changeset 14 a469c0e6e7fb
parent 7 be09cf1f39dd
child 25 a180113055cb
--- a/smf/smfservermodule/smfserver/datastoremgr/dsm.h	Mon Jun 07 11:43:45 2010 +0100
+++ b/smf/smfservermodule/smfserver/datastoremgr/dsm.h	Wed Jun 23 19:51:49 2010 +0530
@@ -1,86 +1,238 @@
-/*!	\file 
-	\brief File containing class description for DataStoreManager class.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
+ * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL ""
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * 
+ */
+ /*	 DataStoreManager table description
+	 --------------------------------------------
-	Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
-	All rights reserved.
-	This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-	under the terms of the "{License}"
-	which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
-	at the URL "{LicenseUrl}".
-	\author Jaspinder Singh, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
-	\version 0.1
+			  userId TEXT,	 
+			  contactUrl TEXT,
+			  localId TEXT,
+			  managerUri TEXT,
+			  snsName TEXT,
+			  snsDesc TEXT,
+			  snsUrl TEXT),
+			  presenceState INTEGER,
+			  presenceText TEXT,
+			  StatusText TEXT,
+			  timeStamp INTEGER");			
+		relation table constitue of relationId, contactId and contactIndex fields.
+		relation (relationId INTEGER ,
+			   	  contactId INTEGER,
+			   	  contactIndex INTEGER);	
+		if more than one contactId exist for a relation,
+		contactIndex will be assigned in incremental order to the contactId's (0, 1, 2, 3........).
+	Eg.			
+		Row	|	relationId | contactId | contactIndex
+		-----------------------------------------------
+		R1	|	1000	   |  1234     |    0
+		R2	|	1000       |  1235     |    1
+		R3	|	1001       |  4567     |    0
+		R4	|	1000       |  1236     |    2
+		On deletion Row2: Deleting Relation Contact
+		Row	|	relationId | contactId | contactIndex
+		-----------------------------------------------
+		R1	|	1000	   |  1234     |    0		
+		R2	|	1001       |  4567     |    0
+		R3	|	1000       |  1236     |    1
+#define socialProfileBaseID 1000
 #include <QString>
 #include <QObject>
 #include <QtSql>
-#include "smfSns.h"
-#include "smfSocialProfile.h"
-#include "smfUserProfile.h"
+#include "smfprovider.h"
+#include "smfcontact.h"
+#include "smfrelationmgr.h"
+#include "smfglobal.h"
 enum DataStoreManagerState{READY, BUSY, CLOSED, ERROR};
-//!	\class 	DataStoreManager
-	\brief 	Data Store Manager
-	\brief 	Data Store Manager provides the functional interface between the data store and the outside world. 
-			It manages access to the data store and encapsulates prebuilt queries for relation management and makes sure 
-			that the data in persistent storage is always in a consistent state.
-			The DSM implements the Singleton Pattern, which means that only one instance of DSM will be available throughout the system.
-	\warning	Not Thread Safe
-	\warning	Do not subclass
+struct DSMContactPckg
+	 QString userId; 
+	 QString contactUrl;
+	 QString localId;
+	 QString managerUri;
+	 QString snsName;
+	 QString snsDesc; 
+	 QString snsUrl;
+	 QString presenceState;
+	 QString presenceText;
+	 QString statusText;
+	 Int64 timeStamp;
+	 int contactIndex;
+	 int relationId;
 class DataStoreManager : public QObject
-        static DataStoreManager* getDataStoreManager();
-        ~DataStoreManager();
-        QList <SMFSocialProfile> getAllRelated(const SMFUserProfile&);
-        SMFSocialProfile getRelatedByService(const SMFUserProfile&, const SMFSocialNetworkingSite&);
-        DataStoreManagerState getState() const;
-        QString getError() const;
-        SMFUserProfile getUserProfile(const QString& name, const QString& contact_id);
-        SMFSocialNetworkingSite getSNSEntry(const QString& name);
-        void saveUserProfile(const SMFUserProfile& user_profile);
-        void saveSocialProfile(const SMFSocialProfile& social_profile);
-        void saveSNSEntry(const SMFSocialNetworkingSite& sns);
-        void modifyRelation(SMFSocialProfile& sns, SMFUserProfile& new_user_profile);
+		static DataStoreManager* getDataStoreManager();
+		~DataStoreManager();			
+		DataStoreManagerState getState() const;
+		QString getErrorText() const;
 	public slots:
-        int addUserProfile( SMFUserProfile&);
-        int deleteUserProfile( SMFUserProfile&);
-        int addSocialProfile( SMFSocialProfile&);
-		int deleteSocialProfile(SMFSocialProfile&);
-        int addSNSEntry( SMFSocialNetworkingSite&);
-		int deleteSNSEntry(SMFSocialNetworkingSite&);
-        int createRelation(const SMFUserProfile&, SMFSocialProfile&);
-        int deleteRelation(const SMFUserProfile&, SMFSocialProfile&);
+        SmfRelationId create(SmfProvider *aProvider=NULL, SmfContact *aContact=NULL);
+		/** assign contact to a relation */
+		SmfError associate( SmfRelationId aRelation,
+							const SmfContact* aContact,
+							SmfProvider* aProvider);				
+		/** remove contact from a relation */
