog("API SECRET"+apiSecret);
   199 		writeLog("SessionKey"+sessionKey);
   200 		writeLog("sessionSecret"+sessionSecret);
   201 		writeLog("MusicEventPlugin::Venues()");
   202 		//QString qName("New York");
   203 		//aLocation.setCity(qName);
   204 		//QString qLocation = aLocation.city();
   205 		//640418
   206 		//QString qLocation("New York");
   207 /*		QString baseString;
   208 		baseString.append(apiSecret);
   209 		baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   210 		baseString.append("auth_token");
   211 		baseString.append("formatjson");
   212 		baseString.append("location ="+aLocation.city());
   213 		baseString.append("method=geo.getEvents");
   214 		writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   216 		//Create the url
   217 		QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   218 		url.addQueryItem("method", "geo.getevents");
   219 		url.addQueryItem("location",aLocation.city());
   220 		url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   221 		url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   222 		url.addQueryItem("format","json");				
   223 		url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   224 		url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   226 		writeLog("/n/n"+generateSignature(baseString)); 
   227 		writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   228 		//Create the request, set the url
   229 		aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   230 		aRequest.iRequestType = SmfEventsGetVenues;
   231 		aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   232 		aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   233 		error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   234 		return error;	*/
   237 	    QString baseString;
   238 		baseString.append(apiSecret);
   239 		baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   240 		baseString.append("auth_token");
   241 		baseString.append("formatjson");
   242 		baseString.append("location=Newyork");
   243 		baseString.append("method=geo.getEvents");
   244 		writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   246 		// Create the url
   247 		 QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   248 		 url.addQueryItem("method", "geo.getevents");
   249 		 url.addQueryItem("location","Newyork");
   250 		 url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   251 		 url.addQueryItem("format","json");				
   252 		 url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   253 		 url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   254 		 writeLog("/n/n"+generateSignature(baseString)); 
   255 		 writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   256 					// Create the request, set the url
   257 		 aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   258 		 aRequest.iRequestType = SmfEventsGetEvents;
   259 		 aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   260 		 aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   261 		 error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   262 		 return error;	
   265 	}
   267 /**
   268  * Method to get the events based on venues
   269  * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
   270  * @param aVenue Venue of the event
   271  * @param aPageNum The page to be extracted
   272  * @param aItemsPerPage Number of items per page
   273  * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
   274  */
   275 SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::events( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
   276 		const SmfLocation &aVenue,const int aPageNum, 
   277 		const int aItemsPerPage)
   278 	{
   279 	Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage);
   280 	Q_UNUSED(aPageNum);
   282 	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
   285 	// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
   286 		QString apiKey;
   287 		QString apiSecret;
   288 		QString sessionKey;
   289 		QString sessionSecret;
   290 		fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret);
   291 		writeLog("API KEY"+apiKey);
   292 		writeLog("API SECRET"+apiSecret);
   293 		writeLog("SessionKey"+sessionKey);
   294 		writeLog("sessionSecret"+sessionSecret);
   296 	    QString baseString;
   297 		baseString.append(apiSecret);
   298 		baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   299 		baseString.append("auth_token");
   300 		baseString.append("formatjson");
   301 		baseString.append("location="+aVenue.city());
   302 		baseString.append("method=geo.getEvents");
   303 		writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   305 		// Create the url
   306 		 QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   307 		url.addQueryItem("method", "geo.getevents");
   308 		url.addQueryItem("location",aVenue.city());
   309 		url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   310 		url.addQueryItem("format","json");				
   311 		url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   312 		url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   313 		writeLog("/n/n"+generateSignature(baseString)); 
   314 		writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   315 		//Create the request, set the url
   316 		 aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   317 		 aRequest.iRequestType = SmfEventsGetEvents;
   318 		 aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   319 		 aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   320 		 error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   321 		 return error;	
   323 	}
   325 /**
   326  * Method to post events
   327  * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
   328  * @param aEventList The list of events to be posted
   329  * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
   330  */
   331 SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::postEvents( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
   332 		const QList<SmfEvent> &aEventList )
   333 	{
   334 	       Q_UNUSED(aEventList)
   335 		   SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
   336 		   writeLog("MusicEventPlugin::events()");
   337 		   int count =aEventList.count();
   338 		   for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
   339 			   { 
   340 		        SmfEvent ievent=aEventList[i];
   341 		        writeLog("Event List"+ievent.id());
   342 			   }
   343 			// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
