--- a/example/flickrcontactfetcherplugin/flickrcontactfetcherplugin.cpp Mon Jun 07 11:43:45 2010 +0100
+++ b/example/flickrcontactfetcherplugin/flickrcontactfetcherplugin.cpp Wed Jun 23 19:51:49 2010 +0530
@@ -1,40 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Nalina Hariharan
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The Plugin that fetches contacts from the logged in user's flickr account
+ *
+ */
// Include files
#include <QtPlugin>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
-#include <QDataStream>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QFile>
-#include <QNetworkReply>
-#include <QXmlStreamReader>
-#include <parser.h>
#include <QMap>
#include <QListIterator>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include "flickrcontactfetcherplugin.h"
-// HARD CODED AS CSM IS NOT AVAILABLE - START - use your rigistered app's keys here
-static const QString apiKey = "";
-static const QString apiSecret = "";
-static const QString miniToken = "";
-QString fullToken = "";
- * Method called by plugins for logging
- * @param log string to be logged
- */
-void FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::writeLog(QString log) const
- {
- QFile file("c:\\data\\PluginLogs.txt");
- if (!file.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
- ;
- QTextStream out(&file);
- out << log << "\n";
- file.close();
- }
* Destructor
@@ -52,50 +48,86 @@
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::friends( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
- const int aPageNum,
+ const int aPageNum,
const int aItemsPerPage )
- writeLog("FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::friends");
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::friends()";
+ SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidArguments;
// invalid arguments
if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Invalid arguments";
return error;
- else
+ }
+ qDebug()<<"Valid arguments";
+#if 1
+// Reading the keys, CSM Stubbed - START
+ QFile file("c:\\data\\FlickrKeys.txt");
+ if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
- // Create the API signature string
- QString baseString;
- baseString.append(apiSecret);
- baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
- baseString.append("auth_token"+fullToken);
- baseString.append("filterfriends");
- baseString.append("formatjson");
- baseString.append("methodflickr.contacts.getList");
- baseString.append("page"+QString::number(aPageNum));
- baseString.append("per_page"+QString::number(aItemsPerPage));
+ qDebug()<<"File to read the keys could not be opened";
+ return SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn;
+ }
+ qDebug()<<"Key file read, going to parse the key values from file";
+ QByteArray arr = file.readAll();
+ QList<QByteArray> list = arr.split('\n');
+ file.close();
+ QString apiKey(list[0]);
+ QString apiSecret(list[1]);
+ QString authToken(list[2]);
+ qDebug()<<"Api Key = "<<apiKey;
+ qDebug()<<"Api Secret = "<<apiSecret;
+ qDebug()<<"Auth Token = "<<authToken;
+// Reading the keys, CSM Stubbed - END
+ // Create the API signature string
+ QString baseString;
+ baseString.append(apiSecret);
+ baseString.append("api_key"+apiKey);
+ baseString.append("auth_token"+authToken);
+ baseString.append("filterfriends");
+ baseString.append("formatxml");
+ baseString.append("formatjson");
+ baseString.append("methodflickr.contacts.getList");
+ baseString.append("page"+QString::number(aPageNum));
+ baseString.append("per_page"+QString::number(aItemsPerPage));
+ // Create the url
+ QUrl url("http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?");
+ url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
+ url.addQueryItem("auth_token", authToken);
+ url.addQueryItem("filter", "friends");
+ url.addQueryItem("format", "x");
+ url.addQueryItem("format", "json");
+ url.addQueryItem("method", "flickr.contacts.getList");
+ url.addQueryItem("page", QString::number(aPageNum));
+ url.addQueryItem("per_page", QString::number(aItemsPerPage));
+ url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
+ // Create the request, set the url
+ aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
+ aRequest.iRequestType = SmfContactGetFriends;
+ aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
+ aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
- // Create the url
- QUrl url("http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?");
- url.addQueryItem("method", "flickr.contacts.getList");
- url.addQueryItem("api_key", apiKey);
- url.addQueryItem("filter", "friends");
- url.addQueryItem("format", "json");
- url.addQueryItem("page", QString::number(aPageNum));
- url.addQueryItem("per_page", QString::number(aItemsPerPage));
- url.addQueryItem("auth_token", fullToken);
- url.addQueryItem("api_sig", generateSignature(baseString));
- // Create the request, set the url
- writeLog("final url = "+url.toString());
- aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(url);
- aRequest.iRequestType = SmfContactGetFriends;
- aRequest.iPostData = NULL;
- aRequest.iHttpOperationType = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
- error = SmfPluginErrNone;
- }
- writeLog("Url string is : "+aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString());
- return error;
+ qDebug()<<"Url string is : "<<aRequest.iNetworkRequest.url().toString();
+ return error;
@@ -105,15 +137,15 @@
QString FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::generateSignature(const QString aBaseString)
