--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/fbactivityfetcherplugin/fbactivityfetcherplugin.cpp Thu Aug 05 16:46:37 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Nalina Hariharan
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The Plugin that fetches activities from the logged in user's facebook account
+ *
+ */
+// Include files
+#include <QtPlugin>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QCryptographicHash>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QXmlStreamReader>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <smfactions.h>
+#include <smfpluginutil.h>
+#include "fbactivityfetcherplugin.h"
+// Global and static global variables
+static int chance = 0;
+QString currentUserId;
+SmfActivityEntry myEntry;
+SmfContact currentAuthor;
+QList<SmfActivityObject> currentObjectList;
+SmfActivityObject currentObject;
+bool forEntryXmlTag;
+bool forActivityObjectXmlTag;
+ * Destructor
+ */
+FBActivityFetcherPlugin::~FBActivityFetcherPlugin( )
+ {
+ if(m_provider)
+ delete m_provider;
+ }
+ * Method called by plugins to generate a signature string from a base string
+ * @param aBaseString The base string
+ * @return The md5 hash of the base string
+ */
+QString FBActivityFetcherPlugin::generateSignature(const QString aBaseString)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::generateSignature()";
+ // Create md5 hash of the signature string
+ QByteArray byteArray;
+ byteArray.insert(0, aBaseString.toAscii());
+ QByteArray md5Hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(byteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex();
+ QString returnString (md5Hash);
+ return returnString;
+ }
+ * Method to interpret the key sets obtained from credential manager
+ * @param aApiKey [out] The api key
+ * @param aApiSecret [out] The api secret
+ * @param aSessionKey [out] The session key
+ * @param aSessionSecret [out] The session secret
+ * @param aAppId [out] The application ID
+ */
+void FBActivityFetcherPlugin::fetchKeys( QString &aApiKey,
+ QString &aApiSecret,
+ QString &aSessionKey,
+ QString &aSessionSecret,
+ QString &aAppId)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::fetchKeys()";
+ qDebug()<<"Reg Token = "<<m_provider->m_smfRegToken;
+ qDebug()<<"Expiry Date as int = "<<m_provider->m_validity.toTime_t();
+ SmfAuthParams keys;
+ SmfPluginUtil util;
+ util.getAuthKeys(keys, m_provider->m_smfRegToken,
+ m_provider->m_validity, m_provider->m_pluginId);
+ qDebug()<<"Number of key-value pairs = "<<keys.count();
+ QByteArray keyName;
+ keyName.append("ApiKey");
+ aApiKey.append(keys.value(keyName));
+ keyName.clear();
+ keyName.append("ApiSecret");
+ aApiSecret.append(keys.value(keyName));
+ keyName.clear();
+ keyName.append("SessionKey");
+ aSessionKey.append(keys.value(keyName));
+ keyName.clear();
+ keyName.append("SessionSecret");
+ aSessionSecret.append(keys.value(keyName));
+ keyName.clear();
+ keyName.append("AppId");
+ aAppId.append(keys.value(keyName));
+ qDebug()<<"Api Key = "<<aApiKey;
+ qDebug()<<"Api Secret = "<<aApiSecret;
+ qDebug()<<"session Key = "<<aSessionKey;
+ qDebug()<<"session Secret = "<<aSessionSecret;
+ qDebug()<<"App Id Secret = "<<aAppId;
+ }
+ * Method to get the list of self activities, e.g. shown in own wall
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data that plugin generates (to be sent to network)
+ * @param aPageNum[in] The page to be extracted
+ * @param aItemsPerPage[in] Number of items per page
+ * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::selfActivities( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+ const int aPageNum,
+ const int aItemsPerPage )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::selfActivities()";
+ //// Currently considering for self contact , ie, omitting aUser
+ if(0 == chance)
+ return getFacebookUserId(aRequest);
+ else
+ return getSelfActivities(aRequest, aPageNum, aItemsPerPage);
+ }
+ * Method to get the user's facebook ID
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::getFacebookUserId(
+ SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::getFacebookUserId()";
+ SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
+ // Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+ QString apiKey;
+ QString apiSecret;
+ QString sessionKey;
+ QString sessionSecret;
+ QString appId;
+ fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret, appId);
+ // Get the current date and time and convert it to sec as a string
+ QString call_id = QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(), 10);
+ // Create the API signature string
+ QString baseString;
+ baseString.append("api_key="+apiKey);
+ baseString.append("call_id="+call_id);
+ baseString.append("format=JSON");
+ baseString.append("method=users.getLoggedInUser");
+ baseString.append("session_key="+sessionKey);
+ baseString.append("ss=1");
+ baseString.append("v=1.0");
+ baseString.append(sessionSecret);
+ // Create the url
+ QUrl url("http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?");
+ url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
+ url.addQueryItem("call_id", call_id);
+ url.addQueryItem("format", "JSON");
+ url.addQueryItem("method", "users.getLoggedInUser");
+ url.addQueryItem("session_key", sessionKey);
+ url.addQueryItem("ss", "1");
+ url.addQueryItem("v", "1.0");
