changeset 16 b78fa4cdbf2b
child 26 83d6a149c755
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/DemoGUI/CustomListWidget.cpp	Thu Aug 05 16:35:33 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#include "CustomListWidget.h"
+#include <qlistwidget.h>
+#include <qboxlayout.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include "ScreenSize.h"
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include "WidgetConstants.h"
+     setStyleSheet("selection-color: yellow;"
+                      "selection-background-color: grey;");
+void CustomListWidget::AddListItem(QString aIconPath,QString aFirstLine,QString aSecondLine)
+    QWidget* customwidget = new QWidget;
+    QHBoxLayout* HMainlayout = new QHBoxLayout(customwidget);
+    QLabel *lab =new QLabel();
+    lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+    lab->setFixedSize(60,60);
+    HMainlayout->addWidget(lab);
+    //To add First & second row horizontal layouts
+    QVBoxLayout* VTextlayout = new QVBoxLayout;
+    QHBoxLayout* HFirstrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+    //Add FirstLine label
+    QLabel *lab1 =new QLabel(aFirstLine);
+    lab1->setStyleSheet("font: bold 20px;");
+    HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(lab1);
+    //Add Images to
+    QLabel *Img1lab =new QLabel();
+    Img1lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+    Img1lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+    QLabel *Img2lab =new QLabel();
+    Img2lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+    Img2lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+    QLabel *Img3lab =new QLabel();
+    Img3lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+    Img3lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+    HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img1lab);
+    HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img2lab);
+    HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img3lab);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img3lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img2lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img1lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+    VTextlayout->addLayout(HFirstrowLayout);
+     QHBoxLayout* HSecondrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+    QLabel *lab2 =new QLabel(aSecondLine);
+    lab2->setStyleSheet("font: 16px;");
+    HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(lab2);
+    QLabel *Timestamplabel =new QLabel("00:00 JUL 12");
+    Timestamplabel->setStyleSheet("font: 12px;");
+    HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(Timestamplabel);
+    HSecondrowLayout->setAlignment(Timestamplabel,Qt::AlignRight);
+    VTextlayout->addLayout(HSecondrowLayout);
+    HMainlayout->addLayout(VTextlayout);
+    customwidget->setLayout(HMainlayout);
+    QListWidgetItem *item=new QListWidgetItem;
+    //customlist->adjustSize();
+    //customlist->adjustSize();
+    item->setSizeHint(QSize(60,60));
+    addItem(item);
+    setItemWidget(item,customwidget);
+void CustomListWidget::AddListItem(QMainWindow *mainWindow,QStringList aIconPath,QStringList aNames)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside GridView::CreateGridView()";
+	qDebug()<<"aIconPath count = "<<aIconPath.count();
+	qDebug()<<"names count = "<<aNames.count();
+	int row;
+	int col;
+	//QWidget* widget = new QWidget();
+	QGridLayout* GridLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
+	if((6 == aIconPath.count()) || (5 == aIconPath.count()))
+	{
+		row = 3;
+		col = 2;
+	}
+	else if((4 == aIconPath.count()) || (3 == aIconPath.count()))
+	{
+		row = col = 2;
+	}
+	else if((2 == aIconPath.count()) || (1 == aIconPath.count()))
+	{
+		row = 1;
+		col = 2;
+	}
+	else if(0 == aIconPath.count())
+	{
+		row = col = 0;
+	}
+	int rowSpace = (ScreenSize::GetScreenRect().height() - (KHeadNameHeight+ToolbarIconHeight+2*KWidgetGapFactor))/row;
+	int colSpace = (ScreenSize::GetScreenRect().width() - 2*KWidgetGapFactor )/col;
+	int index = 0;
+	for(int i=0;i<row;i++)
+	{
+		for(int j=0;j<col;j++)
+		{
+		QPushButton *pushBtn = new QPushButton();
+		qDebug()<<"name = "<<aNames[index];
+		int gapFac = KHeadNameHeight+ToolbarIconHeight;
+		pushBtn->setGeometry(i*colSpace,(j*rowSpace + KWidgetGapFactor),colSpace,rowSpace);
+		pushBtn->setIconSize(QSize(colSpace-(3*KWidgetGapFactor),colSpace+(3*KWidgetGapFactor)));
+		qDebug()<<"icon = "<<aIconPath[index];
+		pushBtn->setIcon(QIcon(aIconPath[index]));
+		qDebug()<<"After image display";
+		GridLayout->addWidget(pushBtn,i,j);
+		index++;
+		if(index == aNames.count())
+			{
+			qDebug()<<"Count became same so exiting";
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	if(index == aNames.count())
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Count became same so exiting";
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+	//Its required please don't remove
+	show();