- writeLog("FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::generateSignature");
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::generateSignature()";
// Create md5 hash of the signature string
QByteArray byteArray;
byteArray.insert(0, aBaseString.toAscii());
QByteArray md5Hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(byteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex();
QString returnString (md5Hash);
- writeLog("generated signature = "+QString(returnString));
+ qDebug()<<"generated signature = "<<QString(returnString);
return returnString;
@@ -125,14 +157,14 @@
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::followers( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
- const int aPageNum ,
+ const int aPageNum ,
const int aItemsPerPage )
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
- return error;
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageNum)
+ Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::followers()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
@@ -145,15 +177,15 @@
SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::search( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const SmfContact &aContact,
- const int aPageNum ,
+ const int aPageNum ,
const int aItemsPerPage )
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
- return error;
+ Q_UNUSED(aContact)
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageNum)
+ Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::search()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
@@ -169,16 +201,16 @@
SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::searchNear( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const SmfLocation &aLocation,
const SmfLocationSearchBoundary &aProximity,
- const int aPageNum ,
+ const int aPageNum ,
const int aItemsPerPage )
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
- return error;
+ Q_UNUSED(aLocation)
+ Q_UNUSED(aProximity)
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageNum)
+ Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::searchNear()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
@@ -189,14 +221,14 @@
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::groups( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
- const int aPageNum ,
+ const int aPageNum ,
const int aItemsPerPage )
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
- return error;
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageNum)
+ Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::groups()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
@@ -209,34 +241,34 @@
SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::searchInGroup( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const SmfGroup &aGroup,
- const int aPageNum ,
+ const int aPageNum ,
const int aItemsPerPage )
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
- return error;
+ Q_UNUSED(aGroup)
+ Q_UNUSED(aPageNum)
+ Q_UNUSED(aItemsPerPage)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::searchInGroup()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
* Customised method for SmfContactFetcherPlugin interface
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aOperation The operation type (should be known between
+ * @param aOperation The operation type (should be known between
* the client interface and the plugin)
- * @param aData The data required to form the request (The type
+ * @param aData The data required to form the request (The type
* of data should be known between client and the plugin)
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
-SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::customRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
+SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::customRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const int &aOperation, QByteArray *aData )
- SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
- return error;
+ Q_UNUSED(aOperation)
+ Q_UNUSED(aData)
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::customRequest()";
+ return SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
@@ -249,7 +281,7 @@
// Save the SmfPluginUtil handle
m_util = aUtil;
// Create an instance of FlickrProviderBase
m_provider = new FlickrProviderBase;
@@ -266,134 +298,160 @@
* Method to get the result for a network request.
+ * @param aOperation The type of operation to be requested
* @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
* @param aResponse The QByteArray instance containing the network response.
- * The plugins should delete this instance once they have read the
+ * The plugins should delete this instance once they have read the
* data from it.
- * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
- * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
+ * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
+ * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
* SmfPluginRequestData.
- * For SmfGalleryPlugin: If last operation was pictures(), aResult will
- * be of type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(),
- * aResult will be of type QString. If last operation was upload() or
+ * For SmfGalleryPlugin: If last operation was pictures(), aResult will
+ * be of type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(),
+ * aResult will be of type QString. If last operation was upload() or
* postComment(), aResult will be of type bool.
