changeset 23 574948b60dab
child 26 83d6a149c755
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/lastfmplaylistserviceplugin/lastfmplaylistserviceplugin.cpp	Thu Sep 23 17:15:03 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Sangeeta Prasad, Nalina Hariharan
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The Plugin that does music services related functionalities from last.fm site
+ *
+ */
+// Include files
+#include <QtPlugin>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QCryptographicHash>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QListIterator>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <smfpluginutil.h>
+#include "lastfmplaylistserviceplugin.h"
+static int gPageNum = 0; 
+static int gItemsPerPage = 0;
+//Payload data array
+QByteArray payload;
+ * Destructor
+ */
+LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::~LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin( )
+	{
+	if(m_provider)
+		delete m_provider;
+	}
+ * Method to interpret the key sets obtained from credential manager 
+ * @param aApiKey [out] The api key
+ * @param aApiSecret [out] The api secret
+ * @param aSessionKey [out] The session key
+ * @param aToken [out] The session token
+ * @param aName [out] The user name
+ */
+void LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::fetchKeys( QString &aApiKey, 
+		QString &aApiSecret, 
+		QString &aToken,
+		QString &aName )
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Reg Token = "<<m_provider->m_smfRegToken;
+	qDebug()<<"Expiry Date as int = "<<m_provider->m_validity.toTime_t();
+	SmfAuthParams keys;
+	SmfPluginUtil util;
+	util.getAuthKeys(keys, m_provider->m_smfRegToken, 
+			m_provider->m_validity, m_provider->m_pluginId);
+    QByteArray keyName;
+    keyName.append("ApiKey");
+	aApiKey.append(keys.value(keyName));
+    keyName.clear();
+    keyName.append("ApiSecret");
+	aApiSecret.append(keys.value(keyName));
+	keyName.clear();
+    keyName.append("Token");
+	aToken.append(keys.value(keyName));
+	keyName.clear();
+    keyName.append("Name");
+	aName.append(keys.value(keyName));
+	qDebug()<<"Api Key = "<<aApiKey;
+	qDebug()<<"Api Secret = "<<aApiSecret;
+	qDebug()<<"Token = "<<aToken;
+	qDebug()<<"Name = "<<aName;
+	}
+ * Method called by plugins to generate a signature string from a base string
+ * @param aBaseString The base string
+ * @return The md5 hash of the base string
+ */
+QString LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::generateSignature(const QString aBaseString)
+	{
+	// Create md5 hash of the signature string
+    QByteArray byteArray;
+    byteArray.insert(0, aBaseString.toAscii());
+    QByteArray md5Hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(byteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex();
+    QString returnString (md5Hash);
+    return returnString;
+	}
+ * Method to get the playlist
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @param aPageNum [in] The page to be extracted
+ * @param aItemsPerPage [in] Number of items per page
+ * @return Appropriate value of the enum SmfPluginError.
+ * Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone for success
+ */
+SmfPluginError LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::playlists( 
+		SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+		const int aPageNum,
+		const int aItemsPerPage )
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::playlists()";
+	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
+	// invalid arguments
+	if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 )
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+		return error;
+		}
+	qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+	gPageNum = aPageNum;
+	gItemsPerPage = aItemsPerPage;
+	// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+	QString apiKey;
+	QString apiSecret;
+	QString token;
+	QString userName;
+	fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, token, userName);
+	// Create the API signature string
+	QString baseString;
+	baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
+	baseString.append("methoduser.getPlaylists");
+	baseString.append("user"+userName);
+	baseString.append(apiSecret);
+	// Create the url
+	QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
+	url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
+	url.addQueryItem("format", "json");
+	url.addQueryItem("method", "user.getPlaylists");
+	url.addQueryItem("user", userName);
+	url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+	// Create the request, set the url
+	aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
+	aRequest.iRequestType = SmfMusicGetPlaylists;
+	aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
+	aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
+	error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+	qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+	return error;
+	}
+ * Method to get the playlist of a particular user
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @param aUser [in] The user whose playlists need to be fetched
+ * @param aPageNum [in] The page to be extracted
+ * @param aItemsPerPage [in] Number of items per page
+ * @return Appropriate value of the enum SmfPluginError.
+ * Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone for success
+ */
+SmfPluginError LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::playlistsOf( 
+		SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+		const SmfContact &aUser,
+		const int aPageNum, 
+		const int aItemsPerPage )
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::playlistsOf()";
+	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
+	// invalid arguments
+	if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 || 
+			aUser.value("Name").value<QContactName>().firstName().isEmpty() )
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+		return error;
+		}
+	qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+	gPageNum = aPageNum;
+	gItemsPerPage = aItemsPerPage;
+	// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+	QString apiKey;
+	QString apiSecret;
+	QString token;
+	QString userName;
+	fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, token, userName);
+	userName.clear();
+	userName = aUser.value("Name").value<QContactName>().firstName();
+	// Create the API signature string
+	QString baseString;
+	baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
+	baseString.append("methoduser.getPlaylists");
+	baseString.append("user"+userName);
+	baseString.append(apiSecret);
+	// Create the url
+	QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?");
+	url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
+	url.addQueryItem("format", "json");
+	url.addQueryItem("method", "user.getPlaylists");
+	url.addQueryItem("user", userName);
+	url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+	// Create the request, set the url
+	aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
+	aRequest.iRequestType = SmfMusicGetPlaylistsOfUser;
+	aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
+	aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
+	error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+	qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+	return error;
+	}
+ * Method to add tracks to a playlist
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @param aPlaylist [in] The playlist where tracks should be added
+ * @param aTracks [in] The tracks to be added to the playlist
+ * @return Appropriate value of the enum SmfPluginError.
+ * Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone for success
+ */
+SmfPluginError LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::addToPlaylist( 
+		SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+		const SmfPlaylist &aPlaylist, 
+		const QList<SmfTrackInfo> &aTracks )
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::addToPlaylist()";
+	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
+	// invalid arguments
+	if( aPlaylist.id().isEmpty() || (0 == aTracks.count()) )
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+		return error;
+		}
+	else if(aTracks.at(0).title().isEmpty() || aTracks.at(0).artists().names().at(0).isEmpty())
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+		return error;
+		}
+	else
+		qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+	// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+	QString apiKey;
+	QString apiSecret;
+	QString token;
+	QString userName;
+	fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, token, userName);
+	// Create the API signature string
+	QString baseString;
+	baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
+	baseString.append("artist"+aTracks.at(0).artists().names().at(0));
+	baseString.append("methodplaylist.addTrack");
+	baseString.append("playlistID"+aPlaylist.id());
+	baseString.append("sk"+token);
+	baseString.append("track"+aTracks.at(0).title());
+	baseString.append(apiSecret);
+	QUrl postData;
+	postData.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
+	postData.addQueryItem("artist", aTracks.at(0).artists().names().at(0));
+	postData.addQueryItem("format","json");
+	postData.addQueryItem("method", "playlist.addTrack");
+	postData.addQueryItem("playlistID",aPlaylist.id());
+	postData.addQueryItem("sk",token);
+	postData.addQueryItem("track",aTracks.at(0).title());
+	postData.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+	QString data(postData.toString());
+	data.remove(0, 1); // Remove the first ?
+	payload.clear();
+	payload.append(data.toAscii());
+	qDebug()<<"Data = "<<QString(payload);
+	// Create the url
+	QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/");
+	// Create the request, set the url
+	aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
+	aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setRawHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+	aRequest.iRequestType = SmfMusicAddToPlaylist;
+	aRequest.iPostData = new QBuffer(&payload);
+	aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation;
+	error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+	qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+	return error;
+	}
+ * Method to post the current playing playlist
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @param aPlaylist [in] The current playing playlist which should be posted
+ * @return Appropriate value of the enum SmfPluginError.
+ * Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone for success
+ */
+SmfPluginError LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::postCurrentPlayingPlaylist(
+		SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest, 
+		const SmfPlaylist &aPlaylist )
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::postCurrentPlayingPlaylist()";
+	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
+	// invalid arguments
+/*	if( aPlaylist.playListTitle().isEmpty() )
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
+		return error;
+		}*/
+	qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+	// Get the key sets from SMF Plugin Utility class.
+	QString apiKey;
+	QString apiSecret;
+	QString token;
+	QString userName;
+	fetchKeys(apiKey, apiSecret, token, userName);
+	// Create the API signature string
+	QString baseString;
+	baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
+	baseString.append("methodplaylist.create");
+	baseString.append("sk"+token);
+	if( !aPlaylist.playListTitle().isEmpty()) //you can create a playlist without name also
+		baseString.append("title"+aPlaylist.playListTitle());
+	baseString.append(apiSecret);
+	QUrl postData;
+	postData.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
+	postData.addQueryItem("format","json");
+	postData.addQueryItem("method", "playlist.create");
+	postData.addQueryItem("sk",token);
+	if( !aPlaylist.playListTitle().isEmpty())
+		postData.addQueryItem("title",aPlaylist.playListTitle());
+	postData.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+	QString data(postData.toString());
+	data.remove(0, 1);
+	payload.clear();
+	payload.append(data.toAscii());
+	qDebug()<<"Data = "<<QString(payload);
+	// Create the url
+	QUrl url("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/");
+	// Create the request, set the url
+	aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
+	aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setRawHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+	aRequest.iRequestType = SmfMusicPostCurrentPlayingPlaylist;
+	aRequest.iPostData = new QBuffer(&payload);
+	aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation;
+	error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+	qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+	return error;
+	}
+ * Customised method for SmfPlaylistServicePlugin interface
+ * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
+ * @param aOperation [in] The operation type (should be known between 
+ * the client interface and the plugin)
+ * @param aData [in] The data required to form the request (The type 
+ * of data should be known between client and the plugin)
+ * @return Appropriate value of the enum SmfPluginError.
+ * Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone for success
+ */
+SmfPluginError LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::customRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest, 
+		const int &aOperation, QByteArray *aData )
+	{
+	Q_UNUSED(aRequest)
+	Q_UNUSED(aOperation)
+	Q_UNUSED(aData)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::customRequest()";
+	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+	return error;
+	}
+ * The first method to be called in the plugin that implements this interface.
+ * If this method is not called, plugin may not behave as expected.
+ */
+void LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::initialize( )
+	{
+	// Create an instance of LastFmMusicServiceProviderBase
+	m_provider = new LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase;
+	m_provider->initialize();
+	}
+ * Method to get the provider information
+ * @return Instance of SmfProviderBase
+ */
+SmfProviderBase* LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::getProviderInfo( )
+	{
+	return m_provider;
+	}
+ * Method to get the result for a network request.
+ * @param aOperation The type of operation to be requested
+ * @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
+ * @param aResponse The QByteArray instance containing the network response.
+ * The plugins should delete this instance once they have read the
+ * data from it.
+ * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
+ * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
+ * SmfPluginRequestData.
+ * For SmfMusicServicePlugin: If last operation was userMusicInfo(), aResult 
+ * will be of type SmfMusicProfile. If last operation was searchArtist(), 
+ * aResult will be of type QList<SmfArtists>. If last operation was searchAlbum(), 
+ * aResult will be of type QList<SmfAlbum>. If last operation was searchEvents(), 
+ * aResult will be of type QList<SmfEvent>. If last operation was searchVenue(), 
+ * aResult will be of type QList<Smfocation>. If last operation was searchUser(), 
+ * aResult will be of type QList<SmfMusicProfile>. If last operation was 
+ * postCurrentPlaying() or postRating() or postComments(), aResult will be of 
+ * type bool.
+ * @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
+ * @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
+ */
+SmfPluginError LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::responseAvailable(
+		const SmfRequestTypeID aOperation,
+		const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
+		QByteArray *aResponse,
+		QVariant* aResult,
+		SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
+		SmfResultPage &aPageResult )
+	{
+	Q_UNUSED(aPageResult)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin::responseAvailable()";
+	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
+	if( !aResponse || (0 == aResponse->size()) )
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Response is NULL or empty";
+		aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+		return error;
+		}
+	QByteArray response(*aResponse);
+	delete aResponse;
+	QFile respFile("c://data//SmfMusicPlaylistPluginResponse.txt");
+	if(!respFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
+		qDebug()<<"File to write the response could not be opened";
+	else
+		{
+		respFile.write(response);
+		respFile.close();
+		qDebug()<<"Writing FB response to a file named 'SmfMusicPlaylistPluginResponse.txt'";
+		}
+	qDebug()<<"FB response size = "<<response.size();
+	if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"No transport error";
+		// Get user's playlists
+		if(SmfMusicGetPlaylists == aOperation)
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Response for getting user's playlist";
+			QList<SmfPlaylist> list;				
+			QString errStr;
+			errStr.clear();
+			bool ok;
+			SmfPluginUtil util;
+			QVariantMap result = util.parse(response, &ok).toMap();
+			if (!ok) 
+				{
+				qDebug()<<"An error occurred during json parsing";
+				aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+				return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
+				}
+			qDebug()<<"Json parsing complete";
+			if(response.contains(QByteArray("error")))
+				{
+				errStr.append(result["message"].toString());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				QVariantMap map1 = result["playlists"].toMap();
+				QList<QVariant> list1 = map1["playlist"].toList();
+				QListIterator<QVariant> iter1(list1);
+				bool ifList = false;
+				while(iter1.hasNext())
+					{
+					ifList = true;
+					QVariantMap map2 = iter1.next().toMap();
+					SmfPlaylist playlist;
+					playlist.setPlayListTitle(map2["title"].toString());
+					playlist.setId(map2["id"].toString());
+					playlist.setAuthor(map2["creator"].toString());
+					QUrl url(map2["url"].toString());
+					playlist.setInfo(url);
+					playlist.setLocation(url);
+					QList<QVariant> list2 = map2["image"].toList();
+					QListIterator<QVariant> iter2(list2);
+					while(iter2.hasNext())
+						{
+						QVariantMap map3 = iter2.next().toMap();
+						QUrl imageUrl(map3["#text"].toString());
+						playlist.setImage(imageUrl);
+						}
+					list.append((playlist));
+					if(gItemsPerPage == list.count())
+						break;
+					}
+				if(!ifList)
+					{
+					QVariantMap map2 = map1["playlist"].toMap();
+					SmfPlaylist playlist;
+					playlist.setPlayListTitle(map2["title"].toString());
+					playlist.setId(map2["id"].toString());
+					playlist.setAuthor(map2["creator"].toString());
+					QUrl url(map2["url"].toString());
+					playlist.setInfo(url);
+					playlist.setLocation(url);
+					QList<QVariant> list2 = map2["image"].toList();
+					QListIterator<QVariant> iter2(list2);
+					while(iter2.hasNext())
+						{
