* Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
* Initial Contributors:
* Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
* Description:
* Music related services
#ifndef SMFMUSIC_H
#define SMFMUSIC_H
#include <qcontactgeolocation.h>
#include <smfglobal.h>
#include <smfevent.h>
#include <smfsubtitle.h>
#include <smfmusicprofile.h>
#include <smflyrics.h>
#include <smfplaylist.h>
#include <smftrackinfo.h>
#include <smflocation.h>
#include <smfprovider.h>
class SmfMusicServicePrivate;
class SmfMusicSearchPrivate;
class SmfLyricsServicePrivate;
class SmfPlaylistServicePrivate;
class SmfMusicEventsPrivate;
class SmfMusicFingerPrint;
class SmfMusicRating;
class SmfComment;
using namespace QtMobility;
* @ingroup smf_client_group
* Basic music service ("org.symbian.smf.client.music.service")
class SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfMusicService : public QObject
* Constructs SmfMusicService.
* @param baseProvider The base provider info
SmfMusicService ( SmfProvider* baseProvider = 0 );
* Destructor
~SmfMusicService ( );
public slots:
* Gets self profile information asynchronously.
* userInfoAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfMusicProfile when the info is arrived
void userinfo ( );
* Asynchronously searches information about other service users for a particular venue
* searchInfoAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfMusicProfileList when the info is arrived.
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void searchUser ( SmfLocation venue, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted
* when the result is available.
* @param operationId OperationId
* @param customData Custom data to be sent
* Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
* plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
* serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
public slots:
* Posts currently playing track.
* Success can be checked by checking the signal postFinished()
* @param track Track to post
void postCurrentPlaying ( SmfTrackInfo track);
void postRating ( SmfTrackInfo track, SmfMusicRating rate);
void postComments ( SmfTrackInfo track, SmfComment comment);
* Notification on arrival of the self profile as result of userinfo().
* @param profile The self profile
void userInfoAvailable ( SmfMusicProfile* profile, SmfError error );
* Notification on arrival of search info
* @param profileList List of music profiles
void searchInfoAvailable ( SmfMusicProfileList* profileList,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Signals availability of the result of the customRequest
* @param operationId The ID to be shared between clients and the plugin
* @param customData data
void customDataAvailable( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Signals availability of the result of the posting a track or a comment or a rating
* @param error Error if any
void postfinished ( SmfError error );
* Gets the base provider info
SmfProvider* getProvider() const;
// Friend Class
friend class SmfMusicServicePrivate;
SmfProvider* m_baseProvider;
SmfMusicServicePrivate* m_private;
SMF_SERVICE_NAME(SmfMusicService, "org.symbian.smf.client.music.service\0.2")
* Provides service ("org.symbian.smf.client.music.search") for music search
class SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfMusicSearch : public QObject
* Constructs SmfMusicSearch with base provider as arguement.
SmfMusicSearch ( SmfProvider* baseProvider = 0 );
* Destructor
* Searches for music recommendations similar to a particulartrack asynchronously.
* The signal trackSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfTrackInfoList
* once its arrived.
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param track The track for which similar recommendations need to be fetched.
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void recommendations ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Searches for tracks similar to a given track asynchronously.
* The signal trackSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfTrackInfoList
* once its arrived.
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param track The search criteria, similar tracks are searched
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void tracks ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Searches for a track having similar finger print asynchronously.
* The signal trackSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfTrackInfoList
* once its arrived.
* @param signature The search criteria,signature to be searched for
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void trackInfo ( SmfMusicFingerPrint signature, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Search information about where to buy this song from asynchronously.
* The signal storeSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfProviderList once its arrived.
* @param track The search criteria for stores
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void stores ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted
* when the result is available.
* @param operationId OperationId
* @param customData Custom data to be sent
* Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
* plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
* serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Emitted when the search result for a track is available.
* Note if number of tacks in the search is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void trackSearchAvailable ( SmfTrackInfoList* result,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage);
* Emitted when the search result for a store is available.
* Note if number of tacks in the search is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void storeSearchAvailable ( SmfProviderList* result,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Signals availability of the result of the customRequest
* @param operationId The ID to be shared between clients and the plugin
* @param customData data
void customDataAvailable( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Gets the base provider info
SmfProvider* getProvider() const;
SmfProvider* m_baseProvider;
SmfMusicSearchPrivate* m_private;
friend class SmfMusicSearchPrivate;
SMF_SERVICE_NAME(SmfMusicSearch, "org.symbian.smf.client.music.search\0.2")
* Provides service ("org.symbian.smf.client.music.playlist")
* Interface to a remote playlist service. This class
* provides some basic functionality to allow applications
* to interact with playlists in some music related service provider (e.g. last.fm).
* Note that branding information for the particular service implementation
* is available from getProvider() API. See also:
* SmfProvider::serviceName(), SmfProvider::serviceIcon()
* All of the functionality described here should be implemented by a service
* specific plug-in object.
class SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfPlaylistService : public QObject
* Constructs SmfPlaylistService with base provider info
* Seeing as this is a plug-in implementation, these will realistically
* be generated by SMF factory of some kind
SmfPlaylistService ( SmfProvider* baseProvider = 0 );
* Destructor
~SmfPlaylistService ( );
* Gets the list playlists for the logged-in user asynchronously.