   344 			QString apiKey;
   345 			QString apiSecret;
   346 			QString sessionKey;
   347 			QString sessionSecret;
   348 			fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret);
   349 			writeLog("API KEY"+apiKey);
   350 			writeLog("API SECRET"+apiSecret);
   351 			writeLog("SessionKey"+sessionKey);
   352 			writeLog("sessionSecret"+sessionSecret);
   353 		/*	QString baseString;
   355 			baseString.append(apiSecret);
   356 			baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   357 			baseString.append("auth_token");
   358 			baseString.append("formatjson");
   359 		//	baseString.append("method=event.shout"); // needs authentication
   360 		//	baseString.append("Event"+"aEventList.at(0)");
   361 			writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   363 		   //Create the url
   364 			 QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   365 			 url.addQueryItem("method", "event.shout");   // needs authentication
   366 			 url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   367 			 url.addQueryItem("format","json");	
   368 		//	 url.addQueryItem("Event","aEventList.at(0)");
   369 			 url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   370 			 url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   371 			 writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   372 						// Create the request, set the url
   373 			 aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   374 			 aRequest.iRequestType = SmfEventsPostEvents;
   375 			 aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   377 			 aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   378 			 error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   379 			 return error;	*/
   381 		   //For Testing Only      
   382 		    QString baseString;
   384 		    //QString strId("328799");
   386 		    QString eventId("328799");//= aEvent.id();
   387 			//QString eventId;
   388 			//eventId = aEvent.id();
   389 			baseString.append(apiSecret);
   390 		    baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   391 					//baseString.append("auth_token");
   392 			baseString.append("formatjson");
   393 			baseString.append("method=event.getattendees");
   394 			baseString.append("event"+eventId);
   395 			writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   397 			//Create the url
   398 			QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   399 			url.addQueryItem("method", "event.getattendees");
   400 			url.addQueryItem("event",eventId);
   401 			url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   402 			url.addQueryItem("format","json");					 
   403 			//url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   404 			//url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   405 			writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   406 			//Create the request, set the url
   407 			aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   408 			aRequest.iRequestType = SmfEventsPostEvents;
   409 			aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   411 			aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   412 			error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   413 			return error;	
   414 	}
   416 /**
   417  * Customised method for SmfMusicEventsPlugin interface
   418  * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
   419  * @param aOperation The operation type (should be known between 
   420  * the client interface and the plugin)
   421  * @param aData The data required to form the request (The type 
   422  * of data should be known between client and the plugin)
   423  * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
   424  */
   425 SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::attendees( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
   426 			const SmfEvent &aEvent, 
   427 			const int aPageNum ,
   428 			const int aItemsPerPage )
   429 	{
   430 		Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage);
   431 		SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
   432 		writeLog("MusicEventPlugin::events()");
   434 		// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
   435 		QString apiKey;
   436 		QString apiSecret;
   437 		QString sessionKey;
   438 		QString sessionSecret;
   439 		fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret);
   440 		writeLog("API KEY"+apiKey);
   441 		writeLog("API SECRET"+apiSecret);
   442 		writeLog("SessionKey"+sessionKey);
   443 		writeLog("sessionSecret"+sessionSecret);
   444 	    QString baseString;
   446 	    //QString strId("328799");
   447 		//aEvent.setId(strId);
   448 	    //QString eventId = aEvent.id();
   449 		QString eventId;
   450 		eventId = aEvent.id();
   451 		baseString.append(apiSecret);
   452 	    baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
   453 				//baseString.append("auth_token");
   454 		baseString.append("formatjson");
   455 		baseString.append("method=event.getattendees");
   456 		baseString.append("event"+eventId);
   457 		writeLog("Url string is :"+baseString);
   459 		//Create the url
   460 		QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
   461 		url.addQueryItem("method", "event.getattendees");
   462 		url.addQueryItem("event",eventId);
   463 		url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
   464 		url.addQueryItem("format","json");					 
   465 				// url.addQueryItem("auth_token","");
   466 				// url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
   467 		writeLog("/n/n Response is :"+url.toString());
   468 		//Create the request, set the url
   469 		aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
   470 		aRequest.iRequestType = SmfEventsGetEventAttendees;
   471 		aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
   475 		aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
   476 		error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   477 		return error;	
   478 	}
   479 SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::customRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest, 
   480 		const int &aOperation, QByteArray *aData )
   481 	{
   482 	Q_UNUSED(aRequest)
   483 	Q_UNUSED(aOperation)
   484 	Q_UNUSED(aData)
   485     //SmfEventsCustomRequest
   486 	return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported; 
   487 	}
   489 /**
   490  * The first method to be called in the plugin that implements this interface.