+						QVariantMap map3 = iter2.next().toMap();
+						QUrl imageUrl(map3["#text"].toString());
+						playlist.setImage(imageUrl);
+						}
+					list.append((playlist));
+					}
+				if(errStr.size())
+					{
+					qDebug()<<"Response error found = "<<errStr;
+					error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+					aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+					aResult->setValue(errStr);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					qDebug()<<"Count of user's recent tracks  = "<<list.count();
+					aResult->setValue(list);
+					aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+					error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Playlists of another user
+		else if ( SmfMusicGetPlaylistsOfUser == aOperation )
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Response for getting another user's playlist";
+			QList<SmfPlaylist> list;				
+			QString errStr;
+			errStr.clear();
+			bool ok;
+			SmfPluginUtil util;
+			QVariantMap result = util.parse(response, &ok).toMap();
+			if (!ok) 
+				{
+				qDebug()<<"An error occurred during json parsing";
+				aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+				return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
+				}
+			qDebug()<<"Json parsing complete";
+			if(response.contains(QByteArray("error")))
+				{
+				errStr.append(result["message"].toString());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				QVariantMap map1 = result["playlists"].toMap();
+				QList<QVariant> list1 = map1["playlist"].toList();
+				QListIterator<QVariant> iter1(list1);
+				bool ifList = false;
+				while(iter1.hasNext())
+					{
+					ifList = true;
+					QVariantMap map2 = iter1.next().toMap();
+					SmfPlaylist playlist;
+					playlist.setPlayListTitle(map2["title"].toString());
+					playlist.setId(map2["id"].toString());
+					playlist.setAuthor(map2["creator"].toString());
+					QUrl url(map2["url"].toString());
+					playlist.setInfo(url);
+					playlist.setLocation(url);
+					QList<QVariant> list2 = map2["image"].toList();
+					QListIterator<QVariant> iter2(list2);
+					while(iter2.hasNext())
+						{
+						QVariantMap map3 = iter2.next().toMap();
+						QUrl imageUrl(map3["#text"].toString());
+						playlist.setImage(imageUrl);
+						}
+					list.append((playlist));
+					if(gItemsPerPage == list.count())
+						break;
+					}
+				if(!ifList)
+					{
+					QVariantMap map2 = map1["playlist"].toMap();
+					SmfPlaylist playlist;
+					playlist.setPlayListTitle(map2["title"].toString());
+					playlist.setId(map2["id"].toString());
+					playlist.setAuthor(map2["creator"].toString());
+					QUrl url(map2["url"].toString());
+					playlist.setInfo(url);
+					playlist.setLocation(url);
+					QList<QVariant> list2 = map2["image"].toList();
+					QListIterator<QVariant> iter2(list2);
+					while(iter2.hasNext())
+						{
+						QVariantMap map3 = iter2.next().toMap();
+						QUrl imageUrl(map3["#text"].toString());
+						playlist.setImage(imageUrl);
+						}
+					list.append((playlist));
+					}
+				if(errStr.size())
+					{
+					qDebug()<<"Response error found = "<<errStr;
+					error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+					aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+					aResult->setValue(errStr);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					qDebug()<<"Count of friend's playlists  = "<<list.count();
+					aResult->setValue(list);
+					aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+					error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Adding track to playlist AND
+		// Post current playing playlist
+		else if ((SmfMusicAddToPlaylist == aOperation) || (SmfMusicPostCurrentPlayingPlaylist == aOperation))
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Response for adding track to playlist";
+			bool reqSuccess = false;		
+			QString errStr;
+			errStr.clear();
+			bool ok;
+			SmfPluginUtil util;
+			QVariantMap result = util.parse(response, &ok).toMap();
+			if (!ok) 
+				{
+				qDebug()<<"An error occurred during json parsing";
+				aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+				return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
+				}
+			qDebug()<<"Json parsing complete";
+			if(response.contains(QByteArray("error")))
+				{
+				errStr.append(result["message"].toString());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				reqSuccess = true;
+				}
+			if(errStr.size())
+				{
+				qDebug()<<"Response error found = "<<errStr;
+				error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+				aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+				aResult->setValue(errStr);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				qDebug()<<"Track added to playlist?? "<<reqSuccess;
+				aResult->setValue(reqSuccess);
+				aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+				error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+		// Other Service requests - NOT SUPPORTED
+		else
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Service unsupported!!!";
+			aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+			error = SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
+			}
+		}
+		else if(SmfTransportOpOperationCanceledError == aTransportResult)
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Operation Cancelled !!!";
+			error = SmfPluginErrCancelComplete;
+			aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Transport Error !!!";
+			error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
+			aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+			}
+		return error;
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::~LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase( )
+	{
+	}
+ * Method to get the Localisable name of the service.
