changeset 26 83d6a149c755
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/LinkedInAuthApp/src/baseDialog.cpp	Mon Oct 11 21:59:54 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the "{License}"
+* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "{LicenseUrl}".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Narasimhulu Kavadapu, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
+* Contributors:
+* Siddhartha Chandra, Satish Kanteti Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd
+* Description:
+* Base class of All dialogs
+#include <QNetworkCookie>
+#include <QNetworkRequest>
+#include <QNetworkReply>
+#include <QWebFrame>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QDesktopServices>
+#include <QResizeEvent>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
+#include <QPropertyAnimation>
+#include <qnetworkproxy.h>
+#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+//#include <qboxlayout.h>
+#include "baseDialog.h"
+#include "sessionSP.h"
+#include "errorCodes.h"
+#include "keys.h"
+#include <QSslConfiguration>
+static const QString kDefaultTitle = "Connect to Facebook";
+static const QString kStringBoundary = "3i2ndDfv2rTHiSisAbouNdArYfORhtTPEefj3q2f";
+static QNetworkAccessManager namanager;
+FBDialog::FBDialog() : iSession(FBSession::session()), /*iWebView ( this  ),*/ iIgnorePageLoadCompleteEvent( false )
+    createControls();
+FBDialog::FBDialog(FBSession* aSession) : iSession ( aSession ), /*iWebView ( this  ) ,*/ iIgnorePageLoadCompleteEvent ( false )
+    createControls();
+void FBDialog::createControls()
+	iWebView = new QWebView(this);
+    iWebView->page()->setNetworkAccessManager(&namanager);
+    count = 0;
+    iWebView->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks);
+    /*iWebSettings =  iWebView->page()->settings();
+    iWebSettings->offlineStorageDefaultQuota();*/
+    layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+    progressbar = new QProgressBar(this);
+    layout->addWidget(iWebView);
+    //layout->addWidget(progressbar);
+    setLayout(layout);
+    progressbar->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
+    connect( iWebView->page(), SIGNAL(linkClicked(const QUrl &)),
+                    this, SLOT(linkClicked(const QUrl &)));
+    connect ( iWebView->page(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(loadFinished(bool)));
+    connect ( iWebView->page(), SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT ( loadStarted()));
+    connect ( iWebView->page(), SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SLOT ( loadProgress(int)));
+    connect (iWebView->page()->networkAccessManager(),SIGNAL( authenticationRequired( QNetworkReply*, QAuthenticator*)),this,SLOT( slotAuthenticationRequired( QNetworkReply*, QAuthenticator*)));
+    connect (iWebView->page()->networkAccessManager(),SIGNAL( sslErrors( QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>&)),this,SLOT( slotsslErrors( QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>&)) );
+    connect (iWebView->page()->networkAccessManager(),SIGNAL( proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy&, QAuthenticator*)),this,SLOT( slotproxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy&, QAuthenticator*)) );
+   // connect ()
+QString FBDialog::generateURL( const QString& aUrl, const QHash<QString, QString>& aParams) const
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::generateURL()";
+    QString url ( aUrl );
+    QStringList pairs;
+    QHashIterator<QString, QString> i(aParams);
+    while (i.hasNext()) {
+        i.next();
+        QUrl url (i.value());
+        QString pair = i.key() + "=" + url.toEncoded();
+        pairs << pair.toUtf8();
+    }
+    if (pairs.count())
+    {
+        url = url + "?" + pairs.join("&");
+    }
+    return url;
+QByteArray FBDialog::generatePostBody (const QHash<QString, QString>& aParams) const
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::generatePostBody()";
+    QByteArray body;
+    if (!aParams.count())
+        return body;
+    QString endLine = "\r\n--" + kStringBoundary + "\r\n", kStringBoundary;
+    QString tmp = "--" + kStringBoundary + "\r\n";
+    body.append(tmp.toUtf8());
+    QHashIterator<QString, QString> i(aParams);
+    while (i.hasNext()) {
+        i.next();
+        tmp = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + i.key().toUtf8() + "\"\r\n\r\n" ;
+        body.append(tmp.toUtf8());
+        body.append(i.value().toUtf8());
+        body.append(endLine.toUtf8());
+    }
+    return body;
+void FBDialog::postDismissCleanup()
+    //accept();
+    // could also be reject()?