* The signal playlistsListAvailable() signal is emitted with
* SmfPlaylistList once its arrived .
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void playlists ( int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Gets the list playlists for the given user asynchronously.
* The signal playlistsListAvailable() signal is emitted with
* SmfPlaylistList once its arrived.
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param user User for which to get the playlists
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void playlistsOf ( SmfMusicProfile* user, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
public slots:
* Upload currently playing track to a playlist. Signal
* playlistUpdated() can be checked for success value
* @param plst The playlist to be added in
* @param tracks The list of tracks to uploaded
int addToPlaylist ( SmfPlaylist plst, SmfTrackInfoList* tracks );
* Upload currently playing playlist . Signal
* playlistUpdated() can be checked for success value
* @param plst The playlist to be uploaded
int postCurrentPlayingPlaylist ( SmfPlaylist plst );
* Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted
* when the result is available.
* @param operationId OperationId
* @param customData Custom data to be sent
* Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
* plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
* serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Notification of availability of list of playlists requested.
* Note if number of list is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void playlistsListAvailable ( SmfPlaylistList*,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Signals remote updation of playlist with success value
void playlistUpdated ( SmfError success );
* Signals availability of the result of the customRequest
* @param operationId The ID to be shared between clients and the plugin
* @param customData data
void customDataAvailable( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Gets the base provider info
SmfProvider* getProvider() const;
SmfProvider* m_baseProvider;
SmfPlaylistServicePrivate* m_private;
friend class SmfPlaylistServicePrivate;
SMF_SERVICE_NAME(SmfPlaylistService, "org.symbian.smf.client.music.playlist\0.2")
* provides service ("org.symbian.smf.client.music.events")
class SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfMusicEvents : public QObject
* Constructs SmfMusicEvents with base provider info
* Seeing as this is a plug-in implementation, these will realistically
* be generated by SMF factory of some kind
SmfMusicEvents ( SmfProvider* baseProvider = 0 );
* Destructor
~SmfMusicEvents ( );
* Gets list of events in a particular venue asynchronously.
* eventsAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfEventsList once its arrived.
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void events ( SmfLocation venue, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Gets list of venues of a particular location asynchronously.
* venuesAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfLocationList once its arrived.
* When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
* If not supplied by the user default values are used.
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void venues ( SmfLocation location, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
public slots:
* Updates events. Might not be supported by all service provider.
* eventsUpdated() signal can be checked for success value.
* @param SmfEventsList List of events to be posted
void postEvents ( SmfEventList events );
* Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted
* when the result is available.
* @param operationId OperationId
* @param customData Custom data to be sent
* Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
* plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
* serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Notification on arrival of event lists
* Note if number of list is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void eventsAvailable ( SmfEventList* list,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Notification on arrival of venues lists
* Note if number of list is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void venuesAvailable ( SmfLocationList* list,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Notification of the success of request to post an event
void eventsUpdated ( SmfError success );
* Signals availability of the result of the customRequest
* @param operationId The ID to be shared between clients and the plugin
* @param customData data
void customDataAvailable( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Gets the base provider info
SmfProvider* getProvider() const;
SmfProvider* m_baseProvider;
SmfMusicEventsPrivate* m_private;
friend class SmfMusicEventsPrivate;
SMF_SERVICE_NAME(SmfMusicEvents, "org.symbian.smf.client.music.events\0.2")
* provides service ("org.symbian.smf.client.music.lyrics")
class SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfLyricsService : public QObject
* Constructs SmfLyricsService with base provider info.
SmfLyricsService ( SmfProvider* baseProvider = 0 );
* Destructor
~SmfLyricsService ( );
* Get the lyrics lists asynchrnously, it fetches texts without time info.
* lyricsAvailable() notification comes SmfLyricsList with when the data is available
* @param track Track for which lyrics needs to be fetched.
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void lyrics ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Get the lyrics lists asynchrnously, it fetches texts with time info.
* Subtitle search filter can be applied
* subtitleAvailable() notification comes SmfSubtitleList with when the data is available
* @param track Track for which subtitle needs to be fetched.
* @param filter Subtitle search filter
* @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
* @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
void subtitles ( SmfTrackInfo track, SmfSubtitleSearchFilter filter,
int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE, int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
* Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted
* when the result is available.
* @param operationId OperationId
* @param customData Custom data to be sent
* Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
* plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
* serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Notification on arrival of lyrics
* Note if the list is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void lyricsAvailable ( SmfLyricsList* list,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Notification on arrival of subtitle based on filter.
* Note if the list is large, then it can download the list page by page.
* In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
* @param resultPage Page number info
void subtitleAvailable ( SmfSubtitleList* list,
SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage );
* Signals availability of the result of the customRequest
* @param operationId The ID to be shared between clients and the plugin
* @param customData data
void customDataAvailable( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
* Gets the base provider info
SmfProvider* getProvider() const;
SmfProvider* m_baseProvider;
SmfLyricsServicePrivate* m_private;
friend class SmfLyricsServicePrivate;
SMF_SERVICE_NAME(SmfLyricsService, "org.symbian.smf.client.music.lyrics\0.2")
#endif // SMFMUSIC_H