+ url.addQueryItem("sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+ // Create the request, set the url
+ aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
+ aRequest.iRequestType = SmfActivitySelfActivity;
+ aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
+ aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+ qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+ return error;
+ }
+ * Method to get the list of self activities, e.g. shown in own wall
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data that plugin generates (to be sent to network)
+ * @param aPageNum[in] The page to be extracted
+ * @param aItemsPerPage[in] Number of items per page
+ * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::getSelfActivities( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+ const int aPageNum,
+ const int aItemsPerPage )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::getSelfActivities()";
+ SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
+ // invalid arguments
+ if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+ return error;
+ }
+ qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+ // Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+ QString apiKey;
+ QString apiSecret;
+ QString sessionKey;
+ QString sessionSecret;
+ QString applicationId;
+ fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret, applicationId);
+ // Create the API signature string
+ QString baseString;
+ baseString.append("app_id="+applicationId);
+ baseString.append("session_key="+sessionKey);
+ baseString.append("source_id="+currentUserId);
+ baseString.append(sessionSecret);
+ // Create the url
+ QUrl url("http://www.facebook.com/activitystreams/feed.php?");
+ url.addQueryItem("app_id", applicationId);
+ url.addQueryItem("session_key", sessionKey);
+ url.addQueryItem("source_id", currentUserId);
+ url.addQueryItem("sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+ url.addQueryItem("v", "0.7");
+ QString str(url.toString());
+ str.append("&read");
+ // Create the request, set the url
+ aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(QUrl(str));
+ aRequest.iRequestType = SmfActivitySelfActivity;
+ aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
+ aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+ qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+ return error;
+ }
+ * Method to get the list of activities for other, e.g. shown in a friends wall
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data plugin generated (to be sent to network)
+ * @param aContact [in] The contact containing the URI, name or id of the user
+ * @param aPageNum[in] The page to be extracted
+ * @param aItemsPerPage[in] Number of items per page
+ * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::friendsActivities( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+ const SmfContact &aContact,
+ const int aPageNum,
+ const int aItemsPerPage )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::friendsActivities()";
+ SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
+ chance = 1;
+ // invalid arguments
+ if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+ return error;
+ }
+ qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+ // Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+ QString apiKey;
+ QString apiSecret;
+ QString sessionKey;
+ QString sessionSecret;
+ QString applicationId;
+ fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, sessionKey, sessionSecret, applicationId);
+ // ToDo :- Taking QContactGuid for the time being
+ QString sourceId = aContact.value("Guid").value<QContactGuid>().guid();
+ qDebug()<<"Friends facebook ID = "<<sourceId;
+ // Create the API signature string
+ QString baseString;
+ baseString.append("app_id="+applicationId);
+ baseString.append("session_key="+sessionKey);
+ baseString.append("source_id="+sourceId);
+ baseString.append(sessionSecret);
+ // Create the url
+ QUrl url("http://www.facebook.com/activitystreams/feed.php?");
+ url.addQueryItem("app_id", applicationId);
+ url.addQueryItem("session_key", sessionKey);
+ url.addQueryItem("source_id", sourceId);
+ url.addQueryItem("sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+ url.addQueryItem("v", "0.7");
+ QString str(url.toString());
+ str.append("&read");
+ // Create the request, set the url
+ aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(QUrl(str));
+ aRequest.iRequestType = SmfActivityFriendsActivities;
+ aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
+ aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+ qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+ return error;
+ }
+ * Method to get list of self activities filtered by activity type, e.g. only photo updates in own wall
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data plugin generated (to be sent to network)
+ * @param aFilters [in] The list of activity types to be included in result
+ * @param aPageNum[in] The page to be extracted
+ * @param aItemsPerPage[in] Number of items per page
+ * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::filtered( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+ QList<SmfActivityObjectType> &aFilters,
+ const int aPageNum,
+ const int aItemsPerPage )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::filtered()";
+ Q_UNUSED(aRequest)