   491  * If this method is not called, plugin may not behave as expected.
   492  * Plugins are expected to save the aUtil handle and use and when required.
   493  * @param aUtil The instance of SmfPluginUtil
   494  */
   495 void MusicEventPlugin::initialize(/* SmfPluginUtil *aUtil */)
   496 	{
   497 	// Save the SmfPluginUtil handle
   498 	//m_util = aUtil;
   500 	// Create an instance of MusicProviderBase
   501 	m_provider = new MusicProviderBase;
   502 	m_provider->initialize();
   503 	}
   505 /**
   506  * Method to get the provider information
   507  * @return Instance of SmfProviderBase
   508  */
   509 SmfProviderBase* MusicEventPlugin::getProviderInfo( )
   510 	{
   511 	return m_provider;
   512 	}
   514 /**
   515  * Method to get the result for a network request.
   516  * @param aOperation The type of operation to be requested
   517  * @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
   518  * @param aResponse The QByteArray instance containing the network response.
   519  * The plugins should delete this instance once they have read the 
   520  * data from it.
   521  * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the 
   522  * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type 
   523  * SmfPluginRequestData.
   524  * For SmfGalleryPlugin: If last operation was pictures(), aResult will 
   525  * be of type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(), 
   526  * aResult will be of type QString. If last operation was upload() or 
   527  * postComment(), aResult will be of type bool.
   528  * @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
   529  * @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
   530  */
   531 SmfPluginError MusicEventPlugin::responseAvailable( 
   532 		const SmfRequestTypeID aOperation,
   533 		const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult, 
   534 		QByteArray *aResponse, 
   535 		QVariant* aResult, 
   536 		SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
   537 		SmfResultPage &aPageResult )
   538 	{
   539 	writeLog("MusicEventPlugin::responseAvailable");
   540 		Q_UNUSED(aPageResult)
   541 		SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
   543 		if( !aResponse || (0 == aResponse->size()) ) 
   544 			{
   545 			writeLog("Response is NULL or empty");
   546 			aRetType = SmfRequestError;
   547 			return error;
   548 			}
   550 		QByteArray response(*aResponse);
   551 		delete aResponse;
   553 		//Write the response to a file
   554 		QFile file("c:\\data\\musiceventresponse.txt");
   555 		writeLog("response data written to c:\\data\\musiceventresponse.txt");
   557 		if (!file.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text));
   558 		file.write(response);
   559 		file.close();
   561 		writeLog("MusicEvent response = "+QString(response));
   562 		writeLog("MusicEvent response size = "+QString::number(response.size(), 10));
   564 		if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
   565 			{
   566 			  writeLog("No transport error");
   567 			//  QVariantMap map1;
   568 			 // bool resType=response.startsWith("<?xml");
   569 			 /* if(resType) //XML REsponse
   570 				{
   571 				   writeLog("Before XML Parser--");
   573 			  }
   574 			  else //JSON RESPONSE
   575 			  {
   576 				  bool ok;
   577 				  writeLog("Before JSON Parser--");
   579 				  SmfPluginUtil util;
   580 				  QVariant result = util.parse(response, &ok);
   581 				  if (!ok) 
   582 				   {
   583 						writeLog("An error occurred during json parsing");
   584 						aRetType = SmfRequestError;
   585 						return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
   586 				   }
   588 			 //map1 = result.toMap();*/
   589 			  //}
   590 			  if(SmfEventsGetEvents == aOperation /*|| SmfMusicGetEventsOnVenue == aOperation*/)
   591 				 {
   593 			        QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
   594 			        QList<SmfEvent> eventlist;
   598 			        //Tested By Hardcoding
   600 			        SmfEvent event;
   601 			        event.setId("111111");
   602 			        event.setTitle("bangalore");
   603 			      	event.setEventDateTime(dt);