+QWidget* CustomListWidget::CreateListwidget(SmfContactList* friendsList)
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside CustomListWidget::CreateListwidget() for friends";
+	qDebug()<<"Friends count = "<<friendsList->count();
+    QListWidget* customlist = new QListWidget();
+    // Todo:- Display something when no friends are available
+    foreach(SmfContact contact, *friendsList)
+    {
+    	QString name(contact.value("Name").value<QContactName>().firstName());
+    	QString status(contact.value("Presence").value<QContactPresence>().customMessage());
+    	if(!status.size())
+    		status.append("Not available");
+    	//QUrl url(contact.value("Avatar").value<QContactAvatar>().imageUrl());
+    	QString url("C:\\data\\sample.bmp"); // ToDo:- should be the profile image path
+        QWidget* widgetItem = new QWidget();
+        QHBoxLayout* HMainlayout = new QHBoxLayout(widgetItem);
+        QLabel *lab =new QLabel();
+        lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));  
+        lab->setFixedSize(60,60);
+        HMainlayout->addWidget(lab);
+        //To add First & second row horizontal layouts
+        QVBoxLayout* VTextlayout = new QVBoxLayout;
+        QHBoxLayout* HFirstrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+        //Add FirstLine label
+        QLabel *lab1 = new QLabel(name);
+        lab1->setStyleSheet("font: bold 16px;");
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(lab1);
+        //Add Images to
+        QLabel *Img1lab =new QLabel();
+        Img1lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));
+        Img1lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        QLabel *Img2lab =new QLabel();
+        Img2lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));
+        Img2lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        QLabel *Img3lab =new QLabel();
+        Img3lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));
+        Img3lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img1lab);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img2lab);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img3lab);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img3lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img2lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img1lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+        VTextlayout->addLayout(HFirstrowLayout);
+         QHBoxLayout* HSecondrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+        QLabel *lab2 =new QLabel(status);
+        lab2->setStyleSheet("font: 8px;");
+        HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(lab2);
+        QLabel *Timestamplabel =new QLabel("");
+        Timestamplabel->setStyleSheet("font: 7px;");
+        HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(Timestamplabel);
+        HSecondrowLayout->setAlignment(Timestamplabel,Qt::AlignRight);
+        VTextlayout->addLayout(HSecondrowLayout);
+        HMainlayout->addLayout(VTextlayout);
+        widgetItem->setLayout(HMainlayout);
+        QListWidgetItem *item=new QListWidgetItem;
+        //customlist->adjustSize();
+        //customlist->adjustSize();
+        item->setSizeHint(QSize(60,60));
+        customlist->addItem(item);
+        customlist->setItemWidget(item,widgetItem);
+    }
+    customlist->setStyleSheet("selection-color: yellow;"
+                          "selection-background-color: grey;");
+    return customlist;
+	}
+QWidget* CustomListWidget::CreateListwidget(SmfPostList *postsList)
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside CustomListWidget::CreateListwidget() for posts";
+	qDebug()<<"Posts count = "<<postsList->count();
+    QListWidget* customlist = new QListWidget();
+    // Todo:- Display something when no posts are available
+    foreach(SmfPost post, *postsList)
+    {
+    	QString text(post.description());
+    	QString ownerName(post.owner().value("Name").value<QContactName>().firstName());
+    	//QUrl url(contact.value("Avatar").value<QContactAvatar>().imageUrl());
+    	QString url("C:\\data\\sample.bmp"); // ToDo:- should be the profile image path
+        QWidget* widgetItem = new QWidget();
+        QHBoxLayout* HMainlayout = new QHBoxLayout(widgetItem);
+        QLabel *lab =new QLabel();
+        lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));  
+        lab->setFixedSize(60,60);
+        HMainlayout->addWidget(lab);
+        //To add First & second row horizontal layouts
+        QVBoxLayout* VTextlayout = new QVBoxLayout;
+        QHBoxLayout* HFirstrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+        //Add FirstLine label
+        QLabel *lab1 = new QLabel(ownerName);
+        lab1->setStyleSheet("font: bold 16px;");
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(lab1);
+        //Add Images to
+        QLabel *Img1lab =new QLabel();
+        Img1lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));