+ Q_UNUSED(aFilters)
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageNum)
+ Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage)
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
+ }
+ * Customised method for SmfActivityFetcherPlugin interface
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @param aOperation The operation type (should be known between
+ * the client interface and the plugin)
+ * @param aData The data required to form the request (The type
+ * of data should be known between client and the plugin)
+ * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::customRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+ const int &aOperation, QByteArray *aData )
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(aRequest)
+ Q_UNUSED(aOperation)
+ Q_UNUSED(aData)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::customRequest()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
+ }
+ * The first method to be called in the plugin that implements this interface.
+ * If this method is not called, plugin may not behave as expected.
+ */
+void FBActivityFetcherPlugin::initialize( )
+ {
+ // Set the global value
+ forActivityObjectXmlTag = false;
+ forEntryXmlTag = false;
+ // Create an instance of FBActivityProviderBase
+ m_provider = new FBActivityProviderBase;
+ m_provider->initialize();
+ }
+ * Method to get the provider information
+ * @return Instance of SmfProviderBase
+ */
+SmfProviderBase* FBActivityFetcherPlugin::getProviderInfo( )
+ {
+ return m_provider;
+ }
+ * Method to get the result for a network request.
+ * @param aOperation The type of operation to be requested
+ * @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
+ * @param aResponse The QByteArray instance containing the network response.
+ * The plugins should delete this instance once they have read the
+ * data from it.
+ * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
+ * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
+ * SmfPluginRequestData.
+ * For SmfActivityFetcherPlugin: If last operation was selfActivities() or
+ * friendsActivities() or filtered(), aResult will be of type
+ * QList<SmfActivityEntry>.
+ * @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
+ * @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
+ */
+SmfPluginError FBActivityFetcherPlugin::responseAvailable(
+ const SmfRequestTypeID aOperation,
+ const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
+ QByteArray *aResponse,
+ QVariant* aResult,
+ SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
+ SmfResultPage &aPageResult )
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageResult)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FBActivityFetcherPlugin::responseAvailable()";
+ SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
+ if( !aResponse || (0 == aResponse->size()) )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response is NULL or empty";
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ return error;
+ }
+ QByteArray response(*aResponse);
+ delete aResponse;
+ QFile respFile("c://data//SmfPluginActivityResponse.txt");
+ if(!respFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
+ qDebug()<<"File to write the response could not be opened";
+ else
+ {
+ respFile.write(response);
+ respFile.close();
+ qDebug()<<"Writing FB response to a file named 'SmfPluginActivityResponse.txt'";
+ }
+ qDebug()<<"FB response size = "<<response.size();
+ if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"No transport error";
+ if((SmfActivitySelfActivity == aOperation) ||
+ (SmfActivityFriendsActivities == aOperation))
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response for retrieving self/friends activities";
+ if(0 == chance)
+ {
+ chance = 1;
+ qDebug()<<"For Getting Current logged in User for self activity";
+ QString errStr;
+ errStr.clear();
+ currentUserId.clear();
+ if(response.contains(QByteArray("error_msg")))
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response contains error, so parse and get the error code";
+ bool ok;
+ SmfPluginUtil util;
+ QVariant result = util.parse(response, &ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"An error occurred during json parsing, error = "<<util.errorString();
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QVariantMap map = result.toMap();
+ errStr.append(map["error_msg"].toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response is ok, so don't parse";
+ currentUserId.append(response);
+ }
+ if(errStr.size())
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response error found = "<<errStr;
+ error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ aResult->setValue(errStr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"current logged in uid = "<<currentUserId;
+ aRetType = SmfSendRequestAgain;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ else // chance == 1
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"For Fetching self/friends activities";
+ chance = 0;
+ QList<SmfActivityEntry> list;
+ QString errStr;
+ errStr.clear();
+ qDebug()<<"Xml parsing";
+ // For getting contacts from xml response
+ QXmlStreamReader xml(response);
+ while (!xml.atEnd())
+ {
+ xml.readNext();
+ if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ {
+ if (xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "entry")