   604 			        QStringList stringList; //for artist
   605 			        stringList.append("sssss");
   606 			        stringList.append("aaaa");
   607 			        SmfArtists artists;
   608 			        artists.setNames(stringList);
   609 					event.setArtists(artists);
   611 					SmfLocation Location;
   612 					Location.setCity("Bangalore");
   613 					Location.setCountry("india");
   615 					event.setVenue(Location);
   616 					eventlist.append(event);
   618 					//2nd Event
   619 					SmfEvent event1;
   620 					event1.setId("2222");
   621 					event1.setTitle("delhi");
   622 					event1.setEventDateTime(dt);
   623 					QStringList stringList1; //for artist
   624 					stringList1.append("ddddd");
   625 				    stringList1.append("rrrrrr");
   626 				    SmfArtists artists1;
   627 					artists1.setNames(stringList1);
   628 					event1.setArtists(artists1);
   630 					SmfLocation Location1;
   631 					Location1.setCity("Delhi");
   632 					Location1.setCountry("india");
   634 					event1.setVenue(Location1);
   635 					eventlist.append(event1);
   637 					writeLog("SmfEventsGetEvents = ");
   638 					/*QVariantMap eventmap = map1["events"].toMap();
   639 					QList<QVariant> list1 = eventmap["event"].toList();
   641 					QListIterator<QVariant> iter(list1);
   642 					writeLog("SmfEventsGetEvents123 = ");
   643 					while(iter.hasNext())  //not runing for one event
   644 					{
   645 					  SmfEvent event;
   646 					  QVariantMap map2 = iter.next().toMap();
   647 					  writeLog("id = "+map2["id"].toString());
   648 					  event.setId(map2["id"].toString());
   649 					  writeLog("title = "+map2["title"].toString());
   650 					  event.setTitle(map2["title"].toString());
   651 					  writeLog("EventDateTime= "+map2["startDate"].toString());
   652 					  event.setEventDateTime(map2["startDate"].toDateTime());
   653 					 // writeLog("SetdUration= "+map2["startDate"].toDateTime());  //didn't find that
   654 					  //for Getting the Artist List
   655 					  QVariantMap map4 = map2["artists"].toMap();
   656 					  QList<QVariant> artistList =map4["artist"].toList();
   658 					  writeLog("artist"+map4["artist"].toString());
   660 					 //  writeLog("artists"+artistList["artist"].toString());
   661 					 // QList<QVariant> artistList =map2["artists"].toList();
   664 					 QListIterator<QVariant> iterartists(artistList);
   665 					  SmfArtists artists;
   666 					  QStringList stringList;
   667 					  while(iterartists.hasNext())
   668 					  {
   670 						//QString artistName;
   671 						QString artistName = iterartists.next().toString();
   672 						writeLog("artist Name = "+ artistName);
   673 						//artistName.append(map2["artist"].toString());
   674 						stringList.append(artistName);
   676 					  }//end while
   677 					  //writeLog("artists= "+stringList[0]);
   679 					  artists.setNames(stringList);
   680 					  event.setArtists(artists);
   682 					  //all Artist list we got 
   683 					  //For Venue
   684 					  SmfLocation Location;
   685 					  QVariantMap map3 = map2["venue"].toMap();
   686 					  writeLog("LocationId : "+map3["id"].toString());
   687 					  Location.setId(map3["id"].toString());
   688 					  //for city
   689 					  QVariantMap map6 = map3["location"].toMap();
   690 					  writeLog("Location city : "+map6["city"].toString());
   691 					  Location.setCity(map6["city"].toString());
   692 					  writeLog("Location city : "+map6["country"].toString());
   693 					  Location.setCountry(map6["country"].toString());
   694 					 // Location.geoPositionInfo()  dont know how to set 
   695 					  event.setVenue(Location);
   696 					  eventlist.append(event);
   697 					}//end While*/
   698 					aResult->setValue(eventlist);
   699 					aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
   700 					error = SmfPluginErrNone;										
   701 				 }
   702 			 else if(SmfEventsGetVenues == aOperation)
   703 				{
   704 				writeLog("SmfEventsGetVenues = ");
   705 				QList<SmfLocation> LocationList;
   706 				SmfLocation Location;
   707 			    Location.setId("111111");
   708 				//for city
   709 				Location.setCity("delhi");
   710 				Location.setCountry("India");