+void FBDialog::dismiss (bool /*aAnimated*/) {
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::dismiss()";
+    dialogWillDisappear();
+    iLoadingUrl.clear();
+    //todo: do some animations if aAnimated == true !
+    postDismissCleanup();
+void FBDialog::dismissWithSuccess( bool aSuccess, bool aAnimated)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::dismissWithSuccess()";
+  if (aSuccess) {
+        emit dialogDidSucceed();
+  } else {
+        emit dialogDidCancel();
+  }
+  dismiss(aAnimated);
+void FBDialog::dismissWithError (const FBError& aError, bool aAnimated)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::dismissWithError()";
+	qDebug()<<"aError"<<aError.description();
+  emit dialogDidFailWithError( aError );
+  dismiss(aAnimated);
+void FBDialog::slotAuthenticationRequired( QNetworkReply* reply, QAuthenticator* authenticator )
+	{
+		Q_UNUSED(reply)
+		Q_UNUSED(authenticator)
+		QMessageBox msgbox;
+		QString msg ("Error!Authentication Required");
+		msgbox.setText(msg);
+	}
+void FBDialog::slotsslErrors( QNetworkReply* reply, const QList<QSslError>& errors  )
+	{
+		Q_UNUSED(reply)
+		Q_UNUSED(errors)
+		QMessageBox msgbox;
+		QString msg ("Error!SSL Error");
+		msgbox.setText(msg);
+	}
+void FBDialog::slotproxyAuthenticationRequired( const QNetworkProxy& proxy, QAuthenticator* authenticator  )
+	{
+		Q_UNUSED(proxy)
+		Q_UNUSED(authenticator)
+		QMessageBox msgbox;
+		QString msg ("Error!Proxy Authenticatio Required");
+		msgbox.setText(msg);
+	}
+void FBDialog::cancel()
+void FBDialog::load() {
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::load()";
+void FBDialog::show()
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::show()";
+    load();
+    showMaximized();
+    dialogWillAppear();
+void FBDialog::loadURL(const QString& aUrl, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation aMethod, const QHash<QString, QString>& aGetParams, const QHash<QString, QString>&  aPostParams)
+	Q_UNUSED(aPostParams)
+	Q_UNUSED(aMethod)
+	Q_UNUSED(aGetParams)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside FBDialog::loadURL()";
+    //proxysettings();
+    iIgnorePageLoadCompleteEvent = false;
+    QNetworkCookieJar* cookieJar = iWebView->page()->networkAccessManager()->cookieJar();
+    QByteArray body;
+    iLoadingUrl = aUrl;// generateURL(aUrl, aPostParams);/*aUrl;*////*"http://www.google.com/";
+    // This "test cookie" is required by login.php, or it complains that you need to enable JavaScript
+     QNetworkCookie testCookie ("test_cookie", "1");
+     testCookie.setDomain ( "www.linkedin.com" );
+     testCookie.setPath ( "/" );
+    QList<QNetworkCookie> cookieList;
+    cookieList.append(testCookie);
+    cookieJar->setCookiesFromUrl ( cookieList, QUrl(iLoadingUrl) );
+    QUrl url (iLoadingUrl);
+    QNetworkRequest request(url);
+    QSslConfiguration config( QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration() );
+	request.setSslConfiguration( config );
+   /* QString Authorization = "OAuth oauth_nonce=\"" + iSession->stroauth_nonce + "\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"" + iSession->stroauth_timestamp + "\", oauth_consumer_key=\"" + kConsumerKey + "\", oauth_signature=\"" + iSession->stroauth_signature + "\", oauth_version=\"1.0\"";
+    qDebug()<<"Authorization: "<<Authorization;
+    QByteArray auth = Authorization.toUtf8();
+    qDebug()<<"auth:"<<auth;