+ {
+ currentObjectList.clear();
+ forEntryXmlTag = true;
+ }
+ else if (xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "title")
+ {
+ if(forEntryXmlTag)
+ {
+ SmfPost post;
+ post.setTitle(xml.readElementText());
+ myEntry.setTitle(post);
+ qDebug()<<"entry title = "<<myEntry.title().title();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "fb:id")
+ {
+ if(forEntryXmlTag)
+ {
+ myEntry.setId(xml.readElementText());
+ qDebug()<<"entry id = "<<myEntry.id();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "name") // author name
+ {
+ if(forEntryXmlTag)
+ {
+ QContactName name;
+ name.setFirstName(xml.readElementText());
+ QVariant var = QVariant::fromValue<QContactName>(name);
+ currentAuthor.setValue("Name", var);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "uri")
+ {
+ if(forEntryXmlTag)
+ {
+ QContactUrl url;
+ url.setUrl(xml.readElementText());
+ QVariant var = QVariant::fromValue<QContactUrl>(url);
+ currentAuthor.setValue("Url", var);
+ myEntry.setAuthor(currentAuthor);
+ qDebug()<<"entry author name = "<<myEntry.author().value("Name").value<QContactName>().firstName();
+ //qDebug()<<"entry author uri = "<<myEntry.author().value("Url").value<QContactUrl>().url();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "activity:verb")
+ {
+ if(forEntryXmlTag)
+ {
+ QString str(xml.readElementText());
+ str.remove(' ');
+ str.remove('\n');
+ SmfActivityVerb verb = convertActivityverb(str);
+ myEntry.setActionName(verb);
+ //qDebug()<<"entry actionname = "<<myEntry.actionName();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "category")
+ {
+ if(forEntryXmlTag)
+ {
+ QStringRef str = xml.attributes().value("term");
+ SmfPost post;
+ post.setDescription(str.toString());
+ myEntry.setDetails(post);
+ qDebug()<<"entry details = "<<myEntry.details().description();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "activity:object")
+ {
+ forActivityObjectXmlTag = true;
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "id")
+ {
+ if(forActivityObjectXmlTag)
+ currentObject.setId(xml.readElementText());
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "caption")
+ {
+ if(forActivityObjectXmlTag)
+ currentObject.setCaption(xml.readElementText());
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "link")
+ {
+ if(forActivityObjectXmlTag)
+ {
+ QStringRef str = xml.attributes().value("href");
+ currentObject.setLink(str.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "activity:object-type")
+ {
+ if(forActivityObjectXmlTag)
+ {
+ QString str(xml.readElementText());
+ str.remove(' ');
+ str.remove('\n');
+ SmfActivityObjectType type = convertActivityObjectType(str);
+ currentObject.setType(type);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "published")
+ {
+ if(forActivityObjectXmlTag)
+ {
+ QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(xml.readElementText(), Qt::ISODate);
+ currentObject.setTime(dateTime);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "content")
+ {
+ if(forActivityObjectXmlTag)
+ {
+ currentObject.setContent(xml.readElementText());
+ }
+ }
+ else if("error_msg" == xml.qualifiedName().toString())
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"error_msg tag found";
+ errStr.append(xml.readElementText());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement)
+ {
+ if (xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "entry")
+ {
+ forEntryXmlTag = false;
+ myEntry.setTargetObj(currentObjectList[0]);
+ myEntry.setActivities(currentObjectList);
+ list.append(myEntry);
+ if(list.count() == 5)
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(xml.qualifiedName().toString() == "activity:object")
+ {
+ forActivityObjectXmlTag = false;
+ //qDebug()<<"object id = "<<currentObject.id();
+ //qDebug()<<"object caption = "<<currentObject.caption();
+ //qDebug()<<"object type = "<<currentObject.type();
+ //qDebug()<<"object link = "<<currentObject.link();
+ //qDebug()<<"object time = "<<currentObject.time().toString(Qt::TextDate);
+ //qDebug()<<"object content = "<<currentObject.content();
+ currentObjectList.append(currentObject);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(errStr.size())
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response error found = "<<errStr;
+ error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ aResult->setValue(errStr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"list count = "<<list.count();
+ aResult->setValue(list);
+ aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Service unsupported, currently only SmfActivitySelfActivity and SmfActivityFriendsActivities!!!";
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ error = SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(SmfTransportOpOperationCanceledError == aTransportResult)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Operation Cancelled !!!";
+ error = SmfPluginErrCancelComplete;
+ aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Transport Error !!!";
+ error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ * Method to convert the Activity verb string obtained from facebook to the
+ * enum SmfActivityVerb
+ * @param verbStr The activity verb as a string
+ * @return The corresponding enum SmfActivityVerb
+ */
+SmfActivityVerb FBActivityFetcherPlugin::convertActivityverb( const QString& verbStr )