   711 				Location.setUrl(QUrl("http://wwwqqqqq/ee"));
   712 				LocationList.append(Location);
   714 				SmfLocation Location1;
   715 				Location1.setId("22222");
   716 				//for city
   717 				Location1.setCity("bangalore");
   718 				Location1.setCountry("India");
   719 				LocationList.append(Location1);
   721 				aResult->setValue(LocationList);
   722 				aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
   723 				error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   726 				}
   728 			 else if (SmfEventsPostEvents == aOperation)
   729 				{
   730 				writeLog("SmfEventsPostEvents = ");
   731 				bool postEvent=true;	
   732 				aResult->setValue(postEvent);
   733 				aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
   734 				error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   736 				}
   737 			 else if (SmfEventsGetEventAttendees == aOperation)
   738 				 {
   740 				        QList<SmfContact> contactList;
   742 			             writeLog("SmfMusicGetEventsAttendees = ");
   743 			             bool ok;
   744 			           	writeLog("Before Parser--");
   746 			           	SmfPluginUtil util;
   747 			           	QVariantMap result = util.parse(response, &ok).toMap();
   748 			           	if (!ok) 
   749 			           	{
   750 			           	writeLog("An error occurred during json parsing");
   751 			           	aRetType = SmfRequestError;
   752 			           	return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
   754 			           	}
   756 			           	//QVariantMap map1 = result.toMap();
   757 			        	writeLog("MAP1");
   760 			           	QVariantMap map1 = result["attendees"].toMap();
   761 			        	//QVariantMap map2 = map1["attendees"].toMap();
   762 			           	writeLog("MAP2");
   763 			           	//int page = map2["page"].toInt(&ok);
   764 			           	QList<QVariant> list1 = map1["user"].toList();
   765 			           	writeLog("list count"+QString::number(list1.count(),10));
   767 			           	QListIterator<QVariant> i(list1);
   768 			           	writeLog("iterate list"); //While loop not work if there is only one attendee
   769 			            while(i.hasNext())
   770 			           	{
   771 			                writeLog("inside loop");
   772 			           		SmfContact contact;
   773 			           		QVariantMap map2 = i.next().toMap();
   774 			           		writeLog("name= "+map2["name"].toString());
   775 			           		writeLog("realname = "+map2["realname"].toString());
   777 			           		//Contact Name
   778 			           		QContactName contactname;
   779 			           		QString username = map2["name"].toString();
   780 			           		writeLog("name = "+username);
   781 			           		contactname.setFirstName(username);
   782 			           		contactname.setLastName(username);
   783 			           		QVariant nameVar = QVariant::fromValue(contactname);
   784 			           		contact.setValue("Name",nameVar);
   785 			           		contactList.append(contact);
   786 			           	}
   787 			             aResult->setValue(contactList);										
   788 			 		     aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
   789 			 		     error = SmfPluginErrNone;
   791 				 }
   792 			 else
   793 				{
   794 				writeLog("Service unsupported!!!");
   795 				aRetType = SmfRequestError;
   796 				error = SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
   797 				}
   798 			}//end if of if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
   800 		else if(SmfTransportOpOperationCanceledError == aTransportResult)
   801 			{
   802 			writeLog("Operation Cancelled !!!");
   803 			error = SmfPluginErrCancelComplete;
   804 			aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
   805 			}
   807 		else
   808 			{
   809 			writeLog("Transport Error !!!");
   810 			error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
   811 			aRetType = SmfRequestError;
   812 			}
   814 		return error;
   815 	}
   818 /**
   819  * Destructor
   820  */
   821 MusicProviderBase::~MusicProviderBase( )
   822 	{
   823 	}
   825 /**
   826  * Method to get the Localisable name of the service.