+ * @return The Localisable name of the service.
+ */
+QString LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::serviceName( ) const
+	{
+	return m_serviceName;
+	}
+ * Method to get the Logo of the service
+ * @return The Logo of the service
+ */
+QImage LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::serviceIcon( ) const
+	{
+	return m_serviceIcon;
+	}
+ * Method to get the Readable service description
+ * @return The Readable service description
+ */
+QString LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::description( ) const
+	{
+	return m_description;
+	}
+ * Method to get the Website of the service
+ * @return The Website of the service
+ */
+QUrl LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::serviceUrl( ) const
+	{
+	return m_serviceUrl;
+	}
+ * Method to get the URL of the Application providing this service
+ * @return The URL of the Application providing this service
+ */
+QUrl LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::applicationUrl( ) const
+	{
+	return m_applicationUrl;
+	}
+ * Method to get the Icon of the application
+ * @return The Icon of the application
+ */
+QImage LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::applicationIcon( ) const
+	{
+	return m_applicationIcon;
+	}
+* Method to get the list of interfaces that this provider support
+* @return List of supported Interafces
+QList<QString> LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::supportedInterfaces( ) const
+	{
+	return m_supportedInterfaces;
+	}
+* Method to get the list of languages supported by this service provider
+* @return a QStringList of languages supported by this service 
+* provider in 2 letter ISO 639-1 format.
+QStringList LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::supportedLanguages( ) const
+	{
+	return m_supportedLangs;
+	}
+ * Method to get the Plugin specific ID
+ * @return The Plugin specific ID
+ */
+QString LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::pluginId( ) const
+	{
+	return m_pluginId;
+	}
+ * Method to get the ID of the authentication application 
+ * for this service
+ * @param aProgram The authentication application name
+ * @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
+ * @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
+ * @return The ID of the authentication application 
+ */
+QString LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram, 
+		QStringList & aArguments, 
+		QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode ) const
+	{
+	Q_UNUSED(aProgram)
+	Q_UNUSED(aArguments)
+	Q_UNUSED(aMode)
+	return m_authAppId;
+	}
+ * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the 
+ * Smf for authorised plugins
+ * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for 
+ * authorised plugins
+ */
+QString LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::smfRegistrationId( ) const
+	{
+	return m_smfRegToken;
+	}
+ * Method that initializes this class. This method should be called 
+ * from the initialize() method of the FBContactFetcherPlugin class
+ */
+void LastFmPlaylistServiceProviderBase::initialize()
+	{
+	m_serviceName = "last.fm";
+	m_description = "Last.fm music playlist plugin description";
+	m_serviceUrl = QUrl(QString("http://www.last.fm"));
+	m_pluginId = "lastfmplaylistserviceplugin.qtplugin";
+	m_authAppId = "0x12345678";
+	m_supportedInterfaces.append("org.symbian.smf.plugin.music.playlist/v0.2");
+	QSettings iSettings;
+	m_smfRegToken = iSettings.value("LastFmRegToken").toString();
+	m_validity = iSettings.value("LastFmExpiryTime").toDateTime();
+	}
+ * Export Macro
+ * plugin name : lastfmplaylistserviceplugin
+ * plugin class : LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin
+ */
+Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( lastfmplaylistserviceplugin, LastFmPlaylistServicePlugin )