* @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
* @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
-SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::responseAvailable(
- const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
- QByteArray *aResponse,
- QVariant* aResult,
+SmfPluginError FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::responseAvailable(
+ const SmfRequestTypeID aOperation,
+ const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
+ QByteArray *aResponse,
+ QVariant* aResult,
SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
SmfResultPage &aPageResult )
- writeLog("FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::responseAvailable");
- SmfPluginError error;
- QList<SmfContact> list;
+ qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::responseAvailable()";
+ SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
+ if( !aResponse || (0 == aResponse->size()) )
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Response is NULL or empty";
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ return error;
+ }
+ QByteArray response(*aResponse);
+ delete aResponse;
+ qDebug()<<"FB response = "<<QString(response);
+ qDebug()<<"FB response size = "<<response.size();
if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
- writeLog("No transport error");
- QByteArray response(aResponse->data());
- delete aResponse;
- writeLog("Flickr response = "+QString(response));
-#if 1
- // For getting contacts from json response
- QJson::Parser parser;
- bool ok;
- // To remove the "jsonFlickrApi(" and also remove the last ")" from the response,
- // as these gives a Json parsing error
- response.remove(0, 14);
- response.chop(1);
- QVariantMap result = parser.parse(response, &ok).toMap();
- if (!ok) {
- writeLog("An error occurred during json parsing");
+ qDebug()<<"No transport error";
+ if(SmfContactGetFriends == aOperation)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"For getting friends response";
+ QList<SmfContact> list;
+#ifdef SMF_XMLPARSING // Xml parsing
+ // For getting contacts from xml response
+ QXmlStreamReader xml(response);
+ while (!xml.atEnd())
+ {
+ xml.readNext();
+ if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
+ {
+ // If the tag is contact
+ if (xml.name() == "contact")
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Contact tag found";
+ SmfContact contact;
+ QStringRef str;
+ QContactName contactname;
+ QString username = xml.attributes().value("username").toString();
+ qDebug()<<"Username = "<<username;
+ contactname.setFirstName(username);
+ contactname.setLastName(username);
+ QVariant namevar1 = QVariant::fromValue(contactname);
+ contact.setValue("Name",namevar1);
+ list.append(contact);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // To remove the "jsonFlickrApi(" and also remove the last ")" from the response,
+ // as these gives a Json parsing error
+ response.remove(0, 14);
+ response.chop(1);
+ // For getting contacts from json response
+ bool ok;
+ QVariantMap result = m_util->parse(response, &ok).toMap();
+ if (!ok) {
+ qDebug()<<"An error occurred during json parsing";
+ aResult->setValue(list);
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ return SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
+ }
+ QVariantMap map1 = result["contacts"].toMap();
+ qDebug()<<"page = "<<map1["page"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"pages = "<<map1["pages"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"per_page = "<<map1["per_page"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"perpage = "<<map1["perpage"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"total = "<<map1["perpage"].toString();
+ QList<QVariant> list1 = map1["contact"].toList();
+ QListIterator<QVariant> i(list1);
+ while(i.hasNext())
+ {
+ SmfContact contact;
+ QVariantMap map2 = i.next().toMap();
+ qDebug()<<"nsid = "<<map2["nsid"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"username = "<<map2["username"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"iconserver = "<<map2["iconserver"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"iconfarm = "<<map2["iconfarm"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"ignored = "<<map2["ignored"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"realname = "<<map2["realname"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"friend = "<<map2["friend"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"family = "<<map2["family"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"path_alias = "<<map2["path_alias"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"location = "<<map2["location"].toString();
+ QContactName contactname;
+ QString username = map2["username"].toString();
+ qDebug()<<"Username = "<<username;
+ contactname.setFirstName(username);
+ contactname.setLastName(username);
+ QVariant nameVar = QVariant::fromValue(contactname);
+ contact.setValue("Name",nameVar);
+ list.append(contact);
+ }
+ qDebug()<<"list count = "<<list.count();
