1 /** |
2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd. |
3 * All rights reserved. |
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 * under the terms of the "{License}" |
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 * at the URL "{LicenseUrl}". |
8 * |
9 * Initial Contributors: |
10 * Narasimhulu Kavadapu, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution |
11 * |
12 * Contributors: |
13 * |
14 * Description: |
15 * class to handle calls to rest Server API's |
16 */ |
17 |
18 #include "requestSP.h" |
19 #include "sessionSP.h" |
20 #include "xmlParser.h" |
21 #include "errorCodes.h" |
22 |
23 #include <QNetworkRequest> |
24 #include <QXmlSimpleReader> |
25 #include <QXmlInputSource> |
26 #include <QCryptographicHash> |
27 #include <QtAlgorithms> |
28 #include <QDebug> |
29 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
30 // global |
31 |
32 static const QString kAPIVersion = "1.0"; |
33 static const QString kAPIFormat = "XML"; |
34 static const char kUserAgent[] = "FacebookConnect"; |
35 static const QString kStringBoundary = "3i2ndDfv2rTHiSisAbouNdArYfORhtTPEefj3q2f"; |
36 |
37 static const double kTimeoutInterval = 180.0; |
38 |
39 |
40 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
41 |
42 static bool caseInsensitiveLessThan(const QString &s1, const QString &s2) |
43 { |
44 return s1.toLower() < s2.toLower(); |
45 } |
46 |
47 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
48 // Static class functions |
49 |
50 FBRequest* FBRequest::request() |
51 { |
52 return FBRequest::requestWithSession(FBSession::session()); |
53 } |
54 |
55 FBRequest* FBRequest::requestWithSession (FBSession* aSession) |
56 { |
57 FBRequest* request = new FBRequest(aSession); |
58 return request; |
59 } |
60 |
61 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
62 // instance public functions |
63 FBRequest::FBRequest(FBSession* aSession) : iSession ( aSession ), iNetworkAccessManager ( this ) |
64 {} |
65 |
66 const QDateTime& FBRequest::timeStamp() const |
67 { |
68 return iTimestamp; |
69 } |
70 |
71 void FBRequest::connect() |
72 { |
73 emit requestLoading(); |
74 |
75 QString url ; |
76 if (iMethod.length()) |
77 url = iUrl; |
78 else |
79 url = generateGetURL(); |
80 |
81 QNetworkRequest request; |
82 request.setUrl(QUrl(url)); |
83 request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kUserAgent); |
84 |
85 /* from the Qt docs on QNetworkAccessManager: |
86 QNetworkAccessManager by default does not have a set cache. |
87 Qt provides a simple disk cache, QNetworkDiskCache, which can be used. |
88 |
89 However we will not use it.*/ |
90 |
91 request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork); |
92 request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheSaveControlAttribute, false); |
93 |
94 iTimestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); |
95 |
96 //if (iMethod.length()) |
97 //{ |
98 const QString contentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + kStringBoundary; |
99 request.setRawHeader("Content-Type", contentType.toUtf8()); |
100 |
101 /* connect all signals from iNetWorkAccessManager to this */ |
102 QByteArray postBody ; |
103 generatePostBody (postBody); |
104 |
105 pbar = new progressbar; |
106 pbar->show(); |
107 |
108 QNetworkReply* reply = iNetworkAccessManager.post(request, postBody); |
109 |
110 QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(networkReplyFinished())); |
111 QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), |
112 this, SLOT(networkReplyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); |
113 |
114 //} |
115 } |
116 |
117 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
118 // instance private functions |
119 QString FBRequest::md5(const QString& aData) |
120 { |
121 QByteArray byteArray; |
122 byteArray.insert(0, aData.toUtf8()); |
123 |
124 QByteArray md5Hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(byteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex(); |
125 QString returnString ( md5Hash ); |
126 |
127 return returnString; |
128 } |
129 |
130 bool FBRequest::isSpecialMethod() const { |
131 return ( iMethod.compare("facebook.auth.getSession", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 |
132 || iMethod.compare("facebook.auth.createToken", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ); |
133 } |
134 |
135 QString FBRequest::urlForMethod (const QString& aMethod) const { |
136 |
137 return iSession->apiURL(); |
138 } |
139 |
140 QString FBRequest::generateGetURL() const |
141 { |
142 const QUrl url(iUrl); |
143 const QString queryPrefix = url.hasQuery() ? "&" : "?"; |
144 |
145 QStringList pairs; |
146 DictionaryIterator i(iParams); |
147 |
148 while (i.hasNext()) { |
149 i.next(); |
150 pairs << i.key().toUtf8() + "=" + i.value().toUtf8(); |
151 } |
152 |
153 return iUrl + queryPrefix + pairs.join("&"); |
154 } |
155 |
156 QString FBRequest::generateCallId() const { |
157 QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); |
158 uint secs = dateTime.toTime_t(); |
159 QString result = QString::number(secs, 10); |
160 return result; |
161 } |
162 |
163 QString FBRequest::generateSig() |