+ {
+ //qDebug()<<"verb as a string = "<<verbStr;
+ SmfActivityVerb verb = (SmfActivityVerb)-1;
+ if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/favorite/") == verbStr) //0
+ verb = SmfActivityMarkAsFavorite;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/follow/") == verbStr) //1
+ verb = SmfActivityStartFollowing;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/like/") == verbStr) //2
+ verb = SmfActivityMarkLiked;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/make-friend/") == verbStr) //3
+ verb = SmfActivityMakeFriend;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/join/") == verbStr) //4
+ verb = SmfActivityJoin;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/play/") == verbStr) //5
+ verb = SmfActivityPlay;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post/") == verbStr) //6
+ verb = SmfActivityPost;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/save/") == verbStr) //7
+ verb = SmfActivitySave;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/share/") == verbStr) //8
+ verb = SmfActivityShare;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/tag/") == verbStr) //9
+ verb = SmfActivityTag;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/update/") == verbStr) //10
+ verb = SmfActivityUpdate;
+ //qDebug()<<"returned verb enum = "<<verb;
+ return verb;
+ }
+ * Method to convert the Activity object type string obtained from
+ * facebook to the enum SmfActivityObjectType
+ * @param objType The activity object type as a string
+ * @return The corresponding enum SmfActivityObjectType
+ */
+SmfActivityObjectType FBActivityFetcherPlugin::convertActivityObjectType( const QString& objType )
+ {
+ //qDebug()<<"type as a string = "<<objType;
+ SmfActivityObjectType type = (SmfActivityObjectType)-1;
+ if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/article/") == objType) //0
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeArticle;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/audio/") == objType) //1
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeAudio;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/bookmark/") == objType) //2
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeBookmark;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/comment/") == objType) //3
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeComment;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/file/") == objType) //4
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeFile;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/folder/") == objType) //5
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeFolder;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/group/") == objType) //6
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeGroup;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/list/") == objType) // 7, ToDo :- Note sure about this string
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeList;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note/") == objType) //8
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeNote;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/person/") == objType) //9
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypePerson;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/photo/") == objType) //10
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypePhoto;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/photo-album/") == objType) //11
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypePhotoAlbum;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/place/") == objType) //12
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypePlace;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/playlist/") == objType) //13
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypePlaylist;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/product/") == objType) //14
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeProduct;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/review/") == objType) //15
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeReview;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/service/") == objType) //16
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeService;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/status/") == objType) //17
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeStatus;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/video/") == objType) //18
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeVideo;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/song/") == objType) //19
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeMusic;
+ else if(QString("http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/event/") == objType) //20
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeEvent;
+ // ToDo :- No strings found for 'SmfActivityObjTypeAdvanced" in
+ // http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/activity-schema-01.html
+ // So setting it as default when no standard string is found
+ else
+ type = SmfActivityObjTypeAdvanced; //21
+ //qDebug()<<"returned type enum = "<<type;
+ return type;
+ }
+ * Destructor
+ */
+FBActivityProviderBase::~FBActivityProviderBase( )
+ {
+ }
+ * Method to get the Localisable name of the service.
