changeset 16 b78fa4cdbf2b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/DemoGUI/ToolBar.cpp	Thu Aug 05 16:35:33 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#include "ToolBar.h"
+#include "ScreenSize.h"
+#include <qinputdialog.h>
+#include <qplaintextedit.h>
+#include <qdir.h>   //Checl lateer
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//#include <apacmdln.h>
+//#include <apgcli.h>
+#define KNullUid TUid::Null()
+//Forward declaration
+class ScreenSize;
+void ToolBar::GetToolBar(QMainWindow *Mainwindow,QStringList aListOfActions)
+    //iMainWindow = new QMainWindow;
+    iMainWindow = Mainwindow;
+    QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
+    QToolBar* tool = new QToolBar(Mainwindow);
+    QToolButton* button1 = new QToolButton(Mainwindow);
+    QToolButton* button2 = new QToolButton(Mainwindow);
+    QToolButton* button3 = new QToolButton(Mainwindow);
+    QToolButton* button4 = new QToolButton(Mainwindow);
+    tool->setGeometry(0,ScreenSize::GetScreenRect().height() - (ToolbarIconHeight + KWidgetGapFactor),(ScreenSize::GetScreenRect().width()-(KWidgetGapFactor)),ToolbarIconHeight);
+    //ToDo :- Ankit to check on button resizing
+    const int IconWidth = ScreenSize::GetScreenRect().width()/7;
+    button1->setGeometry(0,ScreenSize::GetScreenRect().height() - (ToolbarIconHeight + KWidgetGapFactor),IconWidth,ToolbarIconHeight);
+    button1->setFixedWidth(IconWidth);
+    button2->setFixedWidth(IconWidth);
+    button3->setFixedWidth(IconWidth);
+    button4->setFixedWidth(IconWidth);
+    QIcon icon1("E:/Images/SMF/home.svg");
+	QIcon icon2("E:/Images/SMF/all_friends.svg"); //next.PNG
+	QIcon icon3("E:/Images/SMF/mail-message-new.svg");
+	QIcon icon4("E:/Images/SMF/Phone.svg");
+	QIcon icon5("E:/Images/SMF/system-log-out.svg");
+    button1->setIcon(icon1);
+    button2->setIcon(icon3);
+    button3->setIcon(icon4);
+    button4->setIcon(icon5);
+    button1->setToolTip("Home");
+    menu = new QMenu(Mainwindow);
+    icon2.actualSize(QSize(IconWidth-10,ToolbarIconHeight));
+    //menu->setFixedWidth(IconWidth+10);
+    menu->setIcon(icon2);
+    QMenu *addServ = new QMenu(Mainwindow);
+    addServ->setTitle(aListOfActions.at(0));
+    //For Facebook and Flickr SP
+    QAction *addServ_Facebk = new QAction("FaceBook",Mainwindow);
+    QAction *addServ_Flickr = new QAction("Flickr",Mainwindow);
+    addServ->addAction(addServ_Facebk);
+    addServ->addAction(addServ_Flickr);
+   // }
+    //Create Actions
+    //newAction1 = new QAction(aListOfActions.at(1),Mainwindow);
+    //newAction2 = new QAction(aListOfActions.at(2),Mainwindow);
+    //need to be modified
+    //menu->addAction(newAction1);
+    //menu->addAction(newAction2);
+    //to add services to the menu button
+    menu->addMenu(addServ);
+    //TODO: button to be disabled
+    //button2->setEnabled(false);
+    //button3->setEnabled(false);
+    tool->addWidget(button1);
+    tool->addAction(menu->menuAction());
+    tool->addWidget(button2);
+    tool->addWidget(button3);
+    tool->addWidget(button4);
+    layout->addWidget(tool);
+    //connect actions
+   connect(button1,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(homeView()));
+   connect(button2,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(msg()));
+   connect(button3,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(call()));
+   connect(button4,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(exitApp()));