+        Img1lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        QLabel *Img2lab =new QLabel();
+        Img2lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));
+        Img2lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        QLabel *Img3lab =new QLabel();
+        Img3lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(url));
+        Img3lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img1lab);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img2lab);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img3lab);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img3lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img2lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img1lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+        VTextlayout->addLayout(HFirstrowLayout);
+         QHBoxLayout* HSecondrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+        QLabel *lab2 =new QLabel(text);
+        lab2->setStyleSheet("font: 8px;");
+        HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(lab2);
+        QLabel *Timestamplabel =new QLabel("");
+        Timestamplabel->setStyleSheet("font: 7px;");
+        HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(Timestamplabel);
+        HSecondrowLayout->setAlignment(Timestamplabel,Qt::AlignRight);
+        VTextlayout->addLayout(HSecondrowLayout);
+        HMainlayout->addLayout(VTextlayout);
+        widgetItem->setLayout(HMainlayout);
+        QListWidgetItem *item=new QListWidgetItem;
+        //customlist->adjustSize();
+        //customlist->adjustSize();
+        item->setSizeHint(QSize(60,60));
+        customlist->addItem(item);
+        customlist->setItemWidget(item,widgetItem);
+    }
+    customlist->setStyleSheet("selection-color: yellow;"
+                          "selection-background-color: grey;");
+    return customlist;
+	}
+QWidget* CreateListwidget(SmfActivityEntryList *activityList)
+			{
+			}
+/*QWidget* CustomListWidget::CreateListwidget(QString aIconPath,QString aFirstLine,QString aSecondLine)
+	qDebug()<<"Inside CustomListWidget::CreateListwidget()";
+	qDebug()<<"Icon path = "<<aIconPath;
+	qDebug()<<"firstline = "<<aFirstLine;
+	qDebug()<<"second line = "<<aSecondLine;
+    QListWidget* customlist = new QListWidget();
+    //for(int i =0;i<2;i++)
+    //{
+        QWidget* widgetItem = new QWidget();
+        QHBoxLayout* HMainlayout = new QHBoxLayout(widgetItem);
+        QLabel *lab =new QLabel();
+        lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+        lab->setFixedSize(60,60);
+        HMainlayout->addWidget(lab);
+        //To add First & second row horizontal layouts
+        QVBoxLayout* VTextlayout = new QVBoxLayout;
+        QHBoxLayout* HFirstrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+        //Add FirstLine label
+        QLabel *lab1 =new QLabel(aFirstLine);
+        lab1->setStyleSheet("font: bold 16px;");
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(lab1);
+        //Add Images to
+        QLabel *Img1lab =new QLabel();
+        Img1lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+        Img1lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        QLabel *Img2lab =new QLabel();
+        Img2lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+        Img2lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        QLabel *Img3lab =new QLabel();
+        Img3lab->setPixmap(QPixmap(aIconPath));
+        Img3lab->setFixedSize(10,10);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img1lab);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img2lab);
+        HFirstrowLayout->addWidget(Img3lab);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img3lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img2lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+//        HFirstrowLayout->setAlignment(Img1lab,Qt::AlignRight);
+        VTextlayout->addLayout(HFirstrowLayout);
+         QHBoxLayout* HSecondrowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+        QLabel *lab2 =new QLabel(aSecondLine);
+        lab2->setStyleSheet("font: 8px;");
+        HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(lab2);
+        QLabel *Timestamplabel =new QLabel("00:00 JUN 29");
+        Timestamplabel->setStyleSheet("font: 7px;");
+        HSecondrowLayout->addWidget(Timestamplabel);
+        HSecondrowLayout->setAlignment(Timestamplabel,Qt::AlignRight);
+        VTextlayout->addLayout(HSecondrowLayout);
+        HMainlayout->addLayout(VTextlayout);
+        widgetItem->setLayout(HMainlayout);
+        QListWidgetItem *item=new QListWidgetItem;
+        //customlist->adjustSize();
+        //customlist->adjustSize();
+        item->setSizeHint(QSize(60,60));
+        customlist->addItem(item);
+        customlist->setItemWidget(item,widgetItem);
+    //}
+customlist->setStyleSheet("selection-color: yellow;"
+                          "selection-background-color: grey;");
+    return customlist;