164 { |
165 QString joined; |
166 QStringList keys = iParams.keys(); |
167 |
168 qSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), caseInsensitiveLessThan); |
169 |
170 QListIterator<QString> i(keys); |
171 while (i.hasNext()) |
172 { |
173 const QString key = i.next(); |
174 joined.append(key.toUtf8()); |
175 joined.append("="); |
176 joined.append(iParams.value(key).toUtf8()); |
177 } |
178 |
179 if (isSpecialMethod()) |
180 { |
181 if (iSession->apiSecret().length()) |
182 { |
183 joined.append(iSession->apiSecret()); |
184 } |
185 } |
186 else if (iSession->sessionSecret().length()) |
187 { |
188 joined.append(iSession->sessionSecret()); |
189 } |
190 else if (iSession->apiSecret().length()) |
191 { |
192 joined.append(iSession->apiSecret()); |
193 } |
194 |
195 return md5(joined); |
196 } |
197 |
198 void FBRequest::generatePostBody( QByteArray& body ) |
199 { |
200 QString endLine = "\r\n--" + kStringBoundary + "\r\n"; |
201 body.append( "--" + kStringBoundary.toUtf8() + "\r\n" ) ; |
202 |
203 |
204 DictionaryIterator i (iParams); |
205 |
206 while (i.hasNext()) |
207 { |
208 i.next(); |
209 |
210 body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + i.key().toUtf8() + "\"\r\n\r\n" ); |
211 body.append(i.value().toUtf8()); |
212 body.append(endLine.toUtf8()); |
213 } |
214 |
215 |
216 if (iDataParam.size()) |
217 { |
218 if (iDataParamPicture) |
219 { |
220 body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; filename=\"photo\"\r\n" ); |
221 body.append("Content-Type: image/png\r\n\r\n" ); |
222 } |
223 else |
224 { |
225 body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; filename=\"data\"\r\n"); |
226 body.append("Content-Type: content/unknown\r\n\r\n"); |
227 } |
228 |
229 body.append(iDataParam); |
230 body.append(endLine.toUtf8()); |
231 |
232 } |
233 } |
234 |
235 void FBRequest::handleResponseData( const QByteArray& aResponseData ) |
236 { |
237 FBError error; |
238 QVariant result = parseXMLResponse( aResponseData, error); |
239 if (error.code() != 0) |
240 { |
241 emit requestFailedWithFacebookError(error); |
242 } |
243 else |
244 { |
245 emit requestDidLoad(result); |
246 } |
247 |
248 delete pbar; |
249 } |
250 |
251 void FBRequest::post( const QString& aUrl, const Dictionary& aParams) |
252 { |
253 iUrl = aUrl; |
254 iParams = aParams; |
255 |
256 iSession->send(this); |
257 } |
258 |
259 void FBRequest::cancel() |
260 { |
261 |
262 } |
263 |
264 |
265 void FBRequest::call (const QString& aMethod, const Dictionary& aParams) |
266 { |
267 QByteArray dataParams; |
268 callWithDataParams(aMethod, aParams, dataParams, false); |
269 |
270 } |
271 |
272 void FBRequest::callWithDataParams (const QString& aMethod, const Dictionary& aParams, const QByteArray& aDataParam, bool aDataParamPicture) |
273 { |
274 iUrl = urlForMethod(aMethod); |
275 iMethod = aMethod; |
276 iParams = aParams; |
277 iDataParam = aDataParam; |
278 iDataParamPicture = aDataParamPicture; |
279 |
280 iParams["method"] = iMethod; |
281 iParams["api_key"] = iSession->apiKey(); |
282 iParams["v"] = kAPIVersion; |
283 iParams["format"] = kAPIFormat; |
284 |
285 if (!isSpecialMethod()) |
286 { |
287 iParams["session_key"] = iSession->sessionKey(); |
288 iParams["call_id"] = generateCallId(); |
289 |
290 if (iSession->sessionSecret().length()) |
291 { |
292 iParams["ss"] = "1"; |
293 } |
294 } |
295 |
296 // XXX: workaround what seems to be a Qt bug with the extras-devel libraries. |
297 QString signature = generateSig(); |
298 iParams["sig"] = signature; |
299 // XXX: end workaround. |
300 iSession->send(this); |
301 } |
302 |
303 |
304 QVariant FBRequest::parseXMLResponse ( const QByteArray& aResponseData, FBError& aError) |
305 { |
306 QXmlInputSource input; |
307 input.setData(aResponseData); |
308 |
309 FBXMLHandler handler; |
310 QXmlSimpleReader parser; |
311 parser.setContentHandler(&handler); |
312 bool result = parser.parse(&input); |
313 |
314 QVariant rootObject = handler.rootObject(); |
315 |
316 if (handler.parseError() || !result) |
317 { |
318 aError.setCode( FBRESPONSE_PARSE_ERROR ); |
319 aError.setDescription("parser was unable to parse the xml response from facebook server."); |
320 |
321 return QVariant(); |
322 } |
323 else if (handler.rootName().compare("error_response")==0) |
324 { |
325 QVariantHash errorDict = rootObject.toHash(); |
326 |
327 bool result; |
328 int errorCode = errorDict.value("error_code").toInt(&result); |
329 |
330 aError.setCode( errorCode ); |
331 aError.setDescription( errorDict.value("error_msg").toString() ); |
332 |
333 return rootObject; |
334 } |
335 else |
336 { |
337 return rootObject; |
338 } |
339 |
340 } |
341 |
342 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
343 // instance provate slots |
344 void FBRequest::networkReplyError ( QNetworkReply::NetworkError aCode ) |
345 { |
346 emit requestFailedWithNetworkError(aCode ); |
347 } |
348 |
349 void FBRequest::networkReplyFinished () |
350 { |
351 |
352 QNetworkReply* reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply*> ( sender() ); |
353 QByteArray responseData = reply->readAll(); |
354 |
355 handleResponseData ( responseData ); |
356 |
357 } |