--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ReadMe.txt Wed Jun 23 19:51:49 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+This is pre-beta version of Social Mobile Framework code. Folder organization is as follows -
+ Doxyfile - Doxygen configuration file
+ \doc - contains zipped doxygen genrated documentation
+ \example - contains sample plugins, auth application and client test application
+ \example\AuthApp
+ \example\fbcontactfetcherplugin
+ \example\fbpostproviderplugin
+ \example\flickrcontactfetcherplugin
+ \example\smfclientapp
+ \smf - Contains smf source code
+ \smf\smfcredentialmgr - this is credential manager source code
+ \smf\smfservermodule - this is SMF server
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfclient
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfserver
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfserver\datastoremgr
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfserver\pluginmgr
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfserver\server
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfserver\smfplugins
+ \smf\smfservermodule\smfserver\transportmgr
+ \smf\smfservermodule\util - this contains utility classes for plugins e.g. JSON
+ \smf\smfservermodule\util\qjson
+ \smf\smfsettingsui - this contains SMF settins UI [incomplete]
+SMF is built on Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.8 and Qt 4.6.3.
+You would need to install qt-mobility-symbian-opensource-1.0.0.
+To enable building of SMF in public SDK, the unified key store (RSA Signing) related code is
+blocked with compiler switch. Use Symbian^3 PDK if you want to enable this feature.
+Main Interfaces that can be tested end-to-end using this set-up are ContactsFetcher and
+SmfPost. Though framework code is available, plugins are yet to be available for other service
+interfaces for end-to-end testing.
+1. Support for Non-Symbian (Desktop) version of Qt is not supported at this moment.
+2. Integration of Authentication Application with Credential Manager is not complete at the moment.
+ So sample plugins require some hacks to access application information for Facebook and Flickr.
+ Please see pre-build step 2 on how to achieve this.
+3. SMFSettingsUI is not complete at this moment. This impacts network proxy settings. See pre-build
+ step 1 on how to overcome this.
+Pre-build steps:
+1. SMF uses QNetwork classes to setup proxy-settings. For testing on emulator (WINSCW), find the
+ hardcoded value under compiler switch "EMULATORTESTING" in file smftransportmanagerutil.cpp.
+ If your proxy requires authentication, provide "<username> space <password>" in plaintext in a file
+ "DoNotShare.txt" and place this file in "C:/Data/" - which is at "\epoc32\winscw\c\data" under your
+ SDK installation folder. You are good to go now.
+2. Since sample plugins are not integrated with Auth App and Credential Mgr yet, currently it expects
+the necessary credentials in plain text. Sample smfclientapp uses facebook plugins, place a file
+named "FaceBookKeys.txt" under "C:/Data/" - which is at "\epoc32\winscw\c\data". This file should
+contain keys in the following order: API key, API secret, session key, session secret.. all separated by \n
+If you want to know how to generate these, please see http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Authorization_and_Authentication_for_Desktop_Applications
+We are integrating plugins with CredentialMgr, so these painful steps won't be required once it is up.
+Building Steps : -
+1. Use smfrepo.pro present in top level to build. This single pro file builds SmfServer, SmfCredMgr, SmfClient,
+Sample Plugins and Sample TestApp
+2. To test on emulator (WINSCW) you can run smfclientapp.exe.
+3. QJson requires high capability, so testing on device would require appropriate cerificatres for signing.
+see https://www.symbiansigned.com/app/page
+Running Sample Application
+1. Run project from \example\smfclientapp. This should fetch names of the friends from facebook [for the user who
+provided the keys in step 2 in pre-build steps]
+2. The results might not show properly on UI due to problems in S^3 SDK. However textual result can be viewed
+at the generated log file - \epoc32\winscw\c\data\SmfClientLogs.txt
+3. The Smf Server generates a separate log file under same directiry - \epoc32\winscw\c\data\SmfLog.txt
+If the
\ No newline at end of file