+   //connect(newAction1,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(post()));
+   //connect(newAction2,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(reply()));
+   //connect for authentication
+   connect(addServ_Facebk,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(authApp_Fb()));
+   connect(addServ_Flickr,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(authApp_Flkr()));
+//changing to home view
+void ToolBar::homeView()
+    //debug
+    qDebug()<<"Inside View_Change()";
+//slot for post comment
+/*void ToolBar::post()
+    //debug purpose
+    qDebug()<<"Inside My Post";
+    bool ok;
+    QInputDialog inptDialg;
+    inptDialg.setStyleSheet("background: black;");//rgb(255,255,255);");
+    QString text = inptDialg.getText(iMainWindow, tr("QInputDialog::getText()"),tr("Post"),
+                                         QLineEdit::Normal,QString::null, &ok,Qt::Window);
+    if ( ok && !text.isEmpty() ) {
+    // user entered something and pressed OK
+    } else {
+    // user entered nothing or pressed Cancel
+    }
+//slot for reply comment
+/*void ToolBar::reply()
+    //debug purpose
+    qDebug()<<"Inside Reply";
+    bool ok;
+    QString text = QInputDialog::getText(iMainWindow, tr("QInputDialog::getText()"),tr("Reply To Post"),
+                                         QLineEdit::Normal,QString::null, &ok,Qt::Window);
+    if ( ok && !text.isEmpty() ) {
+    // user entered something and pressed OK
+    } else {
+    // user entered nothing or pressed Cancel
+    }
+void ToolBar::call()
+	{
+		QMessageBox msgbox;
+		QString msg ("Calling not configured!");
+		msgbox.setText(msg);
+		msgbox.exec();
+	}
+void ToolBar::msg()
+	{
+		QMessageBox msgbox;
+		QString msg ("Messaging not configured!");
+		msgbox.setText(msg);
+		msgbox.exec();
+	}
+//exiting application
+void ToolBar::exitApp()
+    //qDebug()<<"Inside Exit_App()";
+    QApplication::exit();
+//Auth_App for FaceBook
+void ToolBar::authApp_Fb()
+    //debug
+    qDebug()<<"Inside Auth app of faceBook";
+    launchFB();
+//Auth App for Flickr
+void ToolBar::authApp_Flkr()
+    //debug
+    qDebug()<<"Inside Auth App of Flickr";
+    launchFlickr();
+//Facebook AuthApp Launch
+void ToolBar::launchFB()
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside Launch FB AuthApp";
+	QMessageBox msgbox;
+	QString msg ("Please Login Using Facebook Auth App!");
+	msgbox.setText(msg);
+	msgbox.exec();
+	/*TInt result;
+	_LIT(KExecutableName,"release\\winscw\\udeb\\AuthApp.exe");
+	//we can ignore using UID
+	//const TProcessId FBUid(KFBUid3);
+	RProcess fbProc;
+	result = fbProc.Create(KExecutableName,KNullDesC);
+	if(result != KErrNone)
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"FB Can't be opened";
+		return;
+		}
+	qDebug()<<"FB AuthApp Launched";
+	fbProc.Resume();
+	fbProc.Close();*/
+	return;
+	}
+void ToolBar::launchFlickr()
+	{
+	qDebug()<<"Inside Launch FB AuthApp";
+	QMessageBox msgbox;
+	QString msg ("Please Login Using Flickr Auth App!");
+	msgbox.setText(msg);
+	msgbox.exec();
+	/*TInt result;
+	_LIT(KExecutableName,"release\\winscw\\udeb\\Flickr.exe");
+	//we can ignore using UID
+	//const TProcessId FBUid(KFBUid3);
+	RProcess flickrProc;
+	result = flickrProc.Create(KExecutableName,KNullDesC);
+	if(result != KErrNone)
+		{
+		qDebug()<<"Flickr Can't be opened";
+		return;
+		}
+	qDebug()<<"Flickr AuthApp Launched";
+	flickrProc.Resume();
+	flickrProc.Close();*/
+	return;
+	}