+ * @return The Localisable name of the service.
+ */
+QString FBActivityProviderBase::serviceName( ) const
+ {
+ return m_serviceName;
+ }
+ * Method to get the Logo of the service
+ * @return The Logo of the service
+ */
+QImage FBActivityProviderBase::serviceIcon( ) const
+ {
+ return m_serviceIcon;
+ }
+ * Method to get the Readable service description
+ * @return The Readable service description
+ */
+QString FBActivityProviderBase::description( ) const
+ {
+ return m_description;
+ }
+ * Method to get the Website of the service
+ * @return The Website of the service
+ */
+QUrl FBActivityProviderBase::serviceUrl( ) const
+ {
+ return m_serviceUrl;
+ }
+ * Method to get the URL of the Application providing this service
+ * @return The URL of the Application providing this service
+ */
+QUrl FBActivityProviderBase::applicationUrl( ) const
+ {
+ return m_applicationUrl;
+ }
+ * Method to get the Icon of the application
+ * @return The Icon of the application
+ */
+QImage FBActivityProviderBase::applicationIcon( ) const
+ {
+ return m_applicationIcon;
+ }
+* Method to get the list of interfaces that this provider support
+* @return List of supported Interafces
+QList<QString> FBActivityProviderBase::supportedInterfaces( ) const
+ {
+ return m_supportedInterfaces;
+ }
+* Method to get the list of languages supported by this service provider
+* @return a QStringList of languages supported by this service
+* provider in 2 letter ISO 639-1 format.
+QStringList FBActivityProviderBase::supportedLanguages( ) const
+ {
+ return m_supportedLangs;
+ }
+ * Method to get the Plugin specific ID
+ * @return The Plugin specific ID
+ */
+QString FBActivityProviderBase::pluginId( ) const
+ {
+ return m_pluginId;
+ }
+ * Method to get the ID of the authentication application
+ * for this service
+ * @param aProgram The authentication application name
+ * @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
+ * @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
+ * @return The ID of the authentication application
+ */
+QString FBActivityProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram,
+ QStringList & aArguments,
+ QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode ) const
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(aProgram)
+ Q_UNUSED(aArguments)
+ Q_UNUSED(aMode)
+ return m_authAppId;
+ }
+ * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the
+ * Smf for authorised plugins
+ * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for
+ * authorised plugins
+ */
+QString FBActivityProviderBase::smfRegistrationId( ) const
+ {
+ return m_smfRegToken;
+ }
+ * Method that initializes this class. This method should be called
+ * from the initialize() method of the FBActivityFetcherPlugin class
+ */
+void FBActivityProviderBase::initialize()
+ {
+ m_serviceName = "Facebook";
+ m_description = "Facebook activity fetcher plugin description";
+ m_serviceUrl = QUrl(QString("http://www.facebook.com"));
+ m_pluginId = "fbactivityfetcherplugin.qtplugin";
+ m_authAppId = "0xEFE2FD23";
+ m_supportedInterfaces.append("org.symbian.smf.plugin.activity.fetcher/v0.2");
+ QSettings iSettings;
+ m_smfRegToken = iSettings.value("FBCMRegToken").toString();
+ m_validity = iSettings.value("FBExpiryTime").toDateTime();
+ }
+ * Export Macro
+ * plugin name : fbactivityfetcherplugin
+ * plugin class : FBActivityFetcherPlugin
+ */
+Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( fbactivityfetcherplugin, FBActivityFetcherPlugin )