+    //static const char temp[] = "OAuth oauth_nonce="oqwgSYFUD87MHmJJDv7bQqOF2EPnVus7Wkqj5duNByU", oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Foauth_callback", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1259178158", oauth_consumer_key="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", oauth_signature="TLQXuUzM7omwDbtXimn6bLDvfF8=", oauth_version="1.0";
+    if (aMethod == QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation)
+    {
+		qDebug()<<"inside : if loop";
+        const QString contentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + kStringBoundary;
+        request.setRawHeader("Authorization",auth);
+        request.setHeader (QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, contentType);     
+        body = generatePostBody (aPostParams);
+    }
+    bool val = request.hasRawHeader("Authorization");
+    qDebug()<<"Value:"<<val;*/
+    proxysettings();
+    qDebug()<< "Check URL : " << iLoadingUrl;
+    //iWebView->load( request, aMethod, body);
+    iWebView->load(iLoadingUrl);
+void FBDialog::proxysettings()
+	qDebug()<<"proxysettings";
+	// Reading the keys, CSM Stubbed - START
+	QFile file("c:\\data\\DoNotShare.txt");
+	if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"File to read the windows username and password could not be opened, returning!!!";
+		return;
+		}
+	QByteArray arr = file.readAll();
+	QList<QByteArray> list = arr.split(' ');
+	file.close();
+	QString username(list[0]);
+	QString password(list[1]);
+    QString httpProxy = "";//ipwproxy.sasken.com
+    QString httpPort = "3128";
+    QString httpUser =username;/* This could be taken thru an QDialog implmentation to remove the Hard coding */
+    QString httpPass =password;/* This could be taken thru an QDialog implmentation to remove the Hard coding */
+    /*==Classes used from Network Module==*/
+    QNetworkProxy proxy;
+    proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy);
+    proxy.setHostName(httpProxy);
+    proxy.setPort(httpPort.toInt());
+    proxy.setUser(httpUser);
+    proxy.setPassword(httpPass);
+    QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy);
+void FBDialog::dialogWillAppear() {}
+void FBDialog::dialogWillDisappear() {}
+void FBDialog::dialogDidSucceed (const QUrl& /*aUrl*/) {
+  dismissWithSuccess(true,true);
+void FBDialog::linkClicked ( const QUrl & url )
+ {
+        qDebug() << "Loading the url: " <<  url;
+        proxysettings();
+        iWebView->load(url);
+void FBDialog::loadStarted()
+    qDebug() << "Load started: " << iWebView->url();
+    iWebView->repaint();
+    QNetworkCookie cookie;
+    cookie.setSecure(true);
+    layout->addWidget(progressbar);
+    progressbar->setVisible(true);
+void FBDialog::loadProgress(int progress)
+	progressbar->setValue(progress);
+void FBDialog::GetSessionKey(const QUrl& aUrl)
+	Q_UNUSED(aUrl)
+void FBDialog::FetchKeyFromUrl(const QUrl& aUrl)
+	Q_UNUSED(aUrl)
+void FBDialog::loadFinished ( bool ok )
+    qDebug() << "Load " << (ok ? "" : "un") << "successfull for: " << iWebView->url();
+    progressbar->setVisible(false);
+    layout->removeWidget(progressbar);
+	QNetworkCookieJar kl;
+    if (ok)
+    {
+		QString myhtml  = iWebView->page()->currentFrame()->toHtml();
+		qDebug()<<"MyHtml:"<<myhtml.trimmed();
+		QString PAth = iWebView->url().toString();
+		PAth = PAth.mid(0,PAth.indexOf("?"));
+		qDebug() << "Path is : " << PAth;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (iIgnorePageLoadCompleteEvent)
+            return;
+        FBError err;
+        dismissWithError(err, true);
+    }
+void FBDialog::GetAccessToken()