+		SmfError remove(SmfRelationId aRelation,
+						const SmfContact* aConact);			
+		/** returns first relation item in the relation when exists, NULL otherwise */
+		SmfRelationItem* searchById(const SmfRelationId aRelation);
+		/** returns relation Id for a given contacts if exists, NULL otherwise */
+		SmfRelationId searchByContact( SmfContact aContact);		
+		/** list of contacts and their provider */
+		QList<SmfRelationItem> getAll(SmfRelationId aRelation);
+		/**contacts and their provider */
+		SmfRelationItem* getContact(SmfRelationId aRelation, quint32 aIndex);
+		/** delete a particular relation*/
+		SmfError deleteRelation(SmfRelationId aRelation);
+		/** list of all relations */
+		QList<SmfRelationId> getAllRelations();
+		/** returns number of contacts in a relation*/
+		uint count(SmfRelationId aRelation);
+		/** get DSMContactPckg */
+		DSMContactPckg* get(SmfRelationId aRelation, quint32 aIndex);
+	private:
+		int openDB();
+		int executeQuery(QSqlQuery&);
+		DataStoreManager(const QString& dbName, QObject* parent = 0); 
+		bool InitializeDataBase();	// Initialization code to be called once while lazy construction of the instance
-        static DataStoreManager* m_dsm_instance;		// Unique Instance for DSM (Singleton Implementation)
-        static const QString db_name;
-        int m_dsm_instance_count; 				// Track references to the DSM
-        static DataStoreManagerState state;				// Current state of DSM
-        QString m_last_msg;					// Last message/error generated by the database.
+        /*create and initialize a SmfRelationItem*/
+		void createRelationItem(QSqlQuery & aQry, int aIndex);
+		enum{
+			ENewRelation = -1
+		};
+        /*------------------Operation on Contact Table-------------------*/
+        /**insert a row in the contact table */        
+        int addContactToTable( const QString &localId, 
+									const QString &managerUri,
+									const QString &snsName,
+									const QString &snsDesc,
+									const QString &snsUrl);
+        int addContactToTable( const QString &userId, 
+									const QString &contactUrl,
+									const QString &localId,
+									const QString &managerUri,
+									const QString &snsName,
+									const QString &snsDesc, 
+									const QString &snsUrl,
+									const QString &presenceState,
+									const QString &presenceText,
+									const QString &statusText,
+									const Int64 timeStamp	
+									);
+        /**delete a row in the contact table */
+        SmfError removeContactFromTable(const int aContactId);
+        /**search for relation item ( contact ) */
+        SmfRelationItem* searchContact(const int aContactId);
+        /**search for contact if exist, return True/False*/
+        TBool contactIfExist( const int aContactId);
+        /*------------------Operation on Relation Table-------------------*/ 
+        /**insert a row in relation table and return relationId */
+        const int addRelationToTable(const int aContactId, int aRelationId = ENewRelation);
+        /**delete a relation table*/
+        SmfError deleteRelationFromTable(const int aRelationId);
+        /**delete a row in relation table*/
+		SmfError deleteContactFromTable(const int aRelationId, const int aContactId);	
+        /**search for list of contactId */
+        QList<int> searchContactIdList(const int aRelationId);
+        /**search for a contactId */
+        int searchContactId(const int aRelationId, const int aIndex);
+        /**search for relation id*/
+        int searchRelationId(const int aContactId);
+        /**search for a reation contact having highest index value*/
+        const int findMaxIndexValue(const int aRelationId );
+        /**search for a reationId highest value*/
+        const int findMaxRelationId();
+        /**On deletion of a contact it decrease index of all contacts 
+         * having index greater than it in that relation.
+         * */
+        void manageContactIndex(const int aRelationId, const int aContactIndex );
+        /** returns number of contacts in a relation*/
+        uint count(const int aRelationId);
+        /**search for relation if exist, return True/False*/
+        TBool relationIfExist( const int aRelationId);
+	private:
+        static DataStoreManager* dsmInstance;		// Unique Instance for DSM (Singleton Implementation)
+        static const QString dbName;
+        int dsmInstanceCount; 						// Track references to the DSM
+        static DataStoreManagerState state;			// Current state of DSM
+        QString lastMsg;							// Last message/error generated by the database.
         QSqlDatabase db;
-        DataStoreManager(const QString& db_name, QObject* parent = 0); 			// Private Constructor.
-        bool InitializeDataBase();				// Initialization code to be called once while lazy construction of the instance
+        SmfRelationItem * iSmsfRelationItem;
+        DSMContactPckg	*iDSMContactPckgItem;