   827  * @return The Localisable name of the service.
   828  */
   829 QString MusicProviderBase::serviceName( ) const
   830 	{
   831 	return m_serviceName;
   832 	}
   834 /**
   835  * Method to get the Logo of the service
   836  * @return The Logo of the service
   837  */
   838 QImage MusicProviderBase::serviceIcon( ) const
   839 	{
   840 	return m_serviceIcon;
   841 	}
   843 /**
   844  * Method to get the Readable service description
   845  * @return The Readable service description
   846  */
   847 QString MusicProviderBase::description( ) const
   848 	{
   849 	return m_description;
   850 	}
   852 /**
   853  * Method to get the Website of the service
   854  * @return The Website of the service
   855  */
   856 QUrl MusicProviderBase::serviceUrl( ) const
   857 	{
   858 	return m_serviceUrl;
   859 	}
   861 /**
   862  * Method to get the URL of the Application providing this service
   863  * @return The URL of the Application providing this service
   864  */
   865 QUrl MusicProviderBase::applicationUrl( ) const
   866 	{
   867 	return m_applicationUrl;
   868 	}
   870 /**
   871  * Method to get the Icon of the application
   872  * @return The Icon of the application
   873  */
   874 QImage MusicProviderBase::applicationIcon( ) const
   875 	{
   876 	return m_applicationIcon;
   877 	}
   878 /**
   879 * Method to get the list of interfaces that this provider support
   880 * @return List of supported Interafces
   881 */
   882 QList<QString> MusicProviderBase::supportedInterfaces( ) const
   883 	{
   884 	return m_serviceType;
   885 	}
   887 /**
   888 * Method to get the list of languages supported by this service provider
   889 * @return a QStringList of languages supported by this service 
   890 * provider in 2 letter ISO 639-1 format.
   891 */
   892 QStringList MusicProviderBase::supportedLanguages( ) const
   893 	{
   894 	return m_supportedLanguages;
   895 	}
   897 /**
   898  * Method to get the Plugin specific ID
   899  * @return The Plugin specific ID
   900  */
   901 QString MusicProviderBase::pluginId( ) const
   902 	{
   903 	return m_pluginId;
   904 	}
   906 /**
   907  * Method to get the ID of the authentication application 
   908  * for this service
   909  * @param aProgram The authentication application name
   910  * @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
   911  * @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
   912  * @return The ID of the authentication application 
   913  */
   914 QString MusicProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram, 
   915 		QStringList & aArguments, 
   916 		QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode ) const
   917 	{
   918 	return m_authAppId;
   919 	}
   921 /**
   922  * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the 
   923  * Smf for authorised plugins
   924  * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for 
   925  * authorised plugins
   926  */
   927 QString MusicProviderBase::smfRegistrationId( ) const
   928 	{
   929 	return m_smfRegToken;
   930 	}
   932 void MusicProviderBase::initialize()
   933 	{
   935 	  m_serviceName = "Last.fm";
   936 	  m_description = "Description";
   937 	  m_serviceUrl =  QUrl(QString("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com"));
   938 	 // m_serviceType << m_serviceName << m_description;// << (QString)(m_serviceUrl);
   939 	  m_supportedLanguages << "English" ;
   940 	  m_pluginId =    "lastfmmusiceventplugin.qtplugin";
   941 	  m_authAppId =   "0xE1D8C7D8";
   942 	  QSettings iSettings;
   943 	  m_smfRegToken = iSettings.value("CMLastFmRegToken").toString();
   944 	  m_validity = iSettings.value("LastFmExpiryTime").toDateTime();
   945 	  //m_smfRegToken = "hsdfusdghf";  //yet to be recvd
   947 	}
   950 /*
   951  * Export Macro
   952  * plugin name : musiceventplugin
   953  * plugin class : MusicEventPlugin
   954  */
   955 Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( musiceventplugin, MusicEventPlugin )