- error = SmfPluginErrParsingFailed;
- return error;
+ aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
+ error = SmfPluginErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Service unsupported, currently only SmfContactGetFriends !!!";
+ aRetType = SmfRequestError;
+ error = SmfPluginErrServiceNotSupported;
+ }
- QVariantMap map1 = result["contacts"].toMap();
- writeLog("page = "+map1["page"].toString());
- writeLog("pages = "+map1["pages"].toString());
- writeLog("per_page = "+map1["per_page"].toString());
- writeLog("perpage = "+map1["perpage"].toString());
- writeLog("total = "+map1["perpage"].toString());
- QList<QVariant> list1 = map1["contact"].toList();
- QListIterator<QVariant> i(list1);
- while(i.hasNext())
- {
- SmfContact contact;
- QVariantMap map2 = i.next().toMap();
- writeLog("nsid = "+map2["nsid"].toString());
- writeLog("username = "+map2["username"].toString());
- writeLog("iconserver = "+map2["iconserver"].toString());
- writeLog("iconfarm = "+map2["iconfarm"].toString());
- writeLog("ignored = "+map2["ignored"].toString());
- writeLog("realname = "+map2["realname"].toString());
- writeLog("friend = "+map2["friend"].toString());
- writeLog("family = "+map2["family"].toString());
- writeLog("path_alias = "+map2["path_alias"].toString());
- writeLog("location = "+map2["location"].toString());
- QContactName contactname;
- QString username = map2["username"].toString();
- writeLog("Username = "+username);
- contactname.setFirstName(username);
- contactname.setLastName(username);
- QVariant nameVar = QVariant::fromValue(contactname);
- contact.setValue("Name",nameVar);
- list.append(contact);
- }
-#if 0
- // For getting contacts from xml response
- QXmlStreamReader xml(response);
- while (!xml.atEnd())
- {
- xml.readNext();
- if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
- {
- // If the tag is contact
- if (xml.name() == "contact")
- {
- writeLog("Contact tag found");
- SmfContact contact;
- QStringRef str;
- QContactName contactname;
- QString username = xml.attributes().value("username").toString();
- writeLog("Username = ");
- writeLog(username);
- contactname.setFirstName(username);
- contactname.setLastName(username);
- QVariant namevar1 = QVariant::fromValue(contactname);
- contact.setValue("Name",namevar1);
- list.append(contact);
- }
- }
- }
- writeLog("list count = "+QString::number(list.count(),10));
+ else if(SmfTransportOpOperationCanceledError == aTransportResult)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Operation Cancelled !!!";
+ error = SmfPluginErrCancelComplete;
aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
- error = SmfPluginErrNone;
- error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
+ qDebug()<<"Transport Error !!!";
+ error = SmfPluginErrNetworkError;
aRetType = SmfRequestError;
- aResult->setValue(list);
return error;
@@ -460,6 +518,25 @@
+* Method to get the list of interfaces that this provider support
+* @return List of supported Interafces
+QList<QString> FlickrProviderBase::supportedInterfaces( ) const
+ {
+ return m_supportedInterfaces;
+ }
+* Method to get the list of languages supported by this service provider
+* @return a QStringList of languages supported by this service
+* provider in 2 letter ISO 639-1 format.
+QStringList FlickrProviderBase::supportedLanguages( ) const
+ {
+ return m_supportedLangs;
+ }
* Method to get the Plugin specific ID
* @return The Plugin specific ID
@@ -469,27 +546,27 @@
- * Method to get the ID of the authentication application
+ * Method to get the ID of the authentication application
* for this service
* @param aProgram The authentication application name
* @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
* @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
- * @return The ID of the authentication application
+ * @return The ID of the authentication application
-QString FlickrProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram,
- QStringList & aArguments,
+QString FlickrProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram,
+ QStringList & aArguments,
QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode ) const
+ Q_UNUSED(aArguments)
+ Q_UNUSED(aMode)
return m_authAppId;
- * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the
+ * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the
* Smf for authorised plugins
- * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for
+ * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for
* authorised plugins
QString FlickrProviderBase::smfRegistrationId( ) const
@@ -500,11 +577,12 @@
void FlickrProviderBase::initialize()
m_serviceName = "Flickr";
- m_description = "Flickr plugin description";
+ m_description = "Flickr contact fetcher plugin description";
m_serviceUrl = QUrl(QString("http://api.flickr.com"));
m_pluginId = "flickrcontactfetcherplugin.qtplugin";
m_authAppId = "Flickr AuthAppId";
m_smfRegToken = "Flickr RegToken";
+ m_supportedInterfaces.append("org.symbian.smf.plugin.contact.fetcher/v0.2");